Psychology Practice Exam 3

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Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol?

A decrease in the neurotransmitter GABA

Which of the following is a primary reinforcer?

A glass of water

Which of the following is characteristic of people in a trance?

A lack of voluntary control

If Janet were to fly from Toronto to London, she might have difficulty adjusting to the new time. This is likely because _______.

Her circadian rhythms are adjusted to the time in Toronto

Darcy is in a relaxed state with decreased self-consciousness. In this state she is open to suggestion. Which state is Darcy in?


Which of the following is not a likely explanation of the Flynn effect in many cultures?

IQ tests have become progressively easier over time

Which of the following is an important difference between classical and operant conditioning?

In classical conditioning, the behavior is involuntary, whereas in operant conditioning it is voluntary

Stimulus-control techniques have gained popularity in laboratory research. Now, scientists interested in perception have studied "higher" cognitive processes in pigeons such as whether or not they know how to categorize. This higher cognitive process can also be described as which of the following?

Ability to sort or arrange different items into classes

The "law of effect" states:

Any behavior that leads to a positive state is likely to be repeated

The researchers most closely associated with operant conditioning are:

B.F. Skinner and Edward Thorndike

The questions on Binet's original intelligence test were developed by:

Binet, who applied "reasonable standards" for each question selection

Stimulants such as cocaine produce euphoria because they ______.

Block the re-uptake of dopamine in the brain

In Bandura's famous experiment children observed either an aggressive or a non-aggressive model in a room of toys and a Bobo Doll. When allowed to play with Bobo, researchers observed that children who observed the aggressive model were more aggressive in their own interactions. Research concluded that:

Children used their observation of adult models to determine that aggressive behavior is acceptable

In the classic study by Hartshorne, May, Maller, and Shuttleworth (1928), the authors found that if they varied the situation, they could get children to behave honestly or dishonestly depending on the situation. This study supports the belief that ______.

Children's ethical behavior depends on the situation

Sidney Crosby, a famous hockey player, is paid $10 million to wear Reebok ice-skates. Reebok hopes this will increase sales of their skates due to:

Classical conditioning

As learning occurs over repeated conditioning trials, the conditioned stimulus increasingly predicts the unconditioned stimulus, and prediction error __________.


Personality refers to ______.

Characteristic ways that people differ from one another

Wayne likes to travel to learn about new cultures. Whenever he returns from a trip he brings home a piece of art from that culture to add to his collection. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?


John is a Canadian having dinner with his friends from China. He openly shows both his enthusiasm and his anger about various topics as they speak. John notices that his friends smile and nod but that they do not display strong emotions. This is an example of ________.

cultural influence on emotion norms

If Jack confiscates his son Joshua's video game console to stop him from misbehaving, what technique is Jack using to modify Joshua's behavior?

negative punishment

Which of the following is NOT an example of low awareness?


Which of the following is NOT a theory to explain dreams?

Dreams are suppressed memories from childhood

In classical conditioning, the response is ________ by a stimulus that comes ________it.

Elicited; before

When you drink spoiled milk or put a rancid piece of cheese in your mouth, you may spit it out before you have any cognitive awareness of why you are feeling disgusted. From an evolutionary perspective, this demonstrates which concept?

Emotions help us act with minimally conscious awareness

Researchers had an infant crawl toward their mother across a table, and then the mother was instructed to make a face expressing a specific emotion. The response of the infants demonstrated an awareness of the mothers' emotions. Which emotional expression led to the child refusing to crawl to her in all instances?


When people are aware of stereotypes about their social group as it relates to scores on intelligence tests:

Fear may undermine their performance

This person was among those who pioneered psychological measurement. Among other contributions, he was possibly the first to popularize the notion that the heritability of psychological traits could be assessed by looking at identical and fraternal twins.

Francis Galton

According to researcher Carol Dweck, when children believe that their intelligence is changeable and evolving, they experience a(n) ________ mindset. She notes that this mindset is healthier than other beliefs about one's own intelligence.


Dianne has a reputation for being a difficult person. She is suspicious of others, unhelpful, and not very compassionate. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Dianne likely score low in?


Which type of brain activity is associated with wakeful states?

Beta Waves

In Pavlov's experiments, what type of stimulus was the bell, generally?


Which of the following is an example of "dissociation"?

Daydreaming while driving

The stimulus controlling the operant response is called a __________ stimulus. For example, students do not learn simply when material is set in front of them. Instead, the material sets the occasion for learning to occur.


Howard Gardner proposed that

Intelligence is comprised of multiple intelligences - a model that claims there are eight different types of intelligence that are independent of each other

Pin-ya raises her hand when she wants to speak in the classroom; however, she does not need to do so at home. This is because at school, her operant behavior is under _________ control.


Which of the following best described the Flexible Correction Model?

The way a person can use high awareness to change opinions formed in low awareness conditions

Our emotions are influenced, in part, by our cultures. Culture provides information about which emotions it is ideal to have. How do people learn these cultural messages?

They are taught to use by our caregivers and through books, movies, advertisements and other cultural products

The observation that Chimpanzees are able to use deceptive tactics when competing for food indicates:

They have a theory of mind

__________ is the idea that an assessment measures what it is supposed to measure and can predict future performance or behaviors.


Which type of intelligence related skill would be found in Stratum I?

Verbal comprehension

Crystallized Intelligence is to Fluid Intelligence:

information that has been acquired through experience: ability to reason and problem solve in novel situations

Paulo is being tested in the office of a licensed psychology. The test is examining Paulo's ability to acquire, process, recall, and apply information. In short, his cognitive capacity is being assessed. Paulo is probably undergoing a(n) __________ test.


Which of the following is associated with dreaming?

rapid eye movement

Emotions serve a cultural function. One function is

to guide how people ought to feel in various situations

In what way are classical and operant conditioning distinct?

In operant conditioning, the strength of learning is usually measured by emitted responses, whereas in classical conditioning it is usually measured by elicited responses.

Leonard is a psychotherapist and is very good at his job partly because he has a strong sense of empathy for others. Which type of intelligence from Gardner's multiple intelligences theory does this most clearly indicate?


Marlon has found that when he gets sad, his girlfriend becomes particularly nurturing and tries to take care of him. While he does not particularly want to feel these emotions, the response it draws from his girlfriend demonstrates the ________ function of emotions.


When Christa gets angry, she gets motivated to become productive so that whatever is making her angry can be overcome. She also notices that whenever she is angry she gets very warm and starts to perspire excessively. These psychological and physical changes demonstrate the ________ functions of an emotion


One challenge to the trait approach to personality is that traits may not be as stable across situations as we think they are. An explanation for this instability is that personality:

Is shaped by the situations that we are exposed to

Which of the following is a major advantage of the Implicit Associations Test (IAT)?

It is difficult to fake

Which of the following is true of sleep?

Many studies show that sleep is a common problem for college students

Kyle has a reputation for being very calm during an emergency. He copes very well with stress and is able to think clearly and make effective decisions. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score low in


If you compare your IQ score of 95 to your buddy who scored 105, you should feel

Not disappointed, because 95 and 105 not statistically difference. The small difference is not meaningful in the real world

A child who learns to play kickball by sitting back and watching is engaged in:

Observational learning

Hammond likes his daily routine that involves eating the same breakfast while reading the newspaper, and taking the same route to work. Every year he vacations at his favorite beach resort. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score low in?


Spearman viewed G as the general factor of intelligence. From his perspective:

People who score high in one-sub area, such as math, tend also to score high on other sub-areas such as verbal scores

Richard, an institutionalized schizophrenic patient has poor personal hygiene. He is given a token each time he completes a personal hygiene behavior (e.g., brush their teeth in the morning). At the end of the week Richard can exchange these tokens for his favorite snack. The token acts as a:

Positive Reinforcement

The process by which we look to other people to get information about how to feel in specific situations is called social ________.


The finding that an animal will stop performing an instrumental response that once led to a reinforcer if the reinforcer is separately made aversive or undesirable is known as what?

Reinforcer devaluation eggect

What phenomenon describes the possibility of an extinguished response being activated again in a new context?

Renewal effect

Each night at 10 pm, Jiao becomes very sleepy. This is most likely because _________.

She experiences an increase in melatonin production

Young Lilah is taken to a family dinner and she meets an uncle who she has never met before. As he reaches to her for a hug, Lilah looks to her mother with an uncertain look on her face. As she sees her mother nodding and smiling, Lilah looks back to the uncle and gives him a warm hug. Lilah has used ________ to determine how to act in this situation.

Social referencing

Ronaldo's dog, Mickey, used to be classically conditioned to bark every time he heard the doorbell because he knew people would be arriving and he wanted to say hello. While Mickey's owner did a good job of extinguishing Mickey's association of these stimuli, a doorbell can still sometimes evoke some responding again of Mickey barking. It is likely that Mikey is showing what aspect of conditioning?

Spontaneous recovery

Wechsler designed IQ tests that provide specific scores for different kinds of abilities. Performance items:

Test nonverbal abilities such as the ability to copy block designs

Dr.Reddy wants to examine potential prejudice against women. He shows participants images of men and women and has them rate each picture as "competent" or "incompetent," and measures the time it takes to create these judgments. He is using __________.

The Implicit Associations Test (IAT)

What are characteristics of the dimension added by the HEXACO model to the Five-Factor Model?

The honesty-humility dimension was added to describe people who are sincere, fair, and modest, not manipulative, narcissistic, or self-centered

If a tone is sometimes preceded by a light, and always followed by a shock, an animal will likely learn to fear:

The tone, but not the light

Jaspreet has been nagged by his parents to make his bed.

When Jaspreet makes his bed and the nagging stops, he is negatively reinforced

A Pavlovian conditioned response elicites:

a whole system of responses in which some are more easily measured or observed

In a follow-up study to the original Bobo Doll experiment, Badura observed the process of vicarious reinforcement, where children behaved less aggressively when:

aggressive models were punished

Which of the following is characteristic of hallucinogenic substances?

alterations in visual perception or sense of time

Intelligence is:

an individual's cognitive capacity, including the ability to acquire, process, recall and apply information

Factor analysis allowed personality theorists to:

analyze the correlations among traits and identify the most important ones

Fear conditioning can play a role in creating __________ in humans.

anxiety disorders

Which is the correct order of the four parts of learning theorized by Bandura?

attention, retention, initiation, motivation

Social models are an important part of observational learning. Which group is NOT necessarily a good social model for learning?

best friends

Simon was driving erratically after drinking and was stopped by the police. They administered a "breathalyzer" test intended to measure Simon's _________.

blood alcohol level

In general:

both a and c

When Nora goes into a cupcake bakery, she is surrounded by cues associated with cupcakes. Her response elicited by these cues is to expect a very delicious dessert. When she waits until she gets home to eat the cupcake, that's exactly what she experiences. However, when she eats the cupcake at the bakery it is not as delicious as she predicted. Which concept can explain this phenomenon of cues reducing the strength of the unconditioned response (i.e. enjoyment of the cupcake)?

conditioned compensatory responses

The night before a midterm exam, Kurt is invited to a party by his friends. He decides not to go to the party because doing well in the course is important to his career goals. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?


What are the three criteria that characterize personality traits?

consistency, stability, and individual differences

Cultural ________ rules are norms regarding the management and modification of emotional expressions based on cultural standards.


In classical conditioning, the response is _________________ by a stimulus that comes _________________ it.

elicited; before

Some researcher say that ____________________ is really a set of skills including stress management and the ability to perceive moods.

emotional intelligence

Clint is a very confident person who tends to take charge when he has been assigned to a group task. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Clint likely score high in?


Alfred takes an IQ test at ages 25 and 55, measuring his fluid and crystallized intelligence. Based on research of their respective developmental trajectories, what are most likely changes in these two areas that we would see?

his fluid intelligence would decrease with age, whereas his crystallized intelligence would increase

Mr. Sampson's mouth always waters when he sees a donut. He nearly always orders a coffee when he has a donut. One day, he orders a coffee and a chocolate donut. He is served the coffee right away, but told that the donuts are still being made and he will have to wait a few minutes. He takes a seat while he is waiting and takes a deep sniff of his coffee. As he does so, he begins salivating. In terms of classical conditioning, why did this happen?

it happened because the coffee is acting as a conditioned stimulus

We should really call classical conditioning "twitmeyerian conditioning" because

it was discovered by Edwin B. Twitmeyer, not Pavlov

The fact that you now smell milk before drinking it after accidentally drinking a cup of spoiled milk several months ago demonstrates how emotions can

motivate future behaviors

I always put my seatbelt on before turning on my car. That way I avoid the loud alarm that would remind me to do so. This increase in behavior (buckling up) is an example of what kind of learning?

negative reinforcement

Kelly is grounded by her father, until she sits down and completes an important homework assignment. Which technique has her father used to try to alter her behavior?

negative reinforcement

Psychological tests are often used to measure characteristics (e.g., IQ) across people of different ages, who live in different places, and so on. In order that people can be properly ordered on the dimension of measurement (e.g., compare their IQs), it's important that these tests are:


When people are asked to rate one of their own personality traits, they tend to:

rate themselves higher on the trait compared to others

t the end of class, students start packing up their things. That's because they want to escape. They've learned to do this because packing up has been ______________ because of the ________ outcome of leaving.

reinforced, appetive

Effects that increase behaviors are __________; effects that decrease them are ____________.

reinforcers; punishers

Personality traits are defined as:

relatively enduring dispositions in behavior that characterize individuals across varying types of situations

When exposed to adults who say one thing and do another, children will tend to:

say the same things and do what they observed the adults did

Which of the following is one of the physical responses that are immediately inspired by an emotional experience?

shutting down of unneeded digestive processes

When she notices that her girlfriend, Ellana, seems particularly quiet, Bess starts gently asking her what is wrong. After a while Ellana shares that she is having some problems in their relationship and this leads to a very constructive conversation about how things can be improved. This demonstrates the way that emotions can have ________ that elicits actions from others.

signal value

In classical conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________ with a significant event. In operant conditioning, the animal behaves as if it has learned to associate a ________with a significant event.

stimulus; behavior

In classical conditioning the unconditioned response is:

the biological response triggered by the unconditioned stimulus

When small children get frustrated at school they sometimes cry. A teacher might say, "calm down" or "use your words to tell how you feel." This process of learning appropriate emotional behavior would be an example of _______.

the social or cultural function of emotion

In the real world Classical and Operant Conditioning occur together. The stimulus - response - outcome framework can explain many behaviors. Occasion setting is defined in the most complex link. Occasion setting is when:

the stimulus signals the response-outcome relationship is in effect

As you consider how emotions function at the level of culture, which of the following flows naturally and immediately from the fact that societies are complex?

there is a need for social order

In a "Skinner box" experiments with rats the rats can learn:

to press a lever when reinforced with a food pellet

Almost all forms of gambling, including the example of a slot machine, give out rewards after a random number of rounds played (or levers pulled). This schedule of reinforcement is best described as:

variable ratio

Jessy was speeding on his motorcycle when he saw another person pulled over by the police. This made Jessy slow down because he was reminded through watching another person what the punishment of his behavior would be. What is this specific process of observational learning called?

vicarious reinforecment

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