PTA 130 Test Two All of the notes for upper limb and lower limb

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cylindrical, lumbrical

In the attached picture: A combination of _____ and _____ grips are being used.


In the gait cycle, the ______ is the first part of the foot that makes contact with the ground.

Flexes MCP and CMC joints of the fifth finger

The action of the Flexor Digiti Minimi muscle:

Flexes all three joints of the fingers ( DIP, PIP, MCP)

The action of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle:

Flexed the MCP and CMC joints of thumb

The action of the Flexor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:

Extends first toe IP and MTP joints, assists in ankle inversion and dorsiflexion

The action of the extensor hallucis longus muscle is:

Scapular elevation and downward rotation

The action of the levator scapula muscle is:

flexion and adduction

The action of the pectineus muscle is hip ___________ and _________.

forearm pronation

The action of the pronator quadratus muscle:

Subacromial bursae

The bursae that lies below the acromion and supraspinatus.

greater tubercle of humerus

The insertion of the infraspinatus muscle:

Distal one-fourth of radius

The insertion of the pronator quadratus muscle:


The normal end feel for all shoulder joint motion is _____.


The number of axes in the hip joint is _____.

popliteus muscle

The one joint muscle located behind the knee. It creates that rotational pull needed to unlock the knee as it initiates flexion.


The only phalangeal joint of the thumb is the ______ joint that allows flexion and extension.

friction, 13

The purpose of bursae are to reduce ______. There are aprox ____ of them in the knee.

Knee flexed 25 degrees and leg muscles relaxed

The open packed position of the patellofemoral joint is.

Scaphoid, trapezium, and flexor retinaculum

The origin of the Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:

Posterior radius, interosseous membrane, middle ulna

The origin of the Abductor Pollicis Longus Muscle:

Trapezium and flexor retinaculum

The origin of the Flexor Pollicis Brevis muscle:

lateral surface of the upper eight ribs.

The origin of the Serratus anterior muscle is:


The origin of the adductor brevis muscle is the ________.


The origin of the adductor longus muscle is the _______.

lateral epicondyle of humerus

The origin of the anconeus muscle:

distal medial fibula

The origin of the fibularis tertius muscle is:

Medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna

The origin of the pronator teres muscle:

ASIS ( anterior superior iliac spine)

The origin of the sartorius muscle is the __________.

Supraspinous fossa of the scapula

The origin of the supraspinatus muscle:

Lesser Tubercle

The part of the humerus that provides attachment for the provides attachment for the subscapularis muscle.

Infraspinous fossa

The part of the scapula that is below the spine.

Axillary Border

The part of the scapula that is nearest the axillary area.

Calcaneal tuberosity

The projection on the posterior inferior surface of the calcaneus.

Pelvic girdle

The sacrum, the coccyx, and the two innominate bones make up the __________ _______.

Side-to side grip

This is the grip that is commonly used to hold a cigarette. It is a weak grip that does not allow much precision.


This projection on the posterior surface of the scapula that provides attachment for the middle and lower trapezius.

Inferior gluteal nerve

The gluteus Maximus muscle is innervated by the ________ _________ _______.

superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The gluteus minimus muscle of the hip is innervated by the _______ _________ _____ (L___, L____, S___)

Adjacent metacarpals

The Origin of the Dorsal Interossei muscle:

anterior, greater trochanter

The insertion of the gluteus minimus is the _____ surface of the ______ _______.

Base of the scapular spine

The insertion of the middle trapezius muscle is the :

Scapular spine

The insertion of the middle trapezius muscle is the ___________ ___________.

lateral longitudinal arch

The arch of the foot that normally rests on the ground during weight-bearing.

Flexion/Extension, abduction/ adduction

The joint motions of the MCP joint are:

C7 - T5

The origin of the Rhomboid muscle is the spinous processes of ____________ - ________.

acromion Process

The broad flat area on the superior lateral aspect of the scapula that provides attachment for the upper trapezius muscle.


The combination of flexion and abduction where the tips of the first and fifth fingers move toward each other.


The coracobrachialis muscle is innervated by the :

supracondylar fractures

The fracture most common in children causes by falling on an outreached arm.

Tibial nerve (S1, S2)

The gastrocnemius is innervated by the ______ ____ ( S___, S___)

Anterior surface, third through fifth ribs

The origin of the pectoralis minor muscle is:

radial notch

The part of the ulna on the proximal end that is the articulation point for the head of the radius.

Superior Ramus

This bony landmark of the pubis provides attachment for the pectineus muscle.

iliolumbar ligament

This ligament connects the transverse process of L5 with the iliac crest.

popliteal space

This is the portion behind the knee that contains nerves and blood vessels.

transverse tarsal joint

This joint links the hindfoot and forefoot in inversion and eversion.

pubofemoral ligament

This ligament in the hip joint limits hyperextension and limits abduction.

short plantar ligament

This ligament of the foot supports the long plantar ligament.

Extensor Pollicis brevis muscle

This muscle that is deep on the posterior forearm and functions to extend the MCP and CMC joints of the thumb.

Semitendinosus muscle

This muscle that is one of the three hamstring muscles has a much longer and narrower distal tendon that spans the knee joint.


Name this bone

Levator Scapula Muscle

Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle.

serratus anterior

Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle. It holds the scapula close to the ribs. If this muscle is week, scapular winging can occur.


Name this muscle of the shoulder joint that is functionally separated into three parts.

intercondylar eminence

Name this prominence of the tibia that is part of the knee joint.


The action of the gracilis muscle is hip ___________.

Radial nerve

The anconeus muscle is innervated by:

collateral ligaments

The ankle joint has a think capsule but is reinforced by ___________ ______ on the sids.

Pelvic surface

The bony landmark of the sacrum that is concave anterior surface.

Median Nerve

The flexor carpi radialis muscle is innervated by:

Ulnar Nerve

The flexor carpi ulnaris muscle is innervated by the ___________ ______.

Navicular and most tarsals and metatarsals

The insertion of the tibialis posterior muscle is:

Inferior angle

The most inferior point of the scapula where vertebral and axillary borders met. This point determines scapular rotation.

Posterior tibia

The origin of the flexor digitorum longus muscle is the _______ ______.

Common Flexor tendon

The origin of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle is:______ ______ ________ . Or per Dr. G the, medial epicondyle.

sacrum and ilium

The origin of the gluteus maximus muscle is the posterior _________ and _______.


The part of the humerus that is located on the medial side of the distal end that articulates with the ulna.

Medial epicondylitis

This pathology, aka golfers elbow, inflammation of the common flexor tendon that inserts into the medial epicondyle.

Posterior tilt

This pelvic girdle motion occurs when the pelvis tilts backward, moving the ASIS posterior to the pubic symphysis.


The raising of the medial border of the foot, turning the forefoot inward,


The two- joint muscles of the hip provide most of the _____ of motion.

***** One way to remember the muscles of the toes.

PAD and DAB,, PAD = adduct the toes, DAB = adduct.

Annular ligament

The anconeus attaches to what ligament?

carrying angle

The angle of the humerus and the forearm form an angle called the ________ ______ which is greater in woman then in men. ( This angle helps us get food to our mouth)


The angle of torsion refers to the angle between the shaft and the neck of the femur in the _______ plane.


To test brachialis strength, the forearm is placed in _______ position.

middle and lower thoracic vertebrae

The Origin of the Lower trapezius muscle is the :


The Posterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major (sternal) are prime movers in shoulder _________.


The ROM in the hip is approximately _____degrees of abduction.

Opposes the thumb (CMC joint)

The action of the opponens pollicis muscle:

Elbow extension

The action of the triceps muscle:


The end feel for all wrist motion except radial deviation is __________.

Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis,vastus intermedialis

The four muscles that span the knee anteriorly and extend the knee are:

Linea aspera and adductor tubercle

The insertion of the adductor magnus muscle is the entire ________ ________ and ________ ________.

styloid process of the radius

The insertion of the brachioradialis:

medial surface of the humerus near the midpoint

The insertion of the coracobrachialis muscle:

distal phalanx of four lesser toes

The insertion of the flexor digitorum longus muscle is:

Pectineal line of femur

The insertion of the pectineus muscle is the ___________ __________ ____ _________.

Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus

The insertion of the pectoralis major muscle, clavicular, and sternal portions:

coracoid process

The insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle is:

lateral aspect of radius at its midpoint

The insertion of the pronator teres muscle:


The insertion of the soleus is the posterior _______

Medial epicondyle of humerus

The origin of the Palmaris Longus Muscle:

lateral third of the clavicle

The origin of the anterior deltoid muscle:

fibula, interosseous membrane, tibia

The origin of the extensor digitorum longus muscle is:

sternum, costal cartilage of first 6 ribs

The origin of the pectoralis major muscle, sternal portion:

lateral condyle of the femur

The origin of the popliteus muscle is the ________ ______ of the ________

Distal one-fourth of ulna

The origin of the pronator quadratus muscle:

30 degrees

The scapular plane is approximately ______ degrees forward of the frontal plane.

sciatic nerve - tibial division (L5, S1, S2)

The semimembranosus muscle is innervated by the ____________ nerve, (L__, S___, S____).

Lateral epicondyle

The small projection proximal to the lateral condyle.


The two rhomboid muscles , major and minor, are referred to and described as one because they have the ________ line of pull and thus the same muscle action.

flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, medial/lateral rotation.

The type of motion at the hip joint is:

Inferior Ramus

This posterior portion of the pubis provides attachment for the adductor magnus and brevis and gracilis muscles.


This projection on the anterior surface of the hamate is called the " _____ of the hamate" which provides attachment for the transverse carpal ligament.


This rounded portion of the femur is covered with articular cartilage and articulates with the acetabulum. It is known as the _______ of the femur.

Forearm: pivot Elbow: hinge

In terms of the elbow and forearm joints, identify the following: Shape classification of joint: Forearm ___________________ Elbow _____________________

Forearm: radius and ulna Elbow: humerus, radius, ulna

In terms of the elbow and forearm joints, identify the following: Names of bones involved: Forearm ___________________ Elbow _____________________


Which finger is referred to as the pringle?

The biceps and long head of the triceps muscle.

Which muscles connect the scapula to the ulna and/or radius?

extensor carpi radialis longus, and flexor carpi radialis

Which muscles cross the wrist on the radial side?

pectoralis major

Name this muscle of the shoulder joint that because of its proximal attachments is often separated into a clavicular and sternal portion.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Name this muscle on the posterior side of the wrist thats name refers to the fact that the muscle originates superior to the rest of the extensor group.

pronator teres muscle

Name this muscle that is an effective forearm pronator:

Extensor Pollicis longus muscle

Name this muscle that pulls the thumb back when a flat and open hand is needed, as in clapping.

tibial plateau

Name this prominence of the tibia that is part of the knee joint.

Adductor pollicis muscle

Name this thumb muscle that is part of the Thenar group which functions to adduct the thumb:

iliolumbar and lumbosacral

Name two ligaments that help prevent anterior shearing of L5 and S1.

Anterior deltoid: (1) is a larger muscle and (2) passes farther from the axis of rotation of the shoulder (it has a longer moment arm) and is therefore stronger.

Name two reasons why the anterior deltoid is a stronger flexor than the coracobrachialis.


What is the shape of the distal joint surface of the finger metacarpals?


What is the shape of the proximal joint surface of the proximal phalanx of the fingers?

A combination of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction

What is the shoulder joint motion involved with circumduction?

Extends all three joints of the thumb ( IP, MCP, CMC)

The action of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle:

Flexes the PIP and MCP joints of the fingers

The action of the Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle:

Opposes the fifth finger

The action of the Opponens Digiti Minimi muscle:

Adduct fingers at MCP joint

The action of the Palmar interosseous Muscle:

flexion, abduction

The action of the Tensor Fascia Lata Muscle is the combined action of hip ______ and ______.

Hip adduction

The action of the adductor longus muscle is hip ___________.

Hip adduction

The action of the adductor magnus muscle is _________ __________.

Not a prime mover, but assists in elbow extension

The action of the anconeus muscle:

shoulder abduction, flexion, medial rotation, horizontal adduction

The action of the anterior deltoid muscle:

hip extension and knee flexion, flexion

The action of the biceps femoris is hip ______ and knee ______ on the long head; and knee ____ on the short head,

elbow flexion, forearm supination

The action of the biceps muscle:

elbow flexion

The action of the brachialis muscle:

elbow flexion

The action of the brachioradialis:

shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation, hyperextension

The action of the latissimus dorsi:

Scapular depression and upward rotation

The action of the lower trapezius muscle is:

shoulder abduction

The action of the middle deltoid muscle:

abduction, extension, hyperextension, lateral rotation, horizontal abduction

The action of the posterior deltoid muscle:

extension, flexion

The action of the semimembranosus muscle is hip _______ and knee ________.

extension, flexion

The action of the semitendinosus muscle is hip ______ and knee_____.

Scapular protraction and upward rotation

The action of the serratus anterior muscle is:

ankle plantar flexion

The action of the soleus is _____ ______ _____.

forearm supination

The action of the supinator muscle:

shoulder abduction

The action of the supraspinatus muscle:

shoulder extension, adduction, and medial rotation

The action of the teres major muscle:

shoulder lateral rotation (externally rotate) , horizontal abduction

The action of the teres minor muscle:

Ankle inversion and dorsiflexion

The action of the tibialis anterior muscle is:

ankle inversion, assists in plantar flexion

The action of the tibialis poster muscle is

scapular elevation and upward rotation

The action of the upper trapezius muscle is:

Obturator nerve ( L2, L3, L4)

The adductor longus muscle is innervated by the ____________ _________ ( L__, L____, L___).


The ankle and joint foot motion that is a combination of plantar flexion, inversion and adduction.


The ankle is a ( Uniaxial or biaxial ) hinge joint.

scapula, humerus

The bones that make up the glenohumeral joint are the _______and the ______.

acetabulum and head of femur

The bones that make up the hip joint are :

Ilium, ischium, pubis

The bones that make up the innominate are:

ischium and the pubis

The bones that make up the obturator foramen are the :

two innominate bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx

The bones that make up the pelvis are:

Deltoid tuberosity

The bony landmark of the humerus that is on the lateral side near the midpoint of the shaft; not usually a well-defined landmark.

Olecranon fossa

The bony landmark of the humerus that is on the posterior surface between the medial and lateral epicondyles that articulates with the olecranon process of the ulna

greater tubercle

The bony landmark of the humerus that provides attachment for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscle.


The bony landmark of the sacrum that is located on the anterior pelvic and dorsal surface and serve as an exit for the anterior and posterior divisions of the sacral nerves. The anterior foramina are larger.

Superior Articular Process of pelvis

The bony landmark of the sacrum that is located posteriorily on the bese, articulates with the inferior articular process of L5.

musculocutaneous nerve

The brachialis muscle is innervated by the:

Acromion Process

The broad, flat area on the superior lateral aspect of the scapulat.

Anterior sacroiliac ligament

The broad, flat ligament on the anterior pelvic surface connecting the ala and the pelvic surface of the sacrum to the auricular surface of the ilium.

deep infrapatellar

The bursa found between the tibial tuberosity and the patellar tendon is:


The clinical word that means "grasp".


The combination of all four motions of the radiocarpal joint is ____________.

Lateral Epicondyle

The common origin of most of the wrist extensors is the _________ __________.

Dorsiflexion of the 1st & 2nd rays with plantar flexion of the 4th & 5th rays.

The concept of a supination twist to overcome substantial hindfoot pronation in weight bearing includes

Inchworm effect

The concept that describes the action of the shoulder girdle nd deltoid muscle during shoulder abduction is referred to as:


The convex shaped femoral head fits into and articulates with the concave shaped_________ in the hip joint.

Upper part

The coracohumeral ligament attaches strengthens the ( Upper or lower) part of the joint capsule.


The cruciate ligaments provide stability in the ____ plane and prevents excessive hyperextension.


The deep cup shaped cavity that articulates with the femur.

Interosseous sacroiliac ligament

The deepest, shortest, and strongest of the sacroiliac igaments.

Pectineal line and proximal linea aspera

The insertion of the adductor brevis muscle is the __________ ________ and _______ _______ ________.

medial condyle of tibia

The insertion of the semimembranosus muscle is the posterior surface of the ________ _____ ____ _________.

Anteromedial surface of proximal tibia

The insertion of the semitendinosus muscle is the _________ surface of the proximal ____________.

Vertebral border of the scapula, anterior surface

The insertion of the serratus anterior muscle is:


The insertion of the upper trapezius muscle is the outer third of the _______ and acromion process.


The medial and lateral _______ are two half moon wedge-shaped fibrocartilage discs designed to absorb shock.


The only weight bearing bone of the lower leg is the _____.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

The only wrist extensor muscle that does not originate on the common extensor tendon since it originates superior to that on the supracondylar ridge of the humerus.

55 degrees abduction and 30 degrees horizontal adduction

The open packed position for the glenohumeral joint is.

Lateral epicondyle of humerus

The origin of the Extensor Digiti Minimi Muscle is the:

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus

The origin of the Extensor Digitorum Muscle:

ischial tuberosity, lateral lip of linea aspera

The origin of the biceps femoris is the________ _____ on the long head and the _______ ____ __ _____ ________.

Anterior sacrum, ischium, pubis

The origin of the deep rotator muscles is the _________ _________, ________, ________.

Fibula and interosseous membrane

The origin of the extensor hallucis longus muscle is:

Lateral distal fibula

The origin of the fibularis brevis muscle is:

Radius, anterior surface

The origin of the flexor pollicis Longus Muscle:

medial and lateral condyles of the femur

The origin of the gastrocnemius muscle is the ______ ______ _____ ______ ____ ___ ________.

axillary border of scapula

The origin of the teres minor muscle:

Lateral tibia and interosseous membrane

The origin of the tibialis anterior muscle is:

Ischium and pubis

The origins of the adductor magnus muscle is the _________ and ________.


The osteology of the knee involves movement of the (concave or convex) femur.

Bicipital Ridges

The part of the humerus that provides attachment for the latissimus dorsi and teres major.

Q angle

The patellofemoral angle, also known as the ___ ______, is the angle between the quadriceps muscle and the patellar tendon.

flexion, extension

The rectus femoris muscle contributes to hip (flexion or extension) as well as knee (flexion or extension).


The return to anatomical position of the hand after opposition.

Dorsal scapular

The rhomboids are innervated by the ________ _____ nerve.

Long thoracic nerve

The serratus anterior muscle is innervated by the :

Surgical neck

The slightly constricted area just below the tubercles of the humerus where the head meets the body.

Lesser sciatic notch

This bony landmark of the ischium is the smaller notch located on the posterior body between the greater sciatic notch and the ischial tuberosity.

Ischial body

This bony landmark of the ischium makes up about two-fifths of the acetabulum.

Ischial body

This bony landmark of the ischium makes up all of the ischium superior to the tuberosity.

Lateral malleolus

This bony prominence of the ankle joint on the fibula is the ________ ______.

ischiofemoral ligament

This hip joint ligament covers the capsule posteriorly and limits hyperextension and medial rotation.

force couple

This image shows hows the deltoid and rotator cuff (sits) muscles work together as a _______ ____ to rotate the shoulder in abduction.

subtalar joint

This is a plane synovial joint with 1 degree of freedom.

gastrocnemius muscle

This is an extremely strong ankle plantar flexor.


This is the ____ eminence of the hand.


This is the ______ of the pubis.


This is the _________ eminence of the hand.

MCP Metacarpophalangeal joints

This is the joint that is commonly referred to as the "knuckles".

Iliac Fossa

This is the large, smooth, concave area on the internal surface to which the iliac portion of the iliopsoas muscle attaches.

Extensor retinaculum ligament

This is the ligament that holds the extensor tendons close to the wrist , especially during wrist extension.

Sartorius Muscle

This is the longest muscle of the body. It is capable of flexing, abducting, and laterally rotating the hip and flexing the knee. It is not considered a prime mover, but it's most effective when performing all four movements at the same time as when crossing the legs.

Inguinal ligament

This ligament has no function at the hip joint but it runs from the ASIS to the pubic tubercle and it separates the anterior abdominal wall from the thigh.

lateral collateral ligament

This ligament of the elbow joint attaches on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and on the lateral side of the ulna.

lateral collateral ligaments

This ligament provides lateral stability and prevents excessive motion.

extensor expansion ligament

This ligament that is also called the extensor hood. It keeps the extensor tendon in the midline.

posterior cruciate ligament

This ligament that runs from the posterior tibia to the anterior femur.

Flexor digitorum Longus Muscle

This muscle flexes the four lesser toes and assists in inversion and plantar flexion of the ankle, as well as flexes the digits.

plantaris muscle

This muscle should theoretically flex the knee, however because of the size in relation to the prime movers it is assistive at best. It is sometimes harvested if there is a need for a tendon transplant.

elbow dislocation

This occurs when a great deal of force is applied on an elbow that is slightly flexed, causing the ulna to slide posterior to the distal end of the humerus.

Little league elbow

This overuse injury is found in young baseball players who have not reached skeletal maturity.

avascular necrosis

Death of bone tissue due to lack of blood supply.


Placing your hand on the posterior surface of your arm is over what muscle?


The ankle and foot motion that is a combination of dorsiflexion, eversion, and abduction.

Ulnar Nerve

The Dorsal Interossei is innervated by the:

Assistive in wrist flexion

The action of the Palmaris Longus Muscle:

Glenoid Fossa

The concave surface that articulates with humerus on superior lateral side above the axillary border and below the acromion process.


The proximal end of the radius that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus.

mechanical advantage

The purpose of the patella is to increase the _______ _______ of the quadriceps and protect the knee joint.


The shoulder __________ includes the scapula, clavicle, humerus, sternum, and rib cage.

Common flexor tendon

The single tendon that originates on the medial epicondyle of the humerus that gives rise to many muscles that are prime movers for flexion.

Acromioclavicular Joint

The synovial articulation of the acromion process of the scapula and the lateral end of the clavicle that allows subtle movement of the scapula. It's a plane joint.

Extensor Digiti minimi muscle

Name this muscle that is a prime mover in extending the DIP, PIP, and MCP joints of the fifth (pinky) finger. It makes isolated extension of the fifth finger (pinky finger possible.)

lateral tibial condyle

Name this prominence of the tibia that is part of the knee joint.

pronator quadratus muscle

Name this small flat muscle that is deep on the anterior surface of the distal forearm:

extension, hyperextension, lateral rotation

The action of the gluteus maximus is hip _________, __________, and ___________ _____________.

abduction, medial rotation

The action of the gluteus minimus muscle is hip ______ and _________ _______.

Shoulder lateral rotation, horizontal abduction

The action of the infraspinatus muscle:

scapular retraction

The action of the middle trapezius muscle is:

shoulder flexion -first 60 degrees

The action of the pectoralis major muscle, clavicular portion:

shoulder extension - first 60 degrees (from 180 degrees to 120 degrees)

The action of the pectoralis major muscle, sterna poriton

scapular depression, protraction, downward rotation and tilt.

The action of the pectoralis minor muscle is:

knee flexion

The action of the popliteus muscle is the initiation of ______ _______. Specifically it creates the rotational pull needed to unlock the knee.

Forearm pronation

The action of the pronator teres muscle:

Scapular retraction, elevation, downward rotation

The action of the rhomboid muscle is:

coracoid process

The projection on the anterior surface of the scapula that provides attachment for the short head of the biceps.

Medial epicondyle

The prominence located on the medial side of the distal end of the humerus, above the trochlea that provides attachment for the pronator teres muscle.

lateral supracondylar ridge

The prominence on the humerus that is located above the lateral epicondyle, articulates with the olecranon process of the ulna.

Lateral epicondyle

The prominence on the lateral side of the distal end of the humerus, above the capitulum that provides attachment for the anconeus and supinator muscles.

Median Nerve, Ulnar nerve

The innervation of the 1st and 2nd lumbricals is the __________ nerve. And the innervation of the 3rd and 4th lumbricals is the ______ nerve.

Obturator nerve (L2, L3)

The innervation of the adductor brevis muscle is the ____________ _______ (L__, L___).

Obturator and sciatic nerve (L2, L3, L4)

The innervation of the adductor magnus muscle is the __________ and _________ nerve (L__, L___, L____).

Vertebral border of scapula

The insertion of the Rhomboid muscles is the __________ ______ of the scapula between the spine and inferior angle.

linea aspera

The insertion of the adductor longus muscle is the middle third of the ______ _________.

Greater trochanter

The insertion of the deep rotator muscles is the ________ _______ area.

Base of distal phalanx of fifth finger

The insertion of the extensor digiti minimi muscle:

distal phalanx of four lesser toes

The insertion of the extensor digitorum longus muscle is:

distal phalanx of great toe

The insertion of the extensor hallucis longus muscle is:

Base of the second metacarpals

The insertion of the flexor carpi radialis Muscle:

Pisiform and base of fifth metacarpal

The insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle:

Sides of the middle phalanx of the four fingers

The insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle is:

posterior calcaneus

The insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle is the ______ ______

Posterior calcaneus

The insertion of the gastrocnemius muscle is the _______ ________.


The insertion of the gluteus maximus muscle is the posterior _______ distal to the greater trochanter and to iliotibial band.

lesser trochanter

The insertion of the iliopsoas muscle is the_______ _________

medial floor of bicipital groove of humerus

The insertion of the latissimus dorsi:

Vertebral border of scapula

The insertion of the levator scapula muscle is the _______ _________ ___ _________ between the superior angle and the spine.

posterior medial condyle of tibia

The insertion of the popliteus muscle is the ________ _________ _____ ____ ________.

lesser tubercle of the humerus

The insertion of the subscapularis muscle:

greater tubercle of humerus

The insertion of the supraspinatus muscle:

Lateral condyle of tibia

The insertion of the tensor fascia lata muscle is the ____ _____ __ _____

medial lip of bicipital groove on the anterior surface of the humerus

The insertion of the teres major muscle:

greater tubercle of humerus

The insertion of the teres minor muscle:

olecrenon process of ulna

The insertion of the triceps:


The knee is held together by its bony structures (true or false).

Subdelta bursae

The large bursae that is located between the deltoid muscle and the joint capsule.

Greater Sciatic Notch

The large notch just below the PIIS that is actually made into a foramen by the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments. The sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, and other structures pass through this opening.

sternoclavicular ligament

The ligament that connects the clavicle to the sternum on both the anterior and posterior surface that limits anterior-posterior movement of the clavicles medial end.

medial collateral ligaments

The ligament that provides medial stability and provides excessive motion.

sciatic nerve - tibial division (L5, S1, S2)

The long head of the biceps femoris is innervated by the ______ nerve- _________ ________ (L__, S___, S____).

claw hand

The loss of lumbrical function will result in "_______ ______" characterized by MCP hyperextension and PIP and DIP flexion.


The radiocarpal joint is a (convex OR concave) - on- (convex OR concave) articulation.

90, 80

The radioulnar joint has approximately ____ degrees of supination and _____ degrees of pronation.

shoulder girdle

The muscles of the _____ ______ are: Trapezius, levator scapula, rhomboids, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor

tibial nerve, (S1, S2)

The nerve that innervates the gastrocnemius is the _______ ______ (S__, S2)

Femoral nerve

The nerve that innervates the iliopsoas Muscle is the _________ ______ (L2, L3).

Hamate and flexor retinaculum

The origin of the Flexor Digiti Minimi Muscle is:

inferior axillary border of scapula near the inferior angle

The origin of the teres major muscle

Occipital bone, nuchal

The origin of the upper trapezius muscle is the _____bone, ______ ligament on upper cervical spinal processes.

linear and angular

The shoulder girdle has both _____ and ____ motions.

Upper trapezius, lower trapezius, serratus anterior

The prime movers in shoulder girdle upward rotation are:

Subscapular fossa

Which fossa is located on the anterior surface of the scapula?

Flexor digiti minimi muscle

Name this muscle that flexes the MCP joint of the fifth finger.

medial epicondyle

Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.

medial third of clavicle, sternum, and costal cartilage of ribs 1-6

The origin of the pectoralis major muscle, clavicular and sternal portion.

interosseous membrane, adjacent tibia and fibula

The origin of the tibialis posterior muscle is:

Extends MCP and CMC joints of thumb

The action of the Extensor Pollicis Brevis muscle:

Flexes great toe, assists in inversion and plantar flexion of the ankle

The action of the flexor hallucis longus muscle is:

Knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion

The action of the gastrocnemius is:

greater trochanter

The insertion of the gluteus medius is the lateral surface of the _______ _________.

Lumbrical grip

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Holding a hand of playing cards

Spherical grip

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Holding an apple

flexion, abduction, lateral rotation, and knee flexion

The action of the sartorius muscle is the combination of hip __________, _______,________,_______.

Lateral bending to the opposite side

What associated lumbar motion occurs when the pelvis tilts laterally?


The lumbosacral angle will _______ as the pelvic tilts anteriorily, causing increased lordosis

Trochanteric Fossa

The medial surface of the greater trochanter.

Joint motion: Thumb abduction Prime Movers: abductor pollicis brevis and longus

With your forearm supinated and the thumb next to the radial side of the index finger, raise the thumb straight up from the palm. The joint motion is _____ ______. The prime movers are _____ ___ ___ and _______.

Shoulder flexion

With your hands approximately 12 inches apart and elbows extended, raise the bar. What shoulder motion is occurring?


Without this shoulder girdle movement, one (CAN or CANNOT) normally and completely raise the arm above the head.

Dorsal interossei

The ________ __________ the palm of the hand.

Wrist extension, radial deviation

The action of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle:

Wrist extension, ulnar deviation

The action of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle:

tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges

The bones of the foot are the _________, _______, ________.

Acromial End

The end of the clavicle that provides attachment for the upper trapezius muscle.

deep fibular nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The extensor hallucis longus muscle is innervated by the _______ _____ ______ (L__, L__, S__)

Thumb, pinky

The first digit on each hand is the __________, the fifth digit is the _____.

middle phalanx

The first phalange of the foot (the big toe) has no ________ ______.


The flat bone located in the midline of the Anterior thorax. At its superior end it provides attachment for the clavicle. Followed beneath by attachments for the costal cartilages of the ribs.

Tibial nerve ( L5, S1)

The flexor digitorum longus muscle is innervated by the ______ ______ ( L__, S__)

Median nerve

The flexor digitorum superficialis muscle is innervated by the:

Tibial nerve (L5, S1, S2)

The flexor hallucis longus muscle is innervated by the ______ ______ (L__, S__, S__).

Carpal bones, transverse carpal ligament

The floor of the Carpal Tunnel is made up of the _________ ______, and the ceiling of the Carpal Tunnel is the ______ _____ ______ portion of the flexor retinaculum.

Extensor digitorum brevis

The foot muscle on the dorsal that originates on the tarsals and inserts close to the proximal phalanx.

tibial tuberosity

The insertion of the rectus femoris muscle is the _________ __________.

stability and mobility

The mechanics of the midfoot provide ______ and _______.


The origin of the gluteus minimus muscle is the lateral surface of the ______.

Lesser Tubercle

The smaller projection on the anterior surface of the humerus, medial to the greater tubercle.

Lower trapezius

Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle.

supinator muscle

Name this muscle that is a prime mover in forearm supination:


Name this muscle that is a prime mover in medial (internal) rotation and assists in adduction of the shoulder joint.

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle

Name this muscle that is a prime mover in wrist extension and ulnar deviation, and is assistive in elbow extension.

latissimus dorsi

Name this muscle that is a strong agonist in extension, hyperextension, adduction, and medial rotation.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

Name this muscle that is next to the extensor carpi radialis longus that is a prime mover for wrist extension and an assistant in radial deviation and elbow extension.

anconeus muscle

Name this muscle that is not a prime mover but assists in elbow extension.

teres major muscle

Name this muscle that is often referred to as the "little helper" of the latissimus dorsi.

Extensor digitorum muscle

Name this muscle that is the only common extensor muscles of the fingers.

Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle

Name this muscle that is the only muscle that flexes the DIP.

Flexor carpi radialis muscle

Name this muscle that is the prime mover in wrist flexion and radial deviation.

Palmar interossei

The _______ _________ abduct the palm of the hand.

flexion, plantar

The action of the gastrocnemius muscle is knee _____ and ankle _______ flexion.

Obturator foramen

The large opening surrounded by the bodies and rami of the ischium and pubis through which blood vessels and nerves pass.

Tibial tuberosity

The large projection at the proximal end in the midline of the tibia. It provides attachment for the patellar tendon.

Subscapular fossa

The part of the scapula that provides most of the anterior surface.

pelvic rotation

The pelvic girdle motion that occurs in the transverse plane around the vertical axis is:

Anterior/posterior rotation

The pelvic girdle motions that occur in the sagittal plane around the frontal axis is:


The plane of the scapula, meaning it's resting position is about ______ degrees anterior to the frontal plane.

Spherical grip

The type of power grip where all three fingers and thumb are abducted around an object and the fingers are more spread apart.


This concave surface is called the ________ surface.

Flexion and extension

Which wrist motions occur in: the sagittal plane around the frontal axis?

CMC - Carpometacarpal

The _______ joint is the articulation between the trapezium bone and the base of the first metacarpal.


The _______ of the femur is located between the head and the trochanters.

Radial nerve

The ________ ______ innervates the posterior muscles of the wrist.

Femoral nerve

The ________ _______ innervate the quadriceps muscle group.

iliofemoral ligament

The ________ ligament is also known as the "Y ligament".


The ________ trapezius muscle originates from the occipital protuberance and the nuchal ligament of the upper cervical vertebrae.

sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular

The ___________ and _______ joints allow shoulder girdle motions, including elevation and depression, protraction and retraction

tibialis posterior

The _______________ muscle has a dynamic role in the functioning of the medial longitudinal arch.

Shoulder adductors

The ability of this gymnast (Fig. 10-25) to hold the position in this iron cross maneuver may be limited by the strength of which group of shoulder joint muscles?


The acromioclavicular joint is a ______ joint. ( type of movement?)

Abducts the MCP joint of the fifth finger

The action of the Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle:

Abducts the thumb

The action of the Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:

Abducts thumb

The action of the Abductor Pollicis Longus Muscle:

Adducts thumb ( CMC joint)

The action of the Adductor pollicis muscle:

Wrist extension

The action of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Muscle:

Extends all three joints of the fifth finger (DIP, PIP, MCP)

The action of the Extensor Digiti Minimi muscle:

Extends all three joints of the fingers (DIP, PIP, MCP)

The action of the Extensor Digitorum Muscle:

Extends all three joints of the second finger (Index finger) (DIP, PIP, MCP)

The action of the Extensor Indicis Muscle:

Flexes all three joints of the thumb

The action of the Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle is:


The action of the adductor brevis is hip ___________.

lateral rotation

The action of the deep rotator muscles is hip _________ ________.

extends four lesser toes, assists in ankle dorsiflexion

The action of the extensor digitorum longus muscle is:

ankle eversion, assists in ankle plantar flexion

The action of the fibularis longus muscle is

Assists somewhat in ankle eversion and dorsiflexion

The action of the fibularis tertius muscle is:

Flexes the four lesser toes, assists in ankle inversion and plantar flexion of the ankle

The action of the flexor digitorum longus muscle is:

Hip flexion, knee extension

The action of the rectus femoris is ________ ________ and ________ ________.

acetabular labrum

The fibrocartilaginous structure around the rim of the acetabulum that increases the depth of the acetabulum and helps to hold the head in the acetabulum.

flexor retinaculum

The fibrous band of connective tissue that spans the anterior surface of the wrist in the horizontal direction, that serve to hold the tendons close to the wrist.

hyperextension, flexed, opposition

The functional position of the hand is: The wrist in slight _________ ; the MCP and PCP joints are slightly _______; and the thumb is in ________.

Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The gluteus medius muscle is innervated by the ________ ________ ______,(L___, L___, S____).


The head of the femur is convex, while the acetabulum is ____________


The hip has motion in all three planes, therefore is considered to be a ________ joint.


The hip joint is a convex-on-concave articulation where the head of the femur glides in the ________ direction from the distal end of the bone.

Patella, extension, flexion

The iliotibial band attaches to the lateral border of the _______, contributes to knee _______ when the knee is flexed less than 30°, and contributes to knee _______ when the knee is flexed more than 30°.


The ilium, the ischium and the pubic fuse together to form the ________ bone.


The inferior angle is the point of reference for scapular rotation.

Anterior talofibular ligament

Lateral ligaments of the ankle resist inversion forces. Adding plantarflexion to the inversion stress can isolate which ligaments?


Lateral muscles of the leg will ( evert or invert).

anterior shoulder dislocation

The injury that occurs when a forced shoulder abduction and lateral rotation tends to cause the humeral head to slide anteriorly out of the glenoid gossa.

axillary nerve

The innervation of all three portions (anterior, middle, posterior ) of the anterior deltoid muscle.

deep fibular nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The innervation of the extensor digitorum longus muscle is:

Superficial fibular nerve ( L4, L5, S1)

The innervation of the fibularis brevis muscle is:

superficial fibular nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The innervation of the fibularis longus muscle is

Deep fibular nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The innervation of the fibularis tertius muscle is:

Base of distal phalanx of the second finger

The insertion of the Extensor Indicis Muscle is the:

Base of distal phalanx of thumb

The insertion of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle :

Distal phalanx of the four fingers

The insertion of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle:

Distal phalanx of thumb

The insertion of the Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle is:

Tendon of the extensor digitorum muscle

The insertion of the Lumbrical muscles:

Fifth metacarpal

The insertion of the Opponens Digiti Minimi muscle:

First Metacarpal

The insertion of the Opponens Pollicis Muscle:

Base of 2nd, 4th, and 5th proximal phalanx

The insertion of the Palmar Interosseous Muscles:

Palmar aponeurosis

The insertion of the Palmaris Longus Muscle:

proximal medial aspect of tibia

The insertion of the sartorius muscle is the __________ _______ _______ of the ____________.

anterior cruciate ligament

The ligament of the knee that runs from the anterior tibia to the posterior femur.

interclavicular ligament

The ligament on the top of the manubrium that connects the superior sternal ends of the clavicles that limits the amount of clavicular depression.

transverse carpal ligament

The ligament that arches over the carpal bones, forming a tunnel through which the median nerve and nine extrinsic flexor tendons of the fingers and thumb pass.

dorsal radiocarpal ligament

The ligament that attaches from the posterior surface of the distal radius to the same surface of the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum that limits the amount of wrist flexion.

palmar radiocarpal ligament

The ligament that attaches the anterior surface (palm side) of the proximal carpal bones to the capitate bone in the distal row, that limits wrist extension.

radial collateral ligament

The ligament that attaches the styloid process of the radius and the scaphoid and trapezium bone that provides lateral support.

ulnar collateral ligament

The ligament that attaches to the styloid process of the ulna and to the pisiform and triquetrum and provides medial support.

screw home motion

The mechanism of locking the knees which allows a person to stand for a long time without using muscles is referred to as:

scapular tilt

The movement of the scapula that occurs when the shoulder joint goes into hyperextension, where the scapula tilts anteriorly and the inferior end tilts posteriorly. (Ie the wind up of a softball pitch or a bowling delivery.)

scapular upward rotation

The movement of the scapula where the inferior angle rotates up and away from the vertebral column.

Scapular downward rotation

The movement of the scapula where the scapula returns to the resting anatomical position from the upwardly rotated position.


The plantar fascia tension creates a rigid lever necessary for push-off when walking. This is known as the _________ effect.

acromioclavicular ligaments

The superior and inferior ligaments of the AC joint which helps to prevent dislocation of the clavicle at the acromion process.


The superior end of the sternum that proves attachment for teh clavicle and the first rib.

Pubic symphysis

The two innominate bones articulate anteriorly via the pubic symphysis.


The two innominate bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx make up the ______ girdle.

radiocarpal and midcarpal

The two joints that make up the wrist joint are the ________ joint and the _____ joint.

Dorsal, palmar

The two muscle groups that play an important role in typing and playing the piano are the _____ and _______ interossei.

Three-jaw chuck

The type of pad-to pad grip, called the _______ ______ _____ involves three fingers and is also called a tripod grasp. As when holding a pencil

Cylindrical grip

The type of power grip where all fingers are wrapped around the object and the thumb in wrapped around the object in opposition.

Hook grip

The type of power grip where the second - fifth fingers flexed around an object in a hooklike manner and the thumb is usually not involved.


The upper and lower trapezius muscles are ______ to each other in elevation/depression.

shoulder medial/lateral rotation, horizontal abduction/adduction

There are four sets of motions that occur at the shoulder joint. Which motions occur in the transverse plane around the vertical axis?

Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine (PIIS)

This bony landmark is located below the PSIS.

Ischial spine

This bony landmark of he ischium is located on the posterior portion between the greater sciatic notch and the lesser sciatic notch. It provides attachment for the sacrospinous ligament.

Auricular surface of ilium

This bony landmark of the ilium is the articular surface of the ilium with the sacrum and is also named for it's earlike shape.

Greater Sciatic foramen

This bony landmark of the ilium is the opening for the passage for the sciatic nerve.

Ischial Ramus

This bony landmark of the ischium is the attachment for the adductor magnus, obturator externus, and obturator internus muscles.

Ischial tuberosity

This bony landmark of the ischium is the blunt, projection on the inferior part of the body and is the weight bearing surface when you are sitting.

pubic tubercle

This bony landmark of the pubis lies anteriorly on the superior ramus and is the attachment for the superior pubic ligament.

Pubic body

This bony landmark of the pubis provides about one-fifth of the acetabulum and internally provides attachment for the obturator internus muscle.

Medial malleolus

This bony prominence of the ankle joint on the tibia is the ________ ______.

deltoid ligament

This collateral ligament strengthens the medial side of the ankle joint, holds the calcaneus and navicular against the talus and helps maintain the medial longitudinal arch.

Stenosing tenosynovitis

This condition is also known as "trigger finger" which is a sliding mechanism of a tendon in its sheath where it becomes stuck as the finger attempts to extend.

adductor hiatus

This gap is significant because the femoral artery and vein pass through this opening to reach the posterior surface of the knee, where their name changes to popliteal artery and vein.

Congenital hip dysplasia

This hip pathology occurs when a person is born with an an unusually shallow acetabulum causing the femoral head to slide upward, stretching the joint capsule.

pulled elbow or nursemaids elbow

This injury is found in children under 5y/o who have experienced a sudden traction force on the arm.

Coracoacromial ligament

This ligament of the acromioclavicular joint does not cross the AC joint, but forms a roof over the head of the humerus.

annular ligament

This ligament of the elbow joint attaches anteriorly and posteriorly and holds the head of the radius against the ulna.

trunks scapula

Shoulder girdle muscles originate on the _______ and insert on the ______, causing movement or stabilization of the scapula.

scapula, humerus

Shoulder joint muscles originate on the ________ and insert on the _______, causing movement of the shoulder joint.


What direction does the base of the proximal phalanx of the second finger glide during adduction?

All of the above

Which of the following is a function of the medial and lateral menisci of the knee? A. Shock absorption B. Deepen the concavity of the tibia C. Increase congruency between femur and tibia D. Serve as attachment for knee ligaments E. All of the above

lumbosacral ligament

The lumbosacral ligament attaches on the L5.


The meniscus (is or is not) innervated.

Carpal bones

The mnemonic to help remember he order of the wrist bones: Sally Likes To Push The Toy Car Hard Sally = scaphoid Likes = Lunate To = Triquetrum Push =Pisiform The = Trapezium Toy = Trapezoid Car =Capitate Hard =Hamate

Xiphoid process

The most inferior tip of the sternum. Meaning "sword-shaped"

extensor digitorum longus

The most lateral of the anterior leg muscles, its function is to extend the four lesser toes, but also assists in dorsiflexing the ankle.

lateral epicondyle of humerus

The origin of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle:

Medial and lateral condyles of femur

The origin of the Gastrocnemius Muscle is the medial and lateral ____ of _____

long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula, short head: coracoid process of scapula

The origin of the biceps muscle.

Medial epicondyle of the humerus

The origin of the flexor carpi radialis muscle:

iliac fossa, T12-L5

The origin of the iliopsoas muscle is the_______ _________ and lateral surfaces of ______ through _____

infraspinous fossa of scapula

The origin of the infraspinatus muscle:


Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle that is deep to the trapezius.


Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle.

Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle

Name this muscle that acts to abduct the CMC joint of the thumb:

Palmaris Longus muscle

Name this muscle that attaches in the midline to the palmar aponeurosis and is not a prime mover. It is assistive in wrist flexion. ( If you put your thumb and pinkie tips together and flex, you may see the tendon of this pop out.)

Shoulder adduction, Scapular downward rotation

Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *Tucking and holding a book under your arm Shoulder joint motion ____________________ Shoulder girdle motion __________________

tip-to-tip rep

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Fastening a snap or button

ankle eversion, assists in plantar flexion

The action of the fibularis brevis muscle is:


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments prevent excess ______ plane motion.

glide , roll , spin

The arthrokinematic motions that occur during knee flexion and extension is:


The articulation between the base of the middle phalanx and the head of the proximal phalanx.

patellofemoral joint

The articulation between the femur and the patella.

superior tibiofibular joint

The articulation between the head of the fibula and the posterior lateral aspect of the proximal tibia that allows a small amount of gliding and rotation of the fibula on the tibia.


The bony landmark of the sacrum that is lateral flared wings that are actually fused transverse processes.


The bony landmark on the lateral side of the humerus, next to the trochlea, that articulates with the head of radius.

subacromial bursa

The bursa that lies between the acromion process and the head of the humerus:

flexor digitorum profundus, tendons

The lumbricals (all four of them) have no bony attachments. Instead, they attach on the _______ _______ ____ muscle proximally, and to the _____ of the extensor digitorum muscle.

concave on convex

The majority of the finger and thumb joints are a (convex or concave) on(convex or concave) structure.

Body (of the sternum)

The middle two-thirds of the sternum that provides attachment for the remaining ribs.

flexion, extension, and hyperextension

The motion in the hip in the sagittal plane is ________,__________,and ___________.

Medial and lateral rotation

The motion in the hip in the transverse plane is__________, and ___________ __________.


The motion that occurs at the talocrural joint is:


The motions of the Sternoclavicular joint are described based on the direction in which the ______ is moving.

Nutation and counternutation

The motions that occur at the SI joint are ________ and ________.

symphysis pubis

This cartilaginous joint connecting the bodies of the two pubic bones at the anterior midline.

inferior public ligament

This ligament attaches between the two inferior pubic rami and strengthens the inferior portion of the pubic joint.

superior pubic ligament

This ligament attaches the pubic tubercles on each side of the body and strengthens the superior and anterior portions of the joint.


Touching the lateral forearm is touching what muscle?

becomes more taut, put on slack

When answering the telephone, reach for the receiver: During this elbow motion, the anterior aspect of the joint capsule is _______________, and the posterior aspect of the joint capsule is __________________.

SC joint, AC joint, and scapulothoracic articulation

Which joints of the shoulder complex produce movement when your hand is reached over your head?

Palmaris Longus

Which muscle, if present, is very easy to identify on the anterior surface in the middle of the wrist, but has little functional importance?

The biceps and long head of the triceps muscles

Which muscles of the elbow and/or forearm are two-joint muscles?

brachioradial will always return the forearm to neutral from either pronation or supination.

With a hammer in your hand, pound on a nail that has been set in the wall. Regardless of the starting position of the forearm, name the muscle that will bring the forearm into forearm mid position.


With forward pelvic rotation to the right, the right side of the pelvis will move forward. This will cause the left side of the pelvis to rotate around the left femoral head, resulting in left hip ________ rotation.


With respect to abduction and adduction of the hand, the ______finger is considered the point of reference for the midline.

Lateral, medial

With respect to the location of the "hamstring" muscles, the biceps femoris is (Lateral or medial), and the semimembranosus/tendinosis is (Lateral or medial).

flexion and extension

With right hand brushing hair on the left side of the head, what concurrent forces are neutralized when the extensor carpi ulnaris and the flexor carpi ulnaris contract to prevent radial deviation?

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and flexor carpi Ulnaris

With right hand brushing hair on the left side of the head, what muscles must contract to prevent the radial deviation that the brush wants to impose?

radial deviation

With right hand brushing hair on the left side of the head, what wrist motion does the brush want to impose?

Colles fracture

A break in the distal radius with a posterior displacement of the distal fragment and is a common injury in the elderly.

Smith's fracture

A break in the distal radius with an anterior displacement of the distal fragment, caused by a fall on the back of the hand.

hallux valgus

A bunion involves a structural deformity of the foot which is described as:

Kienbock's disease

A condition that refers to the necrosis of the lunate, which may develop after trauma.

coxa vara

A deformity of the femur where the angle between the shaft and the neck is LESS THAN 125 degrees, making the limb shorter, dropping the pelvis on that side during weight- bearing.


A degeneration of the articular cartilage of a joint. Commonly treated with replacement of the hip.

Third degree sprain

A degree of sprain in the AC joint where both the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments are ruptured.

pathologic fractures

A fracture in the humerus caused by a benign tumor or metastatic carcinoma.

Elevation ( Isometric)

Identify the shoulder girdle motions that occur with the following actions. Carrying a heavy suitcase Shoulder girdle motion ____________________ (No shoulder motion)

Protraction ( concentric)

Identify the shoulder girdle motions that occur with the following actions. Reaching across the table Shoulder girdle motion _____________________ (Shoulder flexion) In questions 1 to 5, what type of contraction occurs at the shoulder girdle?

Downward rotation ( concentric)

Identify the shoulder girdle motions that occur with the following actions. Closing a window by pulling down Shoulder girdle motion ___________________ (Shoulder extension)

Upward rotation (concentric)

Identify the shoulder girdle motions that occur with the following actions. Opening a window by pulling up Shoulder girdle motion ___________________ (Shoulder flexion)


Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *The backstroke in swimming involves what collective joint motion at the shoulder joint?

Shoulder adduction and medial rotation, Scapular downward rotation and protraction

Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *Fastening your seat belt with your left hand Shoulder joint motion ____________________ Shoulder girdle motion ___________________


In non-weight bearing extension (open-chain action) of the knee, the tibia rotates _________ on the femur, which locks the knee into extension.

Scapular tilt

In shoulder Hyperextension, the shoulder girdle must move into ________ _______.


In shoulder Medial rotaton, the shoulder girdle must move into _________.

Upward rotation

In shoulder abduction, the shoulder girdle moves into ________ _________.

Downward rotation

In shoulder adduction, the shoulder girdle must move into ________ _______.

rotation, retraction

In shoulder extension, the shoulder girdle must move in downward _____ and ________.

rotation, protaction.

In shoulder flexion, the shoulder girdle must move in upward _____ and _______.


In shoulder horizontal abduction, the shoulder girdle must move into _______.

Forearm: 1 Elbow: 2

In terms of the elbow and forearm joints, identify the following Number of axes: Forearm ___________________ Elbow _____________________

Forearm: supination/pronation Elbow: flexion/extension

In terms of the elbow and forearm joints, identify the following: Joint osteokinematic motion allowed: Forearm ____________________ Elbow ______________________

wrist flexors and radial deviators

In the attached photo the wrist is being held in a neutral position by isometric contractions occurring in two different planes. What are the two muscle groups involved?

calcaneal eversion, abduction (medial rotation), and dorsiflexion

In weight-bearing (CKC), the coupled motions of pronation are:

shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, forearm supination

In what positions would you put the upper extremity to achieve: active insufficiency of the biceps?

shoulder hyperextension, elbow extension, forearm pronation

In what positions would you put the upper extremity to achieve: passive insufficiency of the biceps?

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Name this muscle that is an important muscle in the power grip.


Sit with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm up, and holding a weight in your hand and performing wrist flexion: What portion of the joint capsule is being lengthened at the end range of this motion?

Wrist flexion, concentric

Sit with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm up, and holding a weight in your hand. Bend your wrist up. What joint motion is occurring in the wrist? What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, or eccentric) is occurring?

wrist extensors

Standing with your arm at your side, elbow flexed, palm down, hold on to a loop of elastic tubing that has the other end anchored under your foot. Curl your wrist up. What muscles are being strengthened?

wrist extension

Standing with your arm at your side, elbow flexed, palm down, hold on to a loop of elastic tubing that has the other end anchored under your foot. Curl your wrist up. What joint motion is occurring in the wrist?

palmar radiocarpal ligament

Standing with your arm at your side, elbow flexed, palm down, hold on to a loop of elastic tubing that has the other end anchored under your foot. Curl your wrist up. What ligament limits this motion at the end range?

The rhomboid muscles, the lower and middle trapezius muscles, the levator scapula muscle, and the upper trapezius muscle

Starting at the inferior angle and going clockwise, name the shoulder girdle muscles that attach to the posterior surface of the right scapula.


The CMC joint at the thumb allows ( More or Less) mobility than the CMC joints of the other four fingers.

sciatic nerve

The _______ _____ innervates the hamstring group.

Hip Flexion

The action of the iliopsoas muscle is __________ ________.

distal radioulnar joint

The articulation of the distal end of the radius that rotates around the distal end of the ulna.


The articulation of the head of the middle phalanx and the base of the distal phalanx.

proximal radioulnar joint

The articulation of the head of the radius pivoting within the radial notch of the ulna.

elbow joint

The articulation of the humerus with the ulna.


The attachement of the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscle are collectively called:


The best known of the deep rotator muscles is the _________ because of its relationship to the sciatic nerve. Tightness in this muscle can compress the sciatic nerve and cause radiating pain down the posterior leg.

flexion/extension, radial/ulnar deviation

The biaxial movements that of the radiocarpal joint are _____________________ , _________________.

shoulder flexion

The biceps brachii assist in __________ __________, however it's primary function is at the elbow.

Musculocutaneous nerve

The biceps muscle is innervated by the:


The bicipital groove contains the _____ of the long head of the biceps.

interphalangeal (IP) joint

The big toe, like the hand has only one joint ( the ________________ ________.

Force couple

The biomechanical term used to describe the combined action in raising your hand over your head is called a _________ _________, which is a situation in which two or more muscles pull in different, often opposite, directions to accomplish the same motion

ulnar tuberosity

The bony landmark of the ulna that provides attachment for the brachialis muscle.


The end feel of all hip joint motions, exception flexion is ________ because the normal tension in the capsule.


The end feel of both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion is ____.

bony end feel

The end feel of elbow extension:

Greater Tubercle

The large projection lateral to the head and lesser tubercle.

Greater trochanter

The large projections of the femur that are located laterally between the neck and the body. It provides attachment for the gluteus medius and minimus, and for most of the rotator muscles.

Gluteus Maximus

The large, thick, one joint muscle quadrilateral muscle that is in the general area of the posterior sacrum. It is very strong in hip extension, hyperextension, and lateral rotation.

genu valgus

The larger medial condyle of the femur results in an angle at the knee known as.

Adductor Magnus Muscle

The largest and deepest of the adductor muscles and makes up most of the bulk of the medial thigh. Because of its size it is a very strong hip adductor.


The largest and most posterior tarsal bone is the ______.

long plantar ligament

The longest of the tarsal ligamens, is primary support of the lateral longitudinal arch.


The longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body that articulates with the innominate bone to form a hip joint.

Spinal Accessory Nerve

The lower trapezius muscle is innervated by the:

Hamstring strain

The most common muscle problem in the body. Common injury among sprinters and sports that require bursts of rapid aceleration.


The only hip adductor that is a two joint muscle that adducts the his and assists with knee flexion.

Long head of the triceps

The only part of the triceps that crosses the shoulder joint is the _____________.

Median nerve

The opponens pollicis muscle is innervated by the :

Capitate, bases of the second and third metacarpal, and distal two-thirds of the palmar surface of the third metacarpal.

The origin of the Adductor Pollicis Muscle :

Lateral epicondyle of humerus

The origin of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Muscle:

Supracondylar Ridge of humerus

The origin of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle:

Distal ulna

The origin of the Extensor Indicis Muscle is the ____ _____.

C7 through T3

The origin of the Middle trapezius muscle is the spinous processes of _____________.

Trapezium and flexor retinaculum

The origin of the Opponens pollicis muscle:

2nd, 4th, and 5th metacarpals

The origin of the Palmar interosseous muscles:

distal half of humerus, anterior surface

The origin of the brachialis muscle:

lateral supracondylar ridge on the humerus

The origin of the brachioradialis muscle:

coracoid process of scapula

The origin of the coracobrachialis muscle:

Lateral proximal fibula and interosseous membrane

The origin of the fibularis longus muscle is :

Medial epicondyle of humerus

The origin of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle:

Posterior fibula and interosseous membrane

The origin of the flexor hallucis longus muscle is:

Superior ramus of pubis

The origin of the pectineus muscle is the ___________ __________ ____ _________.

Middle third of clavicle

The origin of the pectoralis major muscle, clavicular portion is:

ischial tuberosity

The origin of the semimembranosus muscle is the ______ ___________.

ischial tuberosity

The origin of the semitendinosus muscle is the _________ ________.

coronoid process

The part of the ulna that is located just below the trochlear notch and provides attachment for the brachialis muscle.


The point at the distal end of the ulna is called the _____.


The posterior cruciate ligament prevents posterior translation of the tibia on the femur. ( true or false)


The posterior inferior portion of the innominate bone.

long posterior sacroiliac ligament

The posterior sacroiliac ligament of the ischium runs more vertically, and prevents downward movement of the sacrum.

Short posterior sacroiliac ligament

The posterior sacroiliac ligament that runs more obliquely. It prevents forward movement of the sacrum.

Extensor Hallucis longus Muscle

The primary function of the is muscle is to extend the great toe, assists in ankle inversion and dorsiflexion.

elbow extension

The prime mover in _____ _______ is the triceps

Rhomboids, levator scapula, pectoralis minor

The prime mover in shoulder girdle downward rotation are:

pectoralis minor

The prime mover in shoulder girdle scapular tilt is:

elbow flexion

The prime movers in ______ ______ are: biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis.


The prime movers in forearm _____ are the biceps, supinator


The prime movers in forearm __________ are the pronator teres, pronator quadratus

Olecrenon process

The proximal prominence on the ulna that provides attachment for the triceps muscle.

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

The proximal row of carpal bones, starting on the thumb side.

accessory movement

The rotation that occurs at the CMC joint is an ______ _______ and not caused by any muscle action.

Femoral nerve, 2,3

The sartorius muscle is innervated by the ___________ _________ (L_____, L_______).

sciatic nerve - tibial division (L5, S1, S2)

The semitendinosus muscle is innervated by the _______ ______- tibial division (L__, S___, S___).

force couple

The serratus anterior muscle fibers join with the upper and lower trapezius muscles to for a _____ that rotates the scapula upward. ( The muscles pull in different directions to accomplish the same goal)

flexor hallucis brevis

The sesamoid bones of the foot serve as an anatomic pulley for the _____________

Ball and socket

The shape of the hip joint is:

Rotator cuff

The tendinous band formed by the blending together of the tendinous insertions of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor muscles. They function to keep the head of the humerus against the glenoid fossa during joint motion.

iliotibial band

The tendinous portion of the tensor fascia lata muscle. Attaches at the iliac crest and runs superficially down the lateral side of the thigh to attach to the tibia.

axillary nerve

The teres minor muscle is innervated by:


The thenar, hypothenar, and deep palm muscles are part of the _____ muscle group and are the muscles of the hand that are responsible for the hands fine motor control and precision movement.

palmar aponeurosis

The thick triangular fascia located superficially in the palm of the hand that covers and protects the tendons of the extrinsic muscles.

shock absorber, adapting to the level of the ground, provides stable BOS

The three main functions of the ankle joint and foot are:

Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus muscles.

The three muscles of the hamstrings that flex the knee are:

three, four

The thumb has ______ joints. The other fingers have ______ joints.

Four, five

The thumb has _______ bones, whereas the other fingers have _______.

interosseous membrane

The tibia and the fibula are held together by a large _________ ______.

Greater Sciatic Notch

This bony landmark of the ilium a notch that is formed by the ilium superiorly and the ilium and ischium inferiorly.

Iliac tuberosity

This bony landmark of the ilium is the ________ ________ and serves as an attachment for the interosseous ligament.

glenoid labrum

This is a fibrous ring that surrounds the glenoid fossa to deepen the articular cavity.

iliofemoral ligament

This is the most important ligament that reinforces the joint capsule of the hip joint. It's main function is to limit hyperextension. It resembles a Y so it is often referred to as the Y ligament.

Flexor Pollicis longus muscle

This is the prime mover of the IP joint of the thumb. It also flexes the MCP and CMC joints of the thumb.

Anterior inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)

This is the projection to which the rectus femoris attaches.

Ischial tuberosity

This is the rough, blunt projection of the inferior part of the ischial body. This provides weight bearing when sitting and is the attachment for the hamstring and adductor magnus muscles.

Adductor Brevis Muscle

This is the shortest of the three adductor muscles and is a prime mover in hip adduction.

Iliac Crest

This is the tip of the iliac spine. its borders are the ASIS and the and the PSIS.

MCP flexion and PIP/DIP extension

What action(s) is/are produced when the lumbrical muscle contracts?

With the humerus in the vertical position, the bicipital groove facing anteriorly, and the head facing medially, the right humeral head faces toward the left.

What landmarks can be used to determine whether a model of an unattached bone is a right or left humerus?

navicular, medial cuneiform, metatarsal

When palpating the 1st ray of the foot, the sequence of the bones one would encounter (proximal to distal) would be:

Flexors, passively, hyperextended

When tenodesis is used to grasp an object, the long finger _____________ have become _____________ insufficient due to the wrist being placed in a (an) ________________ position.


When testing biceps strength, the forearm is placed in ________ position

Vastus medialis

Which of the following muscles is not biarticulate? *Biceps Femoris *Gastrocnemius *Sartorius *Vastus Medialis

Resisting plantarflexion with the knee flexed isolates the soleus.

Which of the following scenarios would be appropriate to isolate the gastroc-soleus complex to assess possible muscle injury?

The anterior deltoid, pectoralis major, and latissimus dorsi muscles

Which shoulder joint muscles do not attach on the scapula?

Angular motions

Which type of scapular motion can only happen in conjunction with glenohumeral joint motions?

None - no wrist motion occurs in this plane

Which wrist motions occur in: the transverse plane around the vertical axis?

Radial and ulnar deviation

Which wrist motions occur in: the frontal plane around the sagittal axis?

Because the articular disk is located between the ulna and the proximal row of carpals.

Why is the ulna not considered part of the wrist joint?

Elbow extension

With a hammer in your hand, pound on a nail that has been set in the wall. Identify the elbow motion occurring.

forearm mid position

With a hammer in your hand, pound on a nail that has been set in the wall. Identify the position of the forearm during this activity.


With backward pelvic rotation on the right, the right side of the pelvis moves backward. This causes the left side of the pelvis to rotate on the femoral head, resulting in left hip _______ rotation.


With knee extension, the end feel is ______ due to tension of the joint capsule and ligaments.


The action of the gluteus medius muscle is hip ________.

Lateral and inferior to olecranon process of ulna

The insertion of the anconeus muscle:

deltoid tuberosity

The insertion of the anterior, middle, and posterior deltoid muscle is the:

fibular head

The insertion of the biceps femoris is the ______ ______.

radial tuberosity of radius

The insertion of the biceps muscle:

coronoid process of ulnar tuberosity of the ulna

The insertion of the brachialis muscle :

Tuberosity on base of fifth metatarsal

The insertion of the fibularis brevis muscle is:

Plantar surface of first cuneiform and metatarsal

The insertion of the fibularis longus muscle is :

tuberosity on base of fifth metatarsal

The insertion of the fibularis tertius muscle is:

Upper three-fourths of teh ulna

The origin of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Muscle:


There are _____ interphalangeal joints in each finger.

Patellar tendonitis

"Jumper's knee" tenderness at the patellar tendon as a result from overloading associated with jumping.

The circular arc of the upper extremity formed by a combination of the shoulder motions—flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction

Describe circumduction.

Ulnar nerve

The Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle is innervated by:


With knee flexion, the end feel is ______.

Serratus anterior

A person has scapular winging. What muscle is involved?


A decrease in the angle of torsion forces a more lateral rotation of the hip causing a person to walk more toed out.


A decreased lumbosacral angle causes the anterior shearing force of L5 on S1 to (increase or decrease)

coxa valga

A deformity of the femur where the angle between the shaft and the neck is GREATER than 125 degrees, making the limb longer and placing the leg in an adducted position during weight bearing

Boutonnier deformity

A deformity of the hand that is the opposite of the Swan neck deformity.

Posterior superior iliac spine

Aka PSIS, This bony landmark of the ilium is the posterior projection of the iliac crest and serves as an attachment for the posterior sacroiliac ligaments.


Any muscle crossing the anterior side of the wrist will create wrist _______ when contracted.


Any muscle crossing the posterior side of the wrist will create wrist _______ when contracted.


Any muscle spanning the anterior aspect of the finger or the anteromedial aspect of the thumb will cause (flexion or extension).

styloid process

At the distal end of the ulna, on the lateral surface.

MCP joint

At what joint does abduction/adduction occur: in the fingers?

CMC joint

At what joint does abduction/adduction occur: in the thumb?

Is not

Because rotation is not an independent motion it (is or is not) considered to be a knee motion.

is not

Because the Radioulnar disk is between the ulna and the proximal carpals, the ulna (is or is not) considered part of the radiocarpal joint.


Because the triceps cross the shoulder joint posteriorly it assists (not a prime mover) in shoulder _________.


Between the PALMAR radiocarpal ligament and the DORSAL radiocarpal ligament, the __________ is at greater risk for being sprained.

glenohumeral subluxation

Common injury seen in individuals with hemiplegia, causing a partial dislocation of the glenohumeral joint


Concentric contraction of the right quadratus lumborum would cause the pelvis to laterally tilt to which side? To the ______ Another name for this motion is called "right hip hiking"

Base of proximal phalanx of the fifth finger

The Insertion of the Flexor Digiti Minimi muscle:

hip flexors

During an anterior pelvic tilt what hip muscle group helps to generate this motion?

Intertrochanteric and femoral head

Hip fractured tend to be of two types, _________ and _________ ____.


The anterior deltoid, and pectoralis (clavicular area) are prime movers in shoulder ______.

Cylindrical grip

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Holding on to a barbell


For full flexion, the knee must be "unlocked" by laterally rotating the _____ on the tibia.


The anterior inferior portion of the innominate bone.

Radial and ulnar deviation

Holding a box from the bottom, what concurrent forces are neutralized when the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis contract to prevent wrist hyperextension?

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Carpi radialis

Holding a box from the bottom, what muscles are contracting to prevent wrist hyperextension?

wrist hyperextension

Holding a box from the bottom, what wrist motion does gravity want to impose?

anterior, anterior

If a person is standing erect and flexes the trunk on the hip, the center of mass will move (anterior or posterior) and the line of gravity moves (anterior or posterior) within the base of support.

Pectineus muscle

Located medially to the iliopsoas, and lateral to the adductor longus. This muscle provides hip flexion and adduction.

Ischial spine

Located on the posterior body and between the greater sciatic and lesser sciatic notches.

Styloid process

Located on the posterior lateral side of the radius at the distal end, provides attachment for the brachioradialis muscle.

transverse, verticle

Medial and lateral shoulder rotation occur in the ____ plane around the ____ axis.

Medial Epicondyle

Most of the wrist flexors originate on the ________ _________.

The hip joints

Motion occurs at the lumbosacral joint when the pelvis tilts anteriorly and posteriorly and at what other distal joint.?

Ilium and ischium

Name the bones that make up the greater sciatic notch:

infraspinatus muscle

Name the dark red muscle that laterally rotates the shoulder and helps to stabilize the head of the humerus against the glenoid fossa.

innominate bones

Name these bones

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Of the two extrinsic prime movers for finger flexion, the _______ _______ ______ has the longer moment arm at the MCP joint, because it is superficial to the flexor digitorum profundus and therefore crosses farther away from the MCP joint axis of rotation.

First part of range—to approximately 60 degrees

Regarding the pectoralis major: In what part of the range is it more effective?

Clavicular portion

Regarding the pectoralis major: Which portion of it is effective in shoulder flexion?

Pectineal line

Runs from below the lesser trochanter diagonally toward the linea aspera of the femur. It provides attachment for the adductor brevis.

distal phalanx of the great toe

The insertion of the flexor hallucis longus muscle is:


Scapular elevation/depression and protraction/retraction are more ( linear or angular).


Scapular protraction is also known as scapular ________


Scapular retraction is also known as scapular _______


Scapular upward and downward rotation are movements that are more (angular or linear)

Median Nerve

The Flexor Pollicis Brevis muscle is innervated by the:

Abduct fingers at MCP joint

The Action of the Dorsal Interossei

Tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus

The origin of the Lumbrical muscles:

Posterior distal radius

The origin of the Extensor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:

wrist extensors

What muscles are being strengthened on the eccentric phase of wrist extension?

Pes anserine

latin for "goose foot" Is the muscle group that is made up of the sartorius, gracilis and the semitendinosus.

dorsiflexion; plantarflexion; inversion

solated contraction of the anterior tibialis produces ___________. Isolated contraction of the posterior tibialis produces ___________. Co-contraction of the anterior and posterior tibialis produces ___________.

Flexor hallucis longus muscle

this muscle flexes the big toe and assists in inversion. Also provides some plantar flexion of the ankle.

elbow extension

Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet. Identify the elbow motion occurring.

Base of fifth metacarpal

The insertion of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle:

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Digiti Minimi muscle is:

Sacrotuberous ligament

(letter B) A very strong triangular ligament of the ischium that serves as as an attachment for the gluteus maximus and prevents forward rotation of the sacrum.


An increase in the angle of torsion, which forced the hip in a more medial rotation position causing an inward pigeon toed wald,

Reverse muscle action

As a person performs a sliding board transfer (Fig. 10-26): Are these muscles performing a normal contraction or reverse muscle action?

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Digitorum Muscle is innervated by the :


Bursae protects tendons from ______.


Hip abduction occurs in the _________ plane.

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Indicis Muscle is innervated by the :

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Pollicis Brevis muscle is innervated by the:


In shoulder horizontal adduction, the shoulder girdle must move into __________.

terrible triad

A knee injury caused by a single blow to the knee and involves tears to the anterior cruciate ligament, the medial collateral ligament, and the medial meniscus.

a. Shoulder flexion b. Eccentric contraction c. Latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid, teres major, sternal part of pectoralis major d. Frontal axis

3. Lie prone as shown in Figure 10-24, except with the starting position of the arm in anatomical position. Move arm to 90 degrees in the sagittal plane. a)What is the joint motion? B)What type of contraction is occurring? c)Name the prime movers of this motion. About which axis is this motion occurring?


In shoulder lateral rotation, the shoulder girdle must move into ________.

Opponens Digiti Minimi Muscle

Name this muscle of the hand that acts to oppose the fifth finger at the CMC joint.

a. Shoulder hyperextension b. Concentric contraction of shoulder hyperextensors c. Latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid

4. Stand with your arm adducted at the side of your body, elbow flexed to 90 degrees, and hold a loop of elastic tubing whose other end is anchored in front of you at the same level as your hand. In a sawing motion (back and forth motion like you are sawing wood), pull back on the tubing. a)What is the shoulder joint motion? B)What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, eccentric) is occurring? c)What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder joint motion?


A pad-to-pad grip that involves the thumb and the index finger it's called a _______ grip.


All three trapezius muscles work synergistically to _____ the scapula. The middle is the prime mover and the upper and lower assist.

extensor retinaculum

All wrist, hand, and thumb tendons are contained by the _______ ________.

Styloid process

Name this bony landmark of the radius which provides attachments for the collateral ligaments.

Glenoid Fossa

Name this bony landmark of the scapula that articulates with the humerus.


Both parts of the pectoralis major muscle are (agonists or antagonistic) to each other in shoulder adduction, medial rotation, and horizontal adduction.

Middle trapezius

Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle

Upper trapezius

Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle

Flexion at the DIP, PIP, MCP, and wrist joints

Describe the position the wrist and fingers must be placed to stretch the extensor digitorum.

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle is innervated by the:

biceps muscle

Name this muscle of the elbow joint.

ulnar nerve compression

Pain from hitting the "funny bone".

flexion supine

Passively moving the shoulder into ______ stretches the latissimus dorsi, which can help restore upper body posture. Before this can be done, the thoracolumbar fascia must be stabilized. This can be done by lying _______ with the knees flexed and feet flat on the floor.


Shoulder Flexion is from 0 to _____ degrees.

median nerve

The innervation of the pronator quadratus muscle.

median nerve

The innervation of the pronator teres muscle:

Radial nerve

The innervation of the supinator muscle:

Radial nerve

The innervation of the triceps muscle:

Lateral, greater trochanter

The insertion o the gluteus medius is the ______ surface of the _________ _______.

Proximal phalanx of fifth finger

The insertion of the Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle:

Proximal phalanx of the thumb

The insertion of the Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:

Base of the first metacarpal

The insertion of the Abductor Pollicis Longus Muscle:

Base of proximal phalanx of thumb

The insertion of the Adductor pollicis muscle.

Base of third metacarpal

The insertion of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Muscle:

brachialis muscle

This muscle is known as the "workhorse of the elbow joint"


The ROM in the hip is approximately _____degrees of adduction beyond anatomical position.


The ROM in the hip is approximately _____degrees of flexion.

miserable malalignment syndrome

An alignment problem of the lower extremity involving increased anteversion of the femoral head.


A person with habitual anterior pelvic tilt can adaptively _________ the trunk extensor and hip flexors.

Midhumeral fracture

A fracture that is often caused by a direct blow or a twisting force.

Shoulder medial rotation

7. Lie on your right side with your left elbow flexed to 90 degrees and holding a weight in your hand. Keep your left elbow resting on the left side of your body. Slowly return to the starting position. a)What is the shoulder joint motion?

????? page 331 -- Do we need to know all of the different bursae of the knee????

????? page 331 -- Do we need to know all of the different bursae of the knee????

Dupuytren's contracture

A Condition that occurs when the palmar aponeurosis undergoes a nodular thickening.

Second-degree sprain

A Degree of sprain in the AC joint in which the acromioclavicular ligament is ruptured and the coracoclavicular ligament is stretched.

Fibrocartilage disk

A _________ _______ lies between the two bones of the pubic symphysis.

Scaphoid fracture

A _________ ___________ can sometimes damage the blood vessel that supplies the scaphoid bone and can lead to avascular necrosis.

ganglion cycst

A benign, fluid-filled cyst commonly seen as a bump on the dorsal surface of the wrist, that can appear, disappear and change size quickly.

calcific tendonitis

A chronic inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon that can lead to accumulation of mineral deposits. This can be either asymptomatic or quite painful.

Carpal Tunnel syndrome

A common condition caused by compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Symptoms often begin at night and include tingling, pain, and weakness in the hand.

Skier's thumb

A common hand injury among athletes, involves an acute tear of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb.

swimmers shoulder

A common impingement syndrome with swimmers specializing in freestyle, butterfly, and backstroke.

Mallet Finger

A condition of the hand where the distal phalanx remains in a flexed position and cannot be extended.

Swan neck deformity

A condition that is a flexion of the MCP joint, hyperextension of the PIP joint, and flexion of the DIP joint.

Ulnar drift

A condition that is the result of ulnar deviation of the fingers at the MCP joints.


Of the carpal bones, the _________ articulates with the third metacarpal.


A person's height is roughly estimated to be ______ times the length of the femur.

Volkmann's ischemic contracture

A rare but potentially devastating ischemic necrosis of the forearm muscles.

lesser trochanter

A smaller projection on the femur located medially and posteriorly just distal to the greater trochanter. It provides attachment for the iliopsoas muscle.

chondromalacia patella

A softening and degeneration of the cartilage on the posterior aspect of the patella.


A specific type of glenohumeral joint elevation that happens in the plane of the scapula, which is 30 degrees anterior to the frontal plane.

inferior tibiofibular joint

A syndesmosis between the concave distal tibia and the convex distal fibula and provides much of the ankles joint strength.

DeQuervain's Disease

A tenosynovitis of the sheath containing the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus resulting in pain on the radial side.

Acromioclavicular separation

A term commonly used to describe the various amounts of ligament injury at the acromioclavicular joint.

Joint capsule

A thin-walled, spacious container that attaches around the rim of the glenoid fossa of the scapula and the anatomical neck of the humerus.


A tight Pectoralis minor will pull the shoulders _______.

Sacrospinous ligament

A triangular ligament of the ischium is part of what makes the foramen for the sciatic nerve. (The text in green)

Pad-to pad or pad to side prehension

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Turning pages of a book


In a sitting position, place your hands and forearms on the table. Push on the table as if you are trying to hold it down. What muscles are being strengthened?


Of the fingers (which excluded the thumb), the ______ CMC joint is the most mobile because it's shape is more condyloid shape.


All of the brevis muscles start and end on the ______.

Lateral collateral ligament

All of the following structures attach to the patella except: *iliotibial band *lateral collateral ligament *patellar ligament *quadriceps tendon

Shoulder Complex

All of the structures involved with shoulder motion is called the _________ _______. It includes the Scapula, clavicle, sternum, humerus, and rib cage, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint

false pelvis

Also called the greater or major pelvis, this bony area between the iliac crest and superior to the pelvic inlet contains no pelvic organs.

Bicipital groove

Also called the intertubercular groove; Te longitudinal groove between the tubercles of the humerus.

True pelvis

Also called the lesser or minor pelvis, lies between the pelvic inlet and the pelvic outlet and contains portions of the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary tract and some reproductive organs. In females it forms the birth canal.

Trochlear notch

Also called the semilunar notch, the part of the ulna that articulates with the trochlea of the humerus.

genu varum

Also known as "bowlegs", a malalignment in which the distal segments ar positioned more medially than normal.

Popliteal cyst

Also known as a Bakers cyst, is not a cyst at all. It's actually a synovial hernia or bursitis involving the posterior aspect of the knee.

genu valgum

Also known as knock knees, a malalignment of the lower extremity in which the distal segments are positioned more laterally than normal.

Lumbrical grip

Also referred to as the plate grip. It is called the _____ ______ because the action of the lumbrical muscles is to flex the MCP joints while extending the IP joints.


An ______ muscle has its proximal attachment Above the wrist and it's distal attachment BELOW the wrist.


An _______ muscle has both attachments BELOW the wrist.

anterior, external

An individual has difficulty achieving terminal knee extension. To facilitate this motion, one should glide the tibia _______ with slight _______ rotation.

posterior, increases

As a person goes into a deep squat, the line of gravity moves (posterior or anterior) to the knee and the flexion moment of the knee (increases or decreases).

Reverse muscle action of the lower trapezius and pectoralis minor

As a person performs a sliding board transfer (Fig. 10-26): Identify the shoulder girdle muscles that must contract to lift the body up off the supporting surface. Are these muscles performing a normal contraction or working through reverse muscle action?

Latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

As a person performs a sliding board transfer (Fig. 10-26): Identify the shoulder joint muscles that must contract to lift the body up off the supporting surface.


The ROM in the hip is approximately _____degrees of medal and lateral rotation beyond anatomical position.

Reverse Muscle action

During crutch walking with hands bearing weight on crutch handles, the scapula and rib cage are prevented from depressing. Instead, the pectoralis minor is pulling UP on the rib cage while the lower trapezius pulls UP on the vertebral column and pelvis to elevate the body. This muscle action is referred to as:


During shoulder extension, the humeral headglides ________ .


From the anatomical position, there is about ____ degrees of shoulder hyperextension that is possible.

radioulnar joint

Functionally,the proximal and distal radioulnar joint are considered one joint that works to produce the same motion. This is known as the ____________.

Radial, ulnar, median nerves

Hand sensation is provided by the _____, ______, ____ nerves.

The head of the femur is pointing medially and the the linea aspera is posterior

How would you determine if an unattached femur was right or left.

elbow flexion, forearm supination

Identify the motions needed to put a piece of chocolate in your mouth. Elbow _____________________ Forearm ____________________

posterior pelvic tilt

Identify the position of the pelvis if lying in supine position, bring your right leg up to your chest.

posterior pelvic tilt

Identify the position of the pelvis in the following activities: Kneeling on your hands and knees, arch your back.

left hip adduction, right hip abduction

Identify the position of the pelvis in the following activities: Stand with your left foot on a telephone book and your right foot on the floor with weight on both feet.

anterior pelvic tilt

Identify the position of the pelvis in the following position: Kneeling on your hands and knees, let your trunk sag downward.

internal rotation

If a person is standing erect and rotates the trunk to the right, the right hip is in (Internal rotation, external rotation)

trunk extensors, hip flexors

If a person maintained a posture in which the pelvis was tilted excessively in an anterior position what muscle groups would be tight?

Trunk flexors, and hip extensors

If a person maintained a posture in which the pelvis was tilted excessively in an anterior position what muscle groups would be weak?


If an individual has a scoliotic curve that is convex to the left, and assuming the scoliosis was caused by true leg length discrepancy, which would be the short leg would be the ______ leg.


If you put your hand on the anterior surface of your arm, you would be touching what muscle?

Trochlear notch at the superior end faces anteriorly, radial notch at the same end faces laterally, and the styloid process at the inferior end is on the medial side.

If you were handed an unattached model of an ulna, how could you orient landmarks to determine on which side of the body it belonged?


If you were shown a drawing of only a wrist joint and the pisiform bone and the hook of the hamate bone are visible, you would be looking at the ______ (anterior or posterior) side of the wrist.

opposite direction

In a closed-chain activity, such as a push-up, the humerus is moving on the ulna and radius (forearm) in extending the elbow joint. Does the humeral joint surface move in the same or opposite direction as the forearm? (Hint: Think concave/convex.)

forearm supination

In a sitting position, place your right forearm on the table palm down with your elbow flexed as necessary (Fig. 11-27A). Using your left hand, push against the radial side of the right forearm just proximal to the wrist until the right palm is facing up (Fig. 11-27B). The right forearm remains relaxed. What joint motion is occurring in the right forearm?

pronator teres, pronator quadratus

In a sitting position, place your right forearm on the table palm down with your elbow flexed as necessary (Fig. 11-27A). Using your left hand, push against the radial side of the right forearm just proximal to the wrist until the right palm is facing up (Fig. 11-27B). The right forearm remains relaxed. What muscles are being stretched?

articular disk

In between the medial head of the sternum and the sternal notch of the manubrium lies a fibrocartilagenous ________ _______.


In closed kinetic chain, the anterior cruciate ligament prevents _______ translation of the femur on the tibia.

radius, ulna

In pronation and supination, the _____ moves around the ______.

Prepetaller bursitis

Inflamation of the bursae as a result of constant pressure between the skin and the knee. (common in carpet layers)

inversion and eversion

Movement of the foot in the frontal plane around the sagittal axis is called ______ and _____.


Is the joint surface of the proximal phalanx gliding in the same or opposite direction as the finger in MCP flexion/extension?

Joint motion: flexion, extension Prime movers: lumbricals

Keep the fingers straight and bend at the knuckles. The joint motion is finger MP ______ and IP __________. The prime movers are the ________.

a. Scapular protraction and upward rotation b) Serratus anterior, pectoralis minor, upper and lower trapezius C)Closed

Lie in a prone position with your legs together, hands on the table next to your shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward (Fig. 9-29). Push up with your hands as far as you can while straightening your elbows, bending your knees, and keeping your back straight. a)What shoulder girdle motion is occurring? b)What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder girdle motion? c)Is this an open-chain or closed-chain activity?

Shoulder lateral rotation

Lie on your right side with your left elbow flexed to 90 degrees and holding a weight in your hand. Keep your left elbow resting on the left side of your body. Roll the weight up toward the ceiling. What is the shoulder joint motion?


Lie prone on a table with your right arm hanging over the side of the table and holding a weight in your right hand (Fig. 9-28). Move your arm up and out by doing shoulder horizontal abduction. Is this a concentric, eccentric, or isometric contraction?

Middle trapezius and rhomboids

Lie prone on a table with your right arm hanging over the side of the table and holding a weight in your right hand (Fig. 9-28). Move your arm up and out by doing shoulder horizontal abduction. What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder girdle motion?

Scapular retraction

Lie prone on a table with your right arm hanging over the side of the table and holding a weight in your right hand (Fig. 9-28). Move your arm up and out by doing shoulder horizontal abduction. What shoulder girdle motion is accompanying shoulder horizontal abduction?


Lie prone on a table with your right arm hanging over the side of the table and holding a weight in your right hand (Fig. 9-28). Using only shoulder girdle motion and no shoulder joint motion, pull the weight straight up from the floor. Is this an open-chain or closed-chain activity?

Scapular retraction

Lie prone on a table with your right arm hanging over the side of the table and holding a weight in your right hand (Fig. 9-28). Using only shoulder girdle motion and no shoulder joint motion, pull the weight straight up from the floor. What joint motion is occurring at the shoulder girdle?

Middle trapezius, rhomboids

Lie prone on a table with your right arm hanging over the side of the table and holding a weight in your right hand (Fig. 9-28). Using only shoulder girdle motion and no shoulder joint motion, pull the weight straight up from the floor. What muscles are prime movers of this shoulder girdle action?

Elbow extension

Lie prone on the floor and prepare to perform a push-up exercise by placing your hands next to your shoulders. As you complete the "up" phase of the push-up, you move into the plank position. What elbow motion is occurring?

triceps, eccentric

Lie prone on the floor and prepare to perform a push-up exercise by placing your hands next to your shoulders. After you complete the "up" phase of the push-up, slowly lower yourself back down to the ground, What muscle(s) is/are contracting, and what type of contraction are they performing?

triceps, concentric

Lie prone on the floor and prepare to perform a push-up exercise by placing your hands next to your shoulders. As you complete the "up" phase of the push-up, What muscle(s) is/are contracting, and what type of contraction are they performing?

Elbow flexion

Lie prone on the floor and prepare to perform a push-up exercise by placing your hands next to your shoulders. Push in the up phase; As you slowly lower yourself back down to the ground, what elbow motion is occurring?


Movement of the dorsum surface of the foot toward the anterior surface of the leg.

Annular ligament

Name the ligament that stabilizes: the radius and allows it to rotate

Lateral collateral ligament

Name the ligament that stabilizes: the lateral side of the elbow

medial collateral ligament

Name the ligament that stabilizes: the medial side of the elbow

teres minor muscle

Name the muscle that is light pink in the image that is considered one of the SITS muscles

The subscapularis and coracobrachialis muscles and the short head of the biceps brachii muscle

Name the shoulder joint muscles attaching on the anterior surface of the scapula.

The teres major, teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and posterior deltoid muscles

Name the shoulder joint muscles attaching on the posterior surface of the scapula.

Dorsal interosseus muscles

Name these four muscles on the dorsal part of the hand that work to abduct the second,third, and fourth fingers.

Lumbrical muscles

Name these muscles of the hand that do not have a bony attachment

Palmar Interosseus

Name these three muscles that do not attach to the middle finger (phalanx #3). The function of these muscles are to pull the 2nd, 4th, and 5th fingers toward the midline of the hand.


Name this bone of the shoulder girdle.


Name this bone that is the longest and largest bone in the upper extremity.


Name this bone.


Name this bone.


Name this bone.

Inferior Ramus

Name this bony landmark of the pubis

Superior Ramus

Name this bony landmark of the pubis.

flexor pollicis brevis

Name this intrinsic muscle of the thenar group that works primarily to flex the MCP and CMC joints of the thumb

Sacroiliac joint aka SI joint

Name this joint.

symphysis pubis

Name this joint.


On the lateral side of the foot, proximal (superior) to the fourth and fifth metatarsals and distal (inferior) to the calcaneus.


On the medial side, in front of the talus and proximal to the three cuneiforms.


One of the three muscles known as hamstring muscles that runs down the medial side of the thigh.

subluxing of the biceps tendon

Overloading the biceps muscle in an abducted and laterally rotated position can force the biceps tendon out of the bicipital groove causing _______ __ ___ _____ _____.


Posterior muscles ____ the knee.

navicular tuberosity

Projection on the medial side of the naviculark, easily seen on the medial border of the foot.

Linea aspera

Prominent longitudinal ridge or crest on the femur running down the middle third of the posterior shaft of the femur to which many muscles attach.

Flexor Carpi Radialis

Putting your index, middle, and ring fingers of your left hand on the anterior portion of your right wrist represents the location of the wrist flexors. The index finger represents the ______ _______ ______

The serratus anterior plus the upper and lower trapezius muscles

Raising your hand over your head requires the combined action of which three shoulder girdle muscles?

frontal, sagittal

Shoulder abduction and adduction, occur in the _____ plane around the ____ axis.

scapulohumeral rhythm

Shoulder girdle and shoulder combined motions of the joints. 2:1 ratio that states that ( after the first 30 degrees of shoulder joint motion) for every 2 degrees of shoulder flexion that occurs, the scapula must upwardly rotate 1 degree.


Since most wrist muscles have dual action, for motion to occur in a cardinal plane, the unwanted oblique muscle actions must be ________. This is done by a co-contraction of the antagonistic oblique muscles.


Since the middle finger is considered to be the midline for the hand. There is only (adduction or abduction) in either direction.


Sit in a chair that has armrests and place your hands on them. Do a chair push-up, lifting your buttocks off the seat. Is this an open- or closed-kinetic-chain activity?

Elbow extension

Sit in a chair that has armrests and place your hands on them. Do a chair push-up, lifting your buttocks off the seat. What joint motion is occurring at the elbow?


Sit in a chair that has armrests and place your hands on them. Do a chair push-up, lifting your buttocks off the seat. What muscles are being strengthened?


Sit in a chair that has armrests and place your hands on them. Do a chair push-up, lifting your buttocks off the seat. What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, or eccentric) is occurring?

a) Scapular depression; technically, there is a small amount of upward rotation due to the shoulder flexion from a hyperextended to extended position. This would result in some upward rotation of the scapula. B) Lower trapezius, pectoralis minor; upper trapezius, serratus anterior C) Concentric

Sit in a chair that has arms; place your hands on the armrests in a position that puts your shoulders in hyperextension. Push down on the armrests and raise your buttocks off the seat of the chair. a)What shoulder girdle motion is accompanying the shoulder flexion action (from hyperextension to neutral)? b)What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder girdle motion? c)Is this a concentric or eccentric activity?

wrist flexors

Sit with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm up, and holding a weight in your hand and performing the eccentric phase of a wrist extension: What muscle is being strengthened?

Wrist Flexors

Sit with your forearm resting on your thigh, palm up, and holding a weight in your hand and performing wrist flexion: What muscles are being strengthened?


Sitting on the calcaneus, it's the second largest tarsal.

adductor tubercle

Small projection proximal to the medial epicondyle to which a portion of the adductor magnus muscle attaches.


Sometimes called sacral extension, the movement where the base of the sacrum moves posteriorly and superiorly causing the tip of the coccyx to move anteriorly.


Sometimes referred to as sacral flexion, this movement occurs when the base of the sacrum moves anteriorly and inferiorly. Causing the tip of the coccyx to move posteriorly.

Plane of the scapula

Stand and hold a cane or weight bar in both hands, in what plane is the motion in part (b) occurring? (Hint: It is not sagittal, frontal, or transverse.)

Shoulder abduction

Stand and hold a cane or weight bar in both hands, with your arms as far apart as possible and elbows extended, raise the bar. What predominant shoulder motion is occurring?

wrist ulnar deviation

Standing with your arm at your side, elbow flexed, forearm in a neutral position, hold on to a loop of elastic tubing that has the other end anchored above your head to some stationary object. Bend your wrist down. What joint motion is occurring in the wrist?

Joint action: Flexion Prime movers: Flexor Pollicis longus and brevis

Starting with the thumb next to the radial side of the index finger, move it across the palm toward the little finger. The joint action is thumb CMC, MCP, and IP _______. The prime movers ______ ____ ____ and _____.

patellar ligament

The "Q-Angle" of the knee is the angle formed by the quadriceps tendon and the ____ _____.

Median Nerve

The Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle is innervated by the :

Radial nerve

The Abductor Pollicis Longus Muscle is innervated by the:

Flex the MCP joint while extending the PIP and DIP

The Action of the Lumbrical Muscles:

shoulder medial rotation

The Action of the subscapularis muscle:

Ulnar nerve

The Adductor pollicis muscle is innervated by the :


The Bony landmark of the sacrum that is the ridge projecting along the anterior edge of the body of S1

Anatomical neck

The Circumferential groove separating the head of the humerus from the tubercle.

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Muscle is innervated by the:

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus muscle is innervated by:

Radial Nerve

The Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle is innervated by the :

Ulnar Nerve

The Flexor Digiti Minimi Muscle is innervated by the ____ _______.

Median and ulnar nerves

The Flexor Digitorum Profundus muscle is innervated by the:

Median nerve

The Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle is innervated by the :

Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, & subscapularis

The SITS muscles that make up the rotator cuff:

Ulnar nerve

The ____ _______ innervates the anterior muscles on the ulnar side.


The ____ is wedge-shaped and consists of five fused sacral vertebrae.

inferior angle

The _____ _____of the scapula is used as a point of reference when determining the direction of scapula rotation.

first and fifth

The _____ and the _____ metatarsals are weight bearing, the others are not.

pad-to-side grip

The ______ ____ _____ grip is also called lateral prehension has the pad of the extended thumb pressing an object against the radial side of the index finger. ( ie. turing a key)

medial longitudinal arch

The arch of the foot that makes up the medial border of the foot that depresses somewhat but usually never flattens or touches the gound.

longitudinal arch

The arch of the hand that is indicated by the red line.

Proximal carpal arch

The arch of the hand that is indicated with the blue arrow.

Distal carpal arch

The arch that is represented with the green line.

transverse arch

The arch that runs side to side through the three cuneiforms to the cuboid.


The area between the two ends of the clavicle is called the _____.

Supraspinous fossa

The area of the scapula that provides attachment for the supraspinatus muscle.

Supraspinous fossa

The area on the scapula that is above the spine

glide, spin, roll

The arthrokinematic motions of the glenohumeral joint.

anatomical snuffbox

The depression in your hand that is made if you extend your thumb is call the _______ _______.


The description of how the motion of the foot happens in an oblique plane (not in a cardinal plane)

Lateral condyle

The distal lateral end of the femur.

Medial Condyle

The distal medial end of the femur.

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate

The distal row of carpals starting on the thumb side.

uniaxial, sagittal, frontal

The elbow is a (Uniaxial, biaxial, triaxial ) joint, which occurs in the ______ plane around the ______ axis.

obturator nerve, L2, L3

The gracilis muscle is innervated by the ________________ (L_____, L_____).

gluteus medius and piriformis

The greater trochanter is the attachment for the ________ ________ and __________.

Tip- to Tip grip

The grip that involved bringing the tip of the thumb up to the tip of another finger to pick up small objects such as a coin. also called pincer grip.

Pad-to-pad grip

The grip where the pads of the thumb come together with the pads of the fingers.

spiral groove

The groove on the humerus that the radial nerve runs through as it spirals around the midhumerus.


The head of the femur is ______ while the acetabulum is concave.

spring ligament

The important ligament that supports the medial side of the longitudinal arch of the foot.

suprascapular nerve

The infraspinatus muscle is innervated by the:


The intrinsic muscles that acting primarily on the LITTLE FINGER. This group is further broken down into the Flexor Digiti Minimi, Abductor Digiti minimi, and the opponens digiti minimi.

deep palm muscles

The intrinsic muscles that are located deep in the palm of the hand and perform the intrinsic muscle functions that involve multiple muscle function. They are further broken down into the Adductor pollicis, Interossei, and the Lumbricals.


The joint capsule of the shoulder completely surrounds the joint, creating a partial _______ that helps hold the head of the humerus into the glenoid fossa.

Convex, concave, posterior, medial

The joint surface of the base of the first metacarpal has a (an) _____________ shape in the sagittal plane and a (an) _____________ shape in the frontal plane. Therefore, base of the first metacarpal glides in a (an) _____________ direction during CMC abduction and in a (an) ______________ direction during CMC flexion.

metatarsophalangeal joints (MTP)

The joint that consists of the metatarsal head articulating with the proximal phalanges.

midcarpal joint

The joint that is between the two rows of carpal bones.

carpometacarpal joints ( CMC)

The joint that is formed between the distal row of carpal bones and the proximal end of the metacarpal bones.

radiocarpal joint

The joint that is the distal end of the radius and the radioulnar disk that articulates with the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum.

(CMC)Carpometacarpal (MCP) Metacarpophalangeal (PIP) Proximal Interphalangeal (DIP)Distal Interphalangeal

The joints of the fingers are the _______ joint, ____joint, _____ joint, and the ______Joint.

ligaments and muscles

The knee is held together by ______ and ______.

Axillary border

The lateral side of the scapula that is between glenoid fossa and inferior angle.


The latissimus dorsi forms the back side of the ______.

thoracodorsal nerve

The latissimus dorsi muscle is innervated by:

Medial rotation

The latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis, pectoralis major and anterior deltoid muscles are prime movers in shoulder __________ ___________.


The lesser trochanter is the attachment for the _________.

3rd and 4th,dorsal scapular

The levator scapula muscle is innervated by the ____ and _____ cervical nerves and the _______ ________ nerve.

palmar carpal ligament

The ligament of the hand that attaches to the styloid process of the radius and ulna and crosses over the flexor muscle tendons.

Fibularis Longus ( aks Peroneal)

The most superficial of the fibular muscles that crosses the foot laterally from the lateral to the medial side. Part of what is referred to as the "stirrup of the foot". It's prime function is to evert the ankle.

Adductor Longus Muscle

The most superficial of the three adductor muscles and is a prime mover in hip adduction. It's tendon can be palpated in the anteromedial groin.

abduction and adduction

The motion in the hip in the frontal plane is__________, and ___________.


The motion of the nonaxial plane midcarpal joint is_______.

Femoral Nerve, 2,3

The pectineus muscle is innervated by the __________ _________, ( L___ L____).

lateral and medial pectoral nerves

The pectoralis major muscle is innervate by:

Pectoralis major

The pectoralis minor muscle is deep to what muscle?

medial pectoral nerve

The pectoralis minor muscle is innervated by the:

Lateral tilt

The pelvic girdle motion that occurs in the frontal plane around the sagittal axis.

Patellar surface

The portion of the femur that is located between the medial and lateral condyle anteriorly. It articulates with the posterior surface of the patella.

Functional position of the hand

The position in which the hand and wrist are in optimal position to be most effective.

Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS)

The posterior projection on the iliac crest.

Upper and lower subscapular nerves

The subscapularis muscle is innervated by:

Thoracolumbar fascia ( lumbar aponeurosis)

The superficial fibrous sheet that provides a very broad attachment for the latissimus dorsi muscle.

plantar fascia

The superficially located fascia that runs from the calcaneus forward to the proximal phalanges. Increased the stability of the foot during weight bearing and walking.

Levator scapula

The superior angle of the scapula lies on the superior medial aspect and provides attachment for the ______ ________ muscle.


The superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligaments reinforce the ______ portion of the capsule.

suprascapular nerve

The supraspinatus muscle is innervated by:

Sternoclavicular joint

The synovial articulation between that manubrium and the sternal end of the clavicle.

lower subscapular nerve

The teres major muscle is innervated by the:

deep fibular nerve (L4, L5, S1)

The tibialis anterior muscle is innervated by the _____ ______ ____ ( L__, L__, S__)

Tibial nerve (L5, S1)

The tibialis posterior muscle is innervated by the ______ ____ (L___, S__)


The trapezius muscle is usually referred to and described as consisting of three different muscles because the three different attachments of the trapezius muscle produce three __________ lines of pull the three parts have different muscle actions.

tibia, talus, fibula

The true ankle joint is made up of the ______, ______, and the lateral malleolus of the _______.

triceps surae

The two heads of the gastrocnemius and the soleus are sometimes called the _______ ______ which means "three headed calf" muscle.

scaphoid and radius

The two most common bones fractured at the wrist.

Power, precision

There are two types of prehension (grips): The ______ grip is an isometric contraction with no movement occuring between the hand and the object being held. The _____ grip is used when an object must be manipulated in a finer type of movement and tend to be where the object is held between the tips of the fingers and the thumb.

Clavicular fractures

These fractures are the most frequently broken bone in children.

Deep Rotator

These muscles that collectively work together to perform Hip Lateral rotation are known at the _________ __________ muscles.

lateral ligaments

These three ligaments are collectively referred to as the _______ ________.

Pubic Tubercle

This anterior projection of the pubis on the superior ramus provides attachment for the inguinal ligament.

Scapulothoracic articulation

This part of the shoulder girdle is not a joint because there are no direct unions between bones and no joint capsule. It is the slightly concave anterior surface of the scapula resting on the convex posterior aspect of the rib cage.

slipped capital femoral epiphysis

This pathology found in children during their growth spurt, where the proximal epiphysis of the femur slips from its normal position on the femoral head.

Legg-Calve' Perthes disease

This pathology is necrosis of the femoral head usually seen in children 5-10 years old. During the course of the disease, it may take about 2-4 years for the head to die, revascularize and then remodel.

lateral epicondylitis

This pathology, aka tennis elbow, is a common overuse condition that affects the common extensor tendon where it inserts into the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Anterior tilt

This pelvic girdle motion occurs when the pelvis tilts forward, moving the ASIS anterior to the pubic bone.

Lateral tilt

This pelvic girdle motion occurs when the two iliac crests are not level, one side moving up moes the other side down.

Pelvic rotation

This pelvic girdle movement occurs in the horizontal plane around a vertical axis.


This posterior muscle plays a strong roll in plantar flexion and knee flexion and forms a common achilles tendon with the soleus muscle.

tibialis posterior muscle

This posterior muscle serves as assistive to plantar flexion.

Tensor fascia lata muscle

This short muscle is attached to the iliotibial band and is most efficient when abducting the leg in a slightly anterior direction.


This superior surface of S1 is a bony landmark of the sacrum called the _______.

Gluteus Medius muscle

This triangular muscle of the hip can abduct the hip and it's anterior fibers assist the gluteus minimus in medial rotation of the hip.


Three in number and named the first through third going from the medial toward the lateral side in line with the metatarsals. The first (shown here) is the largest of the three.


To stretch the extensor carpi radialis longus, the elbow is placed in ____ while the wrist is moved into flexed position.

flexion, flexion

To stretch the long head of the triceps, you would place the elbow in ____________ and the shoulder in ______________.


To which bone must a muscle attach to perform forearm supination or pronation?

how to remember

Tom dick and harry... how to remember the location of of the tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longu

Joint motion: opposition Prime movers: opponens pollicis, opponens digiti minimi

Touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of the little finger. The joint motion is thumb and little finger _______. The prime movers are ____ ______ and _____ ____ ____.


True or false - Despite the ligamentous reinforcement, the acromioclavicular joint capsule is quite weak.


True or false, Certain shoulder girdle and shoulder joint motions are connected.

Forearm supination

Turning key in lock to lock the door: What joint motion is used to turn the key in the lock?

Pad-to-side grip

Turning key in lock to lock the door: What type of grip is used when holding on to the key?

a)Scapular retraction and downward rotation b) Middle trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapula, pectoralis minor C) Concentric contraction; the external weight is greater than the pull of gravity. Therefore, it is an accelerating force, not a decelerating one

Using a lat pull-down machine of the Universal Gym (or some other comparable apparatus), reach up and grasp the handles. Pull down while keeping your arms moving in the frontal plane. a)What shoulder girdle motions are accompanying shoulder adduction and lateral rotation? b)What muscles are prime movers in these shoulder girdle motions? c) Is this a concentric or eccentric activity?

Wrist hyperextension

Using a walker for ambulation What motion does the walker want to create at the wrist?

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, and Flexor carpi radialis

Using a walker for ambulation, what prime movers are contracting to prevent wrist hyperextension?

The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles

What are the SITS muscles?

Hip flexion

What associated hip joint motion occurs when the pelvis tilts anteriorly?

Hip abduction on the unsupported side and hip adduction on the weight -bearing side.

What associated hip joint motion occurs when the pelvis tilts laterally?

Hip extension

What associated hip joint motion occurs when the pelvis tilts posteriorly?

Medial rotation on the right.

What associated hip joint motions occur when the left side of the pelvis rotates forward.

Lateral rotation on the right

What associated hip motions occur when the left side of the pelvis rotates backward.


What associated lumbar motion occurs when the pelvis tilts anteriorly?

wrist ulnar deviators

What muscles are being strengthened in wrist ulnar deviation?

Scapular upward rotation

What scapular motion is always needed to allow for any overhead reaching activity at the glenohumeral joint?

Joint motion: MCP, MCP Prime movers: dorsal interossei, abductor digiti minimi, palmar interossei

When Keeping the fingers straight, spread them wide apart; bring them together. The joint motion is _______ abduction followed by ____ adduction. The prime movers are _______ _____ and ______ _________ followed by _____ _______.

Elbow extension

When answering the telephone, reach for the receiver (Fig. 11-26A). Identify the elbow motion occurring.

You are working against gravity when hammering overhead and with gravity when hammering on the floor..

When hammering overhead into the ceiling, why are your wrist ulnar deviators working harder than when hammering a nail into the floor?

flexion and extension

When holding a cup of coffee isometrically, what concurrent forces are neutralized when these muscles contract?

Ulnar deviation

When holding a cup of coffee isometrically, what wrist motion does gravity want to impose?

Actively, passively

When moving the wrist and fingers into flexion at the same time, the long finger flexors may become ________________ insufficient while the long finger extensors may become _______________ insufficient.

scapular protraction

When the scapula moves away from the posterior midline.


When the scapula moves away from the vertebral column, the motion is scapular ______ rotation.

Scapular retraction

When the scapula moves back toward the posterior midline.


When the scapula moves back toward the vertebral column to the starting position, the motion is scapular ________ rotation.

Scapular elevation

When the scapula moves in a superior direction


When the shoulder joint flexes, the humeral head glides post.

scapular winging

When the vertebral portion of the scapula moves away from the rib cage.

Radial and ulnar deviation

When typing on a conventional computer keyboard, what concurrent forces are neutralized when the extensor muscles contract?

the extensor muscles

When typing on a conventional computer keyboard, what muscles are contracting to prevent the flexion that gravity wants to impose.


When typing on a conventional computer keyboard, what wrist motion does gravity want to impose?


Which of the thumb opposition motions is an accessory motion?

a. Upper trapezius and levator scapula contract concentrically. b) The upper trapezius and levator scapula contract eccentrically to control the rate and degree of depression.

While standing, grasp some light weights in your hands and perform a shoulder shrug. a)What muscle(s) contract to perform this motion, and what type of contraction are they performing? b)Next, lower down from the shrug position. What muscle(s) contract to perform this motion, and what type of contraction are they performing?

they hold the head of the humerus in toward the glenoid fossa as it moves within the socket.

Why are the sits called rotator cuff muscles?

Its vertical line of pull makes it more effective in the early part of the range and less so as it approaches a more horizontal line of pull.

Why is the first part of the range of the pectoralis major muscle more effective?

Anterior surface of the proximal radius

The insertion of the supinator muscle:

First cuneiform and first metatarsal

The insertion of the tibialis anterior muscle is:

Iliotibial band syndrome

An overuse injury commonly seen in runners and bicyclist that causes knee pain.

impingement syndrome

An overuse condition that involves compression between the acromial arch. the humeral head and soft tissue structures.


Anterior muscles _____ the knee.


The origin of the gracilis muscle is the _______.

Medial epicondyle

The small projection proximal to the medial condyle.

scapular depression

When the scapula moves inferiorly

Wrist flexion, ulnar deviation

The action of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle:

Extensor indicis muscle:

Name this muscle that allows us to point with our index finger while the other fingers are in a fist.

Tibial nerve

The nerve that innervates the popliteus muscle is the _____ ______

femoral nerve, 2,3,4

The nerve that innervates the rectus femoris is the ____________ ___________, (L__, L__, L__)

Pisiform and tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris

The origin of the Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle:

cylindrical grip

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Holding the handle of a skillet

Pad- to - pad or pad to side prehension

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Picking up a CD

Labral tear

Damage to the glenoid labrum that can result in pain and limited ROM.

Hook grip

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Pulling a little red wagon


The elbow joint has approximately ____ degrees of flexion.

Hamate and flexor retinaculum

The Origin of the Opponens Digiti Minimi muscle:

Lateral femoral condyle

Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.

lateral epicondyl

Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.

linea aspera

Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.


Name this bone

Horizontal, abduction

The Posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, and teres minor are prime movers in shoulder _________ _______.


The ROM in the hip is approximately _____degrees of hyperextension.


The S shaped bone that connects the upper extremity to the axial skeleton.

tibia nerve

The ______ ____ innervates the two flexors on the distal portion of the leg, the popliteus and gastrocnemius muscles.

Median nerve

The ______ _____ innervates the anterior muscles on the radial side.


The ______ bones consist of two rows of four bones each.


The most common wrist sprain is in the ________ ligament.


The shoulder joint is also called the ________ joint.


The word that means "fingers".

forearm pronation

When answering the telephone, reach for the receiver: Identify the forearm motion occurring.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

A common problem causing diffuse anterior knee pain. Generally considered the result of a variety of misalignment factors.

Posterior inferior iliac spine

AKA PIIS,This bony landmark of the ilium that lies inferior to the PSIS and serves as an attachment for the sacrotuberous ligaments.

Coracoclavicular ligament

Accessory ligaments of the AC joint that provides some extra stability and allows the scapula to be suspended from the clavicle.


An abnormal position where the distal segment is situated toward the midline, as in the right side of the picture shown.


An individual has tight wrist flexors. During performance of passive stretch to restore this motion and to facilitate normal arthrokinematics at the wrist joint, do the proximal row of carpals need to glide in an anterior or posterior direction?

wrist extension

An individual has tight wrist flexors. What joint motion will be limited?


An individual with a habitual posterior tilt posture will have a hip extensor will have hip extensor and trunk flexor tightness, the trunk extensors and hip flexors will be _______ and week.

GameKeepers thumb

An injury that is a stretching injury to the ulnar collateral ligament.. Named for English Gamekeepers as they twisted the necks of small game.

radial nerve injury

An injury that occurs to the nerve that passes next to the bone in the spiral groove.due to a spiral fracture


An unusual position where the distal segment is situated away from the midline as seen on the left side of this picture.


Both parts of the pectoralis major muscle are ( agonists or antagonistic) to each other in shoulder flexion and extension.

Opponens Pollicis Muscle

Name this muscle whose primary function is to oppose the thumb at the CMC joint.

Biceps, brachialis, and especially brachioradialis

In the attached photo: Name the elbow prime movers of this muscle group.

Upper and lower trapezius, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor

In the attached photo: Name the shoulder girdle prime movers.

Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

Name this prime mover in wrist flexion and ulnar deviation.

You are using a longer lever arm and larger muscles.

Generally speaking, you use wrist muscles when hammering. However, when extra force is needed, you may use elbow or even shoulder muscles. Why does that create greater force?

Anterior deltoid, pectoralis major, teres major, and latissimus dorsi

In the attached photo: Name the shoulder prime movers of these two muscle groups.

Flexor carpi ulnaris and radialis, extensor carpi radialis longus

In the attached photo: Name the wrist muscle prime movers of these two muscles groups.

Medial tibial condyle

Name this prominence of the tibia that is part of the knee joint.

Elbow Flexors

In the attached photo: The forearm is in midposition between pronation and supination. What muscle group is holding the elbow in position isometrically?

Shoulder flexors and adductors

In the attached photo: The shoulder joint is being held in position by isometric contractions occurring in two different planes. What are the two muscle groups involved?

Shoulder girdle upward rotation and protraction

In the attached photo: What shoulder girdle positions occur with the shoulder joint positions?

Shoulder flexion, Scapular upward rotation and protraction

Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *Placing a book on the upper bookshelf Shoulder joint motion ____________________ Shoulder girdle motion ___________________

Shoulder hyperextension and medial rotation, Scapular tilt and protraction

Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *Putting your billfold in your left back pocket with your left hand Shoulder joint motion ____________________ Shoulder girdle motion ___________________

Lateral prehension

Identify the type of power or precision grip used in the following activities: Carrying a coffee mug by its handle

adhesive capsulitis

Inflammation and fibrosis of the shoulder joint capsule that leads to paid and loss of ROM. Also known as frozen shoulder.

a. No b. Yes c. With a shortened resistance arm, there is less resistance that the force needs to move.

Lie prone on a table with your arm over the edge and with your shoulder flexed 90 degrees, flex the elbow to 90 degrees as you lift the weight up in your hand (Fig. 10-24A). a)Does flexing the elbow shorten the force arm? b)Does flexing the elbow shorten the resistance arm? C)Why is this exercise easier than the one in Question 1?

Fibularis brevis muscle

Like the fibularis longus muscle, the primary function of this muscle is to evert the ankle, and it also assists somewhat in plantar flexion.

proximal interphalangeal (PIP), distal interphalangeal (DIP)

Like the hand, each of the lesser toes (2-5) has a __________ __________ and a _________ _______ joint.


Muscles crossing the anterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint with a more vertical line of pull will _____ the Joint.


Muscles crossing the posterior aspect of the fingers or the posterolateral aspect of the thumb will cause_________.

horizontal abduction

Muscles crossing the posterior aspect of the joint horizontally will tend to crease ________ _______ of the shoulder.


Muscles crossing the superior/lateral aspect of the glenohumeral joint will tend to ________ the shoulder.


Muscles that cross the inferior/medial aspect of the glenohumeral joint will tend to _____ the shoulder.


Muscles that originate medially, crossing the anterior aspect of the joint to insert on the radius, will pull the forearm into


Muscles that originate posteriorly, crossing the lateral side of the forearm to insert on the radius will pull the forearm into

Forearm Supination

Next, put the receiver to your ear (Fig. 11-26B). Identify the forearm motion occurring.

proximal and distal radioulnar joints

Next, put the receiver to your ear (Fig. 11-26B). Identify the joints that are moving in order for this motion to occur. Be specific.

open chain

Next, put the receiver to your ear (Fig. 11-26B). Is this an open- or closed-chain activity?


Next, put the receiver to your ear (Fig. 11-26B). What is the normal end feel for this motion?

Note to self: (Organize the hip muscles according to the table on page 304. For easier understanding)

Note to self: (Organize the hip muscles according to the table on page 304. For easier understanding)


Of the carpal bones, the _________ articulates with the first metacarpal.


Of the carpal bones, the _________ articulates with the fourth and fifth metacarpals.


Of the carpal bones, the _________ articulates with the second metacarpal.

Biceps femoris

Of the three hamstring muscles, this one has two heads, a long head and a short head, and runs down the thigh laterally.

Anterior Cruciate ligament

Of the two cruciate ligaments the _____ _____ ____ is the one more commonly injured.

forearm supination

Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet. Identify the forearm motion occurring.

shoulder flexion

Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet. Identify the shoulder motion occurring.

open chain

Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet. Is this an open- or closed-chain motion?


Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet.What elbow muscle is the prime mover for this elbow motion?

supinator, biceps

Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet.What forearm muscle(s) is/are contracting?


Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet.What is the normal end feel for this motion?


Planx number 3 does not ( abduct, or adduct) since it is considered the midline of the palm.

interosseous membrane

The broad flat membrane located between the radius and the ulna.

Palmaris Longus

Putting your index, middle, and ring fingers of your left hand on the anterior portion of your right wrist represents the location of the wrist flexors. The middle finger represents the ______ _______.

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Putting your index, middle, and ring fingers of your left hand on the anterior portion of your right wrist represents the location of the wrist flexors. The ring finger represents the ______ _______ ______

Auricular surface

The bony landmark of the sacrum that is named because it looks like an external ear. Is located on the lateral surface of the sacrum and articulates with the ilium. The irregular surface provides great stability.


Stand with your right arm extended straight up toward the ceiling. Using your left hand, push your right hand down behind your head (Fig. 11-28). Allow your elbow to bend. What muscles are being stretched?


Stand with your right hand next to your right shoulder, and hold a small weight. Move your hand to anatomical position. Is this an open- or closed-kinetic-chain activity?

elbow extension

Stand with your right hand next to your right shoulder, and hold a small weight. Move your hand to anatomical position. What joint motion is occurring in the right elbow?

biceps brachialis , brachioradialis

Stand with your right hand next to your right shoulder, and hold a small weight. Move your hand to anatomical position. What muscles are being strengthened?


Stand with your right hand next to your right shoulder, and hold a small weight. Move your hand to anatomical position. What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, or eccentric) is occurring?

transverse, vertical

The CMC of the Thumb moving in opposition/reposition is a movement that occurs in the _____ plane around the ____ axis.


The Deltoid and supraspinatus are prime movers in shoulder ______.

Lateral rotation

The Infraspinatus, teres minor and posterior deltoid are prime movers in __________ ________.

Base of proximal phalanx

The Insertion of the Dorsal Interossei:

Base of second metacarpal

The Insertion of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle:

Base of distal phalanx of the second through fifth fingers

The Insertion of the Extensor Digitorum Muscle:

Base of the proximal phalanx of thumb

The Insertion of the Extensor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:

Proximal phalanx of the thumb

The Insertion of the Flexor Pollicis Brevis Muscle:


The MCP joints have _____degrees of freedom.


The end feel in the forearm at supination is:


The sternoclavicular joint has _____ degrees of freedom.


The word that means "thumb".


What associated lumbar motion occurs when the pelvis tilts posteriorly?

Lateral supracondylar ridge

What is the name of the bony landmark just proximal to the lateral epicondyle?

Scapulohumeral rhythm

_________ _________ is the movement relationship between the shoulder girdle and the shoulder joint. After the first 30 degrees, for every 2 degrees of shoulder joint flexion or abduction, the shoulder girdle rotates upwardly 1 degree.

Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi

As you look at the lateral chest wall, the serratus anterior is deep to what two muscles?


The Latissimus dorsi and posterior deltoid are prime movers in shoulder ______.

medial collateral ligament

Name this ligament of the elbow joint spans from the medial epicondyle to the medial coronoid process.

brachioradialis muscle

Name this muscle of the elbow:

pronator quadratus, biceps, and long head of the triceps

Which elbow or forearm muscles do not attach to the humerus?

Extensor Carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris

Which muscles cross the wrist on the ulnar side?

Scaphoid fracture

A fracture that is usually the result of a fall on an outreached hand, and has a high incidence of avascular necrosis.

anteromedial, tibia

The insertion of the gracilis muscle is the _______ surface and proximal end of the _________.


In a sitting position, place your hands and forearms on the table. Push on the table as if you are trying to hold it down. What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, or eccentric) is occurring?

(CMC) carpometacarpal, (MCP) metacarpophalangeal, (IP) interphalangeal.

The Joints of the Thumb are the ______________ joint, _________joint, and the_______joint.

Spinal Accessory nerve

The Middle trapezius muscle is innervated by the:

(AIIS) Anterior Inferior Iliac spine

The Origin of the rectus femoris muscle is the _________.

Median nerve

The Palmaris Longus Muscle is innervated by:

Horizontal, adduction

The Pectoralis major and anterior deltoid are prime movers in shoulder ______ ______.


The Pectoralis major, teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles are prime movers in shoulder ______ .


The biceps cross the shoulder anteriorly and assists ( not a prime mover) in shoulder ______.

Radial tuberosity

The body process of the radius on the proximal medial side that provides attachment for the biceps muscle.

supinator and biceps

With the elbow partially flexed, forceful supination involves contraction of what prime mover muscles?

stabilizes the shoulder joint

The action of the coracobrachialis muscle:

Ulnar Nerve

The Opponens Digiti Minimi muscle is innervated by:


The bone of the lower leg that is not part of the knee joint is the :


If the serratus anterior muscle is weak, scapularis ______ can occur.


The lumbosacral angle is responsible for creating the lumbar _________ which indirectly affects the other spinal curves.


The lumbosacral angle will _______as the pelvic tilts posteriorly causing a decreased lordosis.

Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral head: Inferior to greater tubercle of posterior humerus. Medial head: Posterior surface of humerus.

The origin of the triceps:


The osteology of the knee involves movement of the (concave or convex) tibia.

Acromion process

The part of the scapula that provides attachment for the middle deltoid muscle.

scapular elevation

The upper trapezius is a prime mover in ____________ ______ and only an assisting mover in scapular retraction.

Spinal accessory

The upper trapezius muscle is innervated by the _______________ _____ nerve.


There are ________ nerves that innervate the deep rotator muscles. ( see page 308). ??????Do we need to know all of these?????

shoulder abduction/adduction

There are four sets of motions that occur at the shoulder joint. Which motions occur in the frontal plane around the sagittal axis?

shoulder flexion/extension/hyperextension

There are four sets of motions that occur at the shoulder joint. Which motions occur in the sagittal plane around the frontal axis?

Iliac crest

This bony landmark of the ilium is the superior ridge of the ilium.

Vertebral border

The medial part of the scapula that is the attachment for the rhomboid and serratus anterior muscles.

is not

The meniscofemoral ligaments ( is nor is not) thicker than the posterior cruciate ligament.

wrist flexion, radial deviation

The action of the flexor carpi radialis muscle:

vastus medialis, intermedius, lateralis

The muscle group that generates the most torque at the knee is:


The one joint muscles of the hip provide most of the __________ of motion.

Shoulder lateral rotators: infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior deltoid

Lie on your right side with your left elbow flexed to 90 degrees and holding a weight in your hand. Keep your left elbow resting on the left side of your body. Roll the weight up toward the ceiling. What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder joint motion?

acromion process

The origin of the middle deltoid muscle:

pectoralis minor

Name this muscle of the shoulder girdle that is the only muscle located entirely on the anterior surface of the body.

Abductor digiti minimi muscle

Name this muscle that abducts the fifth digit enabling increased grasp.

Abductor pollicis longus muscle

Name this muscle that abducts the thumb and moves it away from the palm

Flexion and extension

The MCP joint is a hinge joint that only allows ______ and ______.

Subscapular fossa of the scapula

The origin of the subscapularis muscle:


The bones of the foot that are numbered 1-5 starting medially.

ilium, ischium, and pubis

The bones that make up the acetabulum are the:

patellar surface

Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.

Hip pointer

A severe bruise caused by direct trauma to the iliac crest of the pelvis. ( Is a misnomer because it occurs at the pelvis.)

Humeral neck fracture

A shoulder fracture that typically occurs with a fall on the outstretched hand.


Which of the following is NOT considered part of the innominate? *Acetabulum *Ilium *ischium *pubis

trochanteric bursitis

An inflammation of the bursa caused by trauma or overuse. Often seen in runners or cyclist.

Upward rotation and retraction ( Isometric)

Identify the shoulder girdle motions that occur with the following actions. Combing your hair in the back Shoulder girdle motion _____________________ (Shoulder flexion, lateral rotation)

Shoulder abduction Scapular upward rotation

Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *Reaching over top of head to touch the lobe of the contralateral ear Shoulder joint motion ____________________ Shoulder girdle motion __________________

Shoulder abduction and lateral rotation, Scapular upward rotation and retraction

Identify the shoulder joint motions and the accompanying shoulder girdle motions in the following action. *Reaching up to get hold of your seat belt (driver's side with left hand) Shoulder joint motion ____________________ Shoulder girdle motion ___________________


Knee menisci are important for shock absorption, The lateral meniscus is ( C-shaped, or O-shaped).


Knee menisci are important for shock absorption, The medial meniscus is ( C-shaped, or O-shaped).


Lie on your right side with your left elbow flexed to 90 degrees and holding a weight in your hand. Keep your left elbow resting on the left side of your body. Roll the weight up toward the ceiling. What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, eccentric) is occurring?


Lie on your right side with your left elbow flexed to 90 degrees and holding a weight in your hand. Keep your left elbow resting on the left side of your body. Slowly return to the starting position. What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, eccentric) is occurring?

Shoulder lateral rotators

Lie on your right side with your left elbow flexed to 90 degrees and holding a weight in your hand. Keep your left elbow resting on the left side of your body.Slowly return to the starting position. What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder joint motion?

Posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor

Lie prone on a table with your arm over the edge and with your shoulder flexed 90 degrees, elbow extended, and a weight in your hand (Fig. 10-24A). Lift the weight away from the table in a sideward motion (Fig. 10-24B). What muscles are prime movers in this shoulder joint motion?

Concentric contraction of shoulder horizontal abductors

Lie prone on a table with your arm over the edge and with your shoulder flexed 90 degrees, elbow extended, and a weight in your hand (Fig. 10-24A). Lift the weight away from the table in a sideward motion (Fig. 10-24B). What type of contraction (isometric, concentric, eccentric) is occurring?

Shoulder horizontal abduction

Lie prone on a table with your arm over the edge and with your shoulder flexed 90 degrees, elbow extended, and a weight in your hand (Fig. 10-24A). Lift the weight away from the table in a sideward motion (Fig. 10-24B). a)What is the shoulder joint motion?


Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.

Plantar flexion

Movement of the foot toward the plantar surface.

adduction and abduction?????? unsure about this concept???

Movements in the transverse plane are called adduction and abduction. ?????? unsure about this concept???

triceps muscle

Name this muscle that has three heads, " long head, lateral head, and medial head" that all come together to form a muscle belly.

coracobrachialis muscle

Name this muscle that helps to stabilize the head of the humerus against the glenoid fossa.

Supraspinatus muscle

Name this muscle that in addition to its joint movement action is important in stabilizing the head of the humerus against the glenoid fossa.

tibial tuberosity

Name this prominence of the tibia that is part of the knee joint.

Medial femoral condyle

Name this prominence that is part of the knee joint.

Brachialis, biceps, brachioradialis

Next, put the receiver to your ear (Fig. 11-26B). What muscle(s) is/are contracting to create this motion?

elbow flexion

Next, put the receiver to your ear (Fig. 11-26B).Identify the elbow motion occurring.

anterior deltoid, clavicular portion of pectoralis major, biceps

Place a dinner plate in an upper kitchen cabinet.What shoulder muscle(s) is/are contracting to create this motion?

elbow flexion

Stand with your right arm extended straight up toward the ceiling. Using your left hand, push your right hand down behind your head (Fig. 11-28). Allow your elbow to bend. What joint motion is occurring in the right elbow?


The ______ muscles are the intrinsic muscles that function to move the THUMB. These muscles are further broken down into the Flexor pollicis brevis, Abductor pollicis brevis, Opponens pollicis.

lumbosacral angle

The _______ ________ is determined by drawing one line parallel to the ground and another line along the base of the sacrum.

Glenoid Labrum

The fibrocartilaginous ring attached to the rim of the glenoid fossa, which deepens the articular cavity.

First- degree sprain

The degree of a sprain in the the AC joint in which the the ligament is stretched.

articular disk

The disk that is located on the distal end of the ulna that articulates with the triquetrum and lunate bone and acts as a shock absorber.


The end feel for all wrist motion except radial deviation is firml; the end feel for radial deviation is ________.


The end feel for hip flexion is ______ because of contact between the anterior thigh and the abdomen.


The end feel of elbow flexion:

bony end feel

The end feel of the forearm in pronation is subtle but is ___________ due to the bony contact between the radius and ulna.

Sternal end

The end of the clavicle that attaches medially to the sternum.

Middle posterior ulna and interosseous membrane

The origin of the Extensor Pollicis Longus Muscle:

spinous process T7-L5 via the thoracolumbar fascia

The origin of the latissimus dorsi muscle:

Transverse processes of first four cervical vertebrae

The origin of the levator scapula muscle is:

spine of scapula

The origin of the posterior deltoid muscle is:

tibia and fibula

The origin of the soleus muscle is the posterior ______ and __________

lateral epicondyle of humerus and adjacent ulna

The origin of the supinator muscle:


The origin of the tensor fascia lata muscle is the _______ .

Subscapular fossa

The part of the scapula that provides attachment for the subscapularis muscle.

Axillary Border

The part of the scapula that provides attachment for the teres major and teres minor muscles.

Lower trapezius, pectoralis minor

The prime movers in shoulder girdle depression is:

Upper trapezius, levator scapula, rhomboids

The prime movers in shoulder girdle elevation are:

serratus anterior, pectoralis minor

The prime movers in shoulder girdle protraction are:

Middle trapezius, rhomboids

The prime movers in shoulder girdle retraction are:

Anterior superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)

The projection on the anterior end of the iliac crest where the tensor fascia lata and sartorius muscles, and the inguinal ligament attach.

Coracoid process

The projection on the anterior surface of the scapula that provides attachment for the pectoralis minor muscle.

pronation, supination

The radioulnar joint is a uniaxial pivot joint that allows only ________ and _______ in the transverse plane around the vertical axis.

infraglenoid tubercle

The raised portion on the inferior lip of the glenoid fossa that provides attachment of the long head of the triceps muscle.

supraglenoid tubercle

The raised portion on the superior lip of the glenoid fossa that provides attachment for the long head of the biceps muscle.


The raising of the lateral border of the foot, turning the forefoot outward.

common fibular (L5, S1, S2)

The short head of the biceps femoris is innervated by the ________ ________ (L___, S____, S___)

costoclavicular ligament

The short, flat ligament that connects the clavicle inferior surface to the superior surface of the costal cartilage of the first rib that limits the amount of clavicular elevation.


The shoulder motion that is similar to flexion or abduction but occurs in the scapular plane, as opposed to the sagittal or frontal plane.

Common Extensor tendon

The single tendon that originates on the lateral epicondyle that gives rise to many muscles that are prime movers for extension.

Intertrochanteric crest

The smooth ridge between the greater and lesser trochanters. Serves as attachment for quadratus femoris.

tibial nerve (S1, S2)

The soleus muscle is innervated by the _______ _____ (S__, S__)

The supraspinous and infraspinous fossas

The spine of the scapula divides the posterior surface into which two fossae?

joint capsule

The sternoclavicular joint is a synovial joint which is encased by a ________ _______.

Iliopsoas muscle

This muscle is a prime mover for hip flexion and contributes to trunk flexion when the femur is stabilized. O= Iliac fossa, anterior and lateral surfaces of T12 - L5 I= lesser trochanter A=hip flexion N=iliacus portion: femoral nerve (L2,L3), psoas major portion (L2,L3)

rectus femoris muscle

This muscle is a prime mover in hip flexion. O=AIIS I=Tibial tuberosity A=Hip flexion, knee extension N=Femoral Nerve (L2,L3,L4)


This muscle is deep to the gastrocnemius and it's only function is to plantar flex.

Fibularis tertius muscle

This muscle is not even present in all people, it assists in dorsiflexion at the very least.

Gluteus Minimus muscle

This muscle lies deep and inferior to the gluteus medius muscle. It has a somewhat diagonal line of pull making it able to medially rotate the hip in addition to its ability to abduct the hip.

Tibialis Anterior muscle

This muscle makes up most of the bulk on the anterior part of lower leg and it dorsiflexes and inverts the ankle. The only muscle that dorsiflexes the foot!

Middle phalanx, posterior, posterior

To facilitate normal arthrokinematics while stretching the third PIP joint into extension, the clinician should place her hands so that the base of the ____________________ glides in a (an) ___________________ direction while the distal end of the bony segment is moved in a (an) _____________________ direction.


When answering the telephone, reach for the receiver: What is the normal end feel for this motion?


When testing brachioradialis strength, the forearm is placed in _______ position.


When the ASIS and the Pubic symphysis are level in the same vertical plane, the pelvic girdle position is _________.


When walking, if the left foot is on the ground, and the right foot is in the swing phase, the pelvis will tilt to the right. The vertebral column will laterally bend to the ________.

Wrist extensor muscles

Which muscles attach on or close to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?

Wrist flexor muscles

Which muscles attach on the medial epicondyle of the humerus?

Anconeous, triceps, and brachialis muscles

Which muscles connect the humerus and ulna?

pronator teres, pronator quadratus contract eccentrically

While holding the end of a hammer handle in your hand, stand with your elbow flexed to 90 degrees and your forearm in pronation so that the hammer is facing medially. As you continue moving from the neutral position to the fully supinated position, which muscles are contracting, and what type of contraction are they performing?

supinator, and biceps contract concentrically

While holding the end of a hammer handle in your hand, stand with your elbow flexed to 90 degrees and your forearm in pronation so that the hammer is facing medially. As you move from pronation to the neutral position of the forearm, which muscles are contracting, and what type of contraction are they performing?

Neutralizer, the biceps flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm. The extension action of the triceps neutralizes the flexion action of the biceps, maintaining the elbow in the partially flexed position.

With the elbow partially flexed, forceful supination involves contraction of the supinator and biceps muscles. The triceps also contracts to maintain this partially flexed position. What is the term used for the role of the triceps?

Proximal, middle, and distal

With the exception of the first toe, the other phalanges of the foot consist of a _______, ______ and _______ phalanx.

is not

With the knee flexed, manual glide of the patella side to side (Is or is not) possible.

medially flexes

With the latissimus dorsi shortened in slouched posture, the glenohumeral joint will adaptively shorten and cause limites shoulder flexion. The humerus will ______ rotate. and the trunk ________.

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