Quiz 1

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20 minutes; sodium chloride

Daguerre perfected the process, reducing the exposure time from eight hours to _________________ in bright light. By 1837 he was able to make the image stable by treating it in a strong bath of _____________________ (table salt).


Did the idea of photography exist before the invention of the camera?


During the Renaissance, the evolution of photography can be linked to a new Western concentration on...


Dutch genre painter in the 17th century who was an eminent practitioner of the camera obscura; his uncanny domestic interiors posses qualities now considered photographic (very tight use of space, "unbalanced" compositions, unexpected points of view, exact descriptions of light at specific times of day, attention given to detail, use of points of focus, and representation through stillness of time).


When looking through the lens of a camera obscura, the view presented is actually reflected through the mirrors onto the paper or cloth and allows the artist to draw by tracing the...

Leonardo DiVinci

In 1490, ______________________ wrote the earliest describing description of the camera obscura.

Giovanni Battista della Porta

In 1558 this Italian man discussed the use of a mirror to reverse the image that was reflected backward in the camera obscura; this is the basis of modern-day single-lens-reflex camera.


In 1826, Niepce turned to bitumen of _____________, a kind of asphalt that hardened when exposed to light.


In 1839 Daguerre announced the new process which he named "______________" before the French Academy. This earned Daguerre and Niepce lifetime pensions.

Dry plate

In 1880, a convenient "____________" process was developed, allowing very fast development and opening the field to the general public.

Royal Society

In January 1939, Talbot sent some of his work to England's ______________ explaining his process for achieving negative images.


In Talbot's method the image and the paper became ______, as there was no separation between the emulsion and its support.


In the West, the first recorded description of the pinhole was made by the Greek philosopher _________________, who in circa 330 BCE observed the crescent-shaped image of the sun, during a partial eclipse, projected through a small opening between the leaves of a tree onto the ground.


In the camera obscura, _____________ entered through a small hole in one of the walls and projected a distinct, but inverted, color image onto the opposite wall that could then be traced.

Commercial class

In the eighteenth century, a rising ___________________ wanted to purchase the status of being commemorated in the same pictorial style as the rich.

Chemical development

In the printing-out process of Talbot's method, the sensitized paper darkened swiftly when exposed to light. The image appeared spontaneously during exposure without....


In this year Niepce and Daguerre became partners, a partnership until Niepce's death in 1833. His son, Isidore Niepce replaced him in the partnership, but he wasn't able to offer much new research.


In this year, Talbot invented the salted paper print, a printing-out process that allowed him to make camera-less images of botanical specimens, engravings, and pieces of lace.


Inventors had commercial incentives to harness the camera to portrait making, as less training would _____________ the cost of making a picture.


Is there a singular person responsible for inventing the pinhole camera?


Johann Heinrich Schulze made his discovery in the year...

Planetary motion

Kepler is best known for his laws of __________________, based on his works "Astronomia nova", "Harmonices Mundi", and "Epitome of Copernican Astronomy"

Scientific revolution

Kepler was a key figure in the 17th century...

Universal gravitation

Kepler's works also provided one of the foundation for Isaac Newton's theory of...

Experiment; observation

The 15th century Renaissance scientist made arguments for ideas founded on ________________ & _________________.

Camera lucida

The _________________, invented in 1807 by the English scientist William Hyde Wollaston, was an optical instrument (not a camera) supposed to help one overcome a lack of drawing skill; consisted of a glass prim, held at eye level by a brass rod attached to a flat, portable drawing board.


The addition of the _________________ (thanks to Giovanni Battista della Porta) allowed for improved definition and enabled the image to be sharply focused on a piece of ground glass, allowing the operator to trace a picture on a sheet of paper laid over the glass.


The calotype process greatly increased the photographic sensitivity of the negative and reduced the necessary exposure time in the camera to...

Dutch still-life; topographical

The camera obscura was much used by ______________________ & by ______________ painters.


The camera obscura's strength as an aid to ______________ resides in its ability to distil onto a flat surface the confused visual information which strikes the eye.

Realistic images

The daguerreotype hit it big! Despite the expensive equipment and supplies, "daguerreotpomanie" struck with a force, hitting educated, upper-class society and its growing voracity for...

Boulevard du Temple in Paris, made in 1838 by Louis Daguerre

The first image ever made of a person


The first publically available photographic process, and for nearly 20 years it was the one most commonly used.


The first to actively pursue a process of making a permanent camera image.

Mo Ti

The first to record the formation of an inverted image with a pinhole or screen.

Negative; positive

The great advantage of Talbot's method was that the process involved both a ____________ and a ___________.

Shapes; sizes

With the growing popularity of the camera obscura, camera obscuras as drawing aids were soon found in many _____________ & ________________.

Different size images

With the growing popularity of the camera obscura, lenses of different sizes were also being utilized to render...


Year lithography was invented


Year the camera lucida was invented


____________ society began to shift toward objective, documentable, repeatable facts.

Gemma Frisius

A Dutch astronomer (1508-1555) who observed an eclipse of the sun at Louvain on January 24, 1544 using a pinhole in his darkroom.

Joseph Nicephore Niepce

A French inventor (1765-1833) who was experimenting with the camera obscura and silver chloride, and developed the first system for making permeant images through the action of light. Originally he sought to automatically transfer an image to a lithography stone without having to draw it.

Johann Heinrich Schulze

A German scientist (1687-1744) who found that silver salts darkened when exposed to sunlight and published results that distinguished between the action of light and heat upon silver salts.


A book written by Niepce's son ____________ in 1841 indicates 1824 was the first time Niepce "achieved definitive fixing or images from the camera obscura onto his screen. Although these marvelous products were still imperfect, the problem had been resolved."

Camera obscura

A device designated to reproduce linear perspective; prototype of photographic camera; was a large dark room that an artist had to physically enter.

Beautiful picture

Calotype is Greek for...

Room with a View

Camera obscura by Abelardo Morell

Dark chamber

Camera obscura means...

Likeness of someone or something that was deemed worth commemorating

A primary function of visual arts originated in the desire to create a...


A scientist and intellectual with interests in astronomy, linguistics and literature. His purpose was to depict a subject in a fixed compositional order from a lived moment, making time itself the ultimate subject of all photographs.

William Henry Fox Talbot

A scientist and scholar from England who had independently devised a camera-based imaging process in 1834, using light sensitivity of silver salts. His interest in photography also came from a frustration of drawing drawing and drawing aids such as the camera Lucida and the camera obscura.

United States

Abelardo Morell immigrated to this place with his parents in 1962.

The Yale University School of Art

Abelardo Morell received his MFA from...

Bowdoin College

Abelardo Morell received his undergraduate degree from...

Havana, Cuba

Abelardo Morell was born here in 1948


After the camera obscura had been invented and it's use widely popularized, many dreamt of capturing the images obtained by the camera obscura...


Almost immediately after the announcement, ___________ of daguerreotype studios were opened to provide portraits to the public.


An experienced businessman who knew how to commercially promote his process.


Another word for pinhole

Wood engraving

Around the time of lithography was invented, _____________was also revitalized to meet the demand for multiple pictures.

Mo Ti

As early as the 15th century BCE, the Chinese philosopher ___________________ discovered that light reflecting from an illuminated object passing through a pinhole into a darkened area would form an exact, but inverted image, offering a prototype of the pinhole camera.

Camera; lens

By 1816 the major technical elements for the invention of photography were present in Niepce's experiments, and he could precisely describe his process with the use of a __________ and ________.

3 million

By 1853 an estimated _____________ daguerreotypes per year were produced in the United States alone.

Silver-surfaced copper

By the 1820s, Niepce had revised his technique to use __________________ plates to create one-of-a-kind positive image.

Mid-17th century

By this time, Kepler's camera had been modified and scaled down so one didn't have to enter into the camera but could remain outside of it and view the image projected onto a translucent window, a forerunner to the first truly portable camera.

Aloys Senefelder

Created lithography

William Hyde Wollaston

Created the camera lucida

Just over 8 minutes

Exposure time for daguerreotypes

Silver chloride

For his salt paper prints Talbot coated sheets of ordinary writing paper with sodium chloride, permitted them to dry, and then recoated them with salver nitrate, forming a...

Calotype process

Fox Talbot invents the _____________ in 1840 and then patented it in 1841. This is a further refinement of his negative-to-positive process.

De Radio Astronomica et Geometrica

Gemma Frisius described his process in his book _________________________________ (1554) along with an illustration of the camera obscura he used. It is thought to be the first published illustration of a camera obscura.

Proto-portable camera

Human-size tent built by Johannes Kepler in 1611 that could be dismantled & transported to make drawing easier.


Looking through the ________ of the camera lucida, the drawer could see both the subject and the drawing surface.

Louise Jacques Made Daguerre

News of Niepce's work had reached another Frenchman, _______________________ (1787-1851), who had been experimenting to capture camera obscura images.

Lavender oil; pewter

Niepce dissolved the bitumen in _________________ and coated a sheet of ___________ with the mixture.


Niepce had been successfully making images from about...


Niepce named his process ________________; The image is difficult to recognize and appears soft or out of focus due to technological restraints.


Niepce placed the sheet in the camera and exposed it for __________ hours aimed through an open window at his courtyard. The light forming the image on the plate hardened the bitumen in bright areas and left it soft and soluble in the dark areas.

Lavender oil

Niepce then washed the plate with __________________, which removed the still-soft bitumen that hadn't been struck by light, leaving a permanent image.

Washing them

Niepce was also able to temporarily "fix" the prints by ________________ and was able to send some of these temporary images to his brother.


Niepce was enthralled with ___________, but he lacked the drawing skills the process required.

Johannes Kepler

Scholar & astronomer (1571-1630) who coins the term "camera obscura" in his published text "Vitellionm Paralipomena" (1604).


Science was offering an alternative to...

Artists; amateur painters

Since Giovanni Battista della Porta popularized the camera obscura in 1558 through his "Magiae naturallis (Natural Magic)", it became increasingly popular among both _______________ & ________________.


Step 1 of daguerreotype; To optimize the image quality of the end product, the silver side of the plate had to be polished to as nearly perfect a mirror finish as possible. The silver had to be completely free of tarnish or other contamination when it was sensitized, so the daguerreotypist had to perform at least the final portion of the polishing and cleaning operation not too long before use.


Step 2 of daguerreotype; In darkness or by the light of a safelight, the silver surface was exposed to halogen fumes. Originally, only iodine fumes (from iodine crystals at room temperature) were used, producing a surface coating of silver iodide, but it was soon found that a subsequent exposure to bromine fumes greatly increased the sensitivity of the silver halide coating. Exposure to chlorine fumes, or a combination of bromine and chlorine fumes, could also be used. A final re-fuming with iodine was typical.


Step 3 of daguerreotype; The plate was then carried to the camera in a light-tight plate holder. Withdrawing a protective dark slide or opening a pair of doors in the holder exposed the sensitized surface within the dark camera and removing a cap from the camera lens began the exposure, creating an invisible latent image on the plate. Depending on the sensitization chemistry used, the brightness of the lighting, and the light-concentrating power of the lens, the required exposure time ranged from a few seconds to many minutes.After the exposure was judged to be complete, the lens was capped and the holder was again made light-tight and removed from the camera.


Step 4 of daguerreotype; The latent image was developed to visibility by several minutes of exposure to the fumes given off by heated mercury in a purpose-made developing box. The toxicity of mercury was well known in the 19th century, but precautionary measures were rarely taken. Today, however, the hazards of contact with mercury and other chemicals traditionally used in the daguerreotype process are taken more seriously, as is the risk of release of those chemicals into the environment.


Step 5 of daguerreotype; After development, the light sensitivity of the plate was arrested by removing the remaining silver halide with a mild solution of sodium thiosulfate; Daguerre's initial method was to use a hot saturated solution of common salt.

Photogenic drawings

Talbot created impressions of objects by placing them on paper sensitized with sodium chloride and silver nitrate. He called them...

Silver nitrate

Talbot had discovered that silver chloride was more sensitive to light than ____________, which reduced exposure time.

Potassium iodide

Talbot, like his predecessors, had difficulty fixing the image, but eventually stabilized the prints with a strong solution of salt or...


The start of the nineteenth century saw the introduction of Aloys Senefelder's 1796 invention of __________________ that provided a more cost effective means for the mass production and distribution of printed pictures.


The year when Niepce and his brother, Claude, began experiments to "spontaneously" create original pictures through the camera instead of copying previous existing images.


These years mark the beginning of what people would call photography.


Veduta painter in the 18th cenutry who was an eminent practitioner of the camera obscura

Visualizing the world

Vermeer's work demonstrates how the camera doesn't merely capture nature of reflect existing beauty, but originates entire new ways of...


We do know from writings and documentation that Niepce was making camera less images, temporary images around...


Were the ideas behind photographic image making already taking place with the camera obscura?

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