Root Words - finish from H to Z

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BREV / BRID: short, small Short in words/to the point

Abbreviate - to shorten Abridge - to shorten Brevet - an honorary promotion with no additional pay Breviloquent - laconic; concise in one's speech Brevity - shortness Brief - short

AB: off, away from, apart, down

Abdicate - to renounce or relinquish a throne Abduct - to take away by force Abhor - To hate/detest Abject - Cast down; degraded Abnormal - deviating from a standard Abolish - to do away with/ make void Abstinence - forbearance from any indulgence of appetite Abstract - conceived apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances Abstruse - hard to understand; secret, hidden

DUC / DUCT: to lead

Abduct - to carry off or lead away Conductive - contributive; helpful Conduct - personal behavior, way of acting Induce - to lead or move by influence Induct - to install in a position w/ formal ceremonies (admit someone formally to a position or organization) Produce - bring into existence; give cause to

CED / CEED / CESS: to go, to yield, to stop

Accede - the yield to a demand; to enter office Antecedent - existing, being, or going before Cessation - a temporary or complete discontinuance Concede - to acknowledge as true, just, or proper; admit Incessant - without stop Predecessor - one who comes before another in an office, position...

AD: to, towards, near (Often when the d is dropped and the first letter to which a is prefixed is doubled)

Accede - to yield a demand, to enter office Adapt - adjust or modify fittingly Addict - to give oneself over, as to a habit or pursuit Address - to direct a speech or written statement to Adhere - to stick fast, cleave, cling Adjacent - Near, close or in contact with Adjoin - to be close or in contact with Admire - to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval Advocate - to plead in favor of Attract - to draw either by physical force or by an appeal to emotions/senses

CELER: speed

Accelerant - something used to speed up a process Accelerate - to increase in speed Celerity - speed; quickness Decelerate - decrease in speed

CANT / CENT / CHANT: to sing

Accent - prominence of a syllable in terms of pronunciation Chant - to song; singing Enchant - to subject to magical influence, bewitch Incantation - the chanting of words purporting to have magical powers Incentive - that which incites action Recant - to withdraw or disavow a statement

CAD / CID: to fall, to happen by chance

Accident - happening by chance; unexpected Cascade - a waterfall descending over a steep surface Coincidence - a striking occurence of 2 or more events at one time, apparently by chance Decadent - decaying; deteriorating Recidivist - one who repeatedly relapses, as into crime

CRE / CRESC / CRET: to grow

Accretion - to increase by natural growth Accrue - to be added as a matter of periodic gain Creation - the act of producing or causing to exist Excrescence - an outgrowth (a distinct outgrowth on a human or animal body or on a plant, especially one that is the result of disease or abnormality - lump, nodule) Increase - to make greater in any respect Increment - something added or gained; an addition or increase

AC / ACR: Sharp, bitter, sour

Acerbic - sour or astringent in taste; harsh in temper Acid - something that is sharp, sour, or ill-natured Acrimonious - caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature Acumen - mental sharpness; quickness of wit Acute - sharp at the end; ending in a point Exacerbate - to increase bitterness or violence; aggravate

ACOU: hearing

Acoustic - pertaining to hearing; sound made through mechanical mean (not electrical means)

EQU: equal, even

Adequate - equal to the requirement or occasion Equation - the act of making equal Equidistant - equally distant Iniquity - gross injustice; wickedness

ESCE: becoming

Adolescent - b/w childhood and adulthood Convalescent - recovering from illness Incandescent - glowing w/ heat; shining Obsolescent - becoming obsolete (no longer produced or used; out of date) Reminiscent - reminding or suggestive of

FAB / FAM: to speak

Affable - friendly, courteous Defame - to attack the good name of Fable - fictional tale, esp legendary Famous - well-known, celebrated Ineffable - too great for description in words; that which must not be uttered

FI / FID: faith, trust

Affidavit - written statement on oath Confide - entrust w/ a secret Fidelity - faithfulness, loyalty Fiduciary - of a trust; held or given in trust Infidel - disbeliever in the supposed true religion

ACT / AG: to do, to drive, to force, to lead

Agile - quick and well-coordinated in movement; active, lively Agitated - to move or force into violent, irregular action Pedagogue - a teacher Prodigal - wastefully or recklessly extravagant Synagogue - a gathering or congregation of Jews for the purpose of religious worship

A / AN: not, without

Agnostic - one who believes the existence of God is not provable Amoral- neither moral or immoral; having no relation to morality Anomaly - an irregularity Anonymous - of unknown authorship or origin Apathy - Lack of interest/emotion Atheist - One who does not believe in God Atrophy - Wasting away of body tissue Atypical - Not typical

AL / ALI / ALTER: other, another

Alias - an assumed name, another name Alibi - the defense by an accused person that he was verifiably elsewhere at the time of the crime with which he was charged Alien - one born in another country; foreigner Allegory - figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another Alter Ego - the second half; a substitute or deputy Alternative - a possible choice Altruist - a person unselfishly concerned with the welfare of others

AM: love

Amateur - a person who engages in an activity for pleasure rather than financial or professional gains Amatory - of or pertaining tolovers or lovemaking Amiable - having or showing agreeable personal qualities Amicable - characterized by exhibiting good will Amity - friendship; peaceful harmony Amorous - inclined to love, esp. sexual love Enamored - inflamed with love, charmed; captivated Inamorata - a female lover

AMBI / AMPHI: both, on both sides, around

Ambidextrous - able to use both hands equally well Ambient - moving around freely; circulating Ambiguous - open to various interpretations Amphibian - a cold-blooded vertebrate, the larva of which is aquatic and the adult of which is terrestrial; a person or thing having a two-fold nature

DEXT: right hand, right side, deft

Ambidextrous - equally able to use both hands Dexter - on the right Dexterity - deftness(skillful performance or ability without difficulty); adroitness (cleverness or skill)

AMBL / AMBUL: to go, to walk

Ambulance - a vehicle equipped for carrying sick people (from a phrase meaning "walking hospital") Ambulatory - of, pertaining to, or capable of walking Perambulator - one who makes a tour of inspection on foot Preamble - an introductory statement (originally: to walk in front)

CHRON: time

Anachronism - something that is out-of-date or belonging to the wrong time Chronic - constant, habitual Chronology - sequential order in which past events have occurred Chronometer - a highly accurate clock or watch Synchronize - to occur at the same time or agree in time

ARCH / ARCHI / ARCHY: chief, principle, ruler

Anarchy - a state or society without gov't or law Archenemy - chief enemy Architect - the devisor, maker, or planner of anything Monarchy - a gov't in which the supreme power is lodged in sovereign Oligarchy - state or society ruled by a select group

ANTHRO / ANDR: man, human

Androgen - any substance that promotes masculine characteristics Androgynous - being both male and female Android - a robot; mechanical man Anthropocentric - regarding humanity as the central facts of the universe Anthropology - the science that deals with the origins of humankind Misanthrope - one who hates humans or humanity Philanderer - one who carried on flirtations

CON / DOT / DOW: to give

Anecdote - short narrative about an interesting event Antidote - something that prevents or counteracts ill effects Donate - to present as gift or contribution Endow - to provide w/ permanent fund Pardon - kind indulgence, forgiveness

ANIM: of the life, mind, soul, breath

Animal - a living being Animosity - a feeling of ill will or enmity Equanimity - mental or emotional stability, esp under tension Magnanimous - generous in forgiving an insult or injury Unanimous - of one mind; in complete accord

ANNUI / ENNI: year

Annuals - a record of events, esp a yearly record Anniversary - the yearly reoccurrence of the date of a past event Annual - of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly Annuity - a specified income payable at stated intervals Perennials - lasting for indefinite amount of time

BELL: war

Antebellum - before the wall Belligerent - warlike, given to waging war Rebel - a person who resists authority, control, or tradition

ANT / ANTE: before

Antebellum - before the war Antecedent - existing, being, or going before Antedate - precede in time Antediluvian - belonging to the period before the biblical flood; very old or old-fashioned Anterior - placed before

ANTI: against, opposite

Antibody - a protein naturally existing in blood serum that reacts to overcome an antigen Antidote - a remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease Antipathy - aversion Antipodal - on the opposite side of the globe Antiseptic - free from germs; particularly clean or neat

CAP / CIP / CEPT: to take, to get

Anticipate - to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee Capture - to take by force or strategem Emancipate - to free from restraint Percipient - having perception; discerning; discriminating Precept - a commandment or direction given as a rule of conduct Susceptible - capable of receiving, admitting, undergoing, or being affected by something

APO: away

Apocalypse - revelation; discovery; disclosure Apocryphal - a doubtful authorship or authenticity Apogee - the highest or most distant point Apology - an expression of one's regret or sorrow for having wronged another Apostasy - a total desertion of one's religion, principles, party, cause Apostle - one of the 12 disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach the Gospel

CRYPT: hidden

Apocryphal -of doubtful authorship or authenticity Crypt - a subterranean chamber or vault Cryptography - procedures of making/using secret writing Cryptology - the science of interpreting secret writings, codes, etc

AQUA / AQUE: water

Aquamarine - a blueish-green color Aquarium - a tank for keeping fish and other underwater creatures Aquatic - having to do with water Aqueduct - a channel for transporting water Subaqueous - underwater

ARD: to burn

Ardent - burning; fierce; passionate Ardor - flame; passion Arson - crime of setting property on fire

CERN / CERT / CRET / CRIM / CRIT: to separate, to judge, to distinguish, to decide

Ascertain - to make sure of something; determine Certitude - freedom form doubt Criterion - a standard of judgement or criticism Discreet - judicious in one's conduct of speech, esp w/ regard to maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature Discrete - detached from others, separate Hypocrite - a person who pretends to have beliefs that she does not

AUTO: self

Autocrat - an absolute ruler Automatic - self-moving or self-acting Autonomy - independence or freedom

BE: about, to make, to surround, to affect (Often used to transform words into transitive verbs)

Belie - to misrepresent; to contradict Belitte - to make small; to make something appear smaller Bemoan - to moan for; lament Bewilder - to confuse completely (that is, to make one mentally wander)

BEL / BELL: beautiful

Belle - a beautiful woman Embellish - to make beautiful; to ornament

BEN / BENE: good

Benediction - the act of uttering a blessing Benefit - anything advantageous to a person or thing Benevolent - desiring to do good to others Benign - having a kindly disposition

CENT: hundred, Hundredth

Bicentennial - two-hundredth anniversary Cent - a hundredth of a dollar Centigrade - a temperature system with one hundred degrees b/w the freezing and the boiling points of water Centimeter - one-hundredth of a meter Centipede - a creature with many legs Century - one hundred years Percent - in every hundred

BI / BIN: two

Biennial - happening every 2 years Bilateral - pertaining to or affecting both sides Bilingual - able to speak to one's native language and another with equal facility Binocular - involving 2 eyes Bipartisan - representing 2 parties Combination - the joining of 2 or more things into a whole

BON / BOUN: good, generous

Bona fide - in good faith; without fraud Bonus - something given over and above what is due Bountiful - generous

BURS: purse, money

Bursar - treasurer Bursary - treasury Disburse - to pay Reimburse - to pay back

CAP / CAPIT / CIPIT: head, Headlong to be the head of something whether meaning ruler or header or title

Capital - the city or town that is the official seat of gov't Capitulate - to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms Caption - a heading or title Disciple - one who is the pupil of the doctrines of another Precipice - a cliff with a vertical face Precipitate - to hasten the occurrence of; to bring about prematurely

CARD / CORD / COUR: heart

Cardiac - pertaining to the heart Concord - agreement; peace, amity Concordance - agreement, concord, harmony Discord - lack of harmony b/w persons/things Encourage - to inspire w/ spirit or confidence

CARN: flesh

Carnage - slaughter of a great # of people Carnival - a traveling amusement park Carnivorous - eating flesh Incarnation - a being invested with a bodily form Reincarnation - rebirth of a soul in a new body

CAST / CHAST: to cut

Cast - to throw or hurl; fling Caste - a hereditary social group, limited to people of the same rank Castigate - to punish in order to correct Chaste - free from obscenity; decent Chastise - to discipline, esp by corporal punishment

CAUS / CAUT: to burn

Caustic - burning or corrosive Cauterize - to burn or deaden Cautery - an instrument used for branding; branding Holocaust - a burst offering; complete destruction by fire or other means

CENTR: center Center point on circle form which circle is named

Centrifuge - an apparatus that rotates at high speed and separates substances of different densities using centrifugal force Centrist - of or pertaining to moderate political or social ideas Concentrate - to bring to a common center; to converge, to direct toward one point Concentric - having a common center, as in circles or spheres Eccentric - off-center

ABLE / IBLE: Capable of; Worthy of

Changeable - able to change Combustible - capable of being burned; easily inflamed Inevitable - impossible to be avoided; certain to happen Presentable - suitable for being presented

CHROM: color

Chromatic - having to do w/ color Chrome - a metallic element (chromium) used to make vivid colors or something plated w/ chromium Chromosome - genetic material that can be studied by coloring it w/ dyes Monochromatic - having to do w/ only 1 color

CIRCU / CIRCUM: around (think around/ circular/ encompassing/ surround)

Circuit - a line around an area; racecourse; path traveled by electric current Circuitous - roundabout; indirect Circumference - outer boundary of a circular area Circumspect - cautious; watching all sides Circumstances - existing conditions or state of affairs surrounding and affecting an agent

CLAIM / CLAM: to shout, to cry out

Clamor - a loud uproar Disclaim - to deny interest or connection with Exclaim - to cry out or speak suddenly and vehemently Proclaim - to announce or declare in an official way Reclaim - to demand or claim the return of a right or possession

CLA / CLO / CLU: to shut, to close end, shut out

Claustrophobia - an abnormal fear of enclosed places Cloister - a courtyard bordered w/ covered walks, esp in religious institution Conclude - to being to an end, finish; terminate Disclose - to make known, reveal, uncover Exclusive - not admitting of something else; shutting out others Preclude - to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of

CLI: to lean toward

Climax - the most intense point in the development of something Decline - to cause to slope or inline downward Disinclination - aversion, distaste Proclivity - inclination, bias Recline - to lean back

CO / COL / COM / CON: with, together

Coerce - to compel by force, intimidation, or authority Collaborate - to work with another, cooperate Collide - to strike one another w/ a forceful impact Commensurate - suitable in measure, proportionate Compatible - capable of existing together in harmony Conciliate - to placate, win over (soothe, reconcile) Connect - to bind or fasten together

COGN / CONN: to know

Cognition - the process of knowing Incognito - with one's name or identity concealed Recognize - to identify as already known

COUR / CUR: running, a course

Concur - to accord in opinion, agree Courier - a messenger traveling in haste who bears news Curriculum - regular course of study Cursive - handwriting w/ flowing strokes and connected letters Cursory - going rapidly over something; hasty; superficial Excursion - a short journey or trip Incursion - a hostile entrance into a place, esp suddenly Recur - to happen again

DIGN: worth

Condign - well deserved; fitting; adequate Deign - to think fit to in accordance with once dignity Dignitary - person who holds a high rank or office Dignity - nobility or elevation of character; worthiness Disdain - to look upon or treat with contempt (disrespect/ worthlessness)

DOL: to suffer, to pain, to grieve

Condolence - expression of sympathy with one who is suffering Doleful - sorrowful; mornful Dolorous - full of pain/sorrow, grievous Indolence - state of being lazy or slothful

FER: to bring, to carry, to bear

Confer - to grant, bestow Offer - to present for acceptance, refusal, or consideration Proffer - to offer Proliferate - to reproduce; produce rapidly Referendum - a vote on a political Q open to the entire electorate

FAC / FIC / FIG / FAIT / FEIT / FY: to do, to make think of nike just do it or to make

Configuration - manner of arrangement, shape Counterfeit - imitations, forgery Deficient - incomplete or insufficient Effigy - sculpture or model of person Fraction - small dissenting group w/in larger one, esp in politics Factory - building for manufacture of goods Prolific - producing many offspring or much output Ratify - confirm or accept by formal consent

FIN: end

Confine - to keep or restrict w/in certain limits; imprison Definitive: decisive, unconditional, final Final - at the end; coming last Infinite - boundless; endless Infinitesimal - infinitely or very small

FLAGR / FLAM: to burn

Conflagration - a large, destructive fire Flagrant - blatant, scandalous Flambeau - lighted torch Inflame - set on fire

FLU / FLUX: to flow

Confluence - merging into one Effluence - flowing out of (light, electricity, etc) Fluctuation - something that varies, rising and falling FLuid - substance, esp gas or liquid, capable of flowing freely Mellifluous - pleasing, musical


Contradict - to oppose, speak against Contrary - opposed to; opposite Controversy - a disputation; a quarrel Counterfeit - face; false imitation Countermand - to retract an order Encounter - a meeting, often with an opponent

CORP / CORS: body

Corporation - company legally treated as an individual Corps - a body (an organized group) or troops Corpse - dead body Corpulent - obese; having a lot of flesh Corset - garment used to give shape/support to the body Incorporation - combining into a single body

COSM: order, universe, world

Cosmetic - improving the appearance (making it look better ordered) Cosmic - relating to the universe Cosmology - theory of the universe as a whole Cosmonaut - an astronaut; explorer of outer space Cosmopolitan - worldly Cosmos - the universe; an orderly system; order Microcosm - a small system that reflects a larger whole

CRED: to believe, to trust

Credentials - anything that provides the basis for belief Credit - trustworthiness Credo - any formula for belief Credulity - willingness to believe or trust too readily Incredible - unbelievable

CUB / CUMB: to lie down

Cubicle - any small space or compartment that is partitioned off Incubate - to sit upon for the purpose of hatching Incumbent - holding an indicated position Recumbent - lying down; reclining; leaning Succumb - to give away to superior force; yield

CULP: fault, blame

Culpable - deserving blame or censure Culprit - a person guilty of an offense Inculpate - to charge w/ fault Mea Culpa - through my fault; my fault

DE: away, off, down, completely, reversal

Decipher - to make out the meaning; interpret Defame - to attack the good name or reputation of Deferential - respectful; to yield to judgement Defile - to make foul, dirty, unclean Delineate - to trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline Descend - to move from higher to lower place

FAL: to err(wander), to deceive

Default - to fail Fail - to be insufficient, unsuccessful, die out Fallacy - flawed argument False - not true; erroneous; lying Faux pas - false step; social gaffe Infallible - incapable of being wrong or being deceived

FLECT / FLEX - to bend, to turn

Deflect - to bend/turn aside from a purpose Flexible - able to bend w/o breaking Genuflect - to bend knee, esp in worship Inflect - change or vary in pitch of Reflect - to throw back

DELE: to erase

Delete - erase, blot out; remove Indelible - impossible to erase; lasting

DEM: people

Democracy - gov't by the people Demographics - vital and social statistics of populations Endemic - peculiar to a particular people or locality Epidemic - affecting a large number of people at the same time and spreading from person to person Pandemic - general, universal

DI / DIA: in two, through, across

Diagnose - to identify disease or fault from symptoms Dialogue - conversation b/w 2 or more persons Diameter - a line going thru a circle, dividing it in two Dichotomy - division into two parts, kinds, etc

DI: day

Dial - device for seeing the hour of the day; a clock face; rotatable discs or knobs used as a control input Diary - record of one's day Dismal - gloomy (from "bad days") Diurnal - daily Meridian - direct line from the North pole to the South pole; the highest point reached by the sun; noon Quotidian - everyday; ordinary

DIC / DICT / DIT: to say, to tell, to use words

Dictionary - book containing a selection of the words of a language Interdict - to forbid; prohibit Predict - to tell in advance Verdict - a judgement or decision

DAC / DOC: to teach

Didactic - intended for instruction Docile - easily managed or handled; tractable Doctor - someone licensed to practice medicine; a learned person Doctrine - a particular principle advocated, a of gov't religion Indoctrinate - to imbue (inspire) a person w/ learning

DI / DIF / DIS: away from, apart, reversal, not

Diffuse - to pour out and spread, as in a fluid Dilate - to make wider or larger; cause to expand Dilatory - inclined to delay or procrastinate Disperse - drive or send off in various directions Disseminate - to scatter or spread widely; promulgate Dissipate - scatter wastefully Dissuade - to deter by advice or persuasion

DOG / DOX: opinion

Dogma - system of tenets, as of a church Orthodox - sound or correct in opinion or doctrine Paradox - an opinion or statement contrary to accepted opinion

DORM: sleep

Dormant - sleeping; inactive Dormitory - place for sleeping; residence hall

DUR: hard, lasting

Dour - sullen, gloomy (originally: hard, obstinate) Durable - able to resist decay Duration - length of time something exists Duress - compulsion by threat, coercion Endure - hold out against; sustain w/o yielding Obdurate - stubborn, resistant to persuasion

DUB: doubt

Dubiety - doubtfulness Dubious - doubtful Indubitable - unquestionable

DULC: sweet

Dulcet - sweet; pleasing Dulcified - sweetened; softened Dulcimer - musical instrument

DYS: faulty, abnormal

Dysfunction - poorly functioning Dyslexia - difficulty in learning to read and interpret symbols Dyspepsia - impaired disgestion (dys - abnormal; pep - think of pep bismo) Dystrophy - faulty or inadequate nutrition or development

E / EX: out, out of form, from, former, completely

Efface - to rub or wipe out; surpass, eclipse Evade - escape from; avoid Exclude - shut out; leave out Exonerate - to free or declare free from blame Expire - to breathe out (exhale); to breathe one's last; to end Extricate - disentangle; release

FERV: to boil, to bubble

Effervescent - w/ the quality of giving off bubbles of gas fervid - ardent, intense Fervor - passion, zeal

EGO: self

Ego - oneself; the part of oneself that is self-aware Egocentric - focused on oneself Egoism/egotism - selfishness; self-absorption

EM / EN: in, into

Embrace - to clasp in the arms; include or contain Enclose - close in on all sides

EPI - upon

Epidemic - affecting a large number of people at the same time and spreading from person to person Epidermis - outer layer on the skin Epigram - witty or pointed saying tersely expressed Epilogue - concluding part added to a literary work Epithet - word or phrase, used invectively as a term of abuse

ERR: to wander

Err - to go astray in thought or belief, to be mistaken Errant - wandering or traveling, esp in search of adventure Erratic - deviating from the proper/usual corse in conduct Error - deviation from accuracy or correctness

EU: good, well

Eugenics - improvement of qualities of race by control of inherited characteristics Eulogy - speech or writing in praise or commendation Euphemism - pleasant-sounding term for something unpleasant Euphony - pleasantness of sound Euthanasia - killing a person painlessly, usually one who has incurable, painful disease

CIS: to cut

Exorcise - to seek to expel an evil spirit by ceremony Incision - a cut, gash, or notch Incisive - penetrating, cutting Precise - definitely states or defined Scissors - cutting instrument for paper

EXTRA: outside, beyond

Extract - to take out, obtain against a person's will Extradite - to hand over (person accused of crime) to state where crime was committed Extraordinary - beyond the ordinary Extrapolate - to estimate (unknown facts or values) from known data Extrasensory - derived by means other than known senses

FATU: foolish

Fatuity - foolishness; stupidity Fatuous - foolish, stupid Infatuated - swept up in a fit of passion, impairing one's reason

DORS: back

dorsal - having to do w/ the back Endorse - to sign on the back; to vouch for

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