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Frieden Betty "The Problem that Has No Name"

- the problem that has no name is unfulfillment as a housewife; being more than a wife, mother, and caretaker - "women who once had careers were now making careers out of having babies" - the mystique of feminine fulfillment

Angelina Emily Grimke "An Appeal to the Christian Women of the South"

- Christian abolitionist writing to her fellow Southern, christian women to pray, become educated, and speak on abolition. - "I know you do not make the laws, but I also know that you are the wives and mothers, the sisters and daughters of those who do" - it is their christian duty to abolish slavery

Vasquez "Feminism Failing Transgender Women"

- analyzes feminist discourse and its discrimination against the trans community - cisgender feminists have failed to speak out against transphobica (ex. TERFs)

bell hooks "Comrades in struggle"

- analyzes how a feminist revolution should be a shared responsibility of both women and men - anti-male sentiments made feminism "womens work" and alienated black women from the movement - both men and women can resist sexist oppression w/o antagonism

Moses "Whats in a Name"

- analyzes of the use of the word "feminism" , a term to her that means encompassing many different viewpoints about womanhood ?

Jackson Katz "Guilty Pleasures: Porn, Prostitution, and Stripping"

- analyzes the effect of sex industry on heterosexual men's pleasures - argues that pron perpetuates rape cultures and markets women's subordination and violence against women as sexy

Pat Mainardi "The Politics of Housework"

- argues that housework is tied to the undervalue of womens work and therefore to women's oppression

Julie R Enszer "On Lesbian-Feminism and Lesbian Separatism"

- argues that separatism has been a key practice for political and social movements - It is a viable political strategy ?

Anne Koedt "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm"

- argues the focus on vaginal orgasms is a mischaracterization of female pleasure and reinforces heteronormative norms - women have been sexually defined in terms of what pleases men

Jo Carillo "When You Leave, Take your Pictures with you"

- criticizes white, radical feminists for appropriating third world women and their ideal of a global sisterhood - "we're not as happy as we look on their wall"

Seneca Falls Convention - Declaration of Sentiments

- document drafted by Elizabeth Cody Stanton, modeled after the Declaration of Independence - "we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights" - demanded equality in law and to be recognized as citizens

Ida B. Wells - A Red Record

- excerpt of a pamphlet, challenging the arguments that legitimized lynching

Feinberg "I'm Glad I was in the Stonewall Riot"

- first (queer) person account of the uprising

Daughters of Bilitis "Statement of Purpose"

- first lesbian civil rights organization - purposed: 1. education "of the variant...to enable her to understand herself" 2. Education of the public on homosexuality to breakdown taboos 3. researching homosexuality 4. Proposing change in our law system, analyzes how homosexuals are treated in legal system

Chicago Gay Liberation Front: A Leaflet for the American Medical Association (1970)

- pamphlet for the AMA, denouncing the belief that homosexuals are sick - the pathologizes of homosexuality encourages anti-gay attitudes and discrimination

Radicalesbians "The Woman-Identified Woman"

- posits lesbianism as resistance to patriarchy rather's than a homosexual attraction - Lesbianism challenges the traditional female role, argues we need to find our authentic selves independent of men. ****

Sojourner Truth "1851 Speech"

- presented at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention - "if woman have a pint and man a quart--why can't she have her little pint full?"

Anzaldua "Towards a New Consciousness"

- talks about "la mestiza" , an aztec word meaning torn between ways - giving a name to the multiple identities that are a source of strength and vision - a struggle of borders, "being in all cultures at the same time"

Malkiel "Diary of a Shirtwaist Striker"

- the evolution of political consciousness of one striker and her finance - "If she is good enough to spend her days in shops that ain't fit for pig stys, she may as well stand on the corner and fight for her rights"

Charolette Perkins Gilman "The Yellow Wallpaper"

-nineteenth century "nervous" wife who is controlled by her physician husband -writes in her journal & obsesses over the wallpaper as means to finding her identity and freedom - author equates forced inactivity to self-destruction

Angela Davis "Masked Racism"

critiques the prison industrial complex - prisons don't make societies problems disappear, it devours the social wealth needed to address the very problems that have led to spiraling numbers of prisoners - privitization = profitting off of prison bodies

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Chapter 5 Therapeutic Relationship

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Schizo Spectrum Disorders & Psychosis

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