PSYCH 3360 - psychology of adolescence - chapter 13

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Anorexia nervosa typically begins after which of the following?

* A stressful life event * An episode of dieting

The most widely used depressants are which of the following?

* Alcohol * Tranquilizers * Barbiturates

Which of the following is an example of an index offense?

* Assault * Homicide * Robbery

The most commonly used stimulants used today include which of the following?

* Cocaine * Caffeine * Nicotine

The psychological approach to identifying the causes of adolescent and emerging adult life problems focuses on which of the following factors? (Select all that apply.)

* Decision making * Personality * Identity

The use of anabolic steroids causes which of the following effects?

* Feelings of invincibility * Irritability * Severe mood swings

What are risk factors for adolescent suicide?

* Friends who have made suicide attempts * Sense of hopelessness * Low self-esteem

Cocaine has been found to cause which of the following damaging effects on the body?

* Heart attack * Stroke * Brain seizure

The use of inhalants can cause which of the following effects on the user of the drug?

* Heart failure * Unconsciousness * Death

Risk factors involved in adolescent and emerging adult alcohol abuse include which of the following?

* Heredity * Education * Peer relations

The possible factors involved in obesity include which of the following?

* Heredity * Environmental

Adolescents who engage in suicidal ideation indicate which of the following issues in their lives at the time?

* Parental discord * Negative parental relationships * Neglectful parenting

Which of the following are characteristics of lower-SES culture that may contribute to delinquency?

* Presence of antisocial gangs * Poverty, unemployment, and lack of funding in the community * Norms that include getting into or staying out of trouble

A person suffering from bulimia nervosa will binge on food and then do which of the following?

* Purge by using a laxative * Purge by inducing vomiting

The social approach to the causes of adolescent problems focuses on which of the following factors?

* SES * Peers * Schools

What are the FOUR interrelated problems that affect the most adolescents?

* Sexual problems * School-related problems * Drug abuse * Juvenile delinquency

According to the biopsychosocial approach, which of the following factors interact to produce the problems experienced by adolescents? (Select all that apply.)

* Social * Psychological * Biological

Which of the following factors are offered as explanations for higher rates of depression in adolescent girls compared to adolescent boys? (Select all that apply.)

* Societal discrimination * Tendency to ruminate on problems * Negative body image

Which of the following is a health problem associated with ecstasy?

* Stroke * Hypertension * Heart attack

The biological approach to identifying the causes of adolescent and emerging adult life problems includes which of the following factors? (Select all that apply.)

* The brain * Hormones * Puberty

Which of the following is an example of a status offense by an adolescent?

* Truancy * Sexual promiscuity * Running away

Parents can reduce their adolescents' use of alcohol by doing which of the following?

* Using parental monitoring strategies * Using authoritative parenting strategies * Eating dinner as a family

Which of the following are factors in preventing drug use among teens?

* parental monitoring * positive relationship with parents * family dinners

In 2016, approximately ______ percent of college students reported extreme binge drinking.

** A. 16 B. 36 C. 76 D. 56

Research revealed which of the following regarding early substance use?

** A. Early onset of drinking was linked to increased risk of heavy drinking in adulthood. B. Early onset of drinking was linked to decreased risk of heavy drinking in adulthood. C. Late onset of drinking was linked to increased risk of heavy drinking in old age. D. Early onset of drinking was not linked to increased risk of heavy drinking in middle age.

The most effective weight-loss programs include which of the following?

** A. Exercise B. Reduction in all types of fat C. Reduction in carbohydrates D. Increases in leptin levels

Which of the following best describes the effect of parental monitoring on the incidence of drug use in adolescents?

** A. Mitigating B. Exacerbating C. Insignificant D. Unknown

Carolina is a 15-year-old girl with anorexia nervosa. She is likely to have all of the following characteristics, EXCEPT which of the following?

** A. Normal weight for her age and height B. An intense fear of gaining weight that does not decrease with weight loss C. A distorted body image D. Amenorrhea

Which of the following best describes the role of genetics in determining adolescents' risk of alcoholism?

** A. Partial B. Negligible C. Questionable D. Absolute

Which of the following best describes the problem of obesity among adolescents?

** A. Pervasive B. Underreported C. Gender-biased D. Negligible

The negative consequences that result from contact between two distinctive cultural groups is a description of ______ stress.

** A. acculturative B. ethnic C. immigration D. diversity

Although most U.S. girls diet at some point, less than 1 percent ever develop:

** A. anorexia nervosa B. obesity C. amenorrhea D. bulimia nervosa

Research has found a correlation between parental depression and ______ in children.

** A. depression B. schizophrenia C. anxiety D. bipolar

During the first decade of the 21st century, illicit drug use among U.S. students ______.

** A. fell before rising again B. decreased sharply C. increased sharply D. remained constant

Adolescent males are more likely to respond to stressors with a ______ manner.

** A. fight or flight B. tend or fight C. flight or befriend D. tend and befriend

Adolescents who use prescription painkillers indicate their main source is their ______.

** A. home medicine cabinet B. peers who also use C. neighborhood drug dealer D. older siblings

Adolescent females who attempt suicide are ______ adolescent males to succeed in killing themselves.

** A. less likely than B. more likely than C. equally likely as

The ______ approach focuses on such factors as identity, decision making, self-control, and personality traits as influencing problems for adolescents and emerging adults.

** A. psychological B. social C. cognitive D. biological

A(n) ______ offense such as truancy is an act committed by a juvenile or adolescent.

** A. status B. index C. semi-legal D. criminal

Since 1996, smoking rates among U.S. eighth-graders have fallen by ______.

A. 10 percent ** B. 50 percent C. 30 percent D. 70 percent

Early-onset antisocial behavior occurs before age ______,

A. 13 B. 15 ** C. 11 D. 17

In 2017, what percentage of American high school seniors reported that they had smoked marijuana in the last 30 days?

A. 42.9 percent B. 2.9 percent C. 62.9 percent ** D. 22.9 percent

When an adolescent has at least ______ behaviors that co-occur before the age of 15 and the individual is considered unmanageable, he or she may be diagnosed with a conduct disorder.

A. 5 B. 4 ** C. 3 D. 2

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of people suffering from anorexia nervosa?

A. A distorted image of their body shape B. An intense fear of gaining weight ** C. Abundant weight loss and weight gain within short time span D. An inability to maintain a healthy weight

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of those with anorexia nervosa?

A. Being a non-Latina white female B. Being a well-educated, competitive, and high-achieving young woman C. Being concerned about others' opinions ** C. Belonging to a low-income family

Which eating disorder involves a relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation?

A. Binge eating B. Yo-yo dieting ** C. Anorexia nervosa D. Bulimia nervosa

Which of the following is NOT commonly believed to be an environmental factor that has had an impact on the dramatic increase in obesity over the last century?

A. Greater availability of high-fat food B . Greater availability of energy-saving devices ** C. Decreasing government funding for nutritional education D. Declining physical activity

Which of the following factors is not related to obesity?

A. Heredity B. Dieting ** C. Age D. Sociocultural factors

Which of the following is considered a powerful hallucinogen?

A. LSD B. nicotine C. beer D. whiskey

Abby suffers from anorexia nervosa. She is most likely in which of the following age spans?

A. Middle to late adolescence B. Emerging adulthood ** C. Early to middle childhood D. Early to middle adolescence

Research shows that parents who want to lessen their children's likelihood of indulging in problem behaviors and substance abuse should use which of the following strategies?

A. Peer monitoring and leniency B. Psychological monitoring and control ** C. Parental monitoring and control D. Self-monitoring and leniency

Which of the following statements most closely fits with the trends associated with adolescent cigarette smoking in the United States?

A. Smoking rates have remained steady since 1996. B. Cigarette smoking was at its lowest point in 1996. ** C. Cigarette smoking peaked in 1996 and then gradually declined. D. Cigarette smoking increased each year after 1996.

Which of the following best explains why scientists believe that there is an environmental factor to obesity?

A. Society has not done a good job explaining why healthful eating is important. B. People are taller now as compared to 100 years ago, and so they eat more, which leads to obesity. C. Scientists have identified a genome alteration in individuals who eat large amounts of fast food. ** D. The rate of obesity doubled in the United States in less than a century.

What statement about adolescent drug use in the United States is true?

A. The use of marijuana by U.S. teenagers decreased between 2006 and 2017. ** B. The use of marijuana by U.S. teenagers increased between 2006 and 2017. C. The rates of illicit drug use by U.S. adolescents increased dramatically between 2000 and 2010. D. The rates of illicit drug use by U.S. adolescents decreased dramatically between 2000 and 2010.

An eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge pattern but is not unusually thin for their height is known as ______.

A. anorexia nervosa B. starvation C. bulimia anorexia ** D. bulimia nervosa

The label ______ is applied to an adolescent who breaks the law or engages in behavior that is considered illegal.

A. antisocial criminal B. societal misfit ** C. juvenile delinquent D. underage criminal

Adolescents who are depressed and have experienced poor or neglectful parenting with family may develop ______ ideation.

A. anxious B. physical C. depressive ** D. suicidal

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of ______ through starvation.

A. beauty ** B. thinness C. nutrition D. popularity

The ______ approach focuses on such factors as genes, puberty, hormones, and the brain as the causes of problems for adolescents and emerging adults.

A. behavioral ** B. biological C. social D. psychological

The percentage of overweight U.S. adolescents ______ between 1999 and 2015.

A. did not change B. decreased ** C. increased D. leveled off

Research has shown U.S. male adolescents have a(n) ______ probability of being overweight compared to female adolescents.

A. equal B. lower C. much lower ** D. higher

Managing taxing circumstances, expending effort to solve life problems, and seeking to master or reduce stress are descriptions of ______.

A. externalizing B. risk factors ** C. coping D. internalizing

Low self-esteem, social isolation, illegal drug use, and depression are risk factors for ______.

A. general anxiety disorder ** B. suicide C. autism D. homelessness

A household product that is inhaled or sniffed by children and adolescents to get high is called a(n) ______.

A. hallucinogen ** B. inhalant C. depressant D. stimulant

Drugs that slow down the central nervous system are called ______.

A. hallucinogens B. stimulants ** C. depressants D. nicotines

Carlos and his family have recently immigrated from Mexico to the United States. The negative consequences he experiences due to the conflict between these two cultural groups is called ______ stress.

A. immigration B. ethnic ** C. acculturative D. race

The response of individuals to circumstances and events that threaten them and tax their coping abilities is a description of ______.

A. issues ** B. stress C. events D. problems

People who begin abusing substances in ______ have a greater risk for addiction.

A. late adulthood B. middle adulthood ** C. childhood and adolescence D. emerging adulthood

Delinquency rates are climbing for ______.

A. males B. older children ** C. females D. parents

The street name for the synthetic drug MDMA that has both stimulant and hallucinogen effects is called ______.

A. methamphetamine B. cocaine C. depressants ** D. ecstasy

A stimulant that comes from the coca plant and is native to Bolivia and Peru is called ______.

A. methamphetamines ** B. cocaine C. nicotine D. marijuana

It is believed that girls' tendency to ______ negative thoughts makes them more vulnerable to depression.

A. minimize B. enjoy ** C. ruminate on D. ignore

A drug derived from the male sex hormone testosterone is called an anabolic ______.

A. narcotic ** B. steroid C. hallucinogen D. depressant

Compared to the past, delinquency is now ______ a phenomenon of lower socioeconomic status (SES).

A. no longer B. exclusively ** C. less exclusively D. better regarded as

Most people suffering from anorexia nervosa are ______.

A. non-Latino White males B. Latina females ** C. non-Latina White females D. African American females

Women are ______ likely to use lethal means to commit suicide compared to men.

A. not at all B. equally C. more ** D. less

Drinking alcohol before going out for the evening is called ______.

A. presenting B. preparing ** C. pregaming D. priming

The ______ approach focuses on such contexts as family, peers, socioeconomic status, poverty, and neighborhoods as contributing to problems for adolescents and emerging adults.

A. psychological B. biological ** C. social D. cognitive

A psychiatric diagnostic category used when multiple behaviors occur over a 6-month period is a description of ______.

A. schizoid disorder ** B. conduct disorder C. unethical behaviors D. bipolar disorder

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a ______ pattern.

A. starve-and-sleep B. diet-and-overeat ** C. binge-and-purge D. manic-depressed

Painkillers fall under the general class of drugs called ______ and are highly addictive.

A. stimulants B. hallucinogens ** C. narcotics D. depressants

Adolescent females are more likely to respond to stressors with a ______ manner.

A. tend or fight B. fight or flight ** C. tend and befriend D. fight or befriend

Drugs that modify an individual's perceptual experiences and produce hallucinations are called ______.

A. tranquilizers B. methamphetamines C. stimulants ** D. hallucinogens

An act that is considered criminal regardless of whether it was committed by a juvenile or an adult is called a(n) ______ offense.

A. unauthorized B. individual C. status ** D. index

Andrea has been to the doctor for a physical regarding her increase in weight lately. She told the doctor both of her parents are obese, which exemplifies the link between obesity and ______.

A. underweight B. energy expenditure ** C. heredity D. proper diet

From 2006 to 2017, marijuana use by adolescents ______.

A. was negligible ** B. increased C. remained constant D. decreased

A 2012 study revealed that fathers' and mothers' alcohol use predicted early __________ use by their children.


The _____________ approach emphasizes that biological, psychological, and social factors that interact to produce the problems experienced by people.

biosychosocial approach

The definition of __________ is managing taxing circumstances, expending effort to solve life problems, and seeking to master or reduce stress.


The type of antisocial behavior in youth that is more likely to continue into emerging adulthood is known as _________-_________ antisocial behavior.

early-onset antisocial behavior

The most effective weight loss programs include dietary changes and __________ , which has proven to work better than those programs that relied on dietary changes alone.


Drinking 10 or more alcoholic drinks in a row is identified as __________ binge drinking.

extreme binge drinking

True or false: Anorexia nervosa occurs in 5 percent of U.S. girls.


True or false: Co-occurring adolescent problems are rarely related.


The broad range of actions taken by adolescents who break the law and engage in socially unacceptable behaviors is known as ________ ___________.

juvenile delinquency

Delinquency rates have dropped more for (males/females) since 2008.


Research has found it is common for college students to be involved in _____________ , or drinking alcohol before going out for the evening.


A drug that increases the activity of the central nervous system is called a(n) __________.


The response of individuals to circumstances and events that threaten them and tax their coping abilities is called _________.


True or false: Research has shown a relationship between obesity and heredity.


True or false: There is no category of obesity for adolescents and children.


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