RBT Exam

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2 main functions of behavior

1. escape 2. gain

Approximately how many different 3-step directions should an advanced learner be able to follow?


Triadic eye gaze is:

2 individuals sharing eye gaze on an object and then looking at each other

In a typically developing child, at what age do they turn their heads to the source of a sound?

2 months

What is the estimated percentage of self-injurious behaviors that have automatic reinforcement as the function according to Hagopain et al. (2015)?


at about what age do children start to answer who, what, and where questions?

3-4 years

What would be the next step in a shaping program to increase time on a task from 3 minutes?

4 minutes

Attention from caregivers functioning as a reinforcer is likely to start developing at what age?

4 months

In a typically developing child, at what age do they respond to hearing their name?

6 months

What assessment can be helpful in setting up a VB program?

ABLLS-R and the VB-MAPP (very common tools in setting up an ABA program focusing on Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior)

What is a very common type of data used in ITT that takes little time?

Cold probe

Discrete trial instruction that is delivered from 25-40 hours a week is called

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)

What is a more current expansion of DTI?

Errorless learning techniques

T/F: complex behaviors can be learned all at once


Which schedule of reinforcement illustrates reinforcing after the 3rd correct response?

FR3 schedule

T/F: If the child starts engaging in task avoidance because the reinforcement grew too thin, we should bring reinforcement back to a very dense schedule within that sitting.

False If reinforcement is brought back on a denser schedule we are just reinforcing the task avoidance rather than the quick and accurate responding.

Delivering the reinforcer immediately and only displaying it available for the target behavior INCREASES or DECREASES the value of the reinforcer to the individual?


Which of the following should you do in order to prepare for a session?

Read the skill acquisition plan and previous data, and gather materials and reinforcers

The ITT format is

SD/instruction --> Response

Is this T/F about chaining: It involves a step-wise progression of similar skills


T/F: Echoics can be addressed in both discrete trial and naturalistic intervention


What is a ratio strain?

The disruption in the display of the behavior when reinforcement is thinned too quickly


The replacement behavior selected in DRA does not have to be incompatible with the problem behavior (DRI does)

What is an objective statement you can make regarding a 10 minute tantrum displayed by an individual receiving services?

The tantrum lasted 10 minutes. Maybe we should review the behavior plan

Why is imitating facial expressions particularly difficult for some individuals with autism?

They avoid looking at faces

Which of the following is the best reason for thinning reinforcement?

To decrease dependence on the reinforcer in order to demonstrate the behavior

The Matching Law states

When given a choice between reinforcers, an individual will engage in behavior that yields the more valuable reinforcer

Which of the following is an example of an advanced level of following directions? a) get the large red and blue cup b) put the ball in the cup


Taking away a token is an example of:

a consequence intervention involving punishment

Watching a race car as it zooms around a track is an example of:

a gaze

The learner is hungry, so he/she works harder to get crackers as a reward. This is an example of:

a motivating operation (MO)

what can be used to determine existing nonsocial and social reinforcers

a preference assessment

Decreasing assistance

a prompt fading strategy involves using the most intrusive prompt initially then fading to a less intrusive prompt

What is unique for data collection for naturalistic interventions vs discrete trials?

activities or routines used to elicit target behaviors

type 1 punishment involves:

adding a condition to reduce a behavior

Asking a learner to select items using a preposition is an:

advanced skill

Ratio schedules of reinforcement offer reinforcers

after a specific number of responses are displayed

Interval schedules of reinforcement are delivered:

after a specified amount of time has elapsed

Initiating joint attention is when:

an individual initiates a bid for attention

Saying "I like chocolate. What do you like?" is an example of

an intraverbal

In the normal progression in ITT, materials go from being...

an orderly to messy array

Being punctual means...

arriving 5-10 minutes early to prepare

Which of the following is an example of a target for a skill involving selecting an object according to feature? a) choose the one that moves quickly b) choose the one that's green


Which of the following is an example of a target for selecting an item using an adverb? a) Choose the one that is green b) Choose the one that goes quickly


Why are crisis plans incorporated into some BIPs?

b/c some behaviors cause a risk to the safety of the individual engaging in the behavior or others in the environment

When is the best time to allow for a break during a discrete trial session?

before or when the learner shows signs of tiriing but is not yet resisting requests to respond to discriminative stimuli (SD)

The quote "all behavior has a communicative intent" (Carr, 1977) can be best explained by the statement:

behavior always serves a purpose for the person engaging in the behavior

In which situations are differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior (DRL) used?

behaviors that are acceptable at low rates ex: raising hand in class but not too often or everytime

contracting for reinforcement allows a learner to

choose from a large group of reinforces to access after correct responding

What could ensure than an intervention involving the use of punishment is effective?

collecting and reviewing intervention data

reinforcing behaviors that are incompatible with hitting would fall under which component of a behavior intervention plan?

consequence strategies

Placing a soft object near a person's fist to block a hit is a:

consequence strategy

What is the best course of action to take in the event of an extinction burst?

continue the intervention

When our learner is on a roll with responding, reinforcement should be

continued at current levels or increased

If a behavior is maintained, then the individual:

continues to perform the behavior after intervention has stopped

When teaching ITT, the goal is to fade the frequency of reinforcement from a(n) __________ schedule to a(n) __________.


Differential reinforcement of high rates of behavior are used to

decrease the time from the display of one behavior to the next

To achieve momentum during a discrete trial session, you must:

deliver the SD quickly

In order for a reinforcer to be effective, a __________ __________ for that particular item must exist

deprivation state

In echoics, transfer trials are used when:

echoic prompts need to be faded

The purpose of using a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement is to:

eliminate the predictability of reinforcement

What is important to do before starting a group intervention?

establish group goals and align individual goals with those of the group

Continuous reinforcement schedules are most often used to

establish new behaviors

Drawing a line in the air with a finger is an example of a __________ motor imitation skill


What ways of approaching intraverbal intervention involves answering questions about the properties of an item?

function, feature, or category

How do you know if you have successfully paired yourself as a reinforcer?

if the learner approaches you and the session easily

Differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior is used to:

increase the amount of time between the display of one behavior to the next

define social behavior

interaction between 2 individuals

How does a motivating operation (MO) work to increase the effectiveness of mand training?

it makes it more likely that the individual will want the reinforcer and will mand for it

valuing the attention of others' ability to shift attention between an object/event and person, and capability of recruiting attention are important components of what social skill?

joint attention

Difficulties in joint attention lead to problems in:

language development vocabularly development social skills development

The term "receptive language" is similar in meaning to the term:

listener responding

The following is an example of which procedure- SD: point to the cat R: Child points to the cat SD: What is it (holding cat card) R: child says "cat"

listener response to tact transfer

When setting up natural environment teaching (NET) to teach mands, which of the following is the most important?

make sure that the motivation for reinforcers can be contrived

Which verbal operant is directly tied to reinforcement?


What best describes "match to sample"?

matching an item to an identical one

When delivering a naturalistic intervention in public, it is important to:

minimize attention drawn to prompting or redirection

as the interventionist, the first step in echoic training is to:

model the sound

When providing a discrete trial to teach motor actions with objects, what is a critical aspect?

modeling the action with the object

Errorless learning typically uses what type of prompt sequences?

most to least

When behaviors are being maintained, reinforcement schedules:

move from thick to thin

Allowing the learner to approach a reinforcing item but blocking access until they respond to an SD is likely to be observed in which interventionist action?

naturalistic intervention

escape extinction works by

not allowing the individual to escape what they were trying to avoid

What kind of data is easier to use with social skills?

probe data

Fixed ratio schedules:

produce high and steady rates of behavior

Using transfer trials will help eliminate...

prompt dependency

Variable ratio schedules of reinforcement

provide high and steady rates of the behavior targeted for reinforcement

behavior intervention plans (BIP) that work:

reduce problem behavior increase desirable behavior

Which of the following is an example of a progressive schedule of reinforcement?

reinforcement after the 2nd behavior, then after the 4th, then after the 5th

undesirable behavior can be reduced by

reinforcing alternative behaviors and occasionally using extinction

Consequence interventions involve

reinforcing desired behaviors and reducing the display of undesirable behavior

differential reinforcement works by:

reinforcing only the behaviors that should be increased while removing reinforcement from behaviors that should be decreased

During error correction, after you represent the SD with a prompt, you should...

represent the same SD to test if the prompt was effective enough to teach them to get it right on their own

What a learner does after receiving an SD is called a


Which of the following could be a successive approximation for shaping the behavior of "having a conversation"?

saying "hello" to another person

differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) involves:

setting an interval for the problem behavior not to be displayed and reinforcing if it is not displayed

variables that are in operation before the display of a behavior and are related to the behavior are:

setting events (antecedent)

When delivering a discrete trial session, which is the most important reason to minimize distractions in the environment?

so the learner can focus on what they are being asked to do

When teaching learners to use 2-word mands, why is it important that both words are critical to the mand?

so the listener will clearly understand the mand and act accordingly

What is the most important reason to RBTs to be active listeners?

so they can understand and act on what is delivered in the message

Why is it important for learners to generalize new behavior?

so they can use it in a meaningful way across different situations

measuring the rate of initiations and the number of teacher prompts would give good data about the student's _________?

social motivation

After answering a question correctly in class, the teacher gives the student a high five. In the future, the child answers more questions correctly. This is an example of:

social reinforcement

Automatic reinforcement is associated most closely with which type of behaviors

stereotypic behaviors

A child loves to play with blocks but has little interest being sung to. The teacher decides to sing to the child whenever the child is playing with blocks so that the songs may also acquire reinforcing properties. This refers to what procedure?

stimulus-stimulus pairing

Target behaviors broken down into steps describes a:

task analysis

Use natural environmental teaching (NET) to

teach receptive discrimination ex: choosing a spoon from a drawer full of utensils

Backward chaining involves:

teaching ending steps to the chain first then teaching earlier steps

What can this strategy be used for: creating an unusual or odd circumstance to which the person is likely to have a reaction

teaching learners to initiate joint attention

In DTI, a short instruction delivered to the learner is called

the SD

Replacement behaviors are taught so:

the individual has a more desirable option for the behavior of concern

why is saying "what do you want?" a bad idea during initial mand training?

the learner can become dependent on the phrase to produce mands

when using a lag schedule of reinforcement for intraverbal training, reinforce after:

the learner provides a correct but different response from the last one

Which part of the discrete trial makes it more likely that the learner will respond again?

the reinforcer

Why are prevention strategies a valuable part of behavior intervention plans?

they decreases the likelihood that an undesirable behavior will get reinforced

Role of RBT in the BIP process

to implement behavior intervention plans

Why should discrete trials be delivered rather quickly?

to keep the momentum going

under what circumstance would it be more important to provide an echoic training session related to targeted tacts?

to make sure the learner knows how to repeat words and sounds when asked

What is the best way to prevent ratio strain?

to thin reinforcement gradually

If a shaping program is not moving forward and there are not questions about the effectiveness of reinforcers, what is likely to be the issue?

too much was expected too soon

If a learner's speech is too monotone or singy-songy what approach can be used to help correct this?

use echoics to teach proper inflection and pitch

What is another term for echoics?

vocal imitation

when can we assume social motivation is present?

when a child spontaneously initiates

at what point should a behavior reduction plan be considered?

when environmental variables for behavior are ruled out

When should extinction not be used?

when it could cause harm to the individual or others in the environment

Behavioral function tries to explain:

why the behavior is happening

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