Psych: Test 2 Chapter 5 Outlook

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Allan wants to know what kind of sounds his newborn son can hear the best. What could you tell him about infant auditory capabilities? a.Infants can best hear sounds that are pitched in the range of human speech. b.Infants can best hear high-pitched sounds. c.Infants can best hear low-pitched sounds. d.Infants can hear sounds of all pitches equally well.


Because the taste of her mother's milk is affected by what her mother has just eaten, Baby Bonita is likely to prefer nursing after her mother has eaten a.candy.c.a lemon. b.potato chips.d.strong coffee.


Color is detected with specialized neurons in the retina of the eye called a.cones.c.optic nerves. b.wavelengths.d.stimuli.


Dynamic systems theory considers the importance of a.differentiation and integration of individual skills. b.intersensory redundancy. c.the orienting response and habituation. d.retinal disparity, size constancy, and linear perspective.


Haley is 2 months old. Which of the following motor milestones is she likely to have most recently attained? a.chest upc.standing with help b.sitting with supportd.grasping object


In newborns, upright posture is impossible due in part to their tendency to top-heavy.c.have a more developed trunk than limbs. bottom-heavy.d.have more developed limbs than trunk.


In the United States, physical education classes a.should meet more frequently each week to promote physical fitness. b.usually require high levels of activity during most of the class. c.should emphasize team sports that are fun for the children. not need to emphasize lifetime physical activity.


Infants' auditory thresholds allow them to hear a.worse than adults.c.better than adults. b.about the same as adults.d.not able to be measured.


Jeremiah was born with a hearing impairment. The most likely cause of his hearing impairment is a.heredity. b.maternal disease during pregnancy. c.maternal drug use during pregnancy. d.maternal exposure to environmental contaminants during pregnancy.


One-month-old Mari's grimace after tasting a substance suggests that what she tasted was a.bitter.c.sweet. b.salty.d.spicy.


Research suggests that ADHD a.has biological roots. caused by too much sugar. caused by watching too much television. often incorrectly diagnosed in children who do not have ADHD.


The most successful approach to treating hyperactivity is a.medical treatment alone. skills training. c.nutritional counseling. reduce time spent watching television.


The pain cry in infants a.begins suddenly b.has a low pitch. easily soothed. d.begins gradually.


Visual acuity assesses how a.clearly an infant can see. b.well an infant can perceive depth. c.well an infant can perceive color. d.retinal images in the left and right eyes compare.


When Roy first received a new toy, he played with it all the time. The longer he had it, the less he played with it. This change in Roy's behavior is an example of orienting response. b.differentiation.d.priming.


Which of the following children is illustrating the impact of motor-skill development on the development of perceptual skills? a. Jason, a 6-month-old infant, can hold, turn, and stroke the toy duck which allows him to learn about the three-dimensional nature of the toy duck. b.Franklin, a 4-month-old infant, is able to tell that the banana and the apple are different objects because of the differences in shape and color. c.Veronica, an 8-month-old infant, demonstrates knowledge of depth by avoiding crawling over the deep side of a visual cliff. d.Carina, a 3-month-old infant, will focus almost entirely on the interior of the face, particularly the eyes and the lips.


Which of the following is NOT correct regarding face-recognition skill? Most adults recognize faces from other races better than faces from their own race. Research has shown that experience leads infants to a more precise configuration of faces, one that includes human faces, but not monkey faces. By 9 months of age, the facial template is modified to reflect the kinds of faces that infants see frequently. Most adults recognize faces from their own race better than faces from other races.


Which of the following is TRUE of infants' auditory perception? a.Infants hear sounds best that have pitches in the range of human speech. b.Infants can hear high-pitched sounds the best. c.Infants cannot use sound to locate an object. d.Infants cannot discriminate vowel and consonant sounds.


Which parent should be most concerned about a possible hearing impairment? a.Kristen, whose 1-year-old daughter has had repeated ear infections. b.Katy, whose 2-month-old son does not respond to his name. c.Abby, whose 6-month-old daughter seems to overreact to loud sounds. d.Virginia, whose 12-month-old son is starting to imitate speech sounds.


__________ refers to mastering component skills. a.Differentiationc.Motor skills b.Integrationd.Locomotion


Both of Sharif's parents wear glasses to correct nearsighted vision and they're wondering whether Sharif needs glasses. Sharif's parents are concerned about Sharif's a.depth perception.c.retinal disparity. b.visual acuity.d.cones.


Differences in __________ are related to differences in color perception. a.retinal disparityc.visual acuity b.wavelengths of lightd.pattern detection


Dr. Burns shows two stimuli at a time to an infant, one a gray square and the other a black and white striped square. The striped squares differ in the width of their stripes. Dr. Burns measures how long the infant looks at each of the stimuli. Dr. Burns is assessing a.depth perception.c.retinal disparity. b.visual acuity.d.ADHD.


Dr. Kerry placed a baby on a glass-covered platform with one side that looked shallow under the glass and another side that looked deep under the glass. He then asked the mother to call the baby to come to her. Dr. Kerry appears to be interested in a.visual acuity.c.color perception. b.depth perception.d.object permanence.


Four-month-old Courtney has habituated to the mobile over her crib. You would expect Courtney to a preference for that mobile over other mobiles. b.spend less time looking at it now than when it was first placed over her crib. the same behavior toward the mobile now as she did when she first saw it. d.spend more time looking at it now than when it was first placed over her crib.


Graham is 6 months old. How would you expect him to be feeding himself? a.He is unlikely to be able to feed himself at all, so is likely to be completely dependent on adults to get fed. b.He's probably beginning to be able to pick up finger foods, but is likely to have difficulty getting them in his mouth. c.He can probably use a spoon to bring food to his mouth, but may keep his wrist rigid. d.He should be able to use a spoon to eat using the same motions as an adult uses.


Haley is looking at Bill. The two retinal images of Bill in Haley's eyes are nearly identical. This suggests that a.Bill is very close to Haley. b.Bill is very far from Haley. c.Haley will have difficulty judging how far Bill is from her. d.Haley can see Bill very clearly.


In a culture where children are discouraged from using their left hands and encouraged to use their right hands, you would expect to find a.the same number of left-handed children, as you would find in a culture where right-handedness was not favored. b.fewer left-handed children than you would find in a culture where right-handedness was not favored. c.more left-handed children than you would find in a culture where right-handedness was not favored. d.many tools and utensils designed specifically for left-handed individuals.


Interposition, texture gradient, relative size, and linear perspective all provide cues for a.visual acuity.c.color perception. b.depth perception.d.visual threshold.


Most 4-month-olds not have the muscles necessary to keep their balance. b.use cues from the inner ears to maintain balance. c.use only visual cues to maintain balance. d.cannot maintain balance if they are blindfolded.


Motor development involves many distinct skills that are organized and reorganized over time to meet the demands of specific tasks according to a.intersensory redundancy.c.differentiation. b.dynamic systems theory.d.interposition.


Parents should be concerned about their child's hearing if the child a.doesn't imitate speech sounds and simple words by 6 months of age. b.has repeated ear infections. c.responds strongly to loud, sudden noises. d.turns its head in the direction of sounds.


The leading cause of hearing impairments that occur after birth is a.inherited disease.c.child abuse. b.meningitis.d.accidents.


The realization that an object's actual size remains the same despite changes in the size of its retinal image is referred to as a.retinal disparity.c.object permanence. b.size constancy.d.shape constancy.


The term auditory threshold refers to a.the range of pitches in normal conversational tones. b.the quietest sound a person can hear. c.the level of sound at which hearing impairments begin to occur. d.sounds that can be heard by adults, but not by infants.


When infants are held upright over a treadmill a.most 3-month-olds demonstrate alternate stepping. b.most 6- and 7-month-olds demonstrate alternate stepping. c.only 10-month-olds demonstrate alternate stepping. d.only infants who could walk already demonstrate alternate stepping.


Which is a form of locomotion? a.holding a bottlec.using a stick shift b.crawlingd.building with blocks


Which of the following is TRUE of the cause and treatment of ADHD? a.Drug therapy alone is not very effective in treating hyperactivity. b.Academic and social skills are best treated with a combination of medication and other treatment. c.ADHD usually is caused by the child's diet. d.There is no evidence that heredity contributes to the incidence of ADHD.


Yi-Yong wants to know when her newborn daughter will see colors in the same way she does. According to your text, infant color vision is similar to adult color vision seven to eight months of age. three to four months of 12 months of age.


You visit your mother and she wants to know what you have learned in school recently. Having just read the section on infant hearing in your textbook, what would you tell your mother you have learned? a.Infants are not able to hear at all. b.Infants can hear, but not as well as adults. c.Infants' hearing is about the same as that of adults. d.Infants have better hearing than adults.


A preference for one hand over the other a.first becomes apparent when children enter school. well-established by the first birthday. c.can be influenced by one's culture. determined solely by heredity.


A visual cliff is used to assess a.visual acuity.c.depth perception. b.retinal disparity.d.color perception.


According to the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD, the most successful approach to dealing with the academic issues associated with ADHD is a.medical treatment alone. b.psychosocial treatment alone. c.medication plus psychosocial treatment. d.medication plus removal from traditional school environments.


According to the information in your textbook, what recommendation do you think would be most effective in improving the physical fitness of elementary-school aged children? a.Have school physical education classes focus more on team sports. b.Have physical education classes spend more time on discussion of fitness and less time on exercising. c.Have physical education classes focus more on individual activities that can be done throughout life. d.Continue offering physical education classes in the same way as they are now because they have been shown to be very effective in improving children's fitness.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) more common in girls than more common in boys than in girls. equally common among girls and boys.d.occurs only in boys.


By what age do infants typically have vision as good as that of normal adults? 1 year of age 2 months of 2 years of age


Children are most likely to enjoy and continue to participate in a sport when a.winning is emphasized over skill development. b.coaches criticize players for bad plays. c.coaches have realistic expectations and demands for players. d.coaches badmouth opponents and referees.


Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a.tend to think carefully before acting.c.often do poorly in school. b.are well-liked by their peers at school.d.usually have below normal levels of intelligence.


Hand preference apparent at birth. b.first becomes apparent at about 6 months of age. c.usually emerges sometime after the first birthday. d.does not become apparent until a child enters school.


If an infant does not respond to its own name by __________ months, parents should begin to be concerned about a possible hearing impairment. a.1 or 2c.8 or 9 b.4 or 5 d.12


If you looked at a picture of a dog and a cat, when would you judge the cat to be further away than the dog? a.When the cat looks clear and distinct, while the dog looks blurry. b.When the cat looks large and the dog looks small. c.When the cat is partially obscured by the dog. d.When retinal images of the cat differ greatly, while retinal images of the dog are nearly identical.


Infants are more likely to detect a change in a rhythmic pattern, when information is presented using and video simultaneously. only.d.either audio or video only.


Information that is presented simultaneously to different sensory modes provides a.linear perspective.c.intersensory redundancy. b.texture gradients.d.retinal disparity.


Jared has typical visual acuity for a newborn. He can see at 20 feet what his father, who has normal vision, can see at __________ feet. a.10c.200 to 400 b.20 d.2,000 to 4,000


Kamar has just learned to sit without support. Which motor milestone would you expect he has not yet achieved, but will master the soonest? a.rolling from back to frontc.standing while holding an object for support b.walking with assistanced.jumping


Michael has difficulty keeping still, is unable to concentrate on schoolwork, and often acts without thinking. Michael is showing signs of a.intellectual disability.c.ADHD. b.giftedness.d.typical childhood behavior.


Most newborns prefer which of the following tastes? a.salty and bitter tastesc.sweet and salty tastes b.bitter and sweet tastesd.sour and bitter tastes


Nellie has noticed that her 3-month-old cannot coordinate the motions of his hands. When should she expect him to be able to do this? a.He should have been able to coordinate his hands at birth. b.He should be learning how to coordinate his hands right now — at about 3 months. c.He should be able to coordinate his hands at about 5 months. d.He won't be able to coordinate his hands until he is about 1year.


Newborns' sense of smell so poor that they cannot identify their mothers using the sense of smell. very different from that of adults. Newborns will turn away from odors that adults find pleasant (e.g., honey or chocolate). well-developed at birth. poorly developed because they do not turn away from unpleasant smells (e.g., rotten eggs).


Paula is interested in finding out whether infants can distinguish between bitter and salty tastes. What would be the most effective way to investigate her question? a.Ask adults when they first remembered eating something bitter and something salty. b.Repeatedly present one taste — either bitter or salty — and see whether infants habituate to it. c.Observe infants' facial expressions or head movements to see whether they respond differently to bitter and salty tastes. d.Use infants or toddlers who are old enough to answer questions about how things taste.


Texture gradient cues are used to infer depth the 7 months of age. b.beginning at 3 months of age.d.after the first birthday.


The fact that when a person views an object, the retinal images in the left and right eyes differ is called a.a linear perspective.c.retinal disparity. b.a texture gradient.d.relative size.


What determines hand preference? a.heredity alone b.experience alone c.heredity and experience has not been possible to find out what determines hand preference


Which of the following fine-motor skills is the latest to develop? a.shaking a toyc.using both hands in a coordinated way b.moving a hand while holding an objectd.using only one hand to simply hold an object


Who is performing a fine-motor skill? a.Johnny, who is walkingc.Vincent, who is scribbling with a pencil b.Guy, who is rolling overd.Juan, who is playing soccer


_________ is the process by which we select information that will be processed further. a.Executive networkc.Attention network b.Orienting networkd.Differentiation network


A depth cue that involves parallel lines coming together at a single point in the distance is referred to as a.texture gradient.c.interposition. b.retinal disparity.d.linear perspective.


A possible sign of a hearing impairment is if an infant __________ by four or five months. a.does not respond to its own name b.does not begin to imitate speech sounds and simple words c.has not had an ear infection d.does not turn its head in the direction of sounds


Adult coaches should a.criticize the players.c.have very high expectations for the children. b.emphasize winning over skill positively with praise for the children.


After first learning to do a backbend and then learning to stand up from a backbend, Janine combined those two elements to do a complete back walkover. Janine's combining of the two component skills to perform a more complex skill is referred to as a.differentiation.c.a fine-motor skill. b.locomotion.d.integration.


Babies pay attention when a novel stimulus is first presented, but they pay less attention as it becomes more familiar. This phenomenon is called orienting response. b.interposition.d.habituation.


Combining the component skills of a complex motion to form a working whole is called a.a fine-motor skill.c.differentiation. b.myelinization.d.integration.


Coordinated movements of the muscles and limbs are referred to as a.psychological skills.c.cognitive skills. skills.d.motor skills.


Detection of hearing impairments early in infancy not possible. not predictive of hearing impairments later in life. c.does not increase the probability of treatment success. d.increases the likelihood of being able to treat the problem.


Four-month-old Justin is likely to have a.a sense of size constancy, but not of shape constancy. b.a sense of color and shape constancy, but not of size constancy. sense of size, shape, or color constancy. d.a sense of size, shape, and color constancy.


If Harry, a newborn baby, were able to choose the taste of a substance put in his mouth, what kind of taste would you expect him to choose? a.sourc.spicy b.bitterd.sweet


In newborns, the sense of smell is a.not developed at all.c.fair. b.very primitive.d.well-developed.


In order to learn to do a triple jump in ice skating, Jennifer broke the triple jump into its component parts — the take-off, the individual turns, and the landing — and practiced each of those individually. Jennifer was using __________ to master a complex act. a.locomotionc.integration b.fine-motor skillsd.differentiation


In the treatment of ADHD a.medication is of little benefit. b.depressants are the most helpful type of medication. c.psychosocial treatments are not effective. d.medication with psychosocial treatment is the most effective.


Interposition refers to the fact that a.nearby objects look substantially larger than objects in the distance. b.parallel lines come together at a single point in the distance. c.the texture of objects changes from coarse, but distinct, for nearby objects to finer and less distinct for distant objects. d.nearby objects partially obscure more distant objects.


Light we see as the color __________ has a relatively long wavelength. a.bluec.yellow


Most children use a spoon like an adult by the time they are a.6 months old.c.18 months old. b.12 months old.d.24 months old.


Newborn Nina will probably look longest at a.a black square.c.a gray circle. b.a white and white stripes.


Newborns are able to detect which of the following tastes? a.salty and sour tastesc.bitter and sour tastes b.sweet and salty tastesd.salty, sour, bitter, and sweet tastes


Seven-month-old Ramila was placed on the deep side of a visual cliff apparatus. You would be most likely to find that her heart rate __________, a sign of __________. a.decelerated; interest c.decelerated; fear b.accelerated; interestd.accelerated; fear


Thomas and Alva should begin to be concerned about a possible hearing impairment if their infant son does not begin to imitate speech sounds and simple words by a.1 month of age.c.6 months of age. b.4 months of age.d.12 months of age.


When an infant habituates to a stimulus, such as a picture, a.the infant will pay more attention to the stimulus as it becomes more familiar. b.the infant's heart rate will drop as the stimulus becomes more familiar. c.the infant's behavior does not change as the stimulus becomes more familiar. d.the infant will pay less attention to the stimulus as it becomes more familiar.


Which of the following do infants use to determine which elements go together to form an object? a.motion onlyc.aligned edges only b.color onlyd.motion, color, texture, and aligned edges


Which of the following is a symptom of ADHD? a.staying on taskc.doing well in school b.being reflectived.being unusually energetic


Your friends, John and Lisa, are wondering whether their newborn son can feel pain. What can you tell them about infants' ability to feel pain? a.Infant nervous systems are not sufficiently developed to transmit pain. b.The skin of infants does not have as many pain receptors as does the skin of adults. c.Behavior suggests that newborns do not experience pain. d.Physical development and behavior suggests that newborns are capable of feeling pain. 1


________ is the smallest pattern that can be visually distinguished dependably. a.Visual perceptionc.Retinal disparity b.Depth perceptiond.Visual acuity


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