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Madison is playing happily on the slide at her daycare when she falls off and scrapes her knee. She returns to her caregiver for a consoling cuddle. Madison is seeking

Contact Comfort

Early Psychologists who emphasized how behavior helps an organism adapt to its environment were known as


A dream in which the dreamer is aware of dreaming is known as

Lucid dreams

In response to a loud noise, an infant will throw its arms outward and arch its back.


. What is the popular test given in big business and motivational conventions?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

is having a feeling of dread in the evening.


Which of the following psychologists believed that our dreams provided insight to our desires, motives and conflicts?

Sigmund Freud

Give two examples of someone who comes from an individualistic culture. (Check all that apply)

autonomous independent

Give two examples of someone who is of a collectivist culture. (Check all that apply)

cares for needs of group group harmony

Hypnotic suggestions have been used medically for which of the following: (Check all that apply)

cease unwanted habits anxiety stress child birth

awareness of oneself and the environment


Cognitive skills & specific knowledge of information acquired over a life time.

crystallized intelligence

A philosophical approach that emphasizes the inevitable dilemmas and challenges of human existence.


If a person is outgoing and talkative they are considered


1/2 of Americans get fewer than the recommended 8 hours of sleep.


A dream that occurs over and over again is known as a night terror.


A person can be hypnotized to do something against their will.


Caffeine is NOT considered a drug.


The onset of menstruation.


is characterized by terrifying dreams


Which of the following are hypnotic suggestions? (Check all that apply)

perform an action a distortion of normal perception or memory an inability to perform an act

What are four factors that influence a person's psychological reactions to a drug? (Check all that apply)

physical factors environmental setting experience with the drug mental mind set

Trained in a therapeutic approach started by Freud.


What is the advantage of inventories over tests of personality types?

standardized. x

When evaulating genetic theories, some studies may overestimate or underestimate the impact of environment.

temperaments x

. Research shows that identical twins that have been reared apart have similar mannerisms & gestures.


A major criticism of humanist psychology is that many of its assumptions are untestable.


A monochronic culture like the United States is one in which time is organized sequentially and schedules & deadlines are valued.


A negative correlation is an increase in one variable is associated with decreases in other variables.


Extreme turmoil and unhappiness during adolescence is the exception, not the rule.


Genetic predisposition does not imply inevitability.


Hypnosis does not increase the accuracy of memory.


In the dreams as a by-product of mental housekeeping theory, theorists believe we divide new information into wanted and unwanted categories.


Jet lag occurs because of internal desynchronization


Lack of sleep in teenagers has been linked to lower grades in school.


Peer groups are organized by interest, ethnicity, or status & popularity.


The theory that dreaming results from the cortical synthesis and interpretation of neural signals triggered by activity in the lower part of the brain is known as activation synthesis theory,


The two most important archetypes in Jung's view are those of femaleness and maleness.


To Carl Rogers, is love or support given to another person with no conditions attached.

unconditional positive regard

Generated from within rather than by external cues


This psychologist is associated with existentialism.

Rollo May

The humanist who described the importance of peak experiences was:

Abraham Maslow

In this stage of sleep your brain emits sleep spindles


. In this stage you may walk or talk in your sleep.


Teenagers should get approximately how many hours of sleep per night?


In this section we explored 4 different approaches as to why we dream. (Check all that apply)

Dreams as unconscious wishes Dreams as a by-product of mental housekeeping Dreams as reflections of current concerns Dreams as interpreted brain activity.

disrupt normal thought processes.

Psychedelic Drugs

In this stage of sleep you are most likely able to dream.


A split in consciousnesses in which one part of the mind operates independently of others is called


Most children develop a secure gender identity at _____ years of age.


. Menopuase usually occurs between the ages of -


This psychologist is associated with self actualization.

Abraham Maslow

In response to a touch on the bottom of the foot, the infant will splay its toes outward and then curl them in.


Emphasizes study of observable behavior & role of the environment as a determinant of behavior.


A periodic more or less regular fluctuation in a biological system; it may or may not have psychological implications

Biological Rhythm

this psychologist is associated with congruence or harmony with self.

Carl Rogers

Which of the following affect your ideas about gender? (Check all that apply)

Cognitive schemas Genes and hormones

Cultures in which the self is regarded as embedded in relationships and harmony with one's group is prized above individual goals and wishes

Collectivist Cultures x

A program of shared rules that govern the behavior of members of a community or society and a set of values, beliefs and attititudes shared by most members of that community.


identify the independent and dependent variables. Whether sleeping after learning a poem improves memory for the poem

Dependent - Memory of poem Independent - Sleep after learning

Identify the independent and dependent variables. Whether the presence of other people affects a person's willingness to help someone in distress.

Dependent - Willingness to help Independent - Presence of other people

A __________ difference would be that girls like to play with dolls and boys like to play with trucks.


In response to a touch on the palm, an infant will grab it.


On a talk show, Dr. Oznik announces a fabulous new program: Carb Immersion Therapy. People who spend one day a week doing nothing but eating carbohydrates are cured of diseases such as eating disorders, depression, and drug abuse. What questions should you ask before starting this program? (Check all that apply)

How many people were studied? How long did these cures last? Is there ressearch using a control versus an experimental group? Was the experiment single or double blind? Did they try other foods besides carbohydrates? How were participants selected and assigned to groups?

Which psychological approach emphasizes personal growth, resilience, and the achievement of human potential?

Humanist Approach x

Choose the items that are Descriptive Statistics (Check all that apply)

Include the mean Summarize the data

Cultures in which the self is regarded as autonomous and individual goals and wishes are prized above duty and relations with others.

Individualist Cultures x

A baby left in Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation does not protest when his mother leaves the room, and he seems to ignore her when she returns. What style of attachment does this behavior reflect?


In this debate psychologists regard biology and experience as interacting influences on shaping personality.

Nature v. Nurture Debate x

Adolescence refers to the period of development between -

Puberty & Adulthood

Has an advanced degree and does applied or basic research.

Research psychologist

An infant touched on the cheek will turn toward the touch and search for something to suck on.


If held so that the feet just touch the ground, an infant will show "walking" movements.


Choose the items that are Inferential Statistics. (Check all that apply)

Tell you whether to call your mother about your results Give a measure of statistical significance Give the likelihood of data occurring by chance

Credit for founding modern scientific psychology usually goes to

Wilhelm Wundt

A person that is irritable, abrasive, suspicious and jealous is considered:


Universal, symbolic images that appear in myths, art, stories and dreams; to Jungians, they reflect the collective unconscious.


Universal, symbolic images that appear in myths, art, stories and dreams; to Jungians they reflect the collective unconscious.


Girls are more likely than boys to: (Check all that apply)

become withdrawn Internalize their problems Develop eating disorders

Has a Ph.D., Psy.D., or Ed.D. and does research on, or psychotherapy for, mental health problems.

clinical psychologist

In Jungian theory, the universal memories and experiences of humankind, represented in the symbols, stories and images that occur across all cultures.

collective unconscious

According to Carl Rogers, a man who loves his wife only when she is looking her best is giving her positive regard that is conditional or unconditional.


A person who responsible, careful, steadfast and self-disciplined is considered:


A Latino visitor to England wonders why everyone he meets seems to stand far away from him in conversation. When he moves closer, they move away. His culture and the culture of England have different rules of

conversational distance

If a person is very calm, not stressed out or overanxious, they are considered:

emotionally stable

A statistical method for analyzing the intercorrelations among various measures or test scores; clusters of measures or test scores that are highly correlated are assumed to measure the same underlying trait or ability.

factor analysis

According to object relations school of thought, the first five years of a baby's life determines how we react to adjustments, separations and losses throughout the rest of our lives.


Gender identity refers to how we behave


Psychology's forerunners relied heavily on empirical evidence.


The time span between puberty & adulthood is consistent across cultures.


There is real evidence that suggests Seasonal Affective Disorder exists


The fundamental sense of being male or female.

gender identity

Mental network of knowledge, beliefs, metaphors, & expectations about what it means to be male or female.

gender schema

Choose all that could affect a baby's response to their caregiver other than attachment style. (Check all that apply)

how often the baby is left alone how much exposure they have had with other adult caregivers The child's temperament

In Freud's theory, choose the personality major systems that are part of his theory: (Check all that apply)

id ego superego

Identify the independent and dependent variables. Whether people get agitated from listening to heavy metal music.

independent - Listening to Heavy Metal Music Dependent - People get agitated

In psychoanalysis, the psychic energy that fuels the life or sexual instincts in the id.


List 4 harmful substances to a developing fetus. (Check all that apply)

measles smoking alcohol x-ray

A hormone secreted by the pineal gland; it is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms


Which of the Big Five typically decreases by the age 30?


Unique aspects of a person's environment and experience that are not shared with family members.

non-shared environment

A pschodynamic approach that emphasizes the importance of the infant's first two years of life and the baby's formative relationships, especially with the mother.

object relations school

A person who is curious, imaginative, questioning and creative is considered:

open to experience

Has an M.D.; tends to take a medical approach to emotional problems.


May have any credential, or none.


Which of the following is NOT among the Big Five Personality factors?


In social cognitive theories the two way interactions between aspects of the environment and aspects of the individual in the shaping of personality traits.

reciprocal determinism

A __________ difference is being male or female.


A major contemporary learning view of personality which holds that personality traits result from a person's learning history and his or her expectations, beliefs and other cognitions.

social cognitive learning

A person who is self actualized is one who strives for a life that is meaningful, challenging and satisfying.


A positive correlation is when one variable increases, the other increases.


In society we are taught that girls are more gentle and sensitive, and boys are more rough and tough, and we pass these ideas on to our children, sometimes without even thinking about it.


In the object-relations view, children of both sexes identify first with the mother.


Northern males are more likely to be aggressive than Southern males.


Researchers have found that we are born with genetically determined temperaments.


Researchers measure genetic contributions to personality in two ways. 1. by studying temperaments of infants and children 2. by doing heritability studies on twins & adopted individuals.


Sleep appears to provide a time for rejuvenation and repairs of the body such as elimination of waste products from muscles as well as time to repair cells.


Statistics used to express a correlation is called the coefficient of correlation.


Professor Flummox gives her new test of aptitudes for studying psychology to her psychology students at the start of the year. At the end of the year, she finds that those who did well on the test averaged only a "C" in the course. The test lacks


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