Psych 310 Final

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A bird that produces a specific call when it sees a ground predator and a different call when it finds a good food patch can be said to have which element of language? A) reference B) syntax C) productivity D) semantics

variable ratio

A comedian is reinforced when he tells a joke that makes people laugh, but some jokes he tells do not get a laugh. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

excitatory; inhibitory

A pigeon is trained to press a green light when it comes on for food, but if the light is bluish green he gets no food. According to the explanation for peak shift, the green light results in _________ conditioning and the bluish green light results in ____________ conditioning. A) excitatory; inhibitory B) primary; secondary C) immediate; delayed D) S-; S+

make him give a speech first to a couple people, and then to a bigger and bigger audience

According to research conducted on ways of overcoming learned helplessness, a useful treatment for a student who has difficulty socializing with strangers might be to A) look closely at his failed attempts so he can learn from his mistakes B) make him give a speech first to a couple people, and then to a bigger and bigger audience C) remove the pressure by telling him that social interactions are overrated anyway D) remind him that other people have difficulty socializing too

worse than normal

According to the opponent-process theory if a stimulus makes you feel happy it is likely you will feel ____________ after the eliciting stimulus is removed. A) still happier than normal B) normal C) worse than normal D) fluctuations between happiness and depression

rise above normal; drop below normal

According to the opponent-process theory, if you're having your teeth drilled at the dentist office your heart rate is likely to _________ while they are getting drilled and once the drilling stops your heartrate will likely _________. A) rise above normal; return to normal B) rise above normal; stay above normal C) rise above normal; drop below normal D) drop below normal; rise above normal E) drop below normal; return to normal

fixed time schedule

Ben gets presents from Santa Clause every year regardless of whether he has been naughty or nice. This is an example of A) behavioral contrast B) intrinsic reinforcement C) fixed time schedule D) differential reinforcement of other behavior


Bob's roommate always passes him in between classes as he walks past Hodges library on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 12:30. On many of these days Bob's roommate sees him first so he runs up behind him and jumps on his back. By mid-semester Bob would tend to get a bit skittish when walking by the library on Tues/Th at this time. -Being jumped on is: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) none


Bob's roommate always passes him in between classes as he walks past Hodges library on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 12:30. On many of these days Bob's roommate sees him first so he runs up behind him and jumps on his back. By mid-semester Bob would tend to get a bit skittish when walking by the library on Tues/Th at this time. -Bob's roommate is: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) none


Bob's roommate always passes him in between classes as he walks past Hodges library on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 12:30. On many of these days Bob's roommate sees him first so he runs up behind him and jumps on his back. By mid-semester Bob would tend to get a bit skittish when walking by the library on Tues/Th at this time. -Getting skittish is: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) none


Bob's roommate always passes him in between classes as he walks past Hodges library on Tuesdays and Thursdays around 12:30. On many of these days Bob's roommate sees him first so he runs up behind him and jumps on his back. By mid-semester Bob would tend to get a bit skittish when walking by the library on Tues/Th at this time. -Walking by the library at 12:30 on a Tuesday is: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) none

negative reinforcement; positive punishment

Both __________ and __________ involve aversive stimuli as potential consequences. A) negative reinforcement; negative punishment B) positive reinforcement; negative punishment C) positive reinforcement; positive punishment D) negative reinforcement; positive punishment


If I want to teach my friend how to make a necklace, so first I teach her how to select the right materials, then I show her how to string the beads, then I teach her how to attach the clasp. Pretty soon she can make one completely on her own. This is an example of A) shaping B) chaining C) clicker training D) behavioral adaptation

Karlie notices that her mother is extra nice to her after she doles out punishment

If Karlie's behavior seems to increase once her mother begins to punish it, it might be that A) Karlie is not paying attention B) Karlie notices that her mother is extra nice to her after she doles out punishment C) Karlie's behavior does not result in reinforcement D) Karlie has other ways she can get reinforcement

more than 80%

If Samantha obtains 80% of her sales from client A and 20% from client B, but Samantha exhibits overmatching, then she will spend ____ of her time with client A. A) 20% B) less than 20% C) 80% D) less than 80% E) more than 80%


If Samantha obtains 80% of her sales from client A and 20% from client B, the matching law predicts that she will choose to spend _______ of her time with client A. A) more than 80% B) 80% C) less than 80% D) 20%

a and b only

If a punishment procedure is not working, and the punished behavior continues, which of the following could explain that? A) the value of the reinforcement for the behavior is stronger than the value of the punishment B) punishment serves as a signal for positive reinforcement (like attention) C) the punishment is too severe D) all of the above E) a and b only

the Premack Principle

If you wanted to increase a particular behavior in a person or yourself you would probably want to use A) the response deprivation theory B) a response reduction procedures C) the Premack Principle D) a variable interval reinforcement E) the opponent-process theory


Melanie likes to go skiing because she loves the sensation of actually swishing down the slopes. For her the reinforcement for skiing is A) intrinsic B) extrinsic C) contrived D) generalized E) delayed


My 10 month old daughter watched me as I put her new toy phone to my ear and started to talk. When I then gave her the phone she put it to her own ear. She had never held a phone before and does not normally hold toys to her ear. This is probably an example A) goal enhancement B) imitation C) teaching D) insight E) tool use

fixed interval

My friend works Friday nights at a bar - if I go there on Friday night she will give me free drinks. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

extinction induced aggression

My parents have always given me money to go shopping for clothes and things, but they were pretty upset with my grades last semester so they said they were not going to give me any more shopping money. This made me so angry I slammed the phone down and kicked the wall. Slamming the phone is an example of A) aversion conditioning B) spontaneous recovery C) extinction induced aggression D) stimulus discrimination E) response facilitation

Listening to the music - the behavior is its own reward

Of the reinforcers listed below, which one is most clearly an example of an intrinsic reinforcer? -Get to bar before 9:00 - avoid paying cover charge -Finish reading and get to bar after 9:00 - earn good grade on quiz -Finish reading and get to bar after 9:00 - lose $5 of my hard earned cash because I have to pay the cover charge -Listen to band - enjoy listening to music while the band plays -Go to bar before 9/don't finish reading - get bad quiz grade


On a concurrent VI-20-sec vs VI-40-sec schedule we would expect a pigeon to direct ___ of responses to the VI 20 sec schedule. A) 25% B) 33% C) 66% D) 75%

be sensitized

On trial 2 of hearing a loud gun shot your response would probably A) habituate B) be sensitized C) occur sooner D) occur later E) extinguish

they will sit on the windowsill and take a bath

Once the extinction procedure begins with my cats, I could expect all of the following to occur specifically as a result of the procedure except A) they will rub my leg longer and more forcefully B) they may start meowing and putting their paws up on me as well as rubbing my leg C) they will sit on the windowsill and take a bath D) they will bite me or each other


Pretty much all generalized reinforcers are also going to be _________ reinforcers, specifically because we have to learn about them first. A) primary B) secondary C) natural D) delayed E) intrinsic

TV watching was restricted below baseline

Response deprivation hypothesis would predict that watching TV could be used to reinforce someone's washing dishes behavior provided A) TV watching was a lower probability behavior than washing dishes B) TV watching was a higher probability behavior than washing dishes C) TV watching was restricted below baseline D) washing dishes was restricted below baseline

tool use

Tailor birds in Southeast Asia actually sew their nests by poking holes in leaves and using grass to stitch leaves together into a funnel. This could be considered an example of A) insight B) imitation C) social facilitation D) rule governed behavior E) tool use

variable interval

The cashier at my post office likes to wield her power by making customers wait until she's good and ready to serve you. There's nothing I can do to speed her up but I have to just wait with a smile on my face sometimes 15 seconds, sometimes 45 seconds, who knows?! until she says "Next!" and then I can walk up and buy my stamps. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

higher order conditioning

Trace had a terrible neighbor - the neighbor would steal Trace's newspaper, let his dog's poop in Trace's yard and not clean it up, and sometimes play loud music late at night. Just seeing this neighbor puts Trace in a bad mood. The neighbor hasn't done anything terrible lately but he did start driving a green VW Beetle (kind of car.) Trace has noticed that when he sees green VW Beetle's around town (that aren't even the neighbor's) it puts him in a bad mood. A) latent inhabition B) higher order conditioning C) overshadowing D) blocking

negative reinforcement

Tristan doesn't like his roommate Paul. He noticed that if he puts the volume on the TV up loud enough his roommate will leave the room. So Tristan usually turns the volume up pretty loud to get his roommate to leave. His roommate leaving serves as _______ for Tristan's turning up the volume behavior. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment

the child would receive a toy for biting his hand

You are an ABA therapist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and are about to run a "tangible session" for your functional analysis with a kid who bites his hands. Which of the following would take place during this session? A) the child would receive a toy every time he completes a task B) the child would receive a toy for paying attention to the therapist C) the child would receive a toy for biting his hand D) the child would receive a toy for not biting his hand


You are sitting in your favorite chair when your new cat jumps up in your lap. You start to pet him and he enjoys this and begins to purr. After a few of these petting sessions - whenever your cat approaches you he begins to purr even before you've started petting him. (in this example it is the cat who is being classically conditioned) petting the cat is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR

none of these

You are sitting in your favorite chair when your new cat jumps up in your lap. You start to pet him and he enjoys this and begins to purr. After a few of these petting sessions - whenever your cat approaches you he begins to purr even before you've started petting him. (in this example it is the cat who is being classically conditioned) petting the cat is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) None of these


You are sitting in your favorite chair when your new cat jumps up in your lap. You start to pet him and he enjoys this and begins to purr. After a few of these petting sessions - whenever your cat approaches you he begins to purr even before you've started petting him. (in this example it is the cat who is being classically conditioned) purring as he approaches you is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) none of these


You are sitting in your favorite chair when your new cat jumps up in your lap. You start to pet him and he enjoys this and begins to purr. After a few of these petting sessions - whenever your cat approaches you he begins to purr even before you've started petting him. (in this example it is the cat who is being classically conditioned) purring in your lap is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR E) None of these

positive punishment

You make a deal with yourself that you have to attend all of your classes this week or you will have to walk your roommate's dog for a week. Oops! You overslept on Friday and missed your 310 class, now you will have to walk the dog for a week. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment

non-contingent reinforcement

Your dog Pookie is happy to see you no matter how you behaved at work that day. This is a good example of A) differential reinforcement of low rates B) non-contingent reinforcement C) variable interval reinforcement D) differential reinforcement of paced responding


_____________ first suggested that voluntary behavior could work like reflexes and therefore would be studied. He was also known for his "pleasure principle". A) Descartes B) Locke C) Hobbes D) Thorndike E) Skinner

positive punisher

"Roommate starts a conversation" serves as a _______________ for Carrie's "studying in the living room behavior". A) positive reinforcer B) negative reinforcer C) positive punisher D) negative punisher


After falling off his bike and scraping his knees pretty badly, Josh is nervous when he thinks about being on his bike so instead he plays video games (which do not make him nervous) and doesn't ride his bike anymore. This example best fits the ______ theory of punishment. A) drive B) Premack C) conditioned suppression D) avoidance


Ajay joined the intramural hockey team at his college. He's always loved playing hockey and so getting to play at the first practice was a lot of fun and he enjoyed playing. The club plays twice a week on Tues and Thurs evenings at 8pm so now on those days as 8pm approaches he finds himself getting in a good mood. Getting in a good mood is: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR


Ajay joined the intramural hockey team at his college. He's always loved playing hockey and so getting to play at the first practice was a lot of fun and he enjoyed playing. The club plays twice a week on Tues and Thurs evenings at 8pm so now on those days as 8pm approaches he finds himself getting in a good mood. Playing hockey at the first practice is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR


Ajay joined the intramural hockey team at his college. He's always loved playing hockey and so getting to play at the first practice was a lot of fun and he enjoyed playing. The club plays twice a week on Tues and Thurs evenings at 8pm so now on those days as 8pm approaches he finds himself getting in a good mood. Tues/Thurs evenings near 8 pm is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR

she could use reading as reinforcement for attending a social event

Amy would prefer to stay in her room reading a book rather than go to social events. According to the Premack Principle how could Amy use these two behaviors in a way that she could increase the amount of time she spends on one of them? A) she could use reading as reinforcement for attending a social event B) she could restrict herself from attending social events below baseline C) she could use attending a social event as a reinforcement for reading D) she could reward herself with candy if she spends time both reading and attending a social event


An animal is reinforced for responding to a tone that is 70 decibels (S+) in loudness but not reinforced when the tone is 80 decibels loud (S-). In a test of the animal's generalization gradient we could expect a peak response at A) 60db B) 75db C) 80db D) 90db

conditioned suppression

Ethan's mom got so mad when she caught him climbing up on top of the car in the drive-way that he got too upset to do any behavior for the next 15 minutes (including climb on top of the car). This example best fits the __________ theory of punishment. A) Premack principle B) avoidance C) conditioned suppression


Every morning when Sean wakes up he drinks a cup of coffee. The caffeine stimulates his GI tract and makes him need to use the bathroom. He's done this so long now that just hearing the coffee grinder in the morning makes him need to use the bathroom. The caffeine is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR

a reflexive behavior

Flinching in response to a gun shot is an example of A) a conditioned behavior B) an instrumental behavior C) an operant behavior D) a reflexive behavior E) a fixed action pattern


Every morning when Sean wakes up he drinks a cup of coffee. The caffeine stimulates his GI tract and makes him need to use the bathroom. He's done this so long now that just hearing the coffee grinder in the morning makes him need to use the bathroom. The sound of the coffee grinder is the: A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR

fixed ratio

Every time I call my grandmother she is happy and appreciates the call. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

fixed ratio

Every time I put a token in the subway turnstile it lets me go thru and get on the train. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

under stimulus control of

Every time Joe sees Jane he smiles and that's the only time Joe ever smiles. His smiling behavior then is __________________ the sight of Jane. A) a CS for B) under stimulus control of C) reinforced by D) extinguished by E) a fixed action pattern elicited by


Any consequence that decreases a behavior is known as (choose best answer) A) positive punishment B)negative punishment C) punishment D) reverse extinction

intrinsic; extrinsic

Arnold plays in a band because he enjoys playing guitar with other musicians. Joe plays in a band because he wants to meet girls. The reinforcer for Arnold is _______ while the reinforcer for Joe is ___________. A) generalized; primary B) intrinsic; extrinsic C) contrived; natural D) positive; negative

natural; contrived

Crashing your skateboard while attempting a new trick would be a _________ punisher; having to clean all the chalkboards because you were attempting skateboard tricks in the hallway of your high school would be a _________ punisher. A) natural; contrived B) contrived; natural C) natural; natural D) contrived; contrived

Drug A

Drug A goes straight to the brain when inhaled and drug B must first diffuse across mucous membranes in the nose & throat to get into the blood and then travel up to the brain (which means drug B takes longer to have its effect). Using what you know about effective reinforcement, which drug do you think would be more addictive? A) Drug A B) Drug B

higher breaking point

Drug A goes straight to the brain when inhaled and drug B must first diffuse across mucous membranes in the nose & throat to get into the blood and then travel up to the brain (which means drug B takes longer to have its effect). Using what you know about effective reinforcement, which drug do you think would be more addictive? Out of the two drugs in question 3, the more addictive drug will have a A) steeper ratio run B) wider generalization gradient C) higher breaking point D) lower suppression ratio

negative behavioral contrast

Eli spends some weekends on campus and some weekends at home visiting his parents. His mom has started making sure she cooks his favorite meals, does his laundry, and sends him back to school with groceries - so he's been going home more often and spending fewer weekends on campus. This is an example of A) positive behavioral contrast B) negative behavioral contrast C) anticipatory contrast D) PREE

the ratio run

Ginger is studying and decides she will allow herself one Hershey's kiss after every 5 pages she reads of her Chemistry textbook. Since Ginger is on a FR5 schedule she tends to take a break as she eats her chocolate and then begins reading again. If we were to graph Ginger's reading behavior, the part of the graph where she starts reading again after eating chocolate would be called A) the post-reinforcement pause B) the ratio run C) the breaking point D) the discriminative stimulus


Greg wanted his roommate to stay out of their apartment for a few hours so Greg could cook his girlfriend a special anniversary dinner. To persuade him, Greg let his roommate use his car for the night. Getting to use Greg's car was a ______________ reinforcer for the roommate's "stay away from the apartment" behavior A) intrinsic B) primary C) natural D) contrived

DRI Schedule

I am tired of hearing my co-worker talk about her wedding. So I decide I will not pay attention to her when she says anything about the wedding but will pay rapt attention when she talks about any other topic. A) DRI schedule B) DRP schedule C) DRH schedule D) DRL schedule

post reinforcement pause

I am trying to get myself to finish up my term paper and tell myself I can eat a cookie for every three pages of writing I accomplish. So I write three pages, have my cookie and then take a break before writing the next three pages. Taking a break is an example of a A) post reinforcement pause B) lack of self-control C) ratio run D) ratio strain and breaking point E) intermittent reinforcement

negative reinforcement

I get very annoyed by the loud volume of commercials so I always mute my television during commercial breaks to get rid of the noise. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment

variable ratio

I know one of the bartenders at Bar Knoxville - sometimes he gives me free drinks, it depends on how much I go there, if I go several nights in a row he is more likely to give me a free drink. I've noticed about every three or four times I go there he gives me a free drink but I can never tell exactly when I'll get one. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

multiple baseline across behaviors

I want to demonstrate to my roommate that he could accomplish more in his life if he uses TV watching as a reward. So first I tell him he can only watch TV after cleaning up his dishes. After 5 days of that I tell him now he can only watch TV after he works out for an hour. Then the third week I say he can only watch TV after studying for an hour. A) control group B) multiple baseline across behaviors C) simple comparison D) reversal (ABAB)

negative punishment

I was running late for an appointment so tried to grab my belongings quickly and get in the car. Because I had to leave the house in a hurry I forgot my phone and was without it (the phone) all day which was a major inconvenience. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment

negative reinforcement

If I get to work too late I won't find a parking spot and have to walk a long way to my office. So I leave on time each morning in order to avoid that longer walk A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment

120; 60

Matching would be indicated by an average of ___ responses per minute on a VI-40 sec schedule and ___ responses per minute on a VI-80 second schedule. A) 60; 120 B) 120; 60 C) 60; 60 D) 30; 45 E) 45; 30

both a and c

In _____________, the proportion of responses on the richer schedule is _____ than would be predicted by matching A) overmatching; more B) undermatching; more C) undermatching; less D) both a and b E) both a and c

shaping; chaining

In _______________ procedures earlier behaviors are lost while in _____________ earlier behaviors are retained A) classically conditioning; operant conditioning B) operant conditioning; classical conditioning C) chaining; shaping D) shaping; chaining

primary; secondary

In clicker trainer, the sound of a clicker is paired with food so the animal eventually learns to regard the sound as a reinforcer. The food is an example of a _______ reinforcer while the sound of the clicker becomes a __________ reinforcer A) contrived; continuous B) natural; intrinsic C) primary; secondary D) secondary; extrinsic

DRP schedule

In order to be a successful assembly line worker in a factory I need to work quickly, but I should not work so fast that I start making errors. This would be most like a A) DRI schedule B) DRP schedule C) DRH schedule D) DRL schedule

Commitment response

In order to get yourself to stick with your desire to study tonight you tell your roommate they may drink the last of your beer in the fridge if they catch you watching TV instead of studying tonight. This is an example of a A) commitment response B) positive punishment C) extinction procedure D) relapse-prevention response

discriminative stimulus

In question 17, the cashier calling out "Next!" serves as a _________ for my walk up & buy stamps behavior A) positive punishment B) negative reinforcement C) resurgence cue D) discriminative stimulus


In trying to get a rat to associate a tone with a shock we play the tone for 30 seconds, turn it off for 1 second and then administer a shock. This procedure is called ___________ conditioning. A) delayed B) trace C) simultaneous D) backward

distribute her time among these three choices in order to maximize her overall reinforcement

It is 7:00 in the evening. Amy wishes she could watch her favorite TV shows all night, finish her 20 page English paper, and get to bed early. Knowing this is impossible, the behavioral bliss point approach predicts that Amy will A) spend her entire evening doing the one behavior out of these three that she most prefers B) distribute her time among these three choices in order to maximize her overall reinforcement C) use her most preferred behavior to reinforce herself doing her least preferred behavior D) restrict herself from doing one of these three behaviors to encourage spending time on the other two

US inflation

Jaime gets excited (CR) when he hears the theme song (CS) for his favorite TV show (US). Since he hasn't been able to watch the show for weeks now (due to school and work commitments) tonight when he sat down to watch and he heard the theme song he was extra excited to watch the show. This is an example of A) US devaluation B) US inflation C) US substitution D) CS substitution

positive reinforcement

John yells at his dog whenever it barks. As a result the dog barks more. Therefore, yelling serves as _________________ for the dog's barking behavior. A) Positive Reinforcement B) Negative Reinforcement C) Positive Punishment D) Negative Punishment

the positive reinforcement outweighed the positive punishment for the behavior

Martin made faces at his teacher one day. As a result the other kids thought he was cool and his teacher gave him extra homework. In the next few days Martin continued to make faces at his teacher. Clearly for this behavior A) the teacher's punishment was severe enough the first time B) the positive reinforcement outweighed the positive punishment for the behavior C) the extrinsic reinforcement outweighed the intrinsic punishment D) negative reinforcement was encouraging his behavior

an avoidance response

Sam has learned to hang his coat in the closet before his wife complains about it being left on the floor. Sam's "hanging coat up behavior" is A) an escape response B) an avoidance response C) positively reinforced D) negatively punished


Sarah is looking for love in all the wrong places. She finally tells herself that if she is patient love will find her. It could be tomorrow, next week, next month, even next year, but as long as she's open to it - love WILL find her! What schedule of reinforcement does Sarah believe she is on? A) FR B) VR C) FI D) VI

spontaneous recovery

Sarah normally feels anxious going into an exam. This semester she had three exams on one day and by the third exam she wasn't feeling very anxious. However her fourth exam is in three days (time goes by) and she may feel nervous again due to A) habituation B) sensitization C) spontaneous recovery D) dishabituation E) disinhibition


Sarah's professor plays rockin' dance music before class each day. The beat of the songs make her heart rate increase a little and it wakes her up. After a few weeks she notices she perks up every time she walks in the building where her class is even though she doesn't hear the music yet. A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR


Sarah's professor plays rockin' dance music before class each day. The beat of the songs make her heart rate increase a little and it wakes her up. After a few weeks she notices she perks up every time she walks in the building where her class is even though she doesn't hear the music yet. A) US B) UR C) CS D) CR

natural; contrived

Sharon studies hard so she will do well on her exam. Abby studies hard because her Mom promised to pay for her Spring Break trip if she got good grades. The reinforcer for Sharon is ____________, the reinforcer for Abby is ______________. A) intrinsic; extrinsic B) extrinsic; intrinsic C) contrived; natural D) natural; contrived


Skippy Rat and Bob Rat are both in an experiment where they must press a lever for food. Today they will be put on extinction. Yesterday the lab tech forgot to feed Skippy and gave Bob twice as much food as normal, so Skippy is more hungry. Which rat will take longer to extinguish his lever pressing during today's extinction trials? A) Skippy B) Bob C) they will extinguish at about the same rate D) it is impossible to predict who will extinguish sooner


Someone inmy study group has an annoying laugh. I find the longer the study session goes the more I react to her laugh A) reflex or MAP B) habituation C) sensitization D) dishabituation E) spontaneous recovery

escape; avoidance

Spitting out a bite of food that tastes awful would be a(n) __________ response while not taking that food from the buffet in the future (or choosing a different food) would be a(n) ____________ response A) primary; secondary B) escape; avoidance C) intrinsic; extrinsic D) positive; negative

positive behavioral contrast

Stacy has always enjoyed playing tennis once a week and riding her bike on the greenway. But recently there has been more traffic on the greenway and she's almost been hit twice by other bikers. So while nothing about the reinforcement she gets from tennis has changed, she's become more excited about playing tennis and plays more often. This is an example of A) positive behavioral contrast B) negative behavioral contrast C) anticipatory contrast D) PREE

a rat displays a mental map and can take a short-cut to a goal even though he's never gone that way before

The following examples of animal behavior can all be explained thru normal associative learning processes (operant conditioning) except A) a cat meows to be fed at the same time each day B) a dolphin sees a hand signal that means flip and does a flip C) a chimp uses a rock to crack open a nut D) a parrot says it sees four rocks and gets a treat E) a rat displays a mental map and can take a short-cut to a goal even though he's never gone that way before

fixed ratio

There are 45 questions on this exam. As soon as you are done answering all the questions you can leave. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

Generalizing from

Though Ajay has not yet joined any other school clubs or groups he has positive feelings about these other school activities. Ajay seems to be _______________ the hockey team and/to other school organizations. A) discriminating between B) generalizing from C) inhibiting his response from D) conditioned about


Thursday I got back from classes around 8:30pm and got a text from my roommate saying to come meet her at a bar down the street. A bunch of folks were hanging out and planned to stay for the band that was playing. If I arrived before 9:00pm I wouldn't have to pay a cover charge to get in. I still had reading to finish for my psychology class and we had a quiz the next day. Label the consequences for the following behavior as either PR, NR, PP, or NP. Finish reading and get to bar after 9:00 - lose $5 of my hard earned cash because I have to pay the cover charge A) PR B) NR C) PP D) NP


Thursday I got back from classes around 8:30pm and got a text from my roommate saying to come meet her at a bar down the street. A bunch of folks were hanging out and planned to stay for the band that was playing. If I arrived before 9:00pm I wouldn't have to pay a cover charge to get in. I still had reading to finish for my psychology class and we had a quiz the next day. Label the consequences for the following behavior as either PR, NR, PP, or NP. Finish reading and get to the bar after 9:00-earn good grade on quiz: A) PR B) NR C) PP D) NP


Thursday I got back from classes around 8:30pm and got a text from my roommate saying to come meet her at a bar down the street. A bunch of folks were hanging out and planned to stay for the band that was playing. If I arrived before 9:00pm I wouldn't have to pay a cover charge to get in. I still had reading to finish for my psychology class and we had a quiz the next day. Label the consequences for the following behavior as either PR, NR, PP, or NP. Get to bar before 9:00-avoid paying cover charge A) PR B) NR C) PP D) NP


Thursday I got back from classes around 8:30pm and got a text from my roommate saying to come meet her at a bar down the street. A bunch of folks were hanging out and planned to stay for the band that was playing. If I arrived before 9:00pm I wouldn't have to pay a cover charge to get in. I still had reading to finish for my psychology class and we had a quiz the next day. Label the consequences for the following behavior as either PR, NR, PP, or NP. Go to bar before 9/don't finish reading - get bad quiz grade A) PR B) NR C) PP D) NP


Thursday I got back from classes around 8:30pm and got a text from my roommate saying to come meet her at a bar down the street. A bunch of folks were hanging out and planned to stay for the band that was playing. If I arrived before 9:00pm I wouldn't have to pay a cover charge to get in. I still had reading to finish for my psychology class and we had a quiz the next day. Label the consequences for the following behavior as either PR, NR, PP, or NP. Listen to band - enjoy listening to music while the band playsA) PR B) NR C) PP D) NP

fixed interval

Tin Roof runs a special where food is half off for students every Tuesday night. So Carol goes there every Tuesday night and gets a cheap dinner. A) fixed ratio B) variable ratio C) fixed interval D) variable interval

introduce a long enough delay prior to receiving either reward

To get a pigeon to demonstrate self control I would need to A) introduce a long enough delay prior to receiving either reward B) be sure the delay prior to receiving the reward is not too long C) make the reward for each choice equivalent D) make the more delayed less desirable E) require commitment response for the immediate choice


To judge a behavior as having resulted by imitation the learner must copy a(n) __________ response. A) operant B) novel C) significant D) immediate E) intense

positive punishment

What Paul doesn't realize is his roommate Tristan only turns the TV up loudly when Paul tries to talk to Tristan during his favorite TV show. So loud TV volume is being used as a ___ for Paul's talking during the show behavior. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment

whether it increases or decreases a behavior

What makes something a reinforcer or a punishment is solely based on A) how much we like it B) the probability that the consequence will even occur C) whether it increases or decreases a behavior D) their hedonic value

stimulus discrimination

When Brook's mother gives her a disapproving look she quickly stops whatever she was doing and sits quietly. This is because she knows she could get in big trouble if she continues so her mom's look is an S+. If anyone else gives Brook a disapproving look however she simply carries on with whatever it was she was doing. Brook is demonstrating A) an extinction burst B) unconditional positive regard C) the bliss point D) inhibition gradient E) stimulus discrimination

sensory preconditioning

When Jan's childhood friend became a movie star, Jan also became something of a celebrity in her hometown just because people already had an association between the two women A) overshadowing B) habituation C) sensory preconditioning D) dishabituation E) overshadowing

negative reinforcement

When Paul leaves the living room he no longer has to listen to the loud TV, so getting away from the sound serves as ______ for his leaving the living room behavior. A) positive reinforcement B) negative reinforcement C) positive punishment D) negative punishment


When Tia's mother stopped paying attention to her tantrums (put her on extinction) Tia started whimpering and tugging at her mother's skirt like she used to when she was little. This is an example of A) response induction B) aggression C) spontaneous recovery D) resurgence

hospital bills; loss of income because one parent must stay home

When a child has a severe behavior disorder there are physical, social, emotional, educational and economic consequences for the child and the family. Economic consequences may include (choose all that apply; 2) A) hospital bills B) loss of income because one parent must stay home C) injuries occur due to self-injurious behavior D) the inability to have a normal social life E) difficulties siblings may have explaining their home situation to peers


When my cat Darryl rubs against my leg, I sometimes bend down to pet her. When my cat Smacky rubs against my leg I always bend down to pet her (I like her better.) If I decide I am no longer going to pet either cat (I will put them on extinction) when they rub against my leg which cat will take more days to stop the leg rubbing behavior? A) Darryl B) Smacky C) they will take about the same number of days to extinguish the behavior D) it is impossible to predict who will extinguish sooner

the client will first think about their biggest fear and then move to other, smaller fears

When using a systematic desensitization procedure all the following are true except the client will first think about their biggest fear and then move to other, smaller fears A) the client will first think about their biggest fear and then move to other, smaller fears B) the client will learn relaxation techniques C) the client will use an anxiety hierarchy D) the therapy will work best if the client is good at visualizing the feared stimulus

negative reinforcer

Whenever Carrie tries to study in the living room her roommate tries to carry on a conversation. Carry has learned to only study in her bedroom to avoid her roommate. Avoiding the roommate serves as a _____ for her "studying in bedroom" behavior A) positive reinforcer B) negative reinforcer C) positive punisher D) negative punisher

the behavior of eating the donut

Whether you prefer the Premack Principle or the Response Deprivation Hypothesis - at least you can agree that when you reward your studying behavior by eating a donut the reinforcer is A) the donut B) the behavior of eating the donut C) the fact that you can't have the donut until you finish studying D) the fact that you prefer eating donuts compared to studying


Which of the following abilities is NOT likely to be found across species A) habituation B) imitation C) classical conditioning D) operant conditioning E) sensitization

not changed much (this is because natural selection takes a long time to occur)

Which of the following must be true for fixed action patterns to have evolved? They are behaviors that help the animal cope with circumstances in their environment that have _________ throughout the species' evolutionary history. A) been associated with social interactions B) have been subject to sudden changes C) varied climate D) not changed much (this is because natural selection takes a long time to occur) E) varied with season

Someone who draws or paints at least twice a week

Which of the following would be an operational definition of "a creative person"? A) Someone who thinks they are creative B) Someone who likes to draw C) Someone who draws or paints at least twice a week D) someone who can recognize good art

teach the animal or person a replacement behavior they can use to obtain reinforcement

Which of the following would make an extinction procedure more successful? A) gradually remove reinforcement for the behavior B) restrain the animal or person to prevent aggression C) move the animal or person to an intermittent reinforcement schedule just prior to beginning extinction D) teach the animal or person a replacement behavior they can use to obtain reinforcement

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