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Of the following, the correlation coefficient that indicates the strongest relationship between the two variables being measured is


The area of the frontal lobe that plays an important role in the production of speech is called

Broca's area

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate?

Deception has been fairly common in psychological research since the 1960s.​

____ function in the endocrine system much like ____ in the nervous system.

Hormones, neurotransmitters

Which of the following questions would a physiological psychologist be MOST likely to ask?

How do hormones affect behavior?

Which two procedures allow researchers to visualize changes in brain activity over time?

PET scan and fMRI

Which of the following does NOT belong to the other three?


Dr. Stillingsworth is interested in people's reactions to a controversial jury verdict. Dr. Stillingsworth calls people at their home between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon. In this example, Dr. Stillingsworth has MOST likely selected

a biased sample

Which research method involves an in-depth investigation of an individual subject?

a case study

Imagine eating a large bowl of ice cream. If just thinking about the ice cream causes your mouth to water, your salivation would be

a conditioned response

Dr. Lopez is a psychologist who evaluates, diagnoses, and treats people with everyday problems of moderate severity. What type of psychologist is Dr. Lopez?

a counseling psychologist

Heather is taking a prescription drug to control her back pain. She finds that when she takes the drug, she experiences some short-term drowsiness and nausea. It is likely that Heather's physician has prescribed​

a narcotic

As interest rates increase, house sales decline, indicating

a negative correlation between the two variables

John needs to continue to take doses of morphine to avoid withdrawal illness symptoms. John is demonstrating

a physical dependence

Dr. Hawkins is a psychologist who spends her day working in an elementary school testing and counseling children who are having difficulty in school. What type of applied psychologist is Dr. Hawkins?

a school psychologist

Charles is taking a prescription drug to reduce the anxiety he has been feeling since he lost his job. He finds that when he takes the drug, he experiences some short-term lethargy and impaired coordination. It is likely that Charles' physician has prescribed

a sedative

A memory code that emphasizes the meaning of verbal input is called

a semantic code

Your psychology professor asks you for the name of the individual who started the behavioral approach to the study of psychology. To answer this question correctly, you need to rely on your

a semantic memory

Nodes representing concepts joined together by pathways that link related concepts is referred to as

a semantic network

The difference in the flow rates of sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane when a neuron is at rest leads to

a slightly higher concentration of negatively charged ions inside the cell

Dr. Marqueta believes that "misery loves company." Based on this belief, Dr. Marqueta predicts that people who have received bad news will seek out other people. Dr. Marqueta's belief is an example of ____, and her prediction is an example of ____.

a theory, a hypothesis

Jeremy is sitting quietly when the muscles in his left leg begin to "twitch." This activation of movement in his voluntary muscles is most likely due to the release of the neurotransmitter


Sensory information is carried from your eyes to your brain by way of​

afferent fibers

It is beneficial when you take the time to develop a mnemonic device such as an acronym or acrostic to help you remember information because it causes you

all of the above (organize, meaningful, processing)

Adam has just consumed a substance that provides him with increased alertness and energy, along with reduced fatigue. However, it also makes him more talkative, increases his blood pressure, reduces his appetite, and makes him restless. Adam has likely ingested

an amphetamine

Sally is a psychologist interested improving curriculum design, achievement testing, and teacher training. What type of psychologist is Sally?

an educational psychologist

Pavlov found that meat powder placed on a dog's tongue will make the dog salivate. In Pavlov's terms, the meat powder is

an unconditioned stimulus

Focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events defines


Henry got a bad sunburn on his face when he was skiing last winter. Now, before he starts a day of skiing, he uses sunscreen on his face to prevent another sunburn. This is an example of

avoidance learning

Imagine that a group of researchers conducted a single-blind study designed to test the effectiveness of subliminal-message weight-loss tapes. Suppose the researchers found that everyone lost weight during the study, even those who were given tapes without any subliminal messages. This type of result would​

be evidence of a placebo effect

Which of the following psychological perspectives is MOST likely to focus on the interrelations among the mind, body, and behavior?

biological perspective

While Kimberly was hypnotized, she vividly recalled the events of her first birthday party. However, when the events she described were compared with an actual video from her birthday party, most of the things she described did not actually happen. Kimberly's inaccuracy in recall lends support to the view that hypnosis

causes people to act out a role

The two most basic divisions of the nervous system are the

central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system

The brain structure responsible for the coordination of motor movements and sense of equilibrium is the


Jade rearranges the letters HI TRE DBA T into "hit red bat." This is an example of


Lyn is afraid of all spiders because her brother once dropped a spider down her shirt when she was younger. Today, even the sight of a rubber spider is enough to send shivers down her spine. The learning process that could best account for Lyn's fear of spiders is

classical conditioning

When advertisers pair their products with attractive people or enjoyable surroundings in the hope that the pairings will cause their products to evoke good feelings, they are using principles derived from

classical conditioning

If you were having problems with severe depression, the type of psychologist that would be the greatest help to you would be

clinical psychologist

Ralph has been using a drug on a regular basis for several years. He has now developed damaged nasal membranes and a host of respiratory problems and cardiovascular disease. It is MOST likely that Ralph is a chronic user of


Decision-making, reasoning, and problem-solving are topics MOST likely to be studied by

cognitive psychologists

Natasha asks Oscar for directions to his house. When he tells her to turn on 4th Street, she asks what color the house is on the corner where she turns. Oscar is surprised that he actually knows the house is blue, since he never really thought about it. In this instance, it is likely that the house color was stored in Oscar's

declarative memory

Information is received by a neuron through the ____ and is transmitted toward other neurons through the ____.

dendrites, axon

A psychologist whose major interest focuses on how behavior changes as a function of age would probably be considered a

developmental psychologist

A pigeon learns to peck at a disk lighted green to receive reinforcement, but not at a disk lighted red. This means that, for the pigeon, the color of the disk is a

discrimitive stimulus

The dual-coding theory argues that memory is

enhanced by forming both semantic and visual codes

If you find that you have more positive feelings toward a product after an attractive spokesperson gives you a free sample, your change in attitudes would be said to have resulted from

evaluative conditioning

In experimental research, subjects who receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable are the

experimental group

Ken used to drool at the smell of peanut butter cookies as they baked, and he couldn't wait to sink his teeth into that first cookie. However, Ken's new roommate makes terrible peanut butter cookies, and the smell of them baking is no longer associated with a wonderful taste experience. Consequently, Ken finds that the smell of the cookies no longer makes him drool in anticipation. This illustrates the classical conditioning process known as​


Kylee used to bring drawings home from her kindergarten class every day. Her parents would put the pictures on the refrigerator and tell Kylee how nice the pictures were. Lately, her parents haven't been putting her artwork on the refrigerator, and now Kylee has stopped bringing drawings home with her. This example illustrates the operant conditioning process of


Which of the following is NOT one of the main functions of neurons?

generating information

Renee is experiencing distortions in her sensory and perceptual processes. Additionally, she is exhibiting paranoia and "jumbled" thought processes. Renee is most likely under the influence of a


Seymour used to get quite a "buzz" from his first cup of coffee in the morning. Now he finds that he doesn't start to feel alert until his third cup. This suggests that Seymour

has developed a drug tolerance for caffeine

A psychologist whose primary goal is to help people reach their potential MOST likely follows the principles of


If electrical stimulation of a brain structure results in an animal's eating constantly and gaining weight rapidly, the structure stimulated MOST likely is the


Some theorists believe that the rewarding effects of most abused drugs depend on

increased activity in specific dopamine pathways

Evolutionary psychologists would MOST likely explain females' greater emphasis on potential mates' economic resources by suggesting that it

increases the likelihood of survival for their children

A psychologist who works on trying to increase job satisfaction and productivity in a large company would MOST likely have received training in

industrial and organizational psychology

Martin can't remember who invented flush toilets because he was flirting with a classmate when his history professor described this momentous event. His forgetting appears to be due to

ineffective encoding

the purpose of the control group is to

isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable

Publication of research findings is extremely important to the scientific method because

it allows for critique and self-correction

Learning that is not apparent from behavior when it first occurs is known as

latent learning

For most people, the production of language resides in the

left cerebral hemisphere

Haley has severe glaucoma; she finds that its symptoms can be relieved by using a non-prescription drug. In addition to relieving the symptoms of glaucoma, the drug relaxes her and induces a mild feeling of euphoria. It is MOST likely that Haley is treating her glaucoma using


Which of the following drugs would MOST likely result in a fatal overdose?


Imagine you complete a computer programming course, but never have a chance to use the programming language once the course is over. Based on the research results reported by Ebbinghaus, over the years, you should expect​

most of what you learned will be forgotten early, and there will continue to be a slow decline in what you are able to recall from the programming course.​

Pat takes a prescription medication in order to reduce pain; Kelly takes the same medication in order to experience a "drug high." Pat's behavior is reinforced by ____ reinforcement and Kelly's behavior by ____ reinforcement.

negative, positive

April wants to teach her cat not to claw at the arms of her couch. She will be MOST successful in reducing the cat's scratching behavior if she uses

operant conditioning

The double-blind procedure was developed by researchers because of which unifying theme in psychology?

our experience of the world is highly subjective​

Which of the following is NOT included in the ethical guidelines for human participants in psychological research?

participants should be paid for their participation

Judy feels that she needs her can of Diet Coke every morning to wake her up and satisfy her cravings. She doubts that she could ever give up drinking Diet Coke. Judy is demonstrating

psychological dependence

Jane was ridiculed at school for wearing a particular style of shirt. Now, she no longer wears that style of shirt to school. Being ridiculed is an example of


The work of researchers like Loftus on errors in memory suggests that memory is best viewed as

reconstruction or events or materials

Which of the following is NOT associated with meditation?

reduced pain tolerance

Classical conditioning is to ____ responses as operant conditioning is to ____.

reflexive, voluntary

Cassie asked her father for a candy bar at the grocery store, and her father bought her the candy bar. If Cassie asks for more candy bars in the future, the candy bar has acted as a


Dr. Critell is studying aggression in children and plans to define aggression as the number of times one child pushes or strikes another child. Defining aggression in this way would

represent an operational definition

You move to a new house and memorize your new phone number. Now, you can't remember your old phone number. This is an example of

retroactive interference

Dave is thrown from his motorcycle and suffers a severe blow to the head, resulting in loss of memory for events that occurred before the accident. This is an example of

retrograde amnesia

Because the speech center is generally located in the left hemisphere of the brain, a split-brain patient is unable to describe stimuli that are

seen in the left visual field

Which level of processing should result in the longest lasting memory codes?

semantic encoding

Operant responses are typically established through a gradual process in which closer and closer approximations of the desired response are reinforced. This process is called


Which memory system is referred to in your text as "working memory"?

short-term memory

The principal disadvantage of descriptive/correlational research methods is

since researchers cannot control variables of interest, conclusions concerning cause-and-effect relationships are not appropriate

Dr. Somers studies psychological topics such as attitude formation and change and how groups influence people's behavior. Which of the following BEST categorizes Dr. Somers' research specialization?

social psychology

When Diana was three years old, she became terrified when the neighbor's budgie bird kept flying near her head. Today, she is afraid of all birds, including robins, pigeons, and blue jays. Diana's fear illustrates the classical conditioning process of

stimulus generalization

Edmund was walking down a dark street when he heard a car backfire. His heart started to race and he began to perspire in response to this sudden, startling noise. These physical reactions were triggered by Edmund's

sympathetic nervous system

Imagine that you have stumbled across a secret laboratory where an evil scientist is conducting unauthorized brain research. By altering brain structures, he has created superheroes who have specialized powers or abilities. One of these superheroes is absolutely fearless and willing to undertake extremely dangerous missions. In this case, the brain structure that the scientist MOST likely altered would be​

the amygdala

A group of psychologists is conducting research to determine whether people eat more when they are in the presence of environmental stimuli that increase anxiety, such as loud noises or flashing lights. These scientists MOST likely follow

the behavioral perspective

Imagine that researchers find some memories are lost very quickly from memory, while other memories last much longer. This evidence would create the MOST problems for

the decay theory of forgetting

The correlation coefficient is a measure of

the degree of relationship between two variables

The idea of multifactorial causation in drug effects suggests that

the effects of a drug depend on the dosage and the user's personal makeup and experience.​

Marie is a graduate student whose major area of interest is personality psychology. You should expect that Marie is MOST interested in

the factors that lead people to act consistently across a variety of situations

If your boss thinks very highly of you in general, she may tend to see even your mediocre projects as excellent work. This would be evidence for

the halo effect

The profound anterograde amnesia that H. M. experienced after undergoing surgery to control his epilepsy suggests that

the hippocampal complex plays a key role in the consolidation of long-term memories

Carson used to enjoy lime sherbet so when he was in Mexico, he tried frozen lime margaritas. After his fourth margarita, Carson became extremely ill. Now he finds that even the sight of lime sherbet in a bowl can make him feel queasy. In this example, the unconditioned stimulus is

the lime margaritas that Carson consumed

Holly was dancing with her new boyfriend at an Elvis tribute. When the band started playing, "Can't Help Falling in Love with You," her boyfriend gave her a long, passionate kiss, which Holly found very enjoyable. Now Holly finds that every time she hears "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" on the radio, she becomes a little flushed. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is

the song "Can't Help Falling in Love with You"

Elizabeth just caught sight of a red hummingbird. The neural impulses from her eye will eventually travel to her occipital lobe, but first they must pass through

the thalamus

Answering the question of "why" something happens is most closely associated with which goal of science?

understanding and prediction

A three-year-old boy observes his father yelling at his mother every time she says something the father doesn't like. Based on principles of observational learning, whenever the mother says something to the boy that he does not like in the future, the boy is MOST likely to do which of the following?​

yell at his mother

If a patient has severe damage to the prefrontal cortex, you would predict that he might have difficulty

​planning, paying attention, and getting organized

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