Restorative Arts
The facial portion of the adult skull is about ________ the area of the cranium. - 1/4 - 2/3 - 1/2 - 3/4
Number of teeth in the mandible bone.
Portion of the lower inferior jaw that forms the widest part of the jaw. - Body - Ramus - Angle - Incisive fossa
Where should the hypodermic needle be inserted when filling emaciated fingers? - At the sides of the joints - At the fingertips - Underneath the nail bed - In the cuticle
At the sides of the joints
The portion of the mandible that articulates in the mandibular fossa. - Body - Coronoid process - Condyle - Incisive fossa
Coronoid process
The portion of the ramus of the mandible that is anterior and has no influence on surface form. - Coronoid process - Mental eminence - Incisive fossa - Alveolar process
Coronoid process
List muscle responsible for the Vertical Intercilliary Sulci. - Levator Labii Superiorous - Corrugator - Procerus - Quadratus
The skull is divided into two major sections, the face and the __________. - Temporal - Sutures - Frontal - Cranium
The loss of moisture from body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem.
Having the component parts closely compacted together; relatively opaque. - Matte - Abut - Dense - Sparse
The thickness applied to a cosmetic. - Opacity - Matte - Powder - Density
Buck teeth; oblique insertion of the teeth. - Dental prognathism - Alveolar prognathism - Maxillary prognathism - Mandibular prognathism
Dental prognathism
Ligature around the superior and inferior teeth employed to hold the mandible in a fixed position. - Mandibular suture - Dental tie - Musculature suture - Chin rest
Dental tie
Artificial teeth. - Mouth former - Calvarium clamp - Denture - Needle injector
To lower inferiorly or the reduce projection. - Depress - Elevate - Ligate - Suppress
A hollow or concave region; the lowering of a part.
Another name for the Triangular muscle. - Platsyma - Levator anguli oris - Depressor anguli oris - Temporalis
Depressor anguli oris
A muscle of facial expression which depresses the angle of the mouth. - Depressor labii inferioris - Depressor anguli oris (triangularis) - Orbicularis oris - Buccinator
Depressor anguli oris (triangularis)
A muscle of facial expression which draws the lower lip inferiorly and slightly lateral. - Depressor labii inferioris - Depressor anguli oris (triangularis) - Orbicularis oris - Buccinator
Depressor labii inferioris
A state or degree of being deep.
The corium or true skin. - Derma - Epidermis - Squama - Areolar
Rendered thoroughly dry; exhausted of moisture. - Dehydrated - Embalmed - Hydrolysis - Desiccated
Skin slip; the separation of the dermis from the epidermis as a result of autolysis and putrefaction.
A variation from the common or established.
A frontal view geometric headshape which is widest across the cheekbones, narrowing in width in both the forehead and the jaws. - Inverted triangular - Oblong - Diamond - Square
A double bellied muscle which draws the hyoid bone anteriorly and posteriorly. - Platyma - Digastricus - Sternocleidomastoid - Mentalis
A substance thinned or reduced in concentration; a cosmetic lessened in brilliance. - Solution - Emulsion - Dilution - Solvent
Shallow depressions located on the cheek or chin in a rounded or vertical form; natural facial markings. - Labia - Folds - Eminences - Dimples
Disjoining of bones. - Fracture - Decapitate - Dissect - Disarticulate
The act of cutting apart. - Dissection - Disarticulate - Incision - Distend
To expand of swell. - Edema - Distend - Distortion - Excision
A state of stretching out or becoming inflated. - Distention - Edema - Distorted - Dehydration
A state of being twisted or pushed out of natural shape or position. - Distended - Distorted - Edema - Dehydration
Back; the anterior protruding ridge of the nose. - Root - Tip - Columna nasi - Dorsum
A wooden or metal rod used as an armature. - Pole - Dowel - Form - Firm wax
A compacted cake-type cosmetic of red coloration. - Cream foundation - Pigment powder - Dry rouge - Highlight
Dry rouge
Talcom powder. - Dry rouge - Pigment powder - Cauterizing agent - Drying powder
Drying powder
Freedom from wetness; a condition of tissues necessary for the adhesion of cement, sealer, deep filler, or wax. - Desiccated - Dryness - Hydrolysis - Evaporation
Somewhat dark in color; when used to describe the complexion color. - Raspberry - Florid - Sallow - Dusky
Pinna - Ear - Eye - Mouth - Nose
Bruise; a discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood within the tissues and generally accompanied by swelling. - Blister - Desquamation - Ecchymosis - Abrasion
Abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissues or body cavities. - Dehydration - Hydrolysis - Moist - Edema
A raised surface of a part.
A relatively long and slightly dipping curve. - Bilateral curve - Sigmoid - Elliptical curve - Hunting bow
Elliptical curve
Excessive leanness; a wasted condition resulting in sunken surfaces of the face. - Desiccation - Hydrolysis - Tissue gas - Emaciation
The process of chemically treating the dead human body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganisms, to temporarily inhibit organic decomposition, and to restore to an acceptable appearance.
The deep hole in the inferior portion of medial 1/3 of the ear on the anterior boarder. - Foramen magnum - External auditory meatus - Mastoid process - Manibular fossa
External auditory meatus
The large opening in the occipital bone. - Mastoid process - Spinal process - Occipital protuberance - Foreman magnum
Foreman magnum
The bone that as an infant is two bones and as an adult is one bone. - Frontal - Parietal - Occipital - Mandible
The line of the temple is part of what bone? - Frontal - Parietal - Maxilla - Nasal
List muscle responsible for the Superior Palpebra Sulci. - Levator Palpebra Superious - Orbicularis Oculi - Orbicularis Oris - Diagastricus - Corrugator
Levator Palpebra Superious
The three muscle of the eyelid include Obicularis Oculi, Corrugator, and __________. - Depressor anguli oris - Levator labii superiorous - Levator palpebra superious - Obicularis oris
Levator palpebra superious
The only bone of the head that is not joined by sutures. - Mandible - Frontal - Parietal - Occipital
The oval depression into which the condyle of the mandible articulates. - Mandibular fossa - Condyle fossa - Oval fossa - Mastoid process
Mandibular fossa
The inferior part of the temporal bone posterior to the lobe of the ear. - Mastoid process - Squama - Zygomatic arch - Temporal fossa
Mastoid process
List muscle responsible for the Dimples of the Chin. - Mentalis - Buccal Depression - Double Bellied - Orbicularis Oris
The muscle that wrinkles the chin and raises and protrudes the lower lip. - Furrows - Mentalis - Procerus - Orbicularis oris
Another name for the buccal cavity. - Furrow - Mouth - Muscle - Sphincter
The sharp bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity. - Nasal spine - Maxilla - Mandible - Frontal process
Nasal spine
List muscle responsible for the Optic Facial Sulci. - Auricular - Levator Palpebra Superiorous - Occipitofrontalis - Obicularis Oculi
Obicularis Oculi
List muscle responsible for the Labial Sulci. - Obicularis Oris - Depressor Anguli Oris - Levator Labii Superiorous - Levator Anguli Oris
Obicularis Oris
List muscle responsible for the Philtrum. - Depressor Anguli Oris - Obicularis Oris - Levator Labii Superiorous - Levator Anguli Oris
Obicularis Oris
The bone that creates the most inferior and posterior part of the cranium. - Parietal - Frontal - Temporal - Occipital
The bone that forms the cradle for the brain. - Temporal - Parietal - Occipital - Frontal
Another name for the epicranius muscle. - Occipitofrontalis - Auricular - Digastricus - Temporalis
The number of Mentalis muscles.
The number of Occipitofrontalis muscles.
The number of Procerus muscles.
List muscle responsible for the Platysmal Sulci. - Digastrius - Procerus - Risorius - Platysma
List muscle responsible for the Transverse Intercilliary Sulci. - Corrugator - Risorius - Procerus - Masseter
Name the one muscle of the nose. - Procerus - Platsyma - Masseter - Traingularis
The muscle that causes the movement for grinding food. - Pterygodeus medialis - Corugator - Pterygoideus lateralis - Temporalis
Pterygoideus lateralis
Another name for the Depressor Labi Inferioris. - Platsyma - Procerus - Masseter - Quadratus
The muscle that originates in the fascia of the masseter muscle and is antagonistic to the buccinator. - Risorius - Platsyma - Mentalis - Procerus
Two nasal cavities are divided by a cartilage called the __________. - Philtrum - Divider - Septum - Medial
Another name for the temporal cavity. - Mastoid process - Temporal process - Squama - Nasal cavity
Muscle that is the widest part of the neck. - Sternocleidomastoidus - Platysma - Diagastricus - Mentalis
The three muscles of the neck include the platysma, digastricus, and ___________. - Sternocleidomastoidus - Auricular - Corrugator - Masseter
Inferior part of the forehead, superior to the medial end of the eyebrow and lateral to the glabella. - Frontal eminences - Glabella - Supercillary arch - Maxilla
Supercillary arch
The bone inferior to the parietal and anterior to the occipital bone. - Frontal - Maxilla - Mandible - Temporal
The mandibular fossa is part of what bone? - Mandible - Temporal - Frontal - Zygomatic
The zygomatic arch is part of what bone? - Zygomatic - Temporal - Maxilla - Frontal
The number of Auricular muscles.
The lines of color change at the junction of the wet and dry portions of the mucous membranes. - Line of demarcation - Integumentary lip - Weather lines - Labiomental sulcus
Weather lines
The aspect of physical heaviness associated with different colors; e.g. warm, light, or grayed hues do not appear as heavy as cold, dark, or pure hues respectively; the size of the colored object will also create the illusion of greater or lesser ____________. - Intensity - Value - Brilliance - Weight
The color reflecting to the eye all of the rays of the spectrum combined; a neutral color. - Black - Gray - White - Chromatic
A ray of light which contains all the hues of the visible spectrum, in such proportion that the light appears colorless or neutral; as daylight or sunlight. - Incandescent light - Dispersion - Refraction - White light
White light
The dimension of an object measured across from side to side. - Length - Transverse - Width - Lateral
Lateral lobes of the nose. - Sides - Dorsum - Nostrils - Wings
The length of wire employed to connect two structures which are undamaged such as remaining parts of a bone; a wire mesh placed within an aperture to hold other restorative fillers. - Deep wound filler - Armature - Wire bridging - Restorative wire
Wire bridging
Inversion or draw stitch; a method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends its ease of concealment by waxing. - Loop stitch - Baseball suture - Whip stitch - Worm suture
Worm suture
The bone that has a diamond shaped surface and forms the cheek bones. - Maxilla - Nasal - Zygomatic - Temporal
Portion of temporal bone that aids in location of the ear and divides ear in two equal parts. - Squama - Mandibular fossa - Zygomatic arch - Mastoid process
Zygomatic arch
The processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face. - Parietal eminences - Sternocleidomastoid muscles - Mastoid processes - Zygomatic arch
Zygomatic arch
One of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch. - Buccal cavity - Temporal cavity - Zygomatic arch depression - Zygomaticofrontal processes
Zygomatic arch depression
The greatest width of the anterior plane of the face is measured at the ______. - Zygomatic arch - Zygomatic bone - Maxilla - Frontal bone
Zygomatic bone
Diamond-shaped surfaces; forms the cheekbones. - Frontal bones - Zygomatic bones - Temporal bones - Nasal bones
Zygomatic bones
The lateral rim of the eye socket formed by a process of the frontal bone and a process of the zygomatic bone. - Supraorbital margin - Frontal eminences - Glabella - Zygomaticofrontal process
Zygomaticofrontal process
A muscle that draws the superior lip posteriorly and superiorly. - Zygomaticus major - Zygomaticus minor - Buccinator - Levator angulus oris
Zygomaticus major
A muscle that draws the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly. - Zygomaticus major - Zygomaticus minor - Buccinator - Levator angulus oris
Zygomaticus minor