Psychology Final Study Guide: Ch. 6 + Ch.7:

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with rehersal, information in short term memory can be maintained for some time. without rehersal, the duration of short term memory is

10-20 seconds

pseudoforgetting is info loss due to ineffective


the principle that proposes that the value of a retrival cue depends on how well it corresponds to the memory code is known as

encoding specificity

the continued presentation of the CS without the US will result in the gradual disappearance of the CR. this phenomenon is known as


the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery suggests that

extinction does not erase a learned association, it only suppresses or interferes with a conditioned response.

in a cumulative record of responses from a skinner box, a steep slope in the line indicates

fast responding taking place

mary takes a course in which she is tested every 2 weeks. her studying falls off right after a test, followed by a gradual increase to a rapid rate of studying as the next test approaches. her studying conforms to the typical pattern of responding maintained on

fixed interval schedules

a salesperson earns a bonus for every three items of clothing she sells. the bonus is given on which type of reinforcement schedule?

fixed ratio

a worker gets paid every friday for completing his 40 hour work week. he is being paid on a ___ schedule.


during a party, michael talked to a friend about the symbolism involved in a recent movie. michael attributed the explanation of the symbolism to a prominent movie critic, when he actually heard it from his roommate. this example illustrates which of the follwing phenomena?

source-monitoring error

the first step in a behavior modification program is to

specify the target behavior

when lindsay was nine years old, the neighbors chihuahua bit her on the ankle. today lindsay is still terrified of chihuahuas, but likes other dogs. lindsays fear illustrates the classical conditioning process of

stimulus discrimination

when diana was 3 years old, she became terrified when the neighbors budgie bird kept flying near her head. today, she is afraid of all birds. dianas fear illustrates the classical conditioning process of

stimulus generalization

fredrick cringes everytime he hears a dentist's drill, even when he is sitting in the waiting room of his dentist's office. in this example, the pain of dental drilling is

an unconditioned response

according to the serial-position effect, subjects tend to show better recall for items ____ of a list than for items _____.

at the beginning and end; in the middle.

a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus is known as

classical conditioning

becky has an intense fear of dogs, which began when she was attacked and bitten by a stray dog as a child. becky's fear of dogs developed as a result of

classical conditioning

charity used to really enjoy potato salad, so at a family reunion, she ate a really large helping. unfortunatley, the potato salad had not been kept cold, and charity became ill after eating it. now she finds that even the sight of potatoes at the grocery store can make her feel sick. in this example, the sick feeling charity experiences when she sees potatoes in the grocery store is

a conditioned response

food is an example of ______,: praise is an example of_____.

a primary reinforcer: a secondary reinforcer

a retrieval cue is

a stimulus associated with a memory that is used to locate that memory.

6 year old kristen is afraid of balloons because a balloon once popped in her face while she was holding it. last week, she went to the circus and there was a clown holding a huge assortment of balloons. now she is also afraid of clowns, even though none of the balloons the clown was holding popped. kristens fear of clowns illustrates the classical conditioning process of

higher-order conditioning

the current thinking in that memories are consolidated in the ____ and stored in the____.

hippocampal region; cortex

in banduras famous study on the power of modeling, the children who were most likely to play aggressively with the bobo doll were the children who saw a film of a model behaving

in an aggressive manner and receiving positive consequences.

a visit to your elementary classroom might help you remember more of the names of some of your classmates because you are

in the same context as you were when you learned them

negative reinforcement____ the rate of a response; punishment _____ the rate of a response.

increases; decreases

loftus's work on eyewitness testimony has clearly demonstrated that

info given after an event can alter a person's memory of the event.

the memory system that has an almost unlimited storage capacity is

long-term memory

strategies designed to enhance memory through the use of either verbal cues or visual imagery to enrich encoding are termed

mnemonic devices

nancy has a headache; she takes some asprin, and the headache goes away. nancy is more likely to take asprin again. this is an example of

negative reinforcement

after watching his father wash the car, 5 year old bob washes his bike. this is an example of

observational learning

which stage, according to the atkinson-shiffrin model of memory, is the first stage of memory processing?

sensory memory

if you devise a self modification program in which you systematically reward yourself for studying, you are applying the principles of

operant conditioning

the type of learning in which voluntary responses come to be controlled by their consenquences is known as

operant conditioning

according to interference theory

people forget info because of competition from other material.

the memory system that contains the memory for how to type on a typewritter or drive a car is the

procedural memory system

remembering to perform actions in the future involves

prospective memory

the measure of memory that requires subjects to reproduce info on their own, without any cues, is


the rules that determine whether responses lead to the presentation of a reinforcer are called

reinforcement contingences

dave is thrown from his motorcycle and suffers a severe blow to the head, resulting in loss of memory for events that occured before the accident. this is an example of

retrograde amnesia

an organized cluster of knowledge about a particular object or event abstracted from previous experiences with the object or event is known as


which two types of memories are both considered to be divisions of declarative memory?

semantic and episodic

the address for obtaining tickets to a popular quiz show flashes on the tv screen, but the image disappears before sergei has had a chance to write down the complete address. to his suprise, however, he retains a mental image of the 5 digit zip code which lasts for less than half a second. his experience best illustrates ____ memory.

sensory (iconic)

studies show that taking an exam on material increases performance on a later exam even more than studying for an equal amount of time. this is reffered to as

the testing effect

the recognition measure of retention requires an individual

to select previously learned info from an array of options.

which of the following statements concerning short term memory is false?

unrehearsed info is usually maintained in short-term memory for approximately 5 minutes.

if you are given a list of vocab words to study briefly before being tested on your memory of them, as you read through the list, you should

use each word in a sentence

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