Public Speaking Final Exam Study Guide (Exams 1-3)

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nonverbal immediacy

Creating a perception of psychological and physical closeness between speaker and audience is known as _________________________________________.

internal distractions

Daydreaming and fatigue are examples of __________________.

informing your audience

Defining, describing, demonstrating, and explaining are methods of _________________________________________.


Directly asking members to contribute, setting a positive tone, and using dialectical inquiry are three techniques that group leaders can use to encourage ____________________.

provides credentials establishing the sources as reliable and credible

Discerning listeners accept supporting materials as legitimate if the speaker _______________________________.

Your answer (7/10): Two ways to increase your ethos before starting your speech are to dress according to the occasion and to choose a topic that relates to the audience. Two more ways to receive derived credibility after you have begun speaking is by explaining your personal associations with the topic and asserting your credentials.

Discuss two ways to increase your ethos before starting your speech and two more ways you receive derived credibility after you have begun speaking. Not only will your answer be graded based on content, but it will also be graded based on grammar and mechanics.

people's racial, ethnic, religious, gender, or other characteristics

Hate speech is offensive communication that is most often directed against ________________.

the type of source

The specific citation elements that need to be mentioned in a speech depend on _______________________.

remember that your primary mission is to communicate with your words

When giving a speech with a digital presentation, you should _________________________.


When participating in a group which do you not want to engage in?

a topic and purpose appropriate to the audience and occasion

When preparing a speech, the speaker's first task is to select ____________________________________.

Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.

What are the three T's?


The speaker should catch the audience's attention and interest in which part of a speech?


"His character plays a rocking, rolling, rip-roaring, raging role." This statement best illustrates which of the following techniques?


"Watching professional hockey is better than watching professional basketball." This statement is a claim of ________________.

unity, coherence, and balance

A well-organized speech is characterized by ___________________________________________.

call to action

A concluding challenge by a speaker that asks an audience to act in response to the speech is termed a _______________________.

a qualifier.

A good claim of policy statement should include all but __________________________.

talking head

A person delivering a speech who remains steadily positioned in one place behind a podium is known as a(n) ________________________.

using a friendly tone of voice

A speaker can establish a direct connection with listeners by ______________________________________.

engages audience members' senses

A speaker who uses vivid imagery _______________________.

assigning group roles and tasks

A team leader's responsibilities typically start with ________________________________________________.

two to five

Although research indicates that audiences prefer speeches that contain 2-7 main points. It is easier for your audience to remember your points if they stay between ____________________________.

a false dichotomy

An argument stated in terms of only two alternatives, even though there may be many more, is ____________________.

An ad hominem argument

An argument that targets a person instead of the issue at hand in an attempt to decrease credibility and incite an audience's dislike for that person is ________________________.

the audience's

An ethical speaker is conscious of ________ values.

explain to listeners the new services available at the student center

An informative speaker might ____________________________________.


An informative speech arranged by category is arranged ________________________.

a two-sided message

Argumentation that addresses the opposing viewpoint or counterargument is called _____________________________________.

offer a brief, positive summary of important things you learned

At the end of the interview, you should _____________________.

first and last points made

Audiences find it easiest to remember the ___________________.


Brief stories of interesting, humorous incidents based on real-life are called _____________.

the audience losing interest during your speech

Common technical errors that can arise from using presentation software include all of the following except ______________________________.

dyadic communication

Communication between two people is called ____________.

natural, enthusiastic, confident, and direct

Effective speech delivery should be all of the following:


Eyewitness testimony, diary entries, interviews, and surveys are examples of ______________ sources.

supporting material

Facts, statistics, testimonies, and narratives are all examples of _______________________________.


Fixed-alternative and scale questions are both types of __________________ questions.

10 to 15

Generally, the introduction should be brief and no more than _______________ percent of the speech body.


How many major ideas should be present on each slide of a presentation aid?

Your Answer (9/10 or partial credit): The introduction is used to introduce the topic you will be speaking about and it should include a thesis. The body of a speech is the content you use to support your thesis. In the conclusion, you should talk about a piece of information that you learned and then you can also restate your main points.

Identify the functions and important parts of the introduction, the body, and the conclusion in reference to a speech. Not only will your answer be graded based on content, but it will also be graded based on grammar and mechanics.


If in your speech you are addressing whether something is or is not true, you should frame your argument as a claim of _______________.


In Christopher's speech about his hobby as an amateur potter, he exhibited several pieces of pottery as his presentation aids. Which type of aid did Christopher use?

question of policy

In John Dewey's Reflective Thinking Method, you should phrase the problem as a _________________________.

anti-group role

In a group setting, a "blocker" is an example of a(n) ______________________________.

strive for simplicity

In a public speaking situation, it is always important to ___________________________________.


In her presentation, Sandra encouraged her colleagues to reach their highest potential and take pride in their work. According to Maslow's hierarchy, which need did Sandra appeal to?


In his speech about why people should buy used rather than new cars, Carlos provided the audience with information about his background as a used-car salesperson. Carlos employed which type of appeal?


Legal protection afforded the creators of original literary and artistic works is called ___________________.

sloppy, weak, and unfocused

Listeners may perceive a speaker who slouches as _________________________________________.

accuracy and credibility of the source

Listeners should evaluate evidence in terms of ___________.

external and internal

Listening distractions are _______________.


Memorial dedications and gatherings held in someone's home are examples of special occasion speeches that _____________________________.


Moving your gaze from one listener to another, or one section to another, pausing to complete a thought is a technique known as ______________________.

anxiety stop-time technique

Nancy was practicing her speech when she became overwhelmed with anxiety. She decided to simply allow herself to be anxious for a few minutes, then decided it was time to be confident about all the work she had done and resume her rehearsal. Nancy was using the anxiety-management strategy known as ____________________.


Our general evaluations of people, ideas, objects, or events are our ___________________________.


Part of audience analysis is considering _________________ characteristics.

selective perception

Paying attention to information that is important to us, being interested in information that touches our own experiences and backgrounds, and sorting and filtering new information based on what we already know are key elements of _______________________________.

the range of sounds a speaker's voice produces, from high to low

Pitch is ___________________________________________.


Presenting a "cut-and-paste" of someone else's material as your own is called __________________.


Productive conflict is _______________.


Slurring words together at a low level of volume and pitch is called _______________________.

income, occupation, and education

Socioeconomic status (SES) includes _________________.

be used sparingly

When creating a visual aid, boldface, underlining, and italics should _________________________________________.

intrapersonal communication

Stephen spends time talking to himself. He is engaged in _____________________________________.

close cooperation and planning

Successful group presentations require ____________.


The ______________ speech purpose answers the question, "What is my objective in speaking on this topic to this audience on this occasion?"

specific purpose

The _________________ is a precise statement of what you want the audience to learn or do as a result of your speech.


The audience's response to a message is referred to as ___________________.

main points, supporting points, and transitions

The body of a speech consists of _______________________________.

restate the purpose

The conclusion of the speech should __________________.

10 percent

The conclusion should be about ___________________ of the length of the entire speech.

generate solutions, select the best solution, implement/evaluate the solution

The final three steps in Dewey's reflective thinking process are _____________________________________.


The first challenge faced by the speaker in the introduction of the speech is to win the audience's ______________________.

denotative meaning

The literal, dictionary definition of a word is its _____________.

arouse the audience's attention and motivate the audience to accept the speaker's goals

The purpose of a speech introduction is to _________________.


The purpose of a(n) ________________ speech is to increase the audience's understanding and awareness of a topic.


The rising and falling of vocal pitch across phrases and sentences is termed __________________.


The selective use of casual language, dialects or slang within a speech is called __________________________.

brief description of the source's qualifications to address the topic

The source qualifier is [a] _____________________________________.

a single, declarative sentence

The thesis statement, the theme or central idea of a speech, should be expressed as ________________________.

vocal pauses/fillers

The use of "uh," "hmm," "you know" are examples of _____________________________________.


The various types of external evidence include _______________________.

Use no more than six words in a line and six lines on one slide.

When creating slides, what is the six-by-six rule?

confirm operating system compatibility ahead of time

To avoid having to fix technical issues during your presentation, you should __________________________________.


To convey ideas through a story, using character, plot, settings, and imagery, use a ___________________ pattern of arrangement.


To demonstrate the nature and significance of a problem and provide justification for a proposed solution, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement?


To describe a series of developments in time or a set of actions that occur sequentially, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement?


To describe information, a speaker should use language that is ____________________.


To discuss a topic in terms of its underlying causes, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement?

stress your commonalities (establish a common ground)

To establish a feeling of identification with the audience, _______________________________________.


To explain the physical arrangement of a place, an object, or an event, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement?


To have the freedom to move points around according to the way the speaker wishes to present his or her topic, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement?

use only trustworthy and reputable sources

To present statistics ethically, ___________________________________.


When designing a presentation aid, the speaker should focus on __________________.

when you seek to change an audience's behavior

Under which of the following conditions is being persuasive appropriate?

personalizes issues

Using a story as a speech introduction ________________________.

five or more

Using the speaking outline, how many times should you practice?


What type of example offers a single illustration of a point?

give their full attention to the speaker

When a team member delivers his or her part of the presentation, this is a good time for the other team members to ________________________________________________.

alternate phrases introducing citations to help maintain a natural delivery

When citing a source, _______________________________.

supply the name and qualifications of the source

When citing testimony in a speech, the speaker should always ______________________________________.

prepare to give your presentation without the aids, in case problems arise

When using presentation aids ___________________________.

eye contact

Which aspect of the body maintains the quality of directness in speech delivery?


Which kind of outline is usually brief and contains key words or phrases?

speaking from memory

Which method of speech delivery is not a natural way to present a message and may invite a mental lapse or block?


Which of the following is a Greek word meaning ethics/character?

to celebrate

Which of the following is a function of a special occasion speech?

Listeners can listen to them at their convenience.

Which of the following is an advantage of recorded presentations?


Which of the following is one of the five canons of rhetoric?

source ' encoding ' receiver ' decoding

Which of the following is the process a message goes through when it is received and interpreted?


Which of the following outlines is used for organizing and firming up main points?


Which organizational pattern addresses main points and then disproves opposing claims like a debate?


Which type of chart diagrams the progression of a process?


Which type of delivery gives speakers the least time to gather their thoughts?


Which type of delivery method is most recommended for a natural delivery style?

The audience cannot interact with your physical presence.

Why is it important for the speaker to focus on vocal variety during an online presentation?

condense full sentences into key words or phrases.

With a speaking outline, __________________________________.


With sufficient practice, which of the following outlines will help the speaker deliver his or her ideas more naturally?

establish credibility to encourage audience trust

You can increase the odds of successfully influencing your audience if you ___________________.


________________ is information presented in such a way as to provoke a specific response.


____________________ refers to the deliberate falsification of information.

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