Research Foundations WGU

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Quantitative researchers most often follow which scientific method to test hypotheses? Which means they focus on ___________ and ___________ testing.

Confirmatory; theory and hypothesis

__________________ is not focused on building with the data itself, but rather on creating new variables and data sets that could be used for later integration

Data consolidation

Ethical approach that judges issues on the basis of some universal code. -certain actions are inherently unethical and should never be performed regardless of the circumstances


________________ research is a branch of quantitative research that is exploratory in nature and does not typically utilize hypotheses.


Appreciative inquiry (AI) follows four phases (called the four Ds):

Discover, Dream, Design, Destinyt

Major Divisions of AERA

Division A: Administration, Organization, and Leadership Division B: Curriculum Studies Division C: Learning and Instruction Division D: Measurement and Research Methodology Division E: Counseling and Human Development Division F: History and Historiograph Division G: Social Context of Education Division H: Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools Division I: Education in the Professions Division J: Postsecondary Education Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education Division L: Educational Policy and Politics

_____________________ learning critically examines and challenges deeply rooted assumptions, values, realities, and reasons for actions and learns how the problem relates to the larger system. The deeper underlying causes are identified.


Mixed research considers human thought and behavior to be partially predictable and have many sources of influence. Which of the following is also a view of behavior held by mixed researchers?


Which perspective -Provides insider's perspective -Gives meanings and views of people being studied -Gets inside the heads of group members -Includes local languages, forms of expression, and jargon/slang

Emic Perspective

_______________ includes theories of knowledge such as relativism and social construction.


________________ focuses on how knowledge is created, discovered, and justified or warranted, and mixed methods research adds to its research a focus on general and contextual elements of understanding and how they relate.


_________________ research provides the strongest evidence about the existence of cause and effect between independent and dependent variables.


______________ research focuses on establishing a clear and comprehensive theory for why something occurs, including sources and consequences.


________________ validity is also known as generalizing validity, as this describes the overall purpose


displays the scales of measurement in a manner that showcases the most basic scale of measurement (just differentiating one thing from another) up to the highest quantitative level (being able to calculate meaningful averages and make statements about ratios, such as "I had twice as many correct answers as you did"

Four-level system of measurement

Which theoretical framework utilizes coding to build explanatory models during the data analysis phase?

Grounded Theory

Mixed methods researchers reject which philosophical belief?

Incompatibility Thesis

_____________ reasoning often involves making conclusions that go beyond the evidence in the premises


_______________ variables are what change the relationship between IV and DV, thereby illuminating how the effect of the IV changes in different situations.


The researcher has obtained what kind of validity in mixed methods research when he or she has addressed the relevant various mixed validity types as well as the kinds of validity required for the qualitative and quantitative parts of the research study?

Multiple Validity

Evaluation is currently separated into what five varieties

Needs, theory, implementation, impact, efficiency

_________- beliefs center on the assumptions of truth and reality.


______________ refers to the research's inherent understanding of reality and truth as perceived by the researchers themselves.


__________ scale of measurement allows researchers to make _________judgments; that is, it allows researchers to determine which person is higher or lower than another person on a variable of interest.


____________AND ____________ research both conduct observation primarily in real-world settings, using the actions, perspectives, and reflections available to achieve their research objectives.

Qualitative and action

_______________ and ____________ research share a quality of study results in that they both generally aim to produce specific findings according to the individual study under investigation.

Qualitative and action

Which type of research? Confirmatory or "top-down"—the researcher tests hypotheses and theory with data.


______________ researchers hope to find common patterns in thought and behavior and to generalize broadly.


____________________ research is a major approach to research with the specific purpose of answering research questions that lend themselves to study through the collection of numerical data (e.g., rating scales, GPA, frequency of events).


Triangulation as a purpose for mixed research

Seeks convergence, correspondence, and corroboration of results from different methods.

____________________ learning focuses on finding an efficient solution to a small problem.


Beneficence, or striving to act for the benefit of others in the world, is discussed in which of the AERA's guiding ethical principles?

Social Responsibility

____________________ provide a forum within AERA for the involvement of individuals drawn together by a common interest in a field of study, teaching, or research when the existing divisional structure may not directly facilitate such activity.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

John Dewey suggested that good research provides the researcher with warranted assertibility. What is warranted assertibility?

The belief that although a researcher cannot provide absolute truth, high-quality research can provide evidence that will be good enough for most purposes.

The median is the best measure of central tendency when

The data are highly skewed

________________ validity refers to the degree to which a theoretical explanation developed from a research study fits the data and is therefore credible and defensible.

Theoretical validity (Qualitative)

______________________ includes general views on human actions and beliefs such as fluidity and contextualization.

Thought and behavior

In terms of mixed methods design, "QUAN → qual" refers to __________

a predominately quantitative core design supplemented by qualitative approaches The use of capital letters on QUAN means quantitative methods are the core of the study or dominant over the qualitative methods in the design, while the arrow symbol indicates that qualitative approaches supplement the quantitative design.

_________________ argue that to produce change in organizational members, it is necessary to determine their espoused theory (i.e., individuals' stated reasons for their actions) and especially their theory in use (i.e., individuals' operative but often unconscious mental models that can be inferred from their actions).

action scientists

The purpose of experimental research is to determine cause-and-effect relationships.

cause-and-effect relationships.

The qualitative researcher might take extensive descriptive (rather than evaluative) field notes on teacher interactions with diverse students. These notes would later be condensed for analysis; this process of condensing qualitative data for analysis is referred to as ___________________


If a researcher can switch between a quantitative and qualitative viewpoint to create an integrated viewpoint, the researcher has achieved ____________ validity.

commensurability approximation

By creating a research proposal, you are providing your audience with an outline of your research study's _____________

components and procedures.

Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie (2003) describe seven ______________ that may be involved in mixed methods data analysis: (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) data transformation, (4) data correlation, (5) data consolidation, (6) data comparison, and (7) data integration.

data analysis strategies

Traditionally, four kinds of triangulation were identified:

data, methods, investigator, and theory

three basic approaches that people tend to adopt when considering ethical issues in research.

deontology, ethical skepticism, and utilitarianism

Typically, the qualitative researcher selects a topic and generates preliminary questions at the start of a research study. This is one reason why qualitative research is often said to be an __________________ type of research.

emergent or fluid

If a study is focusing on collecting and exploring attitudes, it is reflective of an ______________ method.


Action researchers often conduct a ______________ to identify the forces that are pushing for change (such as a vision for something better than the status quo) and the forces that are resisting change to the status quo (e.g., tradition, politics, power, custom)

force field analysis

a ________________ must be capable of being either confirmed or not confirmed


Is the value of my sample statistic unlikely enough (assuming that the null hypothesis is true) for me to reject the null hypothesis and tentatively accept the alternative hypothesis? The key question answered in

hypothesis testing (statistics)

The sample relationship criterion of the quantitative and qualitative samples results in four major types:

identical, parallel, nested, and multilevel

__________________- mixing, which means two or more of the methods of data collection are used in a research study. For example, standardized test data and qualitative interview data might be mixed/combined in a given study.


If the design of a research study permits researchers to accurately infer that the independent variable is the cause of the changes observed in the dependent variable, then the design of the study is said to have ___________________ validity.

internal (Quantitative)

aka causal validity. establishing trustworthy evidence of cause and effect

internal validity (quantitative)

Overall, there are four main varieties of validity within the context of quantitative research

internal, external, construct, statistical conclusion

Two examples of ____________ scales are the Celsius temperature scale (illustrated below) and the Fahrenheit temperature scale, because all points on these scales are equally distant from one another


_________________ mixing, both quantitative and qualitative data are obtained through the creative use of a single method of data collection (i.e., using a mixed form of just one of the six major methods of data collection). For example, a mixed questionnaire includes both open-ended (exploratory) questions and standardized closed-ended items; the open-ended part provides qualitative data, and the closed-ended part provides quantitative data.


_________________, an intervention studied by an experimenter, is the key defining characteristic of experimental research, as it is based on the activity theory of causation. It is important to note that active manipulation only occurs in experimental research.


If the graph shows a clear positive distribution then the ____________ will have the highest score value


In the positively skewed distribution, the numerical order of the mean, median, and mode is

mean (highest), median (middle), mode (least)

In the negatively skewed distribution, the numerical order of the mean, median, and mode is

mean (least), median (middle), mode (highest)

Intervening variables are also known as __________.

mediating variables

Good mixed methods research understands and integrates the important ideas from the quantitative and qualitative data, findings, and perspectives. This is called __________.


The _______________ section of a research proposal not only focuses on explaining to the reader how the researcher intends on collecting the needed information, but it also sells the reader on the study design or plan constructed by showing how the research plan allows the researcher to draw the inferences he or she intends.


A detailed account of intended study procedures is typically included in the _________ section of a proposal.


Considering the existence of one overall or multiple truths about a topic is reflective of ________________ beliefs.


The philosophy of ________________ is the most popular philosophy in mixed methods research.


Researchers take on ___________ _________ studies in order to predict the future status of one or more dependent (or criterion) variables on the basis of one or more independent (or predictor) variables.

predictive research

Deductive reasoning holds that in order for a conclusion to be true, the _______________ must first be true



qualitative research methodology. validation approach based on the search for convergence of results obtained by using multiple investigators, methods, data sources, and/or theoretical perspectives

In a ___________________ study there is typically a specific way of analyzing each type of data, whereas in a _______________ qualitative study there are often multiple "right" ways of analyzing the data.

qualitative; quantitative

forming narrative profiles (e.g., modal profiles, average profiles, holistic profiles, comparative profiles, normative profiles), in which narrative descriptions are constructed from statistical data.


A _________________ research question is a question about the relationship that exists between two or more variables. Common forms are descriptive, predictive, and causal research questions, as illustrated in the tables below


A researcher interested in the effects of Pre-K and Pre3-K (for three-year-olds) classes on student achievement in third grade would most likely choose ________________ research approach


Descriptive, causal, and predictive are three forms of ______________ research questions.


In __________ research, a literature review is done before the conduct of the study


In stating a _____________ research problem, the emphasis is on the need to explain, predict, or statistically describe some outcome or event


Since they are immersed in the process of change within their environments, ______________ of action researchers ties into validity and trustworthiness within their studies and findings.


A researcher determining whether Republican Party members differ from Democratic Party members on a liberalism scale is an example of using evidence based on

relation to other variables

Varying standards is characteristic of ___________, which is not associated with the epistemology of a quantitative research approach. Instead, relativism is part of the epistemology of ____________ research.

relativism; qualitative

A teacher leading a lesson of guidelines for determining a person's height is instructing their class on measurement


When experimental findings are _________________ in different places at different times with different people, the findings about the causal effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be generalized to some degree, even when random selection is not used.


Inclusion of an abstract is required in a final research ___________, but it may or may not be included in a research ___________

report; proposal

If the mean is less than the median then the data are skewed to the

right (positive)

Extraneous variables can produce explanations of an outcome separate from the independent variable, thereby creating a ______________

rival hypothesis

A ___________ is a numerical characteristic of a sample.


Recall that when a null hypothesis is rejected, the finding is said to be ____________________, and when a null hypothesis is not rejected, the finding is said to be _____________________.

statistically significant; not statistically significant

simple theories are preferred over highly complex ones, other aspects being equal.

the rule of parsimony,

Descriptive Research

uses a survey of a given population sample (teachers isolated to a particular curriculum topic) and the goal is to determine a general understanding of behavior instead of seeking cause and effect or patterns.

While action research offers valuable opportunities for conducting research within the real world and addressing pressing issues faced by educators on a regular basis, _________________ is an issue of concern


_________________ is the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure


For Dewey, our values always guide us, and we learn what values are most important in particular situations through inquiry. Dewey's pragmatism was a _______________________

values-based pragmatism

By utilizing ____________________ techniques, action researchers can make up for any issues caused by no random assignment in their study.

weakness minimization

Epistemology is known as the

"theory of knowledge and its justification

Four common assumptions in mixed methods research

-Ontology (nature of reality/truth): subjective, pluralism, appreciation of objective -Epistemology (theory of knowledge): pragmatism, mixture of universal and community standards, what works best for whom -dynamic, complex, partially predictable -multilens focus

The _____________________ has developed a set of standards designed specifically to guide the work of educational researchers

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

______________________ tend to be working documents that can be used to help write a literature review.

Annotated bibliographies

Three areas of ethical concern for educational, social, and behavioral scientists are

(1) the relationship between society and science, (2) professional issues, and (3) the treatment of research participants .

One practical typology of mixed methods research design is conceptualized as a function of two dimensions:

(1) time orientation of the qualitative and quantitative components, and (2) paradigm/research-approach emphasis.

A reliability coefficient of _______ stands for perfect reliability


Four general categories make up the underlying assumptions relevant to all qualitative studies:

-Ontology, Epistemology, thought and behavior, and research focus

Three strengths of quantitative research

-constructed theory validation -nomothetic causation -quick data collection

three key problems with two-variable cases of both correlational and causal-comparative research:

-no manipulation of independent variable -difficult to determine temporal order or variables (which occurred first) -too many extraneous variables left unexplained

Exploratory method steps on the research wheel

1. observations data 2. patterns descriptions 3. theory 4. hypotheses predictions

Confirmatory method steps on the research wheel

1. theory 2. hypotheses predictions 3. observations data 4. patterns descriptions

What is the relationship between variables and constants?

A constant is a single value of the larger variable group.

Which type of research? Applied mix of exploratory and confirmatory.


__________ researchers strive to reduce discrimination and inequality


____________ research involves researchers actively participating in an organization change situation while conducting research.


______________ research is focused on addressing and solving specific problems that local practitioners confront in their schools and communities, conducting research directly within the classroom or work environment


_______________ research is most accurately characterized by the reflective practitioners who are looking for change in their communities.


Individualized statement focusing on specific situations and need for change. Blends quantitative and qualitative elements as needed per unique studey

Action Purpose

___________________ researchers hope to build learning organizations. The concept of a learning organization came from Chris Argyris and Donald Schön (e.g., Argyris & Schön, 1978, 1996). If someone is in a leadership role, they should attempt to build an organization whose members continually learn, develop, and grow.

Action science

___________________ is the kind of action research in which researchers would collect colleagues' stories about what has worked well and form these together into a plan of action to create the ideal or superlative organization

Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

_________________ research is aimed at generating fundamental knowledge and theoretical understanding about primary human functions and other natural processes.


_____________ research methods allow researchers to start without a given hypothesis and work their way up from specific events and data to eventually form an explanatory theory.


Nonexperimental Quantitative research has what two categories?

Causal-comparative and correlational

extent to which a higher order construct is accurately represented in a particular study. ex: teacher stress, dyslexia, misuse of testing in schools

Construct validity (Quantitative)

The ___________ of a research proposal includes

Context & Participants, Design, Apparatus or Instruments, Procedure for Data collection

Which analysis procedure focuses on taking quantitative and qualitative data findings and building a coherent whole?

Data Integration

-post-study interview with participants explaining all aspects of study including purpose and deception -dehoaxing: researchers debrief participants about reasons for deception (attempt to restore trust) -desensitizing: researcher attempt to eliminate any stress or undesirable feelings created by deception or study


researcher misleads/withholds information from participant about nature of study. Technically violates principle of informed consent, but ethical standards recognize that it has to be used in some studies


_____________- reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion that is essentially true if the underlying premises are true


Which of the following is emphasized within a narrative report of a phenomenological research study?

Description of common perceptions of a unique event

____________________ research sets out to create a wide-ranging narrative about a given population or situation


The field of statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis of numerical data. It can be divided into two broad categories called.

Descriptive and inferential

______________________ takes the description objective to a deeper level, seeking to provide an accurate description or picture of the status or characteristics of a situation or phenomenon.

Descriptive research

_____________________ refers to the accuracy of the account as reported by the researchers. The key questions that are addressed are these: -Did what was reported as taking place in the group being studied actually happen? -Did the researchers accurately report what they saw and heard?

Descriptive validity (Qualitative)

After selecting a research topic, what is the next major step in the process of a qualitative study?

Determine research questions

What kind of stance do critical action researchers adopt?


_________________ is the idea that all knowledge comes from experience


Which perspective -Provides external, social scientific perspective -Gives perspective of objective researcher -Uses social scientific concepts, terms, and procedures to describe and explain behavior -Brings research questions from outside

Etic Perspective

________________ research is the strongest form of explanatory research for providing evidence of cause and effect.


______________ research objectives seek to measure effects of variables on a situation or demonstration program


In mixed methods research, one important kind of legitimation or validity requires that the researcher strategically alternate between the qualitative or emic perspective and the quantitative or etic perspective. Through this process the researcher attempts to create an integrated viewpoint. When this is done successfully, the researcher will have achieved __________

Inside-Outside Validity

________________ research seeks to consolidate the insights and opinions of insiders (emic perspectives) to understand the entirety of a situation


______________________ focuses on measuring how consistent individuals score within an assessment. One way to determine how consistent people are within a test is to split it in half and see if the two halves correlate with one another.

Internal consistency

________________ refers to the strength of the design in ruling out alternative causes and allowing the researcher to draw conclusions about the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Internal validity

_________________ refers to portraying accurately the meanings attached by participants to what is being studied by the researcher. More specifically, it refers to the degree to which the qualitative researcher accurately understands research participants' viewpoints, thoughts, feelings, intentions, and experiences and portrays them in the research report.

Interpretive validity (Qualitative)

Includes rank ordering and this additional characteristic: equal intervals or distances between adjacent numbers

Interval Measurement

In which part of a research proposal should the research topic and its importance be identified?


There is no perfect starting point for the origin or founding of action research, but most action research historians consider ____________________ (1890-1947) to be the founder.

Kurt Lewin

Which theory states "where we are right now and what we routinely do in our lives tends not to change very much"?

Lewin's force field theory

A specific culture's language differentiates one concept (e.g., snow) into many varied types not recognized in outside populations. This is known as

Linguistic relativity

__________ research involves mixing and combining quantitative and qualitative research in single research studies


___________ researchers can address a wide variety of research questions, such as those incorporating numerical and narrative data.


Which type of research? Confirmatory and exploratory according to given situation.

Mixed Methods

Categorizes, labels, classifies, names, or identifies types or kinds of things that can't be quantified

Nominal Measurement

_______________ hypotheses could also be phrased as the "status quo" or the "nothing changes" hypotheses


_______________ is of the highest priority for quantitative researchers.


_______________ in qualitative research emphasizes individuals' personal realities and truths rather than objective or universal ones.


Provides rank order of objects or individuals from first to last or best to worst

Ordinal Measurment

_______________________ research focuses on collecting information to aid in advancing a specific ideology, political position, or orientation that a researcher believes will improve society. Another focus is on "giving voice" and increased power to the parties considered disadvantaged in society,


_________________ allows for equal or unequal weight for quantitative and qualitative research parts of the study. This often means that one part is the core part of the study and the other part is added to the study.


Which of the following describes passive consent?

Parents give consent for their children by not returning the consent form.

Five theoretical frameworks of qualitative research

Phenomenology, Ethnography, Narrative Inquiry, Case Study, Grounded Theory

________________ is not about overcoming limitations, but is produced when researchers concurrently study nomothetic and idiographic causation.

Practical theory

___________________ of variable relationships provide a direction for inquiry that is essential for creating a driving hypothesis in quantitative research.


______________ research studies seek to determine cause-and-effect relationships among variables, and pattern creation is indicative of this.


____________________ means that results of qualitative research lacks general application to events dissimilar to what occurred in the study.

Purposeful sampling

Which type of research? Exploratory or "bottom-up"—the researcher generates or constructs knowledge, hypotheses, and grounded theory from data collected during fieldwork.


_____________ research aims to Use descriptive/language data; search for patterns, themes, and holistic features; and appreciate difference/variation in its data analyses


_______________ research tends to use the exploratory scientific method to generate hypotheses and develop understandings about particular people, places, and groups (e.g., in case studies, ethnography, phenomenology, and historical research).


________________ research is the major research approach that is focused on studying particular phenomena through the collection of nonnumerical data such as words, images, pictures, and interpretive categories.


__________________ research studies do not include the statement of hypothesis since this research approach avoids introducing expectations that may bias the analysis of data.


____________________ research is discovery oriented and is conducted in natural settings.


Descriptive statement on exploring or understanding a specific phenomenon. Describes emerging design with central idea and data and analysis methods

Qualitative Purpose

_______________ research aims to Identify statistical relationships among variables in its data analyses


_______________ research is typically completed under controlled conditions and tends to use the confirmatory scientific method, focusing on hypothesis testing and theory testing.


Declarative statement identifying type of relationship between a set of variables. Relationship could be causal or descriptive

Quantitative Purpose

The four major research approaches in educational research are:

Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed, Action

"_______________________" is the term coined by Kurt Lewin and refers to a dynamic but even balance of driving and resisting forces.

Quasi-stationary equilibrium

Assigning a chosen group of people to random groups to be studied. Only used in experimental research. Make a cause and effect statement of the independent variable on the dependent variable. GOAL: producing comparison groups similar on "all possible factors" at the beginning of the experiment

Random Assignment

systematic sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, GOAL: making generalizations from a sample to a population

Random sampling

Includes rank ordering, equal intervals and this additional characteristic: an absolute zero point (which permits forming ratio statements)

Ratio Measurement

______________ are the two most important psychometric properties to consider in using a test or assessment procedure

Reliability and validity

_______________ validity is determined when inferences made from study results are deemed correct.


________________ includes guiding principles of research such as in-depth examination and avoiding generalization.

Research focus

Most of the time, the mixed methods researcher collects qualitative and quantitative data. When this researcher makes appropriate claims from the quantitative data (perhaps a generalization was made from a random sample) and makes appropriate claims from the qualitative data (perhaps in-depth interviews provided deep understanding of the participants' perspectives), this researcher has achieved __________.

Sample Integration Validity

Initiation as a purpose for mixed research

Seeks the discovery of paradox and contradiction, new perspectives and new frameworks, and the recasting of questions or results from one method with questions or results from the other method.

Expansion as a purpose for mixed research

Seeks to extend the breadth and range of inquiry by using different methods for different inquiry components.

Development as a purpose for mixed research

Seeks to use the results from one method to develop or inform the other method, where development is broadly construed to include sampling and implementation as well as measurement decisions.

whether relationship exists between independent and dependent variables. the magnitude of relationship between independent and dependent variables

Statistical Conclusion Validity (Quantitative)

_________ are often used in quantitative research to gather information on the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, values, perceptions, personality, behavioral intentions, and demographics of the research participants.


___________ are the most common data collection method used in quantitative research.


________________________- are the six main methods of data collection used by educational researchers

Tests, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, observation, and constructed and secondary or existing data

____________________ is the largest and most prestigious research association in the field of education, and it has approximately 25,000 members.

The American Educational Research Association (AERA)

_____________________ is the most important and fundamental issue that researchers confront

Treatment of research participants

Greene, Caracelli, and Graham's List of Purposes for Mixed Research

Triangulation, Development, Initiation, Expansion

_____________________ is the primary focus of a research problem designed for qualitative studies.

Understanding a group phenomenon

Ethical approach in which judgments should depend on possible consequences of study, including benefits and costs. This is the primary approach used by the federal gov., most professional organizations and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)


Which analysis strategy contends that "complete objectivity is impossible"?

Voice, perspective, and reflexivity

Why is it said that quantitative researchers use a "narrow-angle" lens in studies?

a small number of causal factors are focused on

A hallmark of PAR is the involvement of __________________ to investigate a specific situation.

a team of researchers

A short summary of the research proposal. should be a concise and precise statement of the research hypotheses or research questions and how they are to be addressed. It should contain a statement of the number of participants and their essential characteristics and how they will be treated or what they will be asked to do. In other words, should provide a concise summary of each of the components of the research proposal


An _____________ is a brief summary of what is included in the article. They provide a concise breakdown of article goals, methods, and tentative results researchers choose to include. Many researchers use them as a starting point to gathering information on what is already known about a particular phenomenon.


The ___________ is a brief description of the essential characteristics of the study


In ______________ research, literature reviews are helpful for seeing what has worked for other action researchers and applying previous utilized quantitative and qualitative methods within new and different contexts.


Similar to mixed methods research, _______________ researchers can utilize both quantitative and qualitative methods.


The phrase "test data from before and after intervention" is reflective of the _____________ research approach.


The _________ ____________ cycle is the focus of developing and conducting specific studies.

action research

Researchers are said to have an___________________ when they take on the attitude of a practitioner and a researcher

action research attitude

The _______________ is a statement that the population parameter is some value other than the value stated.

alternative hypothesis

The __________________ is a statement that the population parameter is some value other than the value stated by the null hypothesis.

alternative hypothesis

Key features of _______________________ include a reference list with summaries and annotations, which can be used to help highlight characteristics or critical analyses of the source.

annotated bibliographies

Two essential tools researchers can use to help develop their literature review are

annotated bibliographies and APA style guidelines

An ______________________ can provide a way of highlighting strong and weak sources, organizing information, and finding patterns of findings, methods, or conclusions from the literature

annotated bibliography

In the ____________________ section, a researcher describes the instruments (such as an intelligence test, achievement test, a measure of self-concept or attitude), any materials (such as booklets or training manuals), apparatus (such as a computer or biofeedback equipment), interview procedures, or observational procedures to be used in collecting the data


focuses on answering real-world, practical questions in order to provide relatively immediate solutions. Issues and concerns within the worlds of education and politics often drive studies, and they are often conducted in more natural or real-world settings than basic research.

applied research

A researcher wants to study three men who went to the same high school and became world-famous writers. This would be an example of _________________ type of qualitative research.

case study

Variables measured on the nominal scale, such as gender and race, are also sometimes referred to as variables.


two types of causal relationships (internal validity): . Causal description refers to describing the consequences of manipulating an independent variable.

causal description and causal explanation

One type of nonexperimental research is ___________________ research that examines the relationship between one or more categorical independent variables and one or more quantitative dependent variables.


Nonexperimental research is traditionally separated into two main categories based on the relationships focused on in the design:

causal-comparative and correlational

Internal validity enables researchers to determine possible Hint, displayed below _____________________ relationships between independent and dependent variables.


The ________________ thesis states that quantitative and qualitative approaches can be used together in a single research study as long as researchers respect the assumptions associated with quantitative and qualitative research and construct a thoughtful combination that will help to address their research question(s).


In the Mixed Methods Design Matrix, the use of a plus sign indicates __________

concurrent data collection in the mixed methods design

Sometimes the term ______________ variables is used to refer to extraneous variables that were not controlled for by the researcher and are the reason a particular result occurred


A reviewer of a research proposal on hyperactivity disorder has concerns over the concept of hyperactivity disorder described in the study. Her concern is over the _________________ validity of hyperactivity disorder in the study.

construct (Quantitative)

_________________ validity evidence refers to the degree to which the test items are a good sample of the entire domain of interest


In the context of action research, moderator variables are also known as

contextual contingencies

An action researcher may employ ____________________ to identify a small group in an initial study before expanding the sample size or including everyone from the target population in the study.

convenience sampling

Another nonexperimental research method is called _________________ research wherein the researcher studies the relationship between one or more quantitative independent variables and one or more quantitative dependent variables;


__________________________- is an openly transparent form of ideology-driven research.

critical action research (CAR)

Causal description refers to

describing the consequences of manipulating an independent variable

six major research purposes in educational research:

description, understanding, explanation, prediction, influence, and integration.

If a researcher wanted to characterize or summarize data they had collected, __________________ would be the best technique to use.

descriptive statistics

Overall, there are five main varieties of validity or trustworthiness within the context of qualitative research

descriptive, interpretive, theoretical, internal, external

When quantitative researchers establish the rate of an environmental factor, which process takes place?


Qualitative research is _______________ oriented and is conducted in natural settings.


Action research is a______________ cycle. Researchers can enter at any point (e.g., observing, reflecting, planning, or acting); they can circle back to earlier phases; and after a full cycle is completed, a new cycle will usually begin. The goal is continuous improvement.


By focusing on the _______________ of the program in the specific situation, this study clearly demonstrates an influence objective


In a mixed methods research study, when the researcher wants to focus on the purpose of complementarity , focus will be placed on the enhancement, illustration, and clarification of results from one method with that of another. Which of the following also falls under this purpose?


In order to fully understand integration capabilities and possibilities, researchers seeking an integration objective must consider two key perspectives

emic and etic

Justification of hypotheses based on observation, experience, or experiment is _____________. This type of justification is an emphasis of ___________ research

emperical; quantitative

"I know the car is blue because I saw it" is an example of an _____________ statement:a statement based on observation, experiment, or experience. Additionally, these statements are capable of being verified or disproved by the same methods of creation


Quantitative researchers are tasked with testing hypotheses through the application of what?

empirical data

A researcher administers two different tests on a single topic to a group of people in order to determine consistency of the scores. The researcher is trying to assess

equivalent forms reliability

Based on my random sample, what is my estimate of the population parameter? The key question question in the field of statistical


The __________________ principle of integrity is mostly concerned with the trustworthiness and honesty of researchers.


The utilitarianism approach to ethics argues that __________

ethical judgments are dependent on costs and benefits of research

Ethical approach in which decisions are a matter of each individual's conscience. ethical rules are arbitrary and relative to individual people and cultures

ethical skepticism

A researcher conducted a study to describe the shared beliefs and practices of individuals living in a community in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. This would be an example of ___________________ qualitative research.


determine how well social or educational programs work in real-world settings, as well as any improvement possibilities. ______________ research (or put more simply: evaluation) specifically involves determining the worth, merit, or quality of a specific program.


Quantitative research includes two main categories: _______________

experimental and nonexperimental

Quantitative research is divided into two broad categories of design:

experimental and nonexperimental.

Typically, quantitative research includes ____________/___________ studies, while qualitative research is made of __________ diverse types of studies

experimental/nonexperimental; five

In contrast to PAR and CAR, action science focuses on use of _____________________ to understand change in action.


Causal explanation refers to

explaining the mechanisms through which, and the conditions under which, a causal relationship holds.

Understanding research objectives, otherwise known as _________________ research, seeks the underlying cause or previously unknown factors of a phenomenon.


Qualitative researchers rely on the ______________ mode of the scientific method, focusing on understanding just the particular, or starting with the particular and then cautiously moving toward an understanding of the general.

exploratory or inductive

Basically, new knowledge is generated using the ______________ or ______________ method, and this tentative knowledge is tested or justified using the ______________ or ________________ method

exploratory or inductive; confirmatory or deductive

Two popular types of action research methods are ______________________________

exploratory/descriptive methods andexperimental/intervention methods.

Typically, generalizability is not the purpose of qualitative research, and, as a result, _______________ validity tends to be a limitation of qualitative research.


aka generalizing validity. generalize results to/across populations of persons, settings, times, outcomes, and treatment variations

external validity (quantitative)

Action research is considerably more __________ in terms of research statements and questions when compared to quantitative and qualitative research


Postmodernism emphasizes the primacy of individuality, fragmentation, constant change, and


Your claims have warranted assertibility when you have .

good evidence supporting your research claims

A researcher conducted a study of 20-30 women who have identified as having recently been in an abusive relationship, interviewing them in order to enable development of a supposition about the dynamics of abusive relationships. This would be an example of ________________________ qualitative research.

grounded theory

Qualitative researchers typically are not interested in making generalizations. An exception to this lack of interest in generalizing is found in the ___________________ approach to qualitative research

grounded theory

A qualitative researcher is typically not interested in making generalizations, with the exception of ______________ _______________ _____________

grounded theory approach

Action researchers are often interested in testing hypotheses and making generalizations beyond immediate research participants. This is usually accomplished using

inferential statistics

The type of statistics that researchers use to make assumptions about characteristics of a population based upon a sample is known as

inferential statistics

If a mixed methods research study intends to uncover unique perspectives and inconsistencies, which of the following is considered the study's purpose?


According to John Dewey, the scientific method was just another name for


The scientific method, in the words of John Dewey, serves which unique purpose?


Of the six major research purposes, _____________ is unique to mixed methods


Action research utilizes measurement criteria that are considered _______ rigorous when compared to more traditional research methods


two characteristics of variables:

level of measurement and role taken by the variable

comprehensive evaluation and summarization of scholarly research that addresses a particular research topic—provide an opportunity for researchers to share ideas and analyze research through the examination of existing literature

literature review

Mixed research studies share which study result characteristic with both action and qualitative approaches?

local perspectives

Similar to qualitative research, researchers utilizing an action research approach typically focus on

local problems

Data collection and analysis in qualitative research have a ______________ character, because qualitative research often takes place over an extended period of time


In a negative distribution the mean is the __________, in a positive distribution the mean is the ____________

lowest, highest

Ontology is about what is real, and _______________ research believes there are many kinds of reality in the human and material world that we live in.

mixed methods

A variable that controls the change of relationship between the IV and DV is known as __________.


If you only use one type of data analysis (i.e., quantitative analysis only or qualitative analysis only), then it is called __________________-


Nondescriptive Research

more exploratory in objective, specifically in the intention of establishing predictive factors.

if you use both types of data analysis, then it is called _________________


Action research studies share which elemental characteristic with qualitative and mixed methods research approaches?

multiple perspectives

Data collected in qualitative research are analyzed and interpreted and then written using a __________________ report style that is less formal and includes contextual description and direct quotations.


A researcher conducted a study of preservice teachers in order to study their experiences through their lived and told stories. This would be an example of __________________ qualitative research.

narrative inquiry

If one tail appears to be stretched or pulled toward the left, the distribution is said to be skewed to the left, or

negatively skewed

What is the hallmark of nonexperimental research studies?

no manipulation of independent variable

When calculating a correlation coefficient as a measure of reliability, it is called a reliability coefficient. A reliability coefficient of zero stands for _________________

no reliability at all

scale of measurementuses symbols, such as words or numbers, to label, classify, or identify people or objects.


The four-level system, originally developed by Stevens (1946, 1951), includes four levels or "scales" of measurement:

nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio

In __________________ research, there is no manipulation of an independent variable. There also is no random assignment to groups by the researcher—as random assignment is only possible in the strongest of the experimental designs.


The type of research study where the researcher does not manipulate the independent variable is known as ____________________ research.


Class stratification (income/wealth), gender inequality, race inequality, disability inequality are all forms of what type of research?


When a mixed methods research study considers the relative weight given to quantitative or qualitative parts, or if one is the core part of the study, this is known as __________.

paradigm/research-approach emphasis decision

A ________________ is a numerical characteristic of a population


A group of researchers conducted a study of college freshmen to try to understand their experiences of their first year in college. This would be an example of ____________________ qualitative research.


Qualitative research is actually a relatively general term because there are five major research methods in qualitative research:

phenomenology, ethnography, narrative inquiry, case study, and grounded theory.

Ontology and epistemology are examples of _______________________ within the context of research.

philosophical assumptions

The action plan is created in the __________ phase of the action research cycle


A key outcome of the ___________________ phase is writing down who carries out what and when they execute it, referred to as a"Who does what, when? chart."


A researcher conducted a correlational research study on the relation of texting while driving and traffic accidents. The results showed that high amounts of texting were associated with high amounts of traffic accidents. This is an example of a __________

positive correlation

If a tail appears to be stretched or pulled toward the right, the distribution is said to be skewed to the right, or

positively skewed

some qualitative researchers are heavily influenced by the historical intellectual movements called

poststructuralism and postmodernism

In mixed methods research, ______________ offers a dialectical approach that advocates a dynamic back-and-forth listening to multiple perspectives and multiple forms of data.


Mixed Research is based on the philosophy of ______________, which is defined by what works should be considered important in answering research questions. This flexibility provides mixed researchers with ample freedom to address a diversity of research questions with a broad range of techniques for data collection, analysis, and reporting.


If someone is using inductive reasoning to conclude something will happen based on many previous observations, they are using ___________________ form of reasoning


contemporary quantitative researchers search for _______________ causes. But usually quantitative researchers search for ___________________

probabilistic; causation

The famous philosopher David Hume pointed out the issue known as the ____________________: Although something might have happened many times in the past, it is still possible that it will not happen in the future.

problem of induction

What makes action research distinct is that it is always focused on ____________________.

producing change in workplaces and communities

In addition to recording research activities and observations, action research also provides educators an activity for detailing

professional growth

A type of sampling in which the researcher specifies the characteristics of the population of interest and locates individuals with those characteristics is ___________________. Another term for this is

purposive sampling; criterion-based selection

In ___________ research, a literature review can be used to explain the theoretical foundations of the research study, to assist in formulation of the research question, to assist the selection of the study population, or to stimulate new insights and concepts throughout the study


In a ________________ study, the research problem focuses on understanding the inner world of a particular group or exploring some process, event, or phenomenon


It should be stressed to the beginning researcher that interviews are primarily a data collection method for the _________________- researcher


The data collected from a ____________ study come from observations, interviews, documents, and audiovisual materials such as photographs, videotapes, and films.


Meta-analysis is a technique that synthesizes a large amount of _____________ research.


The phrase "data from control and experimental groups" is reflective of the ________________ research approach.


qualitative "themes" are numerically represented in scores, scales, or clusters in order to provide a comprehensive description of the studied phenomena. This technique allows for researchers to understand how often various categories or statements occurred in qualitative data.

quantitizing data

Quantitative research is most useful for determining cause-and-effect relationships when ______________ assignment is used.


Experiments are rarely, if ever, based on ___________; they instead use _____________

random sampling; random assignment

The ordinal scale of measurement is a __________ scale. For example, this scale of measurement is frequently used to determine which students will be accepted into graduate programs


In conducting survey research studies, what tool is often used to collect data on participant attitudes?

rating scales

includes the properties of ordinal (rank order) and interval (equal distances between points) scales, plus it has a true zero point.

ratio scale

Critical action research is associated with raising individual's consciousness, as well as

reducing of inequality of income

Which of the following is indicative of quantitative research ontology?

research is objective

In a research study, should drive the selection of data collection methods

research method

In qualitative research, "designs" refers to

research methods that are considered theoretical frameworks

The ___________________ is a written document summarizing prior literature, the research topic area, and the research questions to be answered. It specifies the procedure to be followed in obtaining answer(s) to the research questions.

research proposal

Positivism is a belief that all true knowledge must be based on


Grounded theory stems from a ________________ discipline.


Exploratory Objective: A researcher plans a study to investigate the _____________ of an _____________ sinkhole problem in a geological region where this has occurred __________________

source; unexplained; arbitrarily

A key characteristic of research questions, which separates them from research problems, is the ______________ nature of research questions' subject and scope.


Which of the following best defines what an experiment involves?

study of phenomenon under strictly controlled conditions

The participants section of a proposal should provide

sufficient information about the sample population

Major Premise: All schoolteachers are mortal. Minor Premise: John is a schoolteacher. Conclusion: Therefore, John is mortal. example of:

syllogism (a form of deductive reasoning)

There are three specific methods of random sampling that are variations of simple random sampling:

systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling.

A correlation coefficient provides valuable information, except for __________

the amount of variables

During hypothesis testing, two new hypotheses come into focus:

the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.

Methods triangulation refers to

the use of a mix of methods for organizing the study and collecting data with an objective of combining different methods that have nonoverlapping weaknesses and strengths.

theory triangulation involves

the use of a variety of theories and perspectives to explain the phenomena under study (including prior theories and/or other researchers)

Data triangulation refers to

the use of multiple forms of data to capture a single phenomenon. These data provide the opportunity for cross-checking or researcher interpretations

Investigator triangulation involves

the use of multiple observers to record and describe the research participants' behavior and context. These observers assess the degree to which their observations are corroborated in order to enhance the credibility and defensibility of the results

Literature review steps

topic, problem, purpose, question, hypothesis

Data collection and analysis in qualitative studies are often

triangulated and thematic

While interval measurement scales have equal intervals between adjacent numbers, they lack

true zero point

Action researchers build up an action research attitude when bearing in mind areas of possible enhancement, potential consequences, and

unique tactics

In graphing the frequency of occurrence of a single variable (e.g., in a bar graph, histogram, or line graph), these specific frequencies are put on the (x or y axis?_


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