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At the time of Saul's conversion, what was the Christian Church called?

"the way"

What is the title of the 1st book written that was included in the Christian Scriptures?

1 Thessalonians

How old was the child of Jesus when he was found in the temple in JErusalem


How many discourses are contained in the Gospel of Matthew?

5 discourses, similar to the structure of the books of the Torah


A Greco-Roman philosophy founded by Epicurus that advocated avoiding pain and pursuing intellectual rather than sensual pleasure. Epicurus taught that the universe is entirely physical, including the human soul, which perishes at death.


A Greek term (meaning "being by or being near) used to denote the Second Coming of Christ


A Greek term meaning both "word" and "reason". The term found its important expression in the prologue of John's gospel to denote the prehuman Jesus-"the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."


A Hellenistic Jew of Jerusalem who was stoned for his Christian preaching, thus becoming the first martyr of the early church.


A Hellenistic city belonging to the Decapolis (ten-member league of Greek cities in Palestine), where Jesus exorcised a demoniac.

Judas the Galilean

A Jewish revolutionary who led a revolt against Rome.


A Jewish tax collector working for Rome whom Jesus called be to one of the Twelve Apostles. He has a gospel named after him.


A Jewish title (meaning "master" or "teacher") given to scholars learned in the Torah.


A Judean priest married to Elizabeth, a descendant of Aaron, whose long childless marriage was blessed in his old age by the birth of the future John the Baptist.


A Levite, wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist.


A Roman centurion associated with the Jewish synagogue in Caesarea who became the first Gentile convert to Christianity. He was baptized by Peter.

Simon Magus

A Samaritan sorcerer (magus) who tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter.


A city in the Roman province of Galatia, where Paul and Barnabas performed such successful healing that they were identified with Zeus and Hermes.


A city of eastern Macedonia, the first European center to receive the Christian message. It became Paul's favorite church and the one to which one of his letters is addressed.


A condemned murderer and possibly a revolutionary whom the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate released instead of Jesus.


A cosmopolitan center of trade and commerce in Ancient Greece. Home of a large population of Hellenistic Jews, and later a Christian center established by the apostle Paul and his associates.


A formal letter intended for a wide public audience rather than for a specific group or individual.


A huge collection of Jewish religious traditions consisting of two parts: Mishnah and the Gemara, an extensive commentary on the Mishnah. It was produced in about 450 C.E..


A leading Pharisee, scholar, member of the Sanhedrin, reputed teacher of Paul and exponent of the liberal wing of the Pharisaic party developed by his grandfather, Hillel, he persuasively argued for a policy of toleration toward the new religion preached by Peter and other apostles.


A leading religious movement or sect in Judaism during the last two centuries B.C.E. and the two first centuries C.E. They were descendants of the hasidim. Their views on resurrection and the afterlife anticipated Christian teachings.


A literary term denoting close analysis and interpretation of a text to discover the original author's exact intent and meaning.


A low-ranking officer in the Roman army in charge of a "century," or division of 100 men. An officer named Cornelius became the first Gentile convert to Christianity, baptized by Peter.


A major Macedonian city where Paul and Silas converted "some" Jews, and "many" Greeks and "God-fearers," and numerous "rich women" to Christianity.


A person sent forth or commissioned as a messenger, such as the Twelve who Jesus selected to follow him.


A physician and traveling companion of Paul to whom a late-second-century gospel and book of Acts is ascribed.


A proconsul of Achaia who dismissed charges against Paul by Corinthian Jews.


A prominent early Christian expelled from Rome with his wife, Priscilla, by Claudius' edict. He is often associated with Paul.


A prominent leader of the early church in Jerusalem, associate and traveling companion of the apostle Paul.


A prophetess who blessed the infant Jesus when he was presented at the Temple.

Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary

A resident of Bethany whom Jesus restored to life.


A small area along the southern coast of Asia Minor where Paul broke with Barnabas and John Mark.


A small port on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee that Jesus used as headquarters for his Galilean ministry and where he performed many mighty works.

John the Apostle

A son of Zebedee, and brother of James, a Galilean fisherman whom Jesus called to be among his twelve most intimate followers. He may have been martyred under Herod Agrippa I.


A technical term describing six of Jesus' sayings in Matthew's Sermon on the Mount, a rhetorical structure in which Jesus cites a biblical law, "you have learned that they were told" (the thesis), and then contrasts it with his interpretation, "but what I tell you is this" (the antithesis).


A town in Lower Galilee where Jesus spent his youth and began his ministry.


A village about five miles south of Jerusalem, birthplace of David, and the birthplace of the Messiah, Jesus.


A village on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, the home of Peter, Andrew and Philip.


A wealthy Hellenistic city, capital of the Roman province of Asia, site of the famous temple of Artemis. Location of the writing of the Gospel of Luke.

Joseph of Arimathea

A wealthy member of the Sanhedrin and a secret follower of Jesus who claimed Jesus' body from Pilate for burial in his private garden tomb.


A young Persian god, born from a rock on December 25, who slew the bulls of heaven and introduced a salvation cult that swept through the Roman Empire. A serious rival to early Christianity was limited by its acceptance of only male worshippers.

In Matthew's Gospel the genealogy of Jesus establishes Jesus within Jewish tradition. Jesus is the son of _________ and __________?

Abraham and David

Saul of Tarsus

According to Acts, the name by which the apostle Paul was known before his conversion on road to Damascus.


Also known as the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Harvest and the Day of the First Fruits, it was a one-day celebration held fifty days after Passover at the juncture of May and June. The occasion of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on early Christians assembled in Jerusalem, regarded as the spiritual baptism of the church.

James the Apostle

An Apostle of Jesus, son of Zebedee, brother of John.

Academy of Jamnia

An assembly of eminent Palestinian rabbis and Pharisees held about 90 C.E. in the coastal village to define and guide Judaism following the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple.


An extremely nationalist party in 1st century Judaism dedicated to freeing Judea from foreign domination, by armed revolt if necessary. Their militarism and fanatical patriotism generated several uprisings, culminating in the great rebellion against Rome (66 - 73 C.E.).

Flavius Josephus

An important Jewish historian (37 -100 C.E.) whose writing provide valuable background material for 1st century C.E. Judaism and the early Christian period.


An important Roman city that Herod the Great built on the Palestinian coast about 64 miles northwest of Jerusalem and named in honor of Caesar Augustus. It was Pontius Pilate's administrative capital and later a Christian center. Paul was imprisoned there for two years.


An important harbor of ancient Palestine, located on the Mediterranean coast about thirty-five miles northwest of Jerusalem. It was here the Peter raised Tabitha and experienced his vision welcoming Gentiles into the church.


An ultraconservative Jewish sect of the 1st century B.C.E. and 1st century C.E. composed of largely wealthy and politically influential landowners. Unlike the Pharisees, they recognized only the Torah as binding and rejected the Prophets and Writings, denying both resurrection and a judgement in the afterlife. They controlled the priesthood and the Temple.

Who baptized Saul Paul of Tarsus


Who was the Christian who baptized Paul in Damascus



Ancient Egyptian god of fertility and also the underworld.


Ancient Greek god or wine, ecstasy, and emotional freedom, he was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, Semele. Representing the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth, he is killed, descends into the Underworld (Hades), and is resurrected to immortal life among the Olympian gods.

Who was n aged prophetess who told Mary of the great pain she would have to endure being the mother of Jesus


What was the name given to the angel Gabriel's declaration to Mary of Nazareth that she was to bear a son, Jesus, who would inherit David's throne?


When was Matthew's gospel written?

Answer: 85-90 C.E., some twenty years after the destruction of Jerusalem

What was the Hellenistic city that became the first Gentile Christian Church and the location of the writing of the Gospel of Matthew


Matthew's Gospel was written in what city?

Antioch of Syria

What is the technical term describing six of Jesus sayings in Matthew's Sermon on the Mount, a rhetorical structure in which Jesus cites biblical law and then contrasts it with his interpretation?


What is the technical term describing six of Jesus' sayings in Matthew's Sermon on the Mount, a rhetorical structure in which Jesus cites a biblical law, "you have learned that they were told" (the thesis), and then contrasts it with his interpretation, "but what I tell you is this"?


Who was a prominent early Christian expelled from Rome with his wife, Priscilla, by Claudius' edict?


What was the civic court in Athens and the location of an important legal council of the Athenian democracy, where according to Acts 17, Paul introduced Christianity to some Athenian intellectuals?



Athenian philosopher ( 469 - 399 B.C.E.) and mentor of Plato, he taught that life's purpose was to seek the good and prepare the soul for immortality in the afterlife. He was executed for questioning conventional ideas about the gods.

The brilliant center of Greek philosophy, where Paul was invited to speak before an intellectually curious group


Who was the first emperor of Roman (27 B.C.E. - 14 C.E.) who brought peace to the Roman Empire after centuries of civil war? His degree ordering a census of "the whole world" was the device that brought about Jesus' birth in Bethlehem

Augustus Caesar

Who was a prominent leader of the early church in Jerusalem, associate and traveling companion of the apostle Paul?


A Prominent leader of the early church in Jerusalem, associate and traveling companion of Paul on his fist missionary journey


Where was Jesus born?

Bethlehem, a village just south of Jerusalem

Dead Sea Scrolls

Biblical and other religious manuscripts dating from the 2nd century B.C.E. to the 1st century C.E., found in caves near Qumran on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea.

Who was the rabbinical benediction that cursed the Nazarenes as sinful people?

Birkath ha-Minim

The death of John the Baptist foreshadows the death of Jesus in that they were _________ and _________.

Both falsely accused of a capital crime and that they were killed by weak political administrators

What was an important Roman city that Herod the GReat built on the Palestine coast about 64 miles northwest of JErusalem


What was an important Roman city that Herod the Great built on the Palestinian coast about 64 miles northwest of Jerusalem and named in honor of Caesar Augustus? It was Pontius Pilate's administrative capital and later a Christian center. Paul was imprisoned there for two years.


Who was the high priest of Jerusalem during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. Son-in-law to his immediate predecessor, Annas, he presided over Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin?


Who are some of the people that proclaim Jesus innocence while at the cross?

Centurion or the good theif


Christian who baptized Paul in Damascus.

What is the Pentecost

Coming of the holy spirit onto the apostles, happens 50 days after Easter Sunday

In Matthew's gospel the genealogy of Jesus goes in two directions. What are they?

Continuity of Jesus with the great figures of God's people and the fact tat Christianity is open to the Jews and Gentiles

A Roman centurion associated with the Jewish synagogue in Caesarea who became the first Gentile convert to Christianity. He was baptized by Peter.


What was Paul;s destination when he experienced the Risen Lord



Daughter of Herodias and Herod (son of Herod the Great) and niece of Herod Antipas, before whom she danced to secure the head of John the Baptist.


Derived from a Greek word meaning "to initiate" or "to shut the eyes or mouth," probably referring to the secrets of Hellenistic "mystery religions."


Devout Jews who refuse to forsake their religion during the persecutions of the Syrian monarch Antiochus Epiphanies (2nd century B.C.E).

Who was the Near Eastern form of the Greek goddess Artemis worshiped in Ephesus, which in Paul's time was the capital of the Roman province of Asia?

Diana (of Ephesians)

What word means literally, a "scattering", the term refers to the distribution of Jews outside the Palestinian homeland, such as the many Jewish communities established throughout the Greco-Roman world?


Jesus teaches that John the Baptist is the return of the Old Testament Prophet ___________


Who was the wife of Zachariah, mother of John the BAptist



Emperor of Rome (54-68 C.E.) the Caesar by whom Paul wished to be tried and under whose persecution Paul was probably beheaded (64-65 C.E.).

A wealthy Hellenistic city, site of the famous temple of Artemis


What was the location of the writing of the Gospel of Luke


What was one of the three major sects of 1st Century C.E. Judaism? Semi-ascetic in nature, they were spiritual descendants of the Hasidim. They are commonly identified with the Qumran community, which produced the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Herod Archelaus

Ethnarch of Judea, Samaria, so misruled his territory that he was recalled to Rome. His evil reputation caused Joseph and Mary to avoid Judea and settle in Nazareth.

Who was the young man whom Paul restored to health in Troas after he hd fallen from an upstairs window


True or False? Luke emphasized the apocalyptic end and encouraged his community to prepare for the imminent parousia that would arrive within their life time


True or False? After Jesus read the Isaiah scroll in the Nazareth synagogue, he was proclaimed the Messiah by the people and they tried to carry him off to Jerusalem to make him King.


True or False? Jesus declares that John the Baptist is the greatest in God's Kingdom, and therefore in order to be saved, people should follow John desert lifestyle


True or False? Jesus' Kingdom demanded that all of the societal laws and norms remain the same and that the class system that was already established must remain intact.


True or False? The Magi story previews that may Jews and Gentiles alike with regent Jesus


Who was the procurator of Judea whom Nero appointed to succeed Felix and through whom Paul appealed to Rome?


In Matthew's infancy narrative which episode consisted of the angel's appearance to Joseph in a dream and a command to take Jesus to a place of refuge in Egypt

Flight into Egypt


From the Hebrew verb "to repeat," a collection of Pharisaic oral interpretation of the Torah compiled and edited by Rabbi Judah haNasi about 200 C.E.

What Greek word means "hell or garbage dump"?


What was a Hellenistic city belonging to the Decapolis (ten-member league of Greek cities in Palestine), where Jesus exorcised a demoniac?


A proconsul who dismissed charges brought against Paul by Corinthian Jews


What was the site of a garden on the Mount of Olives where Jesus took his disciples after the Last Supper


What was the symbol of Jesus' kingship in the infancy narrative in MAtthew



Granddaughter of Herod the Great, daughter of Aristobulus, and half-sister of Herod Agrippa I. She was criticized by John the Baptist for having deserted her first husband for her second, Herod Antipas, who divorced his wife to marry her. In revenge, she demanded the head of John the Baptist.

What material found in Luke's gospel are largely miscellaneous collections of anecdotes, saying, parables from the "Q source" and the "L source".

Greater Interpolation


Greece's leading city-state and cultural capital in the 5th century B.C.E. and its leading intellectual center durning Hellenistic and Roman times.


Greek philosopher 427 - 347 B.C.E.) who postulated the existence of a dualistic universe consisting of an invisible spiritual realm containing ideal forms of everything that exists and an inferior material realm composed of imperfect replicas of those forms. Plato's view of the immortal human soul and its posthumous destiny greatly influenced virtually all subsequent Western thought, including that of Christianity.

What was the Jewish royal dynasty founded by the Maccabees and named for Hasmon, an ancestor of Mattathias. The Roman conquest of Palestine in 63 B.C.E. brought Hasmonean rulership and Jewish independence to an end?


How does St. Paul die?

He is beheaded because he is a Roman citizen

Why does Claudius send Paul to Felix?

He sent Paul to trial to rescue Paul from the Jews who wished to kill him

Jews living outside of Palestine who adopted the Greek language and to varying degreed, Greek customs and ideas


Who jailed Peter the Apostle in Jerusalem?

Herod Agrippa I

Who was the Herodian king who heard the defense of Paul at Caesarea

Herod Agrippa II

Who was the King of Judea; hears Paul's defense in Judea

Herod Agrippa II

Who was responsible for the death of John the Baptist

Herod Antipas

Who was the granddaughter of Herod the Great? She was criticized by John the Baptist for having deserted her first husband for her second, Herod Antipas. She demanded the head of John the Baptist.



High priest of Jerusalem during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. Son-in-law to his immediate predecessor, Annas, he presided over Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin.


Husband of Mary and legal father of Jesus, a descendant of David who lived in Nazareth where he was a carpenter.

Where was Luke's gospel written?

In Ephesus of Asia Minor


In Greek mythology, the son of Cronus and Rhea, king of the Olympian gods, and patron of civic order.


In Judaism, a gathering of no fewer than 10 adult males assembled for worship, scriptural instruction, and administration of local Jewish affairs.

How does Jesus make himself know to the disciples on the way to Emmaus?

In the breaking of the bread


Inhabitants of the city or the territory of Samaria, the central region of Palestine lying west of the Jordan River. Jesus discussed correct worship with a woman at Jacob's well and made a "good" Samaritan the hero of a famous parable in Luke.

Who was the son of Mary and Joseph



Jews living outside Palestine who adopted the Greek language and, to varying degrees, Greek customs and ideas.

Who was an ascetic who preached the imminence of judgement and baptized converts in the Jordan River as a symbol of their repentance from sin?

John the Baptist

Who was a wealthy member of the Sanhedrin and a secret follower of Jesus who claimed Jesus' body from Pilate for burial in his private garden tomb?

Joseph of Arimathea

Who was the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to the priests and Romans for thirty piece of silver but later returned the blood money and committed suicide?


Became the dominate tongue of the eastern Mediterranean region after the conquest of Alexander the Great (336-323 BCE)

Koine Greek

Who was the poor man in Luke's Gospel who died and went to heaven. Abraham could not help the man oppressed in him?



Latin name of the chief Roman deity, counterpart of the Greek Zeus.


Leader of the Jerusalem church. He clashed with Paul over the latter's policy of absolving Gentile converts from circumcision and other legalistic requirements (Council of Jerusalem in 49 C.E.)

Who were the Jewish Christians and their Gentile converts, who did not insist on circumsision and did not require observation of Jewish food laws. Paul supported this group by not requiring Christian to observe the food laws?

Liberal/Gentile Christians


Literally, a "scattering," the term refers to the distribution of Jews outside their Palestinian homeland, such as the many Jewish communities established throughout the Greco-Roman world.


Location of the 1st Gentile Christian church, where followers of "the way" were first called Christians. Paul began all three of his missionary journeys from here.

In Damascus how is Ananias persuaded to go see Saul?

Lord spoke to him in a vision

Many of Luk's parables typically illustrate unexpected changes of the status between the rich and poor. This is known as the Lukean __________

Lukan Reversal

Which of the three synoptic writers had by far the most ambitious goal, creating a new life of Jesus, and a sequel - the Books of Acts. He contributed the most information by any single writer in the New Testament.


Who was the physician and traveling partner of Paul to whom a later 2nd century tradition ascribes a Gospel and Book Acts


True or False: The Sermon on the Plain (Luke) and the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew) are the same? If false, provide a difference

Luke has 4 beatitudes and 4 woes, but Matthew has 8 beatitudes

Who was the woman in Luke's Gospel who became angry with her sister for listening to Jesus instead of helping serve the guests?


Who was the sister of Martha and Lazarus of Bethany


What Gospel was written to address a crisis or identity and authority in the Christian church of Antioch


The large mountainous district in northern Greece rule by Philip


The first part of Europe to be Christianized


Thessalonica is the capital of what roman province


Paul was shipwrecked off this island


Who was a Jewish tax collector working for Rome whom Jesus called to be one of the 12 apostles


Who replaced Judas the apostle


Who was elected to replace Judas among the Twelve


What is a Hebrew term meaning anointed one


One of the goals of Matthew's Gospel is to show Jesus to be the New __________


What was the symbol of Jesus' death in the infancy narrative of Matthew


Jesus was rejected when he preached for the first time in his home town of _____________?


Where does Gabriel's announcement of Jesus' birth take place


Who was the Caesar who tried Paul and under whose persecution Paul was probably beheade?



One of the seven archangels. He announced the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus.


One of the three major sects of 1st century C.E. Judaism. Semi-ascetic in nature, they were spiritual descendants of the hasidim (meaning "pious"). Their apocalyptic convictions and certain of their rituals akin to baptism have suggested that they were an influence on John the Baptist.

What is the second coming of Jesus at the end of the world called?


A Smal area along the southern coast of Asia Minor where Paul broke with Barnabas and John and MArk


The policy of peace throughout the Roman Empire

Pax Romana

What was the occasion of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on early Christians assembled in Jerusalem shortly after the ascension of Jesus? It is regarded as the spiritual baptism of the church.


Who were the 3 apostles who witnessed Jesus' transfiguration, they saw the person of Jesus in his glorified body

Peter, James, and John


Peter, one of the 12 Apostles.

Recent scholarship has become more convinced that Matthew's gospel was formulated in direct confrontation with ________

Pharisaic Judaism

What was Saul/PAul's occupation before his conversion?

Pharisee or tentmaker

Matthew demonstrates contempt against the Jewish leaders, especially the _____________ in his Gospel


Who was the first Christian to preach to the Samaratins


What was a city of eastern Macedonia, the first European center to receive the Christian message? It became Paul's favorite church and the one to which one of his letters is addressed.


How are Stephen's death and Jesus death similar?

Prays to Jesus just as Jesus prayed to the Father. Stephen is taken out of the city to be killed. He prays for forgiveness for his murders: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them" (Acts 7:60). Prayer of confidence "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit" (Acts 7:59); similar to Jesus' cry to God (Luke 23:46)

What is the hypothetical document that many scholars believe contained a collection of Jesus' sayings'

Q SOurce

What is the name of the ruins of an Essene monastic community located near the northwest corner of the Dead Sea, near which the Essene library were hidden in caves?


Who'd id Paul study under and her warned Paul not to persecute the Christians?

Rabi Gamaliel

Who was the woman who opened the door for Peter, after he escaped from prison


Where is Paul taken on his "4th missionary" trip?



Ruins of an Essene monastic community located near the northwest corner of the Dead Sea. The Romans destroyed it in 68 C.E.

A priestly and well to do party who were not above compromising with Rome to keep their aristocratic status. They were an ultraconservative Jewish sect composed largely of wealthy landowners.


Who were an ultraconservative Jewish sect of the 1st Century B.C.E. and 1st Century C.E. composed largely of wealthy and politically influential landowners. They recognized only the Torah as binding and denied the resurrection?


Who was the daughter of Herodia and Herod and niece of Herod Antipas, before whom she danced to secure the head of John he Baptist


Describe the Parable of the Lost Son/Prodigal Son found in the Gospel of Luke

See Luke 15:11-32

AN early Christian who accompanied Barnabas and Paul to Antioch with decrees from the Jerusalem council and who joined Paul on his second missionary journey?


Who was the devout old man who recognized the infant Jesus as the promised messiah


Who was a leather tanner of Joppa with whom Paul stayed?


Who was a Samaritan sorcerer who tired to buy the power of the Holy Spirit from Peter?

Simon Magus

Who was an Athenian philosopher ( 469 - 399 B.C.E.) and mentor of Plato, he taught that life's purpose was to seek the good and prepare the soul for immortality in the afterlife? He was executed for questioning conventional ideas about the gods.



Someone who is not a Jew, an uncircumcised person, one belonging to "the nations."

Herod Agrippa I

Son of Aristobulus and grandson of Herod the Great, ingratiated himself as the imperial court in Rome and, under Claudius, was made king over most of Palestine (41 - 44 C.E.). A persecutor of Christians, he reportedly died a horrible death immediately after accepting divine honors (Acts 12: 1-23).

Herod Agrippa II

Son of Herod Agrippa I and great-grandson of Herod the Great. He along with his sister Bernice, before whom Paul appeared at Caesarea.

Herod Philip II

Son of Herod the Great and half-brother of Herod Antipas, ruled portions of northeastern Palestine and rebuilt Caesarea Phillip.

Herod Antipas

Son of Herod the Great, tetrarch of Galilee and Persa (4 B.C.E. -39 C.E.), is frequently mentioned in the New Testament. Jesus, who called him "that fox" and regarded his as a malign influence, and was tried before him. He was also responsible for the execution of John the Baptist.

Mark (John Mark)

Son of Mary, a Jerusalem Jew who accompanied Barnabas and Paul on an early missionary journey. Some ascribe the first gospel to him.

John the Baptist

Son of Zechariah, a priest, and Elisabeth. John was an ascetic who preached the imminence of judgment and baptized converts in the Jordan River as a symbol of their repentance from sin. The Gospel writers viewed him as an Elijah figure and forerunner of the Messiah, who baptized Jesus. He was beheaded by Herod Antipas.

Who was a Hellenistic Jew who was Stoned for his Christian beliefs


Who is the 1st martyr of the post resurrection church

Stephen (Acts 7)


Stepson of Augustus and second emperor of Rome (14 - 37 C.E.).

What was the Greek philosophy that emphasized duty, endurance, self-control, and service to the gods, the family and the state? They believed in the soul's immortality, rewards and punishments after death


What are the 1st 3 gospels, so named because they share a large quantity of material in common, allowing their texts to be viewed together with one eye?

Synoptic gospels

Who were the 5 women listed in Matthew's genealogy?

Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, Mary

What was the birthplace of Saul/Paul?



Term for "Valley of the Son of Hinnom" that boarders Jerusalem on the south and west and was the site of human sacrifices to Molech and other pagan gods. Later used as a dump in which to burn garbage, it became a symbol of punishment in the afterlife and is cited as such by Jesus. Hell or garbage dump.

Where does the Acts of the Apostles begin?

The Ascension


The Christian doctrine asserting that the prehuman Son of God became flesh, the man Jesus of Nazareth.


The Christian message, the "good news", Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


The Greek god of medicine, he was the son of a mortal woman, Coronis, and Apollo, god of prophecy, health, purification, and the creative arts.


The Greek term for the Underworld., abode of the dead, named for Zeus' brother Hades, god of the nether regions.

Herod the Great

The Idumean Roman-appointed king of Judea (40 - 4 B.C.E), was ruling when Jesus was born. An able administrator who completely reconstructed the Jerusalem Temple, he was notorious for reputed cruelty and was almost universally hated by the Jews.


The Jewish royal dynasty founded by the Maccabees and named for Hasmon, an ancestor of Mattathias. The Roman conquest of Palestine in 63 B.C.E. brought Hasmonean rulership and Jewish independence to an end.

Diana (of Ephesians)

The Near Eastern form of the Greek goddess Artemis worshiped in Ephesus, which in Paul's time was the capital of the Roman province of Asia.

What was the parable in Luke's gospel where a young man demands his inheritance from his father, only to later return and be forgiven?

The Prodigal Son

Pontius Pilate

The Roman prefect of Judea (26 36 C.E.) who presided at Jesus' trial for sedition against Rome and sentenced him to be crucified.


The Roman procurator or governor of Judea before whom Paul was tried at Caesarea about 60 C.E.

When Matthew, Mark, Luke and John quoted from the Old Testament, they usually quoted from what source?

The Septuagint


The act or practice of expelling a demon or evil spirit from a person or place.


The beggar in Jesus' parable of rewards and punishments in the afterlife in Luke's gospel.


The capital of Syria. Location of the baptism of Paul.


The civic court in Athens and the location of an important legal council of the Athenian democracy, where according to Acts 17, Paul introduced Christianity to some Athenian intellectuals.


The devout old man who recognized the infant Jesus as the promised Messiah in the Temple of Jerusalem.


The early Christian elected to replace Judus among the Twelve.


The emperor of Rome (69 - 79 C.E.) who led Roman legions into Judea during the Jewish revolt (66 - 70 C.E), the siege of Jerusalem passing to his son Titus when he became emperor.

Jesus worked miracles for people because __________________

The faith the people had in him to help them


The first emperor of Rome (30 B.C.E. - 14 C.E.), he brought peace to the Roman Empire after centuries of civil war.


The influence and adoption of Greek thought, language, and culture that began with Alexander the Great's conquest of the eastern Mediterranean world.


The king-priest of Canaanite Salem.


The large mountainous district in northern Greece. It was the first part of Europe to be Christianized.


The list of blessings or happinesses with which Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount. An example would be, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Galilee, Sea of

The major body of fresh water in northern Palestine and source of livelihood to many fishermen, such as Peter, Andrew and John. The towns and fields along it shores were the site of many of Jesus' public discourses and miracles.


The most influential apostle and missionary of the mid-first-century C.E. and author of seven to nine New Testament letters. Saul of Tarsus (his original name) was born in the capital of the Asia Minor province of Cilicia into a family of Pharisees of the tribe of Benjamin and had both Roman and Taureaan citizenship. Convert to Christianity after persecuting the early Christians, he undertook three international missionary tours. He was probably martyred in Rome about 64-65 C.E.

Philo Judaeus

The most influential philosopher of Hellenistic Judaism, he was a Greek-educated Jew living in Alexandria, Egypt (20 B.C.E. - 50 C.E.). His doctrine of the Logos shaped the prologue to John's Gospel.


The most prominent of Jesus' Twelve Apostles, also known as Simon and Cephas (rock). The first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, Son of God. Head of the Church in Rome. He was martyred under Nero about 64-65 C.E.

Jesus Christ

The name and title given the son of Mary and Joseph (the child's legal father), Son of God, Messiah, Savior.


The name applied to members of an influential political movement in first-century CE Judaism who supported Herod's dynasty.


The name given northern Palestine lying west of the Jordan, the region where Jesus grew up. It was under Roman control but administered by the tetrarch Herod Antipas.


The name given to the angel Gabriel's declaration to Mary of Nazareth that she was to bear a son, Jesus, who would inherit David's throne.


The older brother of Moses and first head of the Israelite priesthood.

Jerusalem Church

The original center of Christianity from which the "new way" spread outward to "the ends of the earth."


The otherwise unknown man to who the Gospel of Luke and Book of Acts are addressed. He may have been a Roman official who became a Christian.

Holy Spirit

The presence of God active in human life. Blessed the Apostles in the upper room at Pentecost.


The procurator of Judea whom Nero appointed to succeed Felix and through whom Paul appealed to be tried by Caesar's court in Rome.


The resurrected Jesus' ascent to heaven.

Last Supper

The ritual meal that Jesus held with his closest disciples the night before he died. Here he instituted the Eucharist, the bread and wine that became his body and blood about to be sacrificed on behalf of humanity.


The sister of Martha and Lazarus, whose home at Bethany Jesus frequented.


The sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany, whose home Jesus frequently visited.


The site of a garden or orchard on the Mount of Olives where Jesus took his disciples after the Last Supper; the place where Jesus was arrested.

Masoretic Test (MT)

The standard text of the Hebrew Bible as given final form by the Masoretes in the 7th through 9th century C.E.


The supreme judicial council of the Jews from about 3rd century B.C.E. until the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 C.E. It deliberations were led by the High Priest. Jesus was tried by this counsel and condemned on charges of blasphemy.


The term commonly used to denote Jesus' suffering and death.

Who was an otherwise unknown man to whom the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are addressed. HE may have been a Roman official who became a Christian?


True or False: Although the slaughter of innocent male children two years and under is consistent with Herod's ruthlessness, there is no record of this event other than the Gospel of Matthew.


True or False? Luke wrote the Infancy Narratives in old-fashioned Greek (Septuagint Bible)- echoing ancient Scriptures by quoting extensively from the Hebrew Prophets, because what he relates in these passages is the climactic turn of history the incarnation of God.


True or False? We find that Matthew takes an "all inclusive approach" being a true "liberal conservative". He will do this by preserving both the new and the old, from the proper perspective of the new.


True or False? According to the Gospel of Matthew, we must not retaliate against fellow humans in order to end the cycle of evil.


True or False? Parables have both a present and future dimension as Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven


Tur or False? Luke was not an eyewitness of Jesus and therefore had to rely on the witness of others for his information


What are the 4 key groups of the Antichene Church

Ultraconservatives(Judaizers), m=Moderately conservatives (James group), Liberals (Paul group, and Radicals

What was Pilate's symbolic action indicating that he was "innocent of this man's blood"

Washed his hands in the sight of the crowd

Mary, the virgin

Wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus, who, the angel Gabriel informed her, was conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Luke takes on a personal interest in which groups of people? Name two.

Women, the poor, the social outcasts, and other powerless persons.

Who was the wealthy tax collector in the Gospel of Luke who returned the money he unlawfully took from the people


They were fierce in their desire for independence from Rome. They no doubt instigated the rebellion against Rome in 66 C.E.


Who was a Judea Temple priest, husband of Elizabeth, whose long childless marriage was blessed in old age by the birth of the future John the Baptist?


Matthew wrote about Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey in order to fulfill the Hebrew Scripture prophecy found in the book of ___________?

Zechariah 9:9

After Herod the Great's death in 4 BCE his kingdom was divided _______________

among his sons

The Jews claimed that the Apostles took Jesus' body by saying, "his disciples came by night and stole him while we were ____________?


The disciples first reaction upon hearing of Jesus' resurrection was _________________

doubt and fear

The clash between Jesus and the religious leaders of Israel grew and grew until it finally reached the breaking point , Jesus' ___________________

passion and death

Jesus warns the Apostles that they will be ___________ persecutes if they become his followers


Luke tells us about the childhood of Jesus, when he was preaching in the ________


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