Psychology 226 Final Questions Part 1

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a. representative

1. When a sample has the same characteristics as the target population, the sample is said to be a(n) ____ sample. a. representative b. biased c. target d. accessible

b. statistical analysis may be impeded when subgroups are small

10. One criticism of proportionate stratified random sampling is that ____. a. some segments of the population will be over-represented in the sample b. statistical analysis may be impeded when subgroups are small c. the sample is usually not representative of the population d. some segments of the population will be under-represented in the sample

b. stratified random; quota

12. A sample consists of 25 freshmen, 25 sophomores, 25 juniors, and 25 seniors from a local high school that has an equal number of students in each class. If the sample was obtained using a list of all the students in the high school, it is probably an example of ____ sampling. If the sample was obtained without a list of students, it is likely an example of ____ sampling. a. simple random; cluster b. stratified random; quota c. proportionate stratified random; quota d. systematic; convenience

b. Convenience sampling

13. Which sampling technique is most likely to result in a biased sample? a. Simple random sampling b. Convenience sampling c. Proportionate stratified random sampling d. Systematic sampling

a. random

14. If every possible outcome is equally likely during sample selection, then the sample is said to be _____. a. random b. stratified c. nonprobabilistic d. biased

b. stratified random

15. The technique of quota sampling is most similar to ____ sampling. a. simple random b. stratified random c. cluster d. systematic

b. the sample may not be representative of the population

17. One criticism of a stratified random sample is that ____. a. it is not based on a random selection process b. the sample may not be representative of the population c. some segments of the population will not be represented in the sample d. it often prevents the use of more powerful statistical analyses

b. Proportionate stratified random

18. Psychology majors at the state college consist of 40% males and 60% females. The psychology department is conducting a survey of its majors and obtains a sample by randomly selecting students so there will be 20 males and 30 females from the list of psychology majors. What kind of sampling is used in this example? a. Stratified random b. Proportionate stratified random c. Systematic d. Quota

b. selection bias

20. Although it is possible to obtain a sample with characteristics that are very different from the population through random sampling, it is more likely that a nonrepresentative sample is the result of ____. a. simple random sampling b. selection bias c. stratified selection d. systematic selection

c. population

21. Dr. Ziser conducts an experiment on life satisfaction using participants above the age of 80. All people above the age of 80 would make up the ____. a. sample b. census c. population d. subgroup

b. generalize

22. A major goal of research is to ____ from a small group of participants included in a study to the larger group from which they came. a. deduce b. generalize c. specialize d. reason

c. Proportionate stratified random sampling

23. A researcher would like to examine the political attitudes for students at a local university. The researcher will evaluate a sample of 200 students but would like to be sure that the ages and genders of individuals in the sample accurately represent the ages and genders for the entire student body at the university. What would be the best sampling method for the researcher to use? a. Simple random sampling b. Stratified random sampling c. Proportionate stratified random sampling d. Systematic sampling

a. accessible

24. The group of individuals from which researchers actually select participants for research studies is called the ____ population. a. accessible b. target c. representative d. real

c. Probability

25. Which kind of sampling requires such extensive knowledge of the population that the researcher could list every individual in the population? a. Quota b. Convenience c. Probability d. Nonprobability

d. systematic

26. A professor teaching an introductory psychology class of 200 obtains a sample of 25 students by selecting every eighth name from the class list. The professor is using ____ sampling. a. simple random b. convenience c. proportionate stratified random d. systematic

d. Nonprobability

27. A researcher recruits participants for an experiment by posting an announcement in the psychology department asking for volunteers. What kind of sampling is being used? a. Quota b. Random c. Probability d. Nonprobability

d. cluster

28. The workers in a factory are organized into five-person teams. When conducting a work-environment survey, a researcher randomly selected 10 teams to obtain a total sample of 50 workers. The researcher used ____ sampling. a. simple random b. stratified random c. proportionate stratified random d. cluster

c. It does not produce independent selections.

29. What is a concern with simple random sampling without replacement? a. Individuals may appear more than once in a sample. b. It is very difficult and time consuming compared to sampling with replacement. c. It does not produce independent selections. d. It requires sophisticated knowledge of statistics.

a. target population; accessible population

30. Although a research question usually concerns the ____, the actual research participants are selected from the ____. a. target population; accessible population b. accessible population; target population c. target population; sample d. accessible population; sample

c. Probability

31. To select a sample of 10 employees from a factory workforce of 100, a researcher puts each employee's name on a slip of paper, then shuffles the papers in a hat and randomly picks 10 names. What kind of sampling is being used? a. Quota b. Convenience c. Probability d. Nonprobability

d. convenience

32. The most commonly used sampling method in psychological research is probably ____ sampling. a. cluster b. quota c. simple random d. convenience

d. Convenience sampling

33. A researcher recruits a sample of 25 preschool children for a research study by posting an announcement in a local daycare center describing the study and offering a $10 payment for participation. What kind of sampling is the researcher using? a. Cluster sampling b. Quota sampling c. Simple random sampling d. Convenience sampling

Lowell is very concerned about his grandmother, who has recently been diagnosed with dementia. He wants to learn more about it and checks out the jacket quotes on some currently popular books. Which quote should reassure him that the book is based on science rather than pseudoscience?

"From laboratory research to clinical trials: evaluating the treatment of dementia"

b. The target population is also sometimes known simply as the population.

34. Which statement accurately describes the relationship between accessible populations and target populations? a. The target population is contained within the accessible population. b. The target population is also sometimes known simply as the population. c. The accessible population is larger than the target population. d. Everyone in the accessible population will participate in the research.

b. quota

35. A researcher wants to obtain a sample of 30 preschool children consisting of 10 two-year-old children, 10 three-year-old, and 10 four-year-old children. Assuming that the children are obtained from local daycare centers, this researcher should use ____ sampling. a. cluster b. quota c. simple random d. stratified random

c. the individuals within each group are usually not independent

36. A cluster sample usually does not qualify as a true random sample because ____. a. the specific groups selected are not selected by a random process b. the selections are not independent of each other c. the individuals within each group are usually not independent d. replacement is typically included in the sampling procedure

a. stratified random

37. Quota sampling produces the same advantages for convenience sampling that ____ sampling produces for probability sampling. a. stratified random b. simple random c. cluster d. systematic

d. the selection procedure is unbiased although its outcome may be biased

38. The major advantage of a simple random sample is that it ensures that ____. a. there will be enough participants in each subset to be able to make statistical decisions b. no single group is over-represented in the sample c. the sample will provide an accurate representation of the population d. the selection procedure is unbiased although its outcome may be biased

b. stratified random

39. A researcher would like to describe and compare the attitudes of four different ethnic groups of students at a local state college. To obtain participants for the study while ensuring sufficient numbers of participants from each of the ethnic groups, the researcher should probably use ____ sampling. a. simple random b. stratified random c. cluster random d. systematic

b. the selections are not independent of each other

40. A systematic sample does not qualify as a true random sample because ____. a. the selection of the first individual is not random b. the selections are not independent of each other c. it does not use sampling with replacement d. the entire population is not known

d. biased

6. If the individuals in a sample have characteristics that are noticeably different from the individuals in the population, then the sample is said to be ____. a. representative b. random c. stratified d. biased

b. simple random sampling

7. The starting point for most probability sampling techniques is ________. a. quota sampling b. simple random sampling c. convenience sampling d. stratified random sampling

c. cluster

8. A teacher obtains a sample of children from a fifth-grade classroom by randomly selecting the third, fifth, and eighth rows and taking all the students in those rows. This is an example of ____ sampling. a. simple random b. systematic c. cluster d. stratified

a. sample

9. Dr. Ziser conducts an experiment on life satisfaction using participants above the age of 80. Because she cannot include all people above the age of 80, she will select what is known as a ____. a. sample b. census c. population d. subgroup

a. allows for the same individual to be selected more than once

9. One characteristic of random sampling with replacement is that it ____. a. allows for the same individual to be selected more than once b. allows the probabilities to vary from one selection to the next c. ensures that the probability of individual selection increases as selection progresses d. can be used even if the entire population is unknown

If people score low on one measure and score low on another measure, there is

A positive relationship between the two measures

Under which of the following circumstances is informed consent not necessary

A public opinion survey where participants complete anonymous questionnaires

Quota Sampling

A researcher would like to select a sample of 50 people so that five different age groups are equally represented in the sample. Assuming that the researcher does not know the entire list of people in the population, which sampling technique should be used? a. Quota sampling b. Stratified random sampling c. Proportionate stratified random sampling d. Cluster sampling

Which study below would be considered a Category I study by the IRB?

A study involving observations of behavior in a public place

After you have scanned through a list of titles to determine which articles might be relevant to your research question, you should then read the _______ of each article to determine whether to keep it in your literature review


An _____ is a brief summary of a psychology article


A research who tells participants that a study is about group decision-making rather than how people cave to peer pressure is committing

Active deception

Which example violates the ethical guidelines concerning deception?

Administering shocks without giving participants advanced warning and obtaining consent

A good hypothesis must

Allow for all variables to be measured

A refutable hypothesis must

Allow the possibility that the observations will not support the hypothesis

Research studies that are intended to answer practical problems would be classified as


A research initiates a study to determine whether playing organized sports helps children with anxiety feel less anxious. This study can best be classified as

Applied research

Finding out why clients diagnosed with schizophrenia do not consistently take their medication would be an example of

Applied research

What is the most relevant question you should ask when reading a results section?

Are appropriate statistics used?

What term is used for an external factor that may influence or distort the measurements in a research study?


The Milgram study involved

Asking participants to administer what appeared to be severe shocks to other people

A researcher is intrigued by an explanation of children's problem-solving strategies found in a journal article and develops a research study to determine where the article's ideas are correct. This study can be classified as

Basic research

A study that aims to modify existing psychological theory related to personality traits would be considered

Basic research

Counting the number of times a third-grade student leaves his seat without permission during a 30-minute observation period is an example of using what modality of measurement?


What is an ethical principle identified in the Belmont Report?


While driving, you notice that you seem to encounter more impatient and rude people on the road than you do in person, and you wonder why that would be the case. This is an example of getting research ideas from

Casual observation

While watching your kids play in the backyard, you get some ideas about what factors may be causing them to compete or collaborate. This is an example of getting research ideas from

Casual observation

Research that prevents no more than minimal risk to participants and involves no intervention and no deception is an example of what type of research?

Category II

A researcher plans to evaluate a new reading program by measuring student's reading skill before and after the program begins. If all the students have high reading skills scores before the program begins, then the measurement procedure has a sensitivity problem known as a

Ceiling effect

Clinical equipoise refers to

Clinician's ethical responsibility to provide the best possible treatment for research participants

The primary cause of research fraud is

Competitive pressure

You develop a new measure of self-efficacy and you find that people who score high on your measure also score high on a standardized measure of self-efficacy. You have demonstrated

Concurrent validity

A researcher describes the unique characteristics of an individual research participant and uses the participant's real first name when writing about her study. Which ethical principle is being compromised?


What term refers to a variable that cannot be observed or measured directly but is useful for describing and explaining behavior?


Which type of validity requires multiple research studies, usually conducted over a long period of time?

Construct validity

How does convenience sampling compare to probability sampling?

Convenience sampling is a faster process

What kind of validity requires that a researcher creates two different measures of the same variable?

Convergent validity

Although the intent of informed consent is to provide participants with complete information about a research study before they agree to participate, this is sometimes impossible because

Deception is an important part of the research

The third step of the scientific method uses a general hypothesis to develop a testable prediction. This step involves the use of


What kind of reasoning uses a general statement to make conclusions about specific examples?


Cues give to the participants about how they are expected to behave define a situation's

Demand characteristics

The introduction section of a research article typically

Describes the overall purpose and rationale of the research

One responsibility of the IACUC is to ensure that

Discomfort is minimized in nonhuman subjects in research

Which section of a research article is most likely to provide suggestions for additional research?


A researcher developed a new intelligence test for elementary school children. However, the researcher fears that the scores from the test may actually be measuring the children's reading ability. To show that the test is really measuring intelligence and not reading ability, the research must demonstrate

Divergent validity

Which type of validity involves demonstrating that we are measuring one specific construct and not combining two different constructs in the same measurement process?

Divergent validity

In research with nonhuman subjects, researchers

Do not need to justify their research

Visual illusions, such as the vertical/horizontal illusion, provide a demonstration of one problem with the ______ method of knowing or acquiring knowledge


When your doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your heart, the doctor is gathering information by using the

Empirical method

The primary advantage of a stratified random sample is that it

Ensures that group sizes will be adequate for statistical analysis


Ensures that information is kept secret and private

An explanation is empirical if it is based on

Evidence of the senses

Which of the following words or phrases makes the best subject word(s) for a database search?


The Tuskegee study involved

Failing to provide treatment for men with syphilis

Which type of subject role is most desirable for a research study?

Faithful subject role

The Nuremberg Code was developed

Following war crime trials after World War II in the 1940's

A hypothesis is a _______ statement A prediction is a _______ statement

General Specific

When you identify a gap in the literature, you

Have found a potential research idea

Researchers often use a coding system to associate data with a particular participant during the course of a research study in order to

Help protect confidentiality

One responsibility of the IRB is to ensure that

Human participants will be kept safe in research

If you are a psychologist embarking on a research study, what should you do first?

Identify an idea and search the literature to form the research question

The results section of a research article typically

Includes the outcome of statistical analyses

What kind of reasoning uses a few specific observations to produce a statement about a larger possible set of observations?


Based on observations of his own children, Jean Piaget formed a theory about the cognitive development of all children. This is an example of

Inductive reasoning

Using observations of a small number of humans to make a statement about human behavior in general is an example of

Inductive reasoning

Deception is in direct contradiction with which element of the ethical guidelines?

Informed consent

If a researcher explains what will happen in a research study using language that potential participants are unlikely to understand, then the researcher has violated the intent of

Informed consent

If individuals are pressured into participating in research because the researcher is in a position of power or authority, then which ethical principle is being compromised?

Informed consent

Two observers record similar observations on a behavioral rating scale for a group of children they are watching. The researchers have established what kind of reliability?

Inter-rater reliability

A person who buys a lottery ticket because s/he just feels lucky is using the method of


Which method of acquiring knowledge is being used when people make decisions based on instincts or hunches?


When using operational definitions, it is important to keep in mind that the operational definition

Is not the same as the construct itself

What is the most relevant question you should ask when reading an introduction?

Is the literature up to date?

Which of the following statements accurately describes the scientific method?

It is a circular process that leads to a tentative answer

Why is probability sampling rarely used in behavioral science research?

It is often not possible to list every individual in a population

Who is acting as a confederate?

Jay, who pretends to be a research participant even though he is actually working with the experimenter

An explanation is rational if it based on

Logical deductions

In the scientific method, a prediction is evaluated by

Making systematic, planned observations

Fraud involves

Making up data to fit the hypothesis

A measurement procedure is valid if it

Measures what you intend it to measure

Looking up your local weather report online is an example of using the

Method of authority

An artist tries putting a freshly painted canvas outside during a rainstorm to see how the painting will change from the pattern of the raindrops. Which method of acquiring knowledge is she using?

Method of empiricism

Marisol just found out she is pregnant and tells everyone that she has a feeling she will have a girl. In this case, Marisol is using the

Method of intuition

Which section of a research article can help you to develop ideas for studies by changing the characteristics of the participants or modifying the procedures for your own study?


Debriefing is

More effective the sooner it is delivered

The phrase "science is objective" means that scientific answers are

Not influenced by researcher bias

Which form of deception is permitted in psychological research?

Observing participants who don't know they are being observed

According to the principle of clinical equipoise, it is unacceptable to conduct a study comparing two treatments when

One treatment is known to be more effective than the other

The disadvantage of full-text databases is that they contain

Only a fraction of the publications in an area

Using the number of yawns in a one-hour period as a definition and a measurement of sleepiness is an example of

Operationalizing sleepiness

A teacher separates the students in his class into high, medium, and low reading skill groups. What scale of measurement is being used to create the groups?


An artifact such as experimenter bias is a threat to internal validity of measurement because the

Outcome measurements may be distorted by the artifact

A researcher conducts a study in which 50 college students are assigned to different treatments and tested. In the study, the students are called


Milgram's obedience study is ethically questionable because the

Participants were potentially psychologically harmed

A researcher who deliberately omits informing participants about the true intent of a questionnaire is committing

Passive deception

A limitation of using the rational method is that

People are generally not very good at reasoning

Which potential problem can occur when the rational method is used?

People are not necessarily very good at logical reasoning

The APA ethical guidelines

Permit research using either active or passive deception

Using a PET scan to measure brain activity while participants sole mathematics problems is a example of using what modality of measurement?


Research results indicate that the more servings or red meat from age 15-25, the higher their cholesterol scores will be at age 60. This is an example of a

Positive relationship

Combat veterans may be diagnosed with PTSD. You wounder about the best way to treat PTSD. That is an example of getting research ideas from

Practical problems

A research study reports that participants who scored high on a new test measuring relationship satisfaction had more physical contact with their romantic partners. This study is a demonstration of

Predictive validity

A student's score on a measurement on impulse control allows researchers to form an accurate expectation for how well the student will control his or her impulses in class. This test illustrates

Predictive validity

You develop a new measure of anxiety and you find that people who score high on your measure show more anxious behavior than people who score low on your measure. You have demonstrated

Predictive validity

Active deception refers to

Presenting misinformation to participants

A ______ source contains original research reports


An empirical journal article is an example of a

Primary source

You can safely assume that

Primary sources contain descriptions of research by those who conducted it

The purpose of an operational definition is to

Provide a definition and a method for measuring a hypothetical construct

The discussion section of a research article typically

Provides interpretations of the findings

The method section of a research article typically

Provides the details of how the research was conducted

Suppose you are looking for reliable psychological information about a specific keyword. What tool will be most effective?


The database that contains brief summaries of psychology articles and information on where to find the original publication is


After measuring a group of individuals, a researcher finds that Jared's score is three times greater than Jasmin's score. These measurements must come from a

Ratio scale

Determining a person's reaction time (in milliseconds) would involve measurement on a

Ratio scale

Kenji believes that food poisoning causes food aversions, so when he finds out that his friend Brielle hates seafood, he assumes that Brielle must have food poisoning after eating seafood sometime in her past. Kenji is using the

Rational method

Last year Tomas and his friend Jamie were both too short to ride the rollercoaster. Jamie went to the park this year and was tall enough to ride. Because Tomas is taller than Jamie, he thinks that he will be able to ride the rollercoaster as well. Tomas is using the _______ to answer his question

Rational method

Participants who know that they are being observed may modify their behavior. This problem is known as


Which section of a research article is most likely to provide a complete list of all the publications cited in the article?


Measurement that includes a large error component will have very low


One way to detect fraud in research is to

Replicate the study

Publicly repeating a study by copying the methods exactly is referred to as


Which element is part of the APA ethical guidelines?

Researchers must perform research in their area of expertise

Your PsycINFO search has yielded several hundred articles. The most efficient next step is to

Scan through the titles to see which ones seem most suited to your interests

A distinction between science and pseudoscience is that

Science is based on hypotheses that are testable and refutable

What is meant by saying, "science is empirical?"

Scientific answers are based on direct observation

When people make an observation, then form a hypothesis that explains the observations and then make more observations to test the credibility of the hypothesis, they are using the

Scientific method

Which type of source summarizes information from sources of original research reports?


A newspaper article discussing someone's research is an example of a

Secondary source

The review of the literature in the introduction section of a research report is an example of a

Secondary source

Using an anonymous questionnaire to determine how many students send or receive text messages during class is an example of using what modality of measurement?


Studies involving deception

Should not be done if the deception involves concealing possible harm

guarantee that the sample will be representative and unbiased

Simple random sampling is least likely to ____. a. ensure that each individual has an equal chance of selection b. remove all bias and discrimination from the selection process c. guarantee that every individual in the population has a chance of being selected d. guarantee that the sample will be representative and unbiased

Which statement is the best example of a hypothesis?

Smaller class size is related to better academic performace

A researcher develops a 20-question test to measure anxiety and administers it to a group of participants. To evaluate the reliability of the test, the researcher computes a score for the first 10 questions and a score for the last 10 questions for each participant and then computes the correlation between the two scores. What is the researcher measuring?

Split-half reliability

A strategy for reducing experimenter bias is to

Standardize the experiment

When using PsycINFO for a literature search, it is most common to enter a ______ into the database

Subject word

Pseudoscience is based on

Subjective evidence

A researcher conducts a study in which 50 rats are assigned to different treatments and tested. In this study, the rats are called research


One way to detect fraud in research is to

Submit the article for peer review

A student who believes that his or her performance on tests is influenced by wearing a lucky hat is using the method of


When you "know" that you do not want to eat chocolate-covered crickets, even when everyone around you says that they taste great, your decision is based on the method of


Establishing the reliability of a measurement procedure by using the procedure to measure the same individuals on two separate occasions and comparing the two sets of scores is known as

Test-retest reliability

What is demonstrated by showing that the test scores measured today for a group of individuals are nearly identical to the scores obtained with the same measurement procedure last week?

Test-retest reliability

What is one of the guidelines for using deception in a research study?

The deception cannot conceal a real risk or danger to participants

One of the primary responsibilities of the IRB is to carefully review

The informed consent procedure

The mode of inquiry that is called the method of faith is a variant of which other method of inquiry?

The method of authority

Using a sports star to sell clothing in a television commercial relies upon which nonscientific method of acquiring knowledge?

The method of authority

Which method of acquiring knowledge is being used by students who are learning from teachers and textbooks?

The method of authority

A young child believing everything that her kindergarten teacher says to be true is an example of

The method of faith

Which relationship described below illustrates a negative relationship

The more exercise children get from age 2 to 7, the lower their chance of having cancer by age 65

What is a potential problem with the method of authority?

The other three choices are all potential problems

A limitation of using the method of empiricism is that

The process can be time consuming and often risky

Why should a hypothesis contain a positive statement?

The scientific method assumes something does not exist unless it is proven to exist

Why is the range effect known as a "ceiling effect" a problem for researchers?

The scores are already so high that there is no chance of measuring improvement

What additional information is obtained by measuring on an interval scale as compared to an ordinal scale?

The size of the differences

Tiffany is researching methods used to treat autism spectrum disorders and begins by searching on the Internet. Which statement should make her suspicious that she is on a site rooted in pseudoscience?

The website focuses on testimonials from family members that describe seemingly miraculous cures

Which hypothesis is problematic because it cannot be tested?

There would be less stress today if 9/11 had never occurred

How do quantitative research and qualitative research differ?

They generate different types of data

How will participants change their normal behavior if they respond to demand characteristics by adopting the "good subject role"?

They will attempt to produce the data that they think you want

The Nuremberg Code outlines basic ethical guidelines for the

Treatment of human participants

The Belmont Report provides basic ethical guidelines for the

Treatment of human participants in research

Participants taking on the negativistic subject role?

Try to act in a manner such that their data are in contrast to the hypothesis

A potential drawback of secondary sources is that they

Typically do not contain detailed information about any specific study

Which behavior is an example of plagiarism?

Using someone else's ideas in your research report without a citation

The law of large numbers states that larger samples are

Usually more representative of a population

Passive deception refers to

Withholding information from participants

The advantage of full-text databases is that they contain

Word-for-word copies of each publication

What is the most relevant question you should ask when reading a method section?

Would different participants produce different results?

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