Science 1101 Study Guide (KSU KING)

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Approximately _____% of the energy at one trophic level is passed on to the next highest trophic level.

5-10% of the energy at one trophic level is passed on to the next highest trophic level.

Which statement is an accurate description of a keystone species?

-A keystone species that is a predator controls the herbivore populations, which in turn maintains the plant populations and keeps balance. For example, removing wolves from Alaska would cause a population explosion of moose that would then depopulate the plants of the region. Hunting would then be the principal means of population control as is true of the eastern whitetail deer.

_____ are secondary consumers.

-Carnivores, Secondary consumers are animals that eat other animals; thus , they are carnivores

Nitrogen gas is converted into ammonium

1st step of nitrogen fixation

A Type I survivorship curve is typical of ___.


(Biogeochemical cycles) A large group of one-celled microscopic plants concerned in the process of fermentation, nitrogen fixation, etc.


What is the most common way that nitrogen fixation occurs?



Bacteria and fungi that break down dead organisms

A group of ecosystems with similar climates and organisms


Part of Earth in which life exists including land (lithosphere), water (hydrosphere), and air (atmosphere)


The changes to the cuttlefish's skin are related to ____


What factors affect the success of an introduced species an what impacts can they have on an ecosystem?

Cane toads did not have natural predators, they are generalists, they can eliminate other species


Cannot be recycled and re-used

Examples of mutualism

algae obtaining nutrient from symbiotic coral, and coral obtaining sugars from algae photosynthesis, +/+ interaction

Gene pool

all alleles carried in all individuals in an interbreeding population at a give time

(Biogeochemical cycles)An abundant element that combines with oxygen and hydrogen to form the organic compounds that make up organisms


What element is found in all organic Compounds?

Carbon minerals are not organic compounds

(Biogeochemical cycles) The process by which carbon is cycle through the biosphere

Carbon Cycle

(Biogeochemical cycles)The flow of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide molecules between the earth's surface and atmosphere

Carbon cycle

You wonder if variations in carbon dioxide concentrations in the air will affect plant growth. You propose the following hypothesis: Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations will result in plants increasing their rates of photosynthesis. what are the independent and dependent variables ?

Carbon dioxide concentration is the independent variable Photosynthesis is the dependent variable

What does Carbon do to the atmosphere? (Lab 7)

Carbon re-radiates the atmosphere (greenhouse effect)

Ecosystems that convert Solar energy to biomass rapidly

are said to have high primary productivity

Lake Victoria

Contamination of water. Aids (women having sex with fishermen) Jaboya system

Where does the energy end up ? (ultimately)

as heat not recyclable

Producers are known by this name


Density independent

Control which have their effect regardless of population density (does not matter how many individuals are in the population) Physical factors in the environment - drought, early frost, severe winter storms can reduce population size regardless of population density Habitat destruction - floods, landslides

Age of bear and hunting time is what kind of variable


What are carbon credits? (Lab 9) Problem?

Countries can use alternative energy or carbon credits by having more carbon intake than outtake. Countries can sell these to those countries that put out too much greenhouse

A characteristic that is not evident in a system's properties

Emergent Property

Open System

Exchange with surrounding

An ideal habitat with unlimited resources is associated with

Exponential growth.

Chemicals found in nature are safe, man-made chemicals are unsafe.


Type III

Frogs, lots of offspring but only few survive

Color is an inherited trait in beetles. If brown beetles move into a population from a nearby island, which of the following statements is correct?

Gene flow causes the frequency of the brown allele to increase

How does it happen and how do we know?

Gene flow, mutation - change in alleles are random

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of oysters?

Grasses ( Grasses, like oysters, have a relatively high mortality rate early in their life span, after which the mortality rate decreases.)

In a population with brown and green alleles for color, genetic drift

Has more effect on the evolution of a small population

Compared to a region of equal area all at the same altitude, the area shown in the diagram ________.

Has much higher biodiversity and niche structure

Type I

Humans, elephants, few offspring but live a long time and high parental care

Dynamic Equilibrium (maintain homeostasis)

If resources remain constant, population should stabilize at some equilibrium size:carrying capacity of the environment

Climax Community

In the view of ecological succession it is a community that remains in place with little modification until disturbances restart the successional process


Is made of biotic and abiotic factors

The manufacturer develops the


The individual resembles a twig

Natural selection

Water Cycle or Hydrogen Cycle

Oceans hold 97% of our planet's water, whereas most fresh water resides in groundwater and ice caps. Water vapor in the atmosphere condenses and falls to the surface as precipitation, then evaporates from land and transpires from plants to return to the atmosphere. Water flows downhill into rivers, eventually reaching the oceans.

What does not have a gaseous state?


Lichens are?

Pioneer species during primary succession

Animal that only eats plants; herbivore; first-level consumer

Primary consumer

Open and Closed systems

Set of components which are interdependent, separated from surroundings by a real or imaginary boundary.

Which of the following is considered a community?

Several interacting species living in the same area

K-selected organisms


Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring



Species who are able to use a wide array of resources

Knowing the importance of biodiversity, I bet you can fill in the blanks for the definition. Biodiversity is all the organisms in an area - that includes the number of different ___, and associated ___, ___, and ___.

Species, genes, populations, communities

The dollar metaphor the quarters become what in ATP

The dollar

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) How do Australians feel about the cane toad? What are some of the way cane toads are appreciated or used?

The eat bugs, many people do not like them though because they eat everything that is smaller than them and are killing a lot of native species.


The movement of nutrients among pools or reservoirs in the nutrient cycle

Lake victoria

The nile perch

Population distribution

The spatial arrangment of organisms in an area

Why can't a food chain have infinite links? (or why are there so few tertiary consumers?)

There is not enough energy on that level Not much energy available means less organisms on that level

Two organisms live in the same geographical area, are very similar genetically and can breed with each other successfully. Which of the following statements is correct?

These organisms are member of the same species

Two organisms live in the same geographical area, are very similar genetically, and can breed with each other successfully. Which of the following statements is correct?

These organisms are members of the same species.

(II. Birth and death genes) whats the benefit of this adaptation, no red blood cells, no hemoglobin.

Thinner blood allowing it to live in extreme cold

How does organic and inorganic material return back into the environment ?

Through Decomposers

How is that energy stored and how does it flow through the ecosystem?

Through Trophic levels

(Biogeochemical cycles) The emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants


(Lab 8) General idea is

When trees decay, they return co2 back to the environment


When two members of the same species compete


adaptation in normal patterning, color, or behavior that enables organism to blend in with its surroundings. Coloration, behavioral thing, blend in with their surroundings

A(n) _____ is an example of an ecosystem with high primary productivity while a _____ is an example of an ecosystem with low primary productivity.

algae bed, desert

Some of the most ancient water on Earth can be found in ________.


Synthetic chemicals are defined as chemicals:

developed by humans and not found in nature

Independent variable

manipulated. Condition or event under study

Generation-to-generation change in the allele frequencies in a population is _____.


Detritivores include ________.

millipedes, soil insects, many ants


observable characteristics of an organism (influenced by both genes and environment)

A climax community always ________.

remains in place until a disturbance restarts succession

R selected species

small size, fast development, short-lived, reproduction early in life, many small offspring, fast population growth rate, no parental care, weak competitive ability, variable population size, often well below carrying capacity, variable and unpredictable mortality

Oxygen minimum layer

"Shadow Zone" where oxygen saturation in seawater is the lowest, occurs between the depths of about 200 to 1,000 meters depending on the area. 500-100 feet marine vs terrestrial environments

What expression is used to determine the overall growth rate of a population?

(Crude birth rate + Immigration rate) − (Crude death rate + Emigration rate)

Using "+" for those that benefit, "−" for those that are harmed, and "0" for no effect, which of the following expressions best represents competition between species?

- / -

Environmental change Selective pressure Change in population (Homework 1, Examples of each)

- A drought causes a habitat to turn dry and brown -Green beetles are more visible to birds than brown beetles, so birds eat more green beetles - Brown Beetles survive to reproduce more than green beetles do. The brown allele increases in Frequency.

Examples of competition - Two species of mussels relying on the same species of phytoplankton as a food source

-/- interaction

10,000 kcal of producer could support approximately _____ kcal of tertiary consumer.

-10, this is the number of kcal of tertiary consumer that could be supported

Environmental change Selective pressure change in population (Homework 1, Examples of each (second set))

-Pesticide is applied to a population of insects -Some insects have a gene that makes them resistant to the pesticide. These insects survive. Insects without the gene die. -The surviving insects reproduce. The frequency of resistant insects in the population increases.

The process that makes nitrogen available to plants by mutualistic and free-living bacteria is called __________.

-nitrogen Fixation (The rhizobia bacteria live in root nodules. The plant supplies them with a habitat in which to live, water, and nutrients, and the bacteria supply nitrogen for making plant proteins.)

What describes the number of individuals in a population per unit area?

-population density

Using "+" for those who benefit, "−" for those who are harmed, and "0" for no effect, which of the following expressions for the host species and other species (respectively) represents commensalism?

0/+ In commensalism, the host is unaffected and the other species is benefited. A good example is the commensal amoebae that live in the human intestine. They eat bacteria that we provide in extremely large numbers. We receive no known benefit from their association with us.

Directional selection Stabilizing selection Disruptive selection

1. fitness increases as you move toward one end of the distribution. Selection moves the average value in that direction 2. Acts against extreme values and favors intermediate (Sick cell anemia allele in areas of malaria) medium sized lizards have more babies and do better 3.Selection against the intermediate values (selection for both ends of the extreme)

How much energy is moving up the trophic level?


What does it mean when the term "overshoot" is used to describe a country's ecological footprint?

A country is not using its resources sustainably

Genetic Diversity

A measurement of the differences in DNA composition among individuals within a given species

What role does mutation play? (How evolution works video)

A mutation is any change to the bases in DNA. These changes can originate by copying errors ( for example during cell division) or they can be influenced by the environment (toxins/radiation for example) Mutations are usually neutral but can be beneficial or detrimental depending on their effect on the phenotype of the organism and on the environment in which they arise. Mutations provide new variation on which natural selection may act.

What is a species? (How evolution works video)

A population of the same organisms living in the same area that can interbreed with one another and produce viable offspring (that is, offspring that can also reproduce)

Examples of predation/parasitism/herbivory

A rabbit eating the leaves of a dandelion plant, a cheetah capturing and consuming a gazelle, a tick sucking a dogs blood, +/- interaction


A statement that attempts to explain a phenomenon or answer a scientific question

Which of these is a starting point for primary succession?

A surface exposed by retreating glacier Such a surface lacks any life and is thus a starting point for primary succession


A widely accepted, well-tested explanation of one or more cause-and-effect relationships that has been extensively validated be a great amount of research

What is not made up of glucose?


(Biogeochemical cycles) Contaminated rainfall

Acid rain

The different finch species found on the Galápagos Islands probably arose as a result of _____.

Adaptive radiation (The finches that initially immigrated to the Galápagos Islands experienced little competition, the result of which was the promotion of speciation.)

From "Smog-Who Does It Hurt?", the people who are most sensitive to ozone include

Adults who are active outdoors, children, and people with respiratory diseases

Descent with modification

All life on earth has a common ancestor but every organism is modified from that ancestor through changes in genetics of the ancestral line.


All the members of the same species that live in the same place at the same time

A single population of snakes was geographically split when a molten lava flow separated the original population. On the east side of the lava, the snakes were close to the ocean. On the west side of the lava, the snakes were closer to inland resources. After a million years, these snakes became two separate populations due to

Allopatric speciation

A single population of snakes was geographically split when a molten lava flow separated the original population. On the east side of the lava, the snakes were close to the ocean. On the west side of the lava, the snakes were closer to inland resources. After a million years, these snakes became two separate populations due to ___.

Allopatric speciation


An organism's role (job) in its habitat. Where it lives (Ex. a crab eats decaying material, so its niche is a scavenger).

What cannot generate enough ATP

Anerobic Respiration

(Biogeochemical cycles) Layers of gases that surround the earth; the air


Which of the following would have the largest biomass in a terrestrial ecosystem?

Autotrophs. A very large amount of producers, also called autotrophs, (in terms of sheer biomass) are required to produce enough food for all of the upper levels of consumers.

Which of these best matches with a type I survivorship curve?


In order for two organisms to belong to the same species, individuals of their species must___

Be able to reproduce and have fertile offspring

Natural Selection

Better adapted to their environment Natural selection happens because of the guppy experiment, They changed depending on what predator was there, so their genetics literally changed to help them survive better in their environment Rock pocket mouse

The process by which materials necessary for organisms are circulated through the environment.

Biogeochemical cycles

Type II

Birds, change of dying is about the same at nay given age, good parental care. pretty stable population size over time

Gallelio (Lab 7)

Bones cannot grow linnerally forever because they grow in different directions


Both species benefit (+/+) Fish benefit from shrimp eating the parasites eating the fish. Algae that live inside the coral reefs, Coral cannot produce their own food and they feed at night and during the day they sit there and the partners that they have photosynthesize and the sugar that is left over allows them to make reefs. The Algae end up getting some nitrogen from the coral and they get a place to live and are protected.


Can be recycled & reused

(Biogeochemical cycles)Eat only other consumers e.g. spiders, sharks


An animal that eats only meat


A logistic growth curve begins with a period of exponential growth, but then levels out to match the environment's

Carrying capacity

A logistic growth curve begins with a period of exponential growth, but then levels out to match the environment's ____.

Carrying capacity

The maximum population a habitat can support is its

Carrying capacity

What were the sources of pollutants in "Smog City"?

Cars, trucks, off-road vehicles, industry, and consumer products

Correlation does not equal?

Causation Indicate if the 2 variable are related to each other

Emergence (emergent properties)

Characteristics of the system is greater than the sum of its parts. Individual parts following rules that make consciousness work. There is not leader, it goes bottom up, the behavior is controlled from the actions of the rules.

Chemicals in the home lab

Chemical compounds are a combination of 2 or more elements. EX: water Organic compounds - have carbon, have a shorter half life than inorganic compounds Activity: Look for chemicals for certain tasks and name 2. What does the product do. Is there a warning. What does the warning say. List 3 hazardous products in your house on the sheet The material safety data sheet (MSDS) gives you health warnings, manufacturer information and lab tests The information from the MSDS comes from the product maker They provide health effects and first aid information Hazardous materials identification system is what HMIS stands for HMIS is a numerical hazardous rating system HMIS provides 1)Health hazards 2)fire hazards 3)Instability ratings The scale is from 0-4, 4 being the worst and 0 is the safest.


Chlorine damages

(II. Birth and death genes) Evolution does not always come up with the best solution imaginable, just the best solution available-this sometimes gets rid of genes on re-purpose them. What was different about the "crocodile fish/icefish"?

Colorless blood/no red blood cells/no hemoglobin


Combination of alleles for a specific trait, set of genes an organism carries

A group of interacting populations of different species


Population of all species living and interacting in an area at a particular time; ex: all the plants, ducks, turtles, animals, etc. In the pond


After entering your data on the "Online Nitrogen Oxide Calculator", you had to ...

Compare your NOx emissions to that of the average American

Competitive Exclusion Principle

Complete competitors cannot coexist (one species will go extinct) These two paramecium species they need the exact same type of resources and therefore cannot live together in a mixed community E.g. Paramecium aurelia and P. caudatum

(Biogeochemical cycles) Any substance consisting of two or more atoms (elements) chemically combined.



Conditions which could effect the outcome of the experiment so they mst be held constant between groups (different from control group) (keep constant)

(Biogeochemical cycles) Organisms, primarily animals that get their food from producers. They feed on green plants or on other animals that eat plants.


Reason why living things need nitrogen

DNA and proteins

Natural selection

Darwin. Process by which inherited characteristics that enhance survival and reproductions are passed on more frequently to future generations than those that do not

Detritus is composed of ____.

Dead organic matter and excreted wastes. (Detritus is composed of dead organic matter and excreted wastes.)

Which of the following statements about dead zones is correct?

Dead zones are reversible if nutrient pollution input to a system is reduced.

(Biogeochemical cycles)A specific type of consumer that feeds on dead plant or animal matter, examples are bacteria and fungi


What name is given to the process by which detritivores return carbon to the atmosphere?

Decomposition (Decomposition, the conversion of organic molecules into inorganic molecules, results in the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.)

Competitive Exclusion

Deer population went extinct from the goats taking over

Splash zones are areas where running streams make little pools of water. The population of Harlequin frogs decreased when the splash zones in which they bred became too small. The decrease in splash zone size was a __ factor.


The lowest altitude in this figure most closely resembles ________.


In the module capstone, you had to:

Determine the number of forested areas the size of the county needed to sequester the county's annual emissions if everyone had carbon dioxide emissions like you do

An earthworm that feeds on the remains of plants and animals is acting as a _____.

Detritivore, feeds on remains of dead organisms

(III. Great Transformations) Evolution works with "packets" of information and uses them in new and different ways/combinations. A commonality of form in animals is in the genetic code. The same set of genes builds all the body plans. After cross-breeding thousands of fruit flies, what hypothesis did Ed Lewis propose with regard to the genetic basis of body segments?

Each fly segment was directed by one gene (ie Coded for)

Collection of all the organisms that live in a particular place, together with their nonliving environment


how are ecosystem services related to species diversity in that ecosystem?

Ecosystem services - the cycles More provided in species diversity The more cycles present, the more species diversity there is

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of humans?

Elephants (The mortality rate of elephants, like that of humans, remains relatively low for much of their life span and then dramatically increases for older individuals.)

Organism only found in one place

Endemic species

(Biogeochemical cycles) Matter is cycled but___________ is not.


Is dissipated as heat through respiration


In the What You Can Do to Reduce Emissions section of the EPA's Personal Greenhouse Gas Calculator, you can see how your carbon dioxide emissions would decrease by using ___.

Energy Star windows

First law of thermodynamics

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Just as matter is conserved, the total energy in the universe remains constant and thus is said to be conserved.

KSU's campus is growing very quickly, and we are proud to say that some of our newer buildings are LEED certified. Which of the following is a benefit of having a LEED certified building?

Energy efficiency

Which best describes how energy and nutrients work in an ecosystem?

Energy flows through an ecosystem; nutrients cycle

Selective agent/pressure

Environmental factors that influence which individual leave more offspring (favor certain adaptations within the population)

Exponential growth

Equation: dN/dT = rN where r=net repoructive rate for population.(B-D) Where dN=Change in population size (N= number of individuals) and dT= change in unit time Assumption of this model is that resources are not limited and member are free to reproduce at their physiological capacity (bitotic potential) (refrigerator example) size of a population growing exponentially increases at constant rate r will be positive if the population is growing, negative if the population is declining J shaped curve when population is plotted over time Although rate of increase is constant, the population accumulates more new individuals per unit of time when it is large than when it is small

(Biogeochemical cycles)Excess nutrients (most often Nitrogen and Phosphorus) entering aquatic ecosystems


The growth of algae when fertilizer (other chemicals with nutrients) enter the water threw condensation and precipitation, resulting in lots of nutrients so the algae grows a lot, but the rest of the plants decompose/die= bad for water.


Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of the Chesapeake Bay cause phytoplankton to increase, which ultimately leads to the process called __________.

Eutrophication (This is a process of nutrient pollution, blooms of algae, decomposition, and hypoxia that can lead to dead zones, like the one in the Gulf of Mexico.)

(Biodiversity) What process accounts for the incredible biological diversity on earth?

Evolution via changes in alleles, natural selection

(I.Human Selection) True or false. Malaria caused by sickle-cell allele to appear. Explain your answer.

False: the mutation causing the allele to appear was random- the selection favoring the allele was not.

Which of the following best characterizes the factors that have contributed to the "dead zone" in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico for at least the last decade?

Fertilizer runoff from farms in the Mississippi River drainage

(Biogeochemical cycles) Nitrogen that's chemically combined with hydrogen, oxygen or carbon

Fixed Nitrogen

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) How might conservative biologists control cane toad populations?

Focus on what goes on in their native habitat. Maybe need a virus to spread within the species.

shows the interactions among many different food chains in a single ecosystem

Food Web

Several individuals are entering a new population

Gene flow

R-selected organisms


Cane toads

Generalists introduced in Australia

The amount of variation in the genetic material within all members of a population

Genetic Diversity

Some individuals reproduce by chance while others do not

Genetic Drift

The evolution of a population due to chance is?

Genetic Drift

What is evolution?

Genetically based change in the appearance, functioning, and/or behavior of organisms across generations, often by the process of natural selection

What is the first step in Respiration ?


Carbon Cycle

Gray arrows represent fluxes among reservoirs, or pools, for carbon. In the Carbon cycle, plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis (gross primary production or GPP in the figure). Carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere through cellular respiration by plants, their consumers, and decomposers. The oceans sequester carbon in their water and in deep sediments. The vast majority of the planet's carbon is stored in sedimentary rock. In the figure, pool names are printed in black type, and numbers in black type represent pool sizes expressed in petagrams of carbon. Processes, printed in italic red type and expressed in petagrams of carbon per year.

Remember that color is an inherited trait in beetles. Which of the following is an example of natural selection?

Green beetles leave more offspring than brown beetles because they are better at finding food

(Biogeochemical cycles)The trapping of reflected heat from the sun by the earth's atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide may result in a warming of the earth.

Greenhouse effect

(Biogeochemical cycles) Water found in the soil or underground formations of porous rock.

Ground Water

Control group

Group not subjected to the independent variable, used as measuring stick

Result of runoff from farms and dumping from humans in the Midwest United States

Gulf of Mexico dead zone

(I. Human Selection) What are the genotypes and phenotypes for the normal hemoglobin vs sickle-cell anemia condition and which genotype was being selected for in this case?

HH, Hh genotypes give normal. hh give sickle -cell. Hh being selected for

Place where an Organism lives.


(I. Human Selection) A change in the frequency of the sickle-cell allele is an example of natural selection occurring in human populations. Why was the Frequency of the Sickle-cell allele, a harmful allele, maintained and/or increased in certain human populations?

Having one sickle-cell allele was beneficial in areas with malaria because it offered protection against the disease

What does HMIS mean?

Hazardous Materials Identification System

(Biogeochemical cycles)Only eat producers e.g. cows, grasshopper


An animal that eats only plants


Many plants have developed complicated defenses to protect themselves against _____.

Herbivory. When animals feed on the tissues of plants the plants have a more difficult time surviving to reproduce. They can develop elaborate defenses to deter their herbivores.

What did Human intervention do to the carbon cycle? (Lab 7)

Human intervention caused carbon cycle to be out of equilibrium

Which of the following is a major reason that humans have converted the native ecosystems of Costa Rica for other uses?

Humans benefited more economically from agriculture.

In England, dogs with large, floppy ears called hounds came into existence. These dogs were favored for hunting because of their excellent sense of smell. Which statement most accurately represents the process that produced such dog breeds from the wild-type (feral) dog?

Humans noticed dogs with large, floppy ears and a great sense of smell and wanted more like them. They then bred them with similar dogs over many generations.

(Biogeochemical cycles) Global circulation of H2O from the environment to living organisms and back to the environment

Hydrologic cycle

Resource most likely to limit, movements of chemicals, nutrient moves on the earth's surface by physical forces, and returns to the atmosphere by way of transpiration and evaporation Humans impact through pollution and deforestation

Hydrological cycle

The largest percentage of fresh water today is located in

Ice Sheets and glaciers (Ice sheets and glaciers are the greatest single repository of fresh water: they contain 77.3% of all Earth's fresh water and 99.357% of all Earth's surface fresh water.)

Dynamic Equilibrium

In a system stabilized by negative feed back (when processes move in opposing directions at equivalent rates so that their effects balance out) are said to be this.

We know members of a species, within individual populations, are different from one another. What is recombination and how does it help to create these differences? (How evolution works video)

In organisms with sexual reproduction, the offspring have combinations of traits that differ from those in either parent (you share, at most 50% of your genes with your father or mother). This occurs because an egg or sperm carries only half the genetic material (as compared to other cells in the body) and the full complement of DNA is achieved only when an egg and sperm fuse to create an embryo. This is one way new variation is added to a population.

ATP (in photosynthesis)

In the light reactions, water is converted to oxygen in the presence of sunlight, creating high-energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). These molecules help drive reactions in the calvin cycle, in which carbon dioxide is used to produce sugars. Molecules of ADP, NADP and inorganic phosphate created in the Calvin Cycle, in turn, help power the light reactions, creating an endless loop

The nitrogen cycle

In the nitrogen cycle, specialized bacteria play key roles in "fixing" atmospheric nitrogen and converting it to chemical forms that plants can use. Other types of Bacteria convert nitrogen compounds back to the atmospheric gas, N2. In the Oceans, inorganic nitrogen is buried in sediments whereas nitrogen compounds are cycled through food webs as they are on land.

Which of the following would NOT cause population size to decrease?

Increased birth rate

How does selection effect changes in a population of organisms over time? (you may use finch example to illustrate if youd like) (How evolution works video)

Individuals with the right mix of traits for that environment will produce more offspring and those beneficial traits should increase over time. Individuals not well adapted (not the best traits) will not have as many offspring and those traits should decrease in the population over time. As environment change, the variation in members of a population helps keep that population flexible-the population can respond to the changes.


Interaction between individuals where one benefits (predator) and the other is harmed (prey) Adaptations to enable predator to better obtain prey and adaptations that make prey less vulnerable are simultaneously being selected for in the individual species-a kind of evolutionary arms race (the predator gets a little better at spotting the prey therefore the prey gets better at hiding and keeps going so on and so forth.) The predator has a positive experience and the prey has a negative experience. Anything that makes predators better able for catching their prey should be better selected for them. The little lizards that were really toxic and it was being influenced by the fact that there was a particular snake that could feed on it. Those snakes that were the most resistant to the toxin could take more lizards but it slowed them down and made them more likely to be eaten by their own predators.


Interactions caused by a shared requirement for a limited resource Negatively affects both individuals involved (competition is negative for both species involved in the competition) Competition can occur when individuals share a limited resource-indirect, depletion of resource causes problems. (someone got to the resource first and there was no actual contact between two organisms) hawks and owls with mice example. cows eating grass Competition can be direct also-when 2 individuals are fighting over the same resource. sheep hitting each others heads 2 types Intraspecific: Occurs between individuals of the same species Interspecific: Occurs between individuals of different species (Barnacles) Effect of competition on niche (habitat in this case) Did the brown ones prefer to be up higher or were they out competed? The brown barnacles settles lower down eventually.

Kyoto Protocols (Lab 9)

International event to limit greenhouse gases, US has reduced by 7% from 1990 to 2010

Competing with one another but they are different species getting the same food



Intimate living together of members of 2 or more species. Symbiosis often enhances survival of one or both species involved.

If two female members of the same African cichlid species are competing for the same male to mate with, this is considered __.

Intraspecific competition

If two members of the same bird species are competing for the same tree to build a nest in, this is considered_____

Intraspecific competition. When two members of the same species compete for the same resource it is called intraspecific competition.

A keystone species __. An example of this is the sea otter in the kelp forest.

Is one that best represents a particular niche

Closed System

Isolated from surroundings no exchange

Which of the following is true about "good" ozone?

It is found in the stratosphere and protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays

Which of the following statements about the amoeba population described at the end of the tutorial is true?

It is more vulnerable to extinction due to lack of genetic variation

Which of the following would be considered an emergent property of a tree?

Its role as a habitat for other organisms in the ecosystem

The IUCN says that "six out of eight of the world's bear species are threatened with extinction". Zoo Atlanta keeps two of these species of bears - the sun bear and the giant panda. The only bears that are not considered to be threatened are brown bears and American black bears. Bears are considered to be ___.

K-selected species

One of the predicted consequences of global climate change is species extinction. Why should we care if a few frogs, plants or insect species go extinct, after all, that may open up new niches for natural selection to fill.

Kyestone species determine

K-selected species characteristics

Large Size, Slow development, long-lived, reproduction later in life, few large offspring, slow population growth rate, parental care, strong competitive ability, constant population size, lose to carrying capacity, more constant and mortality predictable

K selected species

Large size, show development, long-lived, reproduction later in life, few large offspring, slow population growth rate, parental care, strong competitive ability, constant population size, close to carrying capacity, more constant and mortality predictable

Vertical Stratification

Layers of vegetation, sizes and kinds of plants in the ocean these layers are distinguished by light penetration, temperature amount of dissolved oxygen etc.

Ecotipping points

Levers for restoring sustainability. Small actions that cascade into bigger ones that result in restoration

The first colonizing organisms during primary succession tend to be:

Lichens and mosses. Bare ground is eventually colonized

What is the most significant vertical physical gradient?

Light Abundance / quality

Four Macro-molecules

Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates Nucleic Acid


Little balls on the roots of bean plants where Rhizobium live.


Living and dead components of an ecosystems (ex. plants & animals)

martin and Kloeppe made what equation ? (Lab 7)

Made the allomatric equation for carbon cycle Log10M = -1.25 + 2.66 log10D

Fundamental vs. Realized niche

Many organisms within a community compete and therefore cannot occupy their full niche, they are limited in their role by others and display a "realized niche". what is its actual niche because there are competing organisms. Species one blocks species two from his fundamental niche. Competition with other species for resources is what differentiates the fundamental niche from realized niche

What moves through the community from one trophic level to another as organisms feed on one another?

Matter and energy. Matter is continuously recycled while energy is captured from the sun by plants and progressively lost at higher trophic levels.

(Biogeochemical cycles)Elements required in either small amounts by all life or moderate amounts by some forms of life



Microscopic photosynthetic algae, protists, and cyano bacteria that drift in open water

How does genetic Diversity within a population affect that populations survival ?

More genetic diversity is better If something happens then they wont all die The chance of immune allele is higher

Is evolution a random process?

Most part no. Some components that are random like mutations.

The Phosphorus Cycle

Most phosphorus resides underground in rock and sediment. Rocks containing phosphorus are uplifted geologically and slowly weathered away. Small Amounts of phosphorus cycle through food webs, where this nutrient is often a limiting factor for plant growth.

The only process that can add new genes and therefore new variations to a species is _______.


The only process that can add new genes and therefore new variations to a species is? (homework 1)


__ introduce variation to genetic material (DNA).


Ants protecting the tree and the tree providing food for the ants


How is ozone formed?

NOx + VOC + Sunlight

The bird has a thick bill and eats large seeds (or hard seeds).

Natural selection

The individual attracts more females because of its appearance

Natural selection

A(n) --- is the functional role of a species in a community.


A(n) __ is the functional role of a species in a community.


Functional role of an organism in its community




(Biogeochemical cycles) The process in the nitrogen cycle by which nitrates and nitrites are produced.


(Biogeochemical cycles) A gaseous element that forms about 3/4 of the atmosphere and is in animal and plant matter


Nutrients that create sudden growth of algae, which then creates hypoxia


(Biogeochemical cycles)Gaseous Molecular Nitrogen in converted into ammonia

Nitrogen Fixation


Nitrogen Gas (N2, make up 78% of atmosphere)

A contributing factor in the process of eutrophication is?

Nitrogen and phosphate pollution (Eutrophication is the process of nutrient enrichment, increased production of organic matter, and subsequent ecosystem degradation in a water body.) pg 108 (ask King on chat)

(Biogeochemical cycles) The circulation of nitrogen and its compounds by living organisms in nature; nitrogen in the air passes into the soil where it is changed to nitrates by bacteria and used by green plants and then in turn by animals. Decaying plants and animals and animal waste products are in turn acted on by bacteria and the nitrogen in them is again made available for circulation.

Nitrogen cycle

(Biogeochemical cycles) The process by which bacteria change gaseous nitrogen into usable compounds

Nitrogen fixation

The process that makes nitrogen available to plants by mutualistic and free-living bacteria is called _______.

Nitrogen fixation

Nitrogen availability is often a limiting factor in plant growth. Nitrogen tends to be scarce because __________.

Nitrogen gas (N2) is so stable that only a few organisms are capable of turning it into nitrogen that can be used for living things. (Only a few types of bacteria are able to turn atmospheric nitrogen into biologically available nitrogen.)

Live free in soil and fix (convert) nitrogen gas to a form that can be used by plants.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) Are there natural predators of cane toads tadpoles or adults in Australia?


(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) Were the cane toads effective in the job they were brought in to do? Why or why not?

No, they were not effective. They did not eat the cane grub but ate everything else and multiplied by the thousands.

(Biogeochemical cycles) The bumps on the roots of legumes which contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria.



Non-living components of ecosystems (air, water, sand, light, and temperature)

How does energy flow and nutrient flow differ?

Nutrients is recycled energy is not


Occurs nowhere else in the world

(Biogeochemical cycles)Eats both producers and consumers e.g. bear, pigs, humans


an animal that eats both plants and animals


(II. Birth and death genes) How did this adaptation occur? antifreeze

One gene was copied twice, the second copy collected mutations that changed it ultimately leading to the antifreeze gene (borrowing code of pre-existing gene to adapt it for another purpose) Loss of hemoglobin gene-mutation that "broke" gene-since it was not necessary, it was not selected against


One species benefits, other is harmed (Sometimes considered type of predation) (+/-) The host is suffering while the parasite does well. The difference between parasitism and predating, parasitism is constantly eating on the organism and if they kill it they kill their source of survival.


One species benefits, the other species is neither helped nor harmed (+/0) Bird living in a tree, they don't help nor harm the tree but they benefit. The cattle are not benefited or harmed by the birds being on them but the birds get bugs that the cattle kick up while walking.

Which of these is not a premise that supports natural selection?

Organisms adapt by way of disruptive mutations over short periods of time

What factors could result in the sharp upward trend shown at the beginning of the curve?

Overshooting carrying capacity Humans right now are at the exponential point

How might you measure your dependent variable ?

Oxygen release number of leaves height of plant

How does predation differ from parasitism?

Parasites rarely kill their host while predators kill their prey. Parasites often feed off one host for a prolonged period of time, so killing the host would not serve the parasite's best interest.

In "Lung Attack" you studied the negative effects of what three things on the lungs?

Particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and ozone

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Sunlight ---> C6H12O6 + O2 (what does this equation represent?) (Lab 7)


Process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches


(Biogeochemical cycles) The two chemical processes in which carbon, oxygen and water cycle

Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration

Population of algae and other small, photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean and forming part of plankton


The first species to populate an area

Pioneer species

Which one of the following is a general characteristic of plants that are early colonizers during primary succession?

Plants have wind-dispersed seeds. After the glacier retreats, bare ground is eventually colonized by lichens and mosses, then by deciduous trees with wind-borne seeds.

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) What are some of the adaptations that cane toads possess which have helped them become so successful in Australia?

Poison in their pores, Mating habits are crazy and high, they eat everything that is smaller than them.

A group of organisms of the same species found in a given area


Is a snapshot of a Community

Population Ecology

Logistic growth involves

Population growth slowing down as the population approaches carrying capacity.

Population bottleneck

Population size decreased severely resulting in reduction of genetic variation

In exponential growth

Population size grows faster and faster as the population gets bigger.

which of the following would destabilize an ecosystem ?

Positive feedback loops (sun example with leaves)

Null hypothesis

Predicting no difference between our treatments

A cow eating grass is an example of a _____.

Primary consumer, feeding on a producer

Trophic levels

Primary producers 1 primary consumers 2 secondary consumers 3 tertiary consumers 4 You also have detritivores (soil insects eating dead things)

Series of changes that occur in an area where no ecosystem previously existed

Primary succession


Process in which species act as selective pressure/agent on each other.


Process of nutrient environment increased production of organic matter and subsequent ecosystem degradation in a body of water

(Biogeochemical cycles)Green plants that produce food by photosynthesis.


In an ecosystem, phytoplankton are

Producers, autotrophs.

Main Components of an Atom

Protons - positive Neutrons - neutral Electrons - negative

(Biogeochemical cycles) A colorless, jellylike substance which makes up every living cell and is composed of four elements carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.



Random changes in DNA

Different root systems is an example of?

Resource partitioning

___ is when competing species evolve to use slightly different resources or use their shared resources in different ways.

Resource partitioning

Logistic Growth

Resources are limiting, exponential growth may be achieved for a time, but not indefinitely. eventually resources will become exhausted and population growth must slow or cease As population grows these finite resources must be shared by a greater # of individuals birth rates must decrease, death rates probably increase If resources remain constant, population should stabilize at some equilibrium size:carrying capacity of the environment K: the maximum # of individuals the environment can support Logistic growth is the rate of increase declines as carrying capacity is reached K-N is the number of additional individuals the environment can accommodate K-N/K is the fraction of K that is still available for population growth dN/dT=rN(K-N)/K S- shaped curve

(Biogeochemical cycles)The breakdown of food with the release of energy and carbon dioxide, it takes place in all living things



Responding. Condition that could change under the influence of the independent variable (measure this)

Home water use lab

Return flow - portion of withdrawal that is not consumed, but returned to a ground water source and becomes available in the future Largest water use is from thermoelectrical generation 47% Irrigation is largest freshwater withdrawal Irrigation takes up 81% of fresh water consumption, commercial is lowest 1% Average US citizen in 1990 uses 183 gallons of water a day Largest water users - toilets and dishwashers In lab 1, you calculated your daily water use and lifestyle changes to reduce water use. Also you calculated the water wasted from leaky pipes and looked for them in your house

Which of these best matches with a type III survivorship curve?


Which of these species typically has a mortality rate that remains fairly constant over an individual's life span?


When Considering the phosphorus cycle, Plants obtain most of their phosphorus from ____

Rocks and Soils

Phosphorus Cycle

Rocks containing nutrient are uplifted from sediment by geological processes and slowly weathered away. Small amounts cycle in food webs, where this nutrient is often a limiting factor in plant growth. Humans impact by mining the nutrient for farming

Why do scientists use statistics?

Sample size - # of observations necessary to have a reliable representation of a population Confidence limits - estimates that reflect the reliability of your mean (average) (probability that your sample is similar to other random samples of that population)

What makes science unique ?

Scientists try to replicate and poit out the inconsistencies and open it up to other scientists for peer review

In 1991, scientist James Estes and his team observed a new trend of orcas preying on sea otters. Orcas normally prey on great whales, but those populations had been dramatically reduced by industrial whaling. Estes hypothesized that the decrease in the great whale population had caused orcas to turn to smaller prey -- sea otters. If this hypothesis is correct, predict what might happen to sea otter numbers if great whale population numbers increase.

Sea otter population would increase. If great whale populations increase, orcas may shift back to great whales as their primary food source, so sea otter populations could increase.

Regions with otters tend to host dense forests of kelp, a brown seaweed that anchors to the seafloor. Kelp forests provide a physical structure in which diverse marine communities find shelter and food. Sea otters prey on urchins, which consume kelp. According to James Estes, sea otter populations have dropped dramatically in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. If sea otter populations in these areas continue to decline, what might happen with populations of sea urchins and kelp?

Sea urchins would increase and kelp decrease. If sea urchins increase because of lower predation by sea otters, kelp would likely decrease due to increased consumption by the larger sea urchin population.

Which of these best matches with a type II survivorship curve?


Animal that eats herbivores; carnivore; second-level consumer

Secondary consumer

When a human eats a steak, the human is acting as a___?

Secondary consumers, feeding on a primary consumer

Series of changes that occur after a disturbance in an existing ecosystem

Secondary succession

Survivorship curves

Show patterns of death, how likelihood of death varies with age, different for different types of organisms

energy pyramid

Shows the amount of energy available to pass from one level of a food chain to the next

(IV. Beak of the finch) Insight into the formation of new species. The more diverse the environment, the more opportunities for evolutionary change to produce new species. What hypothesis was supported as to how there came to be so many different finch species on the galapagos islands and why?

Single common ancestor-DNA shows closer relationship between Galapagos Species than any of those are related to the mainland finch.

Positive feedback loop

Situation in which a change in a certain direction provides information that causes a system to change further in the same direction.

Negative feedback loop

Situation in which a change in a certain direction provides information that causes a system to change less in that direction.

Major population characteristics

Size, Density, Distribution, Sex ratio, Age, Birth and death rates

R-Selected species characteristics

Small size, fast development, short-lived, reproduction early in life, many small offspring, fast populations growth rate, no parental care, weak competitive ability, variable population size, often well below carrying capacity, variable and unpredictable mortality

Organisms most likely to be found at the bottom (left) of this figure would be ________.


Moderate levels of disturbance causes

Species diversity to increase

(IV. Beak of the finch) What keeps the different species from mating with one another?

Species have specific songs, appearance (similar size and beak)

Pioneer species (r selected, rapid growth quick reproduction)

Species that arrive first and colonize the new environment Disturbance - an event that changes a community, removes organisms from it, alters resource availability

Which type of selection helps to preserve that status quo, genetically speaking?

Stabilizing Selection

(I. Human Selection) What type of natural selection is occurring in this example?

Stabilizing selection (Favoring the intermediate)

Second law of thermodynamics

States that the nature of energy will change from a more ordered state to a less-ordered state as long as no force counteracts this tendency. Systems tend to move towards increasing disorder, or entropy.


Subjected to the independent variable

What things can science address and not address?

Supernatural explanations does not make moral judgements

Ecosystem services

Supports life and makes economic activity possible

What are the graphs that scientists make to show patterns of mortality and survivorship in different species?

Survivorship curves

How is energy from the sun harnessed by earth's ecosystems (What process and who does it?)

Take energy from plants and transform it to glucose and keep it in the bonds. Photosynthesis

Animal that eats secondary consumers; carnivore eats another carnivore

Tertiary consumer

A seal that just ate a clam is eaten by a shark. The shark is acting as a _____.

Tertiary consumer, (The shark that ate the seal that ate the clam that ate the algae is the tertiary consumer.)

Which level has the least amount of energy in the trophic levels?

Tertiary level Hawk

The sum total of the planet's living organisms and abiotic system is _____

The Biosphere

Bacteria begin the process by "fixing" the nutrient from the atmosphere and making it available for plant use. Still more but different bacteria convert nutrient back to the atmosphere. Humans impact though the Haber Bosch process

The Nitrogen cycle

With the use of the "Gas Mileage Impact Calculator", you compared

The amount of NOx and hydrocarbons between your vehicle and a hybrid

Earth's oceans hold:

The bulk of all of the water found on earth (The oceans contain 97.22% of all water, comprising about 1.321 billion cubic kilometers of salt water. This leaves only 2.78% of all of Earth's water as fresh water (non-oceanic).

An excellent example of selective or artificial breeding by humans is _______.

The diversity of dog breeds in the world today

Lab Summaries

The energy labs dealt with how to conserve energy in the home- this relates to the laws of thermodynamics Labs 7-9 dealt with the carbon cycle which you also read about in the biogeochemical cycle The first 3 labs dealt with how scientists do science Lab module 1 - crater impact, used controlled experiments to affect the crater size of an impacting meteorite module 3 - trees and carbon, analysis of personal impacts, module capstone module 4 - home water use, chemicals in the home, ecological footprint

If color is an inherited trait in beetles, and birds are more likely to eat brown beetles than green beetles,

The frequency of the green allele will increase

What is the incentive ? (Lab 9) What is the problem?

The incentive is to grow fast growing trees that they can see for lumber and get carbon credits. Not preserve natural forests

An insect species is an agricultural pest. It is small, extremely mobile, and reproduces rapidly. Which of the following statements is true about such a species?

The insect species is r-selected.

Carrying Capacity

The maximum population size of a species that a given environment can sustain

Allomotry (Lab 7)

The measure and study of relative growth of a part in relation to an entire organism or to a standard

Population Density

The number of individuals in a population per unit area

What role will the ocean plan in global climate change?

The ocean takes in carbon dioxide. The ocean began warming up more moderates the climate for us

The largest reservoir of carbon in the carbon cycle is in sedimentary rock that may take hundreds of millions of years to return to the living portion of the cycle. What is the second largest reservoir of carbon?

The oceans (The oceans hold more carbon than all of the smaller carbon reservoirs combined. Any change in the oceans' ability to hold carbon will have a tremendous impact on the global climate.)


The ph of pure water is 7, the midpoint of the scale. Acidic solution have a ph less than 7, whereas basic solutions have a ph greater than 7

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) What are the ramifications (pros and cons) of introducing a natural predator of cane toads?

The predator will lower the population of the cane toad and therefore will help the native species survive and reproduce. The natural predator may react like the cane toad and eat everything.


The process by which new species are generated


The tendency of a system to maintain constant or stable internal conditions

Ecological footprint lab

There are 4.7 acres of productive land for every person on earth to sustain themselves Activity: Calculate ecological footrpint using food, shelter, mobility, goods and services then calculate it again with a change. Then compare the USA with other countries Do you think that it is fair that developed countries fuel their consumption from poorer countries?

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) Based on the life history characteristics of the cane toad, are they generalists or specialists? Why does that make a difference for this situation?

They are generalists. Yes, they can adapt well to the environment.

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) Although not explicitly addressed in this film, why do you think cane toads became a nuisance in Australia but have not gotten out of control in their native Hawaii?

They have natural predators in Hawaii

How do plants contribute to the water cycle?

Through the process of transpiration


Tiny aquatic animals that eat phytoplankton

(Cane Toad video: An Unnatural History) When and why were cane toads introduced into Australia?

To eat the bugs, control the cane grub. 102 of them were brought to Australia.

Arms race between?

Toxic Newts and Snakes

(III. Great Transformations) How did scientists show that these master genes worked on other organisms besides fruit flies?

Transfer mouse gene for "eyes" into a fruit fly and it produced a normal eye in the fly. So message was the same for both organisms.

Biogeochemical cycles (lab 7)

Transport and transformations of substances in the environment

What do trees not have? (Lab 9)

Trees have no net impact on CO2 levels after they decay

The feeding level in an ecosystem is referred to as its

Trophic Level

Feeding level in an ecosystem

Trophic level

Terrestrial VS Oceanic

Trophic structure still exists organisms changed

In this lab, you had to determine the amount of carbon dioxide that would be sequestered if your house/subdivision or apartment/complex were forested.


NO2- → nitrites


Organic molecules → contains carbon


Our garbage adds to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


Which of the following statements best describes competition for a niche?

Two species could divide a niche through "resource partitioning"

What did the US not do? (Lab 9)

US did not sign Kyoto protocols but made an informal agreement

(Biogeochemical cycles)Plants roots get nitrates from the soil. Animals get nitrogen from eating plants or plant eating animals



Variety of different types of life found on earth

What has the greatest greenhouse impact? (Lab 7)


_____ is an example of a resource provided by our ecosystems, while _____ is(are) an example of a service provided by our ecosystems.

Water, water cycling

The fact that the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increased over the past several decades suggests that

We are putting CO2 into the atmosphere faster than it is being taken out

When a species is moved from its native area to a new area, it can become an invasive species and damage its new ecosystem. What is one reason these species are able to do damage to an ecosystem?

When a species is transported, it leaves behind its predators and the diseases that previously kept its population in check. Therefore the species is able to grow to large and damaging numbers.The loss of limiting factors such as predators and diseases allows these invasive species to increase in number more than they would in their home range.

Theory does not become ?

a law

Which of the following populations would be most vulnerable to extinction?

a small, endemic population ( The smaller the population the more likely that it may become extinct. Small populations, by chance could become extinct because of any given environmental pressure. Endemic populations are also at risk because there are no other environments to which they can migrate successfully.)


A change that confers greater likelihood that an individual will reproduce


A population of the same organisms living in the same area that can interbreed with one another and produce viable offspring (that is, offspring that can also reproduce)

Which of these removes carbon from the atmosphere?

Algae (Photosynthetic organisms, such as algae, remove carbon from the atmosphere.)


Alternate forms of gene


Animal that hunts and eats other animals

(II. Birth and death genes) What other adaptation does the icefish have?

Antifreeze-binds to ice crystals to prevent their growth (and prevent fish from freezing)

Positive feedback loops ____

Are more common in natural systems altered by human actions

When N2 gas is released back into atmosphere


Convert nitrates back into nitrogen gas.

denitrifying bacteria

Consider a population of fish in the ocean. Which of the following would be a limiting factor for such a population?

dissolved oxygen levels (Maintaining a normal level of dissolved oxygen in the water surrounding the fish population would be critical for the survival of the population.)

Life history patterns

each species has characteristic patterns of survivorship and reproduction. (age at first reproduction, body size, lifespan) (guppies)

A single, small population that only exists in one place on the planet is considered _____ to that area.


Two ways that water enters the atmosphere

evaporation and transpiration

Resource (or niche) partitioning

evolution resulting in one species using a different set of resources (niche becomes modified) Temporal partitioning (timing) Habitat or space partitioning food partitioning Resource partitioning among Dominican Republic Lizards of the genus Anolis living in slightly different parts of the habitat temporal partitioning, hawks and owls feed at different times

Circuit of sensing, evaluating, and reacting to changes in environmental conditions as a result of information fed back into a system; it occurs when one change leads to some other change, which eventually reinforces or slows the original change

feedback loop

Niche (fundamental niche)

functional role of a species in a community-everything relating to the lifestyle of an organism. Nutrients it requires, competitors, predators, prey etc. what ecological role do the organisms play in the community


group of interacting organisms in a given area (forest community or a community on a dead log of wood)

Density-dependent factors _______.

have a greater impact at higher population densities (In this way, density-dependent factors help to slow or stop populations from growing once they reach the carrying capacity)

The relationship between flowering plants and caterpillars is best described as ________.


Camouflage contributes to the cuttlefish's survival by enabling it to _______.

hide from predators

The sixth mass extinction event is likely being caused by

human-induced events

The sixth mass extinction event is likely being caused by _______.

human-induced events

Areas of long term water storage

ice and glaciers

Techniques to eradicate zebra mussels ________.

include introducing predators and diseases

When looking at the distribution of a population, we might find a uniform distribution when _______.

individuals are competing for an evenly distributed resource such as space (Competition for space often results in each member of the population taking up as much space as possible until they bump up against their neighbor who is doing the same thing. This gives a uniform distribution.)


intraspecific competition decreased when individuals maintain territories (If you don't come into my space I wont come into your space)


intraspecific competition decreased when larvae or young leave area where parent generation lives (Plant drops seeds right underneath it, then you are under competition with your own offspring) Dispersal- ways of going away.

Evolutionary arms race

is an evolutionary struggle between competing sets of co-evolving genes, traits, or species that develop adaptations and counter adaptations against each other

Which of the following are pioneer species?


Which of the following might be first to populate an area after permafrost melts in response to global climate change?


Breaks N2 gas apart to combine with O2 forming nitrates

lightening's role in nitrogen cycle

Which of the following would explain the extinction of upwards of 90% of species in existence over a short period of time?

mass extinction events

The relationship between flowering plants and bees is best described as ________.


Many wild orchids cannot be successfully dug up and transplanted because they need the native mychorrhizae (a fungus) in the soil to survive. What kind of interaction is this?

mutualism. In this interaction, the plant provides energy and protection to the fungus and the fungus provides nutrients in the soil to the plant.

Extinction is a(n) _____ process; human activity can affect the _____ at which extinction occurs.

natural, rate

What is "natural capital" ?

nature's ability to provide resources and process waste

Nitrogen availability is often a limiting factor in plant growth. Nitrogen tends to be scarce because ______.

nitrogen gas (N2) is so stable that only a few organisms are capable of turning it into nitrogen that can be used for living things

Water vapor that has condensed into tiny droplets


Water use can be divided into

offstream and instream uses

Water use can be divided into:

offstream and instream uses. Offstream is from ground water source, the withdrawal of water. Instream does not require a withdrawal of groudn water.)

Ocean Acidification

ongoing decrease in the pH of the earths oceans caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. why is it important ? (Because when carbon and oxygen mix it becomes carbonic acid. Carbonate ions are important for any organisms that is building a shell in the ocean so if the ocean is too acidic due to absorbing too much carbon (lowers ph) they will not be able to build skeletons because acidity disintegrates the shells)

Warning coloration

opposite of camaflouge-conspicuous coloring, bold patterns that scream "don't eat me, you'll be sorry!" announces you to your predator because you have some sort of toxin or stinger or something that can be dangerous to the predator (porcupine). Poison dart frog.


organism that tastes good evolves the look of a poisonous species, or several types of toxic organisms evolve similar color patterns. Those organisms that can take advantage of the fact that they look like a toxic species (king snakes resemble coral snakes but are harmless) The bird sees the color pattern and does not eat the snake. If the population of mimicry is large, it is not an advantage anymore. A greater number of toxic species than it is a benefit to be a mimic.

Negative Feedback loop

output that results from a system moving in one direction acts as input that moves the system in the other direction, so input and output essentially neutralize one anothers effects, stabilzing the system.

Changes in our oceans today

overharvesting, taking in too much carbon dioxide, pollution, ocean acidification

Which of the following is a typical K-selected species' adaptation?

parental care of the young

In the carbon cycle, carbon moves from the atmosphere into the living portion of the cycle through ______.


The process plants use to remove CO2 from atmosphere and produce sugars C6H12O6



place where an organisms lives

Herbivory is a type of ________.


Human activities, including fossil fuel combustion, farming, and deforestation, are known to increase the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides in our atmosphere. Measurable warming of Earth due to these greenhouse gases can alter ecosystem dynamics. In addition to the direct climatic effects on organisms within biomes, warming can lower levels of sea ice and increase precipitation in Arctic areas. Global warming also can increases sea surface temperatures, which can subsequently melt permafrost in the tundra and increase the intensity of hurricanes in vulnerable areas. Within communities, climatic change can shift interdependent species "out-of-sync," potentially causing indirect loss of species. 1. If the climate warms significantly, tundra permafrost may melt. This may next lead to ________ in the community.

primary succession

Human activities, including fossil fuel combustion, farming, and deforestation, are known to increase the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides in our atmosphere. Measurable warming of Earth due to these greenhouse gases can alter ecosystem dynamics. In addition to the direct climatic effects on organisms within biomes, warming can lower levels of sea ice and increase precipitation in Arctic areas. Global warming also can increases sea surface temperatures, which can subsequently melt permafrost in the tundra and increase the intensity of hurricanes in vulnerable areas. Within communities, climatic change can shift interdependent species "out-of-sync," potentially causing indirect loss of species. If the climate warms significantly, tundra permafrost may melt. This may next lead to ________ in the community.

primary succession

Cellular respiration

releases carbon dioxide and water

Human activities, including fossil fuel combustion, farming, and deforestation, are known to increase the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides in our atmosphere. Measurable warming of Earth due to these greenhouse gases can alter ecosystem dynamics. In addition to the direct climatic effects on organisms within biomes, warming can lower levels of sea ice and increase precipitation in Arctic areas. Global warming also can increases sea surface temperatures, which can subsequently melt permafrost in the tundra and increase the intensity of hurricanes in vulnerable areas. Within communities, climatic change can shift interdependent species "out-of-sync," potentially causing indirect loss of species. 3. Intense hurricanes that may result from global warming can directly lead to ________ within communities.

secondary succession

Intense hurricanes that may result from global warming can directly lead to ________ within communities.

secondary succession

Endemic species

species that occur nowhere else but a certain region, they face elevated risks of extinction because all their members belong to a single small population


species with narrow breadth, require specific resource to survive


specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA which code for a particular protein

Filter feeding

straining suspended matter and food particles from water through a filter

Kelp ________.

suffers intense herbivory from sea urchins

Microbes in our digestive tract that help us digest food demonstrate a(n) ________ association.


Which of the following processes was responsible for humans increasing nitrogen's flux from the atmosphere to Earth's surface?

the Haber-Bosch process. Ask King (is an artificial nitrogen fixation process and is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia today)

The sum total of the planet's living organisms and abiotic systems is ________.

the biosphere

The carrying capacity is

the maximum population size that a given environment can sustain

The carrying capacity is _______.

the maximum population size that a given environment can sustain

A landscape ecologist would be most likely to study ____

the movement of nutrients from alpine grassland on a mountain through the temperate deciduous forest at the lower elevations into the tropical rain forest at the base

The largest demand for water withdrawals in the United States (from the 1990 figure referenced in the lab) was:

thermoelectric generation

The energy content and biomass of ________ is lowest in any food web.

top carnivores

A trophic cascade is the effect of ________ on ________.

top consumers/abundance of lower consumers


water enters atmosphere from tiny openings called stomata in plants

Ecological succession

when a site/ecosystem is disturbed severely enough to eliminate all or most of the species in a community the site will go through series of changes


—> death of organisms in a body of water lack of oxygen caused by excessive plant/ algae growth due to over fertilization

Character Displacement

can result from competition acting as selective agent; genetic change (evolution) leading to change in phenotypes of competing species resulting in decreased competition E.g. Galapagos Finches E.g. Plethodon salamanders The length of a beak is a character of a bird, character displacement is an actual genetic change Beaks are very similar in the first one and when they occur separately and are not in competition their beaks are very similar in size, when they occur together their beaks are very different. Result of competition acting as a selective pressure.

The process organisms go through to break down high energy carbon (C6H12O6) releasing CO2 to the atmosphere

cellular respiration

What does the term emergent properties describe ?

characteristics that are not evident in the system's individual components but are evident only by looking at the whole operating system

What does the term emergent properties describe?

characteristics that are not evident in the system's individual components but are evident only by looking at the whole operating system (An emergent property of a tree is that it may be used by birds for building nests, something that is not apparent just by knowing the parts of a tree.)

Global warming has been hypothesized to cause many plants to flower earlier. If bees search for food earlier in response to this, this would represent ________ within the community.


Human activities, including fossil fuel combustion, farming, and deforestation, are known to increase the levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides in our atmosphere. Measurable warming of Earth due to these greenhouse gases can alter ecosystem dynamics. In addition to the direct climatic effects on organisms within biomes, warming can lower levels of sea ice and increase precipitation in Arctic areas. Global warming also can increases sea surface temperatures, which can subsequently melt permafrost in the tundra and increase the intensity of hurricanes in vulnerable areas. Within communities, climatic change can shift interdependent species "out-of-sync," potentially causing indirect loss of species. 4. Global warming has been hypothesized to cause many plants to flower earlier. If bees search for food earlier in response to this, this would represent ________ within the community.


Which of the following activities was not a part of the water use lab?

comparing your average daily household water use with a student in another country (from chart) (You calculated your average daily houshold water use, water loss from leaks and how small changes affect your household.)

Density dependent

control which have a greater effect as population density increases As population numbers increase either birth rates decline or death rates increase, thus halting continued population Health - disease when large population predation - as density of prey population increases predators which are taking several different kinds of prey may specialize for a time Intrinsic factors- mechanisms which are physiological and occur within individuals of the population when crowing occurs (rats)

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