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Which of the following is not a basic component of motion of a fluid element?


Which of the following is not a unit of work?

a Newton meter

Which of the following is not a unit of work?

the principle of conservation of energy

Which of the following is the basis for Bernoulli's law for fluid flow?


10 to the 12th power is the value of the prefix:

180 deg

3200 mils is equal to how many degrees?


A fund into which annual deposits of A are made in order to accumulate fund at F at N years in the future:

Surface tension

A leaf from a faucet comes out in separate drops. Which of the following is the main cause of this phenomenon?


A line segment joining two points on a circle is called:


A line that has an equation of y = 0 is what?


A line, which is perpendicular to the x-axis, has a slope equal to _____.


A market where there is only one buyer of an item for which there are no goods substitute.

owner becomes insolvent

A material breach of contract occurs when the

Straight line method

A method of depreciation whereby amount to recover is spread over the estimated life of the asset in terms of the periods or units output is called:


A statement of truth of which follows with little or no proof from a theorem.

report violation to the state's engineering registration board

If one is aware that a registered engineer willfully violates state's rule of professional conduct, one should


If the eccentricity is less than one, then the curve is:


Study of motion with reference to the force which causes the motion is:

180 deg

Supplementary angles are angles whose sum is:


The area bounded by two concentric circles is called:

Cost of goods sold

The balance sheet is a statement showing the financial status of the company at any given time. Which of the statements is not a part of the balance sheet? Liabilities Asset Cost of goods sold Net worth


The center of the circle inscribed inside the triangle and it is the intersection of the three angle bisectors of the triangle.

Least common denominator

What do you call a product of several prime number occurring in the denominators, each taken when its greatest multiplicity?


What is the value of the work done for a closed reversible, isometric system?


Determine the average velocity through a circular section in which the velocity distribution is given v = vₘₐₓ(1 - (r/r₀)². The distribution is symmetric with respect to the longitudinal axis r - 0. r₀ is the outer radius and vₘₐₓ is the velocity along the longitudinal axis.


Determine the curve: 9x² + 6y² + 2x + 3y + 9 = 0.


Determine the curve: 9x² + 6y² + 2x + 3y +9 = 0

it is always zero

During an adiabatic, internally reversible process, what is true about the change in entropy?


Each angle of a regular dodecagon is equal to _____.

Salvage value

Estimated value at the end of the useful life:

Law of diminishing returns

Fall after the increase reaches a certain variable amount.


Find the slope of the line defined by y - x = 5.

the spatial derivative of velocity

For a fluid, viscosity is defined as the constant of proportionality between shear stress and what other variable?

the spatial derivative of velocity

For a fluid, viscosity is defined as the constant of proportionality between shear stress and what other variable?S

Even symmetry

For a given function, it is found that f(t) = f(-t). What type of symmetry does f(t) have?

at the supports

For a simply supported beam, where does the maximum shear stress occur?

dS > 0

For an irreversible process, what is true about the total change in entropy of the system and surroundings?


For fully developed laminar flow of fluids through circular pipes, the average velocity is what friction of the maximum velocity?

f α 1/Re

For pipe flow in the laminar region, how is the friction factor related to the Reynolds number?


For which process does the equation dQ = TdS hold?

experimental results for viscous fluids

From what were the curve of the Moody friction factor diagram for pipe flow determined?

Fixed asset

Goods and other properties which cannot be converted into cash during the accounting period.

they are perpendicular to the force field

How are lines of constant pressure in a fluid related to the force field?

both: heat transfer = 0; isentropic: reversible

How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process?

the fraction of the total mass that is saturated vapor

How is the quality, x, of a liquid-vapor mixture defined?


How many degrees of freedom does a coin rolling on the ground have?


If a regular polygon has 27 diagonals, then it is a:

Stock watering

If an increase in the capital stock is made when actually no additional value has been paid either in cash or in money's worth:


If the first derivative of a function is a constant, then the function is


If the general equation of the conic is Ax² + Bxy + Cy² + Dx + Ey + F = 0 and B² - 4AC > 0, then the conic is:


If the product of the slopes of any two straight lines is negative 1, one of these lines are said to be:

Trivial solutions

If the roots of an equation are zero, then they are classified as

it is a Newtonian gas

If the shear stress in a fluid varies linearly with the velocity gradient, which of the following describes the fluid?

accelerating in the same direction as the resultant force

If the sum of the forces on a particle is not equal to zero, the particle is

Latus rectum

In an ellipse, a chord which contains a focus and is in a line perpendicular to the major axis is a:

the Pythagorean theorem

In finding the distance between two points P₁(x₁, y₁) and P₂(x₂, y₂), the most direct procedure is to use:

Sample space

In probability theory, what is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment called?

real and unequal

In quadratic formula, if b² - 4ac is greater than one, the roots are:

Primary boycott

Is one directed against an employer or company and consists of members of the union and their families withholding their patronage.

Straight line method

It is a depreciation method whereby the decrease in value of the unit does not change each year.

Quasi-static pressure

It is a process in which there is a continuous and steady flow of a working substance.

Nonflow process

It is a process in which there is no transfer of the working substance during the process.

Deferred annnuity

It is a series of equal payments occurring at equal intervals of time where the first payment is made after several periods after the beginning of the payment:


It is a sharp sudden increase in money or credit or both without corresponding increase in business transactions.

Stagnation pressure

It is an increased pressure developed on impact with a pitot tube as a result of localized kinetic energy reduction to zero.

Inventory turnover

It is defined as the cost of materials used during the year divided by the average investment in materials.

Plant wide seniority

Length of service with the company regardless of the division or department is the yardstick employed.

Current asset

Liquid assets such as cash and other assets that can be converted quickly into cash, such as accounts receivable, and merchandise are called:

Unliquidated damages

Means sum such as jury would award when the case is presented to them upon its own merits.

Liquidated damages

Means the sum agreed upon in advance by the parties as compensation for a breach.


Money which is remitted to the union is deducted from the employees wages by the employer for union dues or assessments.


Naperian logarithms have a base closest to which number?

Closed shop

Normally these are phrases indicating that a plant has only union members as employees or one where the union is the recognized bargaining agency.

acceleration a 10 kg mass at a rate of 0.100 m/s²

One Newton is the force required to


One-fourth of a great circle:

Department seniority

Only length of service in a particular department is considered in computing seniority.

Liquidated damages

Penal provision of a contract to compensate for the losses incurred by one party due to the failure to comply with contract provisions:


Polygons are classified according to their:


Sin2θ is equal to:

I and II

Surface tension has which of the following properties? I. It has units of force per unit length II. It exists whenever there is a density discontinuity. III. It is strongly affected by pressure.

I and II

Surface tension has which of the following properties? I. It has units of force per unit length. II. It exists whenever there is a density discontinuity. III. It is strongly affected by pressure.


Tera is opposite to:


The altitude of the sides of a triangle intersect at the point known as:


The altitudes of the sides of the triangle intersect at the point known as:


The altitudes of the sides of triangles intersect at the point known as:

1 radian

The arc length equal to the radius of the circle is called:


The capacity of a municipal, old pressurized water supply pipe system must be doubled without increasing the average velocity. A replacement new pipe will have 40% friction than the existing pipe. Approximately what increase in pipe diameter is required?

depends on the materials and the finish condition of the surface

The coefficient of friction for dry surfaces:


The cords of an ellipse, which pass through the center, are known as _____.


The diameter of a sphere and the base of a cone are equal. What approximate percentage of that diameter must the cone's height be so that both volumes are equal?

Absolute error

The difference between an approximate value of a quantity and its exact value or true value is:

an ellipse

The equation 9x² + 16y² + 54x - 64y = -1 describes:


The equation Ax² + Bx + Cy² + Dy + E = 0 is:

a straight line

The equation y = a₁ + a₂x is an algebraic expression for which of the following?


The first derivative of kinetic energy with respect to time is:


The first derivative of kinetic energy with respect to time:


The first derivative with respect to y of the function d(y) = 2√10 is _____.

Conservation of energy

The first law of thermodynamics is based on which of the following principles?

B² - 4AC < 0

The general second degree equation has the form Ax² + Bxy + Cy² + Dx + Ey + F = 0 and decribes an ellipse if:

B² - 4AC < 0

The general second degree equation has the form Ax² + Bxy + Cy² + Dx + Ey + F = 0 and describes an ellipse if:


The general second degree equation has the form Ax² + Bxy + Cy² + Dx + Ey + F = 0. If B² - 4AC = 0, the equation describes:

y = e⁻³ˣ

The general solution of the differential equation dy/dx + 3y = 0 with y(0) = 1 is

force, velocity, and time

The impulse-momentum principle is mostly used for solving problems involving

Payback period

The length of time, usually in years, for the cumulative net annual profit to equal the initial investment is called:

least radius of gyration

The length, l, of a column divided by r is one of the terms in the equation for the buckling of a column subjected to compression loads. What does r stand for in the l/r ratio?

Axis of the parabola

The line passing through the focus and is perpendicular to the directrix of a parabola.

Imaginary number

The logarithm of a negative number is:


The measure of the unavailable energy in an irreversible process.


The median of a triangle is the line connecting a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side. For a given triangle, these medians intersect at a point which is called the:

has constant linear momentum

The net force that acts on a particle will be equal to zero when the particle


The no. of sides of a regular octagon is:

Geometric means

The numbers between two geometric terms

Geometric means

The numbers between two geometric terms is called what?

10 to the -9 power

The prefix nano has the same equivalent to:


The process of exchange where no single medium of exchange is used.


The rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

Interest rate

The ratio of the interest payment to the principal for a given unit time and is usually expressed as a percentage of the principal is known as:


The side opposite the right angle of a right triangle:


The sum of the distances from the two foci to any point in a/an _____ is a constant.


The sum of the side of a polygon:


The unit prefix nano is opposite to:


The volume of a circular cylinder is equal to the product of its base and altitude:

Flow energy

The work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually into or out of the system is known as:

Book value

The worth of property which is equal to the original cost less depreciation:


This is a general term applied to an employee who feels he is or has suffered injustice.

Maintenance of membership

This is a union security measure whereby a union employee pleges to remain a union member for the duration of collective bargaining agreement.

Arbitration of grievance

This is the final step after a grievance has gone through the various channels of shop steward.

none of these

To cut a right circular cone in such a was as to reveal a parabola, it must be cut: perpendicular to the axis of symmetry at any acute angle to the axis of symmetry parallel to the axis of symmetry none of these

the law of cosine

To find the angle of a triangle, given only the lengths of the sides, one would use:


Two angles are _____ if they have the same terminal side when placed in standard position.


Two triangles are congruent if two angles and the included side of one are equal respectively to two angles and the included side of the other.

I, II, III, and IV

Under certain flow conditions, the expression for the first law of thermodynamics for a control volume reduces to Bernoulli's equation. Which combination of the following conditions is necessary and sufficient to reduce the first law of thermodynamics for a control volume to Bernoulli's equation? I. steady flow II. incompressible fluid III. no frictional losses in energy IV. no heat transfer or change in internal energy

it is always conserved

Under what conditions is mass converted in fluid flow?

all of the above

Under which of the following conditions is Bernoulli's equation valid? (a) all points evaluated must be on the same streamline (b) the fluid must be incompressible (c) the fluid must be inviscid (d) all of the above

Synthetic seniority

War veterans, even though not company employees before the war, given credit for their military service.


What are the units of Reynolds number for pipe flow?

none of the above

What are the units of Reynolds number for pipe flow? (a) m/s (b) m²/s (c) kg/m-s² (d) none of the above


What conic section is described by the following equation? 4x² - y² + 8x + 4y = 15


What conic section is describes by the following equation? ax² + y² + 8x + 4y = 15


What conic section is represented by 4x² - y² + 8x + 4y = 15?


What conic section is represented by x² + y² - 4x + 2y - 20 = 0?


What conic section is represented by x² - 4y² + 8x + 4y = 15?

Spiral of Archimedes

What curve is represented by the equation r = aθ?


What do you call a polygon with 11 sides?


What do you call a quadrilateral with no side parallel?


What do you call an angle whose terminal side coincides with an axis?


What is a possible outcome of an experiment is called?

a series of equal payment at equal time periods

What is an annuity?


What is nearly the length of the resultant of the following vectors? 3i + 4j - 5k 7i + 2j + 3k -16i - 14j + 2k


What is the Mach number of a fluid stream flowing at a velocity of 370 ft/sec? (c = 1,080 ft/sec)

the velocity of the surface

What is the absolute velocity of real at a surface?

Angle of depression

What is the angle which the line of sight to the object makes the horizontal is below the eye of the observer?


What is the bending stress at a section of a loaded beam at its neutral axis?

v = dx/dt

What is the definition of instantaneous velocity?

limₐᵣₑₐ → ₀ force/area

What is the definition of pressure?

W = mRTln(V₂/V₁)

What is the equation for the work done by constant temperature system?

hg - hf

What is the expression for the heat of vaporization? hg = enthalpy of the saturated vapor hf = enthalpy of the saturated liquid


What is the expression of two terms?

(100% - % net salvage value) / estimated service life

What is the formula for a straight line depreciation rate?

180 degrees

What is the maximum value of a latitude?

Sinking fund method

What is the method of depreciation where a fixed sum of money is regularly deposited at compound interest in a real or imaginary fund in order to accumulate an amount equal to the depreciation of an asset at the end of the asset's estimated life?


What is the name for a vector that represent the sum of the two vectors?


What is the name for a vector that represent the sum of two vectors?


What is the name for a vector that represents the sum of two vectors?

First Law of Thermodynamics

What is the origin of the energy conservation equation used in flow systems?


What is the possible outcome of an experiment called?

n = 0

What is the true about the polytropic exponent, n, for a perfect gas undergoing an isobaric process?


What is the work-in-progress classifies as?

it is valid only for potential flow

What of the following is NOT true regarding the Blasius boundary layer solution? (a) it is valid only for potential flow (b) it is valid for laminar flow (c) it is an approximate solution (d) it permits one to calculate the skin friction on a flat plate


What solid figure that has many faces?


What type of conics is x² - 4y + 3x + 5 = 0?


What type of curve is generated by a point which moves in a uniform circular motion about an axis, while travelling with a constant speed, v, parallel to the axis?


What type of curve is generated by a point which moves in uniform circular motion about an axis, while travelling with a constant speed, v, parallel to the axis?


When prices go up in general, there is:

Dihedral angle

When two planes intersect with each other, the amount of divergence between the two planes is expressed by measuring the _____.

Dihedral angle

When two planes intersect with each other, the amount of divergence between the two planes is expressed by measuring the:

anywhere on the rigid body

Where can a couple be moved on a rigid body of have an equivalent effect?

Call-in pay

Where employees for work and are sent home without working, a certain amount is paid to the employees.

the cosine is negative

Which is true regarding the signs of the natural functions for angle between 90° and 180°?


Which number has four significant figures? 0.0014 0.01414 0.141 1.4140


Which of the following are not units of pressure?

it is proportional to the viscosity it is proportional to the velocity gradient at the point of interest both A and B

Which of the following describes shear stress in moving fluid?

both A and B

Which of the following describes the shear stress in moving fluid? (A) it is proportional to the viscosity (B) it is proportional to the velocity gradient at the point of interest (C) it is non-existent (D) both A and B

Fluid viscosity

Which of the following does not affect the rise or fall of liquid in a small-diameter capillary tube?

I and IV

Which of the following flow meters measure(s) the average fluid velocity rather than a point or local velocity in a pipe? I. venturi meter II. pitot tube III. impact tube IV. orifice tube V. hot-wire anemometer

(x + y)∧½

Which of the following is a binomial?

the acceleration of a body rotating with a constant angular velocity is zero

Which of the following is false? a. kinematics is the study of the effects of motion, while kinetics is the study of the causes of motion the radius of gyration for a mass of uniform thickness is identical to that for a planar area of the same shape c. angular momentum for rigid bodies may be regarded as the product of angular velocity and inertia d. the acceleration of a body rotating with a constant angular velocity is zero

a Newton meter

Which of the following is the definition of a Joule?

a Newton meter

Which of the following is the definition of a joule?

ΔSsurroundings + ΔSsystem ≥ 0

Which of the following is true for any process?

internal energy is negative

Which of the following is true for water at a reference temperature where enthalpy is zero?

cos (-θ) = cos θ

Which of the following is true? sin (-θ) = sin θ cos (-θ) = cos θ tan (-θ) = tan θ csc (-θ) = csc θ

Uniform annual cost method

Which of the following methods is most suited to evaluating and comparing alternatives with different (finite) lives?

I, II, and V

Which of the following must be satisfied by the flow of any fluid, real or ideal? I. Newton's second law of motion II. The continuity equation III. The requirement of a uniform velocity distribution IV. Newton's law of viscosity V. The principle of conservation of energy

I, II, and V

Which of the following must be satisfied by the flow of any fluid, real, or ideal? I. Newton's second law of motion II. The continuity equation III. The requirement of a uniform velocity distribution IV. Newton's law of viscosity V. The principle of conservation of energy

I, II, and III

Which of the following properties are intensive properties? I. Temperature II. Pressure III. Composition IV. Mass

Re = inertia forces/viscous forces

Which of the following ratios represents a physical interpretation of Reynolds number?

h = u + pV

Which of the following relations defines enthalpy?

it is fixed in space in steady flow

Which of the following statements about a streamline accurate?

the coefficients A and C preceding the x² and y² terms in the general form of the equation are equal

Which of the following statements is FALSE for all noncircular ellipses? a. the eccentricity, e, is less than one b. the ellipse has two foci c. the sum of the two distances from the two foci to any point on the ellipse is 2a (i.e. twice the semimajor distance) d. the coefficients A and C preceding the x² and y² terms in the general form of the equation are equal

the Reynolds number is the ratio of the viscous force to the inertia force

Which of the following statements is FALSE? (a) the Reynolds number is the ratio of the viscous force to the inertia force (b) steady flow do not change with time at any point (c) the Navier - Stokes equation of motion for a viscous Newtonian fluid (d) Bernoulli's equation only holds on the same streamline

the quotient of even numbers is even

Which of the following statements is NOT true? the sum of even numbers is even the difference of even numbers is even the product of even numbers is even the quotient of even numbers is even

the coefficient of restitution can be less than zero

Which of the following statements is false? a. the time rate of change of the angular momentum about a fixed point is equal to the total moment of the external forces acting about the point b. the coefficient of restitution can be less than zero c. the frictional force always acts to resist motion d. momentum is conserved during elastic collisions

II and III

Which of the following statements is true for a power series with the general term aᵢxᶦ? I. An infinite power series converges for x<1. II. Power series can be added together or subtracted within their interval of convergence. III. Power series can be integrated within their interval of convergence.

both longitudinal and tangential stresses are dependent on the radius of the vessel

Which of the following statements is true for a pressurized cylindrical tank?

it cannot sustain a shear force at rest

Which of the statement is true for a fluid?

it is derived from the principle of conservation of mass

Which of the statements is true concerning the following continuity equation? ρ is density, u is velocity in the x direction, v is velocity in the y direction, and w is velocity in the z direction.

it cannot sustain a shear force at rest

Which statement is true for a fluid?

mutual agreement of all parties must be evident

Which statement is true regarding the legality and enforceability of contracts?

her mass moment of inertia is reduced her angular momentum is constant her radius of gyration is reduced all of the above

Why does a spinning ice skater's angular velocity increase as she brings her arms in toward her body?

return the tickets and accept the bid

You are a city engineer in charge of receiving bids on behalf of the city council. A contractor's bid arrives with two tickets to a professional football game. The bid is the lowest received. What should you do?

360 degrees

_____ degree is a unit of a spherical area tank taken as 1/720 of the surface of the sphere. How many spherical degree of y-hemisphere have?


_____ is the locus of a point that moves in a plane of that the difference of the distances from two fixed points of the plane is constant.


x² + Bx + y² + Cy + D = 0 is:


4x² - y² = 16 is the equation of a:

has its maximum shear at the supports

A beam supported at both ends and carrying a uniformly distributed load:

Certified check

A check drawn from a depositor against his account which the bank has marked certified.


A condition where only few individuals produce a certain product and that any action of one will lead to almost the same action to others.


A condition whereby payment is made for work not done or to the case where more workers are used than are a reasonable requirement fro efficient operation.

the hull should be designed as a thick-walled pressure vessel because vessels under external pressure fail by buckling, not by yielding

A deep-submersible diving bell has a cylindrical pressure hull with an outside diameter of 2.5 m and a wall thickness of 15 cm. The hull is expected to experience an external pressure of 50 MPa. How should the design proceed?

Improper fraction

A fraction with a numerator that is greater than the denominator is:


A horizontal line has a slope of

Letter of credit

A letter of request whereby one person, usually a merchant or banker, requests some other person to advance money or to give credit up to a certain amount.


A number that occurs most frequent in a group of numbers.

Potential energy

A perfect square moves up a frictionless incline. Which of the following quantities increases?


A plane closed curve, all points of which are the same distance from a point within, called the center is:

Point of inflection

A point of the curve where the second derivative of a function is equal to zero is called:


A polygon with fifteen sides is termed as:

remain the same

A pressurized water pipe system will be modified such that the pipe diameter will be double and the average flow velocity halved. Fluid properties are unchanged when these changes are made, the Reynolds number will


A quadrilateral with no side parallel:


A quadrilateral with two and only two sides of which are parallel is called:


A real number does not include a fractional part is:

Triangular numbers

A sequence 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21,..... is known what?

Pentagonal numbers

A sequence 1, 5, 12, 22, 35,.......... is known as what?

Cubic numbers

A sequence 1, 8, 27, 64,..... is known as what?

Divergent series

A sequence of decreasing numbers or when the succeeding term is lesser than the preceding term is:

Fermats numbers

A series of numbers which are perfect square as the square numbers (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36,.....) is called:


A statement of equality between two ratios:


A statement the truth of which follows with little or no proof from a theorem


A system by which length of service is decisive element in deciding on promotions or layoffs.

Down-time pay

A term used to describe pay provided to the employee for time lost on account of material supply shortages or machine breakdowns.

Portal-to-portal pay

A term used to describe payment of an employee for time spent on the property of an employer though not actually working at the job or time spent changing clothes to get ready for work or time spent travelling from the plant entrance to the place of work.

Portal-to-portal pay

A term used to describe payment of an employee for time spent on the property of the employer though not actually working at the job, e.g. time spent changing of clothes to get ready for work or time spent travelling from the plant entrance to the place of work.

a civil wrong committed against another person

A tort is

Bill of lading

A written acknowledgement of a carrier that he has received the goods for shipment.

Corporation bond

A written contract, under seal, whereby a corporation binds itself to pay a specific sum of money to the owner of the bond.

Promissory note

A written promise to pay on demand or at a fixed and determined future time.


Acts as medium of exchange, as a common denominator of values.

Concentric circles

All circles having the same center but with unequal radii are called:

Reflex angle

An angle greater than a straight angle and less than two straight angles are called:

Reflex angle

An angle greater than a straight line and less than tow straight angles is called:

Reflex angle

An angle greater than a straight line and less than two straight angles is called:

Reflex angle

An angle more than π but not less than 2π radians is:


An artificial expense that spreads the purchase price of an asset or another property over a number of years.

the object's momentum to change

An impulse causes:


An oblique equilateral parallelogram:


An obtuse angle is _____ than the right angle.

its reciprocal

Any number multiplied by _____ equals unity.


At the minimum point, the slope of the tangent line is:


At what angle does a projectile go farthest when fired?

static pressure in a fluid becoming less than fluid vapor pressure

Cavitation is the result of:

Industry wide bargaining

Collective bargaining is conducted by the union with an association of employers.

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