Rhetoric Final

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8. Which fallacy occurs when a person repeats what has already been said in order to make it look like a cause, explanation, or reason?

Circular Reasoning

6. According to Emilia, how will Desdemona react when she finds her handkerchief missing? (365)

Desdemona will go crazy when she finds her handkerchief is missing

"My roommate said her philosophy class was hard, and the one I'm in is hard, too. So all philosophy classes must be hard!"

Hasty Generalization

37. Which fallacy involves reaching a conclusion before adequate evidence has been presented?

Hasty Generalization

6. Explain what Iago means when he says "The Moor is of a free and open nature/That thinks men honest that but seem to be so" (443).

The Moor will eventually become bored of Desdemona and will want to change. Naive- if you look honest, you are honest. Othello is easily influenced.

1. What happens to the Turkish fleet? (22-26)

The Turkish fleet did not survive the storm, or the tempest.

4. Which rhetorical appeal can be developed by choosing language that is appropriate for the audience and topic, making yourself sound fair or unbiased, and introducing your expertise and pedigree?


45. "You know me I've taught Sunday School at your church for years, babysat your children, and served as a playground director for many summers."


6. When an actor in a pain reliever commercial puts on a doctor's white coat, the advertisers are hoping that wearing this coat will give the actor the authority to talk persuasively about medicines. This is an example of which rhetorical appeal?


34. Which arguable claim answers this question: "Did it happen?"


14. The goal of an argument is to bring about a change in the audience's initial position on a controversial issue using only one's personal feelings for support.


17. You should never support a cause-and-effect essay with factual data, including real examples and statistics.


10. Which rhetorical appeal can be identified through statistics, causal statements, and examples?


24. On the toothpaste tube you're thinking about buying, it says, "In a research study, 49% of patients saw improved whiteness and less plaque in 2-3 weeks." This is an example of which rhetorical appeal?


38. A commercial for a toothbrush tells you that two out of three dentists prefer a certain brand. This commercial is using


44. "In 25 years of driving the same route, I haven't seen a single deer."


47. "The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite of market declines in other areas."


12. A commercial criticizing oil drilling shows images of oil-soaked birds and sea otters that are suffering. This commercial is using


20. Many advertisers for consumer goods aim at making us insecure about our attractiveness or social acceptability, and then offer a remedy for this feeling in the form of their product. This is common with toothpaste, chewing gum, clothing, hair products, and cars. This is an example of which rhetorical appeal?


36. What rhetorical device appeals to the emotions of the audience?


41. "You will never be satisfied in life if you don't seize this opportunity. Do you want to live the rest of your years yearning to know what would have happened if you just jumped when you had the chance?"


46. "If my age doesn't convince you that my opinion matters, at least consider that I am your grandfather and I love you dearly."


48. "Don't be the last person on the block to have their lawn treated - you don't want to be the laughing stock of your community!"


49. "You should consider another route. I heard that that street is far more dangerous and ominous at night than during the daytime."


3. When Iago narrates Cassio's greeting of Desdemona, what action is implied (182-190)

that Cassio and Desdemona like each other. He plans to use the handholding to frame Cassio so he will lose his lieutenant position .

1. Why is the handkerchief special to Othello? Does Desdemona know all of this? (65-87)

the handkerchief is special to Othello because it was given to him by his mother who was an Egyptian charmer. Desdemona does not know all of this.

26. Public debates are examples of what type of argument?


11. In a claim of policy and solution, one way to organize it would be by first describing the problem and then offering a solution.


5. Which claim aims at establishing whether the item being discussed is good or bad?


43. All of the following could lead to an argument failure EXCEPT

A forum

31. "Andrea Tate has written several books arguing that women should receive equal pay in the workplace. But Andrea is just jealous of people who're more successful than her, so why should we listen to what she says about this issue?"

Ad hominem

7. Which fallacy occurs when a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument?

Ad hominem

1. What does Cassio avoid because of a certain weakness he has for it?


16. Which fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate expert on the subject?

Appeal to Authority

9. "We should abolish the death penalty. Many respected people, such as Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn, have publicly stated their opposition to it."

Appeal to Authority

22. "Despite the fact that Clara was caught shoplifting at Target yesterday, this doesn't reflect poorly on Bishop McNamara as a whole because, while she is technically enrolled there, she's not a real McNamara student when you think about it. I mean, c'mon, McNamara students know they shouldn't steal."

'No True Scotsman'

30. Which fallacy occurs an individual attempts to avoid being associated with an unpleasant act by asserting that no true member of the group they belong to would do such a thing?

'No True Scotsman'

3. What is revealed about Bianca's relationship with Cassio, in line 138?

Bianca is a prostitute and Cassio is her customer.

4. Does Brabantio like Rodrigo? What has Brabantio said in the past about Rodrigo's chances with his daughter? (lines 106-109)

Brabantio does not like Rodrigo. Brabantio in the past said that he is a stalker and that he isn't welcome here.

4. Why does Cassio give the handkerchief to Bianca? (216-219)

Cassio gives the handkerchief to Bianca so that she can copy the embroidery onto another handkerchief.

2. Why does Cassio kiss Emilia? (109-111)

Cassio kisses Emilia to show reverence or courtesy. Born courteous

3. Who stabs Roderigo the first time? Who delivers the killing blow?

Cassio stabs Roderigo first, then Iago delivers the killing blow.

13. Interviewer​: "Your resume looks impressive but I need another reference." Bill​: "Jill can give me a good reference." Interviewer​: "Good. But how do I know that Jill is trustworthy?" Bill​: "No problem, I can vouch for her."

Circular Reasoning

5. What does Desdemona say, accidentally, to upset Othello? What does she actually mean by it? (255)

Desdemona accidentally mentions that she cares for Cassio. She meant that she cares for him as a friend, strictly platonic. Not romantic.

1. What does Desdemona ask for in lines 61-62?

Desdemona asks for the handkerchief.

3. What causes Desdemona to cry? (91-97) How does Othello view this?

Desdemona cries because Cassio is dead because he is her only lifeline. Othello sees her tears as she is sad because her lover died.

5. To Othello, what do Desdemona final words prove about her character? (156-160)

Desdemona is a good wife because she protects her husband even in the face of death.

4. Iago reminds Othello that "She did deceive her father, marrying you" (238-240). how exactly did Desdemona deceive her father?

Desdemona lied to her father so that she could marry Othello.

2. Why does Desdemona say she has divided duty to her father? (line 209)

Desdemona says this because she loves her father but she loves her husband more than her father.

1. Why does Emilia believe it is, "The husbands' faults/if wives do fall"? (97) And what does she mean later when she claims, "The ills we do, their ills instruct us so"? (115)

Emilia believes it is the husband's fault because they fail to remember that women are human beings too. We have passions and tastes just like men. Everything that women do are from what we've learned from men. When she discusses their ills, she means that the bad things that women do are just what women have learned from men.

3. According to Emilia, what is the cause of jealousy? (180-183)

Emilia says that they are jealous for their jealous.

1. How does Emilia support her friend Desdemona against Othello's accusations? (1-20)

Emilia supports her friend because that is her mistress and she is deeply attached to her.

"Our dorm, Frederick Hall, is in bad shape. We must tear it down and put up a new Building; otherwise, we'll continue to risk student's safety.."

False Dilemma

40. Which fallacy is a tactic that involves stating a complicated issue in black and white terms?

False Dilemma

4. When consoling Cassio, what does Iago say about "reputation"?

He says "reputation is an idle and most false imposition, without merit and without deserving." "You have not lost your reputation unless you repute yourself a loser". It is earned and lost most easily.

9. What opposites does Othello mention in lines 438-445?

He thinks Desdemona is faithful the he does not He thinks Iago is trustworthy, and then he thinks he is not Her reputation was pure and snow, now it is black as his face

10. What lie does Iago tell concerning the dream of Cassio? (475)

Iago hears Cassio say Desdemona's name and that they should hide their love and be careful.

1. Why is Iago angry with Othello? According to Iago, why is Cassio a bad choice for lieutenant?

Iago is angry with Othello because he was not chosen to be the lieutenant. Cassio is a bad choice because he is inexperienced in the field and does not have certain skills.

2. How does Iago ruin Cassio's reputation in this scene?

Iago ruins Cassio's reputation by encouraging Cassio to drink which will lead to a fight with Roderigo and Montano

5. What new explanation does Iago give for why he hates Othello? (429)

Iago says he hates Othello because he has slept with Iago's wife.

8. What is Iago saying about honesty in lines 436-7?

Iago says honesty is stupid and that he should always be wise instead. Honesty makes him lose his friends. Wise = omitting the truth, keeping mouth shut

1. After Cassio leaves, what is Iago implying when he says, "I like not that"? (37-44)

Iago sees Cassio sneaking out and he does not like it, looks suspicious. Trysts- sexual and romantic rendezvous

2. Cassio is wearing a "coat" of armor (26). So where does Iago stab him?

Iago stabs him in his leg.

5. To help Cassio's relationship with the general Othello, who does Iago suggest asking for help?

Iago suggests that Cassio should ask Desdemona for help since she is technically the general.

2. When advising Othello, what does Iago say about "reputation"? (185)

Iago tells Othello that all he has are reputations.

1. In line 34, why would Iago tell Othello to go inside and hide from Brabantio?

Iago tells Othello to go inside and hide from Brabantio because Brabantio is mad at Othello for bewitching his daughter

4. What rumor about Cassio and Desdemona does Iago tell Roderigo? And what does he ask Roderigo to do? (275-292)

Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona will get bored with Othello and will want to be with Cassio. He asks Roderigo to start a fight with Cassio in the evening.

4. What specific advice does Iago give Rodrigo, beginning in line 377?

Iago tells Rodrigo to cool his passion with his reason and that he should focus in making money. "Put money in his purse"

2. Specifically, what does Iago say to trick Othello? (96-104)

Iago told Othello that when he was in a trance, Cassio came here. Iago told Cassio to come back and talk to him. Othello can eavesdrop on their conversation. Iago will get Othello to tell the whole story. "Watch his face, look at what he does", who we rely on what we see, pestilence and jealousy. gets Cassio to talk about Bianca and make Othello think it's about Desdemona

3. According to Iago, what was he doing with the jewels Roderigo gave him? What does Roderigo realize about all the promises Iago has made? (216-222)

Iago took Roderigo's jewels and gave them to Desdemona and said that she promised to give something back. Roderigo realizes that all the promises Iago made are false and aren't carried out.

4. What is Iago's approach to dealing with Bianca? What does he try to blame her for? (137-141)

Iago tries to blame Bianca for stabbing Cassio. Iago sees Bianca shaking and she looks pale

3. Why does Iago choose to wake Brabantio in the middle of the night, rather than come talk to him at some other time?

Iago wakes Brabantio in the middle of the night to tell him that his fighter had been married to Othello. Also, to make sure that Othello gets in trouble.

2. Looking at what Iago says in lines 45-47, and later in line 64, what can you conclude about Iago's motivation for serving Othello?

Iago wants to serve Othello for himself.

2. According to Emilia, why do men value women? (121-123)

Men value women by what they can take from them. Men see women as objects that they can use up whenever they please.

23. Demanding from an opponent that he or she address more and more points after the initial counter-argument has been satisfied refusing to concede or accept the opponent's argument.

Moving the Goalposts

35. A debate tactic used by many conspiracy theorists when asserting that the United States never landed men on the moon is that, during the argument, they'll often raise a claim, and then when that claim is explained away, they'll neither acknowledge it nor try to explain away the explanation, but will simply move on to the next claim, often with a transitional phrase like, "Okay, what about this? ..."

Moving the Goalposts

OPINION: Do you agree with Iago (37-39) that it's wrong to choose leaders according to their credentials and charisma and not by experience

No, I believe that considering credentials and charisma is important when choosing leaders.

3. To whom does Othello compare his soldiers when he chastises them for fighting?

Othello compares his soldiers to Turks

2. According to Brabantio, how did Othello convince Desdemona to marry him?

Othello convinced Desdemona to marry him by bewitching her.

2. Why does Othello give Emilia money before he leaves? (109)

Othello gives Emilia money before he leaves because they have finished their business so he pays her. Emilia has kept Desdemona's secret and he has rewarded her for it.

7. OPINION: The text switches from verse to prose at line 43. What does this change indicate about Othello's state of mind?

Othello is slowly losing sanity and is questioning his relationships with Cassio and Desdemona. His fidelity issue within his marriage is causing him to lose his eloquent speaking abilities.

2. What physical clues do we have about Othello's state of mind right now? (See lines 23, 45, 52, and 53)

Othello kisses Desdemona when she is sleeping, his eyes are rolling, he bites his lip, and he is shaking.

11. What are the three important decisions that Othello makes in the last ten lines of this scene?

Othello makes Iago the lieutenant Othello wants Cassio dead in the next three days Othello is going to think of ways to kill Desdemona

3. What does Othello need to "see" before making an important decision? (220-223)

Othello needs to see some ocular proof or evidence before making an important decision.

3. OPINION: What are your first impressions of Othello? Choose one supporting quote.

Othello seems to be confident and strong. For example, he says "my parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly" which shows how confident he is.

4. What does Othello see that makes him doubt Desdemona's chastity? (176)

Othello sees his handkerchief with Bianca.

5. Iago begins to leave, and then returns to give Othello a final piece of advice. What does he say about how Othello should deal with Cassio? (285-293)

Othello should keep Cassio away for a while and he should continue to assume Desdemona is innocent

7. What surprises you about lines 397-400?

Othello would rather would have the general camp had sex with Desdemona and him not know it.

15. Which fallacy is related to errors in explaining a cause-effect relationship?

Post Hoc

21. "President Sanders raised taxes, and then the rate of violent crime went up. Thus, he's responsible for the rise in crime."

Post Hoc

50. I drank bottled water and now I am sick, so the water must have made me sick.

Post Hoc

1. What does Iago say about Roderigo and Cassio in lines 15-24? (Hint: two things)

Roderigo knows too much and Cassio can't talk to Othello so they both must die.

3. After seeing the Duke and Brabantio affirm the marriage of Othello and Desdemona, what is Rodrigo's emotional response? (347)

Rodrigo is so upset that he wants to drown himself because he is so lovesick.

27. Which fallacy is about attributing meaning to random events?

Texas Sharpshooter

18. "Drinking too much water could be harmful, so I'm only going to drink soda, even when I need to rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth."

Slippery Slope

19. Which fallacy occurs when a person describes a chain of events with an extreme and undesirable result?

Slippery Slope

28. "Animal experimentation reduces our respect for life. If we don't respect life, we are likely to be more and more tolerant of violent acts like war and murder. Soon our society will become a battlefield in which everyone constantly fears for his or her lives. It will be the end of civilization. To prevent this terrible consequence, we should make animal experimentation illegal right now."

Slippery Slope

25. "Senator Sanders said that we should not fund the stealth drone program. I disagree entirely. I can't understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that."

Straw Man

39. Which fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position?

Straw Man

42. The makers of Sugarette Candy Drinks point to research showing that of the five countries where Sugarette drinks sell the most units, three of them are in the top ten healthiest countries on Earth, therefore Sugarette drinks are healthy.

Texas Sharpshooter

6. What does the letter command? (260-262)

That Othello should go home and appoint Cassio governor in his place.

4. What does Othello realize at line 121?

That he really killed his wife and he know longer has one

1. In line 56, what word does the Duke put before Othello's name? Why do the Duke and his senators respect Othello so much?

The Duke puts "valiant" before Othello's name. The Duke and his senators respect Othello so much because they need Othello to fight the Ottomans.

1. What is the major lie told by Iago, which causes Othello to lose all composure around line 40?

The major lie told by Iago is that he was told by Cassio that he slept with Desdemona. "Lie on her, with her.."

5. According to Iago, what is the rumor about Othello and Emilia, and what does he plan to do because of it? (317-324)

The rumor about Othello and Emilia is that they slept with each other. He plans to sleep with Othello's wife, Desdemona as revenge. Jealous rage, parallel

4. What time do they plan to ambush Cassio at Bianca's place? (265-271)

Tonight between twelve and one when he is messing with Bianca.

3. Which fallacy occurs when a deeper comparison of two situations reveals glaring weaknesses?

Weak or False Analogy

33. "Taking a parenting class is as silly as reading a book in order to learn how to swim. When it comes down to it, you can only learn by doing."

Weak or False Analogy

32. Arbitration is an example of what type of argument?


29. Which arguable claim answers this question: "What is it?"


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