Respiratory Module Anatomy: Nasal Vestibule, Nasal Cavity, Nasopharynx
How many nasal cavities are there in a human skull?
How many passages are formed by the conchae in the nasal cavity?
What is found in the lamina propria?
arteries, distended veins (swell bodies), and mucoserous glands
What cells are found in the olfactory epithelium?
basal cells, bipolar sensory nerve cells, brush cells, supporting cells
What composes respiratory epithelium?
basal cells, brush cells, ciliated pseudostratified columnar cells, goblet cells, small granule cells
What structures can condition the air inhaled through the nasal cavity?
conchae, swell bodies, ciliated respiratory epithelium, goblet cells, vestibule hairs
What creates the ethmoid bulla? Where is it in the nasal cavity?
created by anterior and middle ethmoidal cells, located in the middle meatus
What bony structure is the most superior portion of the nasal cavity?
cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
Why is drainage of the maxillary sinus difficult?
enters semilunar hiatus at a superior and oblique angle
What are the components of the nasal septum?
ethmoid (perpindicular plate), septal cartilage, vomer
Name the bones involved in the nasal cavity.
ethmoid, nasal, frontal, inferior nasal conchae, maxilla, palantine, sphenoid, vomer
Name the paranasal sinuses.
ethmoidal air cells (anterior, middle, posterior), frontal, maxillary, sphenoid
What two sinuses do not come in distinct pairs?
ethmoidal air cells and sphenoid sinus
Other than the sphenoid sinus, which other sinus drains into the superior meatus?
ethmoidal cells (middle and posterior)
What is another name for the auditory tube?
eustachian tube (or pharyngotympanic tube)
What drains into the semilunar hiatus?
frontal sinus via the frontonasal duct, maxillary sinus, and anterior ethmoidal cells
What structures can produce discharge in the nasal cavity?
goblet cells, mucoserous glands, olfactory glands, kiesselbach plexus (blood), cribiform plate fracture (CSF), nasolacrimal duct (tears)
What bony structure is the most inferior portion of the nasal cavity?
hard palate
What kind of cartilage is the septal cartilage?
The opthalmic artery is a branch of what?
internal carotid artery
What composes the hard palate?
maxillary and palantine bones
The sphenopalantine artery is a branch of what?
maxillary artery
Where is the semilunar hiatus?
middle meatus
What regions does air pass through to reach the oropharynx via the nose?
nasal vestibule, nasal cavity, nasopharynx
What duct empties into the inferior meatus?
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries are branches of what?
opthalmic artery
What are the major components of the ethmoid bone pertaining to the nasal cavity?
perpindicular plate, cribiform plate, superior and middle nasal conchae
What are the choanae or a choana? (different from conchae)
posterior nasal apertures, where air leaves the nose and enters the nasopharynx
Where in the nasal cavity is the sphenoethmoid recess?
posterior to superior meatus
What blood source is found in the lower posterior aspect of the nasal cavity?
sphenopalatine artery
What epithelium will you see in the nasal vestibule?
stratified squamous
What is another name for conchae?
Describe the modified cilia found on bipolar olfactory nerve cells.
very long, non-motile, function as odor receptors