Romeo and Juliet Act IV and V Study Guide

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Who says "See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, /That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love." ?

The Prince

Romeo tells Balthazar he will enter the tomb to do what?

Get the ring from Juliet's finger

What does Balthazar do while Romeo buys the poison?

Gets the horses

The apothecary tells Romeo that the dram of poison "has the strength to kill" what?

20 men

How long is the potion supposed to make Juliet sleep?

42 Hours (Almost 2 days)

What literary device is "For Venus smiles not in a house of tears." ?


What is the nurse's name?


How does Romeo learn about Juliet's death?


At the beginning of Act V, how does Romeo hear what has happened to Juliet?

Balthazar tells him

Who says "Her body sleeps in Capul's monument,/ And her immortal part with angels lives." ?


Who does the Prince hold responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

Both families, the Capulets and the Montagues

Who says "There she lies/Flower as she was, deflowered by him/Death is my son-in-law, Death is my heir." ?


What does the apothecary symbolize?


What literary device is "Capulet: "now afore God, this reverend holy friar,/All our whole city is much bound to him." ?

Dramatic Irony

When Romeo says "I defy you stars!", who or what is he defying?


What lessons do the deaths teach each family?

Feuds are a waste of human life

Who gives Juliet the potion to drink?

Friar Laurence

Who says "I'll send a friar with speed/To Mantua, with letters to thy lord." ?

Friar Laurence

Who says "The letter was not nice, but full of charge,/Of dear import; and the neglecting it /May do much danger." ?

Friar Laurence

When Juliet awakens, she has a conversation with whom?

Friar Laurence, he begs her to leave, they hear voices and he exits

Describe Friar Laurence's role in dealing with Juliet?

He is an ally

What convinces the apothecary to sell the dram of poison to Romeo?

He is poor and needs the money

What does Romeo do right before he dies?

He kisses Juliet and then drinks the poison

Why doesn't Romeo know that Juliet is not really dead?

He never got the letter

What does the Prince do after F. Laurence tells everyone the story?

He pardons Friar Laurence

What does Friar Laurence do upon hearing of Friar John's mishaps?

He will go to Juliet's tomb and keep her in his cell while another letter is getting to Romeo

What mistakes does Friar Laurence make?

His lack of good judgement, he marries Romeo and Juliet without telling parents, doesn't tell Paris that Juliet is already married, He always makes plans that no one knows about

Who says "Be not so long to speak. I long to die/If what thou speak'st speak not of remedy." ?


Who says "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again./I have faint cold fear thrills through my veins/That almost freezes up the heat of life." ?


Who says, "Romeo, I come! This do I drink to thee"?


What would Juliet rather do than marry Paris?

Jump from the top of a tower, Become a thief, be chained to roaring bears

What does Romeo intend to do when he leaves Mantua to go back to Verona?

Kill himself

What is Paris's request?

Lay him next to Juliet

Why does Lord Capulet speed up the marriage plans?

Lord Capulet thinks Juliet is happy and she wants to marry Paris

What literary device is "Thou detestable maw, thou womb of death,/Gorged with the dearest morsel of the earth,/Thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open,/And in despite I'll cram thee with more food." ?


What does Romeo believe is "worse poison to men's souls?"

Money (Gold)

What does Romeo compare the Capulet vault to?


What literary device is "Unhappy fortune!" ?


When Juliet arrives at Friar Laurence's cell, who is there with him?


Who tries to keep Romeo from entering Juliet's tomb?


What literary device is "Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,/Hath no power yet upon thy beauty." ?


What does Romeo buy from the apothecary?


Who says "For never was a story of more woe/Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." ?


Who says "Shall I believe/That unsubstantial death is amorous,/And that the lean abhorred monster keeps/Thee here in dark to be his paramour?" ?


Who says "Then I defy you, stars!" ?


What happens in the fight between Paris and Romeo?

Romeo kills Paris

What does Juliet do after learning of Romeo's death?

She cries and then kills herself

How does Juliet change during the course of the play?

She is more rebellious and fights with his parents

What literary device is "Death lies on her like an untimely frost/Upon the sweetest flower of all the field." ?


What literary device is "O me, this sight of death is as a bell/That warns my old age to a sepulcher." ?


Who first discovers that Juliet is "dead"?

The Nurse

Who informs the night watchman when Romeo and Paris fight?

The Page

How does heaven or fate punish the Capulets and Montagues for their feud?

The children end up committing suicide

Which event leads most directly to Romeo and Juliet's death?

The failure to deliver the letter

Why is Friar John unable to deliver the letter?

The plague

What 3 things does Juliet fear before she drinks the potion?

The potion will not work, Friar Laurence is actually poisoning her, Romeo will not be there when she wakes up

Why is the news of Juliet's death dramatic irony? (Scene IV)

The readers know that Juliet is not really dead and is just pretending

What do the families do to remember their children?

They make statues of each children made out of gold and lay them next to each other

Why does Paris think that Juliet is crying?

Tybalt's death

Why is the apothecary's shop closed when Romeo gets there?

It's a holiday

Why does Juliet pretend to be obedient to her father?

It's part of Friar Laurence's plan

What is the Friar's plan to solve Juliet's marriage problems?

Juliet will agree to marry Paris, but the night before she will drink the poison which will make it seem like she is dead and the family will put her in the tomb and he will send a letter to Romeo telling him everything and he will come and meet her

What literary device is "Shall I believe/That unsubstantial Death is amorous,/And that the lean abhorred monster keeps/Thee here in dark to be his paramour?" ?


What literary device is "There she lies/Flower as she was, deflowered by him./Death is my son-in-law, Death is my heir." ?


What happens between the two families in the closing scene?

Reconcile and make up

Who is the final speaker in the play?

The Prince

How are Romeo and Juliet responsible for the outcome?

They marry too quickly without considering consequences

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