Psych Chapter 5

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Law of Effect

- The probability of a response is altered by the effect it has - Responses that lead to desired effects are repeated - Those that lead to undesired effects are not

Using Punishment Wisely

1. Apply punishment during or immediately after misbehavior 2. Be consistent 3. Use the minimum punishment necessary 4. Avoid harsh punishment 5. Don't rely only on punishment 6. Expect anger from a punished person 7. Punish with kindness and respect

Fixed-Interval Schedule

A schedule that provides reinforcement for a response only if a fixed time period has elapsed, making overall rates of response relatively low.

Fixed Ratio Schedule (FR)

A set number of correct responses must be made to obtain a reinforcer

Positive Reinforcer

A stimulus added to the environment that brings about an increase in a preceding response.

Unconditioned Stimulus

A stimulus that naturally brings about a particular response without having been learned

Neutral Stimulus

A stimulus that, before conditioning, does not naturally bring about the response of interest

Classical Conditioning

A type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to bring about a response after it is paired with a stimulus that naturally brings about that response

Negative Reinforcer

An Unpleasant stimulus whose removal leads to an increase in the probability that a preceding response will be repeated in the future

Cognitive Learning Theory

An approach to the study of learning that focuses on the thought processes that underline learning

Positive Punishment

An unpleasant stimulus is presented to decreased behavior

Negative Reinforcement

An unpleasant stimulus is removed to increased behavior


Any consequence that reduces the frequency of a target behavior


Any event that follows a response and decreases the likelihood of it recurring

Operant Reinforcer

Any event that follows a response and increases its likelihood of recurring


Any event that increases the probability that a response will recur


Any stimulus that increases the probability that a preceding behavior will occur again

Conditioning Chamber (Skinner Box)

Apparatus designed to study operant conditioning in animals


Automatic, nonlearned response

Observational, Model

Bandura's theory of _____________ learning states that people through watching a(n) __________ another person displaying the behavior of interest.

Superstitious Behavior

Behavior that is repeated to produce reinforcement, even though it is not necessary


Fortunately, Dr. Lopez gave Theresa no more shots for quite some time. Over that period she gradually stopped crying and even came to like him________________had occurred.

behavior will extinguish again, but more quickly

If reinforcement is withheld a second time,

Stimulus Generalization

Occurs when a conditioned response follows a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus the more similar the two stimuli are, the more likely generalization is to occur

Continuous Reinforcement, Partial Reinforcement, Partial Reinforcement Effect

Plans for determining which responses will be reinforced

Continuous Reinforcement Schedule

Reinforcing of a behavior every time it occurs

Partial Reinforcement Schedule

Reinforcing of a behavior sometimes but not all the time.

Partial Reinforcement Effect

Responses acquired with partial reinforcement are very resistant to extinction

Ivan Pavlov

Russian physiologist who initially was studying digestion

Fixed-Ratio Schedule

Schedule by which reinforcement is given only after a specific number of responses are made

Fixed Ratio Schedule (FR), Variable Ratio Schedule (VR)

Schedules of Partial Reinforcement

Fixed Interval Schedule (FI), Variable Interval Schedule (VI)

Schedules of Partial Reinforcement Continued

Aversive Stimulus

Stimulus that is painful or uncomfortable; Example: a shock

Negative Attention Seeking

Using misbehavior to gain attention

Variable Ratio Schedule

Varied number of correct responses must be made to get a reinforcer

Learning based on the consequences of responding

We associate responses with their consequences

Mild Punishment

Weak punishment; Usually slows responses temporarily

Positive Reinforcement

When a response is followed by a reward or other positive event

Negative Reinforcement

When a response is followed by the removal of an unpleasant event; Ends discomfort

fade away

When learned responses that are NOT reinforced gradually

Main Difference Between Classical Cond and Operant Cond:

When the reinforcer occurs


_______ involves changes brought about by experience, whereas maturation describes changes resulting fro biological development


_____________ conditioning describes learning that occurs as a result of reinforcement.

Operant Reinforcement

most effective when given immediately after a correct response


A basic phenomenon of learning that occurs when a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency and eventually disappears

Behavior Modification

A formalized technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones

Conditioned Stimulus

A once-neutral stimulus that has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus to bring about a response formerly caused only by the unconditioned stimulus

Positive Reinforcement

A pleasant stimulus is presented to increase behavior

Negative Punishment

A pleasant stimulus is removed to decreased behavior


A process of learning to associates a neutral stimulus with a UCS.

Continuous Reinforcement

A reinforcer follows every correct response


A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience

Conditioned Response

A response that after conditioning, follows a previously neutral stimulus

Unconditioned Response

A response that is natural and needs no training

Variable Ratio Schedule

A schedule by which reinforcement occurs after a varying number of responses rather than after a fixed number

Variable-Interval Schedule

A schedule by which the time between reinforcements varies around some average rather than being fixed

Types of Learning

Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Conditioning

Schedules of Reinforcement

Different patterns of frequency and timing of reinforcement following desired behavior

Conditioned Stimulus

Dr. Lopez is upset because his presence has become a __________________ for Theresa crying.

More Classical Conditioning Terms

Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery


In ___________ learning, a new behavior is learned but is not shown until appropriate reinforcement is presented.


In the cognitive learning theory, it is assumed that people develop a(n)__________ about receiving a reinforcer when they behave a certain way.


Molding responses gradually in a step-by-step fashion to a desired pattern

Partial Reinforcement

Reinforcers do NOT follow every response

Severe Punishment

Intense punishment, capable of suppressing a response for a long period

Timing, consistency, and intensity

Keys to Effective Punishment:

Observational Learning

Learning by observing the behavior of another person, or model

Latent Learning

Learning in which a new behavior is acquired but is not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it.

Operant Conditioning

Learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences

Avoidance Learning

Learning to make a response to avoid, postpone, or prevent discomfort; Example: not going to a doctor or dentist

Escape Learning

Learning to make a response to end an aversive stimulus


Lowers the probability that a response will occur again

Aversive Stimulus, Escape Learning, Avoidance Learning: Punishment may also increase aggression

Punishment Concepts

Response-Contingent Reinforcement

Reinforcement given only when a particular response occurs

Variable Interval Schedule (VI)

Reinforcement is given for the first correct response made after a varied amount of time


Reinforcement occurs after a set of number of responses


Reinforcement occurs after a set of time period


Reinforcement occurs after a varying number of responses


Reinforcement occurs after a varying time period

Operant Conditioning

Reinforcer happens AFTER the response

Classical Conditioning

Reinforcer occurs BEFORE the response

Response Cost

Reinforcer or positive thing is removed

In the shaping activity

The first behavior I reinforced was different from the last one

Fixed Interval Schedule (FI)

The first correct response made after a certain amount of time has elapsed is reinforced

Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response

The painful shot that Theresa received during each visit was a(n)______________ that elicited the ____________________, her tears.


The process by which a stimulus increases the probability that a preceding behavior will be reapeted


The process of teaching a complex behavior by rewarding closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior

Stimulus Discrimination

The process that occurs if two stimuli are sufficiently distinct from each other that one evokes a conditioned response but the other does not; the ability to differentiate between stimuli

Spontaneous Recovery

The reemergence of an extinguished conditioned response after a period of rest and with no further conditioning

The schedules of reinforcement activity thought me that

some people like to get rewarded at the same time each week and some like to be surprised

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