Psych book questions

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The lowest level of stimulation that a person can consciously detect 50% of the time the stimulation is president is called

Absolute threshold

If you were to develop a rare condition in which you were not able to remember to be afraid of certain situations animals or event which part of your brain would most likely be damaged


In making a large pot of chili for a family reunion, you find that you have to add 1 onion to your pot of chili that already has 5 onions mixed in it to notice a difference. According to Weber's Law, how many onions would you have to add to notice a difference if you are making twice as much chili with 10 onions?

2 onions

What disorders seems to hold an association with bipolar disorders


Which part of the neuron carries messages to other cells?


Motion sickness often results from conflicting signals debt from the _______ and from the______

Eyes; vestibular organs

Which of the following best explains afterimages

Opponent- processes theory

Robert has had difficulty sleeping for the past six months and his body seemingly no longer differentiates between night and day is Dr's believe the problem lies within Robert's endocrine system which gland will Roberts physician focus on


A study purportedly conducted by James Vicary teaches us what about the power of subliminal perception and its effect on advertising?

Subliminal advertising was never supported, since Vicary ultimately admitted that he never truly conducted such a study

Which branch structure relays incoming sensory information


The neurons of the sensory pathways contain

afferent neurons

Aaron hates to go to restaurants for fear that he will be seated in the far back of the restaurant and be unable to get out in case of an emergency. This may be a symptom of


Studies show that taste preference can typically begin

before a baby is born

The Müller-Lyer illusion is influenced greatly by one's


How often are olfactory receptors replaced by new olfactory receptors?

every 5-8 weeks

A child may sometimes play by quickly turning around in a circle. When the child stops, he or she often feels like his or her head is still spinning. What is responsible for this sensation?

fluid still rotating in the semicircular canals

The oval window is found in what part of ear

inner ear

In the united states, insanity is a term typically used by

legal system

What monocular depth cue can best explain why railroad tracks appear to come together in the distance?

linear perspective

The Müller-Lyer illusion occurs more frequently in

people living in a Western culture

Which is considered the most common type of permanent hearing loss?

sensorineural hearing loss

Which of the following is not a acute portrayal of antisocial personality disorder

Most people with this disorder are female

Jason's uncle claim to have seen a black panther in the trees beside the highway although no one else saw it knowing that his uncle has been looking for a black panther for yours Jason attributes his uncles sighting too

Perceptual set

On your first cell as as paramedic you enter the house of a man who has covered his walls and ceiling in aluminum foil to protect his brains from the thought controlling and rays of the government this is an example

Persecution delusion

Dr. role is conducting a research study she wants to measure the physical connectivity in the research participants brain by image in their white matter which of the following methods will she use

Diffusion tensor imaging DTI

Although the brain works largely as a whole which of the following is not a correct pairing of the hemisphere and functions

Right;controls of right handed motor functions

Taste is often called a _______ sense because it works with the molecules of foods that people eat.


Dr. Cowden believes that Jamison's dissociation disorder may be due to his apparent enhanced ability to think about things other than those associated with his traumatic childhood. What psychological perspective is Dr. Cowden applying?

cognitive-behavioral perspective

Surveys suggest that about ___ percent of women and ___ percent of men have at least one sexual dysfunction

40-45; 20-30

Olivia is a teenager who has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. What percentage of individuals with anorexia that receive treatment make a recovery?

40-60 percent

Which neurotransmitter stimulates muscle cells to contract but slows contractions in the heart


Heroin mimics the actions of endorphins inhibiting pain signals in creating a high feeling heroin is an example of


The venom of a black window spider acts as an _________ by mimicking the effects of acetylcholine


Individuals with bulimia often rationalize that since they have had a single trait their diet is ruined and therefore they might as well go ahead and eat excessively such a rational thinking is an example of cognitive distortion know as

All or nothing thinking

Franklin wakes up on a cot in a homeless shelter in another town. He doesn't know where he is or how he got there, and he's confused when people say he has been calling himself Anthony. This is most likely an episode of dissociative

Amnesia with fugue

Dissociative symptoms and features can be found in many different cultures for example in Southeast Asian and pacific lander cultures people sometimes experience a tracelike state called______ that is associated with increased agitation and violent tendencies


Cali stares at a fixed spot in her bathroom using only one eye after a while what might happen to her vision

Any small object that crosses her visual field very slowly may at one point disappear

Amelia has recently given birth to her first child. She mentions that she often goes into her baby's bedroom to check if he is still breathing. Would this qualify as an OCD?

As long as Amelia is not compelled to check on her baby and does not suffer from severe anxiety if she is unable to do so, then this is not an OCD

Involuntary muscles are controlled by the______ nervous system


depersonalization/derealization disorder is a type of dissociative disorder that has been found to have problems_____ foundations for the experience of detachment


Studies show that_____ personality disorders occur more frequently in women while______ personality disorders happen more often in men

Borderline; antisocial

Which of the following terms refers tot hr amplitude of a light wave such as how high or low the wave is


Nicole and Camilla or synchronize swimmers for their college swim team they often work long hours to ensure the movements in the routine are perfectly timed what part of their brains must Camila Nicole rely lime most upon


Neuroimaging studies examining potential causes of schizophrenia have discovered that an area of the brain called the_______ appears to have significantly less Mylan coating on the axons of its neurons in people with schizophrenia compared to those without the condition

Cingulum bundle

Which of the following is largely determined by the length of light


Aside from the lens damage to the_______ can affect the eyes ability to focus light


When a ophthalmologist surgically correct as patient chain through the LASIK or PRK the doctor is making adjustment to the patients


What part of the brain can sometimes be referred to as the rind or the outer covering


Which of the following concepts is not specifically associated with DMS5 elimination of culture related disorders

Cultural binding

And the structure of a neuron the______ receive messages from other cells


Dr. Kirby has been meeting with 9-year-old Loren, whose family lost everything in a tornado. In her initial visit, Loren was diagnosed with acute stress disorder. During a 2-month follow-up with Dr. Kirby, Loren is still exhibiting many of the same symptoms. What should Dr. Kirby do?

Dr. Kirby will revise Loren's diagnosis from ASD to posttraumatic stress disorder.

If you are suffering from my neurological problems and your neurologist wanted to have a study done of your brain and it's electrical functioning which of the following techniques would be most appropriate


Which of the following techniques involves passing a mild current threw the brain to activate certain structures without damaging them

Electrical stimulus of the brain EBS

Which one of the following is Not a function of glial cells?

Generating action potential

Researchers believe that 40 to 60 percent of the risk of anorexia or bulimia and binge eating disorder are due to

Genetic factors

Neurotransmitters must pass from an axon terminal to the nest dendrite by crossing a fluid filled space call the


Your psychology professor refers to this as the great relay station of the brain what part is he or she referring to


If a child suffers from congenital analgesia, why must he or she be careful when outside playing?

The child cannot feel pain and can suffer injuries without even knowing it

Jamie's grandfather recently suffered a stroke and has difficulty with language production ever since most likely he has experienced damage to the_______ Area of his brain

Left frontal

One suggested psychological cause of antisocial personality disorder is that people with this condition have

Lower than normal levels of stress hormones

Although oxytocin has been tried to a variety of prosocial behaviors such as love and trust some researchers believe that in humans it may actually work to increase

The importance of some social stimuli

From experience you know that commercial jets typically fly around 500 miles per day at a height of 30,000 feet however as you watch one fly overhead it seems to slowly pass by. what's monocular depth cue best explains this

Motion parallax

In which of the following lobes of the cortex would you find primary visual cortex


Sexual dysfunction and problems can be cause by

Organic, psychological, and social cultural factors

Which of the following techniques analyzes blood oxygen levels to look at the functioning of the brain


Which technique of studying the brain involves injecting the patient with radioactive glucose


_______ are tactile receptors that are located just beneath the skin and respond to changes in pressure.

Pacinian corpuscles

As you take notes your heartbeat at a normal rate your breathing is normal and your stomach slowly digest your earlier meal what division of the peripheral nervous system is currently in action


The part of the war that can be seen is also called the


Which gland is known to influence other glands within the endocrine system


Which glands have the greatest influence over other components of the endocrine system


What are the three primary colors as proposed by the trichromatic theory

Red green blue

Maria often sleep soundly and Rarely awakens to any outside noises however the cries of Maria's baby can awaken her immediately what part of the brain is responsible for this reaction

Reticular formation

Which brain structure allows us to pay attention to certain stimuli while ignoring others

Reticular formation

What is the major difference between dissociative amnesia and retrograde amnesia

Retrograde amnesia patients often suffer from some form of physical brain trauma.

________ involves the dictation of physical stimuli from our environment and is made possible by the activation of specific receptor cells


You're drinking a strong cup of coffee that is particularly better after a while coffee doesn't taste as strong as it did when you first what has happened

Sensory adaptation

Trypanphobia also known as a fear of receiving an injection is an example of

Specific phobia

Which type of depression is the most common type of mood disorder?

major depressive disorder

Andrew has always been thin and in fact he often seems to be able to eat whatever he wants without gaining weight the doctor told his parents that Andrews__________ Glendas the cause of his fast metabolism


John has played his music loudly for years. Now, in his 20s, he finds he has a continuous ringing in both of his ears. What would John probably be diagnosed with?

Tinnitus, which is a nerve based disorder that has no permanent cure

What was the most likely reason that someone would preform an exorcism

To release evil

Madison suffered a severe blow to the back of her head when she was thrown on to the mat during a judo match subsequently her occipital lobe has been injured which of her senses has the highest chance of being affected


Felicia is recovering from a brain injury she is able to speak fluently but often uses incorrect words in a sentence and one instance as in friends birthday party I would like something to drink can I have some battery Felicia's problem is known as

Wernicke's aphasia

Do you have a dream in which you wake up to find that people around you are using words that make no sense what's more your friends don't seem to understand you when you speak at one point in your dreams and your mom tells you that you almost forgot the tree limb today when you give her a puzzled look she holds up your lunchbox and repeats you know your your tree limb. your predicament in your dream is most like which of the following disorders

Wernickes aspasia

Which of the following is an example of cultural relativity

While Dr. Aiko knows his patient, Aki, believes her anxiety has a biological explanation, in learning more about her family of origin, he suspects it has a psychological cause

Sandy took part in the April 2013 Boston Marathon, where two bombs were detonated near the finish line killing three spectators. For approximately two weeks after the marathon, Sandy was unable to sleep or concentrate and often found herself reliving the moment she heard the bombs explode. What disorder might Sandy be diagnosed with?

acute stress disorder

Calvin is terribly worried that his college education was wasted when he didn't get his dream job. Furthermore, Calvin believes he ruined his future when he did poorly in his job interview. Calvin explains, "I had to ace the interview. It had to be perfect, and it wasn't!" How might a cognitive-behavioral psychologist classify this distorted thought process?

all-or-nothing thinking

Colleen found herself attracted to her psychology instructor. She would frequently go by his office just to be near him. When he didn't respond to her advances, Colleen eventually told him that she had thoughts of killing herself so that he would spend time trying to counsel her. What personality disorder best describes Colleen's thinking and behavior?

borderline personality disorder

Elliot became widowed after nearly 40 years of marriage. He has convinced himself that no one will ever love him again. His irrational thinking has caused him to suffer from depression, and he rarely leaves his house. What perspective might best explain his behavior?


dissociative amnesia is different from retrograde amnesia because

dissociative amnesia is typically psychological in origin

Binge-eating disorder is different from bulimia in that individuals with binge eating disorder

do not typically purge the food they eat

What neurotransmitter was first believed to be the cause of schizophrenia


Which of the following is associated with pain relief


Hunters who wear camouflage so that they can blend in with their surroundings are relying on which principle of perception?

figure-ground relationships

Rodney has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He rarely smiles and often shows little emotion to any situation. Psychologists refer to this characteristic as

flat affect

Charles has suffered from schizophrenia for many years and now resides in a group treatment facility. One day a nurse approaches him and quietly tells him that his sister, who has been fighting cancer for many months, died that morning. Charles has no appreciable facial reaction, and in a very monotone voice says, "okay". The nurse is not surprised by Charles's lack of response to the awful news because she knows that ___ is one symptom often seen in those suffering from schizophrenia.

flat effect

Which theory cannot adequately account for pitches above 1000hz?


Studies have suggested the increased rates of major depressive disorder in women may have a basis in __________

gender roles, social factors, and emotional processing

Yoshi has suffered minor damage to the bones in his left middle ear. What treatment, if any, might help restore his hearing?

hearing aid

Research has found that taste information is sent to the

insula and frontal operculum

Due to the types and degree of emotions often experienced by people with borderline personality disorder, their personal relationships are often characterized by _______.

intense emotions, impulsivity, and relative instability

What part of the eye hardens as we age thus causing many to suffer from presbyopia?


A deer's inability to quickly respond to the headlights of an approaching car is due to what sensory phenomenon?

light adaptation

Melanie has just received an exam grade in her psychology class. She earned a grade of 89%, which is B. All of her work during the semester thus far has earned A grades, and she is very upset about the exam score. "This is the worst thing that could possibly have happened," she laments to her best friend, Keesha, who just rolls her eyes. A cognitive psychologist would suggest that Melanie is employing the cognitive distortion called


Jorge finds himself feeling depressed most of the day. He is constantly tired yet he sleeps very little. He has feelings of worthlessness that have come on suddenly and seemingly have no basis in reality. What might Jorge be diagnosed with?

major depressive disorder

Lisa has just been fired from her new job for consistently arriving 2 hours late for work. Lisa tries to explain that she must often drive back home to ensure that all the doors are locked and that no appliances have been left on. Lisa's condition is abnormal from the ______ definition


The hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup are part of the

middle ear

Katies ability to reach for and pick up her book is largely due to the functions of the ________ pathway of the _________ nervous system

motor; somatic

What is the process whereby the structure and function of brain cell change in response to trauma, damage, or even learning


Olfactory receptors project directly to the ______ and are unique in that signals do not first connect to the thalamus

olfactory bulbs

How many axes does the DSM-5 use to aid mental health professionals in making a diagnosis?


In gate-control theory, substance P

opens the spinal gates for pain

If Tabitha closes her eyes when she rides in her parent's car, she can still tell that the car is moving. This is due to the movement of tiny crystals in the

otolith organs

Your friend Melissa has suffered form diabetes for her entire like. she regularly tests her booed to make sure her sugar levels are not too high or low. which gland in her endocrine system is responsible for regulating her blood sugar?


Ria experienced a sudden attack of intense fear when she was boarding a plane with her friends to fly to Mexico for spring break. Ria's heart raced, she became dizzy, and she was certain she would die in a plane crash if she boarded the plane. Subsequently she did not go on her trip, and the plane arrived safely in Mexico 3 hours later. Ria experienced

panic attack

Kip enjoys playing with sparklers on the 4th of July. He always loves watching a friend run with a sparkler and the momentary trail of light that seems to be left behind. Which aspect of our visual system best explains this trail of light?

persistence of vision

Dr. Haldol has several patients with schizophrenia who appear to exhibit excessive or distorted characteristics in relation to what one might consider normal functioning. Specific symptoms include varied hallucinations and multiple delusions. According to the DSM-5, these are referred to as

positive symptoms

Survivors of natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy in 2012 may experience higher incidences of

posttraumatic stress disorder

David believes that characters in a popular science fiction show are secretly sending him messages. This would be an example of a delusion of


You detect the strong smell of cedar when you enter a furniture store. However, after a short while in the store, you no longer can detect the smell. This process is known as

sensory adaptation

When opening a door, the actual image on your retina changes drastically but you still perceive the door as a rectangle. This is an example of

shape constancy

In 1972, a jet carrying a rugby team from Peru crashed high in the snow-covered Andes Mountains. Many of the players survived for over 2 months by eating the remains of those who died. Psychologists justified their cannibalism because that was the only way they could have survived so long without food. By what definition might their behavior best be classified?

situational context

Little Karla is with her mother at the docks waiting for her daddy to return from his naval deployment. While the boat is still a ways out, her mother says, "There is daddy's boat." Karla is confused. She cannot understand how her dad can be on a boat that is so small that she can hold up her thumb and boat disappears. It's safe to assume that Karla does not yet understand

size constancy

What is a major cause of sexual dysfunction


Which of the following would be active if you have just had an automobile accident?

sympathetic divison

If you touch a hot stove, your spinal cord can prompt you to withdraw our hand without having to send the message all the was to the brain this is due to what scientists call

the reflex arc

Allison opened her new jigsaw puzzle but soon realized that she had the same puzzle when she was a child. With her past experience to rely upon, Allison will probably use _____________ to help her reassemble the puzzle.

top-down processing

The first time Megan had to install a ceiling fan in her new home, it took a long time. But later when she helped install a ceiling fan in her best friend's home, she completed the job very quickly. Her improved speed and skill can partially be attributed to

top-down processing

When you close your eyes and raise your hand above your head, you know where your hand is due to information from

your proprioceptors

Which of the following characteristics Best describes differences between bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa

Individuals with bulimia may have a normal body weight, whereas those with anorexia tend to be severely under their expected body weight.

When a Neuron is in the resting potential the neuron is negatively charged on the______ and positively charged on the____

Inside; outside

Who is most likely to be diagnosed with a phobic disorder

Jennifer, who is morbidly afraid of snakes and refuses to even look at a picture of a snake

Behavior theorists link depression to _____ whereas social cognitive theorist point to _____

Learned helplessness; distortions in thinking

After the class for a while________ is likely explanation for not hearing the sound of a lights buzzing above you until someone says something about it


How would the Greek physician Hippocrates have typically dealt with someone suffering from mental illness?

He would focus on correcting the imbalance of bodily fluids, or humors

Which part of the brain is involved in the creation of memories and as often linked to Alzheimer's disease


Jude is suffering from a severe cold. His nose has been stopped up for several days. What effect, if any, might his cold have on his sense of taste?

His sense of taste will be dulled since taste and smell often work together

In farsightedness, also known as_________ the focal point is ______ the retina

Hyperopia; beyond

biological explanations of disordered mood have focused on the affects of several different brain chemicals and medications used to treat these disorders are designed to work on these various neurotransmitter systems which of the following is not one of the chemicals that has been implanted in the mood disorders


Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells generate a fatty substance known as


Which of the following insulates and protects a neurons axon as well as help speed along electrical impulses

Myelin sheath

When a neuron is resting potential is occurring, the neuron is_____________ charged on the inside


Danielle is a subject in a study on memory and problem-solving the researcher is applying magnetic pulses to her brain for a copper wire coils president directly above her scalp Danielle study would be best described as a

Noninvasive stimulation technique

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