Psychology Chapter One

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- predict and control

In addition to describing and explaining mental processes and behavior, psychology also attempts to ________ these phenomena. - analyze and manipulate - predict and control -categorize and organize -synthesize and regulate

B-internal, covert activities

In the definition of psychology, the term mental processes refers to A-outward behavior B-internal, covert activities C-overt actions and reactions D-only animal behavior


In the early part of the past century, psychologists who broke down thought processes into their basic elements and analyzed them were called structuralists. What term might we use to describe psychologists with similar interests today? -cognitive -Gestalt -behavioral -humanistic


John B. Watson believed that psychology should involve the study of ________. A-the mind B-consciousness C-behavior D-the brain


John is a fan of the Atlanta Braves baseball team. With little provocation, he will engage you in a debate about whether it is the greatest team in baseball. John may be demonstrating ________. A-Bias B-Critical thinking C-Unconscious Behavior D-an eclectic approach

B-the ability to think objectively about one's own thoughts.

Objective introspection required: A-metaphysical experiences. B-the ability to think objectively about one's own thoughts. C-self-skepticism about experiences. D-empiricism.

-naturalistic observation method

Observing behavior as it happens in real-life natural settings without imposing laboratory controls is known as the ________. - survey method - psychometric approach -naturalistic observation method -experimental method

A-objective introspection

Participants in research early in psychology's history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, and texture and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called ________. A-objective introspection B-psychoanalysis C-hypnosis D-psychosurgery

B-involuntary reaction (salivation) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (sound of a bell)

Pavlov's research demonstrated that ________. A-an unrelated stimulus (salivation) could occur in response to an involuntary reaction (sound of a bell) B-involuntary reaction (salivation) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (sound of a bell) C-an unrelated stimulus (food) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (barking) D-involuntary reaction (sound of a bell) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (food)

- case study

Phineas Gage was in an accident many years ago causing damage to his left frontal lobe. At the time, not much was known about the human brain so researchers studied Phineas Gage very closely. This type of research is called a ________. - case study - naturalistic observation -single-blind study -representative sample

- replication

Researchers must report their results completely whether the hypothesis was supported or not. Complete reporting is necessary for the purpose of ________. - replication - publication -educational knowledge -finding a better way to support the hypothesis

-psychiatric social worker

Tammy lives in a project in a poor section of the city. She has addiction issues and just lost custody of her three children. What type of mental health professional is most likely to get involved in Tammy's situation? - counselor - psychiatrist -educational psychologist -psychiatric social worker


Testing a hypothesis is the third step in a scientific investigation. This step is derived from which goal of psychology? - description - prediction -explanation -control

- strength of the relationship between two variables

A correlation coefficient is a numerical measure of the ________. - strength of the relationship between two variables - behaviors of participants of different ages compared at a given time -unintended changes in participants' behavior due to cues from the experimenter -behaviors of participants followed and periodically assessed over time

-strength; direction of the relationship

A correlation coefficient represents two things: ________ and ________. - a representative sample; strength - the experimental group; control group -strength; direction of the relationship -direction of the relationship; expectant functionality

-case study

A detailed description of a particular individual being studied or treated is called a ________. - single-blind study - representative sample -case study -naturalistic observation

-a representative sample

A group of randomly selected subjects for a study that matches the population on important characteristics such as age and sex is called ________. - a control group - an experimental group -volunteer bias -a representative sample


A person who has suffered a major stroke and is now experiencing severe personality problems because of the damage would BEST be advised to see a ________. - psychiatric social worker - cognitive psychologist -psychologist -psychiatrist


A psychologist is interested in finding out why identical twins have different personalities. This psychologist is most interested in the goal of ________. - prediction - control -explanation -description


A(n) ________ is a measure of how strongly two variables are related to one another. - independent variable - experimental effect -dependent variable -correlation

C-can surface and create nervous disorders

According to Freud, repressed unconscious urges: A-only pertain to sex. B-are able to be suppressed. C-can surface and create nervous disorders. D-have no impact on everyday life.

-alcohol consumption and scores on a driving test

All of the following variables, EXCEPT for ________, would likely show a positive correlation. - height and weight - men's educational level and their income -school grades and IQ scores -alcohol consumption and scores on a driving test

- reason and logical

Critical thinking means making judgments based on ________. - reason and logical evaluation - keeping a closed mind -emotion -authority and expertise

- the number of minutes individuals run on the treadmill.

Dr. Jenkins has individuals run on a treadmill for 15 or 30 minutes and then measures their self-reported mood. In this hypothetical study, the independent variable is: - the individuals. - the number of minutes individuals run on the treadmill. -the self-reported mood. -Dr. Jenkins.


Dr. Woods has been treating a child with ADHD. She decides to write a prescription for Concerta. Given this information, it is most likely that Dr. Woods is a ________. - psychoanalyst - school psychologist -psychiatrist -humanistic psychologist

-participants cannot be deceived or have information concealed from them at any time during an experiment

Each of the following is a common ethical guideline suggested by the American Psychological Association EXCEPT ________. -participants cannot be deceived or have information concealed from them at any time during an experiment - participants may withdraw from the study at any time. -participants must be allowed to make an informed decision about participation. -rights and well-being of participants must be weighed against the study's value to science.

-they help humans adapt to their natural environment.

Evolutionary psychology might suggest that certain cognitive strategies and goals are built into the brain because: - human brains are similar to the brains of the higher primates. - they are the result of memories we have inherited from our ancestors. -they are the result of learning that has taken place over many centuries. -they help humans adapt to their natural environment.


Forming a hypothesis is the second step in a scientific investigation. This step is derived from two goals of psychology-description and ________. - changing - control -predicting -explanation

C-repressed conflicts; learned

Freud said phobias were ________ whereas Watson said phobias were ________. A-conditioned; unconditioned B-learned; inherited C-repressed conflicts; learned D-sexual; unconscious

C-early childhood experiences

Freud stressed the importance of ________. A-middle adulthood B-early adulthood C-early childhood experiences D-adolescence


How our minds help us adapt to the world around us was a primary question addressed by which early movement of psychology? A-Functionalism B-Cognitivism C-Structuralism D-Behaviorism

C-develop to their fullest potential.

Humanist Abraham Maslow suggested that when people reach self-actualization, they: A-seek maximum reward for all their behaviors. B-avoid negative consequences of behavior. C-develop to their fullest potential. D-learn from their mistakes and move on.


If an individual believed that why people think and feel as they do is more important than what they think and how they think, that individual would be a proponent of the ________ approach to psychology. A-structuralist B-functionalist C-behaviorist D-psychodynamic


If you are interested in how social patterns, beliefs, and customs influence behavior, you are interested in the ________ perspective. - psychodynamic - behavioral -cognitive -sociocultural

B) Wilhelm Wundt

In 1879, in Leipzig, Germany, the first psychological laboratory was developed by ________. A-William Tell B-Wilhelm Wundt C-William James D-Sigmund Freud

Double-blind studies control for ________. - extrinsic motivation - both the placebo effect and the experimenter effect -only the placebo effect -only the experimenter effect

- both the placebo effect and the experimenter effect

B-dogs would salivate to the sound of a ticking metronome due to a learned reflexive response called conditioning

The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov discovered that ________. A-dogs would salivate to the sounds of a ticking metronome due to their fear response B-dogs would salivate to the sound of a ticking metronome due to a learned reflexive response called conditioning C-dogs would salivate to the sounds of a ticking metronome due to reflexology D-dogs would salivate to the sound of a ticking metronome due to habituation

-"What is a psychiatric social worker?"

The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "I'll take Psychology Professionals for $300." The revealed answer is, "These psychological professionals work with situations in which environmental conditions may have an impact on mental health." Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say? Correct! -"What is a psychiatric social worker?" -"What is a forensic psychologist?" - "What is a neuropsychologist?" -"What is a developmental psychologist?"

C-cognitive psychology

The early perspective called Gestalt psychology has evolved into the current perspective called ________. A-behavioral psychology B-social psychology C-cognitive psychology D-psychoanalysis

- images and activity of the living brain

The emerging field of brain imagery in cognitive neuroscience has developed methods, such as MRI, to examine ________. - acute time of death in stroke patients - images and activity of the living brain -select biopsied portions of a brain -biopsies of the brain of a cadaver


The field of biopsychology is part of the larger discipline of ________, which refers to the study of the physical structure, function, and development of the nervous system. - sociobiology - medicine -neuroscience -behavioral genetics

-perceiving the question

The first step in any scientific investigation is ________. - forming the hypothesis - developing an argument -perceiving the question -coming to a conclusion

-describe, explain, predict, and control behavior

The goals of psychology are to ________. - improve psychological well-being in all individuals from birth until death - explore the conscious and unconscious functions of the human mind -understand, compare, and analyze human behavior -describe, explain, predict, and control behavior


The psychodynamic perspective was based on the work of ________. A-Gestalt B-Watson C-Freud D-Wundt

- control

The question "How can it be changed?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology? - control - description -prediction -explanation


The question "What is happening?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology? - prediction - control -description -explanation

- prediction

The question "When will it happen again?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology? - prediction - description -control -explanation


The question "Why is it happening?" refers to which of the following goals in psychology? - prediction - description -control -explanation

B-objective introspection

The school of psychology called structuralism used a technique called ________, which involved reporting the contents of consciousness to study a person's experiences. A-intervention B-objective introspection C-insight inventory D-induction

- operationalization

The steps or procedures an experimenter must use to control or measure the variables in a study is called ________. - a theory - operationalization -a double-blind study -an hypothesis

D-examined consciousness and the structure of mental processes.

The structuralists were important in the history of psychology because they: A-were strongly influenced by Charles Darwin. B-realized the limits of introspection and focused on the function of behaviors. C-were the first to use brain-scanning techniques to learn about the structure of the brain. D-examined consciousness and the structure of mental processes.

A-a theory of personality that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts

The work of Freud was built around ________. A-a theory of personality that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts B-a method of psychotherapy that emphasizes how maladaptive behaviors are learned through imitations of others and through cognitive expectations C-a theory of personality that emphasizes the awareness of one's own cognitive processes D-a method of psychotherapy in which an observer carefully records and interprets behavior without interfering with the behavior


Tina is a psychologist who argues that a criminal engages in unlawful behavior because he grew up around older brothers who engaged in criminal activities? A-psychodynamic B-functionalist C-Gestaltist D-Behaviorist

-experimenter effects

Unintended changes in participants' behavior due to cues inadvertently given by the experimenter are called ________. - single-blind studies - volunteer biases -experimenter effects -replications

A-"Focus on observable behavior."

What advice might John B. Watson have offered to psychologists of his time? A-"Focus on observable behavior." B-"We cannot know others until we know ourselves." C-"Remember that what we accomplish is due to the composition of our genes." D-"Life is an effort to overcome inferiority."

C-the unconscious mind

What did Sigmund Freud consider as the key to understanding the nervous disorders he observed? A-external consequences B-brain physiology C-the unconscious mind D-free will

C-Watson and Pavlov

Which founding contributors to psychology helped develop behaviorism? A-Pavlov and Wundt B-Gestalt and Wundt C-Watson and Pavlov D-Freud and Watson


Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest relationship between two variables? .25 -.75 .50 -.25

-In random assignment, each participant has an equal chance for each condition.

Which of the following is CORRECT concerning random assignment? - In random assignment, each participant is assigned alphabetically to each condition. -The best formula for random assignment is birth dates. -Random assignment can only be determined after an experiment is over. -In random assignment, each participant has an equal chance for each condition.

Deception must be justified

Which of the following is a common ethical guideline suggested by the American Psychological Association? -Participants cannot be subjected to any physically or emotionally painful stimuli. -Deception must be justified. -Participants may not withdraw once they start. -Participants cannot be deceived about aspects of the research.

- Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision.

Which of the following is a common ethical guideline suggested by the American Psychological Association? - Participants may not withdraw once they start. - Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision. -Participants cannot be deceived about aspects of the research. -Participants cannot be subjected to shock of any kind.

-You drink a nonalcoholic drink and become "intoxicated" because you think it contains alcohol.

Which of the following situations best illustrates the placebo effect? - You have surgery to repair a defective heart valve. -You drink a nonalcoholic drink and become "intoxicated" because you think it contains alcohol. -You sleep because you are tired. -You throw up after eating bad meat.

- Some authorities should not be questioned.

Which of the following statements concerning critical thinking is incorrect? - Some authorities should not be questioned. -There are few truths that need not be tested. -All evidence is not equal in quality. -Critical thinking requires an open mind.

Pain and suffering of animals are allowed, but only when necessary, and must be minimized as much as possible.

Which of the following statements concerning using animals in research is correct? - New ethical guidelines prevent the use of primates in psychological research. - Pain and suffering of animals are allowed, but only when necessary, and must be minimized as much as possible. -There are rules that prevent the killing of animals. -There are no ethical guidelines when it comes to animals.

A- structuralism; observable behavior

Which of the following terms do NOT belong together? A- structuralism; observable behavior B- Natural selection; functionalism C- psychoanalysis; unconscious conflict D-Gestalt; whole

A-Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson

Which pair of scientists shared the most similar views of behavior? A-Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson B-B. F. Skinner and Max Wertheimer C-Carl Rogers and Edward Titchener D-William James and Wilhelm Wundt


Which treatment approach did Sigmund Freud develop for treating his patients? A-drug therapy B-clinical psychology C-psychoanalysis D-neuropsychology


Which type of early psychologist believed that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts"? A-functionalist B-Gestaltist C-structuralist D-behaviorist

B-B. F. Skinner

Who claimed that behavior is affected by reinforcement? A-Sigmund Freud B-B. F. Skinner C-Wilhelm Wundt D-William James

C-John B. Watson

Who is known for teaching "Little Albert" to fear a white rat? A-Abraham Maslow B-Ivan Pavlov C-John B. Watson D-B.F. Skinner

A-William James

Who was an early proponent of functionalism? A-William James B-Ivan Pavlov C-Max Wertheimer D-Wilhelm Wundt

-The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise.

You are investigating the effects of exercise on weight. What are the independent and dependent variables in this experiment? - The independent variable is weight; the dependent variable is calories consumed. -The dependent variable is weight; the independent variable is exercise. -The independent variable is calories consumed; the dependent variable is diet. -The dependent variable is amount of exercise; the independent variable is calories consumed.

-The scientific method

________ is a system used for reducing bias and error in the measurement of data. - The double-blind method -The scientific method -Statistics -Checks and balances

The double-blind study

________ is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are tallied. - Correlational research -The double-blind study -The single-blind study -Field research

-The single-blind study

________ is an experiment in which participants do not know if they are in the experimental or the control group, but the experimenters do know which participants are part of which group. - Correlational research -The double-blind study -The single-blind study -Field research

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