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37-En entrainement cardiovasculaire, trouver le ratio 1:2 dans les choix suivants,:a.30 sec : 90 sec b.45 sec : 135 secc.1 min : 3 min d.50 sec : 1min 40 sec

37- D

38-Nommer et expliquer deux méthodes d'entrainements cardiovasculaires ?

38- Continu, intervalles aérobies, intervalles anaérobies, fartlek, circuit, cross training

79-Fixer des objectifs qui lui tiennent à cœur.Vrai ou Faux

79- Vrai

31.' ' "^tit RPE tcale allowi the exerciser to report subjective feeltng*^Ufing exercise taking what in to considération

*. général fatigue b. environmcntal conditions c« individuel fitness level d. a sud $ t« 4 />, and r e. abc

I. Prupui^n in twimming results from a complex interplay of **at two fluid forces?

*■ Magnus effect and drag b. sion friction and wave drag c propulsive lift and loft d. =propulsive lift and propulsive drag

15. Of the following statements, which is not true of cardiac musde cells?

. Cardiac muscle cells are si m i I a r in design to skeletal muscle cells. b. Cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated dises. c. Cardiac muscle cells are well supplied with blood vessek d. =Cardiac muscle cells contain a well-developed T-tubule System.

39. When riding a cycle, when the leg is at the bottom of the downstroke, the knee should be bent approximately how many degrees?

a. =5 b. 10 c 15 d 20

12. Which of the following could be impiemented in designingi sensible weight loss plan?

a. =500 to 1,000 kcal déficit below energy expenditure b. large daily déficit to lose weight rapidly c. undergo bariatric surgery before beginning your weight loss program d. a and b e. by and

34. Which of the foUowing is an antianginal beta blockw?

a. furosemide (Lasix) b. =metoprolol (Lopressor) c. ephedrine (Adrenalin) d. quinidine (Quinidex)

36. What would be expected in a strength-training program conducted for six weeks?

a. gains in strength due to muscle hypertrophy b. =gains in strength due to neural adaptations c. an increase in the number of type Ha fibe d. a and b e. a, b, and c

.—, 61. Match the type of joint and corresponding movement associatedwith the shoulder.

a. gliding-hyperextension b. pivot-pronation c. =bail and socket-circumduction d. hinge-flexion

4. What terni is used to identify any action implemented during or after the occurrence of a behavior that increases the proth ability that the behavior will occur again?

a. goal-setting b.= reinforcement c. shaping d. stimulus-control

_20. Which of the following physiological symptoms mightin^^ test anxiety in a client?

a. high resting heart rate b. high resting blood pressure c. muscle pain d.= a and b e. a, and c

33. Which of the following is (arc) antiaaginaî akmm àmmà blockery»)?

a. propranolol (Inderal) b. nifedipine (Procardia) c. diltiazem (Cardizem) d. a and b e. =B and C

__29. Evaluation of weight loss méthode lus bcen devcloped an| should include which of the following questions?

. Does the program meet my needs ami tre there reiouroes to meet thèse needs? b. Is the program safe? c. Will the program provide long-term results and obesity-related comorbities? d. a and b e. =, by and c

9. What ta the minimum age a child reach bemg permittvd to perfiimi mvummm 1RM

10 yta» of âge b. 18 vean ot*âge c. Tanner stage 3 tevel of matunry d. =Tanner stage 5 level of irutunty

32. National back fitness test


11- Qu'arrive-t-il lorsque la force dans le sarcomere est supérieure à la résistance?

11- Il se produit une contraction concentrique

14 - La proportion de fibres de type IIb varie dans chacun des muscles.Vrai ou Faux

14- Vrai

15- Lors du mouvement « montée sur bloc (step-up) », sur quelle jambe doit-on transférer le poids du corps ?

15- La jambe posée sur le bloc

33* Um citent de «ne masculin complète 10 répétitions avec 200 Ihs. Sur le développe couché Qmi cft ht I RM 4a client m se basant sur l'équation de prédiction du 1 RM?


29. What immédiate care is appropriate for most open wounds?

29. What immédiate care is appropriate for most open wounds?

£4. For a p^rson with diabètes» unplanned exercise should be précède hy

5 W 10 grain» of extra carbohydrates for cvery hour of exercée h. 5 ro ! 0 grams of extra carbohydratcs cvery 30 minutes doping exer c i *e c, 10 to 20 gramt of extra carbohydratei for cvery hour of exerdie d. =10 ro 20 grams of extra carbohydrate* cvery 30 minutes of exercise

intimide changements constamment routine rosultats

5 types de clients: I. Inquiet: peur de se blesser, _____________par le gyms 2. Nouveaute: veut toujours la derniere creation, veut des ____________de programme frequents. 3. Sociable: parle _____________ , veut rencontrer des gens, le gym est sa 2e maison. 4. Confortable: aime les choses provisibles, veut une _____________, ne vise pas I' autonomie. 5. Performant: veut des ______________, aime bien "no pain non gain".

83-Un programme d'amaigrissement qui repose sur une augmentation de l'activité physique de 200 min/semavec une diète modérée peut créer une perte de poids de 2 à 3 kg (4 à 7 livres) en 6 mois.Vrai ou Faux

83- Vrai

84-Une livre de masse maigre augmente le métabolisme de base de 30 kcal/jr.Vrai ou Faux

84- Faux

Utiliser les données suivantes pour répondre à la question 41

: Sexe: homme, Âge: 35 ans, Poids: 76 kg Palier FeOz FeC02 VE L/min (mph - % pente) 8-6 17.21 4.14 124.2 4.52 9- 13 17.36 3.88 130.9 4.60 9-14 17.60 3.47 122.1 4.04


Abonnement avec seances privees 1 a 3 fois semaine ________


Augmenter freq _______________ seances entr plus rappro au debut qu'a la fin Pause.


Favoriser utilisation seances entr Établir le nombre de séances d'entrainement optimal avec un entraineur personnel. • Planifier la _____________ d'utilisation des séances entrainements.

7. VG,max in adulthood déclines at about what rate pce year?

a. 0.5 percent b. =1.0 percent c. 1.5 percent d. 2.0 percent


Le client a plus de chance de succès lorsqu'il est _____________ par un entraineur personnel Quelles sont les chances de succès des clients qui ont seulement une séance de consultation par année ? Avez-vous déjà entendu parler d'un client qui a acheté trop de séances d'entraînement ?

Age: 48 Sexe: Masculin Taille: 180 cm Poids: 95 kg PA pré-exercice: 134/78 mmHg Fc pré-exercice: 90 bpm Protocole: Bruce (Tapis roulant) Stade de changement: Précontemplation

Minute Charge de travail PE Échelle de Vitesse Pente (%) Fc Borg 6-20 PA (mph) bpm scale mmHg 1 1.7 5 113 2 118 146/80 3 120 9 4 2.5 7 128 5 132 154/78 6 134 11 7 3.4 9 142 8 145 160/80 9 150 13 10 4.2 11 165 11 168 172/80 12 170 15 Récupération 1 2.5 1 150 2 2.5 1 146 158/80 3 2.5 1 128

26. When BP is being measured, the cuff should be deflated atwhat rate of mmHg per second

a. 1 b. =2to3 c. 5 to 6 d. 7 to 8

42. Of the following ergogenk aids, which could actually enhance performance?

a bee pollen: improves metabolism and endurance performance b. amino acid tablets: improve gains in muscle mass c. ginseng: enhances energy d. =carbohydrate loading: aids in muscle glycogen sparing

24. At what âmes during a submaximal cycle ergometer exerck. j test màlizing three-minute stages should BP be monitoredï

a first portion of each minute b. last portion of each minute c first portion of each stage d.= latter portion of each stage

5 3. The oxidative phosphorylation of glucose involves which ofthc following processes?

a glycolysis and électron transport chain b. Krebs cycle and beta oxidation c =glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and électron transport chain d. a and b

24. What tenu best describes a type of muscle action in which the prime mover exerts force greater than résistance, resulting in muscle shortening and joint movement?

a isometric b. isokinetic c =isotonic d. plyometrîc

53 ^1, Dfepth jumping m an exampl* of which of the fotlowing?

a pyramiding b.= plymetrics C «uper setS à, split rcnitine

10. Vous choisissez un test pour mesurer la flexibilité. Laquelle des valeurs suivantes représente le meilleur coefficient de fidélité?

a) +0.41 b) -0.89 c) =+0.85 d) 0

14. Un individu de 70 kg fait un exercice à état stable sur un erjtocyde avec léststancc à friction une charge de travail de 900 kgnvmin ( 150 Watts) pendant 15 minutes La VO? estimé i état stable serait:

a) 1.79L/mîn b) =2.11 L/mîn c) 2.25 L/rnin d) 3.0I Vmn

49. Laquelle des zones de fréquence cardiaque correspondent respectivement aux intensités modérée et intense (65 -74% et 75- 90% Fcmax, respectivement) pour un individu de 35 aas?

a) 100-130 bpm; 139-167 bpm b) 111-140 bpm; 141-171 bpm c) =120-137 bpm; 139-167 bpm d) 99-139 bpm; 140-171 bpm

23. En se basant sur le V02max prédit du client, la valeur en MET associée est environ:

a) 12.1 METS b) 8.6 METS c) 11.6 METS d)= 10.3 METS

5. Une femme de 25 ans a complété un test progressif â l'effort jusqu'à épuisement. Utiliser l'information fournie, pour calculer la fréquence cardiaque d'entraînement avec la méthode de la fréquence cardiaque de réserve (Karvonen) Fc max = 200 bpm Fc de repos = 82 bpm Débit cardiaque de repos = 6.1 L*min-1 Débit cardiaque maximal == 22.0 L*min-1 Intensité d'entraînement = 60%

a) 120 bpm b) 118 bpm c) =153 bpm d) 140 bpm

42. Votre client de 33 ans a reçu comme instruction par son médecin de faire de l'exercice à 8 METS sur un ergocycle freiné mécaniquement, avec une cadence de 50 rpm. Si votre client pèse 77 kg, quelle résistance faut-il mettre sur l'ergomètre après réchauffement?

a) 2 kg b) 2.5 kg c) =3.0 kg d) 3.5 kg

22. Le VC>2max prédit du client (en 1/min) est:

a) 2.86L/min b) 4.03L/min c) 3.87L/min d) =3.41 L/min

26. Considérant le niveau de condition physique actuel du client, son stade de changement, et son objectif d'améliorer sa condition physique cardio-respiratoire, lequel des énoncés suivants prescririez-vous comme la prescription d'exercice initiale la plus appropriée?

a) 70% FcR, deux fois par semaine, pour 30 min b)= 50% FcR. trois fois par semaine, pour 20 min c) 65% FcR, quatre fois par semaine, pour 15 min d) 50% FcR, cinq fois par semaine, pour 30 min

27. Si votre client avait un VOomax de 36.8 ml/kg 7min , vous lui demandez de foire de rexercice sur un ergocycle à 50 rpm à une intensité de 50% du VCKtmx. Quelle est la charge appropriée?

a) 75 watts b)= 100 watts c) 125 watts d) 150 watts

17. Les appareils à résistance variable (comme Nautilus, Uni versai, etc) comprenant des cammes asymétriques ou des poulies visent à augmenter la charge sur le muscle dans son amplitude de mouvement en altérant:

a) = moment de force (torque) b) force centrifuge c) pression d) impulsion e) moment de force

41. Si Pemploi de ce même client (il est chirurgien) a un coût d'oxygène de 7 METS* i environ quel pourcentage de son V02max travaille-t-il durant la journée?

a) =40.5% b) 41.2% c) 64.6% d) 65.7%

47. En ce qui concerne la sécurité des tests à l'exercice, lequel des énoncés suivants est faux?

a) =Le taux de complication est plus élevé lors d'activités maximales que lois des sous-maximales b) Les accidents cardiaques en associés à l'exercice intense, incluant l'exercice lots d'un test à l'effort, se produisent chez ceux qui ont une maladie coronarienne connue ou inconnue c) les complications les plus sérieuses se produisent lors de la récupération et pas durant la portion exercice de l'activité d) les personnes les plus vulnérables sont taxées suffisamment durant un test sous-maximal

13. Le complexe QRS du tracé ECO correspond auquel des événements mécanique* suivant

a) dépolarisation auriculaire b) dépolarisation ventriculaire c) contraction auriculaire d) =contraction ventriculaire

8. Un client qui commence la phase d'amélioration de son programme d'entraînement aimerait savoir s'il est correct de lever des poids à chaque jour? Laquelle des réponses suivantes serait inappropriée?

a) =Vous pouvez lever des poids chaque jour si vous utilisez des résistances < 60 % de votre 1 RM estimé parce qu'il y a moins de dommages microscopiques aux fibres musculaires et au tissu conjonctif. b) Lors de l'entraînement en musculation les muscles sont entraînés à une charge plus élevée qu'à la normale et les déchirures microscopiques résultantes aux cellules musculaires et au tissu conjonctif ont besoin d'une période de repos pour permettre leur reconstruction. c) Les déchirures microscopiques des cellules musculaires et du tissu conjonctif associées avec le lever de poids sont le stimulus pour produire de nouvelles protéines musculaires qui amènent la croissance musculaire et une force plus élevée. Ces adaptations ne peuvent se produire que si les muscles entraînés récupèrent après la séance de musculation. d) Vous pouvez lever des poids à chaque jour si les mêmes groupes musculaires ne sont pas entraînés lors de journées consécutives.

37. Chez les patients ostéoarthritiques, la douleur et la raideur:

a) =sont les symptômes les plus fréquents b) se produit également dans des articulations supportant le poids ou celles sans support de poids c) ont tendance à être plus graves le matin (i.e. raideurs matinales) d) tous les éléments ci-haut mentionnés

38. En réalisant le tirage horizontal à la barre position penchée (Bent-Over Row), vous devriez indiquer à vos clients de:

a) =tenir la barre avec une prise fermée, en pronation, devant être plus large que la largeur des épaules b) tenir la barre avec une prise fermée, en pronation, devant être de la largeur des épaules c) tenir la barre avec une prise fermée, en supination, devant être plus large que la largeur des épaules d) tenir la barre avec une prise fermée, en supination, devant être de la largeur des épaules

3 - L'utilisation d'un bêta-bloqueur amène:

a) =une réponse diminuée de la fréquence cardiaque à l'exercice b) une augmentation de la pression artérielle de repos c) contractilité cardiaque augmentée d) aucun des énoncés précédents

52. En essayant de développer ou de maintenir de la flexibilité chez des personnes souffrant de paralysie cérébrale spastique, lequel des énoncés suivants est le principe général recommande à suivre?

a) =Étirer les muscles spastiques, renforcer les muscles antagonistes aux muscles spastiques b) renforcer les muscles spastiques, étirer les muscles antagonistes aux muscles spastiques c) se concentrer sur les muscles qui ne sont pas spastiques d) se concentrer sur les muscles qui sont spastiques

34. Quel* équipements mai mm) peu vent être adaptes pour les exercices flexibilité et de force?

a) Ballons «uisse* (es fhcrabsll) b) bande» élastiques (sa dynahand) c) serv (ettes d) =tous les cléments ci haut mentionné»

29. Si vous aviez à prescrire à votre client de la course en forêt (cross-country) et/ou de la natation sur un pian d'eau naturel, laquelle des méthodes pour monitorer l'intensité d'exercice serait la moins approprié?

a) Fréquence cardiaque b) Perception de l'effort c) %FcR d)= Vélocité d'exercice ou temps pour le compléter

43. Dans quelle circonstance peut-on utiliser les exercices dynamiques de flexibilité?.

a) Immédiatement après la séance d'exercice b) Seulement après un minimum de 20 minutes d'activité légère c) Les exercices dynamiques de flexibilité ne doivent pas être utilisés à cause des risques élevés de blessures d) =Comme élément d'un échauffcment spécifique à un sport

9. Les déterminants de Sante sont généralement groupés en cinq catégorie». Ces catégories incluent:

a) L*environnement social, l'environnement physique, La capacité intellectuelle, les habiletés de coping et les services de santé, o) L'environnement socio-économique, l'environnement physique, les pratiques personnelles de santé, la capacité individuelle et les habiletés de coping plus les services de santé. c) =L'environnement socio-économique, la capacité intellectuelle, les pratiques personnelles de santé, la capacité individuelle et les habiletés de coping plus les services de santé.

31. Lors de l'évaluation de la composition corporelle des individus obèses lequel des élément suivants indique un problème avec l'utilisation des pinces adiposimètres?

a) La largeur maximale de la pince pourrait être insuffisante b) le client pourrait se sentir mal à Taise qu'on lui mesure ses plis cutanés c) la précision de la mesure des plis cutanés diminue si TIMC > 30 d) a et b seulement e) =a, b et c seulement

1. Lequel des énoncés suivants concernant F entraînement en musculation n'est PAS correct?

a) Le taux de développement de la force est une considération importante lors de la conception des programmes de musculation chez les personnes âgées. b)= Pour les exercices de musculation multi-articulaires et mono-articulaires la charge prescrite doit être basée sur le 1 RM directement déterminé. c) Les exercices recrutant un ou plusieurs des grands muscles multi-articulaires a plus de potentiel de transfert entre l'entraînement et la performance au travail ou dans le sport, d) l'équilibre musculaire ne signifie pas seulement une force égale, mais surtout un ratio approprié de la force, de la puissance ou de V endurance musculaires d'un groupe de muscles par rapport à un autre.

44. Lors d'un test de VO2 max direct, votre client échappe accidentellement l'embout buccal de sa bouche vers la fin d'un palier avec résultat un mélange d'air ambiant avec de l'air échantillonné dans la boîte à mélange. Quelle serait la meilleure chose à faire avec une telle situation?

a) Replacer l'embout buccal et continuer avec l'échantillonnage pour ce palier d'effort, avant d'augmenter la charge de travail pour le prochain palier b)= ignorer l'échantillon ainsi collecté, purger le système et répéter la même charge de travail suite à une récupération adéquate c) arrêter le test, commencer une récupération active et informer le client que le test devra être reporté à une date ultérieure d) replacer l'embout buccal, ignorer l'ajout de temps nécessaire pour compléter le palier, purger l'échantillon gâché, et continuer à prendre l'échantillon pour ce palier

53. La maladie respiratoire la plus fréquente chez la personne âgée est:

a) asthme b) =bronchite c) emphysème d) pneumonie

12. La flexion et l'extension ne se produisent que:

a) dans le plan frontal b) autour de Taxe sagittal c) autour de l'axe vertical d) =dans le plan sagittal

51. L insuffisance cardiaque congestive:

a) est définie comme une fraction d'éjection inférieure à 50% b) les patients participant à un programme de réadaptation par l'exercice peuvent expérimenter une perte de poids significative (>4 Ibs) lors des premières semaines d'entraînement à cause de la l'oedème pulmonaire c) les patients ne doivent pas faire d'exercice jusqu'à la fatigue d)= pourrait causer de la dyspnée à l'exercice

7. Le type d'action musculaire qui génère le plus de force dans toute l'amplitude de mouvement est:

a) excentrique b) plyométrique c) concentrique d) isotonique

24. Etant donné le V02max en I/min du client, sa condition physique cardio-respiratoire peut être classée comme;

a) faible b) =acceptable c) bonne d) excellente

21. Jean est habituellement une personne très confiante. Il a du succès à l'école et sait qu'il peut réussir dans toutes les madères et dans la plupart des aspects de sa vie. Cependant, dès qu'il met le pied dans un centre de conditionnement physique, il se met à douter de lui et se sent incompétent en faisant des exercices. Jean a probablement un:

a) faible trait d'efficacité personnelle b) trait élevé d'efficacité personnelle c) =faible état d'efficacité personnelle d) faible état d'estime de soi

35, Selon les hunes directrices da modèle de pénodisatton, un client commençant un programme de musculation doit démarrer avec quelle phase?

a) force de bas b) =hypertrophie endurance c) force puissance d) peakmg ou maintien

30. Suite à votre prescription d'exercice demandant de courir 3 fois par semaine à 70% Fcmax pour 30 minutes, votre client se plaint de douleur au périoste tibial (périostite tibiale) pendi qu'il court. Laquelle des variables de la prescription d'exercice serait-il le plus appropriée modifier?

a) fréquence d'exercice b)= type d'exercice c) durée d'exercice d) intensité d'exercice

4. Le somatotype est une classification des typologies corporelles comme Kendomorphisme. la mésomorphisme ou l'ectomorphisme. Ces types correspondent respectivement à une prédominance:

a) grasse, maigre ou musculaire b) =grasse, musculaire ou maigre c) musculaire, maigre ou grasse d) maigre, grasse ou musculaire

20. Un des concepts-clé de la théorie de l'apprentissage social est:

a) image de soi b) estime de soi c) motivation d)= efficacité personnelle

18. Le biceps brachii travaille comme un levier du troisième type ayant un avantage mécanique pour:

a) la force b)= la vitesse c) impulsion d) le moment de force e) le biceps brachii ne travaille pas comme un levier du troisième type

11. Si la quantité de sang retournant à t'oreillette droite était radicalement diminuée, causant sns chute de pression artérielle, qu'arriverait-il à le stimulation du cueui?

a) la fréquence cardiaque diminuerait b) =le système nerveux sympathique deviendrait plut actif c) plus de sang serait éjecté du coeur à chaque contraction d) le noeud auriculo-ventriculaire serait plus actif

16. L'ordre de recrutement des unités motrices durant une tension musculaire augmentant progressivement est décrit par:

a) la relation force-vélocité b) =le principe de recrutement séquentiel selon la taille des unités motrices c) la relation tension-temps d) la théorie des filaments glissants

15. Lorsque la force est évaluée par la force statique pouvant être exercée sur un instrument de mesure, la valeur mesurée ne dépend pas de:

a) la vélocité de raccourcissement du muscle b) l'aire transversale du muscle c) la capacité d'activation des unités motrices d) =du moment de force que tous les muscles impliqués peuvent produire

40. Lors d'un test progressif aérobie maximal avec mesure directe, le palier de charge de travail précédente a donné les informations suivantes: C02: 0.89,02: 19.99, VE: 153 Lmin. Ceci indiquerait le plus probablement que:

a) le client est en hyperventilation b) le client est en hypoventilation c) le site d'évaluation est situé sous le niveau de la mer d) =le gaz échantillonné est contaminé avec de l'air ambiant

39. Le VOt peak apparaît lorsque:

a) le quotient d'échange respiratoire dépasse 1.15 b) le test est terminé avant un plateau de la VO2 et la ventilation dépasse 130 L'min c) le test est terminé avant un plateau de la VO: d) =Le test est terminé avant le plateau de la VO2 et que le quotient d'échange respiratoire dépasse 1.15

6. Le type de levier le plus fréquemment retrouvé dans le corps humain est:

a) levier de premier type b) levier de deuxième type c) =levier de troisième type

48. L'estimation de la dépense calorique à l'exercice:

a) peut être déterminée avec les METs b) est égale aux METs x 3.5 ml/kg/min x poids corporel c) peut être déterminée avec lkcal/kg/h d) a et b e) =a, b et c

36. Une contracture.

a) pourrait résulter du maintien d'une articulation dans une position immobile et fléchie pour une période prolongée b) implique un raccourcissement du tissu conjonctif c) doit être étirée dans les limites du seuil de douleur des clients d) tous les éléments ci-haut mentionnés

45. Un skieur de bosse de compétition, se prépare pour son entraînement pré-saison, vous approche pour trouver des moyens d'améliorer sa performance. L'année dernière, ses jambes se fatiguaient rapidement et, cette année, elle voudrait être capable de mieux supporter les impacts et l'intensité vécue durant une course. L'exercice le plus approprié pour votre cheni est:

a) presse à cuisses inclinée (leg press) b) extension des jambes (leg extension) c) flexion des jambes (leg curl) d)= squat

28. vous informez un client débutant de participer à des activités aérobies continue» a*t d'améliorer sa condition physique cardio-respiratoire. André, un ami de votre client, est u coureur passionné, André invite votre client à courir avec lui S fois par semaine, 30 minutes chaque fois à une cadence équivalente à 10-minutes au mille. Votre client vous demande ! cela serait approprié pour lui. Vous lui dites:

a) qu'en autant qu'il suive André, c'est une vitesse appropriée pour un débutant b) que le plus vite il peut courir le mieux ce sera pour lui c) =que même s'il peut être capable de suivre André, il devrait commencer à une vitesse plu: basse et de progresser plus tard aux vitesses suggérées par André d) aetb

19. Les enfants sont moins capables de supporter une charge de chaleur excessive à cause de leur:

a) seuil de déclenchement de sudation plus faible b) débit sanguin plus faible vers la peau . c) débit de sudation plus élevé des glandes sudoripares d) ratio surface corporelle:masse corporelle plus élevé e)= b et d

25. Lors de la phase de collecte d*information de l'évaluation de la condition physique, le client vous indique que son objectif est d'améliorer sa condition physique cardio-respiratoire. Cet objectif est:

a) spécifique, mesurable, atteignable, réaliste, planifié dans le tempe b) spécifique, pas mesurable, atteignable, réaliste, planifie dans le temps c) pas spécifique, pas mesurable, atteignable* réaliste, planifié dans le temps d)= pas spécifique, mesurable, atteignable, réaliste, pas planifié dans le temps

46. Lequel des énoncés suivants est incorrect?

a) tes protocoles et procédures d'évaluation de la condition physique sont conçus pour fournir de l'information sur l'efficacité mécanique des individus ou sur l'économie de mouvement plus la capacité de supporter la dépense énergétique. b) l'efficacité musculaire réfère à la transformation de l'énergie chimique (resynthèsede l'ATP) en énergie mécanique (contraction musculaire). c) =Tous les résultats de performance physique dépendent de la capacité individuelle à fournir assez de puissance pour contrer les effets de la gravité. d) une dépense énergétique soutenable est une conséquence de l'interaction entre la puissance aérobie, le seuil lactique, la puissance anaérobie et la capacité anuerobie.

54. Laquelle des habitudes de vie suivantes peut augmenter le HDL-cholestérol?

a) un régime végétarien faible en graisses (10-15%) b)= de l'exercice c) l'arrêt tabagique d) une réduction du poids corporel

2. A une même puissance de travail sous-maximale, un individu entraîné, comparé à un individu non-entraîné aura:

a) une fréquence cardiaque plus élevée b) =un volume d'éjection systolique plus élevé c) une consommation d'oxygène plus élevée d) pas de différence à l'exercice sous-maximal

50. Chez les clients ostéoarthritiques, la douleur et la raideur

a)= sont les symptômes les plus fréquents b) sont présentes autant dans les articulations portantes que non-portantes de poids c) ont tendance à être plus graves le matin (i.e. raideurs matinales) d) tous les énoncés précédents sont vrais

16. In comparison to the ACSM guideline recommending that young children perform resistance-training exercise no more than two days per week, what is recommended for elderly individuals?

a* daily b. one day per week c. =two days per week d. three days per week e. five days per week

31 * Which of the following Àtwater General Factora tre correct || the estimation of the energy content of foods?

a* four kcal/gram for dietary carbohydrate b. four kcal/gram for dietary protein I eight kcal/gram for alcohol d =a et b e. a*, h and c

,57 VV'hat * (are) the potential disad?antage(s) of using a staircl imber for m aérobic workout?

a, II may aggravatc some knee conditions, k b fr requit» an dément of coordination and balance. c. Beginning performers tend to bend too fcrfojw- leaning on the handrails. ** d. a and c e. =a, b, and f

16. À 65-year-old maie is worlring out in the fitness facility on a bicycle ergometer. He begins to fcel light-headed and nause-ated. His speech is slurred. He collapses. You are on the exercise floor and observe this situation, What should you do first?

a, Make sure the victim is lying down and check the airway and circulation.

8. Excessive endurance «enfer in a prepularstcnt chdd emûâ place the child at increaeed rim for what probtemf

a, a decreaae fat height b, =an epiphytcal gruwth platetinjury c, rotator euff injury d, norte of the above

18. Which of the following are considered anxiety disorders? a, generalized anxiety disorder

a, generalized anxiety disorder b, partie disorder c, social phobia d, a and £ e,= a, and r

55. A persorn with diabètes should delay exercise if glucose isgreater than

a, lOOmg/dl k 150 mg/dl C=. 300 mg/dl without ketones d, 200 mg/dl without ketones

62. Exercises perfonued m water are espccialh bénéficiai fards*M the following?

a, obèse individuals b. pregnant women c. arthritic patients d. m and c e. =f, b, and c

16. Which aet correitty matehe* the vtumm wuh a» fcwcoum and possible toxicity symptoms

a, retmofc oocnxynw m CH( ) nwtjà*4mt*. km of «cm sert* tion b. =thiamin coenzyme m energy metabninm. ao «observable symptoms c cobalamin: maintenance of eptthclu! o—t. tbrtanaoaa d. panuxhenic add; a part of coenxyme A; limita ■. powhk kidney stones

J0. For injuries to the muscle and joints, appropriate first-aid care would include which of the following?

a, stopping activity and keeping the vktim from applying any weight-bearing to the affected Kmb b. the use of a blanket-type splint for the foot and élévation of the lùnb c. the application of ice and compression to the injury

38. When monitoring exercise HR at the carotid artery, how should the participant palpate the carotid artery?

a- Use the thumb to apply moderate pressure. b. Use the index and middle fingers to apply heavy pressure. c. Use the thumb and index finger to apply light pressure. d. =Use the index and middle fingers to apply light pressure.

9 what documentation is required to détermine acœuntabilityiJ e event fitness facility clients have an accident or show othcr i signs or symptoms of illness during an exercise session?

a- job training and expérience b. =fitness test results listing important symptoms, estimation of effort, and activity demand c. record of equipment usage d. results from complète blood screening

25. What minimal baseline measures should be obtained prior to the sort of an exercise test for a low-risk individua

a- resting HR b- resting BP c. resting ECG d. =a and b e. b and c

20. Appropriate program development requires

a. "needs" assessments b. program planning c. program évaluation dL a and b e. =a, b, and c

2. At what rate do women over 35 tend to lose bone mass?

a. .05 percent per year b. =1.0 percent per year c 1.5 percent per year d. 2.0 percent per year

12. At maximal intensifies, how much lower is the cardiac output of older adults than that of younger individuals?

a. 1 to 5 percent b. 10 to 20 percent c. =20 to 30 percent d. 30 tx> 40 percent

23. According to the American Heart Associations dietary therapy recommendations for treating abnormal lipids, die Step ï diet should contain less than this percent of calories from fat:

a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25 e. =30

27. When BP is being measured, the cuff should be quicldy inflated | how many mmHg above the SBP?

a. 10 b. =20 c 30 d. 40 e. 50

34. Beth is a 52-year-old active nonsmoker who has received physician clearance to participate in a CRF exercise program. Beth's resting HR is 72 beats per minute, and during a GXT her 11R max was determined to be 168 beats per minute. Based on ACSM guidelines, what would be Beth's exercise intensity (beats per minute) as measured by the HRR method?

a. 105 to 125 b. 110 to 130 c. =120 to 154 d. 135 to 180

1. What is true a bout a metabolk process requiring no OJ?

a. 11 is termed aérobic and could be written as ATP * H,G <— ADP + Pi + Energy. b. = It is termed anaerobic and could be written as ATP + H,0 ADP + Pi + Energy. c. It is found exclusively in the mitochondria of a eell, d. It is termed Krebs cycle, it could be written as CP + ADP <— ATT +■ C + Energy.

36 Jim's maximum HR is 189 beats per minute, while his resting HR is 62 beats per minute. What would be Jim's target HR range (beats per minute) as calculated by the HRR method?

a. 126 to 170 b. =138 to 164 c 140 to 180 d. 149 to 189

5. In the moderate (stage 2) hypertensive, what would be the expected range of adult resting SBP and DBP, respectively?

a. 130 to 139 mmHg; 85 to 90 mmHg b. 140 to 159 mmHg; 90 to 99 mmHg c. =160 to 179 mmHg; 100 to 109 mmHg d. 180 to 209 mmHg; 110 to 119 mmHg

4. In the mild (stage 1) hypertensive, what would be the expected range for adult resting SBP and DBP, respectively?

a. 130 to 139 mmHg; 85 to 90 mmHg b. =140 to 159 mmHg; 90 to 99 mmHg c. 160 to 179 mmHg; 100 to 109 mmHg d. 180 to 209 mmHg; 110 to 119 mmHg

^* Whnt if the predicted maximal HR (beats per minute) for a 37 year-olcl maie?

a. 153 b. 163 c. 173 d.= 183

35 What is the predteteo maxim*i HR range beatsa per minute for 68 per^nt population» who are are 27 jw âge?

a. 172 toI92 b. =18lto 205 K 195 to210 fé. 211 to 220

66. Typical RPE range for acquiring a training effect using the category-ratio scale?

a. 2 to 3 b. =4 to 5 c. 7 to 8 d. RPE is not used to monitor exercise intensity

30. One pound of fat is équivalent to how many blocalones?

a. 3,086 b. =3,500 § 4,086 É 4,500

2. Whftt intensity of exercise is needed tx» deveiop CRF in H apparently healthy individuel?

a. 30/40 to 50 percent of maximum HR b. 55/65 to 90 percent of maximum HR c. 40/50 to 85 percent of HRR d. a and c e. =b and c

32» The lipîd content of a large order of McDonald's® french fries is 21.6 grains. This is equal to how many kcals?

a. 37.3 kcals b. 183.6 kcals c= 194.4 kcals d. 1992 kcals

43. What aérobic intensity range and résistance training would be included in an appropriate exercise program for individuals diagnosed with hypertension?

a. 40 to 70 percent and a resistance-training coraponentcon-sisting of both high repetitions/low résistance and isometric activities b. 40 to 70 percent and a resistance-traniing componentcon-sisting of moderate isometric activities c =40 to 70 percent and a resistaiice-trainmgcomponentcon-sisting of high répétitions and low résistance à. 75 to 85 percent and a resistance-training componentcon-sisting of low répétitions and high résistance e. 80 to 90 percent and a resistance-training componentcoft-sisting ofhigh répétitions and low résistance

17. A positive test for exercise-induced asthma is noted whcn Acre is what percent of réduction in forced expiratory volume in ont second following an exercise challenge?

a. 5 b. 10 c. =15 d. 20 e. 25

6- By 65 years of âge» what is the approximate décline in muscular fonction?

a. 5 percent b- 10 percent 15 d=25

15. ACSM guide lin es recommend, for young, healthy individuals, an exercise intensity that is between 50 and 85 percent of HRR. What is the recommended percentage for older adults?

a. 50 to 60 percent of HRR b. 50 to 60 percent of HR max c. 50 to 70 percent of HRR d. =talk test is used to monitor exercise intensity

7. Barring complications, a submaximal oreadmil e&eitâse «est is often terminated when the client obrains a prnVii nnmid HR endpoint of what percentage of âge predicted maximal HR?

a. 55 b. 65 a 75 d. =85 e. 95

29. Using the original RPE scale (6 to 20 points), what level of perceived exertion is associated with a CRF training effect?

a. 6 to 9 points b. 10 to 11 points c.= 12 to 16 points d. none of thèse

.33. Bob is a 42-year-old active nonsmoker who has received physician clearance to take part in a CRF exercise program. Àc xording to ACSM guidelines, what is the range of Bob's exercise intensity (beats per minute) based on a percentage of HRmax?

a. 71 to 107 b. =116 to 160 c. 110 te» 130 d. 150 to 180

_22. After a lay-off from résistance training exercise, it is recommended that the elderly individual first use an exercise intensity of mis percent of the 1 RM:

a. 90 b. 80 c.70 d. 60 e. =50

9. Which of the following exercises could be considered a safer alternative exercise for the plough?

a. 90-degree squat b. =double knee to chest c. supine crunch d. standing hamstring stretch

8. Of the fivr Komtkoff saurais (phases), which is considered to represent SBP m adults?

a. =1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

_12.For individuals not acclimated to températures greater than i 24 °C, one would expect heart rate to increase how many beats per minute with each degree increase in température?

a. =1 b.2 c. 3 d.4

106. Which of the following are possible maximal stroke volume measurements during graded exercise?

a. =184 ml/beat in a world-class runner b. 35 L/min in a world-class runner c. 16.0 ml/dl of blood in a world-class runner d. a and b e. a, b, and c

15. In gênerai, what nutrient combination is used prefcrenoalh during high-intensity activity and metabolized preferenriaîly during long-term activity, respectively?

a. =CHO, FAT b. FAT, CHO c. FAT, PRO d. PRO, FAT

6. What procédure should be followed when SBP and DBP fall into différent classification catégories?

a. =Classify according to the higher category. b. Classify according to the lower category. c. Do not classify at this time, but continue to retest weekly until both SBP and DBP measures fall within the same category. d. Do not classify at this time, but continue to retest every six weeks until both SBP and DBP measures fall within the same category.

17. Which of the following is true regarding the external anatomy of the heart?

a. =Each atrium has a flap of tissue called an auricle. b. The aorta exits the right ventricle. c. The four pulmonary veins enter the right atrium. d. The pulmonary trunk exits the left ventricle.

2 3. Women are considered a population at risk for inadéquate iron intake. Why is this true

a. =Iron is lost during the menstrual cycle. b. Women do not drink enough mille c. There is destruction of red blood cells via exercise. d. We no longer cook in iron pans and skillets.

28. Which of the following is true of the appendicular skeleton?

a. =It consists of upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attach to the limbs. b. It consists of the skull, vertebrae, thoracic cage, and shoul-der girdle. c. It consists of the bones that form the axis of the body. d. It supports and protects the organs of the head, neck, and trunk.

16. Which of the following is a true statement about the heart?

a. =It contains a fibrous pericardium that holds it in place. b. It is composed of two ventricles separated by an interatrial septum. c. It has an endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium forming its wall.

_44. How may the ingestion of diet pills containing sympathomi- metic aminés influence one's response to exercise?

a. =It increases HR and BP. b. It increases HR but decreases BP. c. It significantly improves sprinting speed. d. a and c e. b and c _45. What is the inf

|J0. Which of the following best describes the trapezius?

a. =It inserts at the clavicle, acromion process, and scapular spine and élevâtes, depresses, retracts, and fixes the scapula. b. It is innervated by the subclavian nerve and élevâtes, depresses, retracts, and fixes the scapula. c. It originates at the first to the ninth ribs and adducts and abducts the upper arm. d. It inserts at the sternum, clavicle, and acromion process and adducts and abducts the upper arm.

48. Of the following, what is truc about overtraining?

a. =It occurs when one attempts to do more work than is physi- eallv tolerabie. b. It usually improves physical performance at a much faster rate compare d to the cstablished training régi men. c. It results in anabolism proceeding at a faster rate than catabolism. d. a and b e. #, b, and c

3. Which statement is true regarding informed comcO&

a. =It should be obtained before an exercise «est and before participation in a supervised exercise program. b. It should be obtained before an exercise test bot il not needed prior to a supervised exercise program. c. It should be sent to the potential exercise participant, and the signed form should be mailed to the exercise program director one week prior to program participation, d. It should inciude an explanation of médications the participant should take to reduce muscle soreness.

_80. Which of the following is the correct placement of cuff and bladder during blood pressure assessment?

a. =Lower edge of the cuff is placed one inch above the ante-cubital space on the frontal aspect of the elbow. b. AJways place the cuff on the right arm. c. Lower edge of cuff is placed one inch below the midaxillary line. d. a and b e. a, b, and c

28.Jay and Lynn began an exercise program together. 'j, jogged at 75 percent; of their $0/nax, four rimes a *? 30 minutes per session. A (ter two month», they wondered physiological changes may have occurred as a rciult of training. Pleaae note that Jay is 6 feet I inches and 180 p0l^ Lynn is 5 feet 2 inches and 115 pounds. What cardiov»^,' changes would be expected after completion of their traj^ prognun?

a. =Lynn's VD2max will be lower than Jay's V02max. b. Jay's and Lynn's V02max will be equal. c. Jay's BP will be increased at rest. d. Lynn's BP will be increased at rest.

35. What occurs in the early stages of strength training?

a. =Muscle strength increases more titan muscle size, b. Muscle size increases more than muscle strength. c. There is an increase in oxidative enzyme activities within the muscle. d. HR responses to work show little change.

29. Which of the following BP responses would represent a gênerai indication to discontinue a GXT in an apparently healthy adult?

a. =SBP drops 20 mmHg with an increase in exercise intensity. b. SBP rises to 240 mmHg. c. DBP fails to increase with an increase in exercise intensity. d. a and c

3 • Of the following cholestérol measures, which is the best rf» minant of CAD risk?

a. =TC : HDL-C ratio b. HDL-C : LDL-C ratio c. TC d. LDL-C : VLDL-C ratio

2. What is indicated by an ossified epiphyseal plate located betweenthe diaphysis and epiphysis of a long bone?

a. =The bone can no longer increase in length. b. The area around the plate is dead.

47. Which of the following is a true statement about fi brous joints?

a. =They have no joint cavity and include sutures and syndes-moses. b. They have no joint cavity and include bursac and synchon-droses. c. They are incapable of any movement. d. They contain hyaline cartilage between bone segments.

13. What should be incorporated with warm-up exercises performed before sport participation?

a. =a gênerai warm-up followed by a sport-specific warm-up b. a sport-specific warm-up followed by a gênerai warm-up c. only a gênerai warm-up d. only a sport-specific warm-up

54. What is scoliosis?

a. =a latéral déviation of the spine b. an anterior exaggeration of the lumbar curve c. exaggerated posterior thoracic convexity d. exaggerated posterior lumbar concavity

98. What causes cardiac output (Q) to increase during a eu te exercise?

a. =a rise in HR; an increase in SV B. a rise in BP; an increase in peripheral résistance c- a rise in HR; an increase in venous return • an increase in SV; a decrease in parasympathetic tone

3. Generally, what contributes most to intense activity and long, lasting activity, respectively?

a. =anaerobic sources; aérobic sources b. oxidation of fat; metabolism of glucose c. aérobic sources; anaerobic sources d. oxidation of glucose; the ATP-PC System

.42. During pregnancy, which activity should be avoided after the first trimester?

a. =any exercise in the supine position b. any exercise in the prone position c. cycling d. swimming

50. Which résistance exercise primarih/ trains the brachial»?

a. =biceps curl b. overhead elbow extension c. knee flexion d. knee extension

24. What is the term for an inflammatory disorder affecting the sac lying between muscle and bone?

a. =bursitis b. tendinitis C. plantar fasciitis d. myositis

29. Which of the following refers to the softening of cartilage?

a. =chondromalacia b. osteoporosis c. tendinitis d. cardiomyopathy

- 72. Which ofthe following biornechanical prtncipleaarc applicable when one lifts a hcavy object?

a. =cstablishing a base of support as close as possible to the load being carne»! and iowenng the body into position by flexing the knees, bips, and anfcie* b. stabtlizing the vertébral column in the flexcd position and Iowenng the body into position In flexing at the waist c. stabih/ing the vertébral column in the flexcd position and raaatng the load with the exEetuor mtwcte* of the legs d. estahlishing a base of support mm m poauhle fnmi the load being carried and bwtrtng the baèf mutpommmhf flexing the knecs. hipy and anale*

4. As people âge, what change occurs in maximal HR?

a. =deerease b. increase c. litde to no change d. increase in men but deerease in women e. increase in women but deerease in men

30. The RPE scale is userai for

a. =determining impending fatigue b. determining degree of leg pain ï| < Jet crmining degree of breathle^neift <*« 110110 ol thèse

_ 90. Which of the following muscle actions and associa ted plane of action is (are) correct?

a. =flexion—sagittal plane b. abduction—transverse plane c. plantar flexion—frontal plane d- a and b e. m\ by and c

35. Which of the following is a diuretic?

a. =furosemide (Lasix) b. captopril (Capoten) c. quinapril (Accupril) d. diltiazem (Cardizem)

78. What is the correct anatomic landmark site for determining peripheral puise?

a. =fémoral puise—anterior thigh, posterior to the inguinal ligament, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubis symphysis b. popliteal—deep within the patellar fossa c. radial puise—distal end of the ulna d. a and b e. a, b, and c

37. When the arm is flexed to a 90* position and movement is in the transverse plane, it is termed

a. =horizontal abduction b. horizontal adduction c. pronation d. left and right rotation

5, Which of the following représente a tank order of the rnost accu rate technique to the Icast accurate technique for determin-ing body composition?

a. =hydrostatic, skinfold, anmropometric, bioelectrical impédance, infrared interactance b. hydrostatic, anthropométrie, skinfold, infrared interactance, bioelectrical impédance c. hydrostatic, skinfold, anthrqjometric. infrared interactance, bioelectrical impédance d. infrared intsractance» skinfold, bioelcctncai impédance, anthropométrie, hydrostatic e. bioelectrical imnc*laace, slonfohî hydrostatic, anthropométrie, infrared mtrractanc*

21. Vascular endothelial dysfunction can likely lead to which of tk following?

a. =impaired vasodilation b. decreased permeability to lipoproteins c. decreased thrombogenesis d. b and c e. a, by and c

J.8. What increase, if any, is generally demonstrated in prepubes-cent children who regularly participate in a weight-training program?

a. =increased strength in the absence of muscle hypertrophy b. increased strength with moderate muscle hypertrophy c. increased strength with significant muscle hypertrophy d. little to no increase in muscular strength

_21. Which term best describes a type of muscle action in which the speed of muscle contraction is précise h/ controUed?

a. =isokineric b. isometric c isotonic d. plyometrîc

32. Which of the following is a nitrate or nitroglyccrin?

a. =isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil) b. nifedipine (Procardia) c. bumetanide (Bumex) d. propranolol (Inderal)

10. Which exercise performance awards are extrinsic in nature?

a. =jogging a total of 100 miles in three months and receiving a free t-shirt b. a good feeling of accomplishment for having jogged 100 miles in three months c. a good feeling of accomplishment for having iost fo pounds in one month d. a good feeling of accomplishment for increasing HDLç by 5 mg/dl

- 2. Nonverbal communication is a skill each health cou should develop. This would include which of the foU*1^ éléments?

a. =kinesics: body movements that convey information b. paralinguistics: characteristics of personal space c. proxemics: characteristics of speech d. a and b e. a, by and c

_64. Where might you find a joint that has one convex articulating bone surface and one concave articulating bone surface with movement restricted to a hinge-like motion?

a. =knee b. neck c. shoulder d. hip

45. What is the influence of ingesting rninor tranquilizers on one's response to exercise?

a. =no significant effect on HR, BP, or exercise capacityexcept for the side benefit of controlling anxiety b. no significant effect on HR or BP except for the side benefit of controlling anxiety and increasing exercise capacity c. increase in HR, BP, and exercise capacity d. increase in HR and BP but decrease in exercise capacity

21. Prématuré ventricular contractions (PVCs)

a. =occur when a site in the ventricle fires before the next depolarization from the SA node b. are indicative of cardiac disease c. are recognized by the absence of a QRS complex d. a and b e. a, by and c

28. What is the term for an inflammatory joint condition with an underlying autoimmune componcnt?

a. =osteoarthriris b. osteoporosis c. chondromalacia d. rheumatoîd arthritts e. 1 and 4

6. PLacing a muscle or muscle group under a stress greater than k is aceustomed to handling is an example of what principle?

a. =overload principle b. specificity

63. Choose the correctly matched type of joint and corresponding movement, and example.

a. =plane-monoaxial; processes between vertebrae b. saddle-circumduction; knee c. ellipsoid-flexion; shoulder d. pivot-biaxial rotation; elbow

12. What makes up the extracellular matrix of cartilage?

a. =protein filaments and proteoglycan aggregates b. minerais c. fluid d. dense connective tissue

37. Cessation of the menstrual cycle in the female triad

a. =removes the protective élément of estrogen on bone b. decreases fertility c. reduces urinary calcium excrétion d. leads to increases in percentage of body fat

__1 1. Wbich of the following exercises could be considered a safer alternative exercise for the traditional hurdler's stretch?

a. =seated hamstring stretch b. double knee to chest c. standing toe touch d. plough

.16» What is the proper exercise séquence for the following activities?

a. =slow jog, static stretching, two-mile run, quarter-mile waik, static stretching b. slow jog, two-mile run, quarter-mile walk c. two-mile run, quarter-mile walk, static stretching d. slow jog, dynamk stretching, two-mile run, quarter-mile walk, dynamic stretching

18. Which of the following describes the best training to improve flexibility?

a. =static stretching; a minimum of two to three days per week; holding each stretch to position of mild discomfort b. ballistic stretching; five sessions per week; holding each stretch for one to two seconds c. static stretching; two sessions per week; holding each stretch for 10 to 60 seconds (depending upon flexibility training level) d. a combination of static and ballistic stretching (dépendent upon joint area); two sessions per week; repeating each stretch 10 times with no limit on stretch holding time

6. Of the following pairs of articulations, which pair is not correcdv matched?

a. =symphysis and bodies of adjacent vertebrae b. synchondrosis and ulna and radius c. syndesmosis and the two coxae d. synovial and costochondral joints

_ 57. In the electrocardiogram,

a. =the P wave représenta a trial depolarization b. the T wave représente ventricular depolarization c the U wave represents a tria 1 repolarization d. the QRS complex represents a refractory period

14. Where are the SA node and the AV node located?

a. =the right atrium b. the right ventricle c. the right atrium and right ventricle, respectively d. the left atrium

79. Of die roUowing, which matches %kr létal muscle fiber types to its caractersitic ?

a. =type 1-fiow oahUtrvt: low* force pnjducoon. fatigue resistance b. type (la slow otubtive? lo» farce production, bogafeie c. type IIb-ra«tH3xjdatm: fb/cuJyoc high force proéKtm. fatigue ronflant d. mtenuediate-rsst grycob/tk: high force pfodwitw. b*-gable

72. In a GXT, what is the term for the power output or rate of 0, uptake at which ventilation départs from linearity?

a. =ventilatory threshold: T / vent b. ventilatory threshold: OBLA c onset of blood lactate: T vent d. onset of blood lactate: OBLA

22. What should be considered in the sélection of an exercise test protocol for an older adult?

a. A cycle ergometer may be préférable to a treadmilL b. starting the test at a low intensity level of between two and three METs c. increasing the expected exercise time to 18 m 20 minutes because of the lower starting intensity d.= a and b e. b and c

19. Which of the following is true of coronary circulation?

a. A large coronary sinus séparâtes the right and left ven-tricles. b. The left coronary artery and the right anterior interven-tri cula r artery arise from the sinus of Valsai va, c. =The right circumflex artery eventually anastomoses with the circumflex artery. d. The right coronary artery gives rise to the circumflex arteries.

14. Which of the following statements is true regarding the limitations of an informed consent form?

a. A signed informed consent form offers no légal protection and therefore should not be incorporated in an exercise program. b. Ail informed consent forms should be reviewed by local légal counsel before implementation. c After signing an informed consent form, it is srill possible for the professional to be sued. d. There are no limitations; once participants have signed the informed consent form, they have forfeited their right to sue. e. =b and c

_ 1. Which of the following are essential to ail emergency médical plans?

a. AU personnel involved with exercise testing should have CPR certification. b. At Ieast one ACLS certified person should be on board. c. At least one paramedic should be on board. d. =a and b e. ay by and c

56. Which of the following correctly descrîbcs the path of the heart's electrical activity?

a. AV node, Purkinje System, atria, bundle of His, SA node, ventricles b. SA node, ventricles, bundle of His, AV node, Purkinje System c. AVnode, ventricles, Purkinje System, SA node, atria, bundle ofHis * ^ % d. =SA node, atria, AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje System, ventricles

c 26. Which of the following are true of dietary iron msufficiency?

a. About 40 percent of American women of childbearing âge have iron insufficiency. b. Dietary iron insufficiency can lead to iron defidency anémia. c. Women on vegetarian diets are at greater risk because of the low bioavailability of nonheme iron. d. a and b e. =a, by and c

.10. Why is diet plus exercise recommended in weight loss manae ment?

a. Adding exercise will resuit in a greater fat loss. b. Exercise may counteract the resting metabolic décline, c. You can eat as much food as you like and not gain any weight. d. =a and b e. bj and c

15. Weight-management programs should be consistent on which of the following point(s)?

a. Ail programs should sell food and nutritional suppléments on site. b. Ail programs should hire a dietitian. c. Ail programs should be at least 12 weeks long in order to observe change. d. =Ail programs should follow the ACSM position statement, Proper and Improper Weight Loss Programs, e. Hy by and c

13 . Customer service is important in retaining members in a health/ titness facility. What is an (are) appropriate service standard(s) for facilities?

a. Ail staff members should provide world-class service from the moment a client walks in the door. b. Respond to members' needs as quickly as possible, c. Remain agreeable, friendly, and helpfdl when confronted by an angry member. d. a and b e. =Oy by and c

17. You are helping out with an exercise test on a 50-year-old female with moderate valvular heart disease. During the te», she complains of uncomfortable chest pain (3.0 on the angina scale). It is the décision of the physician to stop the test What should you do?

a. Assist the physician and the exercise physioiogist/cKnkal exercise specialist. b. Bring ail the emergency equipment to the area. c. Call the EMS.

50. How can one prevent overuse injuries during a training regi-men?

a. Avoid large increases in training volume. b. Avoid large increases in training intensity. c. Increase training load by 10 percent (volume and intensity) per week. d. a and b e.= a, b, and c

4. Which of the following is (are) true about short-term, hi#i- intensity exercise?

a. Aérobic metabolism provides the primary source of Air. b. A half-mile swim and the 1,500-meter run are good examples. c. =It typically lasts 5 to 60 seconds, and the ATP-PC System and anaerobic glycolysis are preferentially used to provide ATP. d. b and c

22. During an acute bout of aérobic exercise, which of the following occur(s)?

a. BP increases linearly with exercise intensity. b. HR increases linearly with exercise intensity. c. SV increases linearly with exercise intensity. d.= a and b e. a, by and c

13. 15 ' Given the following health information, which abnonral mgs for a 34-year-old maie would require consultation mida a physician or allied health professional prier to graaung exerçât clearance? Resting BP » 130/96; resting HR * 72 beats paL minute; TC = 210; LDL-C = 155 mg/dl; HDL-C = 42 œg/dl

a. BP, TC, and HDL-C are too high. b. BP, TC, and LDL-C are too higfa while HDL-C is tJ low. c- BP, TC, LDL-C are too low while HDL-C is too iugk d. =BP, TC, and LDL-C are too high~

_ 25. Which of the following oocur(s) when a static contraction is performed at 60 percent MVC?

a. Blood flow to the muscle is reduced. b. SBP may exceed 200 mmHg. c. HR increases modéra tery. d. =a and b e. 0, and e

55. Which of the following is (are) true about cardiac muscle, but not skeletal muscle?

a. Cardiac muscle contains branched, striated fibers with a single nucleus. b. Cardiac muscle contains intercalated dises, which connect the muscle cells to fonction as a unit. c Cardiac muscle cells can alter the force of contractions as a fonction of the degree of overlap between the actin and myosin filament. d. =a and b e. by and c

25. For the instructor tobeprotected from liabiUty mail emergency- response situations, what must the employer (facility) do

a. Communicate the emergency médical procédures to the instructor. b. Provide for appropriate training and updates. c. Put the emergency plan into action with periodic drius (at least twice per year).

6. What is the first-aid procédure for bleeding?

a. Cover the wound with a clean dressing and press firmly against the wound with the hand.

12. Which of the following counseling approaches would assista less-motivated client to exercise?

a. Discuss a plan of action. b. Develop a plan of action, c. Agrée on a plan of action. d. a and b e. =Uy by and c

22. Weight gain lias been shown to be an important predictorof increased cholestérol. Which of the following représente a true target exercise guideline for improving lipids?

a. Do aérobic exercise two days per week. b. =Minimum kilocalories per week expended by exercise should be between 1,000 and 1,200. c. With aérobic exercise, target lipids levels can be reached within three months. d. Aérobic exercise intensity should be between 30 percent and 40 percent of maximal exercise capacity.

27. Which of the following statements is true of the vertébral column?

a. Each thoracic vertebra contains a peg-like projection callea the dens, or odontoid process, for articulation with the ribs. b. The lumbar vertebrae are easily identifiée! by their long spinous processes and fovea for articulation with the ribs. c The 12 thoracic vertebrae have transverse foramina and long, downward spinous processes. d.= The seven cervical vertebrae have transverse foramina.

5. Which statement best describes the movement knownas'e» cise lite"

a. Every adult should accumulate 15 minutes or mort é moderate-intensity physical activity over the course « most days. b. Every adult should accumulate 15 minutes or raorc ofh*k-intensity physical activity over the course of most «fa* c =Every adult should accumulate 30 minutes or more of mode rate-intensiry physical activity over the course of most day*. <L Every adult should accumulate 30 minutes or more of high-physical activity over the course of most days.

4. Which of the following is an (are) appropriate questions) for formulating a marketing plan for a health/fitness facility?

a. Examine the market environment to détermine interest and needs in a facility. b. Identify groups and spécifie needs within each group. c. Détermine profit margin. d. =a and b e. by and c

90. Which statement is true about exercise and blood pressure?

a. Exercise must be terminated when SBP reaches 190 mmHg. b. =Exertional hypotension has been correlated with myocardial ischemia and left ventricular dysfunction. c. There is a linear increase in DBP with increasing levels of exercise. d. Automated blood pressure devices provide a more accurate assessment of SBP and DBP during an exercise test

_21. Which of the following is a (are) good way(s) to relieve test anxiety in a client?

a. Explain the test thoroughly to the client b. Demonstrate the safe use of the treadmill or other testing device. c. Answer ail the client's questions. d. a and b e. =b, and c

9. Calorie restriction as the sole means of weight management is not recommended for which of the following reasons?

a. Fat-frcc mass can be lost. b. A décline in resting metabolic rate b observed. c. There is an tncrcaae in the fat storing enzyme lipoprotein lipaae (LPL). d. =a and b e.a b c

22. The following are statements characterizing the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. Which is true?

a. Four food groups make up the Food Guide Pyramid. J b*=The majori ty of calories in the diet should corne from tbë bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group; the vegetable group; and the fruit group. <c. Because dry beans are listed in the méat category, one should consume fewer beans in the diet. d. Fats and oils should be consumée only if one is lactose intolérant.

— 41. What movements occur within the frontal plane?

a. flexion, extension, rotation b. flexion, abduction, adduction c. =inversion, abduction, adduction d. rnedial and latéral rotation

71. Which testas) is (are) spécifie to the listed sport activity?

a. GXT on a treadmill: ninning b. exercise test in a swim flume or a pool with a tether. swim-ming c. GXT on an arm ergometer: bicycling d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

8. What lipoprotein is the primary carrier of sérum cholestérol?

a. HDL-C b. =LDL-C c. VLDL-C d. triglycéride

19. What should the exercise professional do with regard to a client who wishes to begin a jogging program geared to strengthening the muscles in her painful lower back?

a. Have the client perforai the Cooper 1.5-mile run before recommending a spécifie exercise program. b. Instruct the client to run only on a soft indoor track c. Show the client how to do back hyperextension exercises in order to strengthen the lower back before starting a jogging program. d. =Require the client to consult her personal physician before starting an exercise program. e. Instruct the client to engage in bed rest for three weeks before starting a jogging program.

7. Which of the following, if any, is (are) true regarding hypertension?

a. Hypertension is more prévalent among women and whites than among m en and blacks. b. Primary hypertension is caused by identifiable endocrine or structural disorders. c. One is hypertensive if exercise BP > 129/84 mmHg. d. Ail of thèse are true statements. e. =None of thèse are true statement

85. Exercise has many bénéficiai effects on the health of the heart Which of the following are true for heart health and exercise?

a. Hypertrophy occurs from a graduai increase in pressure in the aorta. b. Myocardial cells accumulate lîpîd and collagen fibers to increase cardiac tissue. c. =Improved functional capacity piwiding no conditions develop that cause the increase in workload to be hannful to the heart. d. a and b

20. Which of the following are correct regarding aging and the heart?

a. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle is common. b. Maximum heart rate decreases. c. Heart valves may function abnormally. d. a and b e. =a, bj and

l5.How does a structured warm-up before an exercise session prépare cfae body for additional intense activity?

a. Il increases muscle blood flow and température* ■ b. It tacreases connécrive tissue dasticity. c. It increases muscle visçosity. d. =aand b [ e. k and c

7. A successful marketing approach in a health/fitness facility includes which of the following procédures?

a. Include drop-in signups and flyers to organized groups. b. Détermine the needs of the customer and then dev-elop a vari-ety of services, activities, and programs to meet those needs. c. Présent a sales pitch to the prospective client suggesting that if the client does not parti ci pate in mis program, his/ber health could décline and illness and poor quality of life will eventuaily follow. d. =a and b e. </, b, and c

14. What should the exercise professional recommend to a dntl who indicates a désire to increase exercise internât) becausej she believes her sudden breathkssness during mild exeroonid a matter of not pus h i n g hcrsel f hard enough?

a. Increase the exercise intensity by 6ve percent. b. Increase the exercise duratioo frora 30 to 45 minutes ta maintain the current level of exercise inteœaty. c. Decrease the exercise duration from 30 to 15 minute* ma increase exercise intensity by 20 percent. d.= Require the client to consult witfa his pfaysidar befcre proceeding with any exercise program.

14. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the educational component in any health/fitness faciUty?

a. Individuals can be instructed about the rôle of exercise in their lives. b. Âny éducation program covering the physical, emo-tional, intellectual, spiritual, and social dimensions can be addressed. c. Free programs can be offered that can improve client rétention and adhérence. d. a and b e. Oj b, and c

19. Which of the following is a (are) good suggestion(s) for flui<j replacement during prolonged exercise?

a. Ingest 300 ml of cool flavored water before exercise. b. During the first hour of exercise, ingest 100 to 150 ml of ai cool, diluted glucose polymer. c. Consume a 50 percent glucose solution after one hour o$ exercise. d. =a and b e. a, by and c

31. Of the following, which is (are) true about the pectoralis major?

a. It adducts, flexes, and medially rotâtes the arm. b. It inserts on the greater tubercle of the humérus. « is uuiervated by the txiJlary nerve. d. =a and b only e. «r, k, and <■

14. Which of the following is not a value of a cool-down period following an exercise session?

a. It aids in the removal of by-products of strenuous exercise. b. It aids in the prévention of venous pooling in the legs. c. =It reduces the risk of injury. d. It allows the circulatory System to return gradually to * resting state.

23. Regarding the Valsaiva maneuver, which of the following state-ments is incorrect?

a. It causes an increase in abdominal cavity pressure. b. It causes an increase in thoraetc cavity pressure. c. It can cause an a eu te increase in both SBP and DBP. d. =It facilitâtes the return of blood to the heart.

34. Which of the following is (are) true about the gluteus maxi-mus?

a. It con tri butes most of the mass of the buttocks. b. It abducts and laterally rotâtes the thigh. c It flexcs the thigh. d. =ë and b only e. #, b, and c

31. How does exercise influence the atherosclerotic process?

a. It decreases HDL-C, increases triglycérides, and decreases BP. b. It increases HDL-C, increases triglycérides, and decreases 1 BP. c. It increases HDL-C, decreases triglycérides, and increases BP. d. =It increases HDL-C, decreases triglycérides, and decreases BP.

13 What change occurs in residual volume by 70 years of âge?

a. It decreases by 5 to 10 percent. b. It decreases by 30 to 50 percent. c. It increases by 5 to 10 percent. d.= It increases by 30 to 50 percent.

42. Which of the following is (are) true regarding an active cool-down period following exercise?

a. It enhances removal of metabolic waste from the blood, which in susceptible individuals may prevent cardiac arrhythmia. b. It prevents blood pooling in the legs and thereby may prevent delayed muscle stiffening. c. Older individuals benefit from long periods of cool-down. d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

42. What effect may the mgmaon of akohoi have on one's response to exercise?

a. It increases exercise capadty, b. =It may provoke arrhythmias. c. It decreases HR* d. It decreases both HR and BE

2 3. Which of the following accurateïy describe(s) 02 consnmptiott?

a. It increases linearly until a steady state is reached in a single bout of exercise. b. It increases linearly during graded exercise. c. It increases linearly over time during a steady state exercise bout d. =a b e. abc

16. Which of the following statements is (are) true about a budget?

a. It is a major component of long-range planning and aceountability. b. Opcrating budgets require detailing goals for revenues expenses. c. One assumes that expenses will increase continually. <L * and b e. =a,b and c

47. Which of the following is true about overexercdsing?

a. It is a recommended way to increase training voIœhk (e.g., swimming >10,000 meters/day vs. <S,000 meters/àv and has been found to elicit a faster physiological response in aérobic capacity. b. It is a recommended way to increase training intensity (e.g., force on the muscle or stress on the cardiovascular system) and leads to faster improvement in condiboniM response. c. =It is not recommended, but training intensities between 40 and 85 percent of VQ2max are recommended to elicit the greatest improvement in aérobic response. d. It is not recommended, but training at 90 percent VOjnas coupled with high volume is advised for the quickest improvement in aérobic capacity.

13. What is true about myocardial infarction?

a. It is also called heart attack. b. It is death of a portion of the heart muscle. c. It is caused by obstruction in a coronary artery due to a^. erosclerosis or embolism. d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

24. Which of the following is an accurate statement about die ! larynx?

a. It is an organ of both the respiratory and digestive Systems located at the back of the oral and nasal cavities. b. It helps to filter air. c. =It contains nine cartilages and vocal folds.

12. Which is true about bradycardia?

a. It is defined as a condition in which the HR it less than beats per minute. b. It is a condition that occurs during sleep and is seenin w physically fit people. c. It is also called sick sinus syndrome. d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

37. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the RPE scale?

a. It is unreliable in approximately 30 percent of the population. b. =It is usefiil for monitoring exercise intensity in individuals who have difficulty palpating HR. c. It is not recommended if the exercise participante HR response is known to be altered because of a change in médication. d. a and b e. b and c

43. How may the ingestion of caffeine influence one's feson exercise?

a. It may provoke arrhythmias. b. It may provoke increase in HR and BP in a caffeine.n • user. c. It provokes little to no change in HR or BP in the freq^ caffeine user. d. b and c e. =a, b, and c

_ 20. What is a limitation of using bioelectrical impédance analysis?

a. It overestirnates percentage of body fat in very lean iû& viduals. b. It underestimates percentage of body fet in men. c. It underestimates percentage of body fat in very tall individuals (over 6 feet 4 inches). d. It underestimates percentage of body fat in very short individuals (under 5 feet). e. =One must control client's hydration prior to testing.

2. Which of the following statetnentt is (are) true regarding aérobic metaboiism?

a. It requires 02 and in volves a mitochondrial process in which inorganic phosphate is coupled to ADP via the électron transport chain. b. It can utilize muscle glycogen, blood glucose, plastj^ fetty acids, and intramuscular fats. "\ c. =It is usefui for long-term activities and is the terra used to describe the level of 02 consumption at whiclj^ is a rapid rise in blood lactate. d. a and b

84. What is true about the overload principle?

a. It requires a progressive increase in the intensity of a workout over the course of training as fitness capacity improves. b. It describes a condition in which a tissue or organ is caused to work against a load that it is not accustomed to. c. It describes the need to increase the load in exercise to cause further adaptation of a system. d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

8. Which of the following is (are) recommended (or tncreasmg sales and decreasing attrirjon in a heaJth/rimess facility?

a. Jnstill within the staff that customer satisfaction is every staff members responsibiiity. b. Maire sure that ail proxsotional and sales activities are planned to occur at an appropriait time. c. Maice the sale by aay means possible. d. =a and b e. a, h and 1

44. how should the duration of an exercise be modified for an obese ind

a. Limit dui&tion to 20 minutes. b.= Keep calorie expenditure to 300 to 500 kcal per session. C Keep calorie expenditure to 500 to 600 kcal per session. d. Keep calorie expenditure to 3000 to 3600 kcal per week. e. c and d

19. Which of the following best describes the appropriate procédure for obtaining a skinfold measurement?

a. Measure right side, place caliper three centimeters from thumb and finger, and wait three to four seconds before reading caliper. b. Measure left side, place caliper two centimeters from thumb and finger, and wait one to two seconds before reading caliper. c. =Measure right side, place caliper one centimeter from thumb and finger, and wait one to two seconds before reading caliper. d. Measure left side, place caliper one centimeter from thumb and finger, and wait one to two seconds before reading caliper.

18. Which of die following is a good wsy to détermine excessive fmid km that occiirretî dunng exercise;

a. Measure the insensible perspirarion and sweat volume an the skin. b. Measure water loss in the fèces, c=* Measure weight before and after exercise, d. Measure urine output before exercise begins.

58. Which of the following approaches is (are) recommended to improve flexibility?

a. Minimize the effect of muscle spindles and maximize the effect of golgi tendon organs. b. Employ a technique called static stretching. c. Employ a technique called reciprocal inhibition. d. a and b e. =b, and c

18. Is there a need for a maie with the following preexercise test évaluation to consult with a médical professional before participating in a physical activity program? 20 years of âge; weight = 62 kilograms; hemoglobin =* 14 g/dl; fasting glucose = 205 mg/dl; HDL-C = 42 mg/dl; LDL-C - 120 mg/dl; SBP = 138 mmHg; DBP = 83 mmHg

a. No, ail values are within appropriate ranges. b. Yes, HDL-C is too low. c. =Yes, fasting glucose is too high. d. Yes, there are signs of anémia. e. c and d

33.The Atwater Factor for alcohol is

a. four kcal/gram b. six kcal/gram c =seven kcal/gram d. nine kcal/gram

J21. Regarding calcium and health in women, which of the following is true?

a. Osteoporosis has reached épidémie proportions in older women. b. Adéquate calcium in the diet and exercise and résistance training can retard bone loss. c. Adolescents and young adults require 1,500 mg of calcium daily in the diet. <L a and b e. =dy by and c

41. Which of the following suggestions could be part of a program for gainîng weight?

a. Participate in a weight-training program. b. Increase calorie intake by a modest amount. c. Increase dietary protein by 14 grams/day via food. d.= a and b e. /?, b, and c

88. Which of the following are true with. regard to strength training in the healthy adult?

a. Perform at least 8 to 10 separate exercises; minimum of one set; two to three d/wk. b. Perform 10 to 15 répétitions for development of muscular endurance. c. The healthy adult should never train with "free weights1" because technique is difficult and safety is an issue. d. =a and b e. b, and c

6. A medium-sized health/fitness facility wishes to implement a new smoking-cessation program for its local community. In what promotional activities might this facility engage to maxi-mize response and be cost-effective at the sa me time?

a. Place an advertisement with a lot of white space in the newspaper to draw the attention of the reader, b. =Dépend on word of mouth from past programs. c. Provide for a public service announcement on one or more local radio stations to announce the new program and free lecture. d. a and b e. a, b, and c

46. What are the proper adjustments when one is using the Nautilus® leg extension machine?

a. Place arms across the chest, adjust seat so that roller pad contacts the middle of the shin, and align knees with axis of machine. b. Place arms across the chest, adjnst seat so that roller pad contacts shin slightly above the ankles, and align knees with axis of machine. c. Grasp handles on each side of seat, align knees with axis of machine, and lean forward as knees are fully extended. d. =Grasp handles on each side of seat, align knees with axis of machine, and keep back flat against back pad as knees are fully extended.

28. Which of the following correctly describes the procédure for calibrating a Monark cycle ergometer?

a. Place the cycle on a level surface, attach a 0.5-iàlogram weight to die flywheel's belt and spring, pedal at a rate of 50 révolutions per minute, and note whether the pendulum moves to the 0.5-kilogram mark. b. Place the cycle on a 0.5 percent incline, attach S 0.5-kilogram weight to the flywheel's spring, pedal at a rate of50 révolutions per minute, and note whether the pendulum moves to the 0.5-kilogram mark. c.= Place the cycle on a level surface, disconnect the flywheel belt, attach a 0.5-kilogram weight to the flywheel's spring, and note whether the pendulum moves to the 0.5-kilogram mark. d. Place the cycle on a level surface, disconnect the flywheel belt, attach a 0.5-kilogram weight to the flywheers spring, pedal at a rate of 50 révolutions per minute, and note whether the pendulum moves to the 0.5-kilogram mark.

19. There is a great concern about body fat and its association with obesity and health-related problems. Which of the following statements identifies a component of fitness as it relates to body fat?

a. Recommended body fat percentages for men over the âge of 56 years should be between 10 and 25 percent. b. Recommended body fat percentages for athi should be between 12 and 22 percent etic % c. A BMI of below 25 kg/m2 is désirable. d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

39. Guidelines for calorie intake for an individual desiring to lose weight would include which of the following?

a. Reduce daily intake by 500 kcals. b. Reduce daily intake by 2 50 kcals and increase energy expenditure by 250 kcals. c. Complète one day a week of complète fasting to deanse the System of impurities. d. =a and b e. *, b, and c

-21. What adjustment should be made by the elderly individual^ is engaged in résistance training during periods of ards^ pain?

a. Reduce training from two days per week to one day ^ week. b. Reduce training from three days per week to two daysper week, c. Reduce exercise intensity and increase the number of répétitions. d. Reduce both exercise intensity and number of répétitions. e. =Avoid résistance training during periods of pain.

18. You are supervising the running track where participants are walking and jogging. One of the walkers wanders from his désignated walking lane into the path of a jogger absorbed in conversation. The walker is accidentally pushed to the floor of the track. What should you do?

a. Remain with the victim until injury symptoms subside. b. Use basic first aid (if necessary).

23. Of me following cardiovascular-related statements, which is most appropriate for an inactive elderly individual?

a. Rnn 30 minutes on most days of the week. b. =Accumulate 30 minutes of activity on most days with the activity broken into three 10-minute sessions. c. Perform 30 minutes of vigorous activity four days per week. d. Become involved on an adult basketball league competing for 30 minutes on most days of the week.

24. Which of tho following occur(s) during an iaometric grip strength test?

a. SBP increases with a concomitant decrease in DBP. b. HR increases lituMily until a steady state is reached. C. =HR and OBP tncrease over time. d.'a nd b e. a, b, and c

49. The following observations were noted in evaluating a training program for a 21-year-old female cross-country runner: increased HR at a fixed workload, unexplained poor performance, and an increased incidence of illness during the training period. What might the coach conclude about this athlète from thèse observations and data?

a. She is overoaining. b. She requires complète rest over weeks or months. c. She is not training up to her capacity. d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

10. What is crue about elderty mdtvutuala who wfbrti' panifij;mr in a résistance-training pnvgram?

a. Significant tncreases occur in muscle croaa-earaaftd mm wrthin the fîrst six weeks of traming b. =They tend to be more self - %uttkicnt «b =They tend to perform daiJy Inmg tàilb mm gratter ease «ne. d. They ihow no physiologie*! a<K*ni*g« uwrt peen mm mamuin t sedentary litonlr c. ttftdr

30. General indications for discontinuing a GXT in low-risk adults would inciude ail but which of the following?

a. Subject asks to stop test. b. =Subject's HR increases to 170 beats per minute. c. Subject shows manifestations of severe fatigue. d. Subject's HR fails to increase with an increase in exercise intensity.

11. Which of the following is the most désirable TC : HDL-C ratio?

a. TC 199 : HDL-C 38 b. TC 190 .HDL-C 50 c. =TC 210: HDL-C 62 d. TC 175: HDL-C 36

29. Which of the following is true of the major bones of the body?

a. The mandible and maxilla possess alveolar processes with sockets for the attachment ossicles of the middle ear. b. Eight tarsal bones make up the ankle. c. The occipital bone forms the lower sides of the cranium Iand contains a mastoid process that is easily palpated behind the earlobe. d. =The fémur articulâtes with the head of the coxa, the medial and latéral condyles of the tibia, and the patella.

82. During the relaxation phase in the sliding filament theory, the following events occur. What is the correct séquence of events?

a. The muscle returns to resting state, Ca** is sequestered, actomyosin découplés, actin and myosin are recycled, ATP is resynthesized, and the nerve impulse ceases. b. Ca** is sequestered, actin and myosin are recycled, actomyosin découplés, ATP is resynthesized» the nerve impulse ceases, and the muscle returns to resting state. c.= ATP is resynthesized, actomyosin découplés, actin and myosin are recycled, the nerve impulse ceases, Ca" is sequestered, and the muscle returns to resting state. d. ATP is resynthesized, actomyosin découplés, the nerve impulse ceases, actin and myosin are recycled, Ca** is sequestered, and the muscle returns to resting state.

43. Why do exercise and training become more difficult as one ascends to higher altitudes?

a. The partial pressure of 02 decreases at increased altitudes with a concomitant decrease in 02 saturation. b. V02max decreases at increased altitudes, c. Respiratory alkalosis develops shortly after arrivai at increased altitudes. d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

Which of the following statements is true of stability?

a. The smaller the base of support, the more stable the body. b. Movement toward the midline of the body in one direction will cause the center of gravity to shift away from that direction, making the body more stable. c. A foot position that allows for a small base of support in the direction of the movement will provide added stability. d. =Stability is directly proportional to the distance of the line of gravity from the limits of the base of support.

65. To accommodate différent levels of abdominal strength and endurance within the same exercise class, what are me appropri-ate h and and arm positions for untrained and train ed individuals when perforrning a bent-knee sit-up?

a. The untrained should place the hands and arms behind the head with elbows bent and fingers interwoven, while the trained should place the hands and arms across the chest. b. The untrained should place the hands and arms across the chest, while the trained should position the hands and arms on the thighs. c. =The untrained should place the hands and arms beside the hips or on the thighs, while the trained should position the hands and arms behind the head, being careful not to hyperflex the neck. d. Hand and arm position does not affect die intensity of performing a bent-knee sit-up

48. Which of the following is a true statement about cartilaginous joints?

a. They are freely movable. b. They contain a synovial membrane. c. =They could be identified with the symphysis pubis. d. They include sutures, gomphoses, and syndesmoses.

49. Which of the following best describes synovial joints?

a. They are slightly movable and have articular cartilage on the ends of the bone. b. They are slightly movable and include symphyses. c. =They have articular cartilage on the ends of the bones and a synovial membrane that produces synovial fluid. d. They include symphyses and have a synovial membrane that produces synovial fluid.

8. Which of the following best describes myosin molécules?

a. They consist of double hélix structures. b. The proteins F-myosin and G-myosin make up the myosin molécule. c. =They consist of two globular heads and a rod-like portion. d. They consist of A bands and I bands.

33. Which of the following is (are) true of the erector spinae muscles?

a. They originate as a large fleshy mass in the sacral area of the back. b. They consist of the iliocostalis, longissimus, and the spinalis muscles. c. They extend the vertébral column and flex the hip. d.=a and b only e. s, b, and c

38. Which of the following is (are) true about warm-up actjy^ before exercise?

a. They prépare the body for vigorous activity. b. They may prevent injury. c. They allow the body to redirect blood to the muscles. d. They may induce faster muscle contraction and refo. ation. e. =Ail of thèse are true.

66 what are the physiological csques of valsava manouver

a. Thoracic prewure and *ti**t% reram mtvmt b.= Thoradc veins colique, redocing Wood fow a» dbr heart c. It causes externat straming and incrt—ia tniiui rvtura d Prolonged Valsahn ouncuver tncreaio blood pmi ta very dangerous levcls.

38. Current information suggests that body fat distribution pat-terns may be associ a ted with certain health risks. Which of the following is (are) true?

a. Those with most of their body fat in the upper body are at risk for CAD. b. Android-type obesity poses greater health risks than g\moîd-type obesity. c. Clusters of symptoms that iead to an altered metabolic profile are associated in those who carry their fat in the trunk and abdomen. d. a and b e. =a, by and c

68 A Which of the following true about specificity fitness

a. Traimrtg effect ii Itmttcd co dit muscle fibers involved in the activity b. Muscle iber idaptt *pcafically to a type of Ktmty. C. Mitochondria deroonstratt greattf âdaptâton with endurance actrrh^ d. * and b e- =A, b and c

86. Appropriate résistance training for adults includes which of4t following guidelines?

a. Use proper technique. b. Gradually increase résistance (approximately 5 percent), c. Maintain a normal breathing pattern. d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

9. What lipoprotein is primarily responsible for transporting cholestérol out of the System?

a. VLDL-C b. LDL-C c. =HDL-C d. triglycéride

24. Which of the following is (are) recommended to prevent bone loss in females?

a. Women at high risk for osteoporosis should consume foods rich in Ca*\ b. Ca++ intake should be appropriate throughout life so that bone mass is optimal prior to aduithood. c. Women should participate in noncontact sports. d.= a and b e. ay by and c

62. Which of the following are true concerning muscle strenpk and bone density?

a. Women who maintain a strength training program can lessen their risk for fracture from osteoporosis. b. Women with normal bone minerai density are strongtr than osteoporotic women. c Postmenopausal women cannot maintain bone minerai density through résistance training. d.= a and b e. a> b, and c

6. Of the following tests, which one relies on HE recovery as an indicator of cardioreiptrarory fimess?

a. YMCA submaximat cycle ergomrcry protucoi b. YMCA three-minute step «est c. =Harvard step test d. Rockport one-mile fitness waflt

9. What is the term for the outermost layer of connective tissue on the skeletal muscle?

a. ^=epimysium b. sarcomysium c. endomysium d. perimysium

51. Which of the following best describes the resistance-training System known as an ascendmg pyramid?

a. ^=performing multiple sets, starting at a bout 10 to 12 reptations and systematically increasing résistance over stvcnj sets until only one répétition is possible b. performing multiple sets starting at 1 RM and systcrnandh reducing résistance and increasing repentions until 10 to 12 répétitions are completed c. performing one set of several exercises in succession tôt the same muscle group, each building upon the other with no rest between exercises d. a and b e. none of thèse

10. Which of the following individuals should receive medicaicie*-ance before participating in a vigorous exercise progras?

a. a 28-year-old maie with one CAD risk factor (no «gra or symptoms) b. a 28-year-old female with one CAD risk factor (nosigraor symptoms) c.= a 46-year-old maie (no signs or symptoms) d. a 46-year-old female (no signs or symptoms) e. None of thèse individuals needs prior médical ckaraoct

75. A detrained individual will demonstrate which of the following?

a. a decrease in VO,max, a decrease in a-vO, diff max. a decrease in capillary number b. a decrease in Q max, a decrease in HR max, capillary number unchanged c a decrease in a-*02 diff max, increase in plasma volume, Q unchanged d. =a decrease in capillaries, an increase in HR max, a decrease in V02max

95. Which of the following changes in skeletal muscle results from anaerobic training?

a. a decrease in the capacity of the phosphagen system b. a decrease in the muscular stores of ATP and PC c. a slower ATP turnover rate d. =an increase in glycolytic enzyme activities

109. Low-frequency fatigue is characterized by

a. a disruption of the E-C coupling process h, B. prolonged recovery c, inadéquate neural drive by the raotor cortex d, =a et b

17. An optimal program for strength training would include which of the following guidelines?

a. a minimum of 8 to 10 différent exercises involving the major muscle groups b. exercises that involve the full ROM c. performance at an intensity level that would cause fatigue within 8 to 12 répétitions d. =a, b, and c

83. Normal body movements involve sustai ned contractions and do not in volve single muscle twitch es. What is the term for normal body movements involving the addition of successive, and, if the frequency of stimuli is increased further, what is dus called?

a. a submaximal response and a maximal response b. summation and tonus c. =summation and tetanus d. tonus and tetanu

1. What is obesity?

a. a surplus of adipose tissue, containing fat stored in triglycéride form, resulting from excessive energy intake relative to energy expenditure b. waist girth of >100 cm c- aBMlof>30kg/m* d. a and b e.= a, b, and c

42. What name is given to movement beyond the anatomical position when starting from a position of extension?-

a. abduction b. extension c. hyperflexion d. =hyperextension

1. Which of the following éléments should be a part of each health counseling session?

a. acceptance b. expressing empathy c. assessing health-related behavior d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

26. Which term refers to an increase in the size of a muscle or other I body part cause d by cell émargement?

a. accretion b. atrophy c. hyperplasia d. =hypertrophy

25 Which term refers to a réduction in the size of a muscle or body part?

a. accretion b.= atrophy c. hyperplasia d. hypertrophy

37. Which of the following is a peripheral vasodilator?

a. acebutolol (Sectral) b. =hydralazine (Apresoline) c. metoprolol (Lopressor) d. prazosin (Minipress)

101. Proteins that can be found in a muscle fiber include

a. actin and myosin b. troponin and tropomyosin c M and C proteins d. a and h e.=a b and c

46. Some muscles act to eliminate unwanted movement by42 agonist This ts termed

a. active insufficiency b. passive insufficiency c. stabiiizer d. =neutralizer

11. Of the following, which is not an absolute contrandicatK exercise testing?

a. acute infection b. =uncontrolled metabolic disease c. uncontrolled atrial arrhythmia d. unstable angina

70. The specificity principle in training is associated with which of the following?

a. adaptations in metabolic and physiologie functions b. Spécifie exercises elicit spécifie training adaptations. c. Résistance training with h i gh force and low répétitions will resuit in improved aérobic capacity and a high V02max d. =a and b e. a> b, and c

15. Whkh of the fbUomng approaches to the health behavior change model are sequenced correedy?

a. adoption, antécédents, maintenance b. antécédents, information, instruction c. =antécédents, adoption, maintenance d. information, instruction, information

16. Dépression

a. affects 5 to 10 perçoit of ail adults during their lifetimes b. is common after myocardial infarction c. requires hospi talization d.= a and b e. ay b9 and r

39. Which of the following, if any, is (are) bronchodilator(s)?

a. albuterol (Bronkosol) b. epinephrine (alupent) c. =a and b d. none of thèse

61. What an interval training program-

a. alcernating bouts of low-intensiry exercise fclkwdl Wi recovery period b. =alterna ring bouts of high-intensity exercise Mme bv » recovery period c. ability to tax the aérobic ptthway d. ê and t

89. Loading the human body during exercise

a. alters the size, shape, and structure of bone b. can increase cancellous and cortical bone c. increases bone dimensions during microgravity d. =and b e. a, kf and c

36. Thefemak athlète triad or thefemale triadis composed of which of the following factor(s)?

a. amenorrhea b. disordered eating c. osteoporosis d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

32. lb wnat can we attribute the gains in strength that occur early (first three weeks) in a strength-training program?

a. an enlargement of the muscle b. hyperplasia c. hypertrophy d. =neural adaptation e. ail of thèse

2. What should an infarmed consent forrn inciude?

a. an explanation of the tests to be administrerai, possible r*k, and discomforts, possible médications the participant trw! and may not take prior to exercise testing, freedom of ul. sent, and signatures of both the participant and a witattt b. an explanation of the test to be adroinistered, possible raj» and discomforts, benefits to be expected, freedom of consent, and signature of the participant c. an explanation of the tests to be administcred, possible risks ! and discomforts, benefits to be expected, freedom of consent, and signatures of both the participant and • wime» d. =an explanation of the tests to be edmimstered, possible râla and discomforts, the participante retponïîbilitiea, benefits to be expected, inquirtcs, freedom of consent» and «gnatum of both the participant and a wttness e. None of the above answers cou tain aO of ifae important éléments needed in an informed consent forai.

27. What resuit would be expected for a given bout of exercise after a person engages in endurance training?

a. an improved SV b. a Iower HR c. an increased Q d. a and h e. =a, b, and c

1. What change in cholestérol is associated with an increase in physical activity?

a. an increase in LDL-C b. =an increase in HDL-C c. an increase in both HDL-C and LDL-C d. a decrease in both HDL-C and LDL-C

_ 30. What physiological adaptation(s) occur(s) as a resuit of strength training?

a. an increase in muscle mass b. hypertrophy c. hyperplasia d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

31. What central nervous System adaptation(s) result(s) from a strength-training program?

a. an increase in the number of motor units recruited b. a modification in the firing rates of motor units c. an enhancement in motor unit synchronization during a movement pattern d. a removal of neural inhibition e. =ail of thèse

_ 41. The benefits of warm-up and cool-down include ail but which of the following?

a. an increased breakdown of oxyhemoglobin to enhance Oz delivery to the muscle b. =an inhibition of catecholamine release, perhaps preventing arrhythmias c. a réduction in the occurrence of myocardial infarction d. a réduction in the viscosity of muscle, thereby improving mechanical efficiency and power e. a psychological préparation for the activity

27. Which of the following is the définition of osceoporosis?

a. an inflammatory disease of die joints that affects only older adults b. an inflammatory disease of the joints that can affect young and old alike c. =a loss of bone mass resulting in bone thinning and bone weakening d. a loss of serotonin

21. The heart wall contains

a. an outer epicardium b. a middle layer responsible for contraction c. an endocardium to reduce friction d. a and b e. =4 by and c

5. If one observed in a female athlète weight loss or gain, ex sive concern about weight, a visit to the bathroom after m dépression, and/or severe criticism of her own body, which the following conditions might be expected?

a. anorexia nervosa b. anorexia athletica c.=bulimia nervosa d. athletica bulimia

105.Essential components in an exercise prescription shuulrj include

a. appropriate exercise mode for die individual b. a calculation of the appropriate intensity, frequency, and duration c. \Ojinax d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

87. Treatments for osteoporosis

a. are designed to reduce bone loss or increase bone formation b. include an increase in calcium and vitamin D to the diet c include exercise* such as walking or usàng ïïght weights d. a and b e. =Uy by and c

45. When a muscle contracte and causes movement of a segment at a joint, it is acting

a. as an antagonist b. as an unstabilizer c.= as an agonist d. as a stabiliser

20. Which of the following exercises is (are) recommended for low back pain?

a. aérobic exercise b. cat stretch

74. Maximal oxygen consumprion relies on the intégration of which of the following factor(s)?

a. aérobic metabolism b. hemoglobin concentration c. cardiac output d tsandb e. =a. by and c

64. Which stretcliing technique is most Ukely to require the aid of an exercise partner?

a. ballistic b. dynamic c. =proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation d. static

48. which of the following exercise is designed to stretch the anterior deltoids and pcctoralis major?

a. behind-the-neck stretch (chicken wing) b. pretzet c. =seated lean-back d. plough

Of the following, what is the most appropriate exercise modification for an elderly individual with degenerative joint disease?

a. bench stepping b. stair climbing c. =stationary cycling d. running

16. What is considered the gold standard for deterrrtining body composition?

a. bioelectrical impédance analysis b. =hydrostatic weighing c. infrared interactance d. skinfold measurements

13. Which of the following is not considérée! connective tiSsu ,

a. blood b. =stratified epithelium c. bone d. adipose tissue

_17. For a Health/Fitness Instructor, a complète understanding 0{ the management of the facility is important. To which of (§| following positions would he/she direedy report?

a. board of directors b. health fitness director c. program director d. =fitness/wellness coordinators e. advisory committee

60. Which of the following would not be considered a of health-related physical fitness?

a. body composition b. flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings c. aérobic fitness d. =mental well-being e. abdominal muscular strength and endurance

2. What is overweight?

a. body mass in excess of some nonrudizcd standard b. BM1 of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m- c. an over fat condition d. * and b e.= «, and c

68. The degrec of movement wi t hm • «paobe fowt (ROM) ■ limited H by which of the following?

a. bony structures of two articulating tttrfaoM b. length of the ligaments c. elasricity of the connective ttssues d. m and /* e.= 4 and c

20. What are the two most common sites for puise palpati0 HR during exercise?

a. brachial arteiy and carotid artery b. =radial artery and temporal artery c. fémoral artery and radial artery d. carotid artery and temporal artery e. fémoral artery and carotid artery

45. Whicm of the following activities would be most appro-priate for an individual who expériences exercise-induced astnma?

a. brisk walking in cold weather b. jogging in cold weather c. =swimming d. a and b

4. What is the term for a serious condition, found most o among teenagc girls, in which there is a loss of appetite and a possible progression to varions degrees of emaciation?

a. bulimia b. =anorexia nervosa c. négative calorie balance d. android-type obesity

26. What is the term for an inflammatory disorder of the fi brous tissue that attaches muscle to bone?

a. bursitis b. capsulitis c. synovitis d. =tendinitis

_63. How can onc increase the exercise intensity experienced during water exercise?

a. by exercising in deeper water b. by exercising in shallower water c. by jogging in a circle and quickly changing direction, thus being required to jog against the water current d.= a and c e. b and c

40. How may the ingestion of nicotine influence one's response to exercise?

a. by increasing both SBP and DBP, decreasing HR, and increasing puise pressure b. by increasing SBP, decreasing DBP, increasing HR, and decreasing puise pressure c.= by increasing SBP, DBP, and HR d. by increasing SBP, decreasing DBP, increasing HR, and increasing puise pressure

8. The most effective weight loss program would include which of the following?

a. calorie restriction and behavior modification b. modéra te physical activity and group support c. aérobic exercise designed to utilize 500 kcal/day d. =a and b e. a, £, and c

3. In mature bone,

a. cancellous and compact bone are fully developed b. the epiphyseal plate is now the epiphyseal line c. the only cartilage présent is articular cartilage at the ends 1 of the bone d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

2 5. What is the term for an inflammatory disorder of muscles and/or tendons that attach at the elbow joint?

a. capsulitis b. =epicondylitis c. bursitis d. synovitis

43. Whkh of the following nutritional ergogenic aids is claimed to be effective for exercise tasks relying on the ÀTP-PC System and anaerobic glycolysis (e.g., exercise lasting one to four minutes)?

a. carbohydrate loading b. =bicarbonate loading c glucose polymer fluid replacement drinks d. Gatorade®

13. Which laboratory tests should be obtained before an exercise test for an individual classified as apparendy healthy Qam risk)?

a. chest X ray b. 12-lead resting ECG Éc. pulmonary fonction test d.= total sérum cholestérol e. b and J

d c J25. Which of the following are risk factors for osteoporosis?

a. cigarette smoking b. early ménopause c. high animal protein intake d. a and b e. =Uy by and c

44. An example of what movement(s) is produced by the circular movement of a limb?

a. circumcision b. =circumduction c circumflexion d. circumvention e. a and b only

33. A cardiovascular equipment préventive maintenance/repair scheduJe would include which of the following daily procédures?

a. cleaning monorail of the rower machines, washing the seat of the rower with a mild soap and water solution b. cleaning the seat and frame of the bicycle ergometer with a mild soap and water solution c. inspecting the housing, belts, and electronic components on each of the stair cli mbers

5. What is the term for a health behavior-change strategy that recognizes the need to change health behavior gradually?

a. cognitive behavior b. contracting c. =shaping d. self-management

12. An examinatdon of Ms. Johnson^médical file reveals the follotr-ing significant facts: complicated pregnancy, unstable angina. and uncontrolled diabètes, Whicb of thèse facts, if tny, reprt-sents an absolute contraindication to exercise testing-

a. complicated pregnancy b. =unstable angina c. unstable angina and uncontrolled diabètes d. None of thèse is an absolute contraindicarion to exercise testing.

20. What terni best describes a type of muscle action in which there » no joint movement and no change in the length of the agoni» muscle?

a. concentric b. eccentric c= nometric d. pJyomctric

17. Which term best describes a type of muscular action that acts as a braking force and involves muscle elongation during tension development?

a. concentric b. isometric c. =eccentric d. isotome

11. To ensure participant safety in a group exercise setting,

a. conduct a preparticipation health appraisal to détermine individuals who may require additional médical évaluation

60. What method of training ts a compromise berwees acrok exercise and muscular strength/exidurance training:

a. continuous b. =circuit c. interval d. pyramid résistance

26. Which of the following match es the musculoskeletal injury to its description?

a. contusion: slight bleeding into tissues while the skin remains unbroken

13. Adhérence to an exercise program is enhanced by which of the following factors?

a. convenience b. behavioral shaping c. enjoyability d. a and b e.= a, by and c

44. Which ofthc following pairs of conditions would be true during. exercise at increased altitudes?

a. decrease in barometric pressure; réduction of o2 saturation b. submaximal workload; higher HR c. training at altitude; carryover in training effect level d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

10. What causes anémia?

a. decrease in red blood cell production b. increase in red blood cell production c. increase in red blood cell destruction d. blood loss e. =a, c, and d

29. The resting and submaximal bradycardic response to training is due to

a. decreased intrinsic firing rate at the SA node b. increased parasympathetic tone c. small decrease in sympathetic tone d. // and b e.= a, b, and c

40. Which of the following exercises is (are) most appropria» for someone with low back pain?

a. full sît-ups with feet held double leg raise c =pelvic tilt d. m and b e. b and c

108. The fatigue associated with short-duration, high-intensity exercise is due to

a. decreasing pH, which reduces maximal tension in skeletal and cardiac muscle b, in increase in the threshold of free calcium, which is required for contraction ç. glycogvn depletion d, =a et b

3. Within an elderly population, what change occurs in resting HR

a. deerease b* increase c. iîtde to no change d.= increase in men but deerease in women e. increase in women but deerease in men

28. What is quantified by the RPE scale?

a. degree of difficulty in breathing during exercise b. degree of chest pain during exercise c. degree of light-headedness during exercise d. =subjective feeling of physical effort during exercise

10.1b ensure participant safety in a group exercise setting,

a. develop guidelines and proper protocol for an emergency during an exercise session b. develop guidelines for the institution for emergency drills c. have an ACLS certified individual at each exercise session d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

26. Along with the ribs and costal cartilages, what is (are) contained in the thoracic cage?

a. diaphragrn b. sternum and diaphragrn c. sternum and intercostals d. =sternum and vertebrae

10. If a chent showed signs or symptoms requiring a phyârian's care, a variety of potential liability problems might arise. To avoid thèse potential problems, which of the following should be included in a facility's documentation?

a. documentation démonstrating that critical responses to exercise were recorded b. documentation showing staff members who participated in I emergency procédures c. information indicating that exercise sessions require a preexercise screening d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

09. What is the term for the fluid force that etuMes flotation

a. drag b. lift c. =buoyancy d. Magnus effect

13. Which of the following factors affect weight loss?

a. duration of energy déficit b. hydration level c. increasing ketone body production d.= a and b e. B j| and I

89. Choose the pair(s) in which the abnormal condition is matched with the appropriate normal symptom.

a. dyspnea: 12 breaths per minute at rest b. orthostatic hypotension: 120/80 mmHg c. PVC: bradycardia d.= a and b e. a, b, and c

5. Of the following connective tissue types, which is found on the I articulating surfaces of long bones?

a. elastic cartilage b. =hyaline cartilage c. reticular tissue d. dense irregular collagenous tissue

11. Of the following connective tissue types, which is found within the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow?

a. elastic cartilage b. hyaline cartilage c.= reticular tissue d. dense irregular collage nous tissue

20. What is the most appropriate exercise modification for an elderly individual with hypertension?

a. emphasis on high-resistance, low-repetition, isotonic train- ing ^ ^ b. emphasis on high-resistance, high-repetition, isotonic train- c. =emphasis on low-resistance, low-repetition, isotonic train- d. emphasis on isometric training

.59. What potenoal risk is associated with the standingurught-^. i toc touch?

a. excessive flexion forces on the cervical mtebrae b. excessive extension forces on the cervical vmdbrae c. =excessive flexion forces on the hunbar and mad te», brae d. none of thèse

— 63. With regard to exercise and asthma,

a. exercise can cure asthma b. =preexercise asthma médications will not affect exercise c. warm-up activities before exercise may trircer broncho-spasm 00 d" enVlr0nment benefit a person with

17. Regardîng water and exercise,

a. exercise in hot weather increasestae body%aa*er reOTosrc-ment b. «cctsrae sweaung and large vtJumcs of nUtn water may resuit in hyponatrertua c sait ubkt» will tkxTcaas dbe need far «Mer dunng exercée d. =a and b c. a. and <r

44. Caffeine ingestion

a. exerts an ergogenic effect by increasing endurance capacité b. spares glycogen usage c increases muscle cell uptake of amino acids d.= m and b e. a, b, and c

36. Which movements are associated with the gastrocnemius?

a. extending the four latéral tocs and flexing the leg b. =plantar flexion of the foot and flexing the leg c. extending the four latéral tocs and extending the great toe d. plantar flexion of the foot and extending the great toe

38. From the anatomical position, what are the two primary movements occurring in the sagittal plane in addition to flexion?

a. extension and rotation b.= extension and hypercxtension c. extension and adduction d. extension and hyperflexion

60. The risk of injury increases when joint flexibility is

a. extremely low b. extremely high c. imbalanced between dominant and nondominant sides of the body d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

51. To what is fatigue, as evidenced by a decrease in performance, theorized to be most likely attributed?

a. failure of the fiber's contractile mechanism b. an imbalance in ATP requirement versus ATP delivery c. an increase in muscle acidity d. a and b e.=a, b, and c

102. The structural entity that makes up die fanctional unit of a muscle fiber is th

a. fasiculi b. =sarcomere c. sarcoplasmic retdculum d. a and b e. a, by and c

3. What is lean body mass?

a. fat-free mass, including essential fat b. the mass of the human body minus ail extractable (bod mass - fat mass) fat c. body weight minus ail body fat, including essential bod fat d. =a and b c. a, b, and c

17. What are the symptoms of dépression?

a. feeling Mue b. sometimes having suicida] feelings c. fatigue or trouble sleeping d. 4 and b e. =tf, 4 and

35. Which of the following are indicative of régional body fat distribution and health risks?

a. females: waist to hip ratio of >0.80 and gynoid fat pattern-ing b. maies: waist to hip ratio of >0.95 and android fat pattern-ing c. females: waist girth measurement of >76.2 cm d. a and b e. =ay by and c

39. What movement returns a body segment to the anatomical position?

a. flexion b. =extension c. inversion d. eversîon

40. What action moves a body segment away from the midline of the body

a. flexion b. extension c.= abduction d. adduction

3. What does the ACSM recommend regarding the durationof exercise for the development of CRF?

a. high-intensity (>90 percent) exercise for 5 to 10 minutes b. multiple 10-mimite exercise sessions for the severeK decoo- ditioned c. continuous aérobic activity for 20 to 60 minutes d. a and b e. =b and c

_ 18. Which of the following best describes the appropriate médiat calf skinfold site?

a. horizontal fold taken two centimeters from the midlineof the médiat border b. vertical fold taken two centimeters from the midline of the j medial border c. horizontal fold taken on the midline of the medial border at a level with the calf s greatest circumference d. =vertical fold taken on the nudline of the medial border at i a level with the calf greatest circumference

-17. Which of the following best describes the appropriate aLi nal skinfold site?

a. horizontal fold taken two centimeters to the left 0f A ! umbilicus ^ b. =vertical fold taken two œntimeters to the right of the umbilicus c. horizontal fold taken four centimeters to the left 0f ^ umbilicus d. vertical fold taken four centimeters to the right of the umbilicus

30. Which of the following factors is (are) believed to contribute to coronary artery injury?

a. hypercholesterolemia b. hypertension c. viral infections d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

2. A réduction in dietary sodium intake, weight réduction, and an increase in physical activity will generally allow a patient

a. hypercholesterolernia b. =hypertension c. diabètes mellitus d. VLDL-C

7. Which of the following conditions may develop as a resuit of too tnuch body fat?

a. impaired cardiac function from increased mechanical work b. osteoarthritis; cancer of the colon c. hypertension and stroke d. a and b e.= a, b, and c

34. According to research conducted thus far on résistance training, what are some of the early increases in voluntary so-ength attributable to?

a. improved coordination b. psychologie disinhibition c. increased activation of the prime mover muscles d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

99. What is the reason for the increase in ventilation (VF) during acute exercise?

a. increase in V02 and blood pressure b. =increase in tidal volume and frequency of breathing c. increase in peripheral résistance and V02 d. increase in frequency of breathing and vital capacity

92. Body inversion techniques used to facilitate a strength-training response or relieve low back pain cause what changes in SBP and DBP, respectively?

a. increase; decrease b. =increase; increase c. decrease; no change d. decrease; decrease

96. What changes at rest are induced by training?

a. increased size of the left atrial cavity in endurance athlètes b. decrease in left ventricular wall thickness in non-endurana athlètes c. =decrease in the intrinsic atrial HR in endurance athlètes d. decrease in parasympathetic tone

17. What increase, if any, is demonstrated by older adults who participate regularly in a strength-training program?

a. increased strength in the absence of muscle hypertrophy b. =increased strength with moderate muscle hypertrophy c. increased strength with significant muscle hypertrophy d. little to no increase in muscle strength

73. Rapidly executing a lift

a. increases intra-abdomtna! prcvmre b. =increases compression and shear force* on the vrwne c increases load on the third lumbar dxsc, espcculh m nV supine position d results in the flexion relaxation phénomène

45. Créa ri ne supplementation

a. increases intramuscular Creatine and PCr b. enhances short-terra anaerobic capacity c induces heart arrhythmias in susceptible individuals d. =«and b e. a. and c

64 Which of the following factors influence th. u- ï response? uence *e aérobic training

a. initial level of fitness b. training intensity c. training duration d, ê and b e.=if* A,B c

16. Which of the following exercise prescriptions meet the recom-mended cardiorespiratory fitne» guidelines?

a. intensity = 40/50 to 85 percent V02R; frequency = three times per week; duration = time required to expend 200 kcal b. intensity - 40/50 percent HRR; frequency * three times per week; duration = 200 kcal per session c. intensity = 55/60 to 90 percent HR max; frequency « three times per week; duration = 30 minutes per session d.= a and b e. a, b, and c

15. Exercising in a polluted environment may resuit in

a. irritation of the airways leading to bronchoconstriction b. réduction of alveolar diffusion capacity c. réduction of oxygen transport capacity

65. The ankle joint

a. is a spécial hinge joint b. involves the tibia, fibula, and talus c. is a complex ellipsoid joint d. =a and b e. a> by and c


a. is also called dysrhythrnia b. can cause tachycardia or bradycardia c. appears in 1 out of every 100 births d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

6. Exercise during pregnancy

a. is encouraged b. is bénéficiai to women and helps them reœra* more quickly after delivery c is counterproductive to stable metabolism of the fétus d.= a and b e. a, by and c

103.Asudden increase in blood lactate levels equal to 4.0 mM

a. is termed anaerobic threshold b. is termed lactate threshold c. =is termed OBLA d a and b e. by and c

61. Flexibility

a. is the range of motion of a given joint b. should be maintained in the lower back and hamstringi c. can be maintained through a regular stretching program d. =a and b e. by and c

12. What can resuit from a mismatch between active muscle 02 supply and demand?

a. ischémie pain b. claudication c. tightness or cramping d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

27. Which term refers to the eccentric loading of a muscle just before concentric muscular contraction?

a. isometric b. isotonic c. isokinetic d.=plyometric

55. What protocols are included in training programs designed to improve strength?

a. isometric b. isotonic with constant or varying résistance c. isokin e tic d. =ail of thèse

36. Which of the following is known as an angiotensin-œnvertihg enzyme inhibitor?

a. propranolol (Inderal) b. metoprolol (Lopressor) c. furosemide (Lasix) d.= captopril (Capoten)

69. Which of the following lists of increases best demonstrates the aérobic System?

a. key glycolytic enzymes; all-out exercise performance; mito-chondrial size and number b. key glycolytic enzymes; capillaries of the trained muscle; mitochondrial size and number c. aérobic enzymes; capillaries; resting level of anaerobic substrates d. =aérobic enzymes; oxidation of CHO; mitochondrial size and number

66. What movcmcnts arc included in frontal piane moratlents of

a. latéral flexion and adduction b. =adduction and abduction c. latéral flexion and latéral extension d. adduction and latéral extension

39. Optimal warm-up before activity results in which of thett- lowing?

a. less muscle résistance when the warm-up is performr. similarly to the activity (e.g., a baseball pitcher practkins at 50 percent of normal effort) b. facilitated nerve transmission and motor unit recruianent c. facilitated oxygen delivery and use by the muscle d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

1. The sphenoid bone, facial bones, and vertebrae are classified as what type of bone?

a. long b. flat c. short d. =irregular

53. Which of the following paired terme indicate abnormal back curvatures conunonly called "hunched back" and "hollow back,*' respectively?

a. lordosis-kyphosis b. =kyphosis-lordosis c. scoliosis-lordosis d. lordosis-scoliosis

91. Improper spinal alignment during activity can resuit in

a. low back pain b. himbar strain |É l umbar sprain d a and b e. =My by and c

1. Mr. Smith is a 39-year-oW smoker who maintains an active life- style. Information obtained from a médical history and physical examination revcaled the following: BP « 141/91; total sérum cholestérol « 180; high-density lipoprotein » 61; mother died of a heart attack at 64 years of âge. What is Mr. Smith s initial risk stratification?

a. low risk b. =moderate risk c. high risk d. grave risk

1. Children are less able than adults to thermoregulate during heat exposure because children exhibit which of the following characteristics?

a. lower threshold for the onset of sweating, lower skin blood flow, higher sweat output from heat-activated sweat glands, and smaller surface area to body mass ratio b. lower threshold for the onset of sweating, higher skin blood flow, lower sweat output from heat-activated sweat glands, and smaller surface area to body mass ratio c. =higher threshold for the onset of sweating, lower skin blood flow, lower sweat output from heat-activated sweat glands, and larger surface area to body mass ratio

100. Exercise training can benefit those with type 1 diabètes in which of the following ways?

a. lowering body fat b. increasing peripheral sensitivity to insulin c. increasing glucose intolérance d= a andb e. «, by and c

88. The optimal window of loading during exercise for a hcalthy individual includes considération of

a. magnitude of the force b. rate at which the force is applied c. load répétition d. * and b e. =#, £, and c

31. A 12-year-old female started coughing and wheezing, unable to catch her breath, while running on an indoor track. What immédiate first aid is appropriate?

a. maintaining an open airway b. administering or helping the girl administer her oral bron-chodilator médicat

19. Tb deliver sound health/fitness programs, one must be able to

a. manage and offer a wide variety of programs and service! b. develop appropriate business goals and objectives c develop a systematic approach to programming d. a and b e. =a, by and c

10. What major characteristic distinguishes connective tissue from other tissue?

a. mechanism of sécrétion b. =extracellular matrix c. important function in diffusion d. ability to conduct electrical impulses

77. Which statement correedy identifies the measurement site for abdominal circumference?

a. midway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus b. on the natural fold of the iliac crest c. =at the level of the umbilicus d. at the narrowest part of the torso above the umbilicus

74. Foorard speed during walking and running rcsult» 6mm «fut two éléments?

a. mocaJ force and time of groumi contact b. =ride length and ttride frequency c. stnde frequerK-y and vertical pu^h dL ftnde length and horizontal lift

18. Which of the following is (are) incorrect regarding the nature of an eccentric muscle action?

a. muscle elongation during force production b. maximum effort not great enough to overcome an externat force applied in an opposing direction c. a braking force to control speed of movement D= less muscle soreness compared to that from a concentric contraction e. b and d

58. Extrême hyperflexion of the neck is associated with wkj. the following exercises?

a. neck bridge b. neck circies c. =plough d. a and b

41. How may the ingestion of an antibistamine influence one's i response to exercise?

a. no effect on BP but an increase in HR and exercise capadty b. no effect on HR but an increase in BP and exercise capadty c. no effect on HR or BP but an increase in exercise capadty d. =no effect on HR, BP, ECG, or exercise capadty

fS. During walking, the foot apphes a force to the gmund and there follows an equal and opposite grourtd reaction force to the foot Tint it an example of which of Newtons hm * motion?

a. nrst b. second c. =third d. fourth

67. Which of the following percentage foi standjrd» for wimcn ut accurate?

a. obestty in young women >35 percent b. athJetic m 12 to 22 percent C atténuai fat » 3 to S percent <t *aml A d =a et b e. *,bt andr

25. How many lobes does the right lung have?

a. one b. two c= three d. four

81. During blood pressure measurement, the stéthoscope head should be placed

a. one inch above the antecubital space on the exterior aspect of the elbow b. popliteal space on the frontal aspect of the elbow c. =média! antecubital space d. a and /; e. a, b, and c

94. One may be at risk for type 2 diabètes if

a. one is a member of a high risk ethnie group b. one delivered a baby weighing more than nine pounds c. one has a first dcgree relative with diabètes (genetic influence) d. // and b e. =a, bt and c

57. For optimal strength gains, a typical weight-traming program would include which of the following?

a. one set of biceps curls with 10-pound weights, one day a week, for 10 weeks b. =multiple exercises, training 2-3 rimes per week, performing between 3RM and 12RM c. one set of exercises with 20RM protocol d. Lift one time per week. e. Adhère to the overload principle.

21. Which of the following is required by the YMCA cycle ergome-try protocol?

a. one steady state HR measurement between 90 and 110 beats per minute b. one steady state HR measurement between 110 and 150 beats per minute c. two steady state HR measurements between 90 and 110 beats per minute d.= two steady state HR measurements between 110 and 150 beats per minute

4. What does the ACSM recommend regarding the frequeocrof cardiorespiratory exercise?

a. one to two sessions per week for individuals «ho passes s 3 to 5 MET capacity b. one to two sessions per day for individuals who poses i capacity >5 METs c. three to five sessions per day for individuals «ho poses i capacity >5 METs d. =three to five sessions per week for individuals who posses a capacity >5 METs

67. What movements are included in the transverse plane movements of the forearm?

a. outward and inward rotation b. =pronation and supination c. élévation and dépression d. eversîon and inversion e. latéral flexion

7. Select the tenn(s) that best représentas) the following: using high-inrenshy, low-volume résistance training for the deveiop-ment of muscular strength, as well as using low-intensity, high-vohtme resxstaaos training for the development of muscular endurance.

a. overload principle b. progressive résistance c =principle of specificity d. «and £

80. Choose the pair(s) in which the charseternoe of me flber tmt marches the fiber nomenclature,

a. oxidative metabolism: SO b. slow maximal shortening veloctry: type 1 c. low activity of myosin-ATPase: type hb d. =a; and b e. b, and c

41. How is exercise intensity best monitored during pregnancy?

a. palpating HR at the radial artery b. palpating HR at the brachial artery c. =using the RPE scale d. using a dyspnea scale

58, Neural régulation of the cardiovascular System during exercise demonstrates which of the following?

a. parasympathetic withdrawal at the beginning of activity b. sympathetic input at higher levels of intensity c changes in local metabolic conditions, causing vasodilatation in muscle d. a and b e. =a> b9 and c

59. One of the most effective stretching procédures is termed

a. passive stretching b. active stretching c.= proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation d. a and b e. a, b, and c

32. Compression of the abdomen is accomplished by the externai obliques and which of the following muscles?

a. peetoralis major, recrus abdominis, and transverse abdominis b.= recrut abdominis, internai abdominal obliques, and transverse abdominis

87. What is the number of répétitions and sets recommerided to predominandy increase muscle strength?

a. performing between 3RM and 12RM b. PRE training once weekly with 1RM; 1 set c. PRE; multiple exercise; two to three days per week d. =a and b e. b, and c

8. Which of thèse recommendations would be motivating for the exercise participant?

a. physician support in the exercise program b. exercising with others c. periodic testing d. a and b e.= a, b, and c

_62. Which of the following describes the type of joint in which the articulating surfaces are nearly flat and where the only movement allowed is a monoaxial motion confined to one plane?

a. pivot b. =gliding c. condyloid d. bail and socket

52. Performing 12 biceps curls immediateh/ followed by12 ^' étirions of triceps extensions is an example of what r&sm training System?

a. plyometrics b pyramiding c. slpit routine d=super setS

77. Which of the following are observable signs associated with overtraining?

a. poor performance, increased fatigue, fréquent infections b. eJevated resting puise, increased injuries, disturbed mood states C. weight loss, dépression, insomnia d. a and b e. =a, b and c

7. Which of the reinforcement applications would be considered intrinsic in nature?

a. praise from an exercise leader b. receiving a certificate or patch after reaching a goal c. =individual accomplishment and increasing self-confidence d. a and b e. a, b, and c

9. Which of the following stages of motivationalreadïness is matched with the correct définition?

a. precontemplation: patients have been in action for six months or more b. action: patients express lack of interest in making change c. =contemplation: patients are thinking about making a change d. préparation: patients have not maintained the appropriate behavior changes

79. WTven taking a carotid puise,

a. press two fingers in the groove formed by the larynx and the sternocleidomastoid muscles b. if one presses too hard, a baroreceptor response will be elicited c. fainting might resuit in extrême cases d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

5- Peak flexibility, as measured by the sit-and-reach test, is gêner-ally obtained at what âge?

a. prior to 10 years of âge b. between 12 and 15 years of âge c. =during the late teens and early 20s d. between 30 and 35 years of âge

91. Static exercise or activities that involve high résistance cause what changes in SBP and DBP, respectively?

a. progressive increase; no change or slight decrease b. at <20 percent MVC increase; no change c. =at >20 percent MVC increase; increase d. at >50 percent MVC; neither SBP nor DBP can be deter-mined at this intensity

40. What is (are) the primary physiological benefit(s) to be gainée during a cool-down after exercise?

a. promûtes a quicker return of HR and BP to norffi^ values b. stimulâtes the return of pooled blood from limbs to central circulation c. facilitâtes lactate removal d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

76. What is a commonsense guideline to follow to prevent over- training?

a. proper periodization b. adéquate récupération during intense training cycles c. increase fat intake during heavy training d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

4. Of the following, which is not an objective of a CR fitness assessment in à low-risk undivjdualr

a. provide bases for the dcvelopment of an exercise prescription b. to motivate one to begin an exsrcbe program c. =to identify CV disease d. b and c e. a,b and c

20. The Food Guide Pyramid

a. provides foods and kca 1s required for optimal health b. =provides broad recommendations for healthful nutrienti c. has replaced the RDA à. is based on intensity and type of exercise

3. As part of a Health/Fitness Instructor's responsibilities, he or she must be able to administer fitness-related programs within established budgetary guidelines. Which of the following would be profitable for a facility?

a. providing programming not covered by dues b. working toward low attrition rates and high revenue-generating participants c. declining insurance on the facility or staff due to the tre-mendous drain on budget and profit d.= a and b e. b, and c

38. Which of the following sélections, if any, ts an (are) antiar-rhytbmic médication^

a. quinidine (Quinidex) b. tocainide (Tonocard) c. disopyramide (Norpace) d. =a, b, and c e. none of thèse

22. What is the Valsaiva maneuver?

a. rapidly exhahng during a maximal muscular contraction b- rapidly inhaling during a maximal muscular contraction c rapidly exhahng during a submaximal muscular contraction d=. bream-holding with a closed glotris

.37. Which of the following should be monitored to appropriate level of exercise intensity during a GX^fN

a. rating of perceived exertion b.= heart rate c. profuse sweating d. a and b e. a, b, and c

9. As an exercise professional, what should vou dir«t * u> , mterested in beginning a low- to moda-ate-intav*. exercise program, to do first?

a. receive a physician's clearance b. contact a cardiologist to take a GXT c. =take the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire d. take the Cooper 12-minute run test

20. Aggressive CAD risk factor management following an MI may

a. reduce the vulnerability to plaque rupture b. stabilize plaque in the absence of atherosclerotic re sion c. normalize endothelial function d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

19. Chronic low back pain is associa ted with

a. reduced mobility in trunk flexion b. reduced mobility in latéral flexion and extension of trunk c. decreased straight-leg raising

40. A weight loss of one pound per week is acceptable, This requin»

a. redudng dietary intake by approximately 750 to 1,000 kcal b. reducing daily dietary intake by approximately 450 to 700 kcal and increasing energy expenditure via exercise by 500 kcal • c. =maintaining a calorie déficit of 3,500 kcals per week (500 kcals/day) d. obtaining a vertical band gastroplasty to "jump-start" the weight loss and proceeding with an exercise program

45. Hypervcntilation

a. refers to an increase in pulmonary ventilation b. provides more oxygen than needed c. increases plasma pH d. m and b e. =a. b, and c

46. Dyspnea

a. refers to an inordînate shortness of breath b. results in élévations of arterial carbon dionde c. is a subjective distress in breaching d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

84. The ratio of waist to hip (WHR) cùrumierences

a. reflects central versus peripheral far panera b. =is an index of upper- versus lower-bodf fet distribution c. can be used to estimate body composition d. a and b e. a, b, and c

59. The myocardium

a. relies on energy released from aérobic metabolism b. has a higher oxidative capacity compared to skeletal muscle c. uses primarily carbohydrates to generate ATP d. =a and b e. ây by and c

9. First aid for heat exhaustion includes ail but which of the following?

a. removing the victim from the sun to a ventilated and cooler area b. placing the victim in shock position (supine and feet elevated)

13. What is (are) the potential cause(s) of overuse injuria?

a. repeated microtrauma b. fatigue c. running down hills

2. Which of the fbllowing is a (are) responsibility(ies) of Health/Fitness Instructor?

a. reporting directly to the health/fitness facility supervisor b. developing exercise prescriptions and teaching classes c conducting staff évaluations d. =a and b e. a> b, and c

73. The ventilatory threshold

a. results from an increase in co2, due to lactate buffering b. can result in a respiratory exchange ratio to exceed 1.00 c increases VE/V02 d. a and b e. =a.b, and c

18. Deoxygenated blood returning from the body enters the supe~ rior and inferior venae cavae. What is the correct séquence of events for blood flow through the heart?

a. right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries, tricuspid valve b. right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary veins c. =right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries d. right atrium, mitral valve, right ventricle, pulmonary veins

12. Musculoskeletal injury increases exponentially with what type of training?

a. running with high training errors b. running with a high volume and frequency

56. What name is given to an exercise designed to develop strengdi that puts a muscle group on stretch prior to its contraction?

a. répétitions maximum b. isokinetic c. =plyometric d. progressive résistive

6. People are motivated to begin an exercise program for a varie» of reasons. Which of the following may aid in this motivatioa process?

a. rôle models b. information on "how to make a change" written at a seventh grade level or below c. previous expérience that found a health behavior change bénéficiai d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

7. A muscle fiber is a single cell consisting of ail but which of the following components?

a. sarcolemma b. sarcoplasm c. =cilia

_28. Which of the following weight loss methods meet the guidei^ for weight loss programs?

a. saunas and vibra ring belts b. =programs like Weight Watcbers® c* body wraps and sweat suifs d. a and b e. i, by and

3. Change in health and exercise behavior is successful when which of the following components are included in a program?

a. set short- and long-term, realistic, and measurable goals b. have client sign a contract with a description of the goal and how the goal is to be achieved c. provide fréquent feedback on clients success d. a and b e. =Uy by and c

33. After a six-month progressive résistive-exercise strength-training program, which of the following will be noted in females when compared to maie counterparts?

a. similar gains in relative strength b. less hypertrophy c. more atrophy d.= a and b e. a, b, and c

14. Which of the following decrease(s) with âge?

a. size of muscle fîbers b. number of muscle fîbers c. maximal HR d» ê and c e. =4, by and c

78. Human skeletal muscle can be divided into which three fit*. classifications?

a. slow twitch, fast twitch, red and white b.= slow twitch-oxidative (SO), fast twitch-oxidative-glycolj-ric (FOG), fast twitcb-giycoiytic (FG) c. type la, type Ilb, type JHe d. a and b e. a, b, and c

11. Which of the following counseling approaches may assistée less-motivated client to exercise?

a. social cognitive theory b. behavior modification c. generalization training theory d. =a and b e. ay by and c

11. What element(s) should be included in health screening and fitness assessment forms?

a. spécifie goals and objectives b. health appraisal questions c. assurance that the client carries médical insurance d. =a and b e. a> b, and c

56. & Which of the foUowing type of aérobic exercise équipaient trould be most appropriate for an obèse individual?

a. srep hench for high-impact aérobics h. =bicycle e. jump rope d freadmill for running

--51. What is an individuars ability to control equilibrium called?

a. stability b. =balance c. static motion d. torque

93. Which of the following is (are) indicative of a hypertensive BP response?

a. stage 1: SBP > 160 mmHg; DBP > 90 mmHg b. stage 2: SBP < 120 mmHg; DBP < 100 mmHg =c. stage 3: SBP > 180 mmHg; DBP > 110 mmHg d. stage 4: SBP > 200 mmHg; DBP < 100 mmHg

10. alternative exercise for the standing toe touch?

a. standing hamstring stretch b. hurdlerV stretch c. seated hamstring stretch d. both /> and c

5. What term refers to the volume of blood pumped throughèe aorta every minute?

a. stroke volume b. éjection fraction c. end-systolic volume d. cardiac output

23. Anjtomically. the respiratory System is divîded into which q( the following?

a. superior meatus, middle meatus, and inferior meatus b. pharvnx. oltactory epithelium, and cricoid cartilage c conducting zone structures and paranasal sinuses d. =upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract

1. Which of the following is (are) possible assignment(s) for the Health/Fitness Instructor?

a. supervisor of programs b. exercise leader and programmer c. health counselor to the clientèle d. supervisor of préventive programs e. =a, b, and c

83. Which of the following landmarks are correct for skinfoid assessment?

a. supraih'ac—diagonal fold in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest b. subscapular—45° angle one to two cm below the infenor angle of the scapula c. abdominal—vertical fold 23 cm to the right of the umbilicus d. s and b e. =a, by andc

_27. Cardiovascular/pulmonary complications can include which of the following?

a. tachycardia: myocardial contraction rate of more thanlOO beats per minute; bradycardia: myocardial contraction rate of less than 60 . hypotension: a condition in which BP is inadéquate for normal perfusion and oxygénation of the tissues; hypertension: a major risk factor for CAD, stroke, congesttve heart

18. Good leadership and management of employées requires

a. that each employée know his/her exact rôle within the organisation b. that each employée know what good performance looks like 1 c* that each employée be allowed to do his/her job d. a and b e. ay b, and c

12. Which of the following would be helpful in determining participant adhérence and rétention in a new program?

a. the amount of money generated as a resuit of the new proçraiû b. =a survey of the current participants c offering free lectures on health-related topics d. a and b e. Oy by and c

35. Which muscles are involved in thigh extension?

a. the gluteus médius b. the hamstrings c. the sernitendinosua, biceps femoris, and the semimembra-nosus d. a and b only e.= A, b, and c

.34. Genetic cfaaracteristics and body fat distribution are related to a. the level of epinephrine secreted during exercise

a. the level of epinephrine secreted during exercise b-= régional activity of lipoprotein lipase c a large number of adiopocytes d. a and b e. ay bj and c

85. Muscle adaptations as a resuit of training are due to wha >

a. the principle of specificity b. PRE c. the principle of overload d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

. 26. What causes e leva ted O. levels observed during postexercise?

a. the replenishment of PC in the muscle and 02 in the blood and tissues b. an ekvated HR and BP c physiologicaJ conséquences as a resuit of elevated body température d. a and b e. =a, b, and c

6. What term refers to the body's abiiity to transport and uuli* 02 during rest or exercise?

a. the respiratory exchange ratio b. =Vo2. c. V02max d. pulmonary ventilation

4. In a long bone,

a. the shaft is called the diaphysis b. red marrow is the site of blood cell production c. chondroblasts produce the bone cells d.= a and b e. a, b, and c

27. Semistarvation, a part of many fad diets to promote wei ghti is not recommended because

a. there is a loss of fat free mass b. one can develop malnutrition c. resting metabolism becomes depressed d. a and b e. =a> by and c

_ 43. The movement of which parts of the body is described by left and right rotation?

a. thigh, leg, and foot b.= head, neck, and trunk c. head and neck d. trunk, hip, and foot

22. The plough is not a recommended exercise because

a. those with osteoporosis or arthritis are at particular risk b. spinal dises could be damaged

5. At a gym or exercise facility with basic emergency equipment (e.g., a defibrillator or drugs), what is the responsibility of the second rescuer on the scène in a life-threatening situation?

a. to call the EMS b. to wait and direct the emergency tea

4. At a facility such as a YMCA, a pool, or a local community park without emergency equipment, what is the responsibility of the first rescuer in a potentially life-threatening situation?

a. to instruct victim to stop activity b. to remain with victim until symptoms subside

76. A cyclist wears a sireamlined helmet

a. to reduce drag b. to reduce turbulence created by the trailing edge c. to minirnize metabolic cost during the ride d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

107.Evaluate the following statement: Stroke volume increases linearly with graded exercise until it reaches approximatety 50 percent of aérobic capacity.

a. true for uncondirioned individuals b. true for athlètes c. true among healthy adults d. a and b e.= a, b, and c

70. What is the term for the fluid force that tets » moving through that fluid?

a. turbulence b. =drag c Hft d. friction

23. Barring an abnormal exercise recovery response, ail observations (HR, BP, RPE, signs and symptoms) should continue for at least how many minutes after a submaximal cycle ergometer exercise test?

a. two b. =four c. six d. eight

15. For how many hours preceding physical fimess testing should die participant be instructed to avoid food, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine?

a. two b.=three c. five d. eight

47. When spotting the supine dumbbell fly, where should the spotter's hands be positioned?

a. under or on the performer's elbows b. =under or on the performerè wrist c on the dumbbells d- no spotter needed for this exercise

31. Mr. Orr has a BMI of 25.3. This measure indicates that Mr. Orr is

a. underweight b. normal weight c. =overweight d. obèse

5. Which of the following is a (are) good example(s) of advertising stratégies?

a. use of as many forms of média as possible b. =répétition of the marketing message c. free membcrships d. a and b e. a, b, and c

14. Which of the following health behavioral change stratégies is (are) useful for helping a client maintain exercise adhérence?

a. using a written contract b. before the client engages in an exercise program» reqtiir-ing him/her to develop an exercise relapse prévention program c. making the participant feel guilty if he/she contemplâtes stopping the exercise program d. =a and b e. afb,*ndc

14. Which of the following fat-soluble vitamins is correctly matched with fonction?

a. vitamin A: facilitâtes blood clotting b. =vitamin D: aids in growth and formation of bernes and teeth c, vitamin E; is important for proper reproductive function in humans <IL vitamin K: it essential in the prévention of night blindant

6. In assessing obesity as a possible health risk, more fhan percent-age of body fat should be considered. Which of the following term(s) is (are) related to a high risk for cardiovascular disease and diabètes?

a. waist girth b. android-type obesity c. =gynoid-type obesity d. a and b e. a> and c

82. Which of the following landmarks are correct for sJrinfold assessment?

a. waist—narrowest part of the torso b. waist—above the umbilicus and below the xiphoïd process c. waist—gluteal fold d. =a and b e. a, b, and c

49. Which form of exercise may be most appropriate for an elderi individual with an impaired gait pattern?

a. walk on a outdoor track b. walk on a indoor treadmill c. =exercise on a cycle ergometer d. exercise on a stair climber

15.The following are combinarions ot" type of vitamin, vkmxnin narae, and conditions that resuit with oversupplementation. Identify the correct combination(s).

a. water-solublc vitamin: ascorbic acid-dîarrhea, kidney sûmes, rebound scurvy b. water-yiiublevitamin: matin-headiichrs, lniraing and itch-ing skin, liver damage c. fat-solubit vitamin; n\*iû*vtn-<hnkmtt à. d . =a et b e. a, b, and <

16. Which symptom(s) is (are) associated wkh bronchiris;

a. wheezing b. nonproductive cough c. productive cough in which sputum is produoed d. a and b e. =a and c

15. Which symptom(s) is (are) associated with asthma?

a. wheezing b. nonproductive cough c. productive cough in which sputum is produoed d=. a and b e. a and c

52. When is the bodyB ability to main tain equilibrium enhanced?

a. when opposing forces acting on the body are not equal b. when the center of gravity is vertically positioned near the tedge of the base of support c. =when body mass is increased and the base of support is directed in the line of action of the external force d. when the friction between the body and the surface area is decreased

46.Nutritional factors related to the female athlète triad syndrome include which of the following vie w-points?

a.= Females who exercise heavily do not eat enough to matcb their calorie expenditures. b. Females who exercise heavily are usually anorexie c Females who exercise heavily are usually bulimic. d. Low fat consumption in the diet of females who exercise heavily will resuit in amenorrhea.

54. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the interaction of exercise intensity, duration, and energy production during activity?

a.= In efforts of two to three minutes duration, the anaerobic energy yield approximately equals the aérobic yield. b. In prolonged endurance activities (>10 minutes), prédominant energy-producing pathways involve anaerobic metabolism. c. Most of the energy for perfonning a 400-meter dash would corne from aérobic energy sources. d. i, by and c

14. What is true about angina pectoris?

a.= It is a sudden pain in the chest arca, most often due to a lack of 02 to the heart tissue. b. It is a painless épisode of coronary insufficiency. c. It is a tumor of the heart muscle. d. It occurs quite often during exercise. e. It is a thin, triangular muscle of the upper chest walî benat the pectoralis major.

19. What term best describes a type of muscle action in which the muscle shortens, causing movement at a joint?

a.= concentric b. eccentric c nometric d. pJyomctric

97. What changes occurring during maximal work are influençai by endurance training?

a.= increase in V02max; increase in Q max b. increase in HR max; increase in SV max c. increase in sympathetic drive; increase in intrinsic pacemaker rate d. decrease in lactate production; decrease in blood flow per ktlogram of active muscle

65. isometric exercise

a.= rcsults m a cardsovasctilar respontc due to a ncurogenic mcchanum b, results in a uniiovanular rofcponte dut to a volume ioad on the myocardium c involvet an i ntrcaac in wytwhc and diÀUutk blood prcmim during contraction* of 15 pertmtMVCor Irai d. ê and b e. & tnd r

8. A music tempo of approximately how many beats per minute is appropriate for the warm-up phase of an aérobic exercise dass?

a.= îoo b. 125 c 140 A 160

52 which of the following true about the process of glycolisys

a= provides for the systematic dégradation of glUcose or glycogen to pyruvate. * 1 b. It is a prédominant energy pathway during low~inten$i l long-dnration activity. c. It converts lactate to pyruvate in an anaerobic environniez d. a and b e. a, by and c

19. Which of the following anxiety disorders is (are) correedy matched with the appropriate description?

au generalized anxiety disorder: fear of social situations b. =pmic disorder: periods of appréhension or fear c. social phobia; excesaévr worry; trembling, and muscle tension d. a and b e. a, b, and c

92. The myotatic reflex

a» provokes reflex contraction in a stretched muscle b. tnhibits tension dcvelopment in antagonist muscles * C. =results in immédiate dcvelopment of muscle tension d. a and b e. a, b, and c

2 3. For the exercise professional, being accused of failure to respond adequately to an untoward event with appropriate emergency care is a claim that would most likely resuit in which one of the following?

b. 1 itigation procédures against the Health/Fitness Instructor

28. Which of the following correcdy matches the metabolîc abnor-malities to the corresponding descriptions?

b. fainting: a lots of consriou%ncst; syncope: a brief lapse in consciousness caused by a décime in (>2 to the brain

21. Straight-leg sit-ups are not recommended because

b. high compressional forces are placed on the spinal dises; cervical ligaments can be damaged

14. Training at high altitude could resuit in which of the following responses?

b. inabiUty to train at an optimal workload to improve fitness level

24. In a fitness facility, it is the employer'» responsibility to ha documented guidelines on emergency procédures and propej communicate thèse to ail employées. What is the responsibilil of the Health/Fimess Instructor?

b. to make sure that emergency training is obtained and updated to prevent careless performance in an emergency situation

7. What should be done if a person expériences dizziness or syncope?

c. Position the individual on his/her back and elevate the legs 8 to 10 inches (only if there is no suspected head or back injury).

8. First aid for dyspnea includes

c. maintaining an open airway and activating EMS if symptoms are not relieved

2. What is the correct order of events to find the correct hand position for the adult in CPR?

d. Find the lower edge of the victim's rib cage; slide your middle and index fingers up the edge of the rib cage to the notch where the ribs meet the sternum; place your middle and index fingers on the notch where the ribs meet the sternum; place the heel of one hand on the sternum nextto your index finger and place your other hand on top ofit; use the heel of your hand to apply pressure on the sternum,

3. Ail personnel must know what about the facility's emergency plan?

emergency posted telehne emergency number emergency equiepment

11. The exercise leader moâdbt twateof teedenhm«Bchruquo that meet the needs of spécial popolaoooa. H"Kk h of the fol-lowmg pertain(s) esptcially to yoong «.hiMren fmtn spécial populations engaged in an exercise program?

g. =fréquent change of activity b. fréquent rest periods c fréquent use of démonstrations d. a and b e. =m% by and r

81. In the ttidmg filament theory of muscle Contraction, acrin-ntyosin interaction is facihtatcd by what tw«' mcchanisms*

i. =the rclcav: of Ca++ from the sarcoplasmic retjculum and the présence of ATP b. the attachment of ATP to trononin and myosin activation c* «ction potentâl initiation and the présence of ATP d. the release of Ci** from the sarcoplasmic rettculum and the propagation of the impulse through rjbe T tabule

stade attentes expérience plan grille conclusion

p202 Accueil Détermination du ________ de changement de comportement Détermination et analyse des __________et besoins des clients Faire vivre une ____________ d'entrainement privé Proposer le _________de match idéal et gagnant (en nombre de séances) Présentation de la ________ de prix et réponses aux objections. Engagement et ____________la rencontre.

Competences Motivation

qualités : _____________ : fixer obj, planif seances, conseils, objections, Credibilite: planif, structure, histoires succes ______________: intrinseque extrinseque importance du but, respecter le niveau de condition, produire, leadership, entrain=plaisir, reussite

1. What mode of prolonged exercise is most likely to produce sîgnificant improvement in maximal aérobic capadty?

rhythmic smaU-muscle acàvity b. =rhythmic large-muscle activiry c. nonrhythmic sm&U-muscle activity d. nonrhythmjc large-muscle acttvi

J10. Which of the following statement(f) is (are) trae for prématuré atrial contractions (PACa)?

t. They occur when a site in the atrium otherr than sinus node prematurely. b> They generate a narrow QRS complex c They are not uncommon during exercise testant; «Hben catecholamine levels are increased. d. j and b e.=a b and c


« En fonction de votre besoin d'assiduité (vous avez déjà abandonné à 3 reprises) et de l'importance que vous attribuez à l'atteinte de votre objectif cardia. je vous conseille donc 48 séances d'entrainement à raison de 3X par semaine pour une durée de 4 mois »

22 the trchea extcnds from which of the following?

». larynx to pharynx b. nose to pharynx g. pharynx tu primary hronchi d. =laiynx to primary bronchi

interactions Dynamiser nombre propreté

• Offrir un service de qualite. • Favoriser les ____________ clients/empluyés. • ______________ l'ambiance dans le gym. • Détenir un __________ et une qualité d'appareils adéquats. • Assurer la __________ du contre on tout ternes.

1- Quelle force devriez-vous déployer si on vous demandait de soulever une charge de 30 kilos sachant que cette dernière se situe à 30 centimètres de l'axe de rotation d'un système au bras de force de 1,5 centimètres?

1- 600 kg

16- Sur quelle partie du corps doit-on tirer la barre lors d'un rameur tronc penché prise large (bent over-row) ?

16- La cage thoracique

78-Plus un client a un faible niveau de condition physique, plus il a de chances de réussir.Vrai ou Faux

78- Faux

96-Les fibres insolubles absorbent l'eau de l'appareil digestif et améliorent l'élimination de la matière fécale.Vrai ou Faux

96- Vrai

97- p191 Consommer 20 g de protéines complètes (ou un équivalent de 9 g d'acides aminés essentiels) a été reporté comme étant une bonne façon de stimuler la synthèse protéique durant les premières heures derécupération.Vrai ou Faux

97- Vrai

entraînement outils facilitateur

98- Le rôle de l'entraineur personnel est d'aider le client à atteindre son objectif d'___________en lui procurant les ___________nécessaires à sa réussite. L'entraîneur personnel est un _____________

74- Écrivez en ordre les 7 étapes du counselling.

1- Accueil 2- Détermination du stade de changement de comportement 3- Détermination et analyse des attentes et besoins des clients 4- Faire vivre une expérience d'entrainement privé 5- Proposer le plan de match idéal et gagnant (en nombre de séances) 6- Présentation de la grille de prix et réponses aux objections 7- Engagement et conclusion de la rencontre

12- Placez dans l'ordre, du plus grand au plus petit, les composantes du muscle squelettique. a. Sarcomere; myofibrille; fascia; fibre musculaire unique; muscle. b. Muscle; myofibrille; sarcomere; fascia, fibre musculaire unique. c. Muscle; fascia; myofibrille; fibre musculaire unique; sarcomere. d. Muscle; fascia; fibre musculaire unique; myofibrille; sarcomere. e. Fascia; muscle; fibre musculaire unique; myofibrille; sarcomere.

12- D

13- Expliquez brièvement le mécanisme de la contraction musculaire.

13- p28 Lorsqu'il y a influx nerveux, les myofilaments d'actines et de myosines se lient l'un à l'autre, grâce à l'ATP, et produisent ainsi la force nécessaire requise. Selon les besoins, il y aura un rapprochement des lignes Z (concentrique), maintien de la position (isométrique) ou éloignement des lignes Z (excentrique).

32-Calculer, selon la méthode de Karvonen, la fréquence cardiaque cible d'un client de 37 ans, ayant une fréquence cardiaque de repos de 72 bpm, que vous souhaitez voir travailler à 80% de son VO2 max.

161 bpm 220-37=183 (I83bpm - 72 bpm) x 80% + 72 bpm =161

17- Lorsque nous exécutons une flexion horizontale de l'épaule sur banc incliné (incline fly), quelle serait la position des coudes ?a) pliés b) tendus c) légèrement fléchis

17- C

18- Quelle est la position idéale pour la colonne vertébrale durant l'exécution du squat?

18- Maintenir les courbes naturelles et favoriser une antéversion du bassin p36

19- Sur quelle partie du corps doit-on tirer la barre lors d'une adduction de l'épaule à la poulie, prise large, pronation (lat pull-down wide grip)?

19- La partie supérieure du sternum (p40)

2- La colonne vertébrale est composée, dans l'ordre, de 5 parties: la courbure cervicale, thoracique, lombaire, le coccyx et le sacrum.Vrai ou Faux

2- Faux

20- Nommez les 3 principaux muscles agonistes dans l'exercice du soulevé de terre (dead lift)

20- Extenseurs lombaires, quadriceps, grand fessier

21- À quel endroit doit-on descendre la barre lors du développé couché avec haltère long (bench press) ?

21- Jusqu'à ce que les humérus soient parallèles au sol

22- Selon la formule du débit cardiaque, comment varie la fréquence cardiaque de repos d'un individu lorsque le VES augmente suite à une amélioration de sa condition physique?

22- La fréquence cardiaque de repos diminue p55

23- Nommez 1 facteur qui influence positivement la différence artério-veineuse?

23- Il y a une augmentation des capillaires et des mitochondries dans le muscle

24- De façon très brève à quoi sert la créatine phosphate ?

24- La créatine phosphate sert à reconstituer l'ATP

25- Les lipides sont utilisés dès le début d'une activité physique.Vrai ou Faux

25- Vrai

26 - En théorie, quelle est la fréquence cardiaque maximale d'une femme âgée de 30 ans?

26- 190 batt/min

27- Si un plateau survient dans l'entrainement d'un client, quel principe d'entrainement n'a pas été respecté ?

27- Le principe de surcharge

28- Dessinez un graphique de surcompensation dans lequel les périodes de récupération inter-entrainements sont optimales. Identifier les différentes phases de ce graphique.

28- Voir les figures 8.3 et 8.6 du manuel de certification

29 - «Le but ultime de l'entrainement est de créer des _____________à l'intégrité des cellules. Cela entraîneral'______________de l'organisme et par le fait même l'______________de la condition physique.

29- Perturbations/stress/attaques Adaptation Augmentation

3- De quel os origine le deltoïde antérieur?

3- Clavicule

30-En ce qui concerne les courbes de l'entrainement, quel est le moment optimal pour refaire notre programme?

30- Lorsque la récupération est totale, soit au sommet de la courbe de surcompensation (p 62 moment de la prochaine seance)

31-Nommez les 7 étapes qui constituent l'élaboration d'un programme musculaire

31- p 123 Analyser les besoins du client, déterminer la charge (poids) et le nombre de répétitions, déterminer la fréquence d'entrainement, déterminer le volume d'entrainement, déterminer la récupération, sélectionner les exercices, déterminer l'ordre des exercices.

33-Sur la charte de perception de l'effort, quel intervalle de chiffre correspond à l'entrainement de type anaérobie ?

33- 6 à 11

34-Avec quels doigts devrait-on prendre la fréquence cardiaque d'un client ?

34- Avec l'index et le majeur

35-À quoi correspond 1 met ?

35- 3,5 ml d'O2/kg/min

36-Quelle est la consommation d'oxygène, en litres, d'une activité de 8 mets maintenue pendant 45 minutes pour un homme de 75kg?

36- 94,5 litres 3,5 x 8 = 28 ml d'02/kg/min 28 ml d'02/kg/min x 45 min = 1260 ml d'02/kg 1260ml d'02/kgx 75kg = 94500ml d'02 ou 94,5litres

39-Pour les individus suivants, quelle est la fréquence hebdomadaire d'entrainement musculaire recommandée ?Débutant :Intermédiaire :Avancé :

39- Débutant : 2-3 x/sem Intermédiaire : 3-4 x/sem Avancée: 4-7 x/sem

4- Nommer les 3 os du membre supérieur.

4- Humérus, radius, ulna

40-Le métabolisme de base diminue de 5 % par décennie chez la personne active?Vrai ou Faux

40- Faux (c'est vrai pour le sédentaire par contre)

41-Recommencer le même entrainement en moins de 24 heures représente la meilleure façon de récupérer lorsque le muscle est courbaturé ?Vrai ou Faux

41- Faux

42-En musculation, le tempo de contraction recommandé pour les débutants est :a) b) c) d)2-1-3 3-1-2 3-0-3 2-0-2

42- 3-0-3 p118

43-Le temps de récupération inter-série n'influence pas la resynthèse d'ATP ?Vrai ou Faux

43- Faux

44-Un client vous demande un programme d'entrainement pour l'hypertrophie, vous lui prescrivez 4-6 répétitions 8-12 répétitions 15-20 répétitions.

44- 8-12 répétitions

45- Que signifie l'abréviation "RM" en entrainement musculaire ?

45- Répétitions maximales

46-Nommez deux adaptations musculaires suite à l'entrainement aérobie chez un sédentaire.

46- Hypertrophie des fibres de type I, augmentation du nombre de mitochondries, augmentation de la taille des mitochondries, meilleure utilisation des lipides, augmentation de la capilarisation.

47Quelle est la tension recommandée lors des exercices d'étirements statique?3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10

47- B

48-Les étirements sont un bon moyen de s'échauffer avant l'entrainement?Vrai ou Faux

48- Faux

49-Lors des exercices d'étirement le réflexe myotatique (d'étirement) s'intensifie.Vrai ou Faux

49- Faux

5- Quel muscle spécifique est sollicité lorsqu'un client fait une flexion plantaire en position assise? Ce muscle est-il uni ou bi-articulaire?

5- Soléaire. Uni-articulaie

50-Les exercices de flexibilité doivent durer au moins 30 secondes pour être efficaces?Vrai ou Faux

50- Faux

51-Quel est le moyen le plus efficace d'éviter les blessures à l'entrainement? S'étirer avant l'entrainement. S'étirer après l'entrainement. Bien s'échauffer avant l'entrainement. Faire un retour au calme.

51- C

52-Les étirements faits avant l'entrainement améliorent la performance?Vrai ou Faux

52- Faux

53-Quel est le bénéfice majeur (premier) des exercices de flexibilité?

53- L'augmentation de l'amplitude articulaire / l'augmentation de l'amplitude de mouvement du muscle

54-L'exercice de push-up avec pieds sur le ballon est plus difficile lorsque le ballon est placé au niveau destibias que lorsqu'il est placé sur le bout des orteils.Vrai ou Faux

54- Faux

55-Lors de l'exécution du redressement assis sur ballon, un ballon plus mou rendra l'exercice plus difficile?Vrai ou Faux

55- Faux

56-Un homme de 39 ans, pesant 170 livres a un pourcentage de graisse de 20%. Calculez sa masse grasse et sa masse maigre

56- Masse grasse : 34 lbs Masse maigre : 136 lbs

57-Lors du test de marche sur tapis roulant, quelle est la fréquence cardiaque limite qui sert à déterminer l'arrêt du test.

57- 145 batt/min

58-Quels sont les 3 types de programmes d'entrainement communément élaborés dans les centres de conditionnement physique

58- Mise en forme générale Entrainement musculaire Perte de poids/cardiovasculaire

6- Le mouvement principal des ischio-jambiers est la flexion du genou. Quel autre mouvement découle de la contraction des ischio-jambiers?

6- Extension de la hanche

61-Un des concepts importants dans la prise en charge du client est de créer un partenariat entraineur/client. Parmi les moyens suivants, lesquels constituent des éléments importants du partenariat entraineur/client?aFixer un nombre de séances adéquat à l'atteinte de l'objectif. bRéaliser un entrainement efficace et adapté. cFaire un programme en tenant compte de l'objectif seulement.d.S'occuper de l'entrainement du client uniquement.a) a-b-cb) a-b-c-dc) a-bd) a-b-d

61- c) a-b

62-En moyenne, combien de personnes s'entrainent entre 3 et 4x/semaine dans un centre de conditionnementphysique?a) 9%b) 4%c) 3%d)20%

62- b) 4 %

63-Vous travaillez comme gérant dans un centre de conditionnement physique. En janvier, vous vendez unecentaine d'abonnements. Combien de ces clients auront maintenu leurs résolutions 1 an et demi plus tard?a)40 %b) 30 %c) 67 %d)33 %

63- d) 33 %

64-Pour favoriser l'utilisation des séances d'entrainement, l'entraineur gagne à fixer un maximum de rendez-vous lors de la première séance de consultation.Vrai ou Faux

64- Vrai

66- Associez le terme à sa définition.1-Contemplation (ou prise de conscience)2-Action3-Rechutea.Le client adopte les comportements et les attitudes souhaités et organise sa vie et sonenvironnement de façon à faciliter ses changements. Cette étape requiert du temps et de l'énergie,car le client n'arrive pas nécessairement à maintenir les changements de façon stable.b.Le client envisage de modifier seshabitudes dans un avenir relativement proche. Il pèse le « pouret le contre ».c.Il faut voir ce stade comme une étape supplémentaire vers la voie du changement qui a déjà étéeffectif.d.Le client réussi à maintenir le changement pendant au moins six mois. S'il lui arrive de manquerdes entrainements par exemple, il prend des mesures pour éviter que cela se reproduise.e.Le client est convaincu du bien-fondé de faire le changement. Il croit qu'il est temps d'agir. Ilcommence à poser des gestes et fait des plans.f.À cette étape, l'information peut aider le client à le sensibiliser davantage et l'amener à concevoirque le changement pourrait être réalisable.

66- 1-b) 2-a) 3-c)

67-Si un client a abandonné, lors du suivi téléphonique, quel devrait être l'attitude à avoir face à ce dernier dans le but qu'il recommence l'entrainement?

67- Avoir un ton compréhensif. La rechute fait partie du processus. Le client ne doit pas se sentir coupable de ne pas avoir suivi le plan d'entrainement.

68-Un client qui pense que son objectif est plus facile à atteindre qu'il ne l'est en réalité augmente ses risques d'abandon.Vrai ou Faux

68- Vrai

69-Parmi les 15 raisons pour lesquelles un client laisse tomber son entraineur personnel, nommez les quatre raisons manquantes dans la liste suivante :1. Bris de confidentialité.4. L'entraineur vend autre chose que des séances privées (suppléments, équipements, vêtements, etc.)7. L'entraineur est narcissique.10. Mauvais « match » client-entraineur.13. Une blessure causée par l'entrainement.2. Pas ou peu de résultats.5. Pas de fiche d'entrainement à jour.8. L'entraineur ne porte pas attention aux objectifs et aux besoins.11. Fatigue chronique due au sur-entrainement.14. L'entraineur utilise du renforcement négatif.3. L'entraineur discute de sa vie personnelle.

69- 6-L'entraineur est toujours en retard. 9- L'entraineur est un Don Juan. 12- L'entraineur a de mauvaises habitudes de vie. 15- L'entraineur fait ça seulement pour la paie. p209

7- La meilleure façon de faire travailler le transverse de l'abdomen est en faisant un H redressement assis.Vrai ou Faux

7- Faux

70- Le premier travail de l'entraineur est d'apporter la motivation.Vrai ou Faux

70- Faux p209

71-Lequel des énoncés est vraia.L'entraineur personnel s'occupe de l'entrainement, de l'alimentation, de la motivation.b.L'entraineur personnel s'occupe seulement de l'entrainement du client.c.L'entraineur personnel ne doit pas vendre de séances d'entrainement privées.d.L'entraineur personnel ne doit pas s'entrainer dans son centre puisque cela risque d'intimider lesclients.

71- a)

72-Quelles sont les qualités que l'entraineur personnel (EP) possède qu'on ne retrouve pas chez l'entraineur detype « changeur de programme »? Nommez-en 3

72- 1- Fait un programme en tenant compte de l'objectif, des besoins et du type de client. 2- Pense que ce qui est le plus important, c'est d'avoir un entraineur personnel. 3- S'occupe de l'entrainement, de l'alimentation, de la motivation... 4- Fait un plan anti-rechute. 5- Voit le client en rechute comme quelqu'un qui a besoin d'un coup de pouce.

73- De quelle manière un entraineur privé paraît-il crédible aux yeux de ses clients? Nommez 2 éléments.

73- 1- Apparence 2- S'entrainer dans son centre 3- Avoir des entrainements planifiés et structurés 4- Posséder des histoires à succès

75- Chacune des 7 étapes du counselling cherche à atteindre un objectif bien précis. Associez chacun des objectifs à l'étape correspondante.Cette étape vise à mettre en confiance le client. Cela permettra de continuer l'entretien dans des conditions idéales.Durant cette étape, l'entraineur présente les avantages des différents services qui correspondent aux besoins repérés et aux motifs du client.Durant cette étape, il est important de faire des liens avec la méthode d'entrainement démontrée et l'objectif.Cette étape permet de repérer les besoins, motivations et mobiles qui poussent à l'entrainement et les freins du client.Cette étape doit se faire obligatoirement après avoir expliqué le « plan de match » au client.Durant cette étape, l'entraineur identifie le stade de changement du client.L'objectif de cette étape est d'obtenir un « oui » ferme de la part du client.a.Analyse des attentes et besoins des clients b.Proposer le plan de match idéal et gagnant (en nombre de séances) c.Engagement et conclusion de la rencontre d.Faire vivre l'expérience e.Accueil f.Présentation des prix et réponses aux objections g.Détermination du stade de changement de comportement

75- 1-e) 2-b) 3-d) 4-a) 5-f) 6-q) 7-c)

76-Nous avons vu qu'un client qui a besoin d' assiduité à la salle d'entrainement mentionnera les éléments suivants lors de la consultation : « J'ai eu de la difficulté à atteindre l'objectif que je m'étais fixé », « j'ai de la difficulté à m'entrainer seul », « un rendez-vous m'aiderait à me présenter à l'entrainement.», etc. Dans le cas d'un client qui a un besoin de sécurité et d'intégration, nommez 2 caractéristiques que vous relèverez lors de la consultation.

76- 1- Mon expérience en entrainement est limitée. 2- La salle d'entrainement m'intimide. 3- C'est un défi pour moi d'apprendre de nouveaux exercices. 4- J'ai des restrictions physiques.

77-Quel mouvement ne fait pas partie de la liste des exercices tests qu'on propose de faire faire au client?PlanchePlancheDéveloppécouché1.Squat2. Rameur tronc penché (bent over row) 3.frontallatérall(bench press)

77- Planche latérale

8- Quel est l'antagoniste du grand fessier?

8- Le psoas-iliaque et le droit du fémur

80-En plaçant le client en situation constante de réussite.Vrai ou Faux

80- Vrai

81-En variant régulièrement les journées d'entrainement afin de briser la routine et rompre la monotonie.Vrai ou Faux

81- Faux

82-Dans un contexte de perte de poids sécuritaire, un déficit de 500 kcal / jour est recommandé. Vrai ou Faux

82- Vrai

85-Une perte de poids rapide entraine des changements drastiques qui sont possibles de maintenir à longterme.Vrai ou Faux

85- Faux

86-Il est recommandé de perdre 2 à 2,5 livres par semaine.Vrai ou Faux

86- Faux (p135, yoyo)

87-Selon la formule de Harris et Benedict suivante, calculez la dépense énergétique quotidienne d'une femme très active de 50 ans, mesurant 1,65 mètres et pesant 176 livres.Femme :

87- MB = 655 + (9,6 x 80 kilos) + (1,8 x 165 cm) - (4,7 x 50 ans) MB = 655 + 768 + 297 - 235 MB = 1 485 kcal/jour MB x NAP (Niveau d'activité physique) = 1 485 x 1,725 MB x NAP = 2 562 kcal/jour

88-Quelle est la densité énergétique de l'alcool?a) 4 kcal/gb) 6 kcal/gc) 7 kcal/gd) 9 kcal/g

88- 7 kcal/g

89-Laquelle (ou lesquelles) des affirmations suivantes est (sont) fausses '10 % des calories des glucides ingérées sont brûlées par l'organisme pour les utiliser.Il existe 9 acides aminés essentiels.Des protéines complètes sont des protéines qui contiennent quelques acides aminés essentiels.

89- e) 3

9- Quelle posture adopte une personne qui a un psoas-iliaque très court?

9- En position debout, son bassin est en antéversion

90- Votre client pesant 85 kilos fait de la musculation 3x/semaine. Quels seront ses besoins en protéines (en grammes par jour) selon les informations que nous avons vues ensemble.a) 90 gb) 77 gc) 108 gd) 102-136 ge) 136-153 g f) 162-180 g

90- e) 136-153 g

91- Expliquez le principal rôle des vitamines et minéraux :

91- Le principal rôle des vitamines et des minéraux est de favoriser le métabolisme des macronutriments afin de rendre l'énergie disponible et d'assurer le maintien de l'intégrité de l'organisme. Ils n'apportent aucune calorie.

92- Laquelle (ou lesquelles) des affirmations suivantes est (sont) fausses :Les acides gras saturés n'ont pas de doubles liaisons entre les atomes de carbone.L'indice glycémique est un critère de classement des aliments contenant des glucides, basé sur leurs effets sur la glycémie (taux de glucose dans le sang) durant les deux heures suivant leur ingestion.Un monosaccharide est une forme de lipide.

92- b) 3

93-Un déjeuner qui réveille est composé d'un bol de céréales bio accompagnées d'un jus d'orange.Vrai ou Faux

93- Faux

94-Justifier votre réponse et donner des exemples d'aliments composant un déjeuner qui réveille

94- Un déjeuner qui réveille contient peu de glucides simples. Il est composé davantage de protéines et peut contenir des noix pour la satiété. La personne doit aussi s'hydrater. (Ex. d'aliments : oeufs, viandes froides, lait, yogourt grec, petits fruits, noix, eau, etc.)

95-Combien y a-t-il de calories totales dans un aliment constitué de 7 g de lipides, 25 g de glucides et 5 g de protéines?a) 182 calb) 183 calc) 185 cad) 199 cale 208 cal

95- b) 183 cal

59-Quelle est la durée totale du programme musculaire aux caractéristiques suivantes :8 exercices différents Aucune super-série 3 séries / exercice 12 répétitons/ exercice Tempo de 3-0-3Repos entre les séries de 60 sec et entre les exercices de 3 minutesa) 60-80 min b) 50-60 min c) 80-90 min

Durée totale '■ 3948 sec ou 65min 48 sec

60-Dans le plan d'entrainement musculaire suivant (pour un homme de niveau intermédiaire désirant un programme d'hypertrophie) 3erreurs ont été commises. Trouvez lesquelles grâce aux indices suivants : a.Erreur dans l'organisation de la semaine d'entrainementb. Erreur dans l'ordre des exercices c.Erreur dans le choix de la zone d'entrainement d.Erreur dans la prescription du volume d'entrainement

Erreur dans l'organisation de la semaine d'entrainement : Dans la semaine 1, le programme B, qui sollicite les triceps, précède immédiatement le programme A. Or dans le programme A, l'exercice du bench press nécessite l'utilisation des triceps. Si ces derniers ont été travaillés le vendredi (la veille) avec un volume de 6 séries, ils risquent d'être fatigués et ne pourront contribuer adéquatement au mouvement du bench press, limitant ainsi le travail des pectoraux. b. Erreur dans l'ordre des exercices : dans le programme A les 2 exercices de biceps ne devraient pas être faits avant l'exercice d'extension de l'épaule à la poulie, prise étroite, supination car ce mouvement requiert une sollicitation des biceps de manière importante. Ce faisant, les probabilités que le client ne puisse compléter sa série dû à l'épuisement des biceps et non du grand dorsal, est très élevée. Dans le programme B, les rotateurs externes de l'épaule (des petits muscles) de devraient pas être sollicités avant de faire le développé militaire et l'abduction de l'épaule c. Erreur dans le choix de la zone d'entrainement : on devrait prescrire une zone d'entrainement entre 8 et 12 RM et non de 15 RM. d. Erreur dans la prescription du volume d'entrainement : Un programme d'hypertrophie nécessite entre 9 à 25 séries par groupe musculaire pour créer suffisamment de bris musculaires et ainsi générer un anabolisme optimal. Les programmes A et B ont un volume d'entrainement de 6 séries par exercice ce qui est insuffisant.

10- Complétez le tableau suivant Types de fibres 1 2a 2b diam vitesse

Petite Moyenne Grosse Lente Moyenne Rapide

65- Remplissez les 3 étapes manquantes du changement de comportement.

voir shema, 65- Précontemplation, préparation et maintien p 210 211

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