Science: Energy Resources

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A liquid fossil fuel formed from marine organisms that were buried under layers of ocean sediment.


A solid fossil fuel formed underground from buried, decomposed plant material.

Fissile material

A substance capable of sustaining fission.


Alcohol that is burned as a fuel or mixed with gasoline to make a fuel mixture.

Millions Decomposed

All fossil fuels formed hundreds of ______ of years ago from the _______ remains of dead organisms.


At nuclear power plants, uranium undergoes fission in a ______ setting. Large amounts of nuclear energy are released rom this process.

Nuclear energy

Comes from the nuclei of atoms from a process called fission.

Organic Peat

Decomposed remains fo dead organisms form layers of ______ matter called ______.


Energy allows living things to _____ on Earth.

Nutrient Weather Water Cycle Ocean & Air Currents (Wind)

Energy also powers _______ cycles, the _______, the _______ cycle, and the ____ and ____ currents.


Energy from the sun.

Living things

Energy is important to _______ and processes on Earth.

Wind Energy

Energy produced by the wind.

Geothermal Energy

Energy produced within the earth.

Methane Butane Propane

Examples of natural gas.

Gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oil.

Examples of petroleum.

Split Nuclear

Fission is a nuclear reaction where an atom is _____ into smaller atoms or subatomic particle. This reaction releases _____ energy.


Fission produces ______ waste as a by product.


Fossil fuels and fissile material are both nonrenewable resources because there is a ______ amount of them on earth.

Sources Efficient Powerful

Fossil fuels and fissile materials are preferred _______ of energy because they are an _______ and ________ source of energy.


Fossil fuels are _____ fuels found deep within Earth.


Fossil fuels are ______ fuels found deep within the Earth.

Chemical Burned

Fossil fuels contain ______ energy. When fossil fuels are _____ the chemical energy is released and transformed into other forms of energy.

Natural Gas

Gaseous fossil fuel mostly used for heating and generating electricity.

Water Escapes Hydrothermal

Geothermal energy heats _____ underground and produces steam. Steam _____ through fissures in Earth's crust, such as deep sea ________ vents.


Geothermal hot _____ are springs that arise from heated underground water. The water is heated by geothermal energy. Some organisms thrive in geothermal hot springs.

Energy Star

Heating & cooling systems, appliances, electronics, and lights that use significantly less energy are identified as ____ ____ products with an special decal.


How much of our energy is generated from fossil fuels?


How much of our energy is generated from renewable sources?


In general, energy obtained from fossil fuels and fissile material is ____ than obtaining energy from renewable resources.


It takes ______ of years for radioactive wast to break down or decay.


Liquid fossil fuel; crude oil

Energy Star

Many companies are working to make more efficient products to help consumers conserve energy. These products are called ____ _____ products.


Many environmentalists and scientist encourage the use of other energy resources that do not produce _______.


Material from living or once living organisms. It includes decomposed organism and waste (organic matter).


Mixture of flammable organic compounds from which liquid fossil fuels and other products are separated.

Insulation Windows Doors Heating & cooling

Most new homes are built with improved ______ in the walls, energy-efficient _____, and well sealed _____. These features help a home use less energy for ____ & ____ to maintain a comfortable temperature.


Most of our ______ today is based on obtaining energy from fossil fuels and fissile materials.

Fossil fuels

Most used energy resource. Non renewable energy source that is from in the Earth's crust over millions of years from the buried remains of once living organisms.


Natural resources are important sources of ______ for our everyday lives.

Living Non-living

Natural resources can be _______ or _______.

Plants Animals Water Wind Rocks Minerals Soil Sun

Natural resources include: 8 are listed

Energy resources

Natural resources that humans use to produce energy.

Tax credits Money on energy bills

New homes that use significantly less energy may qualify as an Energy Star home. An Energy Star home receives ____ _____. these homes also save a lot of money on energy bills.

Nonrenewable Energy

Nonrenewable resources are sources of _____ _____.

Nuclear Fusion and Fission

Nuclear energy can be released during _____ reactions such as radioactive decay, _____ & _____. These are special reactions that involve splitting, fusing or breaking down atoms.

Atoms Matter

Nuclear energy holds _____ together. Without nuclear energy, atoms would break apart and _____ would not exist.


Nuclear energy is converted to ______ energy.

Gasoline, jet fuel, diesel, kerosene, lubricants, waxes, and plastics.

Oil is used to produce:


Once the leading source of energy in the US but we began using less due to the air pollution and discovery of better energy resources.

Rock Pressure Heat

Over time, layers of _____ covered the peat. ______ from the rock and ____ from the inside Earth transformed the peat into fossil fuels.

Swamps Lakes Ocean

Peat covered the surface of Earth an on the bottom of ____, ____, and the ____.


Pollutants are ____ that can harm living things and damage the natural environment.

Solar Energy

Radiant energy that comes from the Sun.


Radioactive waste is wast that emits dangerous ______. It is ________ to living things and the environment.


Radioactive waste produced at nuclear power plants is stored in special tanks or buried deep _______.


Renewable energy is also called _____ energy.

Renewable energy

Renewable resources are sources of _______ ______.

Nonrenewable Faster If we cut down trees faster than we grow them, trees can become a nonrenewable resource because there are no trees to regenerate.

Renewable resources become _______ resources if they are used up _______ than they can be replenished. If the resource no longer exists, there is nothing to regenerate or be replenished.

Electrical energy Heating

Solar energy from the sun is captured by solar panels and transformed into _____ _____. Solar energy can also be used for _____.

Fossil fuels

The majority of energy comes from _____ _____.


The most common fissile material.

Star Solar

The sun is a ________ at the center of our solar system. It provides _____ energy which is important to living and non living things.

Food chains Plants

The sun is the most important source of energy for living things because it provides _____ _____. ____ harness energy from the sun to make food. Animals eat plants, other animals eat the animals that eat plants, and so on.

The Sun (Solar Energy) Geothermal Nuclear

There are 3 major sources of energy on Earth. List them.


There are ______ kinds of fossil fuels.

Contaminate Accidents

There is a concern that radioactive waste could leak and _______ natural resources. Unfortunately, there have been _____ with radioactive waste.

Geothermal Energy

Thermal energy produced within the Earth.

Natural Resources

Things, materials, substances and components found in the natural environment.

Geothermal energy

This energy heaters water underground and produces steam. When holes are drilled into areas where steam is produced, the steam shoots up. The steam turns turbines. When turbines rotate, electricity is produced.


This fossil fuel formed from the remains of trees, ferns, and other plants that lived 300-400 million years ago.


This fossil fuel is still used to produce electricity and heat. .

Biomass Ethanol

This matter can be burned and transformed into electricity. It can also be converted into liquid fuel, such as _____.

Nuclear Energy

This type of energy comes from the nuclei of atoms from a process called fission.

Hydroelectric energy Turbines

This type of energy is produced my moving water. This energy can be captured by _____ which rotate and convert this energy into electricity.

Renewable Fresh Water Trees

This type of natural resource can be used and replaced over a relatively short period of time. Give 2 examples

Nonrenewable Coal Natural Gas

This type of natural resource cannot be replaced or it can be replaced only over thousands or millions of years. Give 2 examples.

Energy Conservation

Using energy wisely is called ____ _____.

Energy Transportation Electricity Products

We use _____ from natural resources for ______, to generate ______ and to manufacture ______.

How long the peat was buried The combination of animal and plant material in the peat The temperature and pressure conditions that transform the peat into fossil fuel

What 3 factors play a role in the type of fossil fuel that forms?

Price is expensive to buy and set up Location with exposure to sun

What are 2 negative aspect of solar energy?

Can be expensive to build and maintain a hydroelectric powered plant Wildlife disruption with dams

What are 2 negative aspects to hydroelectric energy?

When burned, carbon dioxide and some pollutants are released Expensive to develop and advertise or get people to use

What are 2 negative aspects to of biomass energy?

Renewable Abundant biomass is available

What are 2 positive aspects of biomass energy?

Renewable No pollution

What are 2 positive aspects of geothermal energy?

Renewable No pollution

What are 2 positive aspects to wind energy?

Turn off the computer when not using it Carpool instead of driving independently

What are 2 ways that we can conserve our energy by reducing our use of things that require energy?

Use florescent instead of incandescent light bulbs Drive vehicles that are more fuel efficient

What are 2 ways we can conserve our energy by using things that use energy more efficiently?

Improper drilling can release hazardous materials Location Up-front cost of turbines

What are 3 negative aspects of geothermal energy?

No pollution Renewable Can be used efficiently for heating

What are 3 positive aspect of solar energy?

Renewable No pollution Electricity can be generated constantly

What are 3 positive aspects to hydroelectricity?

Location: Wind is intermittent - it is not constant Wind turbines are large and take up a lot of space Wind turbines are unattractive to some people Set up cost is expensive

What are 4 negative aspects to wind energy?

Turn off lights when not using them Walk or bike instead of driving Limit use of air condition during the summer Tuen heat down at night or when not at home

What are 4 ways YOU can conserve energy?

Acid rain/precipitation - high acid content due to pollution Removes soil Pollutes water supplies Causes the earth to collapse Oil spills Smog - pollution + fog

What are 5 problems caused by fossil fuels?

Transportation To manufacture goods To generate electricity used in businesses and homes

What are the 3 main reasons we use energy in the US?

Renewable energy tends to be more expensive with a high upfront cost. However, prices are decreasing. Renewable energy is intermittently; it is not available 24/7. For example, the sud dose not always shine. Renewable energy is not available in all locations. Topography, location near water and climate can limit the availability of renewable energy, like moving water.

What are the 3 major drawbacks to renewable energy?

Drilling Wells Mining deep beneath the surface Strip Mining - process in which rock and soil are stripped from the Earth's surface to expose the underlying materials to be mined.

What are the 3 ways we obtain fossil fuels.

Sun Wind Moving Water Geothermal Heat Biomass

What are the 5 main types of alternative energy sources?

Sunlight Moving water Wind Geothermal energy Biomass

What are the 5 sources of renewable energy?

Coal Oil Natural Gas

What are the three major fossil fuels?

Coal Oil Natural gas

What are the three types of fossil fuels?

They do not produce pollution or radioactive waste like fossil fuels and fissile materials They are replenished or regenerated by natural processes unlike nonrenewable energy resources.

What are the two major benefits to renewable energy?

Fossil Fuels Fissile Material

What are the two major sources of nonrenewable energy?

Renewable Nonrenewable

What are the two types of natural resources?

Land use that could be used for food and a great deal is needed for amount of energy we use

What is 1 negative aspect to using gasohol for energy?

Areas without other means can use and it is available

What is 1 positive aspect to using gasohol for energy?

Build plant

What is a negative aspect of using geothermal energy?

Waste are unsafe and radioactive and must be stored in a safe place for thousands of years.

What is a negative aspect of using nuclear energy.

Use energy already here within the Earth

What is a positive aspect of geothermal energy?

Do not provide problems that come with foolish fuels, no burning anything, no exhaust.

What is a positive aspect to using nuclear energy.

Price is expensive to buy and set up

What is one negative aspect for solar energy?

No pollution during use and renewable

What is one positive aspect for solar energy?


When fossil fuels are burned, they produce ______.

Turbines Windmills Electrical Energy.

Wind energy is captured by ____ _____ or _____. The blades of these large machines rotate and convert wind into ____ _____.

Natural Gas

____ ____ formed from remains of marine organisms buried in deeper and hotter regions than areas where oil formed.

Natural Gas

____ ____ is used to produce electricity. It is a major source of fuel for heating and cooking in homes as well.

Energy Star

____ _____ products use 20-30% less energy than required by federal standards.


____, also called petroleum, is a liquid fossil fuel.

Natural gas

_____ ____ is an odorless and colorless gas.


_____ energy from the sun powers the water cycle and is responsible for ocean currents, wind, and weather.

Nuclear reactions Atoms

______ _____ power stars, including the sun. _____ combine and a huge amount of nuclear energy is released, which produces heat and light.

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