Sadlier-Oxford: Level F; Unit 14 Vocabulary

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(Adjective) Coming from the outside, foreign; present but not essential, irrelevant. (SYN: incidental, extrinsic, adventitious) (ANT: intrinsic, relevant, pertinent, germane)


(Adjective) Delighting in cruelty, excessively cruel. (SYN: brutal, vicious, inhuman, fiendish) (ANT: masochistic, clement, humane, merciful)


(Adjective) Lacking in nutritive value; lacking in interest or substance; immature, juvenile. (SYN: puerile, childish) (ANT: stimulating, mature)


(Adjective) Self-righteous, characterized by moralizing; given to use of maxims or adages; saying much in a few words, pithy. (SYN: aphoristic, epigrammatic, moralistic) (ANT: discursive, diffuse, episodic)


(Adjective) Showing unusually early development (especially in talents and mental capacity.) (SYN: gifted, advanced) (ANT: backward, slow)


(Adjective) Stubborn, unyielding. (SYN: obstinate, adamant) (ANT: tractable, flexible)


(Adjective) Swollen, bloated, filled to excess; overdecorated or excessive language. (SYN: inflated, pompous, bombastic) (ANT: understated, unadorned, austere)


(Adjective) Too ready to believe, easily deceived. (SYN: gullible, trusting) (ANT: dubious, skeptical)


(Adjective) Willing to follow advice or authority, tractable, submissive; responsive; liable to be held responsible. (SYN: agreeable, compliant, docile) (ANT: unresponsive, resistant, recalcitrant)


(Adjective) Winding, twisted, crooked; highly involved, complex; devious. (SYN: circuitous, serpentine, labyrinthine) (ANT: direct, straight, straightforward)


(Noun) A collection of diverse or miscellaneous items; a general mixture; petals mixed with spices for scent. (SYN: hodgepodge, farrago, medley) (ANT: homogeneous, uniform group)


(Noun) A rule, test; standard for a judgment or evaluation. (SYN: yardstick, touchstone, gauge, canon)


(Noun) A weakness, or ailment (physical, mental, moral, etc.) (SYN: affliction, malady, defect)


(Noun) An excess or overindulgence, as in eating or drinking, causing disgust; (Verb) to feed or supply with anything to excess. (SYN: glut, satiate) (ANT: dearth, paucity)


(Noun) Large-scale slaughter or loss of life. (SYN: butchery, bloodbath, massacre)


(Noun) The beginning, start, earliest stage of some process, institution, etc. (SYN: commencement, inauguration, outset) (ANT: completion, conclusion, termination)


(Verb) To beg earnestly and humbly. (SYN: plead, petition, implore)


(Verb) To expand on, write or talk at length or in detail; to move about freely. (SYN: elaborate, enlarge, descant, wander, roam) (ANT: sketch roughly, summarize, condense, adumbrate)


(Verb) To scold sharply. (SYN: chide, rebuke, reprove, reprimand) (ANT: praise, compliment, pat on the back)


(Verb) To use up as a result of spending or consumption; to diminish greatly. (SYN: exhaust, empty, drain, bankrupt) (ANT: replenish, refill, restock, resupply)

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