psych ch 12

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who came up with individual psychology?


who created the life story approach to identity

Dan McAdams

who is the father of american personality psychology?

Gordon Allport

who believed that the need for security, not sex, is the prime motive in human existence?


who cam eup with the collective unconscious


who rejected the notion that anatomy is destiny?

Karen Horney

who embraced the psychodynamic notion of unconscious motivation?


To understand personality, we must understand the whole person. We all have unique life experiences, and the stories we tell about those experiences make up our identities.

Personological and Life Story

who believed that we are all born with the raw ingredients of a fulfilling life


who coined unconditional positive regard?


A projective test that uses an individual's perception of inkblots to determine his or her personality.

Rorschach inkblot test

A projective test that is designed to elicit stories that reveal something about an individual's personality.

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)


a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world

softhearted or ruthless; trusting or suspicious; helpful or uncooperative


unconditional positive regard

being accepted, valued, and treated positively regardless of one's behavior

Personality characteristics reflect underlying biological processes such as those carried out by the brain, neurotransmitters, and genes. Differences in behaviors, thoughts, and feelings depend on these processes.


Understanding the impact of behavioral genetics on personality development is most associated with the _____ approach.


Organized or disorganized; careful or careless; disciplined or impulsive. which character trait?


ego part of personality

deals with the demands of reality

Tactics used to reduced anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

defense mechanisms

self-report test

directly asks people whether specific items describe their personality traits

Corey was fired from his job today. When he came home, he yelled at his wife for forgetting to run the dishwasher. Corey is _________ his anger toward his boss onto his wife.


Part of the person that deals with the demands of reality.


The spoiled child within you is to the id as the referee within you is to the



emotionally laden ideas and images that have symbolic meaning for all people.

psychodynamic perspective

emphasize that personality is primarily unconscious. enduring patterns that make up personality are largely unavailable to our conscious awareness, and they powerfully shape our behaviors in ways that we cannot readily comprehend

factor analysis

essentially tells us what items on a scale people are responding to as if they mean the same thing

Sociable or retiring; fun-loving or somber; energetic or reserved



feeling negative emotion more often than positive emotion in one's daily life

who introduced the psychodynamic perspective?


Oberon has always been fascinated by fire, but he knows that it can be dangerous and sometimes lethal. When he finished high school, he decided to become a firefighter, and the job is extremely fulfilling for him. He gets to spend his days saving people from fires that might have hurt them or damaged their belongings, and he even wins an award for being fearless in hazardous situations. Freud would probably say that Oberon's fascination with fire

has been sublimated into a socially desirable behavior.

Personality evolves out of the person's innate, organismic motives to grow and actualize the self. These healthy tendencies can be undermined by social pressure.


physical symptoms that have no physical cause.


Part of the person consisting of unconscious drives


Freud's 3 parts of personality

id, ego, superego

HEXACO model

incorporates a sixth dimension, honesty/humility, to capture the moral dimensions of personality


is associated with dressing neatly, especially among men and, like openness, is related to entrepreneurial success


more likely than others to engage in social activities

social cognitive perspective

mphasize conscious awareness, beliefs, expectations, and goals

Calm or anxious; secure or insecure; self-satisfied or self-pitying


is adaptability a core personality trait?


Imaginative or practical; interested in variety or routine; independent or conforming. which character trait?

openess to experience

self concept

our conscious representation of who we are and who we wish to become, during childhood -rogers

individual psychology

people are motivated by purposes and goals—thus, perfection, not pleasure, is the key motivator in human life

trait theories

personality consists of broad, enduring dispositions that tend to lead to characteristic responses


physical symptoms that have no physical cause

id works according to what principle

pleasure principle

did allport say we should focus on people in the present or in the past?


A personality assessment test that presents individuals with an ambiguous stimulus and asks them to describe it or tell a story about it -- to project their own meaning onto the stimulus.

projective test

Personality is characterized by unconscious processes. Childhood experiences are of great importance to adult personality.


While doing laundry, Michelle found several old receipts for hotel rooms, flowers, and expensive gifts in her husband's pants pockets. Michelle is still convinced that her husband is not having an affair. Which defense mechanism is Michelle using to minimize her anxiety?


A man, unsure of his own sexuality, openly discriminates against homosexuals in his workplace. The man is using ___________ to deal with his inner conflict.

reaction formation

ego works according to what principle?

reality principle

After Paul's professor told him that he had failed his exam, Paul banged his fists on her desk, threw his books on the ground, and whined that she was being unfair. Paul was coping with his anxiety by using:



related to generosity, altruism, religious faith, and more satisfying social relationships

openess to experience

related to liberal values, open-mindedness, tolerance and creativity


represents the public mask that we all wear during social interactions

Foundation of all defense mechanisms, which pushes out threatening impulses.



seeing the impulses a person fears in him- or herself in others

Personality is the pattern of coherence that characterizes a person's interactions with the situations he or she encounters in life. The individual's beliefs and expectations, rather than global traits, are the central variables of interest.

social cognitive

humanistic perspectives

stress a person's capacity for personal growth and positive human qualities

Personological and life story perspectives

stress that the way to understand the uniqueness of each person is to focus on his or her life history and life story.

Kimberly hates her new neighbor, Bob. She thinks that he is a rich snob who is constantly showing off with his fancy new cars, boats, and landscaping. Despite her opinion, every time she sees Bob, she goes out of her way to wave, smile, and ask how Bob is doing. Which defense mechanism is Kimberly using?


Cartoons sometimes depict personal conflict by showing an individual with an angel speaking into one ear and a devil speaking into the other ear. The angel represents Freud's idea of the _____ and the devil represents Freud's idea of the _____.

super wgo ; id

Part of the person that serves as the internal judge of our behavior


defense mechanism

tactics the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

big five factors of personality

the broad traits that are thought to describe the main dimensions of personality—are neuroticism (the tendency to worry and experience negative emotions and is sometimes identified by its opposite, emotional stability), extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

Superego part of personality

the harsh internal judge of our behavior.

life story approach

the idea that each of us has a unique life story, representing our memories of what makes us who we are.

collective unconscious

the impersonal, deepest layer of the unconscious mind, shared by all human beings because of their common ancestral past

face validity

the items seem on the surface to be testing the characteristic in question


the most widely used and researched empirically keyed self-report personality test

conditions of worth

the standards we must live up to in order to receive positive regard.

behavioral genetics

the study of the inherited underpinnings of behavioral characteristics.

Personality is characterized by five general traits that are represented in the natural language that people use to describe themselves and others.


Researchers on behavioral patterns have identified the _____ pattern to be the healthier of the groups in terms of psychological well-being.

type B

id part of personality

unconscious drives and is the individual's reservoir of sexual energy.

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