Psychology Chapter 1 Test: What is Psychology?

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What is the way to remember the goals of psychology?


Forensic psychology

Focuses on the legal and criminal justice system, expert witnesses to testify about a defendant's mental state

Who would have said: "I founded psychoanalysis and the theory of psychodynamic thinking. "


Psychological constraints

Parameters used to describe thoughts/actions that cannot be seen, touched or measured directly

Social psychology

The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another.

Who would have said: "I asserted that psychology was a science and must be limited to observable, measurable events, an assertion that led me to find behaviorism."


Rehabilitation psychology

Work with patients who struggle with disabilities. Help to develop strategies to compensate for the disability and live meaningful lives.

ethnic group

a group of people who share a common religion, color, or national origin


a medical doctor who specialized in the treatment of psychological problems and can prescribe medication for clients


a statement that attempts to explain why phenomena and behaviors/thoughts are the way they are


an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings, proposed by Socrates


any action that other people can observe or measure

Educational psychology

concerned with how people learn in educational settings... focus on course planning for an entire school system rather than an individual

Psychologists can use __________ to learn about aspects of human nature that cannot be measured.


Industrial and organizational psychology

study the behavior and interactions of people at work such as business firms


the branch of medicine that focuses on the diseases and problems of the elderly


the concept of right to good conduct

Who would have said: "I concluded that people learn to behave in certain ways because they have received positive reinforcement for their behavior."

B.F. Skinner

Who would have said: "I disagreed with the structuralists and argued that experience is a constant stream of consciousness."


Who wrote the first psychology textbook?


What is the number one contribution of psychology?

Providing *analysis and treatment* for mental illness and disorders.

Comparative psychology

branch of psychology that studies the behavior of different animal species to try and war conclusions to humans

Consumer psychology

branch of psychology that studies the habits of consumers in the marketplace

How do psychologists help change behavior?

by understanding the factors that influence human behavior and teaching people how to solve their psychological problem

Health psychology

examines the way in which behavior and mental process are related to physical health

What are the social sciences?

history, anthropology, economics, political science, sociology... (h,a,e,ps,s)

What do psychologists study by observing and measuring how people act?

human behavior

School psychology

identify and help students who have problems that interfere with learning

Some psychologists believe that _____________, or looking within is one way to learn about ourselves.


Cognitive activities

mental processes, such as dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories.

psychodynamic thinking

most of what exists in an individual's mind is unconscious and consists of *conflicting impulses, urges, and wishes*.

Psychology has roots in the _______ sciences, which attempt to explain the nature of the physical world through observation and experimentation.


Psychologists are interested in the __________, or basic truths , that govern behavior and mental processes.


The school of thought called ______________ emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts in determining human behavior.


Basic research

research that has no immediate application and is done for its own sake

Because it is concerned with behavior and interaction of people, psychology can be considered a ______ science.


The field of ____________ is based on the discovery of the basic elements of consciousness.


Cross-cultural psychology

study behavior and mental processes under different cultural conditions. -eg: how is depression perceived in Japan

gestalt psychology

the school of psychology that emphasizes the tendency to organize perceptions of individual parts into a meaning full whole


the school of psychology, founded by James, emphasizes the purposes of behavior and mental processes and what they accomplish for the individual. *Adaptive behavior patterns are learned and maintained because they are successful.*


the school of psychology, founded by Watson, that defines psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior..."our belief in individual choice is just an illusion"

Personality psychology

the study of an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting... characteristics and traits

Environmental psychology

the study of the relationship between behavior and the physical environment


the theory that our understanding of the world occurs through ideas associated with similar sensory experiences and perceptions, experiences often remind us of similar experiences in the past

social-learning theory

theory that suggests people can change their environments and can also create new ones

What phrase, dating back to ancient Greece, has remained a motto of psychological study?

"Know thyself"

sociocultural perspective

- Ethnicity, gender, culture, religion, socio-economic status -Sociocultural, biological, and psychological factors create individual differences. -Social, environmental, and cross-cultural psychology.

What are the goals of psychology?

-*Describe* behavior/thoughts -*Explain* behavior/thoughts -*Predict* future thoughts in given situations -*Influence* and modify behavior and thoughts.


-Biological, psychological, social factors -Mental processes are influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. -Holistic health, social psychology; Engel

learning perspective

-Environmental influences, learning, observational learning -*Personal experiences and reinforcement guide individual development.* -John B. Watson and behaviorism

What is the focus of social sciences?

-Focus on human society and the nature and interactions of individuals.

What is the focus of natural sciences?

-Focus on the nature of the physical world

Community psychology

-Help create and study social systems that promote and foster individual wellbeing. -eg: mental health centers

cognitive perspective

-Interpretation of mental images, thinking, language -*Perceptions and thoughts influence behavior.* -Structuralism, functionalism, and Gestalt psychology

List the 6 ways of data collection.

-Observation -Lab research/experiments -interviews/questioning -case studies -surveys -standardized tests

evolutionary perspective

-Psychical traits, social behavior -*Adaptive organisms survive and transmit their genes to future generations.* -Charles Darwin and evolution

humanistic perspective

-Self-concept -*People make free and conscious choices based on their unique experiences.* -Introspection and belief in free will.

psychoanalytic perspective

-Unconscious processes, early childhood experiences -*Unconscious motives influence behavior.* -Sigmund Freud

Experimental psychology

-explore the biological and psychological reasons for cognitive behavior and conduct basic research


-founded by Freud -unconscious motives and internal conflicts as determinants of human behavior

What are 4 other contributions of psychology?

-how personalities and emotions form -how hormones affect human behavior -study how environment affects human behavior -explain thought processes/how we learn/memory

biological perspective

-nervous system, glands and hormones, genetic factors -*Biological processes influence behavior and mental processes.* -Associationism and neuroscience

How is functionalism different from structuralism?

-structuralism only relied on introspection, while functionalism included introspection and observations in a lab -structuralists ask: "What are the structures of psychological processes?" -functionalists ask: "What are the purposes of behavior and mental processes?"


-the school of psychology, founded by Wundt, that maintains that conscious experience breaks down into objectives sensations and subjective feelings. The human mind functions by combining these basic elements of experience.

What is the precise definition of psychology?

Psychology is a *science* that studies *behavior* and *mental processes* of both *humans* and *animals* through *scientific research*.

Who would have said: "I lived in ancient Greece and outline the laws of associationism."


How did Freud's work differ from many of his contemporaries?

Structuralists and functionalists research in laboratories, while Freud gained understanding from talking to patients.


a basic truth or law

Counseling psychology

a branch of psychology that helps people treat adjustment problems rather than serious disorders

Developmental psychology

a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, emotional, and social change throughout the life span

Clinical psychology

a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders

Human factor psychology

attempt to find the best ways to design products for people to use

___________ is the scientific study of observable behavior.


What are the natural sciences?

biology, chemistry, physics

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