Religion 11 chapter 8 S 2

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Matrimony (marriage) is characterized by two essential properties. What are they?

Exclusivity and indissolubility

Biologically, what is the purpose of the sex organs?

Human reproduction

Why is artificial insemination and "in vitro" fertilization also immortal?

They separate procreation from marital relations.

Why does complementarity, an inherent requirement of marriage, rule out marriage between persons of the same gender?

Complementarity cannot exist between two persons of the same gender.

What is the biggest mistake that a spouse can make in terms of temptation?

Considering oneself invulnerable to temptation.

What is the fundamental truth that governs every moral question involving marriage and sexuality?

Every sexual act or expression must fully respect both the unitive and procreative aspects of human sexuality.

How does adultery violate mine exclusivity of marriage?

It gives what belongs to one's spouse to another person who is not one's spouse.

Why is marriage exclusive?

It is a total self-giving of one spouse to the other, there is no room for someone to give himself or herself to another person.

What did Christ do for marriage?

Restored it to its original meaning, ruling out divorce, which Moses permitted.

What quality makes it possible for marital relations to maintain their true meaning?

Sacrificial love and a spirit of service make it possible.

What is the logical link between conjugal love, the begetting (creation) of children, and their education?

The conjugal act can beget a child, and that child then needs to be cared for and educated over a long period of time.

What is the unitive of sexuality?

The expression of complementary love between a husband and wife that renews their marital covenant.

Conjugal act (marital act)

The genital sexual act proper to marriage, an embodiment of the permanent union of the husband and wife.

Why should there be both a physical and spiritual union of man and woman?

The human person is a union of body and soul.

What does the marital act "speak" in the language of the body?

The marital act "speaks" spousal unity and the commitment of service and love to each other.

What does NFP allow a couple to abstain from?

The marital relations when a pregnancy likely could occur.

"Theology of the Body"

The name given to Pope John Paul II's teaching on chastity and human sexuality.

True or False: Pope Paul VI explained that couples should not say "yes" to the unitive dimension of the marital act while saying "no" to the procreative dimension by using contraception.


Matrimonial covenant

An agreement that a man and woman make to become lifelong partners.

What did Pope Pius XI write the same year contraceptives was permitted by the Church of England reaffirming the traditional Catholic position on contraception?

"Casti Connubii"

Responsible Parenthood

Determining family size for serious reasons using moral means.

Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Utilizes knowledge of the fertility cycle inherent in a woman's biological nature.

How is the marital act debased?

When it becomes an act of self-gratification.


A declaration by the church, after thorough investigation, that a sacramental marriage never existed due to a particular impediment.

What did the Pope show to be a consequence of the dignity of man and woman?

A person must always be given love for his or her own sake and never become an object of use.

What should be the proper nature of the marital act?

A personal and loving "meeting" between husband and wife is proper, which reaffirms their total dedication to each other.

What is the level of seriousness of the sins against marriage?

All of them are intrinsically grave

What did Pope Paul predict would happen if the Church's teaching were not followed?

An increase in premarital sex, marital infidelity, increase in wife becoming a sex object for husband, in divorce, in governments forcing contraception, sterilization, and abortion on its citizens.

What does the complementarity of man and woman mean?

By God's design, man and woman, in both their differences and similarities, help to complete and perfect each other physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What is the relationship between nature and sacramental marriage?

Christ took marriage, a natural human institution, and made it a source of supernatural life and grace.

What are the primary sins against marriage?

Divorce and adultery

What are the main sins against the marriage act?

Divorce, adultery, contraception, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization

What are the moral requirements for using NFP?

Each conjugal act must be open to the transmission of life. Must be used with a conscience informed by the teachings of the Church. Must be a serious reason for determining the number and spacing of the children.

What does the expression "by its nature ordered to" mean in relation to the marriage covenant?

God created the very structure of marriage. Ex. God made the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children essential purposes of marriage.

How does sexual intercourse make man and woman co-creators with God?

God designed the marital act so that the man, woman, and God are all necessary in order to bring new human beings into the world.

How is human sexuality different from that of animals?

In animals, sexuality is a matter of instinct, but the human can control their sexuality and direct it into higher ends.

What is the difference between the marital act preformed during a period of natural infertility and the marital act preformed using contraception?

In natural infertility, the couple respects the procreative powers that God has provided them, but in contraception, the couple is making themselves infertile.

When is a civil divorce legitimate?

In those cases when a civil divorce is necessary to protect an innocent spouse and children.

What is the problem with spouses having very close friends of the opposite sex?

It could lead to temptation or to an "emotional infidelity" that would violate the close friendship owed to one's spouse.

How does Polygamy violate the exclusivity of marriage?

It gives to a supposed second (or more) wife what belongs only to the first wife. The unjust giving of what is due to one person to another person.

How does human reproduction go beyond that of the animal world?

Man and woman have intellect, will, and self-awareness, and they can give expression to their love and willingly cooperate with God in creating new people.

Communio Personarum

Means "Community of persons", and refers to the union between a man and a woman in marriage.

"Language of the body"

Means that the body "speaks" or conveys meaning through its nature and actions.

In such a case where the spouse and children are being abused, and a divorce is issued, is the offended spouse free to remarry?

No, because in a valid marriage, the marriage bond remains, regardless of the civil divorce.

What are important reasons for voluntarily and freely renouncing marriage?

One may take care of one's family or give oneself to God in religious life, the priesthood, or the apostolate of the faithful.

Where does sex belong according to God's plan?

Only in marriage

What does the marital act communicate according to the "theology of the body"?

Since man and woman possess body and soul, the physical union must always mirror the spiritual union expressed in the faithful and total commitment of the marital covenant.

What did Pope Paul predict would happen if the logic that would allow a married couple to physically separate sex from procreation?

That would have to allow premarital sex, adulatory, homosexual sex, masturbation, and bestiality.

In his 1968 encyclical "Humanae Vitae", what did Pope Paul VI address?

The Catholic understanding of the nature of the "marriage act", sexual intercouse between husband and wife. Reaffirms the two "ends", or purposes of the marriage act.

In 1930, what permitted the use of contraceptives for married Anglicans in which the decision was contrary to 1900 years of Church teaching, whether Catholic or Anglican?

The Church of England's Lambeth Conference

How is the NFP different from contraception?

The NFP respects the order of nature God has established, contraception lets the couple say "no" to procreation.

What did John Paul II show through his meditation on Genesis?

The beauty of conjugal relations is inherent in the original meaning that God have to marriage.

What is the procreative aspect of sexuality?

The begetting of new life in cooperation with God, who infuses a unique human soul.

How is the union between husband and wife a reflection of the Blessed Trinity?

The communio personarum that Adam and Eve formed, and that each husband and wife forms, reflects the community of Persons that constitutes the Blessed Trinity.

How does the church view large families?

They are a signs of God's blessing and the generosity of the parents.

Why are marital relations during times of natural infertility not immortal?

They are expressions of marital love and renewals of the marriage covenant.

Why did God create each human person as either male or females?

To create lifelong, exclusive, and loving marriage as the way to bring new human persons into the world.

What does NFP permit the couple?

To plan the number and spacing of the children while remaining open to the gift of additional children if God deems otherwise.


Virtue of living human sexuality according to God's plan.

Why is chastity a joyful affirmation?

We get the ability to see both God and the dignity of every person.

What is the ideal in marital act?

When the physical, emotional, and psychological pleasure (experienced in the marital act) are United to the love , affection, and sacrifice that each spouse gives to each other.

Why is it not wrong to deliberately refrain from the marital act during the time when the wife is likely to be fertile?

When used with the proper intentions, the practice of temporary abstinence in marriage can be a gift of self-sacrifice and can increase the communication and love shared between a husband and wife.

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