Research #1

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Why is research important for evidence-based practice?

-Develops empirical knowledge base -Identifies best practices that are based on clinical practices -Improves outcomes for: -Patient and family -Nurse -Health care system

quantitative research is conducted to test theory by

-describing variables (descriptive research) -examining relationships among variables (correlational research) -and determining cause and effect interactions between variables (quasi-experimental and experimental research)

research focused on explanation provides the following types of evidence essential for practice

-determination of assessment data that need to be gathered to address a patient's health need -the link of assessment data to a diagnosis -the link of causative risk factors or causes to illness, morbidity, and mortality -determination of the relationships among health risks, health behaviors, and health status -determination of links among demographic characteristics, disease status, psychosocial factors, and patients' responses to treatment

what are the 4 elements of informed consent?

-disclosure of essential study information to the study participant -comprehension of this information by the participant -competence of the participant to give consent -voluntary consent of the participant to take part in the study

some examples of clinically important research evidence that have been developed from research focused on description include:

-identification of the incidence and spread of infection in healthcare agencies -identification of the cluster of symptoms for a particular disease -description of the responses of individuals to a variety of health conditions and aging -description of the health promotion and illness prevention strategies used by a variety of populations -determination of the incidence of a disease locally, nationally, and internationally

some essential areas that require investigation through outcomes research are:

-patient responses to nursing and medical interventions -functional maintenance or improvement of physical, mental, and social functioning for the patient -financial outcomes achieved with the provision of healthcare services -patient satisfaction with the health outcomes, care received, and healthcare providers

knowledge generated from research focused on prediction is critical for EBP and includes the following

-prediction of the risk for disease or injury in different populations -prediction of behaviors that promote health and prevent illness -prediction of the health care required based on a patient's needs and values

the results of multiple studies in the following areas have enabled nurses to deliver care that increases the control over the outcomes desired for practice

-testing interventions to improve the health status of individuals, families, and communities -testing interventions to improve healthcare delivery -synthesis of research for development into EBP guidelines -testing the effectiveness of EBP guideline in clinical agencies

what are the three main characteristics of experimental studies?

1. controlled manipulation of at least one treatment variable 2. exposure of some of the subjects to the treatment (experimental group) and no exposure of the remaining subjects (control group) 3. random assignment of subjects to the control of experimental groups

how long was the tuskegee syphilis study continued for?

40 years


Clinical Expertise Best research evidence patients needs and values

Through research, nurses are able to:

Describe what exists in nursing practice discover new information promote understanding of situations classify information for use in the discioline

What role does research have in implementing an evidenced-based nursing practice?

Description Explanation Prediction Control

What is the primary role of an entry level nursing researcher?

Identify research problems Assist with data collection Critique research studies Summarize research findings for use in practice

your expanded knowledge or research is an important part of your developing an EBP and is necessary to attain the

QSEN competencies

Empirical knowledge is gained by employing

Quantitative research Qualitative research Outcomes research

FN research was highlighted in

Scientific American


Synthesis of knowledge (research, theory, and clinical experiences) Effect of philosophy Making a change in practice Evaluation of change for patient, provider, and health care system

Nightingale was the first woman to be elected to

The Royal Statistical Society

clinical judgement

The stronger the nurses clinical expertise, the better his or her ___________ in using the best reseatrch evidence in practice.

nursing research

To search again To examine carefully Diligent and systematic inquiry Discovery Goal is to develop an empirical body of knowledge for a discipline

what identified the six competency areas essential for inclusion in nursing education to ensure that students were able to deliver quality, safe care?

a bridge to quality


a clear, concise summary of a study range from 100-250 words usually include a study purpose, design, setting sample size, major results, and conclusions


a form of scientific misconduct in research that involves making up results and recording or reporting them


a formal statement of the expected relationships between two or more variables in a specified population

quantitative research

a formal, objective rigorous, systematic process for generating numerical information about the world

Nursing research

a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice.

systemic review

a structured, comprehensive synthesis of research literature to determine the best research evidence available to address a healthcare question

The nurse researcher is involved in selecting a sample for a research study on staffing ratios. Which statement best describes the difference between a population and a sample? a. A population is usually larger than a sample. b. A sample is usually larger than a population. c. Populations and samples are synonymous. d. There is no relationship between sample size and population size.

a. a population is usually larger than a sample

Identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and the relationships among the phenomena are examples of __________? a. Description b. Explanation c. Prediction d. Control

a. description

The nurse manager collects data about hours worked, age, sex, and geographic area of the nursing staff over a 10-year period. What type of research would this be considered? a. Descriptive b. Correlational c. Quasi-experimental d. Experimental

a. descriptive

quantitative researches hold the position that "truth" is

absolute and that a single reality can be defined by careful measurement

nightingale improved the organization of army

administration hospital management hospital construction


an initiative focused on developing the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA) statements for each of the competencies for prelicensure and graduate education

experimental research

an objective, systematic, highly controlled investigation conducted for the purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena in nursing practice

evidence-based guidelines

are rigorous, explicit clinical guidelines that have been developed based on the best research evidence available in that area. these guidelines are usually developed by a team or panel of expert clinicians researches, and sometimes consumers, policy makers, and economists.

what proposes relationships among variables that occur or exist together in the real world, so when one variable changes, the other changes?

associative hypothesis

A staff nurse is interested in the infection rates for patients who have indwelling Foley catheters. What is the next step in the research process? a. Defining the purpose b. Conducting the literature review c. Selecting study variables d. Performing a pilot study

b. conducting the literature review

The nurse researcher is investigating outcomes research on nursing interventions. Which of the following examples would constitute outcomes research? a. A comparison of two patient groups b. Patient responses to nursing intervention c. Patient tested before and after intervention d. A patient's perception of the intervention

b. patient responses to nursing intervention

The beginning nurse researcher would like to investigate credible resources for implementing protocols in clinical practice. Which of the following would be considered empirical sources of nursing knowledge? a. Reasoning, authority, and tradition b. Quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research c. Care maps and protocols d. Role modeling and trial and error

b. quantitative, qualitative, and outcomes research

in a what hypothesis the independent variable (treatment of experimental variable) is manipulated by the researcher to cause and effect on the dependent or outcome variable.

causal hypothesis


clarifies the relationships among phenomena and identifies possible reasons why certain events occur

what is the current major focus of nursing research and will continue to be so during the 21st century?

clinical research

each IRB has at least five members of carrying backgrounds to promote

complete scholarly and fair review of research commonly conducted in an institution

qualitative researches believe that truth is

complex an dynamic and can be found only by studying people as they interact with and in their sociohistorical settings.


condition in which the subject's identity cannot be linked, even by the researcher, with his or her individual responses

if one can predict the outcome of a situation, the next step is to

control or manipulate the situation to produce the desired outcome

using what, is the researcher able to determine the degree or strength and type of a relationship between two variables?

correlational research

what study to researches measure selected variables in a sample and then use the statistics to determine the relationships among the study variables?

correlational research

clinical expertise

depends on his or her years of clinical experience, current knowledge of research, and clinical literature and educational preparation

what are the 4 types of quantitative research?

descriptive correlational quasi-experimental experimental

Because nursing is a practice profession, research is essential to:

develop and refine knowledge that nurses can use to improve clinical practice and promote quality outcomes

ethnopgraphic research

developed by anthropologists as a method to study cultures through immersion in the culture over time

Magnet recognition program

developed by the American nurses credentialing center to recognize healthcare organizations for quality patient care, nursing excellence, and innovations in professional nursing

what is the typical goal of ethnography?

emic view

gold standard

every year, new guidelines are developed and some of the existing guidelines are revised based on new research evidence. For patient care, and nurses and other healthcare providers are encouraged to incorporate these standardized guidelines into their practice


evolves from the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patients' needs and values

extraneous variables

exist in all studies and can interfere with obtaining a clear understanding of the relationships among the study variables

in what study is the causality between the independent (treatment) and dependent (outcome) variables examined under highly controlled conditions?

experimental research

the primary intent of a correlation study is to

explain the nature of relationships in the real world, not to determine cause and effect.

the type of research focused on description is essential groundwork for studies to provide

explanations predictions and control of nursing phenomena

descriptive research

explores new areas of research and describes situations as they exist in the world

what are the elements for control in quantitative studies?

extraneous variables sampling process selection of setting development and implementation of the study intervention

Through historical research, past mistakes and accomplishments are examined to

facilitate an understanding of and an effective response to present situations

outcomes research

focuses on examining the results of care and determining the changes in health status for the patient

basic scientific investigations seek new knowledge about health phenomena, with the hope of establishing what?

general scientific principles

Empirical knowledge is essential for the delivery of

high-quality, safe patient and family nursing care.

what translates the research problem and purpose into a clear explanation of prediction of the expected results or outcomes of selected quantitative and outcome studies


null hypothesis

hypothesis stating that no relationship exists between the variables being studied; a hypothesis used for statistical testing and for interpreting statistical outcomes

what are the outcomes of descriptive research?

identification and description of concepts identification of possible relationships among concepts development of hypothesis that provide a basis for future quantitative research

It is through prediction that the risk of illness or injury is identified and linked to a possible screening methods to

identify and prevent health problems

outcomes research

important scientific methodology developed to examine the end results of patient care. The strategies used in outcomes research are a departure from those used in traditional scientific endeavors, they incorporate evaluation research, epidemiology and economic theory perspective

associative hypotheses identify relationships among variables in a study but do not

indicate that one variable causes an effect on another

the philosophical base of qualitative research is

interpretive humanistic and naturalistic is concerned with understanding the meaning of social interactions by those involved


involves identifying and understanding the nature of nursing phenomena and, sometimes, the relationships among them.

etic approach

involves studying behavior from outside the culture and examining similarities and differences across cultures

correlational research

involves the systematic investigation of relationships between or among variables

IRB (institutional review board)

is a committee that review research to ensure that the investigator is conducting the research ethically


is a diligent, systematic inquiry, or study that validates and refines existing knowledge and develops new knowledge.

quantitative research

is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world

historical research

is a narrative description or analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent past.


is a process of selecting participants who are representative of the population being studied

qualitative research

is a systemic, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and situations and give them meaning

phenomenological research

is an inductive descriptive approach used to describe an experience as it is lived by an individual, such as the lived experience of chronic pain

grounded theory research

is an inductive research technique used to formulate, test, and refine a theory about a particular phenomenon. This research initially was described by Glaser and Strauss in their development of a theory about grieving

exploratory=descriptive qualitative research

is conducted to address an issue or problem in need of a solution and/or understanding. qualitative nurse researches use this methodology to explore an issue or problem area using varied qualitative techniques, with the intent of describing the topic of interest and promoting understanding


is conducted to combine or pool the results from previous quantitative studies into a singe statistical analysis that provides one the the highest levels of evidence about interventions effectiveness.

falsification of research

is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record

quasi-experimental research

is to examine causal relationships or determine the effect of one variable on another

basic research

it includes scientific investigations conducted for the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake or for the pleasure of learning and finding truth

what will basic research might include?

laboratory investigations with animals or humans to promote further understanding of physiological functioning, genetic and inheritable disorders, and pathological processes.

nurses' interest in conducting qualitative research began in

late 1970s

research is needed to provide high-quality

learning experiences for nursing students

the quantitative approach toward scientific inquiry emerged from a branch of philosophy called

logical positivism

mixed- methods systematic review

might include a variety of study designs, such as qualitative research and quasi-experimental, correlational, and/or descriptive studies.

quantitative research is conducted to describe

new situations, events, or concepts examine relationships among variables determine the effectiveness of treatments or interventions on selected health outcomes in the world

a stastical hypothesis is also referred to as a

null hypothesis

nursing research is needed to generate knowledge about:

nursing education nursing administration healthcare services characteristics of nurses and nursing roles

How did Florence Nightingale gather data?

on soldier morbidity and mortality rates and the factors influencing them and presented her results in tables and pie charts, which was a sophisticated type of data presentation for the period.


one can estimate the probability of a specific outcome in a given situation. *however, predicting an outcome does not necessarily enable one to modify or control the outcome

emic approach

one of studying behaviors from within the culture that recognizes the uniqueness of the individual

testable hypothesis

one that clearly predicts the relationships among variables and contains variables that are measurable or able to be manipulated in a study

what is logical positivism?

operates on strict rules of logic, truth, laws, and predictions


overt threat of harm or excessive reward intentionally presented by one person to another to obtain compliance, offering prospective subjects a large sum of money to participate in a dangerous research project

specific competencies were identified for the following six areas which led to QSEN

patient-centered care teamwork and collaboration EBP quality improvement safety informatics

The ultimate goal of nursing is an evidence-based practice that promotes quality, safe, cost-effective outcomes for

patients, families and healthcare

Diligent, systematic study indicates:

planning organization persistence

causal hypothesis

proposes a cause and effect interaction between two or more variables, referred to as independent and dependent variables

because human emotions are difficult to identify, what seems to be more of an effective method of investigating emotional responses?

qualitative research

phenomenological grounded theory ethnographic exploratory-descriptive historical These are all part of what kind of research?

qualitative research

what is conducted to promote an understanding of humans experiences and situations and develop theories hat describe these experiences and situations

qualitative research

what research methodology evolved from the behavioral and social sciences as a method of understanding the unique, dynamic, holistic nature of humans?

qualitative research

studies of nurses and nursing roles can influence nurses':

quality of care productivity job satisfaction and retention

nursing administration and health services studies are needed to improve the:

quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness of the healthcare delivery system.

Descriptive correlational quasi-experimental experimental These are all part of what kind of research?

quantitative research

what studies are conducted to test the effectiveness of a treatment or intervention?

quasi-experimental and experimental quantitative studies

what types of studies should need a hypothesis?

quasi-experimental and experimental quantitative studies

what determines the effectiveness of nursing interventions in predicting and controlling the outcomes desired for patients and families

quasi-experimental and experimental studies

what studies involve implementing a treatment or intervention and examining the effects of this intervention using selected methods of measurement

quasi-experimental research

what states the relationship (associative or causal) between two variables

simple hypothesis

basic research

sometimes referred to as pure research

nondirectional hypothesis

states that a relationship exists but does not predict the nature (positive or negative) of the relationship

directional hypothesis

states the nature (positive or negative) of the interaction between two or more variables. the use of terms such as positive, negative, less, more, increase, decrease, grater, higher, or lower in a hypothesis indicates the direction of the relationship

complex hypothesis

states the relationship among three or more variables

what is used to for statistical testing and for interpreting statstical outcomes

statstical hypothesis

Practicing nurses and student nurses need to be able to read research reports and

syntheses of research findings to implement evidence-based interventions in practice and promote positive outcomes for patients and families.


the ability to write a prescription to produce the desired results


the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit, including those obtained through confidential review of others' research proposals and manuscripts

What is the ultimate goal of research?

the development of an empirical body of knowledge for a discipline or profession, such as nursing

best research evidence

the empirical knowledge generated from the synthesis of quality study findings to address a practice problem.

descriptive research

the exploration and description of phenomena in real-life situations.

What were Florence Nightingales initial studies focusing on?

the importance of a healthy environment, such as ventilation, cleanliness, purity of water, and diet, to determine the influence on patients health, which continue to be important areas of study today.

clinical expertise

the knowledge and skills of the healthcare professional who is providing care

qualitative research synthesis

the process and product of systematically reviewing and formally integrating the findings from qualitative studis


the researcher's safe management of information or data shared by a subject to ensure that the data are kept private from others

Because of FN, the military began to view the sick as having

the right to adequate food suitable quarters appropriate medical treatment (greatly decreased the mortality rate)

hypothesis can influence

the study design sampling method data collection and analysis process interpretation of findings


the systematic compilation and integration of qualitative study results to expand understanding and develop a unique interpretation of study finding in a selected area

what does a clearly stated hypothesis include

the variables to be manipulated or measured identifies the population to be examined indicates the purposed outcomes for the study

why was the tuskegee study conducted?

to determine the natural course of syphilis in african american men

what is the purpose of basic research?

to generate and refine theory, thus the findings frequently are not directly useful in practice

independent variable

treatment or intervention that is manipulated or varied by the researcher to cause an effect on the dependent variable

to find truth in quantitative research, the researches much be objective which means that what cannot enter into the measurement of reality?

values feelings personal perceptions

a negative relationship in a correlational research study indicates that the variables

vary in opposite directions, thus as one variable increases, the other will decrease

The QSEN initiative has been funded since

2005 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Nightingale's research enabled her to instigate what changes?

attitudinal, organizational, and social

The focus of correlational research is on

describing relationships, not testing the effectiveness of interventions.

what provides an accurate account of characteristics of particular individuals, situations, or groups

descriptive research

Through what study do researches discover new meanings, describe what exists, determine the frequent with which something occurs, and categorize information in real-world settings?

descriptive studies

what studies are usually conducted with large numbers of subjects or study participants, in natural setting with no manipulation of the situation?

descriptive studies

research hypothesis

is alternative hypothesis to the null or statsical hypothesis and states that a relationship exists between two or more variables.

quasi-experimental studies differ from experimental studies by the

level of control achieved by the researcher

what studies usually lack a certain amount of control over the manipulation of the treatment, management of the setting, and/or selection of the subjects.

quasi-experimental research

what are the different types of controlled studies?

quasi-experimental studies experimental studies

what does an abstract usually include?

study purpose design setting sample size major results conclusions

because of Nightingale's research evidence and influence, society began to accept responsibility for:

testing public water improving sanitation preventing starvation decreasing morbidity and mortality rates

Nursing research began when and with who?

the 19th century with Florence Nightingale

a positive relationship in a correlational research study indicates that the variables

vary together, both increase or decrease together

Who is noted for her data collection and statistical analyses, especially during the Crimean War?


who is recognized as the first nursing researcher?

Florence Nightingale

Nursing research is the key to

building EBP for nursing

correlational research

examines relationships and is conducted to develop and refine explanatory knowledge for nursing practice


means to "search again" or "to examine carefully"

ethnographic research

was developed by the discipline of anthropology for investigating cultures, and these practices need to be recognized in delivering care to patients, families, and communities

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