Safety exam 2

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What age group has the highest percentage of drivers in fatal crashes with BACs of 0.08 or higher?

21 to 24 and it has not changed

75% of all motor vehicle accidents occur within how many miles of home

25 miles of home

Applying make up increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

3 times

Dialing on a cell phone increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

3 times

Reading increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

3 times

Vehicle defects contributing to fatal motor vehicle accidents in Texas overal contributed to what percentage of motor vehicle accidents?


Looking at an external object increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

3.7 times

Per vehicle mile traveled in 2011, motorcyclists were more then how many times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a motor vehicle traffic crash? and injured?

30 times more likely to die and 5 times more likely to be injured

The law requires a rear reflector or twilight visible up to how many feet behind?

300 feet from behind

Fatalities among motorcycle riders and passengers have increased by what percentage between 2003 and 2012?


Having a BCA at .16, how likely are you to get in an accident?

35 times as likely to have an accident

Of the pedestrians involved in a motor-vehicle accident, what percentage of the pedestrian had a BCA of over a 0.08?


What percentage of driver admitted to falling asleep at the wheel at some point in their driving career?


Having a BCA at .10, how likely are you to get in an accident?

8 times as likely to have an accident

Road conditions contributing to fatal motor vehicle accidents in Texas overall contributed to what percent of motor vehicle accidents?


Texting on a cellphone increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

8-23 times depending on how good the person is at texting

Excessive alcohol consumption, including binge drink account for how many deaths in the U.S each year?


Since 1966 more then how many cars have been recalled?

86 million cars

Bicycle/motor-vehicle deaths account for what percentage of all bicycle fatalities?


Remember that bicycle/motor-vehcile deaths account for what percentage of all bicycle fatalities?


Alcohol is a what?

A drug

Those deaths that are causes by excessive alcohol consumption are typically a result of what?

A result of motor vehicle crashes or violence against others while under the influence

Adult passengers share awareness of driving situations, which is what?

A safety benefit

50% of the motor vehicle/bicycle accidents involve what?

A violation on the part of the motor vehicle operator

What are the 2 occupant-restraint systems?

Active restraints and passive restraints

What age has the highest amount of deaths from motor vehicle crashes in 2013?

Age 25-44 at 10,900

What age has the highest death rate for motor vehicle crashes in 2013?

Ages 15-24 at 15.0

What are the three biggest causes of fatalities on the road include, what?

Alcohol (30.85%), speeding (30%), and distracted driving (26%)

What are the 4 human error categories that NHTSA has made contribution to?

Alcohol and driving Defensive driving Establishment of the national driver register Establishment of implied consent laws

Most people who binge drink are not what?

Alcohol dependent or alcoholics

What were the human violations contributing to fatal motor vehicle accidents in Texas in 2014?

DWI (23%) Unsafe speed (21%) Failed to drive in a single lane (15%) Driver inattention (10%) Failure to yield right of way (8%)

What were the 3 cities in Texas with the highest pedestrian fatalities in 2013?

Dallas (3.02) San Antonio (2.98) Austin (2.37)

What are the top 4 deaths and injuries of pedestrians by action?

Darting or running into roadway (20%) Improper crossing of roadway or intersection (7%) Playing/working/standing in roadway (4%) Failure to obey traffic(3.9)

What are 5 areas of the car that are defective?

Defective tires Defective brakes Insufficient lights Defective trailer equipment Defective steering

What are the top 5 cities in 2013 with the highest pedestrian fatalities?

Detroit, Michigan (6.10) Jacksonville, Florida (3.92) Memphis, Tennessee (3.83) Tucson, Arizona (3.61) Phoenix, Arizona (3.44)

What are the 3 states with the lowest motor vehicle death rate?

District of Columbia (4.5), Massachusetts (5.2), NewYork (6.0)

What are 4 road trip safety tips?

Do not drive tired, do not drive with an argumentative or with a boring front seat passenger, driver gets to pick the playlist, as a passenger in the front seat do not put your feet on the dash

What is the list in order of the fatal accidents by person type in Texas in 2010?

Driver passenger, motorcycle, pedestrian, pedal cyclist

What was the most common primary driver error in fatal accidents?

Exceeding the posted speed limit or driving at an unsafe speed

What is the third leading preventable cause of death in the U.S?

Excessive alcohol consumption including binge drinking

What were the human violations contributing to total crashes in Texas 2014, in order?

Failed to control speed Driver inattention Failed to yield right of way Failed to drive in a single lane Following to closely Faulty evasive action

Actions that trigger aggression involve a failure to follow basic traffic laws such as:

Failing to turn when a right on red is permitted, blocking traffic, failing to stay in the right lane except when passing, running or rolling through red lights and stop signs, passing on a double yellow line, failure to signal lane changes, failure to check traffic before changing lanes, inappropriate speed, distracting driving and inadequate attention to conditions, passing on the shoulder during dense traffic

Where is the most unsafe place to be by highway system?


The data from the year before and the year after the GDL, what did it say about crashes involving 16-year olds?

Fatal crashes involving 16-year olds driver dropped 29%

Which gender has been increasing their speeding rates, and been receiving more and more speeding tickets?


In January 2009, NSC called for what?

For a nationwide ban on al cell phone use while driving

What is the most hazardous day on the US roads?

Fourth of July, because it is a 24 hour holiday and people are trying to get to and from places quickly

35.54% of all motor vehicle fatalities were from what?

From single vehicles run-off the road crashes

Signs, like any other traffic control devices, must meet five fundamental requirements, what are they?

Fulfill a need, command attention, convey a clear and simple meaning, command respect from travelers, and give adequate time for proper response

In terms of years of life lost, motor vehicle crashes rank third, behind who?

Behind only cancer and heart disease and account for $99 billion in medical and lost work costs annually

What is NSC doing to reduce distracted driving?

Better education of teen drivers, encourage employers to take action, continue with defensive driving courses and legislation, and law enforcement

What is appropriate to ride at night as long as you have reflectors?


Most alcohol-impaired drivers do what?

Binge drink

Current research suggests that graduated driver licensing reduces fatal crashes of 16 year old drivers by what percent?

By 11%

Front seat passengers reduce risk of crashing by what percentage compared to cell phone conversation?

By 38%

The percentage of teens in high school, ages 16 years or older, who drink and drive has decreases by how much?

By 54%

Reaching for a moving object increased the risk of a crash or near-crash by how many times?

By 9 times

Turning around in a seat increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

By 9 times

What is considered a non collision vehicle accident?

Car rolling over and hydroplaning

What does the NTHSA recommend we do for safe driving?

Cleaning headlights, taillights, signal lights and windows once a week, have your headlights properly aimed, reduce your speed and increase your follow distance, don't overdrive your headlights, when following another vehicles; keep your headlights on low beam, make frequent stops for light snack and exercise, do not stare at oncoming cars lights; look at the right edge of the road as a steering guide

What is the most successful seat belt enforcement campaign ever?

Click it or ticket

What are the top three crash types that cause the most deaths?

Collision between motor vehicles, collision with fixed objects, and collision with pedestrian

What is the number one health problem in my age group?

Lack of sleep

Graduated licensing includes what 3 steps:

Learner, provisional (intermediate), and full licensure

It is critical to teach children to look what ways before crossing the streets?


Fire or submersion accidents account for less than what percent of all accidents?

Less than 1/2% of 1%

What is the income group that binge drinks the most often and drinks most per binge?

Less than 15,000

What are 4 safety tips for staying alert when driving?

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule that allows adequate rest, do not consume alcohol when sleepy, avoid driving from 12am and 6am, and when signs of fatigue show, get off the road and take a short nap in a well lit area

What are bicycling practices that cause accidents?

Making improper turns, disregarding traffic signs or signals, driving too fast for conditions, driving in the middle of the street, carrying passengers, cutting in and out of traffic, driving abreast of other cyclist, driving against traffic, entering streets without first stopping and slowing down to look, and showing off the bicycle

What gender has the highest death rates for bicycle deaths in the US in 2007?


What are some possible reasons for pedestrian accidents that result in fatality or injury of the error on the part of the pedestrian?

Crossing errors, physical impairments, not visible at night or in the rain, not walking where they are supposed to walk

In the pedestrian deaths and death rates by age and gender in 2012, what group of people are having the most fatalities?

Males in every age group, and especially in the 45-65 category

What are some developments of safer vehicles and equipment?

Crosswind stability research, improved nighttime vision by reducing amount of tinting in windshield, improved vehicle visibility at night by increasing the maximum candlepower allowed for rear lights, and better tires, brakes, steering, and improved crashworthiness

Which gender does the most speeding in all age groups?


Who is the primary audience for click it or ticket?

Men ages 18 to 34, which research shows are less likely to wear seat belts

How do you not become an aggressive driver?

Monitor your own state of mind to make sure you aren't a danger to others, allow enough time to reach your destination without speeding, and monitor your emotions and don't drive upset

What are the 3 states with the highest motor vehicle death rate?

Montana (22.6), North Dakota (20.5), Mississippi (20.5)

What is the income group with most binge drinkers?

More than 75,000

What is among the top ten causes of death for americans of all ages and the leading cause of death for children, teens, and young adults (Aged 5-34 years)

Motor Vehicle crashes

What began in 1973 with the purpose of encouraging and developing motorcycle safety education programs on a nationwide basis?

Motorcycle Safety Foundation

Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, must do what?

Must yield to the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway

What does NTHSA say about windshield wipes and light dimers on vehicles?

NHTSA wants wipers and light dimes to be the same on all car brands, so if you're driving someone else car, you will know how to work it

Were there any deathless says in 2015?


What does NHTSA stand for?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

If a tire is 6 years or older, is it ok to drive with it?

No, it is unsafe

Bicycle safety tips:

Obey traffic signs and signals Always wear a helmet Never ride with headphones Never ride against traffic Use hand signals Don't weave between parked cars Ride in middle of lane in slow traffic Follow lane marking Choose the best way to turn left Don't pass on the right Make eye contact with the driver Scan the road behind Avoid Road hazards Keep both hands ready to brake Use lights at night Dress appropriately Keep bike in good repair

Adults with passengers have lower crash rates rather than adults without what?

Without passengers

What is the most ignored element in traffic safety?

Pedestrian safety

What are some high-risk behaviors?

Speeding, running red lights and stop sings, tailgating, frequent and unsafe lane changes angry or threatening behaviors towards other motorist.

80% of all motor vehicle accidents occur at speeds of what?

Speeds of less than 40 mph

The data from the year before and the year after the GDL, what did it say about kids with licenses?

The number of 16-year-olds who held a drivers license dropped from 43% in 2000 to 28% in 2003

In a study released last year by the Texas A&M transportation institute, what was noted about reaction times?

The reaction times of drivers doubled whether they were texting manually or dictating their messages through voice-to-text applications

Anything with wheel on it, you are supposed to right on what side of the road?

The right side

What is one thing the NSC opposes?

The touch screen on the dash

Having a BCA at .06, how likely are you to get in an accident?

Twice as likely to have an accident

What are the two biggest road conditions that account for over 90% of fatal accidents?

Under construction and slippery when wet

What are the 4 reductions of environmental hazards?

Uniform vehicle code model traffic ordinance better striping of roadways highway signs

Most pedestrian fatalities occur in what area?

Urban areas (72%)

What effect do posted speed limits have on actual traffic speeds?

Very little effect

Driving involved a more complex set of tasks than walking, what are they?

Visual Manual Cognitive Auditory

What are the 3 things we need to know when figuring our BAC?

We have to be familiar with our body consumption, we must now how much alcohol we are consuming, and we need to be aware of the time since consuming the first drink

What are passive restraints?

We just have to be in the car, such as air bags

When behind the wheel this responsibility come in many forms, what are they?

Wearing safety belt, driving sober, focusing on the road, and driving defensively

29% of motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes were what impaired?

Were alcohol impaired, BCA was higher then 0.08

A drivers job is to watch for hazards, but they can't do that when they are doing what?

When their brain is overloaded

When should traffic signals be installed?

When they will alleviate more problem then they will create, and this is determined on the basis of an engineering study

What are 5 prevention steps that have been done to keep people safe when driving?

Widespread education corporate cell phone bans legislation, law enforcement technology

What account for 48% of deaths and injuries of pedestrians by action?

Just an accident

In 2011, what was a factor in 35% of fatal motorcycle crashes?


What is the equation to find out how much time to wait until you can drive?

(Current BAC -.050)/ .015

Having a BCA at .14, how likely are you to get in an accident?

20 times as likely to have an accident

What is the average BCA of dwi arrest in america and texas?


What is the legal intoxication level?


How much liquor is "one drink"?

1 oz

What is the US's average for pedestrian fatalities in 2013?


What was Texas's average for pedestrian fatalities in 2013?


What was the percentage of accidents caused from the right of way issues?


Today there are more then how many biker riders?

100 million riders and they are steadily increasing

Relatively speaking there are not that many pedal cyclist killed each year..less then how many?

1000, but a lot do get hurt

Having a BCA at .12, how likely are you to get in an accident?

11 times as likely to have an accident

What is the death rate for all motor vehicle crashes in 2013?


How much beer is "one drink"?

12 oz

Of the drivers involved in a pedestrian crash, what percentage of the driver had a BCA of over a 0.08?


What was the percentage of accidents caused from exceeding the posted speed limit or driving at an unsafe speed?


What age group is the biggest problem on the road?

18 year old, and then 20 & 21

What is the age group with most the most binge drinkers?

18-34 years

Texas law which one required everyone to wear a helmet change in what year?


What is the adequate lead time when following defensive driving?

2 seconds

What is considered binge drinking for females?

4 drinks in 2 hours

Where is the safest place to be by road type?

4 or more lanes divided

Where is the most unsafe place to be by road type?

4 or more lanes undivided, because it is easy to drift into other peoples way

How much wine is "one drink"?

4 oz

Talking on a cellphone increases the risk of a crash or near crash by how many times?

4 times

Having a BCA at .08, how likely are you to get in an accident?

4 times as likely to have an accident (17x-teens)

Over how many kids are taken to the emergency each year for scooter accidents?


Motorcycle helmets are estimated to be 37% effective in preventing fatal injuries for operator and what percentage effective for riders?

41% effective for riders

How many states have the graduated licensing saves lives law?

44 states and the district of columbia have implemented graduated driver licensing

Alcohol involvement, either for the driver or for the pedestrian was reported as what percentage of the traffic crashes?


What is considered binge drinking for males?

5 drinks in 2 hours

In Texas, what age had the most motorcyclist fatalities?


The law requires a white head light, visible from at least how many feet ahead?

500 feet ahead

What percentage of drivers admitted to falling asleep while driving on the interstate?


The majority of crashes involving alcohol kills the driver in texas by what percent?


What is the age group that binge drinks most often?

65+ years

Vehicle problems account for approximately what percent of motor vehicle fatalities each year?


Responsible drinking includes 4 points, what are they?

Always keeping your BAC at or below .05, always knowing the kind of alcohol you are drinking, drinking no more than one drinker per hour, and using alcohol carefully in conjunction with other drugs (medicines)

What are the 3 world's top most bicycle-freindly cities?

Amsterdam, Netherlands Copenhagen, Denmark Portland, Oregon

What is distraction?

Anything that diverts the driver's attention from the primary tasks of navigating the vehicle and responding to critical events

Most (69%) pedestrian fatalities are what?

Are male

80% of bicyclist killed or injured in traffic accident are doing what?

Are violating traffic laws at the time of the accident

The NHTSA has directed its efforts toward what areas?

Areas that have the greatest potential for the reduction of highway accidents

Most pedestrian fatalities occur at what locations?

At NON-intersections (79%)

Approximately 50% of bicycle/motor-vehicle accidents occur where?

At intersections

Most pedestrian fatalities occur at what time in the day?

At night (65%)

Traffic death rates are 3 times greater when?

At night than during the day.

What is the deadliest month for motor vehicle accidents?


NHTSA has stated that 85% of all motor vehicle accidents result because of what?

Because of driver error

What is the order of the cars that are the hardest to work to the easiest to work?

Driving and performing math and memorization tasks Chevy mercedes ford chrysler hyundai toyota Driving

What is the order of tasks that are the hardest to do to the easiest to do while driving?

Driving and performing math and memorization tasks Driving and texting using speech-to-text Driving and talking on hand-held cell phone Driving and talking to passenger Driving and book on tape Driving and radio Driving

What are the 3 new concerns the NTHSA has?

Driving distractions, night driving, and drowsy driving

What is the purpose of the implied consent laws?

Driving is considered to be a privilege granted by the states; therefore, the licensee will obey the laws and abide by all restrictions, and comes into play when the police ask you to breathe or blow

70% of bicycle/motor-vehicle accidents occur during what hours?

During daylight hours

NTHSA recommenders three properties in developing educational initiatives/programs, what are they?

Educate young males (ages 16 to 24) about drowsy driving and how to reduce lifestyle-related risks, promote shoulder rumble strips as an effective countermeasure for drowsy driving, educate shift workers about the risks of drowsy-driving and how to reduce them

What seems to be the key to prevention closely followed by visible enforcement?


In 1955, President Eisenhower gave birth to what?

Gave birth to the interstate highway system

What do you do if your car breaks down?

Gently pull over and put your flashers on, then make your car visible, tie something white to your radio antenna if you need help, don't walk on the interstate

Where is the greatest danger, when talking about defensive driving?

Greatest danger is in the front

The institute has found that state laws banning cell phone use while driving has what effect?

Has no effect on crash totals

What have biomechanics (break away steering wheels, better seat bels, air bags) done?

Have reduced head, neck, chest, and spine injuries

20% of the bicycles involved in accidents have what?

Have some mechanical defect

16% of accidents were from what?

Head-on crashes

In 2013, 19 states and DC had laws requiring what?

Helmet use by all motorcyclist

What will enforcement of unreasonably low speed limits do?

It will set up the so-called "speed trap", which results in poor public relations

An unwarranted traffic signal can result in what?

In increased delay, congestion, and accidents

23% of the fatalities occurred where?

In intersections or related to an intersection

Most pedestrian fatalities occur at what conditions?

In normal weather conditions (89%)

What are the driver risks while they are using a cell phone while driving?

Inattention blindness, slower reaction/response times, problems staying in lane

Drivers who use their cell phones have a significantly what chance of getting into a car crash?

Increased chance

What will unrealistically low speed limits do?

Invite violation by responsible drivers

13% of fatal crashes involved what?

Involved distracted driving

The NSC model estimates 21% of crashes (1.2 million) in 2013 involved what?

Involved talking on handheld and hands-free cell phones, and this model estimates an additional 6% involve texting and that leads to a 27% minimum because under-reported

What is the role of NSC?

Is to not only educate drivers of all vehicle types, but to monitor crash trends

More than 90% of the alcohol youth drink is while what?

Is while binge drinking

More than half of the alcohol adults drink is while what?

Is while binge drinking

As people get older, what happens to the amount of fatal crashes with BACs of 0.08 or higher?

It gets lower as your age increases

What does the National Occupant Protection Use Survey do?

It is the only survey that provides nationwide probability-based observed data on helmet use in the U.S

On January 1, 2002, Texas implemented a GDL law, which was what?

It was a 6-month learners permit holding period and a 6-month intermediate stage with nightie (midnight to 5 a.m) and passenger (no more than one under the age of 21) restrictions

When you mix alcohol with a stimulation drug, what effect will it have?

It will have an antagonistic effect

A warranted traffic signal which is properly located and operated may provide for more what?

Provide for more orderly movement of traffic, and may reduce the occurrence of certain types of accident

What does the Model traffic ordinance do?

Provides guidance for communities

What does the uniform vehicle code do?

Provides guidance for state governments

Just like drugs or alcohol, sleepiness slows what?

Reaction time decreases awareness impairs judgement and can be fatal when driving

Over the years the NHTSA has made contributions to highway traffic safety in the following 3 areas, what are they?

Reduction of human error reduction of environmental hazards development of safer vehicles and equipment

What are 3 things that have been done for the development of safer vehicles and equipment>

Reduction of human error, reduction of environment hazards, development of safer vehicles and equipment

Only 68% of states require what?

Require mandatory motor vehicle inspections

what was the second most common primary driver error in fatal accidents?

Right of way issues

How do you find the crash involvement percentage?

Risk + prevalence

What is not appropriate to ride at night time?


What are two major accomplishments for the NHTSA?

Seat belt and air bag are huge accomplishments

Safety belts prevent what kind of collision?

Second collisions such as ejection from the vehicle, a person to person collision, or striking the ca's interior

87% of motor-vehicle operators say they do see who?

See the pedestrian

Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not do what?

Shall not overtake and pass such stopped vehicle

When traffic control signals are not in place or not in operation the driver of the vehicle should so what?

Shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk, when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger

When planning long road trips, what are 6 things to remember?

Shares driving, begin trip early in the day, keep temperature cool in the car, stop every 100 miles or 2 hours to stretch, stop for snacks, and drive with your head up, shoulder back, and legs at a 45 degree angle

How do you handle aggressive drivers?

Steer clear of them and make every effort to get out of their way, let them pass you and if necessary call 911 and report them, do not look at or challenge them, and avoid gestures

What does the NHTSA stress when talking about defensive driving?

Stress is on preventability, and has been successful reporting 33% fewer accidents among its graduates

National safety council supports what?

Supports 21 drinking age

What is the equation for BAC?

Table BAC-(# of hours since drinking began)(.015)

In the graph of percent of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities, united states 1990-2012, what does the graph show?

That the amount of alcohol-impaired crashes have been lower, but then holding steady

What are the needed components of a bicycle program?

The bicyclist must know and obey rules of the road, the bicyclist must know the state and local laws and ordinances, the bicyclist must have competence in skills and technique for all driving situations, the bicyclist should know the procedures to follow after an accident, the bicyclist should carry a form of identification, and the bicyclist should only ride a bicycle that fits his/her body

27% of crashes were there was a fatality were from what?

The driver was driving under the influence

Where is the safest place to be by highway systems?

The interstate

What is the Texas law on helmets today?

The law requires helmets except for 21 years and over with rider education or with health insurance with $10,000 medical benefits for motorcycle related injuries

The most important contribution occurred when congress passed and president Johnson signed what?

The national traffic and motor vehicle safety act of 1966 and the highway safety act of 1966

Aggressive drivers have low regard for others, and use their cars to express their what?

Their anger and frustration

What has Graduated drivers licensing policies help with?

They have helped bring the number of teen crashes deaths down

The use of DOT, compliant motorcycle helmets increased significantly to what percent in 2011, up from 54 percent in 2010?

To 66 percent

What is the purpose of the national driver register?

To assist states in the identification of potentially dangerous drivers, this is what the police looks up when you get pulled over

It is the driver's legal responsibility to do what?

To do everything to avoid being in a crash

What is the purpose of NHTSA?

To establish federal motor vehicle safety standards and safety program performance standards for the various program

Aggressive driving behaviors are linked to what?

To half of all car crashes

What are 5 warning signs of drowsy driving?

Yawning and blinking frequently, difficulty remembering the past few miles, missing your exit, drifting from your lane, and hitting a rumble strip on the side of the road

Should pregnant women use seat belts?


Did Graduated Driver licensing save lives in texas?


Is it true that I can request to waive the motorcycle skills test if i present completion of the motorcycle safety course?

Yes, TAC 15.55(3) provides that the motorcycle skills test can be waived for applicants age 18 and above upon presenting completing of the motorcycle safety course

What are active restraints?

You have to actually buckle your seat belt

What are the 3 population groups that are at the highest risk, based on evidence from crash reports and self-reports of sleep behavior and driving performances?

Young people (ages 16 to 29, especially males), shift workers whose sleep is disrupted by working at night or working long irregular hours, and people with untreated sleep apnea symptoms and narcolepsy

What is defined as visual distraction?

Your eyes off the road

What is defined as manual distraction?

Your hands off the wheel

What is defined as cognitive distraction?

Your mind off the road

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