psychology final (chpts 14, 16, 15, 13, 10, 6, 12)

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Most U.S. states specify that individuals with mental illness can be committed against their will only if they

(1) pose a clear and present threat to themselves or others or (2) are so psychologically impaired that they can't care

fetal development can be disrupted in four ways:

(1) premature birth, (2), low birth weight, (3) exposure to hazardous environmental influences, and (4) biological influences resulting from genetic disorders or errors in cell duplication during cell division

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

(ADHD) childhood condition marked by excessive inattention, impulsivity, and activity

acquired immune deficiency syndrome

(AIDS) a life-threatening, incurable, and yet treatable condition in which the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks and damages the immune system

autism spectrum disorder

(ASD) DSM-5 category that includes autistic spectrum disorder and Asperger's disorder

antisocial personality disorder

(ASPD) Condition marked by a lengthy history of irresponsible or illegal actions

coronary heart disease

(CHD) damage to the heart from the complete or partial blockage of the arteries that provide oxygen to the heart

conditioned response

(CR) response previously associated with a nonneutral stimulus that is elicited by a neutral stimulus through conditioning

conditioned stimulus

(CS) initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a response as a result of association with an unconditioned stimulus

dissociative identity disorder

(DID) condition characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states that recurrently take control of the person's behavior

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

(DSM) diagnostic system containing the American Psychiatric Association (APA) criteria for mental disorders

fixed interval schedule

(FI) pattern in which we provide reinforcement for a response at least once following a specified time interval

fixed ratio schedule

(FR) pattern in which we provide reinforcement following a regular number of responses

generalized anxiety disorder

(GAD) continual feelings of worry, anxiety, physical tension, and irritability across many areas of life functioning

General Adaptation Syndrome

(GAS) stress-response pattern proposed by Hans Selye that consists of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

(MMPI) widely used structured personality test designed to assess symptoms of mental disorders

obsessive-compulsive disorder

(OCD) condition marked by repeated and lengthy (at least one hour per day) immersion in obsessions, compulsions, or both

posttraumatic stress disorder

(PTSD) Marked emotional disturbance after experiencing or witnessing a severely stressful event

classical conditioning

(Pavlovian) form of learning in which animals come to respond to a previously neutral stimulus that had been paired with another stimulus that elicits an automatic response

Thematic Apperception Test

(TAT) projective test requiring examinees to tell a story in response to ambiguous pictures, consists of 33 different cards

unconditioned response

(UCR) automatic response to a nonneutral stimulus that does not need to be learned

unconditioned stimulus

(UCS) stimulus that elicits an automatic response

variable interval schedule

(VI) pattern in which we provide reinforcement for a response at least once during an average time interval, with the interval varying randomly

variable ratio schedule

(VR) pattern in which we provide reinforcement after a specific number of responses on average, with the number varying randomly

Radical behaviorists view personality as under the control of two major influences

(a) genetic factors and (b) contingencies in the environment, that is, reinforcers and punishers. Together, these influences explain why our personalities differ

Most neo-Freudian theories share with Freudian theory an emphasis on

(a) unconscious influences and (b) the importance of early experience in shaping personality

The Murder of Kitty Genovese

-Very public -38 witnesses -Nobody came to aid -bystander affect

According to Robins and Guze, a valid diagnosis

-distinguishes that diagnosis from other similar diagnoses. -predicts diagnosed individuals' performance on laboratory tests, including personality measures, neurotransmitter levels, and brain imaging findings (Andreasen, 1995). -predicts diagnosed individuals' family history of psychiatric disorders. -predicts diagnosed individuals' natural history—that is, what tends to happen to them over time. -In addition, some authors have argued that a valid diagnosis ideally predicts diagnosed individuals' response to treatment (Waldman, Lilienfeld, & Lahey, 1995).

disadvantages of punishment

-only tells what not to do -creates anxiety -encourages subversive behavior -may provide model for aggressive behavior

Panic attacks typically peak within -- minutes


According to Paul Meehl, around __________ of the population has a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia, although most people with a schizotypical personality disorder do not develop full-blown schizophrenia.


How many participants administered at least some electrical shock to the "learners" in Stanley Milgram's original obedience experiment?


how many elderly struggle with depression


There are --- different classes of disorders in the DSM-5


human brain begins to develop a mere --- days after fertilization


M'Naghten rule

1843 british trial, requires that the suspect have 1- not known what they were doing at the time of the crime or 2- not known that what they were doing was wrong

who changed the term stereotype and when

1920s, influential journalist Walter Lippmann

perhaps as many as ----- percent of new mothers experience a condition called postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder

2 to 3

germinal stage

2 weeks into conception, the zygote begins to divide and double, forming a blastocyst

Acupuncturists claim to relieve blockages of qi by applying needles or electrical, laser, or heat stimulation to one or more

2,000 pts on the body

-- percent of us will experience a mood disorder


about -- percent of Americans have received psychological treatment at some point


About ---- percent of college students report at least one panic attack in a one-year period

20 to 25

a team of researchers identified -- different gene sites associated with schizophrenia


Robbers Cave Study

22 Boys at a camp were split into two groups randomly. They were made to take part in competitive activities and came to hate each other. Just putting them together and expecting them to work it out did not work. However when the bus broke down and the boys had to all work together to push the bus in order to get something that they all wanted they started to get along again. It shows that mutual interdependence and shared goals end prejudice.

In an experiment on the effectiveness of discovery learning involving a ball and ramp, what percentage of third- and fourth- graders were able to solve a slightly different problem on their own?


only -- percent of students assigned to a discovery learning condition later solved a slightly different problem on their own


Smoking is responsible for --- percent of all cancers


during development, rate of neural development as high as

250,000 brain cells per minute at peak times

-- percent of Americans believe that vaccines contribute to autism spectrum disorder


infants possess some ability to distinguish themselves from others at what age

3 months

pregnant women experiencing prolonged stress typically have their babies how early

3-5 weeks

Nearly -- percent of individuals with OCD suffer from a tic disorder


names of people, objects, and places, begins to decrease after age


studies also show that the levels of most traits don't change much after age of


- percent of patients don't take their physician's medical advice

30 to 70

What percentage of children with ADHD continue to display symptoms of the disorder as adolescents and adults?

30 to 80%

Depressive disorders are most likely to strike people in their --s


Fertility in women declines sharply during their

30s and 40s

-- percent of us will meet the diagnostic criteria for one or more such disorders at some point in our lives


premature infants ("preemies") are those born at fewer than -- weeks gestation


he average student entering college, you've already watched --- commercials

360,000 - hat number will reach a staggering two million by the time you turn 65

--- percent of adult Americans were obese, and about -- percent of Americans are overweight

37.9 - 70

full-term baby is born after -- weeks of pregnancy


-- and -- percent of adults yawn soon after seeing another person yawn

40 and 60

more than how many people commit suicide in the United States each year


On a typical day in the United States, there are approximately -- murders


how many us states use the insanity defense


the MMPI-2, consists of

567 true-false items and 10 basic scales

Secure attachment

60 percent of us, the infant explores the room but checks to make sure mom is watching, returns to mom when the stranger enters

only about what percent of people in individualist cultures posses individualist personalities and collectivist cultures posses collectivist personalities


People with GAD spend an average of -- percent of each day worrying

60, compared with 18 percent for the rest of the general population

Twin studies suggest that bipolar disorders heritability ranges from about -- percent to as high as -- percent


there are more than --- "brands" of psychotherapy


As many as -- percent of people suffering from psychological conditions, such as anxiety and mood disorders, don't use or have access to psychological services


what percent of children with ADHD can be treated effectively with stimulants


-- percent of people in the general population agreed that humans only use 10 percent of their brains


about -- percent of televised characters with mental illness are violent


-- percent of students assigned to a direct instruction condition solved a different problem on their own


Up to -- percent of children don't receive adequate treatment for mental health issues


-- percent of teenagers and -- percent of adults 65 years or older report occasional loneliness

80, 40

451 Vietnam veterans who returned to the United States with serious heroin addictions, it was predicted that they and other addicted veterans would remain hooked upon returning to America, how many percent actually lost their addiction

86 percent

found that people were more likely to help when alone than in groups about -- percent of the time


In the great majority of cases—up to -what percent —people who've had one manic episode experience at least one more

90 percent

Implicit Association Test

A computer-driven assessment of implicit attitudes. The test uses reaction times to measure people's automatic associations between attitude objects and evaluative words. Easier pairings (and faster responses) are taken to indicate stronger unconscious associations.


A harmful third phase of the stress response, in which stress exceeds the body's ability to recover


A hormone released by the posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth and milk ejection during breastfeeding - a hormone that plays key roles in love, trust, and emotional bonding

strange situation

A laboratory procedure for measuring attachment by evoking infants' reactions to the stress of various adults' comings and goings in an unfamiliar playroom, Mary Ainsworth

genome-wide association studies

A large-scale analysis of the genomes of many people having a certain phenotype or disease, with the aim of finding genetic markers that correlate with that phenotype or disease.

Otto Kernberg

A leading psychodynamic theorist, views borderline personality in terms of a failure in early childhood to develop a sense of constancy and unity in one's image of oneself and others. From this perspective, borderline individuals cannot synthesize contradictory (positive and negative) elements of themselves and others into complete, stable wholes. Rather than viewing important people in their lives as sometimes loving and sometimes rejecting, they shift back and forth between pure ide- alization and utter hatred. This rapid shifting back a d forth between viewing others as either "all good" or "all bad" is referred to as splitting.

Which of the following scenarios would be indicative of the defense mechanism known as "projection"?

A married man with powerful unconscious sexual impulses toward females complains that other women are always "after him."


A negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevented from reaching a goal.

permissive parenting

A parenting style characterized by the placement of few limits on the child's behavior.

Biological age

A person's age in terms of biological health.

Dream Analysis

A psychoanalytic technique in which the therapist interprets the symbolic meaning of the client's dreams.

Stanford Prison Study

A social psychological study conducted at Stanford University by Philip Zimbardo. Its aim was to study the impact of roles on behavior. Participants were randomly assigned to play the role of either prisoner or guard. This study was terminated early because of the role-induced punitive behavior on the part of the "guards."

we can reduce the anxiety resulting from this inconsistency in three major ways

A; change cognition B; or introduce a new cognition, C, that resolves the inconsistency between A and B

Which of the following is the term for a childhood condition marked by excessive inattention, impulsivity, and activity?


Which of these conditions is often treated by means of stimulant medications, which occasionally produce serious side effects?


Which of the following disorders that damage the human immune system is caused by a virus?


Which of the following is an example of a "third-wave" approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

striving for superiority

According to Adler, the universal drive to adapt, improve oneself, and master life's challenges.


According to Carl Rogers, conditions of worth are expectations we place on ourselves for appropriate or inappropriate behavior. When how we behave is inconsistent with our genuine potentialities, __________ exists between self and organism.

reticular activating system

According to Hans Eysenck, extraversion versus introversion is produced by differences in the arousal threshold of the __________.

phallic stage

According to Sigmund Freud, during which psychosexual stage of development does the Oedipus complex occur?


According to Sigmund Freud, the human psyche is divided into three agencies. Which agency is entirely unconscious and is the reservoir of our most primitive impulses?


Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard

who are less likely to seek mental health services than are Caucasian Americans

African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans

Which program is the largest (and oldest) 12-step program, which views addiction as a physical disease, and recommends members place their trust in a higher power and acknowledge their own powerlessness?

Alcoholics Anonymous

people do not freely choose their own behaviors

Although different types of radical behaviorists disagree over elements of their theories, the primary factor that sets them apart from other types of psychologists who study personality and behavior is the idea that __________.

Research from behavior-genetic studies shows that the effects of the shared environment on adult personality are weak or non-existent

Although observational learning is a crucial form of learning (that extends our understanding past the confines of classical and operant conditioning), social learning theorists may have placed too much emphasis on this process as an influence on personality development. Which of the following lines of evidence suggests that observational learning may not be that powerful?

participant observer

An active participant in a small group who at the same time observes and evaluates its processes and procedures

an archetype

An image of a cross (a horizontal line bisected by a vertical line) can be found in cultures, nations, religions, and other groups around the world. Carl Jung would take this as evidence that the cross is __________.

Command hallucinations

An individual hearing voices that direct the person to take action

According to Dr. Vaughn, unhealthy habits impact

An individual's health, family and work

medical students' syndrome

As medical students first become familiar with the symptoms of specific diseases, they often begin to focus on their bodily processes

who are also more likely to comply to group norms than are Americans


who are at relatively low risk for GAD

Asians, Hispanics, and African Americans

John Bowlby

Attachment theory. Identified the characteristics of a child's attachment to his/her caregiver and the phases that a child experiences when separated from the caregiver

__________ held that personality is a group of learned habits and responses, which are the product of operant and classical conditioning.

B.F. skinner

Who made CEBT


In the type of medeling therapy known as ______ the client and therapist engage in role-playing in order to learn and practice new skills.

Behavioral rehearsal


Between the 18th day of pregnancy and the end of the sixth month, neurons begin developing at an astronomical rate

Bridgette feeds her cat canned food every night. The ritual is always the same: Bridgette takes out the electric can opener, whirs the can around the blade to open it, scoops the food into bowl, and presents it to Zorro. Bridgette has noticed, however, that Zorro will run into the kitchen in eager anticipation as soon as she hears the sound of the cabinet door open and hears the whir of the can opener in motion. According to the principles of classical conditioning, the sound of the can opener is the...


Which of the following groups of people is most likely to develop a generalized anxiety disorder?

Caucasian woman

Which of the following groups of people is most likely to develop a generalized anxiety disorder?

Caucasian women

scapegoat food

Chemotherapy causes association of nausea with a novel food

Which of the following is one of three core assumptions behind cognitive behavioral therapies

Cognitions are the key players in both healthy and unhealthy psychological functioning

Which of the following is one of the three core assumptions behind cognitive-behavioral therapies?

Cognitions are the key players in both healthy and unhealthy psychological functioning.

Corrado wants help to quit smoking. What kind of therapy should he pursue

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, to learn techniques to modify his behavior and extinguish his undesirable habits

Corrado wants help to quit smoking. What kind of therapy should he pursue?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, to learn techniques to modify his behavior and extinguish his undesirable habits.

genetics; the environment

Comparing identical twins reared together versus identical twins reared apart allows researchers to investigate the contributions of both __________ and __________ to the development of personality.


Contribution: studied cats in puzzle boxes and recorded their behaviors Significance: Creates "Law of Effect" theory

Some of the biomedical treatments that may be used in the treatment of servere resistant depression includes ECT,TMS, and ______.


posttraumatic model

DID results from severe psychological and/or sexual abuse in childhood

Major suicide risk factors include:

Depression Hopelessness Intense agitation Substance abuse Schizophrenia Homosexuality, probably because of social stigma Unemployment Chronic, painful, or disfiguring physical illness Recent loss of a loved one; being divorced, separated, or widowed Family history of suicide Personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder Anxiety disorder, such as panic disorder and social anxiety disorder Old age, especially in men Recent discharge from a hospital

Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer

Developed the two-factor theory of emotion which simply states that emotions are comprised of physical arousal and a cognitive label. They also said that emotional experience requires conscious interpretation of the arousal. To test this they experimented this with college students by injecting them with epinephrine before placing them in a room with somebody in either a euphoric or irritated state

Renee Baillargeon

Developmental psychologist who tested infants' knowledge about objects by measuring the amount of time they spend looking at an event

latent inhibition

Difficulty in establishing classical conditioning to a conditioned stimulus we've repeatedly experienced alone, that is, without the unconditioned stimulus

Which American mental health reformer advocated for moral treatment of those with mental illness, treating them with dignity, kindness, and respect?

Dorothea Dix

He may have fallen prey to the confirmation bias; Doug interviewed people he thought would be self-actualized, and discovered they seemed to be self-actualized.

Doug is enamored of the humanistic approach to understanding personality. He identifies the five most "evolved" people he personally knows—folks who are smart, witty, spiritually-centered, creative, and adventuresome—and interviews each in depth. At the conclusion of his investigations he finds that they are all quite self-actualized. What is the central problem with Doug's approach?

a projective test of personality

Dr. Sardionicus is administering a personality measure to Sofia. "Tell me what you see in this picture," he asks. "Describe it in as much detail as you can, telling me what is there and what it means to you." Sofia was looking at a collection of smudges, drips, and blotches of colored ink on a page. Dr. Sardonicus seems to be using __________.


Dramatically exaggerating the negative consequences of any minor event

three major temperamental styles

Easy infants (about 40 percent of babies) are adaptable and relaxed, difficult infants (about 10 percent of babies) are fussy and easily frustrated, and slow-to-warm-upinfants (about 15 percent of babies) are disturbed by new stimuli at first but gradually adjust to them

The first signs of ADHD may be evident as early as infancy, but the condition is not usually diagnosed until

Elementary School

Who made REBT



Events in the story are interrupted for events that took place in an earlier time

manic episode

Experience marked by dramatically elevated mood, decreased need for sleep, increased energy, inflated self-esteem, increased talkativeness, and irresponsible behavior

Milgram Paradigm

Experimental procedure for measuring obedience rates

Martin and Lewis are having trouble in their relationship. They seems to squabble about . Martin likes to spend and Lewis does not and their communication patterns on this issue are not very good. In most other ways their relationship is quite solid and they definitely love and respect one another. What therapeutic approach might be good for them

Family therapy


Fear in some Asian cultures of genitals retracting into the abdomen

anxiety sensitivity

Fear of anxiety-related sensations

alarm reaction

First stage of the GAS, during which the body mobilizes its resources to cope with a stressor - involves excitation of the autonomic nervous system, the discharge of the stress hormone adrenaline, and physical symptoms of anxiety

What type of therapy exposes clients to images of the stimuli they most fear for prologed periods of time up to hour or more

Flooding therapy

Why is it incorrect to think of specific genes existing for personality traits or attitudes such as religiosity, political preference, or divorce-proneness?

Genes code for proteins rather than specific behaviors or attitudes; at best, genetic influences on traits are indirect.

Wolfgang Köhler

Gestalt psychologist that first demonstrated insight through his chimpanzee experiments. He noticed the solution process wasn't slow, but sudden and reflective.

two-chair technique

Gestalt therapists ask clients to move from chair to chair, creating a dialogue with two conflicting aspects of their personalities

Which of the following describes a therapy that aims to integrate different or even contradictory aspects of the client's personality into a unified sense of self?

Gestalt therapy

Which scale measures how stressors ranging from small annoyances to major daily pressures affect our ability to adjust?

Hassles Scale

Thomas Szasz

He was a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst well known for criticizing the utilization of the medical model in the field of psychology. In his 1976 paper, he stated that mental health was a myth. In contrast with medical diseases, which were biological entities, mental health labels were merely metaphors utilized by people to describe the behaviors of others. For example, describing someone else as hysterical simply expressed how that person overreacted and was overly emotional.

Barnabas is asked to play the role of a prison guard in a realistic simulation of an actual prison setting. Over time, what do you predict Barnabas's behavior will be like in this environment?

He will adopt many of the mannerisms, attitudes, and behaviors of actual prison guards.

psychiatric nurse

Hospitals, community health centers, primary care facilities, outpatient mental health clinics; manage medications; with advanced degrees can diagnose, treat mental patients

"If i do not get into a good college, I will never be able to get a good job!" wailed Mick to his therapist. " That can really be upsetting; most people would be upset by that experience, and that is natural feeling to have" replied his therapist. " Can you tell me more about how that makes you feel? If I do not get into a good college my parents will hate me my girlfriend will dump me! continued Mick. It sure would be disappointing to miss a significant goal in your life but people who truly love you will continue to love you for who you are. Mick therapist said soothingly. This is just my opinion but I think it is important to remember that you are a person of worth and that you can aspire to and achieve many things in your life . What general approach to therapy does Mick's therapist semm to be practicing


Bandura studies

Hundreds of investigators using correlational designs have reported that children who watch many violent television programs are more aggressive than other children

Sigmund Freud believed that personality is shaped largely by conflicts occurring between the __________ in the unconscious mind.

ID and superego

"Persuasion and Healing" by Jerome Frank

If you want to be effective, you want to capitalize on having a very believable myth and a very believable practice


In the 18th and 19th centuries, a popular method for determining personality was to examine a person's facial features for certain characteristics. This practice was called __________.

School Psychologist

In-school interventions, assessment, prevention programs; work with teachers, students, parents

cognitive distortions

Inaccurate and irrational automatic thoughts or ideas that lead to false assumptions and misinterpretations

Jungian sandplay therapy

Infer children's archetypes on the basis of shapes that they draw in the sand and use them as a springboard for therapy.

The Asch Studies

Influenced to say that two lines were the same length when one was clearly shorter than the other

situational influences

Influences that result from circumstances, time, and location that affect the consumer buying decision process

social anxiety disorder

Intense fear of negative evaluation in social situations

2-D love

Japan, characterized by an attraction to two-dimensional imaginary characters such as cartoon women

Who was the subject of the ethically questionable study of classical conditioning in which an infant was conditioned to fear white, furry objects?

Little Albert

what vaccine was suspected to cause autism


What did Solomon Asch discover in his famous experiment on judging the lengths of lines?

Many people conformed to the opinions of a group, despite those opinions being obviously wrong.


Misinformation or misconceptions about psychology that the general population believe.

Scared Straight programs like the one depicted in the image expose adolescents to prisoners and prison life in an effort to "scare them" away from criminal careers. Despite the popularity of these programs, research suggests that they are not merely ineffective, but harmful in some cases. Which principle of learning associated with behavior therapy may help to explain this finding?


reciprocal determinism

Most social learning theorists promote the concept of __________ or the tendency for personality, thoughts, behavior, and environmental factors (such as other people) to influence each other.

A woman with diabetes works hard to control her blood sugar through diet and exercise. As a result her doctor allows her to discontinue administering her unpleasant daily insulin shots, which increases her attempts to eat healthy and exercise. (PUNISHMENT or NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT)

Negative Reinforcement; because her doctor increased the woman's rates of eating well and exercising.

A parole board releases a previously aggressive criminal from prison early for being a "model citizen" within the institution over the past 5 years. Following his release, he continues to behave in a law-abiding manner. (PUNISHMENT or NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT)

Negative Reinforcement; because the parole board increased the prisoner's law-abiding behavior.

Karen Horney

Neo-Freudian; offered feminist critique of Freud's theory

What innovation has helped bolster the case of psychotherapy as an effective treatment for anxiety?


Which term refers to a condition marked by repeated and severe obsessions, compulsions, or both, for at least one hour per day?


Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

On December 14th, 2012, 20 students and 6 adults were shot by the son of one of the teachers, who then committed suicide

Which of the following is the abbreviation for a marked emotional disturbance after experiencing or witnessing an extremely stressful or aversive event?


Which of the following is a technique in which the therapist enacts a problematic situation and then guides the client though the necessary steps to cope with it on her or his own?

Participant modeling

Which kind of mental health professional is likely to be found providing counseling and support in spiritual context, as well as wellness programs, and group, family, and couples therapy?

Pastoral counselor


Percentage of people within a population who have a specific mental disorder

Which type of therapy is nondirective and focuses on the clients' goals and ways to solve their problems

Person-centered Therapy


Piagetian process of absorbing new experience into current knowledge structures


Piagetian process of altering a belief to make it more compatible with experience

There are many types of humanistic therapies but they share an emphasis on insight, self-actualization and the belief that human nature is basically________


__________ refers to negative attitudes toward others, whereas __________ refers to negative behaviors toward others.

Prejudice; discrimination

clinical social worker

Private practice following supervised experience, psychiatric facilities, hospitals/community agencies, schools, case managers; help with social and health problems

involuntary commitment

Procedure of placing some people with mental illnesses in a psychiatric hospital or another facility based on their potential danger to themselves or others or their inability to care for themselves

Which type of therapies are treatments inspired by classical psychoanalysis and Freud's techniques but are less costly and do not take as much time to complete?

Psychodynamic therapies

their body type

Psychologist William Sheldon believed he could infer people's personalities based on __________, but well-controlled studies later found only weak or nonexistent correlations.

George Bonanno

Psychologist who found that resilience is seen in as many as 65.1% of people.

__________ examines the relationship between the immune system and the central nervous system.


A boy keeps making noise in the back of the classroom despite a teacher's repeated warnings. The teacher finally sends him to the principle's office. When he returns 2 hours later, he's much quieter. (PUNISHMENT or NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT)

Punishment; because the boy's teacher reduced his rate of noise making

A woman yells at her roommate for leaving dirty clothing all around her apartment. Her roommate apologizes and never makes a mess again. (PUNISHMENT or NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT)

Punishment; because the woman decreased her roommate's rate of messy behavior.

Which cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on changing both how we think and how we act, encouraging clients to actively dispute their irrational beliefs and adopt more effective responses?


Basis of administering reinforcement

Ratio (based on # of responses) Interval (based on time)

sucking reflex

Reflex that causes a newborn to make sucking motions when a finger or nipple if placed in the mouth

A test is said to be______ if it measures consistently over time and _____ if it measures what it is supposed to measure.

Reliable; valid

One of the reasons that bogus therapies sometimes appear effective is that occasionally clients think that they have improved mire than they actually have because they misremeber their previous situation as worse than it actually was. This is called _______

Retrospective rewriting of the past

The ____________ test, also known as the "inkblot test," is a projective test that asks clients to look at ambiguous shapes and talk about what they see.


How someone responds to something depends on her or his interpretation of what something means. This is the underlying difference that distinguishes _________ from previous views of learning.

S-O-R psychology

Psychologists sometimes refer to early forms of behaviorism as

S-R psychology (S stands for stimulus, R for response)

Superlearning or Suggestive Accelerative Learning and Teaching Techniques

SALTT, supposedly allow people to pick up new information at anywhere from 25 to several hundred times their normal learning speeds

There are indication that ____ a type of antidepressant may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in patients under age of 18 years thankfully there is no clear evidence that completed suicides increase


There is a philosophical divide called the ____ between psychologists who see therapy as more of an art than a science and those who believe all therapy should be based on well-replicated scientific findings.

Scientist-practitioner gap


Sensory perception that occurs in the absence of an external stimulus

The Minnesota Twins study found which surprising result?

Shared environment plays little or no role in adult personality.

Lisa Berkman and Leonard Syme

Social support buffers against adverse affects of stress on health

Which of the following observations is evidence against the claim that all forms of therapy are equally effective

Some percentage of clients are worse off after therapy, and may be worse off because of psychotherapy

major depressive episode

State in which a person experiences a lingering depressed mood or diminished interest in pleasurable activities, along with symptoms that include weight loss and sleep difficulties


Statements one tells oneself to stay in control

Aggressive Cues

Stimuli that have been associated in the past with actual aggression or violence and that will trigger aggression again

What type of family therapy uses paradoxical requests to motivate uncooperative clients into better patterns of communication effective problem solving and enhanced relating to one another

Strategic Family Intervention


Strongly held fixed belief that has no basis in reality

Letters from Jenny

Studied using a variety of approaches, including common sense and factor analysis

the name panic attack comes from where

The Greek god Pan was a mischievous spirit who popped out of the bushes to scare the living daylights out of travelers

response sets

The MMPI-2 contains three major validity scales to detect __________, which are tendencies to distort one's responses to items.

respondents cannot tell what the test is measuring

The empirical method of test construction unfortunately leads tests such as the MMPI-2 to have low face validity. This means that __________.


The relatively enduring predispositions that influence our behavior and define our personality are known as __________.

Which criticism of humanistic theories of personality is also a criticism of Freud's psychoanalytic view of personality?

The theories are difficult to falsify.

Which of the following is a sign of a good therapist, rather than a warning sign of a therapist to be avoided?

The therapist uses scientifically based approaches and discusses the pros and cons of other approaches.

cognitive triad

The three forms of negative thinking that Aaron Beck theorizes lead people to feel depressed. The triad consists of a negative view of one's experiences, oneself, and the future.


The treatment of mental disorders with medication.


The unsupported theory that cold and rejecting behaviour causes schizophrenia, mother


The use of many different drugs concurrently in treating a patient, who often has several health problems.


These are words that are pronounced the same, but have different meanings.

Morgellons disease

This mysterious illness is described by the CDC as Unexplained Dermopathy and manifests almost science fiction-like symptoms. Sufferers complain of intensely creepy-crawly feeling, described as bugs crawling under the surface of the skin. Also they complain of odd fibrous strands of blue, red, and black which protrude from open wounds. Some in the medical community blame the "disease" on psychotic delusion, but others say the symptoms are very real as the strands can actually be viewed under the microscope! (MARY LETINO)

Windshield pitting

Thousands of residents became alarmed by tiny indentations, or pits, in their car windshields that they suspected were the result of secret nuclear tests performed by the federal government

Psychodynamic therapies

Treatments that stress the importance of the unconscious mind, extensive interpretation by the therapist, and the role of early childhood experiences in the development of an individual's problems

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Twelve-Step self-help program that provides social support for achieving sobriety

the P. T. Barnum Effect; illusory correlation

Two common pitfalls in personality assessment are __________ and __________.


Vygotskian learning mechanism in which parents provide initial assistance in children's learning but gradually remove structure as children become more competent

who was the fight or flight response discovered by

Walter Cannon in 1915

Retrospective rewriting of the past

We expect to change after treatment and may adjust our memories to fit this expectation

Japanese tend to be more concerned about their impact on others than are ----


idiographic approach

Which approach to personality focuses on identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life experiences within an individual?


Which dimension of the Big Five describes people who are careful and responsible in their actions?

trait model

Which model of personality theory deals primarily with the structure of personality rather than its causes?

more optimistic for personality growth throughout the life span

Which of the following is a key way in which neo-Freudians differ from Freudians?

oral - anal - phallic - latency - genital

Which of the following is the correct order of Freud's stages of psychosexual development?

A married man with powerful unconscious sexual impulses toward females complains that other women are always "after him."

Which of the following scenarios would be indicative of the defense mechanism known as "projection"?

nomothetic approach

Which term describes the effort to understand personality by identifying general laws that govern the behavior of individuals?

the Big Five

Which term refers to a group of traits that repeatedly surface in factor analyses of personality measures?

Phagocytes, T cells, and B cells

White blood cells that attack invading pathogens

Which of the following persons might meet diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode?

a 34 year old man has been "feeling down" for several months. He lies awake at night ruminating about whether his job is secure. He picks at his food and has lost 10 pounds.

Which of the following persons might meet diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode?

a 34-year-old man has been "feeling down" for several months. He lies awake at night ruminating about whether his job is secure. He picks at his food and has lost 10 pounds.

rooting reflex

a baby's tendency, when touched on the cheek, to turn toward the touch, open the mouth, and search for the nipple


a behavior therapy procedure that uses classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that are triggering unwanted behaviors; includes exposure therapies and aversive conditioning


a belief—positive or negative—about the characteristics of members of a group that is applied generally to most members of the group

callous-unemotional traits

a cluster of traits characteristic of psychopathic individuals, which includes a lack of empathy and indifference toward the feelings of others


a cognitive process used to organize information by placing it into larger groupings of information

motivational interviewing

a collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthen motivation for change

A somatic symptom disorder is defined as __________.

a condition marked by excessive anxiety about physical symptoms with a medical or purely psychological origin.

culture of honor

a culture defined by its members' strong concerns about their own and others' reputations, leading to sensitivity to insults and a willingness to use violence to avenge any perceived wrong

Tiger Mother

a demanding mother who pushes her children to high levels of achievement following practices common in China and other parts of Asia


a device used by musicians that marks time at a selected rate by giving a regular tick


a drug that reduces the symptoms of schizophrenia by blocking dopamine D2 receptors 1950 in france

Because family therapists see most psychological problems as rooted in __________, their focus is on interactions among family members.

a dysfunctional family system

stranger anxiety

a fear of strangers developing at eight or nine months of age


a feeling of psychological pain that seems intolerable to the person

self-help groups

a group composed of people who have similar problems and who meet together without a therapist or counselor for the purpose of discussion, problem solving, and social and emotional support

Which of the following is a misconception regarding the insanity defense?

a large portion of criminals escape criminal responsibility by using the insanity defense

Which of the following is a misconception regarding the insanity defense?

a large proportion of criminals escape criminal responsibility by using the insanity defense.

William Calley

a lieutenant who's unit began shooting and killing unarmed civilians at My Lai. he later maintained that he was following orders, but many of the soldiers present did not participate in the massacre.

monoamine oxidase (MOA)

a low production of this leads to heightened risk for developing into violent criminals -- an enzyme that breaks down and thereby inactivates monoamine transmitters,

glove anesthesia

a mental disorder involving loss of sensitivity in the hand and wrist

second-order conditioning

a new CS is paired with the original CS

person-centered therapy

a nondirective insight therapy based on the work of Carl Rogers in which the client does all the talking and the therapist listens, (formerly called client-centered therapy)

insecure-avoidant attachment

a pattern of attachment in which an infant avoids connection with the caregiver, as when the infant seems not to care about the caregiver's presence, departure, or return 15-20%

devil's advocate

a person whose role is to voice doubts about the wisdom of the group's decisions

intrinsic religiosity

a person's inner religious life or personal relationship to the divine

extrinsic religiosity

a person's public display of commitment to a religious faith

primary sex characteristic

a physical feature such as the reproductive organs and genitals that distinguish the sexes

Dr. Sardionicus is administering a personality measure to Sofia. "Tell me what you see in this picture," he asks. "Describe it in as much detail as you can, telling me what is there and what it means to you." Sofia was looking at a collection of smudges, drips, and blotches of colored ink on a page. Dr. Sardonicus seems to be using __________.

a projective test of personality

schizotypal personality disorder

a psychological disorder characterized by several traits that cause problems interpersonally, including constricted or inappropriate affect; magical or paranoid thinking; and odd beliefs, speech, behavior, appearance, and perceptions

Psychotherapy is defined by the authors in your textbook chapter as __________.

a psychological intervention designed to help people resolve emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal problems and improve the quality of their lives

A psychological problem reflecting serious distortions in reality, such as those found in schizophrenia, is called

a psychotic symptom

anxiety hierarchy

a rank-ordered list of what the client fears, from least frightening to most frightening


a release of emotional tension

secure base

a rock-solid source of support to which to turn in times of trouble

gender role

a set of behaviors that tend to be associated with being male or female

secondary sex characteristic

a sex-differentiating characteristic that doesn't relate directly to reproduction, such as breast enlargement in women and deepening voices in men

Mary believes that all Asian people excel at mathematics. Although that might be considered a complimentary view, it is also nonetheless __________.

a stereotype

behavioral inhibition

a temperamentally based style of responding characterized by the tendency to be particularly fearful and restrained when dealing with novel or stressful situations

cognitive misers

a term that conveys the human tendency to avoid expending effort and cognitive resources when thinking and to prefer seizing on quick and easy answers to questions

Existential therapy

a therapy that encourages clients to accept responsibility for their lives and to live with greater meaning and value

stress inoculation training

a therapy that helps people to cope with stressful situations by developing positive ways to think about the situation

third-order conditioning

a third CS is in turn paired with the second-order CS

Disorganized attachment

a type of attachment that is marked by an infant's inconsistent reactions to the caregiver's departure and return


a variety of practices that train attention and awareness

social disruption

a worsening of performance in the presence of others

Informational control

ability to acquire information about a stressful event

Decisional control

ability to choose among alternative courses of action


ability to inhibit an impulse to act

theory of mind

ability to reason about what other people know or believe

Emotional control

ability to suppress and express emotions

Which of the following terms describes a situation in which a person with alcholism feels so bad about a lapse that she or he falls off the wagon completely and goes back drinking at high levels

absitience violation effect

Which of the following terms describes a situation in which a person with alcoholism feels so bad about a lapse that she or he falls off the wagon completely and goes back to drinking at high levels?

abstinence violation effect

Which of the following is an example of a "third-wave" approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy?

acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

Third-wave therapies differ from first-wave therapies (which are behaviorally based) and second-wave therapies (which are cognitively based), because third-wave therapies focus primarily on fostering __________ among clients.

acceptance and mindfulness

style of life

according to Alfred Adler, each person's distinctive way of achieving superiority

collective unconscious

according to Carl Jung, our shared storehouse of memories that ancestors have passed down to us across generations

conditions of worth

according to Carl Rogers, expectations we place on ourselves for appropriate and inappropriate behavior

classical conditioning occurs in three phases which are

acquisition, extinction, and spontaneous recovery

gene expression

activation or deactivation of genes by environmental experiences throughout development


acupuncture people would put needles in these areas to release some sort of "energy"

freud often used what to protect his pet hypotheses

ad hoc maneuvers

From an evolutionary perspective, irrational behaviors based in blind obedience and leading to dangerous results are by-products of basically __________ processes that have gone terribly wrong.


What broad evolutionary principle can be described by the phrase "better safe than sorry"?

adaptive conservatism

when do we achieve our most abstract levels of reasoning ability


identification with the aggressor

adopting the psychological characteristics of people we find threatening

Shared environment plays little or no role in

adult personality

Over time, chronic stress has been linked to ___________.

adverse health effects

four everyday applications of classical conditioning

advertising, the acquisition of fears and phobias, the acquisition of fetishes, and disgust reactions

Social age

age measured by your lifestyle and the connections you have with others

changes in stress levels appear to be an influential predictor of headaches in children

aged 8-17 years

Walter Mischel found that measures of personality were not helpful in predicting behavior, but other researchers have concluded that measures of personality are predictive of __________.

aggregated but not isolated behaviors

Stanley Milgram's studies of obedience indicate that __________.

aggression toward a victim increases as nearness to the victim decreases

physical punishment by parents is positively correlated with

aggressive behavior in children

The presence of __________, such as guns or knives, can make people more likely to act violently when provoked.

aggressive cues


agreeable people tend to be sociable and easy to get along with

Which of the Big Five personality dimensions describes people who are sociable and easy to get along with?


Symbolic Meaning

all actions are meaningful

The Dodo bird hypothesis is often discussed in regard to evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Those who support the Dodo bird view would conclude that __________.

all therapies are about equally effective, and any therapy is better than none at all

empty-nest syndrome

alleged period of depression in mothers following the departure of their grown children from the home


along with his colleagues, tested amnesia patients' memories of previous meals; found that part of our knowing when to eat is our memory of our last meal

empirically supported treatments (ESTs)

also called research supported treatments—interventions for specific disorders backed by high-quality scientific evidence derived from controlled studies

Help offered for unselfish reasons, without the expectation of reward, personal gain, or self-satisfaction, is called ________________


posttraumatic stress disorder

an anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms continue to be experienced long after a traumatic event

Virtual reality exposure therapy

an anxiety treatment that progressively exposes people to simulations of their greatest fears, such as airplane flying, spiders, or public speaking

individuation (jung)

an enhanced sense of individual identity produced by focusing attention on the self, which generally leads people to act carefully and deliberately and in accordance with their sense of propriety and values


an environmental factor that can exert a negative impact on prenatal development


an event or situation that causes stress

minimal intergroup paradigm

an experimental procedure in which short-term, arbitrary, artificial groups are created to explore the foundations of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination

eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

an exposure treatment in which clients move their eyes in a rhythmic manner from side to side while flooding their minds with images of objects and situations they ordinarily avoid

controlled drinking

an extremely controversial treatment approach to alcohol dependence, in which severe abusers are taught to drink in moderation

learning style

an individual's preferred or optimal method of acquiring new information

biopsychosocial approach

an integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis

mental representation

an internal image of a past event or object

critical period

an optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development


ancient Chinese practice of inserting thin needles into one or more of 2,000 points in the body to alter energy forces believed to run through the body

What type of hormone produces the growth of pubic hair in adolescent girls?


instrumental conditioning

another term for operant conditioning

In the 1950s, scientists discovered ______________, and over time, due to the effectiveness of this treatment, many institutionalized patients were released and treated on an outpatient basis.

anti-psychotic drugs

proactive coping

anticipation of problems and stressful situations that promotes effective coping

Drugs commonly used to treat mental disorders fall into the classes of __________, antianxiety, __________, and antidepressant drugs.

antipsychotics; mood stabilizers

People with high levels of ________ respond to physical sensations that others would barely notice and interpret them as signs of illness, which can bring on a full-blown panic attack

anxiety sensitivity


anxiety, insecurity, emotional instability


appointment of members to the role of protecting against opposing views

empirical method of test construction

approach to building tests in which researchers begin with two or more criterion groups and examine which items best differentiate them

rational/theoretical method of test construction

approach to building tests that requires test developers to begin with a clear-cut conceptualization of a trait and then write items to assess that conceptualization

inoculation effect

approach to convincing people to change their minds about something by first introducing reasons why the perspective might be correct and then debunking them

moral treatment

approach to mental illness calling for dignity, kindness, and respect for those with mental illness Phillippe Pinel in France and Dorothea Dix

nomothetic approach

approach to personality that focuses on identifying general laws that govern the behavior of all individuals

idiographic approach

approach to personality that focuses on identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life history experiences within an individual

Although psychologists have discovered both drug treatments and psychological treatments that are effective in treating anxiety disorders, drug treatments

are not as enduring as their effects as psychological treatments

comparative psychology

area of psychology in which the psychologists study animals and their behavior for the purpose of comparing and contrasting it to human behavior

If they do not suffer from the complications that have been commonly associated with obesity, such as uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure, obese people live __________.

as long as lean people

stress as a response

assess people's psychological and physical reactions to stressful circumstances

third wave therapies

assist clients with accepting and being mindful of and attuned to all aspects of their experience, including thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical sensations

ultimate attribution error

assumption that behaviors among individual members of a group are due to their internal dispositions, pettigrew

fallacy of uniform efficacy

assumption that certain ways of coping and regulating emotion are consistently beneficial

lexical approach

assumption that the most crucial features of personality are embedded in our language

T cells

attach to proteins on the surface of virus and pop them like balloons


attempts to avoid confrontation and anxiety associated with uncovering previously repressed thoughts, emotions, and impulses

When a belief includes an emotional component, it becomes a(n) __________.


prejudice refers to negative

attitude towards others

People with __________ personality traits tend to have high levels of prejudice, as do people who tend to "pigeonhole" others into distinct categories.


In classical conditioning, the organism's responses depend primarily on the

autonomic nervous system

Bureau of Labor Statistics

average American worker changed jobs every 4.6 years

A treatment based on classical conditioning that pairs undesirable behaviors with stimuli that are unpleasant is called __________. Unfortunately, this treatment model has received only mixed support from research studies.

aversion therapy

avoidance-oriented coping

avoiding action to solve our problems or giving up hope


avoiding emotions associated with anxiety-provoking experiences by focusing on abstract and impersonal thoughts

Early reports of success of sleep-assisted learning fail to consider an important rival hypothesis: namely, that the recordings might have...

awakened the subjects


ball of identical cells early in pregnancy that haven't yet begun to take on any specific function in a body part


basic emotional style that appears early in development and is largely genetic in origin

Many habits that are hard to break ________________.

become functional in people's lives, which makes them even harder to break


before birth


behavior intended to harm others, either verbally or physically (or both)

discrimination refers to negative

behavior towards others

One criticism of social learning theory is that stressing the importance of observational learning as an influence on personality implies a causal environmental role that __________.

behavior-genetic studies have shown are weak or nonexistent

The type of problem-focused approach that lets you step up and take an action to prevent a stressful situation or reduce its impact is known as __________ control.


In the type of modeling therapy known as __________, the client and therapist engage in role-playing in order to learn and practice new skills.

behavioral rehearsal


belief that includes an emotional component

Developmental influences are

bidirectional; meaning Children's experiences influence their development, but their development also influences what they experience

Estimates suggest that the rate of suicide among people with _____ is about 15 times higher than that of the general population.

bipolar disorder

Estimates suggest that the rate of suicide among people with _______ is about 15 times higher than that of the general population.

bipolar disorder

Which of the following is equally common among men as among women?

bipolar disorder

Which term refers to a condition marked by at least one manic episode?

bipolar disorder

most genetically influenced of all mental disorders is what?

bipolar disorder

motor behaviors

bodily motion that occurs as result of self-initiated force that moves the bones and muscles

Which of the following is related to obsessive-compulsive disorder and creates a preoccupation with imperfections of the person's appearance?

body dysmorphic disorder

Personality and Assessment

book by Walter Mischel called the very notion of personality traits into question

Which term refers to a condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, interpersonal relationships, and impulse control?

borderline personality disorder


boys' first ejaculation

The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) may ultimately provide an alternative to the DSM that is more rooted in dysfunctions in ______.

brain circuitry


brain surgery on human patients intended to relieve severe and otherwise intractable mental or behavioral problems

Most health psychologists who focus on the behavioral aspect of health believe that in order to break a habit you have to ___________ before you can change.

break the behavior down into its functional parts and analyze why you do what you do

Many mental disorders probably result from

breakdowns or failures of physiological systems

panic attack

brief, intense episode of extreme fear characterized by sweating, dizziness, light-headedness, racing heartbeat, and feelings of impending death or going crazy

One criticism of the DSM-5 is that it relies on a ________ model, meaning mental disorders are seen as either present or absent, without consideration of degree.


The popular idea that __________, expressing extreme emotions about painful feelings, is always beneficial has been challenged by research showing that although it may make us feel better in the short-term, it can actually make things worse in the long-term.


mirror neurons

cell in the prefrontal cortex that becomes activated when an animal performs an action or observes it being performed

In the dual process model of persuasion, the two routes people rely on when engaged in an attitude-change situation are called __________.

central and peripheral

When we focus on the informational content of an argument and determine if it holds up under scrutiny, we are using the __________ of the dual process model of persuasion. This way works well when we have plenty of time and results in strongly held, relatively enduring attitudes.

central route

B. F. Skinner and other radical behaviorists dismissed the idea that thoughts play any causal role in our behavior. But the evolution of a highly developed __________ in human beings makes this idea improbable.

cerebral cortex

thinking brain

cerebral cortex


changes in children's cognitive skills affect most or all areas of cognitive function in tandem

developmental effects

changes over time within individuals as a consequence of growing older


changing one's behavior at the command of an authority figure


children's cognitive skills develop independently and at different rates across different domains, such as reasoning, language, and counting

just-world hypothesis

claim that our attributions and behaviors are shaped by a deep-seated assumption that the world is fair and all things happen for a reason

scapegoat hypothesis

claim that prejudice arises from a need to blame other groups for our misfortunes

Condition Your Professor

class of introductory psychology students agrees to provide positive reinforcement—such as smiling or nodding their heads—to their professor whenever he or she moves in a particular direction, such as to the far left side of the room

Ivan Pavlov discovered _________ while conducting research on digestion in dogs.

classical conditioning

Systematic desensitization

clients are taught to relax as they are gradually exposed to what they fear in a stepwise manner

Thought Field Therapy

clients are told to think of a distressing problem while the therapist taps on body points and this is supposed to remove energy blocks

What has provided evidence of the effectiveness of psychological treatment?

clinical trials


co-occurrence of two or more diagnoses within the same person

Because of their belief that thinking influences behavior, social learning theorists are also called social __________ theorists.


Which of the following types of therapy were introduced during the 1960s and 1970s?

cognitive and behavioral therapies

When we are able to think differently about the negative emotions that come up during a stressful incident, we are exerting __________.

cognitive control

Britney has announced to her friends that she wants to exercise more this semester. As her friends head off to the school gym, she flips on the television and settles in for a night of relaxed inactivity. Which of the following terms describes her mental state at the moment?

cognitive dissonance

In a study of the theory of __________, participants who ate fried grasshoppers were more likely to say the bugs were tasty if a friendly person was distributing the "treat" than if an unfriendly person was.

cognitive dissonance

As we become accustomed to a particular place, we develop a representation in our minds of how that physical space is organized. This is known as developing a...

cognitive map

Carl Jung subscribed to the notion of a __________, which he thought was a shared storehouse of ancestral memories.

collective unconscious

Inner voices that tell a person with schizophrenia what to do and may be associated with a heightened risk of violence toward others are called

command hallucinations

upward social comparison

comparing ourselves to people who are better than we are with regard to a particular trait or ability

downward social comparison

comparing ourselves to people who are worse than we are with regard to a particular trait or ability

According to the principles of latent learning, there is a crucial distinction to be made between...

competence and performance

Which of the following is the term for repetitive behavior performed to reduce or prevent distress or to relieve feelings of shame or guilt?


personality disorder

condition in which personality traits, appearing first in adolescence, are inflexible, stable, expressed in a wide variety of situations, and lead to distress or impairment

dissociative disorder

condition involving disruptions in consciousness, memory, identity, or perception

bipolar disorder

condition marked by a history of at least one manic episode

somatic symptom disorder

condition marked by excessive anxiety about physical symptoms with a medical or purely psychological origin

borderline personality disorder

condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, and impulse control 2-6%

illness anxiety disorder

condition marked by intense preoccupation with the possibility of a serious undiagnosed illness

depersonalization/derealization disorder

condition marked by multiple episodes of depersonalization, derealization, or both

Tourette's disorder

condition marked by repeated automatic behaviors

psychopathic personality

condition marked by superficial charm, dishonesty, manipulativeness, self-centeredness, and risk taking

fetal alchohol syndrome (FAS)

condition resulting from high levels of prenatal alcohol exposure, causing learning disabilities, physical growth retardation, facial malformations, and behavioral disorders

Pavlov discovered that if he repeatedly paired a neutral stimulus, such as the sound of a metronome, with a stimulus that provided an automatic response, eventually the neutral stimulus alone would produce a(n)...

conditioned response

Most classically conditioned reactions require repeated pairings of the conditioned stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus in order to develop a relationship in the mind of the subject. Which of the following is an example of a situation in which only one pairing is necessary?

conditioned taste aversion

Reggie likes to eat chicken fingers dipped in honey mustard sauce. One night, just after eating at Chester's Chicken Shack, he becomes painfully ill with stomach cramps and nausea sue to the flu virus that had been percolating in his body the past few days. When his friends invite him back to Chester's in a month, Reggie swiftly declines. What principle of classical conditioning is at work in Reggie's reaction?

conditioned tasted aversion


conditioning a target behavior by progressively reinforcing behaviors that come closer and closer to the target

According to Carl Rogers's model of personality, which of the following refers to the expectations we place on ourselves for appropriate or inappropriate behavior?

conditions of worth

Oedipus complex

conflict during phallic stage in which boys supposedly love their mothers romantically and want to eliminate their fathers as rivals

People with low self-esteem are especially prone to


two especially potent social influences

conformity and obedience


conscientious people tend to be careful and responsible

Which dimension of the Big Five describes people who are careful and responsible in their actions?


The Big Five traits include openness to experience, _____________, extraversion, _____________, and neuroticism.

conscientiousness; agreeableness

Harry Harlow conducted research with monkeys in the 1950s and discovered that baby monkeys preferred an inanimate "surrogate mother" covered in terry cloth to a wire-mesh "mother" that provided milk. Harlow called this phenomenon __________.

contact comfort

principal function of the ego

contend with threats from the outside world

problem-focused coping

coping strategy by which we problem solve and tackle life's challenges head on

emotion-focused coping

coping strategy that features a positive outlook on feelings or situations accompanied by behaviors that reduce painful emotions

emotions and stress are associated with physical disorders, including

coronary heart disease, asthma, headaches, and AIDS

The hypothalamus and pituitary gland (P) orchestrate the adrenal gland's release of another stress hormone which is


pastrol counselor

counseling; support in spiritual context, wellness programs, group, family, and couples therapy

Maslow (1971), self-actualized people tend to be

creative, spontaneous, and accepting of themselves and others


cross-culturally universal symbols

Which type of research design examines people of different ages at a single point in time?

cross-sectional design

What kind of cognitive function tends to stay the same or get better as we age?

crystallized intelligence

Which term refers to the social norm of defending one's reputation in the face of perceived insults that can lead to high levels of violence in the parts of the world where it is practiced?

culture of honor

collectivist cultures

cultures in which the self is regarded as embedded in relationships, and harmony with one's group is prized above individual goals and wishes

individualistic cultures

cultures that emphasize the needs and goals of the individual over the needs and goals of the group

Widom study

cycle of violence

Low birth weight is linked to a high risk of

death, infection, developmental delays, and even psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety

the goal of psychoanalysis is to

decrease guilt and frustration and make the unconscious conscious by bringing to awareness previously repressed impulses, conflicts, and memories

Freud believed that the ego uses unconscious maneuvers called __________ to minimize anxiety.

defense mechanisms

heavy episodic drinking

defined as drinking five or more drinks on one occasion for men and four or more drinks on one occasion for women

light to moderate drinking

defined as two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women

Which government policy resulted in the release of hospitalized psychiatric patients into the community, which was a blessing for some but left others homeless and without adequate follow-up care?


In operant conditioning, the animal's reward


Currently, both ECT and TMS tend to be used primarily in the treatment of __________.


A disorder in which the person feels the world around her or him is strange or illusory is called __________.

deregulation disorder


describes a person who lies, cheats, steals, is unfaithful to women, and doesn't obey elders

radical behaviorists are


rational emotive behavior therapy

developed by Albert Ellis, a form of psychotherapy based on identifying and correcting irrational beliefs that are believed to underlie emotional and behavioral difficulties

higher-order conditioning

developing a conditioned response to a conditioned stimulus by virtue of its association with another conditioned stimulus

The branch of psychology that considers how behavior changes over the lifetime is called __________ psychology.


David Rosenhan

did study in which healthy patients were admitted to psychiatric hospitals and diagnoses with schizophrenia; showed that once you are diagnosed with a disorder, the label, even when behavior indicates otherwise, is hard to overcome in a mental health setting

Fourth-order conditioning and beyond is typically

difficult or impossible to achieve

The more people who are around you in an emergency, the less likely it is that one of them will offer assistance. What produces this curious and disturbing finding?

diffusion of responsibility

Which term describes the situation in which people do not come to the aid of another because there are many other people around to help?

diffusion of responsibility

psychosocial crisis

dilemma concerning an individual's relations to other people


directing an impulse from a socially unacceptable target onto a safer and more socially acceptable target

A popular learning method that suggests students can figure out important principles on their own by trying out experimental materials is called...

discovery learning

A popular way to impart knowledge is ___________, whereby students are given experimental materials and asked to figure out the scientific principles on their own.

discovery leaving

Which term describes a stimulus that signals the presence of reinforcement?

discriminative stimulus

What approach to understand the mechanics of a therapeutic approach enables researchers to examine the different components of a broader treatment as separate elements, which helps to rule out rival hypotheses about effective treatment mechanisms?


Whay approach to understand the mechanic of a therapeutic approach enables researchers ti examine the different components of a broader treatment as separate elements, which helps to rule out rival hypotheses about effective treatment mechanisms


Genetic disorders

disorders caused partly or completely by a defect in genes

Which new category was added to the DSM-5 to address concerns about the overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in children with persistent irritability and frequent behavior outbursts?

disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

Careful studies have not found any convincing cases of _______ that could not be explained by other variables, such as disease, brain injury, normal forgetting, or an unwillingness to think about disturbing events.

dissociative amnesia

Which term describes a condition in which a person forgets significant events in his or her life and escapes from stressful circumstances?

dissociative fugue

What disorder is virtually nonexistent in Japan and India but is diagnosed with considerable frequency in countries where it has received more publicity, leading many to conclude that the condition is actually created by therapists rather than discovered by them?

dissociative identity disorder

When we hold two conflicting attitudes or beliefs, we experience an unpleasant state of tension called cognitive __________, and look for a way to reduce or eliminate this tension.


Psychodynamic therapists work from the assumption of traumatic memories from childhood. Research has shown that _____.

disturbing event are actually more memorable and less subject to being forgotten than are everyday occurrences

Psychodynamic therapists work from the assumption that a client's difficulties in the present stem from the repression of traumatic memories from childhood. Research has shown that __________.

disturbing events are actually more memorable and less subject to being forgotten than are everyday occurrences

When asking for a raise, one approach is for a person to request a much larger raise than he or she expects in the hope the boss will offer a raise close to what the person wants. What do psychologists call this technique?

door-in-the-face technique

Current data do not support the __________ hypothesis as a comprehensive model of schizophrenia; however, abnormalities in the receptors for this neurotransmitter may actually be responsible for the symptoms of schizophrenia.



drive to develop our innate potential to the fullest possible extent

abstinence violation

dysfunctional beliefs about relapse following treatment for substance dependency that facilitate further regular substance use

The validity of ________ as a diagnosis is controversial; some experts fear that children who have repeated temper tantrums will be diagnosed with this condition.

early-onset bipolar disorder

jigsaw classroom

educational approach designed to minimize prejudice by requiring all children to make independent contributions to a shared project

cohort effect

effect observed in a sample of participants that results from individuals in the sample growing up at the same time

deep brain stimulation

electrical stimulation applied through surgically implanted electrodes; used to treat some anxiety and mood disorders

In classical conditioning, the organism's response is


In operant conditioning, the organism's response is


In operant conditioning, the response of the organism to the stimulus is...

emitted voluntarily

Which of the following refers to a coping strategy that uses positive feelings or outlooks to reduce painful emotions?

emotion-focused coping


emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking, Irving Janis

humanistic models

emphasize self actualization, exploration of values, and a focus on the present

S-O-R theorists

emphasize the role of expectations in learning, forms of learning usually depend on thinking, cognition is central to explaining learning,

The rational/theoretical model of test construction requires developers to start with a clear idea of a trait and then design items that assess the trait according to that idea. This approach differs from the __________ in which researchers begin with two or more criterion groups and examine which items best distinguish them from each other.

empirical method

An intervention for a specific disorder that is substantiated by high-quality scientific evidence would be considered a(n) __________.

empirically supported treatment

Some mothers are believed to experience __________, a period of depression that comes on after their children leave home, although most research suggests there are cohort effects on the incidence of this condition.

empty-nest syndrome

dispositional influences

enduring characteristics, such as personality traits, attitudes, and intelligence

social facilitation

enhancement of performance brought about by the presence of others

average expectable environment

environment that provides children with basic needs for affection and discipline

the adrenal gland secrets what stress hormones in a stress response

epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenalin)

People often have phobias about things they have little experience with, which is a challenge to the assumption of...


bandwagon fallacy

error of assuming that a claim is correct just because many people believe it

pluralistic ignorance

error of assuming that no one in a group perceives things as we do

circular reasoning fallacy

error of basing a claim on the same claim reworded in slightly different terms

Because stress can be a positive force as well as a negative one, Selye coined the term __________ to mean positive or good stress.


ecological momentary assessment

evaluation of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that arise in the moment in situations in which they occur in everyday life

preparedness - Seligman (1971)

evolutionary predisposition to learn some pairings of feared stimuli over others owing to their survival value

adaptive conservatism

evolutionary principle that creates a predisposition toward distrusting anything or anyone unfamiliar or different

analytical learners

excel at breaking down problems into different components

holistic learners

excel at viewing problems as a whole

aerobic exercise

exercise that promotes the use of oxygen in the body

behavioral model

explanation of human behavior, including dysfunction, based on principles of learning and adaptation derived from experimental psychology Peter Lewinsohn's

wish fulfillments

expressions of the id's impulses, dreams and slips of tongue

incremental validity

extent to which a test contributes information beyond other more easily collected measures

locus of control

extent to which people believe that reinforcers and punishers lie inside or outside their control, Julian Rotter

face validity

extent to which respondents can tell what the items are measuring

internal validity

extent to which we can draw cause-and-effect inferences from a study

external validity

extent to which we can generalize findings to real-world settings

Freud's theories may therefore possess limited

external validity

Which term refers to classical conditioning phenomenon in which a new CR "writes over" an existing CR?


five dimensions of personality

extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and open to experience


extraverted people tend to be social and lively

many MMPI and MMPI-2 items possess low

face validity


facial character

A statistical technique that analyzes the correlations among responses to personality questions in order to derive underlying dimensions that produce those correlations is called __________.

factor analysis

post hoc fallacy

false assumption that because one event occurred before another event, it must have caused that event

urban legends

false stories repeated so many times that people believe them to be true

Martin and Lewis are having trouble in their relationship. They seem to squabble about money. Martin likes to spend and Lewis does not and their communication patterns on this issue are not very good. In most other ways their relationship is quite solid, and they definitely love and respect one another. What therapeutic approach might be good for them?

family therapy

Strategic family interventions

family therapy approach designed to remove barriers to effective communication

Robin Dunbar

famous # 150, number is the approximate size of most human social groups, from the hunter-gatherers of days of yore to today's scientists working in a specialized research area

richer individuals usually reach puberty

faster than poor people


fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or embarrassing or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack

Agoraphobia is defined as

fear of being placed in a situation where escape is difficult or embarrassing or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack

political conservatives tend to be more

fearful, more sensitive to threat, and less tolerant of uncertainty than are political liberals


feedback by a device that provides almost an immediate output of a biological function, such as heart rate or skin temperature


feelings of detachment from one's mental processes or body, More than half of adults have experienced one brief episode of depersonalization, and such experiences are especially common among adolescents and college students

inferiority complex

feelings of low self-esteem that can lead to overcompensation for such feelings


fertilized egg

The intake of the teratogen alcohol by a pregnant woman can lead to __________ in her child, which can include learning disabilities, physical growth retardation, facial malformations, and behavioral disorders.

fetal alcohol syndrome

health psychology

field of psychology, also called behavioral medicine, that integrates the behavioral sciences with the practice of medicine

The inoculation effect, used to help reverse cult indoctrination, means to __________.

first expose people to information consistent with cult beliefs and then debunk it

preconventional morality

first level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which the child's behavior is governed by the consequences of the behavior

Jean Piaget

first person to present a comprehensive account of cognitive development, stage theorist, 4 stage theory

to diagnose a person with major depressive disorder, DSM-5 requires that the person exhibit at least -----

five of nine symptoms

The average person with major depression experiences ---- episodes over the course of a lifetime.

five or six

Big Five

five traits that have surfaced repeatedly in factor analyses of personality measures

Consistency of administering reinforcement

fixed: provided on a regular basis variable: provided on an irregular basis

What type of therapy exposes clients to images of the stimuli they most fear for prolonged periods of time, up to an hour or more?

flooding therapy

stressors as stimuli

focuses on identifying different types of stressful events

The method of getting someone to agree to give something small, such as an hour of volunteer time or a few dollars to charity, in order to put her in the frame of mind to give something larger later on is called the __________ technique.


crisis debriefing

forces people to rehearse and "process" their traumatic experiences

Gestalt therapy

form of directive insight therapy in which the therapist helps clients to accept all parts of their feelings and subjective experiences, using leading questions and planned experiences such as role-playing

relational aggression

form of indirect aggression prevalent in girls, involving spreading rumors, gossiping, and using nonverbal putdowns for the purpose of social manipulation

At which of Jean Piaget's four stages of cognitive development does a child develop the ability to perform hypothetical and abstract reasoning?

formal operations


fraternal twins


freaked out and violently pissed off, Malaysia, the Philippines, and some African countries

A therapeutic technique in which clients express themselves without any censorship from themselves or the counselor is called __________.

free association

6 ingredients in psychoanalysis

free association, interpretation, dream analysis, resistance, transference, working through

The activation or deactivation of particular genes is called __________ and can be influenced by environmental factors.

gene expression

Many people with __________ describe themselves as "worry warts" and spend an average of up to 60 percent of each day worrying.

generalized anxiety disorder

Which of the following is the term for the 3 percent of the population who spend about 60 percent of each day worrying, usually about small things in life?

generalized anxiety disorder

Which of the following is the term for the 3% of the population who spend about 60% of each day worrying, usually about small things in life?

generalized anxiety disorder

Three broad sets of influences on personality

genetic factors, shared environmental factors, nonshared environmental factors

Comparing identical twins reared together versus identical twins reared apart allows researchers to investigate the contributions of both __________ and __________ to the development of personality.

genetics; the environment

In the __________ stage of prenatal development, the zygote begins to divide and double, forming a blastocyst.


verbal learners

get more out of words, written and spoken explanations

behavioral activation

getting clients, such as those who are depressed, to participate in reinforcing activities

Contrary to popular belief, scientific research shows that __________ does not slow cognitive decline in aging adults

ginkgo biloba


giving human characteristics to inanimate objects

Discovery Learning (Bruner)

giving students experimental materials and asking them to figure out the scientific principles on their own


good stress

The just-world hypothesis holds that __________.

good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people


gradual reduction and eventual elimination of the conditioned response after the conditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly without the unconditioned stimulus

continuous changes in understanding

gradual, incremental changes in understanding


grasping the underlying nature of a problem


group of individuals who exhibit intense and unquestioning devotion to a single individual or cause

Which term refers to the tendency of group discussion to strengthen the dominant position held by members of the group?

group polarization

The tendency for group members to strive for consensus and agreement at the expense of realistically considering other viewpoints and relevant information is called __________.


characteristics of a psychopathic personality

guiltless, dishonest, manipulative, callous, and self-centered conduct disorder

The process whereby someone responds less strongly over time to a given stimulus represents one of the simplest forms of learning. This process is called


People with schizophrenia are prone to ________, sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli.



hard approach to parenting in which parents don't indulge or reinforce children's calls for attention

Although more research needs to be conducted the available current research evidence suggests that socioeconomic status and race _________

have little or no bearing on the outcome of therapy

Although more research needs to be conducted, the available current research evidence suggests that socioeconomic status and race __________.

have little or no bearing on the outcome of therapy

On simple tasks regarding impulse control, teens __________ compared to adults.

have more difficulty and use more brain processing power

Although many patients benefit from psychopharmacotherapy, it is important to remember that virtually all medications __________.

have side effects that must be weighed against potential benefits

unconscious motivation

having a desire to engage in an activity but being consciously unaware of the desire

an adolescent or young adult has a smaller what than infants

head-size-to-body-size ratio

Logotherapy (Frankl)

healing through meaning

alternative medicine

healthcare practices and products used in place of conventional medicine

complementary medicine or integrative health medicine

healthcare practices and products used together with conventional medicine


helping others for unselfish reasons

People who tend to be social chameleons, matching their behavior and professed attitudes to those of other people around them, are likely to be __________.

high self-monitors

cyberball study

higher emotional stress and lower levels of self-esteem and meaningful existence when one was ostracized from a group

Alastair has used classical conditioning to train his dog to salivate every time lngo whistles a C#. After the dog has mastered his association, Alastair then pairs a flashing light with the sound of a whistle C#, and finds that over times, his dog now salivates to the flashing light. Which principle of classical conditioning is at work here?

higher-order conditioning

Depression appears to be linked to low levels of norepinephrine and diminished neurogenesis, which leads to reduced __________.

hippocampal volume

people who don't cope so well in the aftermath of a serious stressor often report

history of childhood adversities, depression, and other emotional problems

An alternative approach to medical treatment based on the notion that "like cures like" is called __________.


Of the different Type A personality traits, identified as a risk factor in coronary heart disease (CHD), which trait have researchers found to be most predictive of developing CHD?


individuals with OCD spend an ------ a day immersed in obsessions

hour or more

Vygotsky was particularly interested in

how social and cultural factors influence learning

"If I do not get into a good college, I will never be able to get a good job!" wailed Mick to his therapist. "That can really be upsetting; most people would be upset by that experience, and that is a natural feeling to have," replied his therapist. "Can you tell me more about how that makes you feel?" "If I do not get into a good college, my parents will hate me and my girlfriend will dump me!" continued Mick. "It sure would be disappointing to miss a significant goal in your life, but people who truly love you will continue to love you for who you are," Mick's therapist said, soothingly. "This is just my opinion, but I think it is important to remember that you are a person of worth, and that you can aspire to and achieve many things in your life." What general approach to therapy does Mick's therapist seem to be practicing?


The ____________ personality theory emphasizes the role of free will and self-development as critical to personality development.


The four best-known personality theories are the psychodynamic, _____________, ______________, and trait theories

humanistic; behavioral

Research from a diversity of perspectives—psychology, anthropology, evolutionary theory, surveys—leads to the conclusion that __________.

humans are a highly social species; belonging and interacting are good, loneliness is not so great

projective hypothesis

hypothesis that in the process of interpreting ambiguous stimuli, examinees project aspects of their personality onto the stimulus

Freud's view of the mind has been compared to which natural phenomenon?


According to Sigmund Freud, the human psyche is divided into three agencies. Which agency is entirely unconscious and is the reservoir of our most primitive impulses?


freud said that the human psyche consists of three agencies or components

id, ego, and superego


identical twins

Jack and Oskar

identical twins who where reared apart. Jack learned to hate Hitler and love Jews, while Oskar learned to love Hitler and hate Jews


illnesses such as asthma and ulcers in which emotions and stress contribute to, maintain, or aggravate the physical condition

One reason preparedness might lead to phobias is that we develop _________ between fear-provoking stimuli and negative consequences.

illusory correlations

What aspect of the human body can be negatively affected by stress but strengthened by positive emotions and social support?

immune system

When researchers ask people to describe other people that they have seen but not met, their responses are usually based on the Big Five personality traits. This suggests that we all harbor __________.

implicit personality theories

When we harbor an unfounded negative belief about another group but do not realize that we do, we have what is called an __________.

implicit prejudice

sensorimotor stage

in Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to about 2 years of age) characterized by a focus on the here and now without the ability to represent experiences mentally

Classical conditioning can occur even among people who are

in a vegetative state

migration of cells begins to occur

in fourth month of pregnancy

free association

in psychoanalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing


in psychoanalysis, the analyst's noting supposed dream meanings, resistances, and other significant behaviors and events in order to promote insight


in psychoanalysis, the blocking from consciousness of anxiety-laden material


in psychoanalysis, the tendency for a patient or client to project positive or negative feelings for important people from the past onto the therapist

Which term is used to describe the tendency to favor members of our own group?

in-group bias

dissociative amnesia

inability to recall important personal information—most often related to a stressful experience—that can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness

According to Carl Rogers, conditions of worth are expectations we place on ourselves for appropriate or inappropriate behavior. When how we behave is inconsistent with our genuine potentialities, __________ exists between self and organism.



inconsistency between our personalities and innate dispositions

extinction burst (operant conditioning)

increase in responding at the beginning of an extinction period

Interpersonal Provocation

increased chance of acting aggressively when we are provoked through insults, threats, or threat of physical assault

Negative reinforcement _________ the rate of behavior, whereas punishment _________ the rate of behavior.

increases; decreases

In classical conditioning, the organism's reward is


sociobiological model

individuals inherit tendency to overreact to stress and cannot properly control their emotions

gender identity

individuals' sense of being male or female

the central route focuses on

informational content

primary appraisal

initial decision regarding whether an event is harmful


innate and substantially genetically influenced blueprint

When we suddenly see the solution to a problem and get that "aha reaction," we have learned something through...


When an animal, despite repeated attempts at conditioning, returns to its innate behavior, researchers call this...

instinctive drift


institution for people with mental illnesses created in the 15th century, by European governments

Another term for operant conditioning is _________ conditioning


Increased contact between racial groups alone is often

insufficient to reduce prejudice


intense fear of an object or a situation that's greatly out of proportion to its actual threat

emotional cascade model

intense rumination about negative events or emotional experiences may result in uncontrolled emotional cascades

stress as a transaction

interaction between potentially stressful life events and how people interpret and cope with them

people prone to depression attribute failure to

internal as opposed to external factors and success to external as opposed to internal factors

ames Coyne hypothesized that depression creates what?

interpersonal problems

Which type of treatment aims to strengthen social skills and targets interpersonal problems, conflicts, and life transitions?

interpersonal therapy

In the case of psychiatric diagnoses, the form of reliability that matters most is

interrater reliability

Which research method provides a more in-depth picture of life stress than self-reported measures do?


Eugen Bleuler

introduced the term "schizophrenia" "Splitting of the mind"

Folk psychology

intuitive beliefs about people's behavior, thoughts, and feelings

implicit personality theories

intuitive ideas concerning personality traits and their associations with behavior

molecular genetic study

investigation that allows researchers to pinpoint genes associated with specific characteristics, including personality traits

When people with mental illness are placed in a psychiatric facility based on their potential danger to themselves or others, or their inability to care for themselves, this procedure is known as

involuntary commitment

tardive dyskinesia

involuntary movements of the facial muscles, tongue, and limbs; a possible neurotoxic side effect of long-term use of antipsychotic drugs that target certain dopamine receptors

body dysmorphic disorder

involves excessive preoccupation with an imagined defect in physical appearance


irrational fears of specific objects or situations

specific phobias

irrational fears of specific objects or situations

the frontal lobes don't mature fully until

late adolescence or early adulthood

Which phenomenon may explain why marketers are not always successful in establishing a connection for their target audience between a particular product and the celebrity who is endorsing it?

latent inhibition

Tolman and Honzik conducted an experiment using a maze to discover _________ in rats, demonstrating that direct reinforcement is not necessary in order for learning to take place.

latent learning

Which principle asserts that rewards will be more likely to promote repeated responses to a stimulus?

law of effect

central route

leads us to evaluate the merits of persuasive arguments carefully and thoughtfully

peripheral route

leads us to respond to persuasive arguments on the absis of snap judgments

Contrary to the view peomoted by Alcoholics Anonymous the behavioral view of alcoholism is that rather than being a physical illness, alcholism is a _______

learned behavior that is subject to modification and control without total abstinence

The tendency to feel that there is nothing we can do to improve our situation because events are beyond our control is called __________.

learned helplessness

reinforcement isn't necessary for


enlightenment effect

learning about psychological research can change real-world behavior for the better

observational learning

learning by watching others

operant conditioning

learning controlled by the consequences of the organism's behavior

According to B.F. Skinner, different people react differently to the same stimulus such as receiving criticism, because of their

learning histories

sleep-assisted learning

learning new material while asleep


learning phase during which a conditioned response is established

Although some educational psychologists have claimed to boost learning by matching different institutional methods to different types of students, the theory of _________ has yet to proven because tests have lacked reliability.

learning styles

While learning fad divides people into different types, such as "analytical" and "holistic"?

learning styles

latent learning

learning that's not directly observable

insanity defense

legal defense proposing that people shouldn't be held legally responsible for their actions if they weren't of "sound mind" when committing them

greater the "psychological distance" between teacher (the actual participant) and experimenter, the -- the obedience


Low-birth-weight babies are defined as

less than five-and-a-half pounds for a full-term baby

Joseph LeDoux and others have identified the seat of anxiety within the

limbic system

emotional brain

limbic system- including the amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus

formal operations stage

logical thinking, if-then statements, abstract thinking, hypothetical reasoning

Dr. Sardonicus tells her students that she will give each of them a 20 percent increase in their course grades if they answer five consecutive questions correctly on the final exam. After both parties agree to the deal, Dr. Sardonicus mentions that the five questions have to be answered during the next 60 seconds. The professor is apparently using the __________ technique of persuasion.


This car salesperson begins the deal by quoting the base price, and then once the customer has agreed to purchase the car, he mentions all of the added features that cost more. What persuasion technique is he using?

low-ball technique

Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg has argued that which of these conditions is caused by childhood problems in response to cold, unempathetic mothers?

major depressive disorder

recognition heuristic

makes us more likely to believe something we've heard many times


making ourselves appear psychologically disturbed even when we're not

impression management

making ourselves look better than we really are

a major depressive episode precedes or follows a ?

manic episode

collective delusions

many people simultaneously come to be convinced of bizarre things that are false

Functional age

measure of a person's ability to function effectively in his or her physical and social environment in comparison with others of the same chronological age

Hassles Scale

measures the frequency and severity of day-to-day stressors

personalized medicine

medical practice that customizes interventions to maximize success in treating patients with specific psychological or medical disorders and conditions


memory pill experiment with planaria

family resemblance view

mental disorders don't all have one thing in common; rather, they share loose set of features

cognitive maps

mental representation of how a physical space is organized

To confirm the consensus that psychotherapy is effective in alleviating human suffering, a statistical method called __________ allows researchers to seek patterns across large numbers of studies and draw conclusions that hold up across independent laboratories.


token economy

method in which desirable behaviors are rewarded with tokens that clients can exchange for tangible rewards

The __________ is a laboratory method for creating groups based on arbitrary differences.

minimal intergroup paradigm


minor annoyance or nuisance that strains our ability to cope

Because _________ activity seems to play a central role in empathy, some psychologists speculate that defects in this area may be associated with infantile autism.

mirror neuron

Which of the following is a reason that as many as 80 percent of people do not follow their physician's recommendations to exercise, quit smoking, improve their diet, or take prescribed medicines?

misestimating risk

dimensional model

model in which a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in degree rather than kind

categorical model

model in which a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in kind rather than degree

In hopes of pinpointing which genes are related to personality, researchers are using __________.

molecular genetic studies

Compared with individual therapies, group therapies are generally __________, __________, and __________.

more efficient; time-saving; less costly

Evidence suggests that ________ accounts for most, if not all, of the reported autism epidemic.

more liberal diagnostic criteria

Which of the following is a key way in which neo-Freudians differ from Freudians?

more optimistic for personality growth throughout the life span

During the acquisition phase of classical conditioning, when the pairing of the CS and the UCS is closer in time, learning occurs...

more quickly


motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories or impulses

Self-initiated bodily movements that activate bones and muscles—such as sitting up, crawling, standing, and walking—are called __________.

motor behaviors

catatonic symptom

motor problem, including holding the body in bizarre or rigid postures, curling up in a fetal position, and resisting simple suggestions to move


moving people with psychological or developmental disabilities from highly structured institutions to home- or community-based settings

Children with certain genetic predispositions often seek out and create their own environments. This observation has been dubbed __________, and illustrates the importance of considering multiple interacting influences on human development.

nature via nurture


negative behavior toward members of out-groups

separating an infant from its mother during the first few hours after birth has no

negative consequences for children's emotional adjustment

later positive experiences can often counteract

negative effects of early deprivation


neglectful and ignoring


neurotic people tend to be tense and moody

depression is typically characterized by high levels of

neuroticism and introversion

Depression also appears linked to low levels of the neurotransmitter

noeprinephrine and serotonin, also decreased neurogeneisis

Which term describes the effort to understand personality by identifying general laws that govern the behavior of individuals?

nomothetic approach

Listening with empathy and instilling hope in a client are examples of ______ in therapy whereas challenging irrational beliefs or provding social skills training are example of_______

nonspecific factors; specific factor


not providing adequate or appropriate adjustment to the environment or situation

Personality tests that the public is exposed to, such as ones found on the Internet or in magazines, are ____________.

not scientifically valid

Which term means "adherence to instructions from those of higher authority"?


Learning how to behave by watching and imitating role models is the basis of the theory of __________ learning.


Modeling is one form of

observational learning

Wolfgang Kohler's studies with chimpanzees demonstrated the animals were using insight to solve a problem. Unfortunately, flaws in the study's design mean that we cannot rule out the possibilities that the chimps were learning by trial and error or by...

observational learning

The fundamental attribution error occurs when __________.

observers underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influences on an actor's behavior

Rorschach-like inkblot tests were supposed to indicate certain personality types based on people's interpretation of abstract, symmetrical blots of ink. According to the Rorschach score, noticing an unusual detail indicated __________.

obsessive-compulsive tendencies

partial reinforcement (intermittent reinforcement)

occasional reinforcement of a behavior, resulting in slower extinction than if the behavior had been reinforced continually


of or relating to symptoms caused by mental or emotional problems

how many Americans uses food to relieve stress and cope with problems and negative moods

one in four

what in the brain is enlarged in patients with schizophrenia

one or more of four fluid-filled structures called ventricles that cushion and nourish the brain

Big Five

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

A system in which therapists or institutional staff members provided tokens to clients to reward desired behavior is an example of __________.

operant conditioning

Which of the following types of people would be predicted to be more productive, focused, persistent, and better at handling frustration, according to research findings you read about in this chapter?


Which of the following is the correct order of Freud's stages of psychosexual development?

oral - anal - phallic - latency - genital

According to Carl Rogers, the three major components of personality are __________.

organism, self, and conditions of worth

Carl Rogers, humanistic psychologist, organized our personalities into three components

organism, self, and conditions of worth

immune system

our body's defense system against invading bacteria, viruses, and other potentially illness-producing organisms and substances


our genetic endowment


our sense of morality


our sense of who we are, as well as our life goals and priorities

mass hysteria

outbreak of irrational behavior that is spread by social contagion


outcome or consequence of a behavior that strengthens the probability of the behavior


outcome or consequence of a behavior that weakens the probability of the behavior

Which hormone plays a key role in love and emotional bonding and helps reduce stress?


When someone experiences repeated panic attacks and is concerned about them happening again or changes his or her life to try to avoid them, that person is said to have a(n)

panic disorder

structured personality test

paper-and-pencil measure consisting of questions that respondents answer in one of a few fixed ways

The MMPI-2 is a ____________test, while the TAT is a ___________test.

paper-and-pencil; projective

authoritative parenting

parenting style characterized by emotional warmth, high standards for behavior, explanation and consistent enforcement of rules, and inclusion of children in decision making

Which of the following is a technique in which the therapist enacts a problematic situation and then guides the client though the necessary steps to cope with it on her or his own?

participant modeling


participants dropping out of the study before it is completed

Which kind of mental health professional is likely to be found providing counseling and support in a spiritual context, as well as wellness programs, and group, family, and couples therapy?

pastoral counselor

schedule of reinforcement

pattern of reinforcing a behavior

conduct disorder

patterns of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated

According to Abraham Maslow, full self-actualization is a very rare feat achieved by only about 2 percent of all people. He described these people as prone to __________, transcendent moments of intense excitement and tranquility marked by a profound feeling of connection to the world.

peak experiences

insecure anxious attachment

people constantly cr. ave acceptance but remain alert to signs of rejection, 15-ff 20%Insecure-anxious attachment

Although different types of radical behaviorists disagree over elements of their theories, the primary factor that sets them apart from other types of psychologists who study personality and behavior is the idea that __________.

people do not freely choose their own behaviors

Gordon Allport's Trait Theory

people have central and secondary traits that make up personality

Some scientists have argued that we only help others out of self-centered reasons, such as relieving our own distress, vicariously enjoying someone else's joy, or anticipating reciprocation. Research has shown that __________.

people help others also because of genuine altruism


people's typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving

secondary appraisal

perceptions regarding our ability to cope with an event that follows primary appraisal

emerging adulthood

period of life between the ages of 18 and 25 when many aspects of emotional development, identity, and personality become solidified


period of prenatal development from ninth week until birth after all major organs are established and physical maturation is the primary change


persistent idea, thought, or urge that is unwanted, causing marked distress


person w/ no professional training who provides mental health services

Psychological age

person's mental attitudes and agility and the capacity to deal with the stresses of an ever-changing environment

Which type of therapy is nondirective and focuses on the clients' goals and ways to solve their problems?

person-centered therapy

Psychologists mostly agree that __________ (made of up of a person's typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behavior) does exist.


Hans Eysenck

personality theorist; asserted that personality is largely determined by genes, used introversion/extroversion


personality trait that assesses the extent to which people's behavior reflects their true feelings and attitudes

type a personality

personality type that describes people who are competitive, driven, hostile, and ambitious

diathesis-stress model

perspective proposing that mental disorders are a joint product of a genetic vulnerability, called a diathesis, and stressors that trigger this vulnerability

low-ball technique

persuasive technique in which the seller of a product starts by quoting a low sales price and then mentions all of the add-on costs once the customer has agreed to purchase the product

"but you are free" technique

persuasive technique in which we convince someone to perform a favor for us by telling them that they are free not to do it

foot-in-the-door technique

persuasive technique involving making a small request before making a bigger one

door-in-the-face technique

persuasive technique involving making an unreasonably large request before making the small request we're hoping to have granted

According to Sigmund Freud, during which psychosexual stage of development does the Oedipus complex occur?


zone of proximal development

phase of learning during which children can benefit from instruction

Regression to the mean

phenomenon that if a variable is extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the average on its second measurement—and if it is extreme on its second measurement, it will tend to have been closer to the average on its first.

social loafing

phenomenon whereby individuals become less productive in groups

most common of all anxiety disorders


Males tend to exhibit more _______________, whereas females rend to exhibit more ________________

physical aggression; relational aggression

fight or flight response

physical and psychological reaction that mobilizes people and animals to either defend themselves (fight) or escape (flee) a threatening situation

frequency and perceived severity of hassles are better predictors of

physical health, depression, and anxiety than are major life events


physicians, private practice, hospitals, medical centers, schools, academic and other

Transcranial Stimulation

placing a magnetic coil over an individual's head to generate an electromagnetic pulse

major life events and hassles are associated with

poor general health

Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)

popular scale designed to measure stress; consists of 43 potentially stressful events, each of which has a numerical value quantifying how much readjustment is associated with the event (David Holmes)

There are many types of humanistic therapies, but they share an emphasis on insight, self-actualization, and the belief that human nature is basically __________.


contact comfort

positive emotions afforded by touch

prosocial behavior

positive, constructive, helpful behavior

Some people think that if a particular event precedes a particular behavior, then that proves that the behavior was caused by the event. This type of thinking is called the __________.

post hoc fallacy

Radical behaviorists believe that every person's actions are the result of __________.

preexisting causal influences

spatial learners

prefer to visualize problems in their heads

While watching some friends skateboarding, you wince in empathy when one of your friends falls and scrapes her leg very badly. This is the result of the firing of your mirror neurons, which are found in what part of the brain?

prefrontal cortex

When someone draws a negative conclusion about a group of people or situation prior to evaluating the evidence, she or he is demonstrating __________.


The idea that we are predisposed by evolution to fear some stimuli more than others, even when we have had no bad experiences with those stimuli in real life, is referred to as...


positive reinforcement

presentation of a stimulus that strengthens the probability of the behavior

Conformity pressure

pressure on group members to go along with everyone else

Which term means the percentage of people within a population who have a specific mental disorder?


What is the best predictor of suicide?

previous suicide attempt

Deciding whether an event is harmful or threatening to us represents __________, whereas deciding how well we can cope with that event represents __________.

primary appraisal; secondary appraisal

law of effect

principle asserting that if a stimulus followed by a behavior results in a reward, the stimulus is more likely to give rise to the behavior in the future, E. L. Thorndike

early 20th century stereotype was a

printing companies used a metal plate to produce thousands of identical copies of original documents

mental health counselor

private practice, community agencies, hospitals, other; career counseling, marriage issues, substance abuse

clinical psychologist

private practice, hospitals, schools, community agencies, medical settings, other

stimulus generalization

process by which conditioned stimuli similar, but not identical, to the original conditioned stimulus elicit a conditioned response

stimulus discrimination

process by which organisms display a less pronounced conditioned response to conditioned stimuli that differ from the original conditioned stimulus


process of assigning causes to behavior

B cells

produce antibodies (proteins)

Rorschach Inkblot Test

projective test consisting of 10 symmetrical inkblots

Among the most controversial of psychological instruments, __________ have examinees attempt to interpret ambiguous stimuli, assuming that people's responses will reveal hidden aspects of their personalities.

projective tests


providing a reasonable-sounding explanation for unreasonable behaviors or for failures

Which type of therapies are treatments inspired by classical psychoanalysis and Freud's techniques but are less costly and do not take as much time to complete?

psychodynamic therapies


psychological interpretation of handwriting


psychological intervention designed to help people resolve emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal problems and improve the quality of their lives

According to social psychologists John Darley and Bibb Latané, the bystander effect is due less to apathy and more to "__________" that makes people feel unable to respond to the emergency.

psychological paralysis

psychotic symptom

psychological problem reflecting serious distortions in reality

S-O-R psychology

psychology that includes the perceptions of the organism in addition to observable stimulus and response

Although there are different ideas about mental disorders across cultures, there is evidence that certain mental disorders are universal. For example, the Inuit word kunlangeta describes someone who lies, cheats, steals, is unfaithful, and doesn't obey elders, which almost perfectly fits the Western concept of someone with

psychopathic personality

The use of medications to treat psychological problems is called __________.


latency stage

psychosexual stage in which sexual impulses are submerged into the unconscious, 6 to 12 years

genital stage

psychosexual stage in which sexual impulses awaken and typically begin to mature into romantic attraction toward others

phallic stage

psychosexual stage that focuses on the genital, three to six years, penis (for boys) and clitoris (for girls) become the primary sexual zone for pleasure

oral stage

psychosexual stage that focuses on the mouth, birth to 12-18 months, infants obtain sexual pleasure primarily by sucking and drinking

anal stage

psychosexual stage that focuses on toilet training, 18 months to 3 years, children want to alleviate tension and experience pleasure by moving their bowels

A last resort when confronted with intractable psychological disorders may be to perform __________; an early, much-flawed example of this approach was the prefrontal lobotomy.


insight therapies

psychotherapies, including psychodynamic, humanistic, and group approaches, with the goal of expanding awareness or insight

The behavioral model of depression implies that to break the grip of depression, a depressed person should

push himself or herself to engage in pleasant activities.

There are several behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The textbook authors recommend limiting alcohol consumption, engaging in exercise, achieving a healthy weight, and __________.

quitting smoking

tend and befriend

reaction that mobilizes people to nurture (tend) or seek social support (befriend) under stress

Most social learning theorists promote the concept of __________ or the tendency for personality, thoughts, behavior, and environmental factors (such as other people) to influence each other.

reciprocal determinism

Systematic desensitization is based on the principle of __________, which says that people cannot experience two conflicting responses at the same time.

reciprocal inhibition

Spontaneous remission

recovery from a disorder that occurs without formal treatment

diffusion of responsibility

reduction in feelings of personal responsibility in the presence of others

sauce béarnaise syndrome/conditioned taste aversion

refers to the fact that classical conditioning can lead us to develop avoidance reactions to the taste of food


refusal to acknowledge current events in our lives

Which Freudian term refers to psychologically returning to a younger age when things seemed simple and safe?


three key concepts in Skinnerian psychology

reinforcement, punishment, and discriminative stimulus

continuous reinforcement

reinforcing a behavior every time it occurs, resulting in faster learning but faster extinction than only occasional reinforcement

Which type of treatment for alcoholism assumes that most participants will experience a slip or backslide in the control of their drinking, and teaches them not to feel ashamed, guilty, or discouraged at those times?

relapse prevention treatment

social support

relationships with people and groups that can provide us with emotional comfort and personal and financial resources


relatively enduring predisposition that influences our behavior across many situations

People who cope well in the aftermath of a serious stressor tend to display

relatively high levels of functioning before the event

homeopathic medicene

remedies that feature a small dose of an illness-inducing substance to activate the body's own natural defenses

negative reinforcement

removal of a stimulus that strengthens the probability of the behavior

Sigmund Freud (1917) suggested that early loss can do what

render us vulnerable to depression later in life

panic disorder

repeated and unexpected panic attacks, along with either persistent concerns about future attacks or a change in personal behavior in an attempt to avoid them


repetitive behavior or mental act performed to reduce or prevent stress

In a study of 2,752 adults in New York after the 9/11 attacks, people were judged to be resilient if they __________ PTSD symptoms in the first six months after the attack. By this measure, 65.1 percent of the sample populations fit the qualifications for resiliency.

reported zero or one


representations of objects or systems

longitudinal design

research design that examines development in the same group of people on multiple occasions over time

cross-sectional design

research design that examines people of different ages at a single point in time


research procedure for examining the effectiveness of isolated components of a larger treatment

Konrad Lorenz

researcher who focused on critical attachment periods in baby birds, a concept he called imprinting

During which phase of Hans Selye's general adaption syndrome does a person adapt to the stressor and find a way to cope with it?


The empirical method of test construction unfortunately leads tests such as the MMPI-2 to have low face validity. This means that __________.

respondents cannot tell what the items are measuring

The MMPI-2 contains three major validity scales to detect __________, which are tendencies to distort one's responses to items.

response sets

One of the reasons that bogus therapies sometimes appear effective is that occasionally clients think they have improved more than they actually have, because they misremember their previous situation as worse than it actually was. This is called __________.

retrospective rewriting of the past


returning psychologically to a younger and safer time

Elizabeth Gershoff (2002)

reviewed 88 studies of corporal punishment based on a whopping 39,309 participants. Although she found that corporal punishment is sometimes associated with short-term improvements in children's behavior, she also found that a history of such punishment in childhood is associated with an increased probability of becoming an abuser in adulthood

Studies of Suggestive Accelerstive Learning and Teaching Techniques (SALTT) were faulty because the control groups did little or nothing compared to the SALTT groups. This did not allow the researchers to...

rule out of hypothesis

women have higher rates of depression than men bc they

ruminate more than men

Chemotherapy can cause severe nausea and an aversion to foods that might have been eaten prior to receiving this treatment. To help patients keep their taste for their usual foods, health psychologists developed the idea of offering alternative or _________ foods to which the patient will develop a taste aversion instead.


Which of the following terms describes the notion that prejudice comes from a need to blame other groups for our misfortunes?

scapegoat hypothesis

labeling theorists

scholars who argue that psychiatric diagnoses exert powerful negative effects on people's perceptions and behaviors


scientific study of psychological disorders

There is a philosophical divide called the __________ between psychologists who see therapy as a more of an art than a science, and those who believe all therapy should be based on well-replicated scientific findings.

scientist-practitioner gap


search for the sacred, which may or may not extend to belief in God

conventional morality

second level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which the child's behavior is governed by conforming to the society's norms of behavior

embryo//embryonic stage

second to eighth week of prenatal development, during which limbs, facial features, and major organs of the body take form

Praise, money, good grades, compliments, and applause are all examples of...

secondary reinforcements

mirror neurons are

selective and tuned to extremely specific behaviors


selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors


self concept, set of beliefs about who we are

According to humanistic psychologists, if we have developed our innate potential to the fullest possible extent, we have achieved __________.


Which term is used to describe a trait that assesses the extent to which our behavior reflects our true feelings and attitudes?


Which behavioral theory would be described by the sentence, "We acquire our attitudes by observing our behaviors"?

self-perception theory

Which term refers to a situation in which an organism responds more strongly to a stimulus over time?


Piaget's four stages of cognitive development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational


set of attitudes marked by a sense of control over events, commitment to life and work, and courage and motivation to confront stressful events


severe disorder of thought and emotion associated with a loss of contact with reality 'cancer' of mental illnesses


sexual attraction to nonliving things Ex: Male birds presented with object & female birds and mated many times. Eventually present the object and the male birds attempt to mate with it. They have been conditioned to develop a fetish.

Spectators often marvel at shows that feature animals doing amazing stunts and complicated maneuvers. Animal trainers use _________ to accomplish this, by reinforcing behaviors that are progressively closer to the target behavior until the target behavior is achieved.


What does it take to be effective therapist

showing empathic behaviors (such as warmth and kindness) refraining form contadicting clients and establishing important topics of discussion in therapeutic sessions

What does it take to be an effective therapist?

showing empathic behaviors (such as warmth and kindness), refraining from contradicting clients, and establishing important topics of discussion in therapeutic sessions


showing what we know

Direct Instruction (David Klaur)

simply tell students how to solve problems

gene-environment interaction

situation in which the effects of genes depend on the environment in which they are expressed

moral dilemmas

situations in which there are no clear right or wrong answers

In operant conditioning, the organism's responses depend primarily on the

skeletal muscles

Psychiatric diagnoses are often shaped by cultural and historical biases. The diagnosis of "drapetomania" was applied to

slaves who repeatedly tried to escape from their masters.

Although early studies appeared promised, better-controlled studies that monitored subjects' brain activity under experimental conditions offered little evidence in support of...

sleep-assisted learning

skinner box

small animal chamber constructed by Skinner to allow sustained periods of conditioning to be administered and behaviors to be recorded unsupervised

Chronological age is not necessarily the best way of measuring the impact that aging will have on a person's life. Which of the following refers to whether people behave in a way that is age-appropriate?

social age

Which of the following is the theory that suggests people seek to evaluate their own beliefs and abilities by comparing them with those of others?

social comparison theory

women generally rely on what during stress

social contacts and nurturing abilities

Urban legends, mass hysteria, and UFO sightings are all examples of __________.

social contagion

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This best illustrates

social facilitation

The mere presence of others can enhance our individual performance in some situations. This phenomenon is known as __________.

social facilitation

Which term refers to the tendency of people to slack off when they are supposed to be working as part of a group?

social loafing

The study of how people influence the behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of others is called __________.

social psychology

Personal attributes that people bring to stressful situations to help them cope are called _______________ resources.



soft parenting, parents should be highly responsive to their children's needs, ben spock

mental operations

solving problems by manipulating images in one's mind

Openness to Experience

sometimes just called "Openness"—open people tend to be intellectually curious and unconventional in their interests and outlook on the world

The relationships we maintain with other individuals and with groups that give us emotional comfort as well as personal and sometimes financial resources are collectively known as __________.

sources of social support


specific patterns of motor response that are triggered by specific patterns of sensory stimulation

An intense fear of certain objects, places, or situations that is greatly out of proportion to any actual threat they may pose falls into the diagnostic category of

specific phobia

Which term means an intense fear of some object or situation that either poses no real threat or significantly less threat than the person feels it does?

specific phobia

Marjoe had trained his dog that whenever it saw a photo of the cat next door, it would receive a treat. Through multiple pairings of the photo and the treat, the dog came to salivate when a photo aloe was presented. Marjoe then extinguished the salivation behavior by presenting the photo but withholding the treat. He was surprised to find that, salivate. What is going on here?

spontaneous recovery

When a conditioned response appears to be extinct, it can sometimes come back, but will often be weaker than it was originally. This return of the CR is called...

spontaneous recovery

Some therapists have successfully promoted interventions that are not supported by scientific research and are based on questionable premises. Which of the following reasons for this effect refers to the fact that in many cases, people just get better on their own?

spontaneous remission

Kenneth Arnold

spotted nine mysterious shiny objects while flying over the ocean near Mount Rainier in Washington State, ufos shaped like sausages that then led to the popular term 'flying saucers"

concrete operations stage

stage characterized by the ability to perform mental operations on physical events only

formal operational stage

stage in Piaget's theory characterized by the ability to perform hypothetical reasoning beyond the here and now

A "good" scientifically-derived personality test must have three qualities: ___________.

standardization, reliability, and validity


start of menstruation

As Dr. Vaughn suggests, one effective way to break a habit is to ____________.

start small and ease into the goal behavior


statistical method that helps researchers interpret large bodies of psychological literature

factor analysis

statistical technique that analyzes the correlations among responses on personality inventories and other measures

A belief, positive or negative, that members of a group share certain characteristics is called a __________.


three different studies of stress

stimuli, response, transaction

Conditioned taste aversions are usually highly specific to a particular food and show little evidence of...

stimulus generalization

Pavlov discovered a phenomenon of classical conditioning calling __________, which means that a similar stimulus can elicit the same response as the conditioned stimulus.

stimulus generalization

discriminative stimulus

stimulus that signals the presence of reinforcement

Helicobacter pylori

stomach ulcers

At around the age of eight or nine months, children begin to react to new people with fear. This behavior is called __________.

stranger anxiety

If a response, in the presence of a stimulus, is followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the bond between stimulus and response will be



stress hormone that activates the body and prepares us to respond to stressful circumstances


stressor that's so severe that it can produce long-term psychological or health consequences

There are several ways that researchers approach the study of stress. Which of the following is the way that focuses on identifying different types of stressful events, specifically those most people would find dangerous or unpredictable?

stressors as stimuli

Alfred Adler diverged from the teachings of Freud and maintained that the main motive of human personality was __________.

striving for superiority

Which of the following refers to a test in which respondents answer personality questions by choosing from a small number of fixed options?

structured personality tests

Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman

studied how people explain bad events and identified pessimistic and optimistic explanatory styles and their differences

developmental psychology

study of how behavior changes over the life span

cognitive development

study of how children acquire the ability to learn, think, reason, communicate, and remember

social psychology

study of how people influence others' behavior, beliefs, and attitudes

Castro Study (Jones and Harris)

study where subjects inferred that debaters' positions on Cuba reflected their actual attitudes despite the random assignment of debaters to positions—an example of the fundamental attribution error

longitudinal designs are ideal for

studying change over time, but they can be costly and time-consuming, and in some cases nearly impossible

authoritarian parenting

style of parenting in which parent is rigid and overly strict, showing little warmth to the child

Little Albert

subject in John Watson's experiment, proved classical conditioning principles, especially the generalization of fear, white rat

The behavioral model of depression implies that to break the grip of depression, a depressed person should

such himself or herself to engage in pleasant activities

renewal effect

sudden reemergence of a conditioned response following extinction when an animal is returned to the environment in which the conditioned response was acquired

spontaneous recovery

sudden reemergence of an extinct conditioned response after a delay in exposure to the conditioned stimulus

stagelike changes in understanding

sudden spurts in knowledge followed by periods of stability

dissociative fugue

sudden, unexpected travel away from home or the workplace, accompanied by amnesia for significant life events

SSRIs can increase the risk of

suicidal thoughts in people younger than 18 years of age

Which of the following is a myth or misconception about suicide?

suicide is almost always completed with no warning

Which of the following is a myth or misconception about suicide?

suicide is almost always completed with no warning.

B.F. Skinner was able to produce what he called _________ in pigeons by delivering reinforcement in the form of food regardless of what the birds did.

superstitious behavior

midlife crisis

supposed phase of adulthood characterized by emotional distress about the aging process and an attempt to regain youth

the peripheral route focuses on

surface aspects

Robert LaPiere

surveyed 128 American hotel and restaurant owners to find out whether they'd be willing to serve guests who were Chinese, who at the time were widely discriminated against. Over 90 percent of LaPiere's participants said no

According to Dr. Vaughn, to break a habit of inactivity, the best first step toward making exercise part of your daily routine would be to _____________.

take the stairs

participant modeling

technique in which the therapist first models a problematic situation and then guides the client through steps to cope with it unassisted

response prevention

technique in which therapists prevent clients from performing their typical avoidance behaviors (more recently called ritual prevention in the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder)

A common pattern of reacting to stress, especially among women, is __________.

tend and befriend

Self-serving biases

tendencies for people to exaggerate how good they think they are

response sets

tendencies to distort responses to items

instinctive drift

tendency for animals to return to innate behaviors following repeated reinforcement

Reciprocal Determinism (Bandura)

tendency for people to mutually influence each other's behavior

group polarization

tendency of group discussion to strengthen the dominant positions held by individual group members

nature via nurture

tendency of individuals with certain genetic predispositions to seek out and create environments that permit the expression of those predispositions

P. T. Barnum effect

tendency of people to accept descriptions that apply to almost everyone as applying specifically to them


tendency of people to engage in uncharacteristic behavior when they are stripped of their usual identities

in-group bias

tendency to favor individuals within our group over those from outside our group

learned helplessness

tendency to feel helpless in the face of events we can't control Bruce Overmier and Seligman

fundamental attribution error

tendency to overestimate the impact of dispositional influences on other people's behavior

out-group homogeneity

tendency to view all individuals outside our group as highly similar

projective test

test consisting of ambiguous stimuli that examinees must interpret or make sense of

Although the textbook authors advocate the use of empirically supported therapies (EST), they point out that if a therapy is not on the EST list __________.

that therapy may not have been investigated yet

Two common pitfalls in personality assessment are __________ and __________.

the P. T. Barnum Effect; illusory correlation

"You have a great deal of unused potential that you have not yet turned to your advantage." This kind of phrase is an example of __________, the tendency people have to accept very general descriptions that could apply to anyone as being specifically about themselves.

the P. T. Barnum effect

two scales that endeavor to gauge the nature and impact of different stressful events

the Social Readjustment Rating Scale and the Hassles Scale

One possible explanation for psychopathic personality is underarousal. According to ________, an inverted U-shaped relationship exists between arousal, on the one hand, and mood-performance on the other, suggesting that psychopaths may be experiencing stimulus hunger.

the Yerkes-Dotson model

Behavioral control

the ability to step up and do something to reduce the impact of a stressful situation or prevent its recurrence


the act of returning psychologically to a younger, and typically simpler and safer, age

When the hypothalamus (H) receives signals of fear, the sympathetic nervous system activates

the adrenal gland


the apparent contradiction between opposing tendencies

psychic determinism

the assumption that all psychological events have a cause

object permanence

the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived

specific factors

the characteristics of a particular treatment or technique that lead it to have unique benefits, above and beyond those conferred by common factors


the collective body of misinformation about human nature


the degree to which a society emphasizes individuals and their self-interests

Sensation seeking

the degree to which an individual is motivated to experience high levels of sensory and physical arousal associated with varied and novel activities


the depth of our religious convictions

scientist-practitioner gap

the difference between scientific research findings on organizations and their management versus how organizations are actually managed


the drawing of negative conclusions about a person, group of people, or situation prior to evaluating the evidence


the environments we encounter

Dodo bird verdict

the finding that most forms of therapy are effective and few significant differences exist in effectiveness among standard therapies

Because of __________, we tend to assign causality too readily to a person's disposition, and underestimate the impact of situational influences on their behavior.

the fundamental attribution error


the governmental policy of the 1960s and 1970s that focused on releasing hospitalized psychiatric patients into the community and closing mental hospitals

stress activates what

the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal system


the idea that memory is distributed throughout the brain rather than confined to any specific location

dopamine hypothesis

the idea that schizophrenia involves an excess of dopamine activity

hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis

the integrated system of endocrine glands involved in the body's response to stress

Bystander Effect/Apathy

the more people present, the less likely any one person will attempt to help

generalization gradient

the more similar to the original CS the new CS is, the stronger the CR will be

need-to-belong theory

the need for interpersonal attachments is a fundamental motive that has evolved for adaptive purposes (Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary's)

posttraumatic growth

the perception of beneficial change or personal transformation in the struggle to overcome adversity

fetal stage

the period of prenatal development that lasts from the ninth week until birth, heart beat

Radical Behaviorism (Skinner)

the philosophical position that free will is an illusion or myth and that human and animal behavior is completely determined by environmental and genetic influences

viability point

the point in pregnancy at which infants can typically survive on their own (around 25 weeks)

In response to the controversy regarding autism spectrum disorder and vaccination, the Danish government stopped administering vaccines containing thimerosal with the result that __________.

the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder continued to skyrocket in Denmark


the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life

According to S-R theorists, most of our complex behaviors reflect

the progressive accumulation of associations between stimuli and responses

Working Through

the psychoanalytic process of facing conflicts, reinterpreting feelings, and overcoming one's problems

chiropractic manipulation

the spine is manipulated to treat pain and illness

preoperational stage

the stage (from about 2 to 6 or 7 years of age) characterized by the ability to construct mental representations of experience but not yet perform operations on them


the strong emotional connection we share with those to whom we feel closest

fundamental attribution error

the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition


the tension, discomfort, or physical symptoms that arise when a situation, called a stressor—a type of stimulus—strains our ability to cope effectively


the termination of menstruation, marking the end of a woman's reproductive potential

cognitive dissonance theory

the theory that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent


the transition between childhood and adulthood commonly associated with the teenage years


the transition between childhood and adulthood commonly associated with the teenage years

In what Thomas Pettigrew called __________, people make the mistake of attributing negative behavior they associate with a particular group to aspects of their disposition.

the ultimate attribution error

personal validation

the use of subjective judgements of accuracy

biopsychosocial perspective

the view that an illness or a medical condition is the product of the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors

online disinhibition effect

the willingness to say what one really thinks or to misbehave when online

Studies of sociability show higher correlations between biological parents and __________ than between adoptive parents and their adopted children.

their adopted-away children

neo-Freudian theories

theories derived from Freud's model but with less emphasis on sexuality as a driving force in personality and more optimism regarding the prospects for long-term personality growth

social learning theorists

theorists who emphasize thinking as a central cause of personality

cognitive model of depression

theory that depression is caused by negative beliefs and expectations Aaron beck

social comparison theory - Leon Festinger

theory that states we seek to evaluate our abilities and beliefs by comparing them with those of others

self-perception theory

theory that we acquire our attitudes by observing our behaviors

impression management theory

theory that we don't really change our attitudes, but report that we have so that our behaviors appear consistent with our attitudes

humanistic therapies

therapies that emphasize the development of human potential and the belief that human nature is basically positive

behavior therapists

therapist who focuses on specific problem behaviors and current variables that maintain problematic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Structural family therapy involves __________.

therapists who actively immerse themselves in the activities of the families they are treating

group therapy

therapy conducted with groups rather than individuals, permitting therapeutic benefits from group interaction

exposure therapy

therapy that confronts clients with what they fear with the goal of reducing the fear

cognitive therapy

therapy that teaches people new, more adaptive ways of thinking and acting; based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions

family therapy

therapy that treats the family as a system. Views an individual's unwanted behaviors as influenced by, or directed at, other family members

dual process models of persuasion

there are two alternative pathways to persuading others: the central route and the peripheral route

Lawrence Kohlberg argued that people operating at a preconventional stage of moral development obey rules because __________.

they fear being punished

Heavier babies tend to achieve milestones more gradually than lighter babies do because

they need to build up their muscles more before they can support their weight


think deeply about something

Cognitive control

think differently about negative emotions that arise in response to stress-provoking events

postconventional morality

third level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development in which the person's behavior is governed by moral principles that have been decided on by the individual and that may be in disagreement with accepted social norms

unidirectional explanations

those that attempt to explain development in terms of a one-headed arrow (pop-psychology)

nonspecific factors

those that cut across many or most therapies

Which of the following types of clients would be predicted to do better in psychotherapy?

those who experience some anxiety

When children learn to mentally group objects by kind, such as recognizing that birds of all shapes and sizes are still birds, they have learned __________.

to categorize

relapse prevention

training in coping skills and other techniques intended to help people resist falling back into old health habits following a successful behavioral intervention

Which of the following would match the qualifications and likely work settings for a clinical social worker?

training varies widely; B.S.W., M.S.W., D.S.W., or L.C.S.W. degree; private practice following supervised experience; help with social and health problems

Which model of personality theory deals primarily with the structure of personality rather than its causes?

trait model

The relatively enduring predispositions that influence our behavior and define our personality are known as __________.


peak experience

transcendent moment of intense excitement and tranquility marked by a profound sense of connection to the world


transformation of an anxiety-provoking emotion into its opposite


transforming a socially unacceptable impulse into an admired goal

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

treatment for serious psychological problems in which patients receive brief electrical pulses to the brain that produce a seizure

structural family therapy

treatment in which therapists deeply involve themselves in family activities to change how family members arrange and organize interactions

interpersonal psychotherapy

treatment that strengthens social skills and assist them in coping with interpersonal problems, conflicts, and life transitions

Aversion therapies

treatment that uses punishment to decrease the frequency of undesirable behaviors

cognitive-behavioral therapies

treatments that attempt to replace irrational cognitions and maladaptive behaviors with more rational cognitions and adaptive behaviors

E. L. Thorndike's experiments using a puzzle box demonstrated that cats learn by

trial and error

Compared to men, women are more likely to _____________ when coping with stress.

turn to their social networks for help

In western cultures, coping with stress often involves turning to friends for emotional support. In Asian cultures, ______________.

turning to friends for support is considered inappropriate and a tax on the social system

Women are about ________ as likely to experience depression compared with men.


The persistence of anxiety disorders can be explain ed by the _________ theory, because phobias created by classical conditioning are negatively reinforced by avoidance behavior.


Which of the following was found to be caused by Helicobacter pylori rather than by stress, as was believed for decades?


Which of Carl Rogers's requirements for person-centered therapy did he believe allowed clients to reclaim aspects of their "true selves"?

unconditional positive regard


unconscious attribution of our negative qualities onto others

defense mechanisms

unconscious maneuvers intended to minimize anxiety

According to Hans Eysenck, extraverts have __________ reticular activating systems.



underactivity of the thyroid gland, can produce depressive symptoms

explicit prejudice

unfounded negative belief of which we're aware regarding the characteristics of an out-group

implicit prejudice

unfounded negative belief of which we're unaware regarding the characteristics of an out-group

counseling psychologist

university clinics, mental health centers; treat people with less severe psychological issues

cognitive dissonance

unpleasant mental experience of tension resulting from two conflicting thoughts or beliefs

antibiotic D-cycloserine

used for many years to treat tuberculosis, facilitates long-term extinction of fear of heights when administered several hours before people undergo exposure riding in a "virtual glass elevator"

Which of the following reinforcement schedules typically yields the highest rate of responding from an organism?

variable ratio

Research suggests that in people with schizophrenia, fluid-filled structures called ________, which cushion and nourish the brain, are enlarged.


medical model

view of mental illness as a result of a physical disorder requiring medical treatment (Renaissance era)

demonic model

view of mental illness in which behaving oddly, hearing voices, or talking to oneself was attributed to evil spirits infesting the body

Research on aggression shows that even within a geographical area, __________ result(s) in a higher crime rate.

warmer temperatures

People with catatonic symptoms of schizophrenia may permit their limbs to be moved into any position and maintain this posture for lengthy periods of time. This condition is called __________.

waxy flexibility


what we know


when a study's findings are able to be duplicated, ideally by independent investigators

bystander nonintervention

when people see someone in need but fail to help them

symptom substitution

when, after a person is successfully treated for one psychological disorder, that person begins to experience a new psychological problem


whether genes are active is regulated day-by-day and moment-by-moment environmental conditions

false-belief task

which evaluates children's ability to understand that someone else believes something they know to be wrong

Conformity differs from obedience in that __________.

with obedience, a direct request is made from someone of elevated status


withholding information or opinions in group discussions

When the chimpanzee named Sultan figured out that he could get bananas that were out of his reach by putting one piece of bamboo inside another to make an extra-long bamboo stick, _________ theorized that this was insight rather than trial and error.

wolfgang kohler

Although both groups benefit equally from psychotherapy, __________ are more likely than __________ to seek treatment.

women; men

Disorganized speech, one of the important indicators of schizophrenia, includes speech that is so jumbled and mixed up that, at its most severe, is impossible to understand. This is called __________.

word salad

Extensive research shows that knowing the origins of our problems is not sufficient to relieve psychological distress. To improve, people need to practice new and more adaptive behaviors in everyday life, a process known as __________.

working through

Lev Vygotsky identified the __________ when children are receptive to learning something new but have not yet succeeded at it.

zone of proximal development

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Environmental Conditions and Safety

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Sports and Play Chapter 12: Sports and The Media

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