Review Quiz Psych 10

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Which groups would memory researchers likely say would be the most susceptible to misinformation?

Children and Older Adults

In the classic study by Hartshorne, May, Maller, and Shuttleworth (1928), the authors found that if they varied the situation, they could get children to behave honestly or dishonestly depending on the situation. This study supports the belief that ______.

Childrens ethical behavior depends on the situation

The process of identifying, evaluating, and changing maladaptive thoughts or schemas is known as what?

Cognitive Restructuring

Jimmy has a tendency to interpret other people's actions—such as his friends arriving late to meet him for lunch—in a very negative way. These thoughts often leave him feeling depressed. A therapist who wanted to intervene in his depression by challenging this way of thinking would most likely use:

Cognitive behavioral therapies

_________ is a process that occurs after encoding that is believed to stabilize memory traces.


Cynthia smiles when her friend tells her a joke. She also smiles when her boss gives her criticism. Even though Cynthia might not actually be feeling happy, she knows the _______ rules of her work environment. In other words, she knows when emotions are appropriate to show.


Which principle describes when an unusual event, typically in the context of similar events, will be recalled and recognized better than uniform events?


In order for a mood-related episode to qualify as a period of hypomania, the associated symptoms of elevation must last for a minimum of:

Four Days

Which of the following is NOT a form of biological treatment for a person suffering from depression?

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Happiness has been shown to be associated with a number of desirable outcomes such as __________.

Happy lawyers are more likely to win cases

Vishnu is an extremely hostile and competitive person. One might say he has a Type A personality. Due to these characteristics, we can predict what about Vishnu?

He is at risk for heart problems such as damaged arteries.

Heather just failed her sculpting class. From this failure Heather concludes it was her fault, she has no talent, and she will always do poorly in sculpting. What is Heather displaying?

Heather has made an internal, global and stable attribution about herself.

People naturally use mental "shortcuts" to simplify their social world. These shortcuts are known as:


Someone from ______ is less likely to experience the negative psychological consequences of emotional suppression, such as depression or lower life satisfaction.

Hong Kong

Which of the following emotions would combine high arousal (HA) and unpleasant (N) dimensions?


Which of the following is not a likely explanation of the Flynn effect in many cultures?

IQ tests have become progressively easier over time

Which of the following is the most dangerous method of administering a drug into one's system?

IV Administration

In Bazerman and Moore's model of rational decision making, the second step is to:

Identify the criteria necessary to judge possible solutions.

A memory error caused by exposure to incorrect data between the original event and a subsequent memory test of that event is called the __________ effect.


Johnny and his family are watching TV. One of Johnny's favorite shows comes on so he gets up and sits in front of the TV to be closer to the screen, not realizing he is blocking the screen for the rest of his family. From this example, what is Johnny most likely still developing?

Theory of Mind

Which of the following is an assumption associated with humanistic therapies?

Therapy works best when therapists have unconditional positive regard for their clients.

Which of the following is a possible outcome when individuals' implicit and explicit attitudes do not match?

They are unaware they hold an actual bias, such as a bias towards an ethnic minority.

Personality traits are defined as:

relatively enduring dispositions in behavior that characterize individuals across varying types of situations

_____________ best describes when people feel like they have the power to change their environment or behavior if they need or want to?

A sense of control

While reading a magazine Juan notices an advertisement for tennis shoes. Juan is very interested in reading about the materials the shoes are made out of and logically concludes the tennis shoes would be a good purchase. Juan was likely in which persuasion route?


When being considered for a job opening, people being interviewed often mirror the interviewer's behavior. This can be explained by what concept?

Chameleon Effect

In perhaps the most famous study ever conducted in social psychology, approximately ______ of men studied were willing to administer a lethal shock of electricity to a helpless victim when they were ordered to do so by a person who appeared to be in a position of authority.


Which of the following is the truest of juvenile pharmacology?

20% of children have some mental disorder and some disorders are in the increase making effective medical intervention an important issue.

Finding treatments for psychological health issues is of great importance as it is estimated that _______ percent of adults experience a mental health issue in any given year.


Shifa and her girlfriends are going out for a bachelorette party the night before Shifa's wedding. There are 12 ladies attending the night's activities. According to base rates, approximately how many of these women will suffer from a mental health issue in the next year?


Bazerman and Moore outlined ______ steps that you should take in order to make a rational decision.


John has just been assessed as having an mild intellectual disability. Part of this diagnosis was based on his IQ score, which must have been below which of the following thresholds?


What is a heuristic?

A mental shortcut that enables a person to make decisions and solve problems quickly and efficiently

What is the definition of self-esteem?

A person's sense of feeling worthy or good

Which therapeutic approach is designed to foster nonjudgmental observation of one's own mental processes?

Acceptance and commitment therapy

After people first react to good or bad events their feelings and reactions tend to dampen down over time and they return toward their original level of subjective well-being. This process is known as what concept?


Amy is very excited for the day of her wedding. On that day she experiences a spike in happiness and this feeling lasts for about a month. After that she returns to her "normal" levels of mood. What is this an example of?


Psychologists best define drive states as:

Affective experiences that motivate organisms to fulfill survival or reproductive goals

A psychotropic drug is one that:

Affects moods and emotions

A person who avoids public places or situations because they are viewed as not "safe" would most likely be diagnosed with:


Istvan is well liked by his friends because he is trusting, considerate, compassionate, loyal, and easy to get along with. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Istvan likely score high in?


A person who grew up in American culture has likely developed a redemptive narrative. Which of the examples best represents this concept?

Alison sees herself as a girl who had to endure great hardship growing up with divorced parents but has overcome this obstacle and is now happily married.

Factor analysis allowed personality theorists to:

Analyze the correlations among traits and identify the most important ones

Sexual arousal and pleasure in males is strongly related to the preoptic area, which is a region in the:

Anterior Hypothalamus

__________ can be defined as a negative mood state that is accompanied by bodily symptoms, muscle tension, a sense of unease, and apprehension about future danger or misfortune.


Which of the following questions might be the most effective for examining the phenomenon of false memory?

Asking a participant where on the Pepsi machine they saw the button to select a can of Sprite (which is actually a Coke product, not a Pepsi product).

A(n) __________ is a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a target with a degree of favor or disfavor.


Which of the following is not a common symptom of generalized anxiety disorder?

Auditory Hallucinations

Uncritical trust in authority can lead to significant problems for several reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Authority figures quite often have hidden agendas that must be protected against.

What are the three characteristics of a speaker that makes him/her more trustworthy when delivering a persuasive message?

Authority, Honest, Likability

Episodic memory is the memory system that holds what kind of information?

Autobiographical knowledge

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the difference between Bipolar I Disorder (BD I) and Bipolar II Disorder (BD II)?

BD I involves at least one manic episode, while BD II involves at least one hypomanic episode.

Which psychologist conducts research on the mindset of children looking at differences in high and low achievers with similar IQ scores?

Carol Dweck

The Nobel Prize winning research of Tversky and Kahneman provided new insights about systematic and predictable __________ that influence individuals' judgments.


__________ are systematic and predictable mistakes that influence judgment and decision making.


Which of the following pairs of psychologists were responsible for the first recognized test of intelligence quotient, or IQ?

Binet and Simon

One day, Betty felt lethargic, hopelessly sad, fatigued, and had no interest in anything. A few days later she was feeling extremely euphoric and powerful, engaged in risky sexual exploits, and spent money irresponsibly. Betty could be diagnosed with:

Bipolar disorder

Joseph is very focused on counting the number of acorns that have fallen from a tree in his front yard. He is concentrating so hard, in fact, that he fails to notice the obvious and important fact that there is dog poop underneath the tree as well. Failing to notice this available information leads Joseph to step in the mess. Which of the following is this an example of?

Bounded Awareness

While humans try to make rational and logical decisions, we are prevented from doing so by our cognitive limitations that limit the quality and quantity of information available to us. This limitation is called:

Bounded Rationality

Brian suffered damage to the ventromedial part of his hypothalamus. As a result, we can anticipate the following to occur:

Brians appetite for food will be affected

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of anxiety disorders?

CBT is often effective, and in some cases even more effective than the use of medication.

According to the affect valuation theory, __________ factors shape how a person ideally wants to feel, while __________ factors shape how a person actually feels.

Cultural; temperamental

Contemporary research on the self as an autobiographical author has found a strong effect of __________ on one's narrative identity.


Who of the following completed Nobel Prize-winning research on how people think and make decisions?

Daniel Kahneman

Ebony is trying to decide what she is going to do for her philosophy class project. According to the rational decision making model of Bazerman and Moore, her first step would be to:

Define the problem that she is trying to solve

"Oh I know that I'll just be sad forever," Monique cries, after her first boyfriend broke up with her. "I'm never going to love again. My life is RUINED!" Given that she is unlikely to be sad forever, Monique is demonstrating the __________ bias.


Today in class, your professor handed back your tests and to your excitement, you earned a perfect score! Unfortunately, your best friend, who is also in the class, failed the exam. If you are from ______, you are more likely to also feel a degree of worry over your best friend's failed test.

East Asia

Dr. Habib triggers activity in the lateral hypothalamus of a rat by stimulating it electronically. This procedure typically:

Elicits eating behavior in the rat

Charlie hates taking exams. He spends the week before finals biting his nails, sleeping poorly, and worrying. He tries to distract himself by watching funny movies the night before the exam. This is an example of _________________.

Emotion-focused coping

Some researcher say that ____________________ is really a set of skills including stress management and the ability to perceive moods.

Emotional Intelligence

"Feelings" is a general term used to describe a wide range of states that include emotions, moods, and traits. These states are similar in the fact that they involve changes in subjective experience, physiological responding, and behavior in response to a meaningful event. What are the differences between these states of emotions, moods, and traits?

Emotions typically occur on the order of seconds, whereas moods may last for days, and traits are tendencies to respond a certain way across various situations.

During the lecture Wayne is busy texting on his cell phone, while kind of half paying attention to what the professor is saying. A few minutes after making a point the professor gives an pop quiz on the material. Wayne can't retrieve the information the prof gave in the lecture and does poorly on the test. A likely factor in Wayne's not being able to retrieve the information is:

Encoding Failure

When Carla was discussing the party with one of her friends, she was trying to remember a conversation she'd had. Carla was trying to access her:

Episodic Memory

Hostility is an experience or trait with cognitive, behavioral, and emotional components. Which of the following is NOT an example of these components?

Excessive Worry

Hostility is an experience or trait with cognitive, behavioral, and emotional components. Which of the following is NOT an example of these components?

Excessive worry

Calvin is interested in measuring his school's willingness to do volunteer work around the community. He sends out a self-report survey that asks students to directly fill out their _________ attitudes on the topic.


Anton is afraid of snakes and seeks therapy for this problem because it is interfering with his ability to work at the zoo. His therapist has Anton stand next to a black string in one session. In the next session he has Anton stand close to a rubber snake. In a later session he has Anton stand near a tank containing a live black snake. This is an example of:

Exposure Therapy

David is happy and optimistic. He enjoys being around other people and participating in extreme sports like skydiving and bungee jumping. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?


According to research evidence, __________ is the most persuasive form of evidence presented in court.

Eyewitness Testimony

When people are aware of stereotypes about their social group as it relates to scores on intelligence tests:

Fear may undermine their performance

__________ refers to a physical posture in females that serves as an invitation to mate.


Gary spends much of his day wondering "what if" about catastrophic scenarios. This thought process makes him feel he has control over the situation. However, the lack of any catastrophes only reinforces the "what if?" behavior. Gary would most likely be diagnosed with:

Generalized anxiety disorder

Twin studies suggest that familial influence on Major Depressive Disorders is due to _______________________.

Genetic factors and environmental factors

Which of the following is an example of the planning fallacy?

Gerard believes he can complete a term paper within a one-week time frame. He is surprised when he cannot complete the project as quickly as he anticipated.

Which of the following would be an example of a 'false memory'?

Gina remembers getting lost in a shopping mall when she was a child because her sister often tells her that this event occurred, even though it never really happened.

April is starting to spend money quickly to buy the fanciest clothes, car, and hotel rooms because she has an inflated sense of self-importance and self-worth, believing she deserves these things due to her superior powers and abilities. What symptom of mania is April displaying?


The Implicit Association Task (IAT) used in research, which records participants' reaction times to categorizing objects, is measuring what type of attitude?

Implicit attitude

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors used by researchers as a measure of one's subjective well-being?


Agonists generally _______ activity at the synapse while antagonists generally ______ activity at the synapse.

Increase; decrease

According to cultural psychologists Markus and Kitayama (1991), the dominant model of the self in North American contexts is a(n) __________ one. In such a model being a person means being distinct from others and behaving similarly across situations.


Knowing Paige is extremely high in Extraversion does not help predict her scores on Neuroticism. This is because scores within the Five-Factor Model are mostly ___________, where two traits are separate from one another. Thus, in the Five-Factor Model, you need five scores to describe most of an individual's personality.


Crystallized Intelligence is to Fluid Intelligence:

Information that has been acquired through experience: ability to reason and problem solve in novel situations.

Paulo is being tested in the office of a licensed psychology. The test is examining Paulo's ability to acquire, process, recall, and apply information. In short, his cognitive capacity is being assessed. Paulo is probably undergoing a(n) __________ test.


Howard Gardner proposed that:

Intelligence is comprised of multiple intelligences - a model that claims there are eight different types of intelligence that are independent of each other.

Marguerite knows that when she goes to the dentist's office she tends to get physical symptoms that are similar to those that occur when she has a panic attack. As a result, she avoids going to the dentist even though she has tooth pain and has not had her teeth cleaned in several years. Marguerite is engaging in __________ avoidance.


One challenge to the trait approach to personality is that traits may not be as stable across situations as we think they are. An explanation for this instability is that personality:

Is shaped by the situations that we are exposed to

Why would it be accurate to suggest that anxiety has benefits?

It causes people to plan for the future

Why do scientists sometimes avoid using the word happiness when referring to subjective well-being?

It is a popular word that can refer to different things such as feeling good or being satisfied.

Thirty-eight percent of people report using the internet and having it influence their decision to see a doctor. While the internet has an important role, which of the following is a concern doctors have over the average person turning to the internet for medical advice?

Judging the credibility based on irrelevant factors

Which of the following is an example of anhedonia?

Julie typically enjoyed taking her kids to the park but lately has lost interest or pleasure in this activity.

At what point in life does one begin to construct a narrative identity?

Late Adolescence

Dr. Zelbing and her graduate assistant want to compile a list of personality traits using the approach advocated by Allport and Odbert. In order to do this, they get two copies of the unabridged dictionary of the English language, use it to look for words that are related to personality traits. When they are done several weeks later, they have a list of several thousand words that they will reduce based on duplicate terminology. Dr. Zelbing advocates for a(n) __________ to the study of personality.

Lexical Hypothesis

Gordon Allport and his colleagues' approach to personality led to the development of the five-factor model. Their approach, called the __________________, theorized that all important personality characteristics should be reflected in the language that we use to describe other people.

Lexical Hypothesis

A researcher is interested in the process by which a person reflects on their life and judges to what degree it is going well by whatever standards that person thinks are most important to a good life. What might the researcher be measuring?

Life satisfaction

Which of the following components are measured by psychologists interested in subjective well-being?

Life satisfaction, positive feelings and negative feelings.

_________ occurs primarily in the liver and involves the breakdown of substances.


In a study, researchers asked one group of participants to watch a video about two friends in an unpleasant argument. They asked another group of participants to watch the same video, but told participants that it was a video of two friends enjoying a lively discussion. Afterwards, the researchers notice that participants who were told the discussion was an argument were more likely to falsely report that the people in the video were yelling, frowning, and getting angry. This is an example of:

Misinformation Effect

"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" (PEMDAS) is a popular way for math teachers to help their students remember the order of operations (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction). This is an example of:

Mnemonic devices

Development of a mature identity involves an internalized and evolving story of the self that reconstructs the past and anticipates the future in such a way as to provide a person's life with some degree of unity, meaning, and purpose over time. This is also known as ___________.

Narrative Identity

Half-way through your 15 mile hike, you realize that you forgot your water bottle. By the time you get back to your car, all you can think about it getting something to drink. You stop at the store, but they are charging $10 for a bottle of water. Even though that price is outrageous, you willingly pay it because you are so thirsty. This is an example of ________.

Narrowing of Attention

Kyle is so preoccupied with avoiding germs that he washes his hands as many as 20 times an hour. Kyle most likely suffers from:


When he leaves his house, Carlton experiences high levels of anxiety about whether he has locked his front door. As a result, he goes back to check the door multiple times, and sometimes he is so anxious about not having locked up that he is unable to leave his home at all. Which disorder is he most likely experiencing here?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Hammond likes his daily routine that involves eating the same breakfast while reading the newspaper, and taking the same route to work. Every year he vacations at his favorite beach resort. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score low in?


Albert has a large project due to his boss by the end of the week. Although it's stressful, Albert makes a step-by-step to-do list to ensure he can accomplish the project on time. Albert is displaying what type of coping?

Problem-focuses coping

Richard experiences unexpected episodes of intense fear, accompanied by shortness of breath and the thought that he might be going crazy. He constantly fears the onset of these episodes. Richard most likely suffers from:

Panic disorder

Dr. Loftus has used a false feedback manipulation to persuade subjects to falsely remember having a variety of childhood experiences. Which of the following best describes this experimental technique?

Participants are deceived to believe a computer system has analyzed questionnaires they previously completed and concluded they had particular experiences years earlier.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about affective forecasting?

People tend to be accurate with predicting whether event will result in positive or negative feelings but inaccurate regarding the strength or duration of these emotions.

Walter Mischel (1968, 2009) pointed out this apparent fact about the predictability of individuals' behavior through personality tests:

People's behavior varies greatly situation by situation, but tests can reveal their average behavior across many situations.

Rory has felt depressed most of the last three years. He also suffers from poor appetite and low self-esteem. Rory most likely has:

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery?

Person-Centered Therapy

Autobiographical memory forms the core of an individual's:

Personal identity

Examples of top-down causes of subjective well-being include:

Personality, outlook and resilience

Social psychologists are often interested in the phenomena of _________, in which one person influences the thoughts or actions of another.


__________ is the process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors.


A __________ involves giving a selection of normally small pictures of faces to eyewitnesses for the purpose of identifying a perpetrator.

Photo spread

The elderly, specifically in the United States, is a population known for _____________, or using multiple drugs at one time.


Which of the following best describes the possible relation between positive affect and disease?

Positive feelings can boost the immune system and improve health behaviors.

After serving two terms in Afghanistan, Kurt is suffering from insomnia, is agitated and jumpy, and has intrusive thoughts that cause great distress. Kurt is most likely suffering from:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Research has repeatedly supported the notion that adult personality exists as a combination of the "big five" personality traits. Which of the following is NOT a big five personality trait?


When people are asked to rate one of their own personality traits, they tend to:

Rate themselves higher on the trait compared to others

A __________ narrative is a life story that affirms one's transformation from suffering to an elevated status or state.


One proposed aspect of the self is that you reflect on and try to change your own self. This describes the self as __________.


The ________ heuristic is one in which the likelihood of an object belonging to a category is evaluated based on the extent to which the object appears similar to one's mental conceptualization of the category.


Johnny has been known to "bounce back" from any negative situation he may encounter. When his small business went bankrupt Johnny didn't feel beaten. Instead, 10 years later he was able to modify his idea and turn it into a profitable business. Johnny is a perfect example of a person with ____________.


A(n) __________ is a memory template that is formed through repeated exposure to a particular class of objects or events.


Emotions exist in __________ while feelings and moods occur in __________.

Seconds; days

According to the module, if you are European American, what is the biggest contributor to life satisfaction?


Which of the following is the most accurate with regards to self-report happiness measures?

Self-report can be used to measure happiness but because these assessments are flawed it is helpful to use them along with other types of measures.

Memory that is not embedded in a context is called:

Semantic Memory

Which part of the brain displays rhythmic spiking during sexual orgasm and is one of the brain regions that rats will most reliably voluntarily self-stimulate?

Septal Nucleus

Which is most true of sexual arousal?

Sexual arousal is a drive state because it motivates reproductive goal behavior.

Susan smokes cigarettes and is, by her own admission, addicted to them. Which of the following is implicated in Susan's addiction?

She associates cues, such as seeing a cigarette lighter, with smoking, and these cues increase her desire to smoke and the nicotine in her cigarettes reach her bran quickly because it is inhaled.

Dr. Koothrappali is interested in studying the emotions of people across cultures. He believes that even though people show similar physiological responses, they can experience emotions very differently depending on how they were raised and where they grew up. What approach to emotions is Dr. Koothrappali demonstrating?

Social Construtivist

Ben is playing basketball with his friends one day when he notices everyone else has name brand shoes. He is uncertain how the quality of his shoes compares to his friends but because of __________ he feels pressure to conform and ends up buying name brand shoes for himself by the following week.

Social Proof

Which of the following demographic variables is associated with the prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder?

Socio-ecomonic status: people with lower incomes and education levels are more likely to have MDD

A possible problem in the use of psychological tests (e.g., IQ tests) is that many different psychologists from different backgrounds and with different theoretical orientations and backgrounds may give the test. Every psychologist then might deliver the test differently. In order to overcome this problem, it is ideal if psychological tests are:


Banafsheh is a female student in a graduate program in pure mathematics. On the first day of classes, she notices that she is one of the only females in the group. Consequently, she feels more conscious of her gender in that situation. At the start of the class, the instructor gives each student a written quiz to assess their current level of knowledge. When taking this test, Banafsheh, being particularly aware of her gender, is most likely to experience which of the following phenomena?

Sterotype Threat

Researchers pointed out to participants how gullible they were in being influenced by advertisements. As a result the participants were less affected by ads. What is technique effect called?


In today's society, people are often very busy-- especially executives-- causing them to trust certain ways of thinking over others. However, this can lead to many biases and make poor decisions. Which of the following is the best way to reduce bias and improve decisions?

Stop trusting System 1 and engage more in System 2 more.

On your way to school today, you slipped and fell on the ice. To make matters worse, you did it right in front of someone you are romantically interested in. Your feelings of extreme embarrassment reflect which facet of emotional responses?

Subjective experience

Tonya has taken medication that her doctor prescribed. This medication blocks neurotransmitters from binding to a postsynaptic receptor, leaving an abundance of neurotransmitters in the tiny space between the two neurons, also called the __________.


Bosay is at the electronics store trying to decide which new game system to buy. She takes her time, studies the features of each, and is very effortful in her decision. When she finally buys a system, she feels confident that she has made the right choice. Bosay has used ________ decision making to assist with this purchase.

System 2

Homeostasis refers to:

The tendency to return to a balanced or stable internal state

Wechsler designed IQ tests that provide specific scores for different kinds of abilities. Performance items:

Test nonverbal abilities such as the ability to copy block designs

When an individual reflects on her sense of self as an embodied actor whose social performances may be construed in terms of more or less consistent self, upon which aspect of the self is she reflecting?

The "Social Actor"

Occasionally, a drug is used to treat a particular mental illness but also ends up affecting other non-related neurotransmitters. This contributes to ________.

The experience of side effects

Many people are advised not to eat grapefruits or drink grapefruit juice. This is because:

The juice suppresses an enzyme in the liver that breaks down drugs leading to potentially toxic levels of those drugs

What does it mean when psychologists say that the "I" is perceiving the "me"?

The self as a knower is able to reflect on the self as a known object or target.

Why do some salespeople try to start a new interaction by asking for something small from a potential customer (e.g., "Just answer one quick question")?

They know getting small acts of cooperation may lead to larger actions in the same direction.

Pharmacokinetics are important because:

They provide information regarding how drugs are metabolized by the body

The failure to retrieve a word from memory, combined with partial recall and the feeling that retrieval is imminent is known by psychologists as the _____________ effect.

Tip of the tongue effect

Why do researchers who are interested in subjective well-being take the time to observe changes in immune system and brain regions in addition to asking people to report on their own happiness levels?

To better measure happiness in individuals

Sometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. What is this process known as?


Dr. Langmeier is presenting to her college's psychology club about the fact that human beings tend to experience similar feelings across different cultures. "Emotions developed in response to the similar environments of our common ancestors," she states. Dr. Langmeier is advocating for the __________ perspective in her discussion.


It is possible to frame choices in a way that overcomes common decision making biases. Which of the following is NOT a plan that follows the principles of this type of "decision architects"?

Using statistics to make decisions for hiring baseball players

Imagine that you have a pet rat named Scabbers. Normally, you feed Scabbers bits of lettuce, carrots, fruit, and plain cheerios. However, you've noticed that Scabbers has started to become very picky - he refuses to eat almost anything you give him. What part of Scabbers' brain might be damaged?

Ventromedial Hypothalamus

How has our perspective on health changed over the years?

We look at physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or illness.

According to the Flynn Effect, which of the following would be the most accurate prediction about intelligence?

When Chris takes a test of intelligence and his grandson Abraham takes an equivalent test 50 years later, Abraham will have a higher score.

Which of the following accurately reflects the influence of group discussion on recall accuracy?

When groups discuss an event, it reduces individual recall accuracy.

According to eyewitness testimony research, which of the following increases the likelihood of identification errors?

When-eyewitnesses are asked to identify a perpetrator from a race other than their own

Susan ate a donut even though she is on a diet because they were at the morning meeting and she had skipped breakfast. Susan demonstrated bounded __________; the argument that we give greater weight to our immediate concerns, even when they are in opposition to our long-term goals.


Levi met a cute girl on the street. The girl gave Levi her number and Levi is trying to remember the digits until he can write it down when he finds a paper and pencil. Levi is using what type of memory to remember the girl's phone number?

Working Memory

In original psychoanalysis techniques, Freud believed that analyzing dreams could aid therapists in helping clients. According to Freud, this is because the client's dreams contain ____________, or actual content, but also contained __________________, or symbolic underlying meaning.

manifest, latent content

Examples of bottom-up causes of subjective well-being include:

sufficient material resources, sufficient social resources, and living in a desirable society

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