Quiz 2

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appeal through facts and logic

Define logos

emotional appeal

Define pathos

speaker's ethics, credibility, and character

Define ethos

when speaker has some sort of manuscript and is prepared and well rehearsed, but the speech itself is given spontaneously. It is similar to an impromptu speech but with more preparation and organization. Speaker has knowledge about the topic and must speak about it spontaneously

Define extemporaneous speaking

The types of speeches on questions of policy include speeches to gain passive agreement where the goal is to get the audience to agree that a certain policy is desirable whereas speeches to gain immediate action is when the goal is to get the audience to take action. However, regardless both with face the issues of need for the policy, plan to solving the issue, and the practicality of putting the plan into place.

Explain the difference between passive agreement and immediate action as goals for persuasive speeches on question of policy.

has a right or wrong answer questions that can be answered absolutely where the answers are either right or wrong, but many questions of fact cannot be answered absolutely. In these cases, there is a true answer, but we don't have enough information to know what it is. SOme questions like this must be answered with a prediction or based on what is already known. A question of fact in a persuasive speech is partisan where the aim is to present one view of the facts as persuasively as possible whereas a question of fact in an informative speech is nonpartisan and the aim is to give information as impartially as possible and not argue for a particular point of view. An example of a specific purpose statement on a question of fact is to persuade my audience that earthquakes hit harder in areas of poverty.

What are questions of fact?

whether idea of action should or shouldn't happen/ be passed deal with specific courses of action and inevitably involve questions of fact or even question of value, but they always go beyond questions of fact or value to decide whether something should or should not be done. An example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of policy is to persuade my audience that the United States should pass legislation that allows for all sexual contraceptives should be free.

What are questions of policy?

question is based on judgement and personal beliefs include matters of fact, but also demand value judgements or judgements based on a person's beliefs about what is right or wrong. An example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of value is to persuade my audience that animal cruelty is morally wrong.

What are questions of value?

Elements of good speech delivery conveys the speaker's ideas clearly, interestingly, and without distracting the audience. Delivery should combine a certain degree of formality with directness, spontaneity, animation, vocal and facial expressiveness, and a lively sense of communication similar to a good conversation.

What are the elements of good speech delivery?

The four objectives of a speech introduction include getting the attention and interest of the audience, revealing the topic of the speech, establishing credibility and goodwill, and previewing the body of the speech. To gain the audience's attention is as simple as stepping up to the lectern and and waiting for the audience to give the speaker their undivided attention. It is also important to clearly state the topic and preview the body to make sure the audience isn't going into the rest of the speech confused. By establishing credibility, the audience is more likely to receive the message making the speech more effective.

What are the four objectives of a speech introduction?

The major functions of a speech conclusion are to let the audience know the speech is ending and to reinforce the audience's understanding of, or commitment to the central idea. When concluding a speech it is important not to end it abruptly, but rather smoothly come to an ending statement or idea to conclude the speech leaving the audience feeling fulfilled.

What are the major functions of a speech conclusion?

When preparing main points, the speaker should keep the main points separate clearly independent from the others, try to use the same pattern of wording for main points, and balance the amount of time devoted to main points.

What are thee tips for preparing main points?

A speaker can enhance his or her credibility by explaining his or her competence or expertise on the topic, establishing common ground with the audience especially at the start of the speech by showing that the same values, attitudes and experiences are shared, and delivering the speech fluently, expressively, and with conviction.

What are three ways you can enhance your credibility during your speeches?

Rhythm and imagery are key factors for a speaker when trying to bring speeches to life with vivid animated language. Imagery consists of similes and metaphors while using concrete words to make sure the audience doesn't become confused or lost while rhythm is created by the choice and arrangement of words and can be built through parallelism, repetition, and alliteration.

What are two ways to bring your speeches to life with vivid animated language?

The speaker can signal the end of a speech through what is said such as "in conclusion, let me end by saying, or my purpose has been" or through the manner of delivery by using the voice (tone, pace, or rhythm).

What are two ways you can signal the end of a speech?

Credibility is influenced by the perception of the speaker and is why the audience should believe what the speaker is saying. Credibility is affected by competence or how an audience regards a speaker's intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject and character which is how an audience regards a speaker's sincerity, trustworthiness, and concern for the well-being of the audience.

What is credibility? What two factors exert the most influence on an audience's perception of a speaker's credibility?

Evidence consists of supporting materials such as examples, statistics, or testimonies to prove or disprove something. Evidence is important to persuasive speeches because most people are skeptical and are suspicious of unsupported generalizations. It is important to justify all claims and to support views with evidence in order to increase credibility and give an effective speech.

What is evidence? Why do persuasive speakers need to use evidence?

Nonverbal communication is how the speaker uses his or her voice and body to convey the message expressed by the words used in the speech. The impact of a speaker's words is powerfully influenced by nonverbal communication and is often used to deliver speeches effectively and increase the impact of the verbal message.

What is nonverbal communication? Why is it important to effective public speaking?

Testimonies are quotations or paraphrases used to support a point. The two types of testimonies include expert testimonies which are from people who are acknowledged authorities in their field and are knowledgeable about the topic whereas peer testimonies consist of opinions of people who are ordinary citizens who have firsthand experience. Peer testimonies give a more personal viewpoint on issues.

What is testimony? Explain the difference between expert testimony and pee testimony

Persuasive speeches have the intention of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions whereas informative speeches aim to convey knowledge and understanding. When speaking to persuade the speaker acts as an advocate whereas when a speaker is speaking to inform, he or she acts a teacher. Speaking to persuade can be more difficult because the objective is more ambitious and audience analysis and adaptation becomes much more demanding.

What is the difference between an informative speech and a persuasive speech? Why is speaking to persuade more challenging than speaking to inform?

Denotation is precise, literal, and objective while connotation is more variable, figurative, and subjective. Denotative words describe the object, person, place, idea, or event to which the word refers or the dictionary definition of a word while connotative words is what the word suggests or implies. Speakers should use denotative words when they want their audience to receive the message exactly as given and prevent the audience from making assumptions. On the other hand, speakers should use connotative words to give their speech more intensity or emotional power.

What is the difference between denotative and connotative meaning? How might you use each to convey your message most effectively?

To prepare for a question and answer session the speaker should formulate answers to possible questions and practice the delivery of answers. Question and answer sessions should be taken as seriously as the speech itself. The speaker should consider possible questions while writing the speech, jot them down, and formulate answers. The question and answer portion of should be practiced just like the speech itself is practiced.

What steps should you take when preparing for a question and answer session? What should you concentrate on when responding to questions during the session?

help the audience understand your point, argument, or message and to establish credibility with the audience. With supporting details the audience is more likely to be engaged and believe what the speaker has to say. Supporting details can also bring clarity to what the speaker is saying.

Why do you need supporting material in your speeches?

Inclusive language is important to a public speaker to be respectful of others in the audience that may come from a different background. Using inclusive language consists of language that is not stereotypical or based on age, race, or disabilities. Speakers should refrain from using the generic "he," using "man" when referring to both men and women, stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender, and try to use names that groups use to identify themselves.

Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What four usages of inclusive language have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?

It is important to be organized clearly and coherently because it improves the speaker's credibility and helps the audience receive the message without any confusion. By organizing speeches, the speaker gains practice in establishing clear relationships among ideas. The first step in gaining a strong sense in speech organization is to develop a strong and clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Why is it important that speeches be organized clearly and coherently?

Establishing credibility at the beginning of a speech is important to showing the audience that the speaker is qualified and knowledgeable about the topic. By establishing credibility early on, listeners are more likely to stay engaged and listen to the rest of the speech. However, credibility can come from a variety of things outside of firsthand knowledge and experience.

Why is it important to establish credibility at the beginning of a speech?

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