Psych Chapter 14 Social Psychology

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______ _______ is a key factor in attraction and in the consideration of romantic partners

Physical appearance

In cultures that view the self as independent, (like ours), people tend to make dispositional attributions- they tend to attribute others' behaviors to ______ factors

internal (personality, attitudes, free will)

_____ involves closeness and caring- championing interests of the loved one, even if it entails sacrificing one's own.


close acquaintance and familiarity; a characteristic of a relationship in which partners share their innermost feelings


examples of social decision schemes

majority wins, truth wins, two-thirds majority scheme (juries tend to convict defendants when two-thirds of the jury initially favors conviction), first-shift rule (the group tends to adopt the decision that reflects the first shift in opinion expressed by an group member. if a jury is deadlocked, the members may eventually follow the lead of the first juror to switch his or her position)

How did Asch's study work?

participants were given four lines on a paper, and they had to say which lines were most similar. other people in the room said the wrong lines. 75% of participants agreed with them despite believing they were incorrect

strong romantic and sexual feelings


a group taking an extreme position


Attitudes include beliefs about _______ issues


an attitude toward a group that leads people to evaluate members of that group negatively


factors that contribute to social perception

primacy and recency effects, attribution theory

the tendency to evaluate others in terms of first impressions

primacy effect

two powerful factors of attraction

propinquity, reciprocity

Attribution theory is important because attributions lead us to perceive others either as ________ or as ________ ____ _____.

purposeful, victims of circumstance

the tendency to evaluate others in terms of the most recent impression

recency effect

In collectivist cultures (e.g. Asian) that stress interdependence, people are more likely to attribute another person's behaviors to their social ______ and _______.

roles, obligations

an intense, positive emotion that involves sexual attraction, feelings of caring, and the belief that one is in love

romantic love

most dramatic form of love

romantic love

diverting one's attention from information that is inconsistent with one's attitudes

selective avoidance

deliberately seeking and attending to information that is consistent with one's attitudes

selective exposure

People with high ____ _____ and low _____ ____ are more likely to resist social pressure.

self-esteem, social anxiety

the tendency to view one's successes as stemming from internal factors and one's failures as stemming from external factors

self-serving bias

an assumption that a person's behavior is determined by external circumstances such as the social pressure found in a situation

situational attribution

rules for predicting the final outcome of group decision making on the basis of the members' initial positions

social decision schemes

the process by which a person's performance is increased when other members of a group engage in similar behavior

social facilitation

the area of social psychology that studies the ways in which people influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of others

social influence

a subfield of social psychology that studies the ways in which we form and modify impressions of others

social perception

the field of psychology that studies the nature and causes of behavior and mental processes in social situations

social psychology

factors that affect the likelihood that we can predict behavior from attitudes

specificity, strength of attitudes, vested interest, accessibility

erroneous assumptions that all members of a group share the same traits or characteristics


_______ is a biological chemical involved in aggression. Men have more of it than women, and it is highest when a person is "winning"


Why are men more aggressive than women?

the have more testosterone, women tend to emphasize with others more

How many participants went along with the researchers in Milgram's experiment?


______ psychologists believe that our behavior influenced by our values, how we interpret situations, and by choice. (e.g. people who believe that aggression is sometimes necessary are more likely to be aggressive)


Who believed that aggression is a natural and instinctual part of daily life?


Which Yale University psychologist studied the "effects of punishment on learning" by making participants think they were shocking people with electricity?


Which Yale University psychologist studied the "effects of punishment on learning" by making participants think they were shocking people with electricity? (teacher vs. learner)


Which Yale University psychologist studied the "effects of punishment on learning"?


______ involves fascination, sexual craving, and the desire for exclusiveness.


Sternberg's view that love involves combinations of three components- intimacy, passion, and commitment

triangular model of love

T/F Attitudes formed by direct experience are easier to recall and stronger t


T/F Finding one other person who supports your beliefs is often strong enough to resist the urge to conform t


Which part of the brain is at work when we INSTINCTUALLY react aggressively?


We _____ those we love


the issue of how well we can predict behavior on the basis of attitudes

A-B problem

a belief concerning why people behave in a certain way


the process by which people draw conclusions about the factors that influence one another's behavior

attribution theory

the tendency to attribute our own behavior to situational factors but to attribute the behavior of others to dispositional factors

actor-observer effect

People who are prejudiced tend to be low in _______ and ______ ____ ________.

agreeableness, openness to experience

unselfish concern for the welfare of others


How are attitudes formed?

at an early age on the basis of experience that cannot be retrieved from the unconscious swarm of memories

an enduring mental representation of a person, place, or thing that typically evokes an emotional response and related behavior


Behavior inconsistent with an attitude that may have the effect of modifying an attitude is known

attitude-discrepant behavior

in social psychology, an attitude of liking or disliking (negative _________)


The _______-_______ hypothesis holds that people tend to develop romantic relationships with people who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness and other traits.


factors that increase the tendency to conform

belonging to a collectivist society, desire to be liked, low self-esteem, social shyness, lack of familiarity with the task, group size, social support

the tendency to avoid helping other people in emergencies when other people are also present and apparently capable of helping

bystander effect

two routes to persuading others to change attitudes

central route (inspires thoughtful consideration of arguments and evidence) peripheral route (associates objects with positive or negative cues)

factors of persuasion (one central, three peripheral)

central- the nature of the message peripheral- the messenger, the context of the message, and the audience

the view that we are motivated to make our cognitions or beliefs consistent with each other and our behavior

cognitive-dissonance theory

the decision to maintain a relationship


Most attitudes are based on ___________ and _________ _______.

conditioning, observational learning

The learners in Milgram's experiment were actually ___________ of the experimenter- they knew what was truly going on.


We are said to _______ when we change our behavior to adhere to social norms


the ideal form of love within Sternberg's model, which combines passion, intimacy, and commitment

consummate love

Familiarity breeds ________, not contempt


the process by which group members may discontinue self-evaluation and adopt group norms and attitudes


the spreading or sharing of responsibility for a decision or behavior within a group

diffusion of responsibility

hostile behavior directed against groups toward whom one is prejudiced


an assumption that a person's behavior is determined by internal causes such as personal traits

dispositional attribution

factors that indicate who a person is prejudiced against

dissimilarity, social conflict, social learning, information processing, social categorization

in cognitive-dissonance theory, the tendency to seek justification (acceptable reasons) for strenuous efforts

effort justification

the view that persuasive messages are evaluated (elaborated) on the basis of central and peripheral cues

elaboration likelihood model

concern that others are evaluating our behavior

evaluation apprehension

Persuasive communicators are characterized by what?

expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness, or similarity to their audiences

T/F humans are one of the least aggressive species on earth


Women get mammograms because they are scared of getting cancer, not because they were informed of the benefits of mammograms. This is an example of what?

fear appeal

a type of persuasive communication that influences behavior on the basis of arousing fear instead of rational analysis of the issues

fear appeal

People only really pay attention to the _______ impression


A method for inducing compliance in which a small request is followed by a larger request

foot-in-the-door technique

the assumption that others act predominantly on the basis of their dispositions, even when there is evidence suggesting the importance of their situations

fundamental attribution error

Evolutionary psychologists believe our ______ _______ promotes aggression to some degree

genetic heritage

a process in which group members are influenced by cohesiveness and a dynamic leader to ignore external realities as they make decisions


reasons why people in the Milgram studies obeyed

we are socialized to obey authority, lack of social comparison, perception of legitimate authority, the foot-in-the-door technique, inaccessibility of values, buffers between the perpetrator and the victim

What is one reason for the fundamental attribution error?

we tend to infer traits from behavior

When we see other people doing things we do not like, we tend to judge them as __________ ______. When we find ourselves doing things we ordinarily disapprove of, we tend to see ourselves as ______ ___ ________.

willful actors, victims of circumstances

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