
अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

What is the benefit of being diagnosed correctly?

A person can get the right type of treatment or medication he/she needs.

an example of modeling aggression

Bobo Doll Experiment

What realization did Piaget have while testing children's IQs?

Children construct schemas around their wrong answers.

What is true about the sleep cycle?

Dreams occur during the REM stage. A person can go through the sleep cycle multiple times in one night. The sleep cycle does not repeat itself in order of 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM.

has to do with how our mind organizes patterns.


What can a person learn from the Bay of Pigs incident?

If you don't speak your opinion against bad ideas, sometimes awful results can happen. Don't be afraid to voice an opinion that may be different from the leader. It's normal for people to feel uncomfortable about disagreeing with a leader.

Which organization requires colleges to submit plans for any experiment that is about to be conducted?

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

What are examples of objective psychology tests?


How do emotions affect your memory?

Memories with strong emotional attachments are easier to recall.

Why are nightmares so memorable?

Nightmares have a more intense emotional impact.

How do informal and formal learning differ?

One is more structured than the other.

What does it mean to say that memories are "context-dependent"?

People often attach their surroundings to their memories.

What did the first portion of Sperling's test show?

Sensory memory is very sensitive and is quick to forget.

considers how society and culture influences a person through all stages of life.


What is the most believable reason why it may be difficult to trust a person's actions?

Sometimes actions have ulterior motives and it can be difficult to discern a person's sincerity.

Why do people make jokes about the mentally ill?

Sometimes people don't understand mental illness and how to be sensitive.

During what major stage/age does a person feel either industry or inferiority?

Stage 4: preadolescence

What is a possible and typical meaning for someone who dreams about falling off a ladder?

The person is feeling insecure in real life.

What influence do culture and customs have on beliefs about mental disorders?

They can influence what people think is normal and abnormal.

What is the purpose of using the Scientific Method?

This method allows people to separate fact from fiction. This method allows people to conduct orderly research. This method allows people to make new discoveries.

What is true about the debate of free will vs. determinism?

Today's psychologists believe in a combination of both theories.

A person's abnormal behavior does not always mean he/she has a mental disorder.


What is the benefit of deep processing over surface processing?

You'll have a better ability to remember information in the future.

What results when you combine several phonemes together?

a morpheme

What are the two most common disorders in the United States?

anxiety and depression

Which traits do leaders have that make them more desirable to obey?

aptitude responsibility competency

Which is a major area of study in psychology?


major functions of the endocrine system

body temperature puberty metabolism

How do bees communicate with each other?

by dancing

an accomplice


people change their behavior because of social influence


During REM sleep, our muscles are paralyzed. The Activation Synthesis Theory of dreams says that this temporary paralysis _____ the brain.


spectrum, range, or series


a branch of knowledge


The happiness an elderly adult feels is largely based on how successful events in his/her later life are.


During what stage do you learn abstract thinking skills?

formal operations

Long-term memory has a _____ capacity to hold information.


Goals that are most likely to be successful _____.

have personal value and positive expectations

specific behaviors or mannerisms that are peculiar to just one person


sum of all numbers divided by the total number of scores; the average


Axis III of the DSM categorizes ________.

medical conditions and physical disorders

the ability to know that something still exists, even if you can't see it

object permanence

learning by watching other people

observational learning

What personal skills do you learn through studying psychology?

patience tolerance empathy

Asch's conformity experiment showed that _____.

people can be influenced rather easily

The 1992 Los Angeles riots were an example of _____.

people's behavior being influenced by others

We tend to feel less _____ when more people are around to help out.


Everyone has a personality, _____.

that is unique even if it's not always on display

Classical conditioning requires _____.

the pairing of two stimuli

What does classical conditioning require?

the pairing of two stimuli

Withholding judgment on the mentally ill is wise because _____.

then you can try to understand what a person is experiencing

poisonous substances


You can practice being wise in situations until wisdom becomes a personality trait.


learning through the experience of others without actually doing the action


When are people most likely to be obedient to rules?

when the rules are set up by people in authority

Conformity is not a bad thing, but sometimes it is inappropriate. When would those times be?

when you behave badly when you act unethically when you behave illegally

The purpose of Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment is to demonstrate that children _____.

will most likely model an adult's aggressive actions

What can leaders count on that guarantees obedience always happen?

Nothing is specified that ensures that obedience will always happen.

Scientific Method

Observation research hypothesis test Data Analysis Communication

contains the nucleus of the cell

cell body

Which study is best for examining the lifespan of twins who grew up apart?

longitudinal study

requirement for observational learning

motivation to do a behavior

Sometimes we perform an action selflessly only to find out that we are rewarded with a favor in return. This makes us more likely to want to do something nice again. What does this situation describe?

the paradox of altruism

The Big Five was developed _____.

to simplify the eighteen thousand words that existed to describe personality traits

According to Freud, what do dreams do?

reveal urges and desires

_____ involves the likelihood of increasing behavior.

Positive reinforcement

What is the major difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

Psychologists cannot prescribe medication while psychiatrists can.

How does transduction allow your body to experience its senses?

by converting the sensory messages into neural impulses

you are born a certain way and don't have choice


mental health disturbance


What do the five axes of the DSM represent?

major categories that a mental health professional will use to assess a person

Which is an autonomic body function?

salivating at the thought of a hamburger

An egocentric child is in what stage of development?


mental health professional who attended medical school


Who can appropriately use the DSM?

psychiatrists mental health professionals

What is the correct order in which these theories emerged, from earliest to latest?

psychodynamic, behaviorism, humanistic, cognitivism

What is the importance of the prefrontal cortex?

It helps with executive functions, such as behaving in socially appropriate ways.

What did Zimbardo's prison experiment demonstrate?

It's possible for people to act horribly in evil situations.

The critical period is a special time of development in humans.


Altruism means being completely selfless and yet wanting nothing in return.


the study of biological structures within a human and how they relate to a person's behavior and way of thinking.


How are negative values and fear of failure similar?

Both involve negative emotions and outlooks.

Accutane is a legal drug, but so severe to an unborn child _____.

that after birth, the baby will have vision and brain damage, heart problems, and retardation that an unborn child exposed to this drug will have birth defects that a woman is required to take two forms of birth control while on this drug

Kathryn ate a bag of salty chips. What allowed her brain to register the flavor of the chips?

transduction occurring from the taste buds

Humanists felt strongly against comparing people to animals.


People who believe in altruism say the opposite view is very cynical. Why is this?

A person comes across as skeptical and suspicious and it appears that you are judging whether or not a person's actions are sincere.

What happens during free association?

A person talks about a dream, making connections by openly talking.

Which statement is true of Accutane?

A woman is required to take two forms of birth control while on this drug. After birth, the baby will have vision and brain damage, heart problems, and retardation. An unborn child exposed to this drug will have birth defects.

How are symbolic and analogical representations similar?

Both are a basic element of thought. Both require thinking. Both are mental images.

How are morphemes and sentences similiar?

Both are created by more basic parts of language in a hierarchy.

What are the similarities between symbolic and analogical representations?

Both are mental images. Both are a basic element of thought. Both require thinking.

What are similarities between Piaget's and Erikson's work?

Both are stage theorists.

Compare and find a similarity between the Core-Optional and adaptive sleep theories.

Both believe that a person sleeps for survival.

What is NOT a common feature of both the MMPI-2 and CPI?

Both check for serious personality disorders.

How was therapy different in the early 1900s?

Categories for diagnosing disorders were less clear and only the rich could afford to pay for therapy.

What is common in all cultures about children learning to speak?

Children's first sounds are similar in all cultures.

How do expectations relate to future schooling?

Choose classes that are at your skill level.

Compare behaviorism and cognitive psychology and choose the statements that are accurate for both subfields in psychology.

Cognitive psychology involves memory and other methods to recall information. Behaviorism focuses on observable actions only. Cognitive psychology focuses on people's thoughts, desires, and motives.

How can concepts and categories help you write an essay?

Concepts and categories help you organize your ideas into paragraphs and sentences.

What is a similarity between concepts and categories?

Concepts and categories involve thoughts.

How does Wundt's experiment apply to you and me?

Contestants on a game show may not push the buzzer at the exact instant they happen to hear the correct answer. Kids who play freeze tag may not be able to freeze at the exact moment they hear the word "freeze." It takes a few seconds to step on the car brakes after seeing the brake lights on the car in front of you.

What does the the story of H.M. demonstrate?

Damage to the hippocampus results in amnesia, long-term memory is severely affected, and short-term memory doesn't work well either.

How can you prevent insomnia?

Don't drink energy drinks or drinks with caffeine before bed.

The bystander effect teaches us that people conform their behavior to their surroundings.


What does the Barnum Effect demonstrate?

People are willing to believe interpretations about themselves.

What did the Milgram Experiment demonstrate?

People will obey authority even when the results will harm someone.

What did the Milgram Experiment show about humans?

People will obey authority even when the results will harm someone.

What makes the restorative and adaptive theories different?

Restorative theories believe that wounds will heal better while you rest.

How is talking to a friend helpful during stressful times?

Talking can help you see past the emotions of a stressful situation.

Which is an example of observational learning?

Tamra decides she won't repeat the mistakes she watched her older sister make.

What would a developmental psychologist say about a young adult woman who throws a temper tantrum?

Tantrums are not developmentally normal for young adults.

Chemical senses require _____ for transduction to occur.

both chemical receptors and neurons

What happens to infants who are not cared for, loved, or stimulated?

failure to thrive

When several phrases are combined, a _____ results.


The concept of free will believes that people _____.

willingly can change their attitudes have complete control over themselves can develop into the person they choose to be.

What are the two types of expectations?

with fear of failure or with hope of success

the study of how people think and behave


psychology field that studies physical stimuli and human sensations and mental states


What is a similarity between sleep apnea and narcolepsy?

Both conditions can result in a person feeling tired during the day.

Changing views on epilepsy and abnormal behavior show us that _____.

Epileptics are more accepted today than they were in the past. Epileptics have problems related to neurology and not their minds. People view epileptics as normal and not demonically possessed.

Determine the differences between Piaget and Erikson's development theories. Select all that apply.

One has eight stages and the other has four stages in the theories. Each has different ideas on how people progress through stages. One studies cognition and the other studies an aspect of social development.

What do the experiences of Genie and Victor demonstrate about language acquisition?

People have a critical period of time when they best learn language.

Do Piaget and Erikson have similarities between their theories of development?

Yes, they both have stage theories.

Why is sleep deprivation bad for your health?

You can end up with headaches, dizziness, or depression.

What is a benefit of observational learning?

You can learn from someone else's mistakes without having to do the same action yourself. Watching others can motivate you to try the same actions. You can quit a bad habit by seeing someone else not do the very thing you do.

Which statement best describes learning?

You must first learn before you can act. The simplest of actions require learning before they can be carried out. Learning is powerful and can change your life.

Freud's method of therapy encourages _____.

exploration of the unconscious free association cathartic experiences

Which is the correct list of Big Five traits?

extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience

A schema is a view of the world that someone else tells you.


Altruism is when you do something for others and have very little expectation of getting something in return.


Obedience means that you follow laws and other rules that authorities make.


The concept of determinism believes that _____.

individuals develop according to the genetics they have

stimulates the neurons in your olfactory epithelium

odor molecules

Obedience means that you follow laws and other rules that might not be laws.


an aspect of ourselves that is stable and enduring


Humans and animals have critical periods.


When lots of people are present and volunteer help is needed, very commonly nobody is quick to offer their assistance. Usually everyone is hoping someone else will volunteer and do the work. What is this called?

diffusion of responsibility

location where sound waves strike

ear drum

When a message is transmitted from your brain, it's turned into a/an _____ and a/an _____ message which travels through an axon.

electrical chemical

Knowing how sensory processes work can allow you to _____.

persuade people influence a person's perception calm an agitated baby with soothing music

How does the view of twentieth-century scientists differ from ancient cultures when it comes to the meaning of dreams?

Ancient cultures believed that dreams had spiritual meaning.

unusual; different from the expected


What is an altruistic view of compliments?

accepting a compliment at face value

How are concepts and categories alike?

Concepts and categories involve thoughts.

What lesson can we learn from Zimbardo's prison experiment?

It's possible for people to act horribly in evil situations.

What can be learned from the Barnum Effect?

People can be cautious about accepting personality interpretations as total truth.

What is a practical use of classical conditioning?

People can train their dogs with good behavior. Dieters can learn their hunger cues and associations with eating. People can housetrain an animal.

What does Axis I of the DSM categorize?

clinical and mental disorders

an important window of time for development

critical period

distrusting or pessimistic


What does informed consent do?

informs a person of everything they are about to experience and a chance to back out

The critical period _____.

is an important window of time for development often refers to the development of an unborn baby is something that even sparrows experience

Informal learning is different from formal learning because _____.

it's less structured and you may not be aware it's happening

It's human nature for us to want to _____.

know about ourselves explain aspects of ourselves understand what we do

Critical periods after birth exist for _____.

learning languages

Learning is a relatively _____ change of behaviors resulting from _____.

permanent, experience

Abnormal behavior can be odd behavior due to idosyncracies or mental illness.


Knowing too much information can cause you to forget what you want to remember.


Learning is most often considered a change of behavior that results from experience.


The _____ says that human behavior is purposeful.

Goal Theory

one long fiber with branches at the end


What physiological reactions happen due to stress?

immunity temporarily boosts breathing increases levels of cortisol increase

The stages of a human's lifespan include: _____.

infancy, early childhood, and adolescence adulthood and elder years

to look within yourself


A negative correlation _____.

means that as one variable goes up and the other goes down

the middle number in a set of ordered numbers


the number that occurs most often in a given set of numbers


Parts of a neuron

myelin sheath axon dendrites

Identify a physiological reactions to stress.

noticing your heart racing

What are the two ways you can value a task?

positively or negatively

mental health professional who has a Ph.D.


What are differences between Piaget's and Erikson's work?

Both study different aspects of human development. Each has a different number of stages in his theories. Each has different ideas on how people progress through stages.

Why is a survey better than a case study to find out people's preferences for choosing one video game system over another?

Surveys allow many people to report their personal opinions.

Development begins the instant you are conceived.


considered the father of psychology

Wilhelm Wundt

How does a good hypothesis help your research experiment?

You can predict the outcome of your experiement.

What are reasons you would need to be debriefed after an experiment?

You took a placebo pill or any type of medication. You simply participated in an experiment. You were deceived during the experiment to give a reaction. Your mood and feelings were manipulated.

How does the sociocultural perspective relate to your development as a person?

Your friends and family influence you, but ultimately you control your thoughts and actions.

What are similarities between the Rorschach inkblots and the TAT test?

Your interpretations give insights into your personality.

Visualizing a great basketball play and how you'd make a three-point basket is _____.

a way to cope with stress

During times of stress, Yanira notices that her heart pounds a little faster than normal. What part of the brain is responsible for her increased heart rate?

brain stem

How does your brain communicate with the rest of your body?

by sending signals through cells called neurons

What does the Big Five do?

categorizes people's personality traits into just five words

concerned with the treatment of disease


contains receptors for hearing


a person's ability to think


branching part of the neuron that receives transmissions from other neurons


What does motivated behavior require?

effort intensity a goal persistence

What does the myelin sheath do?

help electrical impulses travel through neurons and cover the neurons with a fatty coating

considers the empathy and self-worth of people


When do you need informed consent?

in any experiment, so people know they can quit at any time

A researcher wants to study monkeys in their natural habitat, out in the wild. What type of qualitative research method is best to use?


the gap between a person's current level of development and the potential development that can be achieved

zone of proximal development

Who made advances to our understanding of the conscious and unconscious mind?


According to Gestalt psychology, why do our minds fill in the gaps for information we don't know?

Our minds naturally seek order and patterns to find answers.

How does a projective personality test differ from an objective test?

Projective tests have open-ended questions.

God prefers us to be --- motivated when we give.


changes shapes to help you focus


What abilities can you develop by studying psychology?

more tolerance for people's views consideration of someone else's perspective in conversation greater patience and empathy

insulation that speeds up transmissions from other neurons

myelin sheath

Psychophysics is the study of _____.

people's reactions and perceptions to stimuli

a specific way of thinking or view


The instant a sensory message reaches your body, _____ convert the message into neural impulses.


What is the main purpose of the endocrine system?

regulate hormones

What feeling would you likely experience if you negatively valued a goal?

resistance anger dread

changes light rays into neural impulses


What are characteristics of objective personality tests?

self-report paper-and-pencil questions about behavior

What is the purpose of the retina?

to convert light rays into neural impulses

A hypothesis allows you to predict the potential outcome of your research experiment.


Almost fifty percent of psychologists practice therapy.


Personality tests are great for giving you insights about yourself.


Successful goals come from positive values and a belief in success.


Teen boys who experience massive growth spurts can thank their endocrine system for signaling the body to grow.


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