Psychology of Adolescence Ch. 1-7

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Historian Anthony Rotundo refers to the ____________ century as the era of ____________ because an explicit emphasis on developing the individualistic character qualities considered necessary for manhood, such as self-control and independent decision-making, became paramount.

19th; self-made manhood

The prominent use of imaginative play and difficulty with using mental operations are highly characteristic of youth ages _________ and reflect the _________ stage of cognitive development.

2 to 7; preoperational

Ethan is a 15-year-old boy growing up in New York City. Having won his school's science fair, he is going to compete at the state science fair. Ethan wants to win the state title to receive the prestige that accompanies it. Given his focus on this individualistic achievement, what would Ethan be most likely to say upon winning the state science fair?

"I am proud of my hard work"

Which of the following best reflects the research evidence for what an emerging adult would say in response to the question, "How has conflict with your parents changed since adolescence?"

"Since I started college and moved into the dorms, we argue less because we are not living on top of each other. Plus, I can control when I do and do not talk and spend time with my parents, and this time apart has helped me see my parents in a new light and establish a new sense of mutual respect with them."

A researcher is investigating children's and adolescents' ability to understand metaphors. Which of the following best reflects an adolescent's description of the meaning of the saying "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link"?

"When a group of people are working together to solve a problem, every person must contribute strongly for optimal success."

Valerie is a 13-year-old White adolescent girl growing up in the United States who recently experienced menarche and is also showing visible secondary sex characteristics such as breast development. Which of the following best reflects Valerie's family relationships now that she has reached puberty?

Valerie and her parents now have a distant relationship, in which she feels less close to her parents.

Timmy is 14 years old and is going to take a test to evaluate his cognitive abilities and determine how his overall intelligence quotient compares to other adolescents his age. Most likely Timmy will take the _____________, which reflects the _____________, approach for measuring intelligence.

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V); psychometric

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the postmodern identity?

When Ellen is around her close friends, she is more outgoing and when she is around her coworkers, she is more reserved; furthermore, since Ellen has transitioned to college from high school, she has found herself being more open-minded and is choosing to remain this way.

Which of the following was most likely to be the adult role of a young middle class woman in 18th and 19th century America?

Wife and mother

Results from the General Social Survey include which of the following about gender role beliefs among Americans since the 1970s?

Since the 1970s the proportion of Americans who endorse egalitarian gender roles has increased, such that fewer Americans today believe that preschoolers would suffer if their mothers worked.

Which of the following best summarizes the critique that the information-processing approach is reductionist?

The information-processing approach fails to consider how human cognition works as a whole rather than as a set of isolated parts.

Across adolescence and into emerging adulthood, Jake has held similar religious beliefs and says that he chooses to follow certain aspects of Christian faith and not others. For instance, he says that he believes in God and prays to God but that he does not feel the need to participate in weekly church services. Jake belongs to which of the following religiosity categories?

selective adherents

Bill is wrestling with his desires. He is tempted to steal a bicycle he saw in an unlocked garage, but he has not yet decided whether to do it. Bill's mental dilemma shows us that he is beginning to exert


The three outcomes central to the process of socialization are

self-regulation, role preparation, and sources of meaning

According to research, which of the following traits are considered most desirable for an American male?

self-reliant, competitive, and assertive

Bonnie is in kindergarten. She tells her mom, "I don't want to go to the hockey game - that's for stinky boys!" This scenario best illustrates


The fact that females undergo menarche and males undergo significant muscular development during puberty reflects a ________ difference, which implies that the difference has a ________ basis.

sex; biological

Alisha is an African American girl growing up in the United States, and Jamila is an African girl growing up in Kenya, Africa. Alisha experienced menarche at 12 years old, and Jamila experienced menarche at 16 years old. Which of the following is the best explanation for the difference in the age at which they experienced menarche?

accessibility to high-quality nutrition medical care in the United States

Likely because of a gradual increase in _________ genotype→environment interactions, by the time adopted children reach adolescence, the correlation between their IQs and the IQs of their adoptive parents has _________.

active; declined

Imagine you wrote a paper covering research on the effects of mother's remarrying after divorce. You would most likely conclude

adolescent problems rise

Conformity is likely to be thought of more unfavorably in

an individualistic culture

Which aspect of the traditional teaching of the Law to adolescent Aborigines represents the socialization outcome of cultivating sources of meaning?

an understanding of the origin of the world, such as divine beliefs

Both girls and boys tend to follow the same order of the development of secondary sex characteristics. Which of the following reflects the typical first secondary sex characteristic to develop?

appearance of pubic hair

Suppose you wrote a profound paper on dialectical thought. You would most likely conclude young adults develop an awareness that most problems

are complex and don't have a single solution

Early-maturing girls and late-maturing boys may be at greater risk for adjustment problems than other groups because they

are the most "off-time" from their peers in terms of physical development

Justine's older sister has told her that "getting her period will be a real drag - painful and annoying." According to research, how is Justine likely to report her menarche?

as a discomfort

In terms of culture and identity, critics of Erikson's theory argue that it

assumes an independent self

According to research, differences is cultural expectations related to gender generally become more pronounced

at puberty

Fifteen-year-old Donny can read his math textbooks quickly. His little sister, Marie, also reads her math books, but it takes her longer and she stumbles over some words. Donny is demonstrating greater


Chelsea made a new friend at summer camp, and she wants to stay in touch with her friend so they are exchanging phone numbers. Chelsea does not have a piece of paper to write down her friend's phone number. What type of memory is Chelsea using to remember the phone number?

short-term memory

When James was in the third grade, he used a technique involving his fingers to help him remember the multiplication table for the number nine. Now that James is in the fifth grade, he no longer needs to use the finger technique and is fast and accurate with all of his times tables. What aspect of information processing has James developed?


Age-graded schools contributes to

social comparison of physical maturity

Eighteen-year-old Rebecca was asked in phone interview if she attends church at least twice a month. She said yes. Rebecca has not attended church twice a month in over 15 years. Why would Rebecca say she regularly attends church when she does not?

social desirability

Jack is a 15-year-old boy in middle school in the United States. Jack recently visited his doctor, and his BMI indicated he is obese. According to researchers, which of the following is the most likely explanation for Jack's obesity?

soft drinks and junk food are available in Jack's school

Which of the following best illustrates the concept of asynchronicity?

some body parts grow faster than others during the growth spurt

Joan and Sheila are adolescent girls growing up in the United States and Australia, respectively. Although Joan and Sheila live in different countries, which of the following leisure time experiences are they likely to have in common?

spending leisure time text-messaging with friends

Kohlberg conducted 20 years of follow-up research on his participants' moral reasoning development. Which of the following was one of the key findings of this longitudinal research?

stages of moral reasoning tended to increase with age

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are the two gonadotropins released by the pituitary gland that are responsible for:

stimulating the development of the gametes

Although African adolescents in the 21st century face many challenges, notably extremely poor living standards, what is a positive African cultural tradition that serves to protect adolescents from these challenges?

strong family relationships

The best way to test the potential for formal operational reasoning in most cultures is to

tailor the problem to the children's daily lives

Girls who mature later compared to their peers are likely to experience which of the following?


Research investigating links between Facebook use and body image has found that adolescent girls:

tend to draw negative conclusions about their appearance when making comparisons to the Facebook pictures of other girls.

Female is to estradiol as male is to


Which statement most accurately represents the relation between theory and research?

Theory and research generate research; research modifies theory, which leads to further research

According to the text, Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development is defined as

the gap between what children and adolescents can accomplish alone and what they are capable of doing if guided by a more competent peer

Debbie is growing pubic hair and breast buds. Which of the following is Debbie likely to experience next regarding her pubertal development?

the growth spurt

Which of the following best represents the occurrence of the adolescent growth spurt?

the growth spurt begins about at age 11 for girls and age 13 for boys

New models of information processing have moved away from what analogy?

the mind as a computer

Desi is always striving to be better than his co-workers. He is considered to be very competitive at work, but at home Desi strives to maintain harmony with family members to promote cooperation. After reading Chapter 4, you would conclude

these two drives can co-exist in Desi

According to research, which statement best characterizes the role of extended family after a divorce?

they can help provide emotional support

The primary purpose of metacognition is to monitor and reason about


Katie is designing a study that will include four time points to assess how students' depressive symptoms change across the first year in college. What are two major limitations associated with this longitudinal research design?

time, attrition

Barbara and Mary are sisters who are 13 and 15 years respectively. Barbara, the younger sister, knows that Mary is older and has to be obeyed whether she likes it or not. Where do the sisters most likely live? In a(n)

traditional culture

Usman is an adolescent boy growing up in the Middle Eastern country of Iran. Which of the following is most likely to occur in Usman's family?

unquestioning acceptance of family rules

By taking an automotive class in high school, Samuel is skilled with fixing cars; however, when Samuel is asked to bake a cake in his home economics class he has no idea where to start. Which major critique of Piaget's theory is Samuel demonstrating?

use of formal operations may be topic specific

For adolescents in minority cultures, the cognitive ability of self-reflection may bring about a heightened awareness of

what it means to be a member of a minority group the cultural stereotypes others may hold differences between the majority and minority cultures (all of the above)

When Piaget shifted his interest from studying mollusks to studying human development, he was interested in

wrong answers children gave

Because of increased access to information technology and international trade, adolescents around the world are growing up experiencing relatively similar environments. Which of the following is an example of this globalization?

youth in Siberia getting a Happy Meal from McDonald's

Cory is a 20-year-old woman who is not sure about leaving home, about going to college, or about dating Mike. Cory would be considered in a stage of


In Marcia's system based on Erikson's identity development theory, the psychosocial moratorium entails ______ but not _________.

exploration; commitment

In contrast to merely studying the rates of divorce, researchers interested in the psychological effects of divorce need to focus on

exposure to conflict between parents

Which of the following best explains how Jean Phinney's model of ethnic identity development classifies adolescents into one of four different identity statues, and what are the resulting four identity statuses?

According to Phinney, identity development among ethnic minority adolescents involves a process in which youth must negotiate the values of their ethnic group with the values of the majority culture; the resulting combinations of this process are the four ethnic identity statuses of assimilation, marginality, separation, and biculturalism.

Imagine that Adeline is a 13-year-old girl growing up in America in the 1890s. What is Adeline's most likely response to her experience of menarche, and why?

Adeline is likely to be shocked and scared about menarche because the culture of her time did not advocate educating young women about menarche.

Which of the following examples best reflects the research findings regarding the importance of attending to family processes versus family structure when investigating the effects of divorce on youth?

Adolescents and emerging adults in high-conflict nondivorced households have poorer adjustment than adolescents and emerging adults in low-conflict divorced households.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding cultural differences with regard to self-esteem?

Americans value high self-esteem to a greater extent than people in other countries.

In Western cultures during adolescence, the socialization influence of the __________ tends to diminish.


Suppose you were an adolescent growing up in the United States in 1830. Where would you most likely live?

family farm

According to research, for most Americans midlife is marked by

feeling that one is in the prime of their life

Although there are many different Asian countries, they share common characteristics that are rooted in Confucianism traditions and thus influence the cultural context of Asian adolescents. Which characteristic reflects the Confucian culture for Asian adolescents?

filial piety

Adolescence is generally viewed as beginning with the

first signs of pubertal changes

During adolescence, the development of cognitive skills such as ___________ enhances adolescents' abilities to interpret __________, which are ways in which people organize and process information according to cultural norms of what it means to be "female" or "male."

formal operations; gender schemas

Overproduction of synaptic connections is especially concentrated in the

frontal lobe

According to the ________________ proposed by psychologists Hill and Lynch, behavioral and psychological differences between males and females become more distinct as adolescence progresses because of increasing socialization pressures to adhere to culturally prescribed gender roles.

gender intensification hypothesis

According to genotype-environment theory, we create our own environment based on our

genetic makeup

Kev is a young Australian Aborigine who feels the adolescent rituals in his culture are outdated and irrelevant. Kev is probably being influenced by


The decline in frequency of puberty rituals in traditional cultures is most likely associated with


As a consequence of ________ many young people around the world adopt a ________ identity.

globalization; bicultural

Which of the following physical changes occurs for males only?

growth of shoulder and back hair

Which of the following is in the best order regarding the age of first appearance of pubertal events for a typical boy?

growth of testes, initiation of growth spurt, spermarche

In response to rapid globalization, researchers have found that many adolescents are developing a ___________ identity, which integrates elements from their native culture, their current local culture, and the global culture.


In which of the following parts of the anatomy is puberty initiated?


Each stage of life has a central crisis of this kind, according to Erikson (1950). In adolescence, the crisis is ____________________.

identity versus identity confusion

The key areas of identity information in adolescence are love, work, and


Brandi is 22 years old and has just finished a communications degree at a university. Finding a job in a marketing firm is difficult, so Brandi decides to move home with her parents for a while until she finds a good job. What is likely to make Brandi's transition to moving back home easier for both her and her parents?

if Brandi's parents recognize her new maturity

Deeya is an adolescent girl growing up in the rural state of Bihar, India. Deeya has different experiences compared to girls growing up in urban states of India. Which of the following is Deeya most likely to experience?

illiteracy resulting from a lack of access to compulsory education

The personal fable is built upon what concept?

imaginary audience

What do the development of religious and political thinking in adolescents have in common?

in both areas, adolescents in Western cultures begin to move toward greater abstraction

Social control institutions such as the YMCA "sprung up" in the 1800s as a response to

increased rates of social problems among young people

From the 1920s to the 1980s, women in the famous Middletown studies reported a dramatic shift in child-rearing beliefs that emphasized broad socialization values and minimized narrow socialization values. Which of the following pairs of beliefs reflect this shift?

increased value of independence; decreased value of obedience

Which of the following is one of the explanations for why emerging adulthood is a recent historical phenomenon?

increases in the median age of marriage to the later 20s

Across many developed cultures, emerging adults consistently report three main criteria that mark the transition to adulthood. These criteria are characterized by __________, which is the importance of learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person without relying on anyone else.


Masculine traits such as being ambitious and competitive are referred to as ___________ traits and are reflected in adolescents' perceptions of gender ideals because research has found that adolescents rank the importance of having a good __________ as the most important quality for the ideal man.

instrumental; job

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences includes nine types of intelligence. Which of the following type of intelligence reflects skills regarding empathy, interaction, and understanding with other people?


Will is surveying college student-athletes to investigate how their parents' involvement is linked to their athletic and academic performance. To increase the depth of the survey answers provided by the student-athletes, which research method should Will include in his study?


In your text, which of the following is put forth as a function of female circumcision? Female circumcision

is a form of male control over female sexuality

When scholars who study adolescents and emerging adults select a sample of the population to study, the most important consideration is that the sample

is representative of the population they are interested in

One of the problems associated with the body of research on puberty today is that

it is mainly focused on white adolescents in Western, industrialized countries

Which statement best summarizes the situation of people in midlife?

job satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood

African cultures have strengths in their tradition of

large families

Adelson's research on political beliefs revealed three key changes from early to late adolescence. One of these changes was a shift in cognitive mode. Which of the following statements best reflects what a late adolescent would say when providing a rationale for laws?

laws are important because they promote the safety and rights of the population

The goal of being self-focused in emerging adulthood is to

learn to be self-sufficient in adulthood

An adequate level of the protein ___________ is required to signal the ___________ to increase its production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and initiate the process of puberty.

leptin; hypothalamus

According to research, in the year following a divorce, mothers tend to be

less consistent with parenting less affectionate more permissive (all of the above)

Imagine that Joseph is an 18-year-old adolescent who lives in Europe during the 1500s. Joseph recently moved out of his family's home and into that of an expert carpenter to undergo a 7-year apprenticeship. Joseph is experiencing what historians would call __________________:

life-cycle service

In the American majority culture, adolescents who are more religious report

lower rates of delinquent behavior

Related to issues of globalization, the pervasiveness of identity confusion may be best equated to

marginalized identity

Piaget proposed that the active construction of reality takes place through the use of schemes. Schemes are

mental structures for organizing and interpreting information

Which of the following illustrate the changing Western attitudes toward menstruation in the early part of the twentieth century? Menstruation became

more associated with health and hygiene than with sexuality

According to research on decision making, even though adolescents may demonstrate similar decision-making abilities as adults, they are likely to make different decisions than adults because they are _____________ influenced by psychosocial factors such as ___________.

more; peers

A change that has influenced family life over the past two centuries is

movement to urban centers lower birth rate longer life expectancy (all of the above)

According to Selman's theory of perspective taking, __________ perspective taking develops during early adolescence, which includes the ability to understand that a third-person perspective exists.


Mario is taking a home economics class and is a novice at cooking. For his final project, he must successfully bake and compile a three-layer cake. According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of cognitive development, which of the following scenarios best reflects how Mario would be able to achieve this task?

At first, Mario's teacher should provide him with substantial direct instruction on baking, and as he gains knowledge and skills with baking, his teacher should gradually remove assistance.

Unrealistic beauty ideals in magazines likely contribute to adolescent girls'

negative body image

In height, you have a friend who is 6'10", another who is 4'10" and several who are somewhere between 5 and 6 feet tall. This scenario reflects the concept of

normal distribution

Advances in cognitive development facilitate understanding complexities in family and peer relationships during adolescence, including the ability to have empathy for a sibling or friend who is undergoing a difficult challenge such as bullying. This example highlights cognitive development as a(n) _____________ that affects all other areas of thinking.

organizational core

During early adolescence the brain undergoes a considerable thickening of synaptic neural connections that is called ____________, and this process is concentrated in the ____________ lobes of the brain.

overproduction; frontal

In terms of research conducted on the effects of divorce, the major psychological damage tends to be due to

parents' constant arguments

A study that investigated religious participation versus how people reported their religious activity concluded that

participation was lower than self-reports

Which genotype-environment interaction is MOST pronounced during early childhood?


According to the theory of genotype → environment effects, __________ genotype → environment effects become _________ salient during adolescence because parental control tends to diminish and youth spend more time away from the family of origin.

passive; less

Socialization sources include

peers and friends school and teachers media and community (all of the above)

Adolescents raised by ___________ parents, who provide their children with love and give them a great deal of freedom to do as they please, tend to be ________________.

permissive; irresponsible and immature

Problems that arise from gender socialization among adolescent girls tend to be a result of a focus on _____________, whereas problems that arise from gender socialization among adolescent boys tend to be because of a focus on ____________.

physical appearance; aggressiveness

Research by Susan Harter and other scientists has found the domain of ________ has the most influence on global self-esteem during adolescence, and that this link is strongest among ________.

physical appearance; girls

Which statement would be coming from an individual who agrees with the culture critique of Kohlberg's theory of moral development

postconventional reasoning is based on the individual's own moral judgments

Which of the following is NOT a typical article topic in magazines targeted to adolescent girls?

professional careers

Trumak is growing up in a traditional Brazilian culture, and every day he participates in wrestling matches with his peers to learn skills required for warfare. Trumak has been losing his matches and is worried this will affect achieving the status of manhood. Which requirement for manhood is Trumak failing?


Which of the following best summarizes how collectivistic cultures socialize adolescents on conceptions of the self?

Because narrow socialization values are emphasized within collectivistic cultures, an interdependent conception of the self prevails in which adolescents are socialized to focus on their own needs and interests.

Which of the following best explains how the parenting styles model classifies parental responsiveness in non-Western cultures and Western cultures?

Because the parenting styles model defines responsiveness as open expressions of affection, the model classifies non-Western parents as low in responsiveness compared to Western cultures; however, this is an erroneous conclusion because parent-adolescent relationships in non-Western cultures maintain a high level of closeness via the value of interdependence.

Which of the following scenarios best reflects adolescents' experiences of the imaginary audience?

Becky is going to prom, but she is quite upset because she has developed a pimple on her forehead and is afraid everyone at the prom will notice it and make fun of her.

Which of the following best summarizes the theory of genotype → environment effects?

Both genetics and environmental factors make contributions to human development, in which genes influence the kind of environment experienced.

Brooke was born female, but she does not identify with being female. Since the time that she was 12 years old, she has requested people address her as "Brooks" and has worn masculine clothes because she identifies with being male. Which of the following scenarios below demonstrates a challenge "Brooks" is at risk of experiencing compared to other adolescents?

Brooks has a higher risk of experiencing verbal and physical aggression compared to other adolescents

A team of researchers is developing a study to assess how the transition to middle school influences mental and physical health outcomes among adolescents. The researchers are especially interested in assessing links between the school transition and adolescents' reports of depressive symptoms and manifestation of stress hormones. Which of the following research teams would be best suited to carry out this study?

psychologists and physicians

Although children are typically aware of their own gender when they are 2 years old, the process of _____________ deepens cultural expectations related to gender roles during adolescence because it heightens awareness of differences between girls and boys.


A recent study completed with 720 American families with two same-sex siblings including identical twins, fraternal twins, full siblings, half siblings, and biologically-unrelated step-siblings had a research design which allowed researchers to examine

questions of both genetic and environmental family influences on adolescents

_____________is the capacity to evaluate the accuracy and logical coherence of evidence and arguments.

reflective judgment

Hypothesis formation is one of the most important steps of the scientific method because it influences the ____________ of the study, which is the plan for when and how to collect the data for the study.

research design

Kedrick is a 12-year-old member of Mehinaku society. He is often sick and stays at home to help his mother rather than fishing with his father and practicing wrestling. Kedrick is likely to be

ridiculed and called names like "little girl"

Fatima is a 13-year-old girl in the Middle Eastern country of Saudi Arabia. Growing up in a country that endorses Islamic principles, she must wear a veil to cover her face and body to demonstrate modesty. Fatima is being socialized to adhere to a strict female gender role, which includes valuing virginity before marriage. Which socialization outcome does this describe?

role preparation

Compared to Western societies, sibling relationships in traditional cultures tend to be more


Rebecca is in seventh grade, and her brother Alex is in fifth grade. Because their parents work late into the evening, when the school day ends Rebecca makes them an after school snack and helps Alex with his homework. What type of sibling relationship do Rebecca and Alex portray?

caregiver relationship

Phoenix, a research assistant, is going to "draw names out of a hat" to select research participants for his study. Phoenix would be

choosing a random sample

Seo-yeon is a 16-year-old girl living in Korea. Growing up in this Eastern country and culture, she has cultivated a strong belief in prioritizing familial obligations and social order. She is experiencing ______________ cultural values that are being taught through the process of ______________ socialization.

collectivistic; narrow

An increase in self-esteem in emerging adulthood may be associated with

comfort with one's physical appearances improved relationships with parents social acceptance from peers (all of the above)

Each identity status contains a different combination of exploration and


Connor understands that when he pours water from a narrow, plastic bottle into a wide, drinking glass that the amount of water remains the same. However, Connor is unable to determine whether the amount of water would remain the same if he poured it into an ice-cube tray and froze the tray. According to Piaget, Connor is in the _________ stage of cognitive development and is having trouble using hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

concrete operations

A researcher is conducting a study to assess how student-teacher relationship quality is related to academic performance among middle school students. The teachers want to know how their students are rating their relationship quality. If the researcher provides this information, which ethical research requirement would be violated?


Rather than viewing cognitive development as separated into distinct stages, the information-processing approach views changes in cognition to be _____________.


Kyle knows while torching his own car for the insurance may not physically injure any one person, it does create an effect of contributing to the rising cost of car insurance. Kyle is demonstrating

conventional system perspective taking

For emerging adults, the age of identity explorations is best described by what following scenario

Tony is exploring love and work choices as he decides what he wants to do

Which scenario best describes emerging adulthood as a time of identity explorations?

Travis is taking a variety of courses from different college majors to explore what type of career best fits him

In order to gain a complete understanding of adolescent development, it is vital that researchers be aware of issues and differences across societies. This idea reflects the

cultural approach

Which of the following best defines "schema"?

a mental structure for organizing information

Insults that ridicule a boys' manhood provide evidence of

a parallel between western and traditional cultures

The emergence of dieting behavior at the time of puberty is likely to stem from

a pervasive cultural ideal of thinness

As a result of increased cognitive capabilities, adolescence is a premier time for cultures to educate youth about their set of beliefs and ideas that are the foundation for norms and standards of behavior. This set of beliefs and ideas is called ____________,

cultural beliefs

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence that explains differences in self-esteem among adolescents?

Celine has a warm and supportive relationship with her parents, and in turn she has a high level of self-esteem.

Shweder challenged Kohlberg's assumptions for his classification system of moral reasoning development. His research provided evidence that moral reasoning is not a simple reflection of a person's level of cognitive development. Rather, moral reasoning is rooted in _________________.

cultural beliefs

Which of the following best summarizes Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Cognitive development proceeds in distinct stages and progresses with age, in which each stage is organized into a coherent mental structure.

Which of the following reflects research results on gender stereotypes that provides insight into why gender stereotypes continue to exist?

College students rate articles they believe are written by males as higher in quality than articles believed to be written by females because of gender schemas that seek to confirm expectations that men are more intellectual than women.

Constantine is a young adult who spends a lot of time volunteering for his church. He gladly gives a portion of his paycheck to his and aunt and grandmother each month. His wife, Vera, is very upset and thinks that he should be focusing on his own career and trying to get ahead. Which of the following is most likely true of this couple?

Constantine grew up in a collectivistic culture; Vera grew up in an individualistic culture

Which of the following terms do scholars use to refer to the environmental settings in which development takes place?


In terms of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, what statement does NOT belong?

Continuous change

Which statement best represents the definition of a custom complex?

cultural practices and the beliefs that underlie them

The Chinese custom that adolescents should not question their teachers, and the underlying belief in respect for authority, is an example of a ________________.

custom complex

Which of the following best summarizes the changes in grey and white matter that take place during emerging adulthood?

During emerging adulthood, the proportion of grey matter decreases and white matter increases so that the brain's processing becomes even more efficient.

When would a person likely experience the most intense fluctuations in barometric self-esteem?

Early adolescence

Which of the following reflects how globalization is influencing gender role socialization among adolescents in developing countries?

Globalization promotes more industrialized economies, which is influencing socialization of male adolescents toward technological careers versus traditional hunting careers.

Gustavo is a young Mexican American boy living in Tucson, Arizona. His entire family embraces the traditional beliefs of family relationships. Besides his siblings and parents, who else would be living in Gustavo's house?


Ryan is developing a questionnaire to assess the frequency of adolescents' healthy dietary behaviors on a scale that ranges from 1 (Never) to 5 (Almost Always). Which of the following items should Ryan include on his questionnaire to increase its validity?

I drink water instead of soda

Which of the following reflects the typical living arrangements of families in traditional cultures, and how that is linked to family relationships?

In traditional cultures it is typical for newly married couples to live in the husband's parents' home; youth growing up in these households are in close proximity to their extended family, which promotes developing close and supportive relationships, especially with grandparents.

Tish is a 15-year-old girl who believes that everyone should be his or her "own person," make his or her own decisions, and have the freedom to choose a course in life. Of the following, where would Tish most likely live?


Which of the following best reflects the research evidence that describes how and why self-esteem changes during adolescence and emerging adulthood?

Self-esteem is lower during adolescence compared to emerging adulthood because adolescents tend to be more peer-oriented and self-conscious about harsh peer evaluations than emerging adults.

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the family systems principle of subsystems?

Jaime and her brother, Jordan, are constantly fighting over who gets to use the family car on the weekends to hang out with their friends; as such, their fighting has negatively impacted both of their relationships with their parents, as well as their parents' marital relationship because their mom and dad disagree about how to handle their fighting.

P.J. is a 13-year-old boy who needs to work in order to help feed his family. P.J. feels the pressure to conform to his culture's beliefs. Where does P.J. most likely live?


Which of the following scenarios reflects how adolescent girls growing up in the 18th and 19th centuries in America faced restrictive gender expectations?

Joan is pursuing a career as a seamstress because she has been sewing since she was a little girl.

Which of the following best exemplifies a classroom characteristic that promotes the development of critical-thinking skills among adolescents in secondary school?

Johnny is pouring together different materials, such as water, sand, oil, and chalk, and making hypotheses about the properties of the resulting mixtures for his science project.

The fact that about 80% of American adolescents today list at least one member of their extended family, notably their grandparents, among the people most important to them reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 200 years?

Longer life expectancy

Although many of the countries of Latin America have established democracies and have experienced economic growth, youth in Latin America still face high unemployment rates that often exceed _________ percent.


Although research by Schlegel and Barry in 1991 found that about _______% of the traditional cultures they assessed had pubertal rituals, since this time globalization has _______ the prevalence of these pubertal rituals.

75; decreased

Which of the following best summarizes Carol Gilligan's perspective that girls "lose their voice" during adolescence, along with the major criticisms of this perspective?

According to Gilligan's research, girls "lose their voice" in the course of conforming to cultural pressures for the passive female role during adolescence; however, critics argue that this perspective is biased because of major flaws in Gilligan's research methods, including rarely assessing boys and only conducting qualitative research.

What scenario best describes Piaget's concept of assimilation?

An infant who knows how to breast feed does not find it difficult to feed from a bottle

Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence for the general pattern of adolescents who run away from home in the United States?

Approximately 1 million adolescents run away from home every year in the United States, and one of the most common family factors linked to running away is experiencing physical or sexual abuse.

Which of the following scenarios reflects how gender expectations change from middle childhood to adolescence for adolescent girls in traditional cultures?

As a young girl, Sofia attended school for 10 years to learn how to read and write. Now that Sofia is 16 years old, she is considered to be marriageable age and is being chaperoned at public festivals to initiate courtship with adolescent boys.

Darlene and Geoff are both taking math classes at Westgate High School. Darlene is in a class where her teacher is constantly doing "hands on" projects with the class. Geoff's teacher primarily lectures and assigns homework. Who is more likely to exhibit formal operational thinking?


Which of the following was one of the three key changes from 1890 to 1920 that was crucial to defining these years as the "Age of Adolescence"?

Development of laws requiring a longer period of schooling

Donna's parents work full-time, and she often spends a few hours alone from the time school gets out to the time both of her parents get home from work. Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents do which of the following?

Donna is less likely to engage in problem behaviors if her parents consistently and caringly monitor her behavior from a distance by asking her to call them when she gets home from school.

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the research evidence for how a secure attachment relationship established in infancy is linked to developmental outcomes during adolescence?

During childhood, Claire's parents consistently and caringly responded to her needs and she felt safe to explore her environment; as such, Claire developed a healthy level of relatedness and autonomy that has positively influenced her social skills and self-dependence as an adolescent.

Emerging adults are likely to be involved in organizations working toward change in a specific area, including political movements. Which of the following reflects a developmental perspective for why emerging adults are likely to be involved in political movements?

Emerging adults are engaging in identity explorations to find an ideological framework for explaining the world.

____________ tend to be the most common parent to physically and sexually abuse their adolescent children, and ____________ adolescents tend to be the most common recipient of physical abuse.

Fathers; male

Research by Shirley Feldman and colleagues on individualistic and collectivistic values among Chinese adolescents who had immigrated to Australia or the United States found which of the following?

First- and second-generation Chinese adolescents endorsed similar high levels of individualistic values as White Western adolescents.

Mateo is an adolescent who is being raised in a traditional Latino home. Which of the following scenarios reflects the ideology of machismo that Mateo is being socialized to develop?

Mateo's father is teaching him that as a man he is the head of the household and any decisions he makes should not be questioned.

Mick and Steve are two emerging adults living in Pittsburgh. Mick's level of moral development is higher than Steve's, by Kohlberg's system. If Mick and Steve are the same age, what can we predict about Mick?

Mick has a higher level of education than Steve

Margaret Mead's ethnographic research challenged Hall's claim that adolescent "storm and stress" has a universal biological basis. Mead's finding is based upon which of the following?

Most Samoan youth studied went through adolescence with a minimum of turmoil

Which of the following scenarios reflects the research evidence for differential gender socialization that occurs in the family?

Nate has a later curfew than his sister, and Nate is younger than his sister.

The fact that more than 25% of young people today will spend some time in a stepfamily by the time they reach age 18 reflects which of the following changes that have taken place in adolescents' family lives over the past 50 years?

Rise in the divorce rate

Rachel's biological parents divorced when she was 11 years old and her younger brother, Richard, was 5 years old. Rachel's mother remarried 2 years after the divorce, and now Rachel and her brother have a stepfather. Based on the research evidence about remarriage, how are Rachel and Richard MOST likely to respond to their mother's remarriage and why?

Rachel will have more problems adjusting to her mother's remarriage than Richard because the closeness Rachel developed with her mother post-divorce will be disrupted by her stepfather, whom she views as an unwelcome intruder in their family.

When Damian transitioned from middle school to high school, he increasingly broke the boundaries his parents set and argued with his parents about their rules. In response, Damian's parents increasingly demonstrated an authoritarian parenting style because Damian ignored the explanations of the rules they previously established and because he repeatedly violated their trust. This scenario reflects which of the following principles about research on parent-child relationships?

Reciprocal effects

Which of the following best summarizes the research evidence on the general patterns of parents' development in midlife?

Research has found that midlife is a satisfying and enjoyable time of life, as job satisfaction and earning power increase and gender roles and personalities become more flexible; the research, evidence does not support the stereotyped "midlife crisis."

Which of the following best summarizes the research findings from the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) studies on emotional volatility across adolescence?

The ESM results indicate adolescents reported experiencing more extremes of emotions, such as feeling embarrassed, compared to both preadolescents and adults, and that from fifth to eighth grade there was a 50% decline in the proportion of time youth reported feeling "very happy."

Which of the following best summarizes the research findings from the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) studies on adolescents' emotional states during times they are alone?

The ESM studies revealed adolescents spend about 25% of their time alone, and that although they report experiencing low moods during these hours, they use this time to engage in self-reflection and mood regeneration.

James Marcia and other psychologists extended Erikson's theory of identity development by creating and conducting research on a questionnaire called the Identity Status Interview that classifies adolescents into one of four different identity statues. Which of the following best explains how this questionnaire categorizes adolescents, and what the resulting four identity statuses are?

The Identity Status Interview has questions that tap into adolescents' level of engagement in identity exploration and commitment, and the resulting combinations of these processes are the four statuses of identity diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement.

During Ancient Greece, the philosophers Plato and Aristotle identified adolescence as the third distinct phase of life when which of the following developed?

The capacity for reason

When asked how she describes her personality, 15-year-old Serena said, "I am friendly and outgoing, but sometimes I can be self-conscious." Which of the following best explains why Serena described her self-concept this way?

The cognitive development that occurs in adolescence, specifically the attainment of formal operations, enables Serena to develop self-conceptions that are more complex and abstract.

Diana Baumrind and other psychologists conducted research on the kinds of practices that parents exhibit in relation to their children and the effects of these practices, which resulted in identifying four distinct parenting styles. Which of the following best explains how parents are categorized into one of the parenting styles, and what the resulting four parenting styles are?

The level at which parents engage in the dimensions of demandingness and responsiveness in their parenting practices determines their parenting style; the resulting combinations of high and low levels of these dimensions are the four parenting styles of authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and disengaged.

A researcher is investigating adolescents' and emerging adults' ability to engage in pragmatic thinking by asking them to predict what will happen in this scenario: "A man is unhappy with his job and despite having expensive medical bills, he has decided to quit his job if his boss gives him the night shift again. The boss posted the upcoming work schedule, and the man is assigned the night shift. What will the man do?" Which of the following best reflects an adolescent's prediction?

The man will quit his job because he said he would if his boss gave him the night shift, which he does not like.

How does myelination, the development of the fatty sheath around brain neurons, influence cognition during adolescence?

The myelin sheath insulates neurons and enables faster and more clear transmission of electrical signals, which enhances executive functioning during adolescence.

According to the text, which statement typically applies to Asian American emerging adults in their beliefs about key criterion of adulthood?

becoming capable of financially supporting parents

A key change which may affect the equilibrium of a family as a child enters puberty is the

beginning of sexual maturity

Zhang Li is a 23-year-old emerging adult who lives in China. When asked what she considers to be the most important markers for adulthood, which of the following is most likely to be one of the markers she lists?

being able to support her parents financially

Carmela encourages her daughter to express her feelings, while she advises her son to "forget about" his hurt feelings over an argument with his friend. Most likely, Carmela's behaviors result from

beliefs arising from her own gender socialization

Although American adolescents tend to be more religious than adolescents in other developed countries, their religious beliefs do not follow a traditional doctrine and are more generalized. This general set of beliefs is called Moralistic Therapeutic Deism and includes which of the following features?

believing that the central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself

Critics of Erikson's work have argued that it is

biased toward male development

In your text, use of the term sex refers to

biological status of being male or female

Increased emphasis on gender roles in adolescence is characteristic of

both traditional and western cultures

Which of the following best defines differential gender socialization?

boys and girls are socialized according to different gender expectations

Which statement best reflects adolescent's family relationships in traditional cultures?

boys have more contact with peers than girls do

Which of the following is NOT associated with primary sex characteristics? Development of the


According to research, an adolescent is most likely to put on a "false self" with

dating partners

Everyday in the media, we see, read, and hear about countries becoming more industrialized. We refer to these countries as


Jack is 12 years old, and unbeknownst to him his body is working to produce sperm now that he has reached puberty. Which of the following is Jack experiencing?

development of the primary sex characteristics, specifically spermarche

According to Erikson, each life period is characterized by a specific

developmental issue

Kevin is reading his history textbook while watching his favorite TV program. Kevin is engaging in ___________ attention, and this is likely to influence a ___________ performance grade on his history homework.

divided; lower

Jill is trying to decide the right thing to do because her friend Amy wants Jill to accompany her to the hospital to have an abortion. Jill wants to support Amy through this difficult time, but Jill decides she cannot accompany Amy because of her religious beliefs. Jill's decision is guided by the ethic of _____________.


Conflict with parents tends to increase sharply in ___________ adolescence and according to research by psychologist Judith Smetana, parents and adolescents often disagree about who should have the authority over issues such as hairstyles and choice of friends, which reflects parent-adolescent differences in perceptions of the range of adolescents' ___________.

early; autonomy

Gender differences in identity formation exist especially in the area of

education and occupation

Which statement best characterizes the main difference between adolescence and emerging adulthood?

emerging adults are more independent of their parents

The physical and biological changes of puberty result from changes that occur in the

endocrine system

According to Erikson, an infant's developmental task is to

establish a sense of trust and security with someone

If Dr. Phil was a Piagetian psychologist, he would most likely believe what statment?

everyone attains the same cognitive stages at about the same ages

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