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What is the benefit of being diagnosed correctly?

A person can get the right type of treatment or medication he/she needs.



What can a person learn from the Bay of Pigs incident?

If you don't speak your opinion against bad ideas, sometimes awful results can happen. Don't be afraid to voice an opinion that may be different from the leader. It's normal for people to feel uncomfortable about disagreeing with a leader. ✔ all of the above

What lesson can we learn from Zimbardo's prison experiment?

It's possible for people to act horribly in evil situations.

What can leaders count on that guarantees obedience always happen?

Nothing is specified that ensures that obedience will always happen.

If a high school sophomore randomly declares himself a leader to his classmates, he will have difficulty finding people who will listen to him. Why?

People are less likely to obey people that are just like themselves or someone who represents authority.

What did the Milgram Experiment demonstrate?

People will obey authority even when the results will harm someone.

What did the Milgram Experiment show about humans?

People will obey authority even when the results will harm someone.

Peter has been selected by the principal to lead the school in a flag salute. The students participate and follow Peter's directions. Why?

Peter has stewardship granted to him by the principal.

What is a problem with DSM diagnoses?

Some people don't fit into easy diagnosis categories.

What is the most believable reason why it may be difficult to trust a person's actions?

Sometimes actions have ulterior motives and it can be difficult to discern a person's sincerity.

What is the most believable reason why someone might not accept a compliment?

Sometimes it's difficult to discern a person's sincerity.

Why do people make jokes about the mentally ill?

Sometimes people don't understand mental illness and how to be sensitive.

What influence do culture and customs have on beliefs about mental disorders?

They can influence what people think is normal and abnormal.

Why do people sometimes fear or make fun of mental illness?

They don't understand what a person is going through.

Altruism means being completely selfless and wanting nothing in return.


Altruism means being completely selfless and yet wanting nothing in return.


Obedience means that you follow laws and other rules that authorities make.


Are there any disadvantages with having insurance pay for mental health treatment?

Yes, insurance doesn't always pay for the needed amount of time in treatment.

What is the main importance of withholding personal judgment against people with mental illness?

You can attempt to objectively understand a person's troubles.

What is an altruistic view of compliments?

accepting a compliment at face value

What are the two most common disorders in the United States?

anxiety and depression

Who can appropriately use the DSM? Select all that apply.

anyone who has read the manual and understands its contents graduate students studying the social sciences ✔ psychiatrists ✔ mental health professionals

People are most likely to be obedient to rules that _____.

are set up by people in authority

Leo drops his stack of books in the library. They scatter everywhere, and it's a mess. People all around see the mess, but nobody goes over to help immediately. Then finally, one girl goes over to help him. Which term describes how people looked on but didn't offer to help Leo out immediately?

bystander effect

What does Axis I of the DSM categorize?

clinical and mental disorders

Marie notices that most of her friends have MP3 players that are all made by a certain brand. She wants one, too, but not just any MP3 player. Marie wants to buy the exact same brand that her friends have. She thinks this is the way to fit in. Which term describes why Marie only wants a certain brand of MP3 player?


Marie notices that most of her friends have MP3 players that are all made by a certain brand. She wants one, too, but not just any MP3 player. Marie wants to buy the exact same brand that her friends have. She thinks this is the way to fit in. Which term describes why Marie only wants a certain brand of mp3 player?


The dance instructor asks his class for three volunteers to show some new moves. There are twenty people in class, and everyone is silent. One girl, Janie, looks around the room to see if anyone is going to volunteer first. Then maybe she won't have to volunteer if someone else does. Which term describes why Janie didn't want to volunteer?

diffusion of responsibility

Freud's method of therapy encourages _____.

exploration of the unconscious free association ✔ all choices cathartic experiences

The five axes of the DSM represent _____.

major categories that a mental heath professional will use to assess a person

What do the five axes of the DSM represent?

major categories that a mental heath professional will use to assess a person

Axis III of the DSM categorizes ________.

medical conditions and physical disorders

Asch's conformity experimented showed that _____.

people were easily influenced to give the wrong answer

Rioting is an example of _____.

people's behavior being influenced by others

The 1992 Los Angeles riots were an example of _____.

people's behavior being influenced by others

What does Axis II of the DSM categorize?

personality disorders

Which therapy encourages free association?

psychoanalysis therapy

We tend to feel more _____ when fewer people are around to help out.


Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death while neighbors looked on. Nobody went out to help and only later did someone call the police for help. This event led psychologists to create a new term called _____.

the bystander effect

Katie helped Sandra with her homework. In return, Sandra helped Katie learn how to rollerblade. Katie didn't expect to get some extra help, but now Katie is inspired to give Sandra help again, since it seems Sandra always returns a favor. What does this situation describe?

the paradox of altruism

Sometimes we perform an action selflessly only to find out that we are rewarded with a favor in return. This makes us more likely to want to do something nice again. What does this situation describe?

the paradox of altruism

What is NOT the purpose of the DSM?

to diagnose physical ailments

Which is NOT an abnormal behavior related to mental illness?

wearing all black and dying your hair extreme colors

When are people most likely to be obedient to rules?

when the rules are set up by people in authority



Who developed a therapy technique that requires a counselor to listen without passing judgment?

Carl Rogers

How was therapy different in the early 1900s?

Categories for diagnosing disorders were less clear and only the rich could afford to pay for therapy.

Changing views on epilepsy and abnormal behavior show us that _____.

Epileptics are more accepted today than they were in the past. Epileptics have problems related to neurology and not their minds. People view epileptics as normal and not demonically possessed. ✔ all of the above

The bystander effect teaches us that people are less likely to help out a healthy person when many people are around.


The bystander effect teaches us that people conform their behavior to their surroundings


Conformity is not a bad thing, but sometimes it is inappropriate. When would those times be?

when you behave badly when you act unethically ✔ all choices when you behave illegally

Why does it not always work when you declare yourself a leader of a group?

People are less likely to obey people that are just like themselves and people are more likely to obey someone who represents authority.

What does Axis III of the DSM categorize?

medical conditions and physical disorders

Asch's conformity experiment showed that _____.

people can be influenced rather easily

When is conformity inappropriate?

when you behave badly and act unethically or illegally

Which traits do leaders have that make them more desirable to obey? Select all that apply.

✔ aptitude planning skills analytical skills ✔ responsibility ✔ competency

Which is an abnormal behavior related to mental illness? Select all that apply.

✔ starving yourself to stay skinny ✔ being constantly suspicious wearing all black and dyeing your hair extreme colors dressing up in costumes and asking for food

Match the vocabulary terms to the correct definitions. 1. idiosyncrasies 2. disorder 3. cynical 4. conformity 5. confederate

1. specific behaviors or mannerisms that are peculiar to just one person 2. mental health disturbance 3. distrusting or pessimistic 4. people change their behavior because of social influence 5. an accomplice

Changing views on abnormal behavior shows us that _____.

men today are more emotionally expressive than six decades ago women respond to emotional stresses in a different, more controlled way people view those with epilepsy as normal and not demonically possessed ✔ all of the above

Sheila shared private documents with another worker named Janice. Janice ignored the privacy and told the boss the secret information she knew, hoping to get a better position in the company. Eventually, the boss did give Janice the new position at work. Were Janice's actions altruistic?

No, because she was hoping to get a new position by sharing information with the boss.

Why do people who believe in altruism say the opposite view is cynical?

It's nicer to accept gestures at face value and a person comes across as skeptical and suspicious.

Victor is concerned about his constant impulsive tendencies. He thinks something must be wrong with him. What is a healthy action Victor could take?

Listen to a mental health professional who can guide him through his troubles.

Which is an example of an ulterior motive?

Mozelle wanted a raise so she made sure to bring her boss gifts on every holiday.

Determine which of the statements demonstrates an ulterior motive.

Mozelle wanted a raise, so she made sure to bring her boss gifts on every holiday.

Julia and her musician friends were competing in the school talent show. Julia wanted her band to win the "most talented" award, so she started talking to everyone in the hallway. She asked friends and strangers alike to vote for her. Julia told people that she was glad they were such good friends, even if she didn't know the person. She hoped to persuade people to vote for her and the band. Are Julia's actions altruistic?

No, because she is hoping that people will vote for her.

Keylah told a lie and felt horrible, so she tried to make up for breaking her mother's confidence. Keylah did all the house chores for a week. Are her actions altruistic?

No, because she is trying to gain her mom's trust again.

Why didn't lower-class people get therapy treatment during the early 1900s?

Only the rich could afford to pay for therapy.

When it comes to mental disorders, what is true of cultural customs and beliefs?

They can influence what people think is normal and abnormal.

Abnormal behavior can be any observable behavior that is unusual or different from cultural customs.


Abnormal behavior can be odd behavior due to idosyncracies or mental illness.


When lots of people are present and volunteer help is needed, very commonly nobody is quick to offer their assistance. Usually everyone is hoping someone else will volunteer and do the work. What is this called?

diffusion of responsibility

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