Psychology Test 3

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As compared to earlier times, physical development during middle childhood is best described as

"Bodies are stronger and immune systems are better developed"

Ashton is shown two round balls of clay equal in size. He watches as the experimenter rolls one ball into a long sausage shape and asks which of the shapes has more clay. If Ashton is in Piaget's preoperational stage he will reply, ____.

"the long one"

Recently, there has been a ______ in the number of children in developing countries attending primary school across the world.

sharp increase

Morris is an engineer. He has always been especially skilled at looking at a two-dimensional blueprint of a building and visualizing that image as it relates to a three-dimensional structure in the real world. According to Gardner, Morris possesses ____.

spatial intelligence

Which of the following best describes selective attention?

the ability to focus on relevant information from two or more independent sources

In Piaget's pendulum task, the solution that reveals whether not an individual is in the formal operational stage is ____.

the lenght of the string

When divorce occurs in early childhood, children blame themselves. What about middle childhood? Children in middle childhood ______.

understand that there are other reasons that their parents divorced that have nothing to do with them

What is the correlation coefficient for IQ scores of adopted siblings who have none of their genotype in common?


What is the correlation in IQ scores for monozygotic (MZ) twins?


At the beginning of emerging adult, age 18, about ______ of Americans have had intercourse at least once, and by age 25 nearly ______ emerging adults have had intercourse at least once.

1/2; all

A study of Japanese adolescents that more than half of those who owned a cell phone sent at least how many text messages a day to their friends.


In the United States, who has the highest rates of automobile accidents, injuries, and fatalities of any age group?

16 to 24 year olds

Overall, in developing countries, approximately what percentage of children, do not attend primary school?


By the mid-teens, testosterone production in males is how many times greater than it was before puberty?


Your 15-year-old son has been what he says is "hormonal". He realizes that his emotions and feelings can be quite variable during this time of his life. What is the major difference in his hormone levels now than they were before puberty? His levels of testosterone are about:

20 times higher than before puberty.

According to one estimate, about _____ of children in stepfamilies have serious problems in at least one aspect of functioning in middle childhood, compared to _____ of their peers in non-divorced families.

20%; 10%

The average child in the United States witnesses how many acts of violence on television by age 18?


For most sports, the peak age of performance occurs during the ____.


What was the median age of marriage for men in most developed countries in 1960?

23 years

Hetherington and Kelly (2002) classified ____ of the children in divorced families as having severe emotional or behavioral problems, compared to ____ of children in two-parent non-divorced families

25%; 10%

A variety of studies have shown that the proportion of adolescents who report experiencing major depressive disorder among adolescents is ______.


Females are born with all of the ova that they will ever have. According to the text, how many eggs does the average female have at puberty?


How many words does an average 10 or 11 year old known?


The average homework time for Japanese college students is what percentage of time time junior high or high school students spend on homework?


On average, for many college and university students in America, it takes _____ to earn a 'four-year' degree.

6 years

Approximately 15% of American adolescent females are overweight. What percentage of them believe that they are overweight?


What percentage of emerging adults in the United States, Canada, and in Northern European countries cohabit before marriage?


When Kohlbery began his research on moral judgment, who did he study?

72 boys aged 10,13, and 16 years old

What percentage of American emerging adults reported believing in God?


Your friends are talking about the crazy and stupid things that they did when they were adolescents. Most of your male friends said they were involved in vandalism, underage drinking or petty shoplifting once or twice. On average, how many adolescent boys committed at least one criminal act before they reached age 20?


What percentage of American middle school children in 1969 participated in daily physical education?


What percentage of children remain obese/overweight in adulthood?


In the U.S., the percentage of children involved in daily physical education programs during middle childhood decreased from ______ in 1969 to just ______ in 2005.

80%; 8%

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences includes ______ types of intelligence and Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence theory includes_______.

8; 3

What percentage of Egyptian girls is circumcised?


In the United States, what percentage of 18-19-year olds own a cell phone?


_______ is the ability to move quickly and precisely, whereas _______ is the response to changing information.

Ability; reaction time

At age 8, nearly 50% of ____ girls have begun to develop breasts, pubic hair, or both, compared with just 15% of ____ girls.

African American; White

_________ is a chronic illness of the lungs characterized by wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.


______ is a measure of the ration of weight to height.

Body mass index

Which of the following best reflects collectivistic cultural beliefs in education?

Children often work in groups, with children who have mastered the concept instruction those who have not grasped it just yet.

________ is the ability to sort objects or events that share common characteristics into the same class.


________ are small groups of friends who know each other well, do things together, and form a regular social group; in contrast, _____ are larger, reputation-based groups of adolescents who are not necessarily friends and do not necessarily spend much time together.

Cliques; crowds

Reed Larson pioneered a research technique in which people carried wristwatch beepers. When the beepers went off at various random times during the day, the participant had to record his or her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that were occurring at the time. What was the name of this research technique?

Experience Sampling Method

Who made the distinction between the "I-self" and the "me-self"?

George Herbert Mead

Your parents just found illegal substances in your younger brother's backpack. He is a good student and does well in sports. He told your parents that he has not used the drugs yet and was only interested in trying them. Considering what you learned in your developmental course, how likely is this?

He is likely telling the truth; experimentation is one of the four major reasons that adolescents use substances

Your 17-year-old son didn't start showing signs of puberty until recently, and still looks like he is 14 years old. What challenges do you face as a parent of a late-maturing male?

He is likely to have difficulties with alcohol use and delinquency.

Your family values education, but your younger brother is a very poor student and has always been a poor student. His global self-esteem is quite high. How can this be?

He probably does not really value the importance of education

Your parents are concerned because your younger sister, who just turned 18 years old, told them that she is sexually active. What would you tell them?

Her behavior is fairly common in that 50% of adolescents have had sexual intercourse before age 18

Your nephew is extremely intelligent. Your family jokes with him that he is a giant nerd not just because he is very intelligent, but because he also likes to learn and studies quite a bit. He has great social skills and enjoys the joking around. What would you guess about his popularity at school?

Intelligence enhances popularity in middle school for those with good social skills, so he probably is quiet popular.

Hearing improves in middle childhood because the tube in the inner ear that is often the site of ear infections in toddlerhood and early childhood has now matured to be longer and narrower than it was before. How does this help with ear infections?

Less bacteria-containing fluid flows from the mouth to the ear.

_______ is the use of a substance to relieve an unpleasant emotional state such as sadness, anxiety, stress, or loneliness, whereas _____ takes place when a person has come to depend on regular use of substances to feel good person has come to depend on regular use of substances to feel good physically or psychologically

Medicinal substances use; addictive substance use

Johnny has been in Cub scouts for 4 years and is getting ready to cross over to Boy Scouts at 11 years of age. The Boy Scouts require discipline, good behavior. and following instructions. How likely is it that he will be able to meet these demands?

Most likely

According to the text, adolescent prostitution is a pervasive and growing problem, especially in ______.


Many stepfathers and stepchildren eventually form harmonious, close relationships. How does this happen?

The stepfather acts warmly and openly to his stepchildren and does not immediately try to assert stern authority

Why are rates of overweight and obese children rising in developing countries?

Their diets are becoming more like the diets of developed countries.

On average, when do girls begin puberty compared to boys?

Two years earlier than boys

Pascarella and Terenzini (1991,2005, 2006) have conducted research in the United States on the benefits of tertiary education. What have they discovered?

Verbal and quantitative skills increase as a function of attending college.

You have been interested in kanji, Japanese logograph symbols, for many years. In fact, you known about 500 of them, which is extraordinarily advance. Your friends frequently ask you about what the symbols mean because they are interested in getting tattoos of them. You are surprised at how many times they ask you about the same symbol. Why is it that you can learn more kanji symbols fairly easily, by your friends barely learn a few symbols.

You have considerable knowledge, which assists you in learning more

You finished college last year and have not been able to find a job yet. As a result, you moved back home with your parents. At first, you were worried that the transition back would cause considerable conflict, but it has not. Although you know that this is only a temporary situation, what is one of the most likely reasons that it is going well?

Your parents recognize that you are an adult and are treating you that way.

Which of the following would be considered tertiary education?

a college or university

According to Gisela Labouvie-Vief, adolescents and many young adults are confined to formal operations and do not possess postformal operational thought because they ____.

a greater recognition and incorporation of practical limitations to logical thinking

By middle childhood, obesity is a risk factor for ______.

a variety of emotional and behavior problems

According to the text, older siblings often help their younger siblings with ______.

academic, peer, and parent issues

Which of the following best describes pragmatism a. using language and mental images as a basis for problem-solving on tangible concrete items b. coordinating sensory modalities with motor skills as a basis for an individual's perception of his or her world c. applying rigid logical thought to solve real-life situations that contain complexities and inconsistencies d. adopting logical thought to solve practical real-life situations that contain complexities and inconsistencies

adopting logical thought to solve practical real-life situations that contain complexities and inconsistencies

Patrick is an emerging adult. For a time period he lived with a group of friends from high school, then he moved back home with his parents, and now he has an apartment of his own. Which of the following characteristics of emerging adulthood best describes Patrick's situation?

age of instability

At age 7, Felix is a much better soccer player than he was at age 4. Not only is he a fast runner but he can dribble the soccer ball down the field by alternating right-foot, left-foot kicks. He can also fake out defenders by pretending to kick the ball with his right foot but actually using his left foot. Felix's improvement in soccer illustrates growth in which of the following areas?


Nearly ____ adolescents are enrolled in secondary school in developed countries. In contrast, only about _____ of adolescents in economically developing countries attend secondary school.

all; 50%

Individuals who possess relative thought ________.

are able to recognize the legitimacy of competing points of view

What is the most common cause of injury in middle childhood?

automobile accidents

Chi (1978) did a very interesting study in which she asked 10-year-old children who were chess experts to remember the position of chess pieces on the board. How did they do?

better than college students who were chess novices

An emerging adult who grows up in urban Mexico and combines the local culture, such as the importance of obligations to family, with elements of the global culture, such as using global media, is an example of a ________.

bicultural identity

Consuming five or more drinks in a row for men, and four in a row for women, is known as ____.

binge drinking

In the United States and Europe, fatal automobile crashes, unintended pregnancies, criminal activity, and physical fights are all outcomes related to _______.

binge drinking

What is the measure of the ratio of weight to height called?

body mass index

The two most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia; however, ______

bulimia nervosa is slightly more common than anorexia nervosa

In the United States and Canada, students enrolled in secondary education must declare a major ______, whereas in European schools students must declare their major _______.

by their third year of college; before their freshman year

Kohlberg viewed moral development as based on ____.

cognitive development

The following is a description of a child being assessed in Piaget's pendulum task:" They may try the heaviest weight on the longest string dropped from medium height with medium force, then a medium weight on the smallest string dropped from medium height with lesser force. If they happen to arrive at the right answer, they find it difficult to explain why." According to this description, it is clear that the child is in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

concrete operations

People like to find in others a match that reaffirms their own way of looking at the world. This is referred to as ____.

consensual validation

According to Piaget, the advances of concrete operations are evident in new abilities for performing tasks of ______.

conservation, classification, and seriation

Which of the following best describes Vygotsky's premise of how learning and cognitive growth occurs?

cooperative learning

Great inventors such as Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Graham Bell all possess which of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence?

creative intelligence

Alcohol use in the past week was is highest among ______ youth and lowest among _______youth

czechs; American

To whom are adolescents most likely to show the self that they know does not represent what they are actually thinking and feeling?


Overall, leisure activities with friends ________ in the course of the twenties as emerging individuals transition into young and middle adulthood.

decline steadily

What have researchers discovered with regard to the size of the discrepancy between the actual and ideal selves in both adolescents and emerging adults? The discrepancy is related to _______.

depressed moods

Adolescents from _____ countries who work are more likely to have disposable income than in _____countries.

developed; developing

Peng and Nisbett (1999) conducted studies comparing Chinese and American college students. They found that Chinese students were more likely than Americans to prefer _____.

dialectical proverbs containing contradictions

According to Basseches, what type of thinking develops in emerging adulthood that involves a growing awareness that problems often have no clear solution and two opposing strategies or points of view may each have some merit?

dialectical thought

Historically, before the 1970s, researchers believed that formal operations _____.

do not develop in many cultures, particularly in cultures that do not have formal schooling

The goal of emerging adults' self-focusing is learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person, but emerging adults ____.

do not see self-sufficiency as a permanent state

What is the program in which young people obtain driving privileges gradually, contingent on a safe driving record?

driver's education licensing

What type of thinking involves seeing situations and issues in polarized terms (e,g, an act is either right or wrong)

dualistic thinking

According to Perry, multiple thinking develops into relativism by the ________.

early 20s

When adolescents first enter formal operations, they may have difficulty distinguishing their thinking about their own thoughts from their thinking about the thought of others. Piaget would have argued that this results in a distinctive kind of adolescent _______.


In the U.S., rates of overweight and obesity are higher in _____.

ethnic minority groups

Ambivalence is _____.

experiencing two contradictory emotions at once

What do critics call female circumcision?

female genital mutilation

Your developmental class is having an interesting discussion about what it means to be an adult. Most of the class includes individuals who are emerging adults. What is the consensus of your class? The most important marker for adulthood is ____.

financial independence

In the United States and Europe, the most important criteria is for becoming an adult is ______, whereas in Asia it is _______.

financial independence; the capacity to support one's parents financially

Jacob has been pressured by his father to take over the family farm. Reluctantly, Jacob has agreed to this identity status because that i what is best for his parents. He has not explored his options, but had passively accepted the identity his father imposed on him. From James Marcia's model, which of the following identity status can Jacob's be categorized as?


As described by Piaget, the child who solves the pendulum task and can explain their rationale is closer to the _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operations

What area of the brain is associated with planning, problems solving, and moral reasoning?

frontal lobes

A key part of emerging adulthood involves moving away from one's family. According to the text, which of the following are three ways in which emerging adults move away from the family?

geographically, socially, and emotionally

In many cultures, boys are required to engage in violent rituals and sometimes in bloodletting of various kinds. However, due to _____, some of these rituals have declined in frequency, or have even disappeared.


What is one of the most common reasons for leaving home as stated by emerging adults?

going to college

Which of the following interventions has been shown to have the greatest effect on reducing automobile injuries and fatalities for young drivers in the United States? a. graduated driver licensing b. mandatory driver's education c. increasing the minimum driving age d. parental monitoring

graduated driver licensing

You have not seen your 22-year-old cousin in quite some time. After a brief visit, you are impressed that she is more confident socially, it less dogmatic, and is less ethnocentric in her political and social views than she had been as a teenager. Given what you know about development, you guess that she has ________.

graduated from college

As cited in the text, which of the following might be related to whether or not a person can be classified as high in morningness or eveningness- that is, their preference for either going to bed early and waking up early or going to be late and waking up late?

growth hormone

Which of the following best describes the overall emotional state for individuals in middle childhood?

high well-being and low volatility

Recent research by Farver, Bhadha, and Narang (2002) found that adolescents from ethnic groups who are bicultural or assimilated have ________.

higher self-esteem

In Erik Erikson's theory of development, each stage of life had a central crisis, and in adolescence the crisis is ________.

identity versus mistrust

Silvia is 22 years old and lives an apartment with two friends. She's thinking about her family and the changes that have occurred since she moved out of her parents' house. During adolescence she and your parents got along fairly well, but there were times when there was quite a bit of conflict. Now that she has been out of the family house for a few years, her relationship with her parents has likely ____.

improved and conflict has declined

Which of the following are two interventions that can reduce the rate of automobile accidents and fatalities for young drivers? a. law enforcement monitoring of young drivers b. increased mandatory drivers' education and a period of restricted license driving c. increased probationary time for a learner's permit and mandatory drivers' education

increased mandatory drivers' education and a period of restricted license driving

From Ernest Pascarella and Patrick Terenzini's research, which of the following are cited as cognitive benefits of attending college?

increases in general verbal, oral, and written communication skills, and critical thinking

In an early study of 110 traditional cultures (Barry et al., 1957) and more recent analyses of gender socialization in traditional cultures (Banerjee, 2005; LeVine, 2008) boys were socialized to develop ______.

independence and toughness

What is the type of self that is promoted by collectivistic cultures?

interdependent self?

Currently, what can be stated regarding the obtainment of post-secondary education?

it is a normative experience

What type of delinquent individuals show signs of problems since birth, and many of them engage in criminal activity after their mid-twenties?

life-course-persistent delinquents

What is the ability of the body to take in oxygen and transport it to various organs?

max VO2

Your daughter is 9-years-old and you have been talking about the changes that she will soon be experiencing. One of the topics that you are discussing is what happens during menstruation and what she can expect. You tell her that the first menstrual period has a special name. What is it?


The discrepancy between the actual and the ideal self is the greatest during _______.


When does sibling conflict peak?

middle childhood

What term describes nearsightedness


According to Vygotsky, children and adolescents learn best ig the instructions they are provided is ______ of the zone of proximal development.

near the top

Your roommate is from Denmark and she was telling you that she and her boyfriends has sexual intercourse frequently and her parents allowed him to spend the night with her. You were quite surprised to learn this and asked if her situation was unusual. She indicated that _____.

no, Denmark has a very permissive attitude regarding teenage sexual behavior

Premarital sex during adolescence is the most common in which of the following countries? a. western European countries b. African countries c. South American countries d. northern European countries

north European countries

Which of the following are three criteria for unemployment?

not in school, not working, and looking for a job

In regards to education, a person born in a developing nation would most likely ______.

only complete primary school

You are going to go grocery shopping. To help you remember the items that you need to purchase, you put those items into clusters or categories that are similar. What memory strategy are you using?


Jean Piaget used the ____to illustrate and measure children's and adolescent's entrance into hypothetical-deductive reasoning.

pendulum problem

People who demonstrate the capacity for formal operations tend to use it selectively for _____.

problems and situations in which they have the most experience and knowledge

According to the text, resilience is promoted by ______ that enable adolescents to overcome risk elements, or factors that may impede or stifle their success in life.

protective factors

How frequent is conflict between parents and adolescents in traditional cultures?


What is a factor that can lead to children developing nearsightedness?


What helps individuals learn new information and store it in long-term memory?

related knowledge

In regards to middle childhood, the overall finding of the research that used the wristwatch beepers was that middle childhood is a time of ______.

remarkable contentment and emotional stability

The following is an example of a boy learning to weave handmade cloth. "They boy attempts a simple weaving pattern, the father corrects his mistakes, the boy tries again. When the boy gets it right, the father gives him a more complex pattern, this raising the bar so that the boy continues to be challenges and his skills continue to improve." This scenario illustrates Lev Vygotsky's concept of _____.


Lynn and Mikk (2007) performed a study that included 46 countries. They found that IQ scores were highly correlated with ____.

school achievement

Globally, parents in most places and times have been more worried that their children would become too ______than that they would have _____ self-esteem, and have ______ self-inflation as part of family socialization.

selfish; low; discouraged

Depression, anxiety, and deficits in attention, memory, concentration, and critical thinking are all related to _____.

sleep disturbances

What are the negative side effects of using medication for the treatment of ADHD?

slower physical growth and higher risk if depression

Tertiary education in the United States in mainly paid for by _______, whereas in other developed countries it is paid for by _______.

students and their parents; the government

The time period of emerging adulthood is more likely to be seen in which of the following countries? a. Afghanistan, Chad, and Ethiopia b. the United States, Europe, and Japan c. South Africa, Papa New Guinea, and Cambodia d. Zimbabwe, Liberia, and Brazil

the United States, Europe, and Japan

Why are rates of overweight and obese children especially high among African American and Latino children?

they tend to watch the most television per day

Which of the following is NOT a reason that 12-to 14-year-old boys gave for playing violent video games a. the social aspect b. to relieve anger and stress c. to meet girls d. to enjoy exciting new situations

to meet girls

During adolescence, gender intensification is often considerably stronger in _______.

traditional cultures than in the West

The Wechsler scales consist of 11 subtests, of which six are ______ subtests and five are _______ subtests.

verbal; performance

You are very interested in research regarding sleep. You are an emerging adult who is in college, and your sleep patterns include occasional bouts of insomnia, as well as a tendency to sleep very late on weekends and during holiday breaks while still attending 8 a.m. classes during the week. Research suggests that these sleep patterns are distinctive during emerging adulthood in ways that provide the _____.

worst support of your cognitive functioning and emotional well-being

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