(Research) TExES English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 (231)

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Turabian Citation Style

* A variation on Chicago style designed exclusively for students who are writing papers not intended for publication. * Relies on footnotes and endnotes (author, title) to cite direct quotations, summarized and paraphrased material. * Includes "Bibliography" page at the end of the paper with more detailed information about the sources.

Important skills related to the research process: Drawing conclusions from their research

* Effective research means students can not only identify important details, but they can take that information and apply it to their driving question. * It's not enough to restate found information; students need to explain why this information is important.

Chicago Citation Style

* Most commonly used in history and journalism. * Relies on footnotes and endnotes (author, title, pages) to cite direct quotations, and summarized and paraphrased material. * Includes "Bibliography" page at the end of the paper with more detailed information about the sources.

Important skills related to the research process: Utilizing multiple sources including print, graphics, and digital

* Preview the source using text structures and features to find relevant information. * Combine information from different sources to ensure the research is well-rounded and unbiased.

Important skills related to the research process: Taking Notes

* While reading articles or various texts to find evidence, students need to write down and organize the relevant information. This can be done with organizers (like a Venn Diagram), bullets, highlighting, etc. * Creating citations for sources during research is key to avoiding plagiarism.

Questions to ask when looking for a relevant source for research:

* Who wrote this? Do they have a known agenda? * What are the main idea and key claims? Is there evidence provided? Is the research credible? Are works cited? * Where is the source from? Is this a well known, respected publication or website? * Is the source a peer-reviewed journal? Articles in these journals are some of the highest quality sources of information available online. * When was this written? Is it still accurate today? *`Why are you using this source? Does it have a bias or agenda?

The Research Process

1. Develop a research question or questions. This will become a thesis statement in later grades. 2. Locate reliable sources with information to answer the research questions. 3. Create notes with paraphrased and summarized information from the research. 4. Organize the well-documented information into graphic organizers, a visual presentation, and/or use it to write an expository essay. Cite sources.

levels of Bloom's Taxonomy

1. Knowledge 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation

Important skills related to the research process: Outlining

After evidence had been gathered, organize like details and begin outlining how the information will be organized using the regular writing process techniques.

APA Citation Style

American Psychological Association. * Most commonly used in the social sciences (education, psychology, etc.) * Relies on in-text citations (author, date) to cite direct quotations, and summarized and paraphrased material. * Includes a "References" page at the end of the paper with more detailed information about the sources.

In MLA format, an in-text citation should, if possible, include which of the following? Select all that apply.

Author's last name Page number

Bibliography/Works Cited order

Author's name Title of novel/article/essay/text Date of publication Publishing company Page numbers URL (for online sources)

How to evaluate a website 3:

Check for a published author. Anonymous sources are usually less trustworthy.

How to evaluate a website 7:

Check for professional website design. Well-designed sites usually contain more credible sources of information.

How to evaluate a website 2:

Check for the URL extension. A URL extension is the notation at the end of a web address that categorizes the website type. The most credible online sources often end in ".edu" (educational institution) or ".gov." (government resource), but not always. Other URL extensions like ".com", ".org" and ".net" can be purchased by anyone.

How to evaluate a website 4:

Check for the author's credentials. Determine whether or not this person is an authority on the subject. Look for research articles written by authors who are experts in their field.

How to evaluate a website 6:

Check for the domain address. The domain address is the name of the website. Don't cite websites where anyone can post or edit information like Wikipedia, blogs, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

How to evaluate a website 1:

Check for the source of information. Credible online sources will always cite their sources of information. A good place to look is in an academic database (like Google Scholar or JSTOR) or in a scholarly journal.

How to evaluate a website 5:

Check the date. You should usually only use sources that are less than 10 years old. Don't use sources that are out-of-date.

How to evaluate a website 8:

Check the sources relied on by online articles when using them for research as well as the sources cited in an online article's bibliography. Are these sources research-based? Do the cited sources actually support the contentions of the online article?

Of the following, which would be most beneficial to students using the Internet for research purposes?

Demonstrate the most efficient ways to search for topics, identifying the best words to use and how punctuation can influence search results. Students need to be taught the best way to identify and search keywords on a research topic, as this will yield more effective search results in a shorter amount of time.

Diference between Works Cited and Bibliography

In Works Cited and References, you only list items you have actually referred to and cited in your paper. A Bibliography, meanwhile, lists all the material you have consulted in preparing your essay, whether you have actually referred to and cited the work or not.

Unreliable Source

Information presented in an informal way without documentation, and no author/publisher information. Example: anonymous blog article.

Which of the following online resources is written in correct MLA format?

Meacon, Junu. "Zooming Forward: Educating Today's Children for Tomorrow's Workplace." Education Digest, Midday Media Corporation, 9 Apr 2010, educationdigest.com/zoomingfor. This is the correct answer choice because it provides the reader with all the appropriate information they would need to access the exact online article, including the date access, article title, publication title, and website address.

MLA Citation Style

Modern Language Association. * Most commonly used in the humanities (literature, art, etc.) * Relies on parenthetical notation (author, page number) to cite direct quotations, and summarized and paraphrased material. * Includes a "Works Cited" page at the end of the paper with more detailed information about the sources.

critical thinking skills for research and inquiry:

Problem-solving. Evaluation. Analysis. Synthesis. Reflection.

Text Structures

The way in which an author presents the information in his/her story or article. Some of the most common text structures are: chronological order, problem and solution, cause and effect, compare and contrast.

Text Features

Things such as heading, bulleted lists, and graphics that help a reader find important information.

Which of the following correctly explains the primary reason students should avoid doing research on websites ending with ".com?"

Websites that end in ".com" are commercial entities that are potentially biased because their primary purpose is to make money, not to inform. This the primary concern about using a website which end in ".com." The abbreviation stands for "commercial."

Teach students that paraphrasing a source still means they must give credit to the author somehow, either through

a parenthetical citation or by mentioning the source in an introductory clause.

peer-reviewed journal

a professional journal in which reports submitted for publication first undergo a screening process by several experts. a high quality source of information which uses experts to screen each article submitted to the publication. Example: The New England Journal of Medicine

Citation Style

a set of guidelines for citing the basic information required to identify and locate a specific publication within a written work.


acknowledging the owner of a work

model and teach about the development of bibliographies

as ways to record sources of information for inquiry and research.

Which of the following is a good way to generate keywords to use as search terms for a research project?

asking "who, what, when, where, why" questions about the topic to be researched. This would clarify relevant areas that could be used as keywords. The keywords found this way would be on point, but broad-based enough to allow for comprehensive research.

Polo: Marco Polo, The Book of Ser Marco Polo the Venetian Concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East, translated and edited with notes by Sir Henry Yule, 3rd edition revised by Henri Cordier, 2 vols., London, 1903. The information in italics in this citation is referring to a...

book This portion of the citation, and any long-form text, is usually in italics.


he state of being legally responsible for something

nstruct students on how to use transitions to help

move their readers from point to point within the essay and paragraphs.

Reliable Source / Credible Source

nformation presented in a professional way, with a formal tone, includes source documentation, and author and/or publisher information.

Model how to create notes with

paraphrased and summarized information from the research.

Model the process of evaluating sources by

providing examples of reliable andunreliable sources to compare and contrast. Point out features that make a source more reliable. Demonstrate the importance of identifying the author of the document, recognizing formal tone and presentation, and the use of documentation for facts in the text.

Model how to embed direct quotes from sources using

quotation marks into their own writing.

A teacher has introduced a research project. One resource the teacher will require the students to use is a website. Which of the following activities would best help students differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information?

reading, identifying, and highlighting information in articles that contain pertinent information to the subject being researched. This is the best answer option as it allows students to differentiate relevant and irrelevant information in an entire article, not just a section.

Model how students can decide if information is

relevant or irrelevant to their question.

Model for students how to find information in lots of places

such as various texts, reference sources in the library, from technology, and from other people.

Which of the following should not be considered when evaluating an internet source for credibility on a topic?

the amount of relevant information provided by the source. Simply because a source has a lot or a little information to use, does not mean it is a valid source.

Which of the following would only be included when citing an electronic source?

the date accessed. The date of access is only included when the source is electronic because this type of source is altered much more rapidly than a printed source.


the exclusive rights to an item given to the creator. This is a legal protection.

URL Extension

the notation at the end of a web address that categorizes the website type. .edu, .org, .net, .com, .gov

Domain Address

the official name of a website. Example: www.si.edu is the domain address for the Smithsonian Institute.

Model how to take notes from one or multiple sources and

to summarize information from text, pictures, or graphic sources.

Fair Use

use of copyrighted material within certain limits


ways in which people can use copyrighted material

Show many examples of bibliographies and exactly

what they represent.

Open Sources

works meant to be shared freely with the world

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