Psych Final

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the interactive influences of nature and nurture on substance abuse

A biopsychosocial approach to substance abuse would be most likely to emphasize

anterior cingulate cortex

A brain region that monitors our actions and checks for errors, the ________, seems especially likely to be hyperactive in those with obsessive-compulsive disorder

antisocial personality

A lack of conscience is most characteristic of those who experience ________ disorder

the same people are retested over a long period

A longitudinal study is one in which


A person who thinks of situations or outcomes as temporary, specific, and external are at a ______________ (lower/higher) risk for developing major depressive disorder


A psychotherapist is most likely to use the DSM-5 in order to ________ various psychological disorders

stimulus generalization

A rape victim may experience a panic attack when she sees anyone sporting a tattoo that resembles the one that her attacker had. This reaction best illustrates the process of

anorexia nervosa

About four months ago, 16-year-old Amanda went on a drastic diet that caused her to drop from her normal weight of 120 pounds to less than 90 pounds. Although her weight is dangerously low, she continues to undereat because she thinks she looks fat. Amanda suffers from


After Charles Darwin began suffering panic disordesr, he lived in relative seclusion and traveled only in his wife's company. His panic disorder was apparently accompanied by

entorhinal cortex hippocampus temporal lobe

Alzheimer's disease usually begins in the


Antidepressant medications referred to as SSRI's inhibit the reuptake of

persistent and distressing

Anxiety is considered disordered if it is


Being withdrawn, self-focused, and complaining tends to elicit social


Ben has always been an odd child, including having no emotions and separating himself from normal childhood play. He would most likely be diagnosed with ________ personality disorder

alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism

Bipolar disorder is most likely to be characterized by


Brain scans of people with PTSD show higher-than-normal activity in the _______ when exposed to traumatic images

repetitive behaviors

Compulsions are best described as

Between 9 and 10

Depressive or bipolar disorders occur in ______ percent of the American population


During an argument, Adele told her sister that she hated her. Even after her sister told her that she did not take it seriously and to forget about it, Adele continued to worry about it, which interfered with her job and family responsibilities. Adele's worry illustrates

psychological disorders mental disorders

Effective parenting, literacy, healthy self-esteem, and good problem-solving skills are known protective factors against

epigenetic factors

Environmental factors such as viral infections can "turn on" specific genes that predispose schizophrenia. This best illustrates the impact of

intimacy and generativity

Erik Erikson maintained that the two basic aspects of life that dominate adulthood are


False beliefs that often are symptoms of psychotic disorders are called


Fear-learning experiences can traumatize the brain by creating fear circuits within the

major depressive disorder

Feelings of worthlessness are most likely to be associated with


Genes can regulate _____ such as serotonin and glutamate, which contribute to our hypervigilance to threat and increased levels of alarm

a biopsychosocial approach

In discovering that certain psychological disorders occur only in particular cultures, we are providing evidence for

low norepinephrine levels and low serotonin levels

In terms of neurotransmitter levels, depression is associated with

"I'm academically incompetent and always will be."

Inanna suffers from chronic depression. According to the social-cognitive perspective, how is she most likely to respond when told that she performed very poorly on a test she took the previous day?

generalized anxiety disorder

Indira, a third-grade teacher, frequently suffers from dizziness, heart palpitations, and fatigue. She is also continually agitated and unable to relax outside the classroom, but she cannot pinpoint a reason for her problems. Her behavior is most indicative of

narcissistic personality disorder

Inflated views of self-importance are most characteristic of those with


Learned helplessness is most closely associated with the development of


Low birth weight and lack of oxygen during delivery have been identified as contributing to an increased risk of


Mania is most likely to be characterized by feelings of


Marco is trying to lose weight, and he goes through periods in which he binge eats, followed by forcing himself to vomit because he feels guilty. Marco likely has _________ nervosa

personally distressful

Mental health workers are most likely to consider socially unusual behavior as disordered if it is

repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by

major depressive disorder

Over the last three months, Regina's feelings of despondency have intensified for no apparent reason. Although her friends have tried to be encouraging and supportive, Regina says that she feels worthless and completely detached from people, and she has even thoughts about killing herself. Regina's symptoms would suggest that she is probably suffering from


People of different ages are compared with one another in a ________ study


People who have schizophrenia often exhibit an excess of _______ activity in the brain

social functioning

Personality disorders exist when an individual has character traits that are enduring and impair


Personally distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are considered to be symptoms of a psychological disorder if they are

moral treatment

Philippe Pinel (1745-1826) was the first to promote _______ for psychological disorders, instead of the brutal treatments used during his time

dysfunctional; maladaptive

Psychological disorders are diagnosed if the behavior interferes with the person's day-to-day life, the person is distressed, and the behavior is _____________ or ___________


Psychological disorders are usually showing symptoms by age

physical exercise

Research suggests that the best way to enhance memory and reduce the risk of significant cognitive decline in late adulthood is to engage in daily

hallucination; delusion

Seeing one-eyed monsters would be a(n) ________. Believing that you are Christopher Columbus would be a _______


Successive editions of the ________ have provided guidelines for diagnosing psychological disorders

nonsuicidal self-injury

Such behaviors as cutting one's skin, hitting oneself, or pulling one's hair out are examples of

dissociative identity disorder

Taylor has no memory of the abuse she experienced as a child. During a session with her clinical psychologist, she suddenly began talking in a deeper voice, claiming to be Adam, a male personality, who remembered all of the abuse. Taylor is demonstrating the symptoms of


The hallucinations experienced by those who suffer from schizophrenia are most likely to involve ________ things that are not there


The psychodynamic perspective and learning perspectives view dissociative identity disorders as ways of dealing with

bipolar disorder

The psychological disorder that has the highest heritable rate is


The wildly optimistic, hyperactive state that alternates with depression in bipolar disorder is called

binge-eating disorder

Those who engage in spurts of excessive overeating, followed by remorse—but do not binge, purge, or fast—are said to have


Twin studies ___________ (support/do not support) the contention that heredity plays a role in schizophrenia

Social psychologists

Use scientific methods to study how people think about, influence, and relate to one another

major depressive disorder

Which of the following disorders typically occurs in periodic episodes that eventually terminate by themselves even without professional help?

aversive conditioning

consists of creating a negative response to a harmful stimulus and helps you learn what you should not do

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