अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

147. Do you know about Agile Manifesto & its Principles

Explain in brief. • This is the theory which most of agile/scrum roles aspirant should be on tips. • Four manifesto values and 12 principles should be explained as much as possible as part of this question. • Even if it's not explained in 100% accurate manner it should be fine, but intentions of values and principles should come out e.g. • Manifesto o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools o Working software over comprehensive documentation o Customer collaboration over contract negotiation o Responding to change over following a plan • Guiding Principles o Customer Satisfaction o Welcome Changing Requirements o Working Software is Delivered Frequently (Weeks rather than months) o Close, Daily Cooperation between Business People and Developers o Project are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted o Face-to-Face Conversation is the best form of communication o Working software is the primary measure of progress o Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace o Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design o Simplicity - The art of maximizing the amount of work not done - is essential o Best architectures, requirements and designs emerge from self-organizing teams o Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly

142. What is increment

Explain. • An increment is the total of all the product backlogs items completed during a sprint. • Each increment includes all the previous sprint increment values as it is cumulative. • It must be in the available mode in the subsequent release as it is a step to reach our goal.

140. What do you know about impediments in Scrum

Give some examples of impediments. • Impediments are the obstacles or issues faced by scrum team which slow down their speed of work. • If something is trying to block the scrum team from their getting work "Done" then it is an impediment. • Impediments can come in any form. Some of the impediments are given as o Resource missing or sick team member o Technical, operational, organizational problems o Lack of management supportive system o Business problems o External issues such as weather, war etc. o Lack of skill or knowledge • Solution : Teamwork, work hard, communicate well, online connect, mentoring and training

138. What is the duration of a scrum sprint

How long is your sprint? • In my current project our script cycle is 4 weeks. How long is your sprint here? 2 weeks or 4 weeks? (sometimes it is good to ask question. Remember you should not act like an ATM. They generally forget people only answering question. There should be a balance.) • Our team size is 7 members. 1 SM, 1 PO, 3 developer, 1 MT, 1 AT

155. Is it ever suggested to use waterfall over Scrum

If yes, explain when. • Yes, sometimes it is suggested to use waterfall model over Scrum. • It is done when the customer requirements are simple, well-defined, fully understood, predictable, and are not subjected to change until the completion of the project.

149. Is there any drawback of the Agile model

If yes, explain. • Yes, there are some drawbacks of the Agile model, some of them are like; o It is not easy to make a prediction about the effort required to complete a task. It becomes more problematic in case of large projects as it becomes difficult to get an idea of the total effort required. o At sometimes, it's not possible to properly focus on the design and documentation of the project o In case the requirements of the client are not understood properly, the final project will not meet the customer requirements. Thus, it will lead to the customer dissatisfaction. o Only the leader who has considerable experience in Agile methodologies is capable to take important decisions. The team members with little or no experience are not involved in decision-making, thus they don't get chance to advance their knowledge.

167. Do you hold any agile certification

Why did you choose this certification? • Agile and Scrum methodologies are used to complete a project at earliest. • Implementing agile principles results in customer satisfaction whereas scrum is known for its flexible feature as per the requirements.

132. What is the most difficult problem you've found during testing

• (This is a simple interview question in which you should provide an example}. This is one of most tricky manual testing interview questions as your answer will decide your job. You need to answer in such a way that your problem-solving skills and your job. You need to answer in such a way that your problem-solving skills and your eagerness to learn new things, and your dedication towards the job will indicated by your answers.

152. What do you know about a story point in Scrum

• A story point in Scrum is the unit for the estimation of total efforts that are required to perform or complete a particular task.

141. What is the difference and similarity between Agile and Scrum

• Agile is a broad spectrum, it is a methodology used for project management while Scrum is just a form of the Agile that describes the process and its steps more concisely. • Agile is a practice whereas scrum is a procedure to pursue this practice. • The similarity that à Agile involves completing projects in steps or incrementally. The Agile methodology is considered to be iterative in nature. Being a form of Agile, Scrum is same as that of the Agile. It is also incremental and iterative.

154. What do you understand by the term Agile testing

• Agile testing is a software testing practice that is fully based on the agile principles of software development. It is an iterative methodology where the requirements are the outcome of collaboration between the product owner and team. The agile principles and applications are applied to meet the customer requirements by successful completion of the project.

106. Explain the difference between bug severity and bug priority.

• Bug severity refers to the level of impact that the bug has on the application or system while bug priority refers to the level of urgency in the need for a fix. • Usually the severity is defined in terms of financial loss, damage to environment, company's reputation and loss of life. Priority of a defect is related to how quickly a bug should be fixed and deployed to live servers.

164. What is the biggest challenge you faced in your project while handling the Scrum team members

• Challenges generally faced in the initial stages of scrum is stabilizing the velocity, team members conflicts, sticking to time-boxing etc. o Application should be stable enough to be tested. o Testing always under time constraint o Understanding the requirements. o Domain knowledge and business user perspective understanding.

118. Define defect density

• Defect density is the total number of defects per lines of code.

111. What is a failure

• Failure is a departure from specified behavior.

107. What is the difference between system testing and integration testing

• For system testing, the entire system as a whole is checked, whereas for integration testing, the interaction between the individual modules are tested.

131. What is difference between Front End Testing and Back End testing

• Front End Testing is performed on the Graphical User Interface, whereas Back End Testing involves databases testing. • Front end consist of web site look where user can interact whereas in case of back end it is the database which is required to store the data. • When ender user enters data in GUI of the front-end application, then this entered data is stored in the database. To save this data into the database we write SQL queries.

108. Explain the difference between functional and structural testing

• Functional testing is considered to be behavioral or black box testing in which the tester verifies that the system or application functions according to specification. Structural testing on the other hand is based on the code or algorithms and is considered to be white box testing.

162. How have you done user story mapping & estimation of stories in your projects

• Have you used any estimation technique like planning poker, t-shirt, sizing etc.? Whatever technique you used in your project just mention it very clearly.

122. If developer says not a defect, what to do

• I always make sure that it is a real defect that's why I reproduce it. • I take screenshots and give all the steps to reproduce the defect. • Actually, one of my biggest challenges that I faced in my current project is that.

121. What to do when you find a defect

• If I find a defect, before reporting it I reproduce the bug that I need to make sure that is a valid defect. • If it is a small issue, I will go to the developer desk, and he can fix it right away. • If it is a big issue, then I open my JIRA and log the defect. • If I am not sure it is bug or not, I will talk to SME (subject matter expert it means the person who knows the application better than anyone).

137. When will you NOT automate

• If functionality keeps changing • If functionality is used only once during the entire project • Ad-hoc test cannot be automated.

135. When will you automate

• If it is taking a lot of manual effort. I run at least once manual and after that I automate it. • Automation is good for most repetitive functionality

166. Do you have a Scrum Master certification

• If you are a certified scrum master, just share the details of your certification like certification exam, score obtained, and the year of passing the certification exam. In case you don't have a certification, mention and highlight your experience in the particular field. Also, let the interviewer know if you are planning to invest in the certification in the near future.

112. What are Test comparators

• Is it really a test if you put some inputs into some software, but never look to see whether the software produces the correct result? • The essence of testing is to check whether the software produces the correct result, and to do that, we must compare what the software produces to what it should produce. • A test comparator helps to automate aspects of that comparison.

127. When should testing be stopped

• It depends on the risks for the system being tested. There are some criteria bases on which you can stop testing. o Deadlines (Testing, Release) o Test budget has been depleted o Bug rate fall below certain level o Test cases completed with certain percentage passed o Alpha or beta periods for testing ends o Coverage of code, functionality or requirements are met to a specified point

. 123. Can you test a program and find 100% of the errors

• It is impossible to find all errors in an application mostly because there is no way to calculate how many errors exist. There are many factors involved in such a calculation such as the complexity of the program, the experience of the programmer, and so on. This Manual testing interview questions is the trickiest questions considered by testers.

170. What is Testware Test ware

• It is the subset of software which helps in performing the testing of application. • Testware are required to plan, design, and execute tests. It contains documents, scripts, inputs, expected results, set-up and additional software or utilities used in testing. • Testware is term given to combination of all utilities and application software that required for testing a software package. It is special because it has; o Different purpose o Different metrics for quality and o Different users

146. State some of the Agile quality strategies

• Iteration • Refactoring • Dynamic code analysis • Short feedback cycles • Reviews and inspection • Standards and guidelines • Milestone reviews

104. What makes a good QA or Test manager

• Knowledge about Software development process • Improve the teamwork to increase productivity • Improve cooperation between software, test, and QA engineers • To improvements the QA processes. • Communication skills. • Able to conduct meetings and keep them focused

115. What is difference between Master Test Plan and Test Plan

• Master Test Plan contains all the testing and risk involved area of the application whereas Test case document contains test cases. • Master Test plan contain all the details of each and every individual test to be run during the overall development of application whereas test plan describe the scope, approach, resources and schedule of performing test. • Master Test plan contain the description of every tests that is going to be performed on the application whereas test plan only contain the description of few test cases. during the testing cycle like Unit test, System test, beta test etc • Master Test Plan is created for all large projects but when it is created for the small project then we called it as test plan.

119. What is Defect Life Cycle (DLC)

• New à Assigned à Open à Fixed à Retested àClose

168. Have you worked with offshore team before

• No, I don't work... • Offshore basically means that the team is situated in a different country but is still employed by your company.

161. What do you know about "Planning Poker" technique

• Planning poker, also known as Scrum Poker, is a card based agile technique that is used for planning and estimation. To start a session of planning poker technique, the agile user story is read by the product owner. • The steps performed in the poker planning technique are - o Each estimator has a deck of poker cards with the values such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and so on, to denote story points, ideal days or something else that the team uses for estimation. o Each estimator has a discussion with the product owner and then privately selects a card on the basis of their independent estimation. o If the cards with same value are selected by all estimators, it is considered as an estimate. If not, the estimator discusses the high and low value of their estimates. o Then again, each estimator privately selects a card and reveals. This process of poker planning is repeated to reach a general agreement.

110. What is Alpha testing

• Pre-release testing by end user representatives at the developer's site.

103. What is the role of QA in a project development

• QA team is responsible for monitoring the process to be carried out for development. • Responsibilities of QA team are planning testing execution process. • QA Lead creates the time tables and agrees on a Quality Assurance plan for the product. • QA team communicated QA process to the team members. QA team ensures traceability of test cases to requirements.

102. What is the difference between Quality Control and Quality Assurance

• Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) are closely linked but are very different concepts. While QC evaluates a developed product, the purpose of QA is to ensure that the development process is at a level that makes certain that the system or application will meet the requirements.

101. Explain random testing.

• Random testing involves checking how the application handles input data that is generated at random. Data types are typically ignored, and a random sequence of letter, numbers, and other characters are inputted into the data field.

105. What is the difference between regression testing and retesting

• Regression testing is performing tests to ensure that modifications to a module or system do not have a negative effect on previous releases. Retesting is merely running the same testing again. Regression testing is widely asked manual testing interview questions and hence further research to understand this topic is needed.

136. What tests can be automated

• Regression tests • Smoke tests • Functional tests • API • Database

113. Describe how to perform Risk analysis during software testing

• Risk analysis is the process of identifying risk in the application and prioritizing them to test. Following are some of the risks: 1.New Hardware. 2. New Technology. 3. New Automation Tool. 4. Sequence of code delivery. 5. Availability of application test resources. • We prioritize them into three categories these are: o High magnitude: Impact of the bug on the other functionality of the application. o Medium: it can be tolerable in the application but not desirable. o Low: it can be tolerable. This type of risk has no impact on the company business.

153. What is the role of Sashimi in Scrum methodology

• Sashimi plays an important role in Scrum methodology. • Sashimi is a technique used by Scrum to check the completion of all the functions created by the developers. • Using this technique, all the requirements such as analysis, designing, coding, testing and documentation that are used in the constitution of a product are checked and only after that the product is displayed.

156. Why does Scrum encourage the use of automated testing for projects

• Scrum encourages the use of automated (automated performance or automated regression) testing to make the fastest possible delivery of the project . you may explain some tools that you have used for automating

145. What do you know about Scrumban

• Scrumban is a Scrum and Kanban based model for the software development. • This model is specifically used for the projects that need continuous maintenance, have various programming errors or have some sudden changes. • This model promotes the completion of a project in minimum time for a programming error or user story.

169. What are the common UI test automation tools

• Selenium o Cucumber o TestNG • Appium • Protractor • Winium • UFT/QTP • Katalon Studio

114. What is Silk Test

• Silk Test is a tool developed for performing the regression and functionality testing of the application. Silk Test a tool is used when we are testing the applications which are based on Window, Java, web or traditional client/server. • Silk Test help in preparing the test plan and management of those test plans, to provide the direct accessing of the database and validation of the field.

133. What is your challenge in scrum

• Since scrum emphasizes cross functional team (it means developer should able to test and testers should able to develop) it is hard to be part of development team as a traditional QA tester. Because generally QAs don't know how to write code. That is why I have to keep myself very competitive. Whenever I have time, I am learning more coding like Java. • Time change issue à When I save a date the date entered to the database one, they earlier.

158. Name some methodologies and development where you have used Agile model.

• Some of the methodologies and development where Agile model can be used are - o Crystal methodologies o Lean software development o Dynamic development and Feature driven development

125. How should testing be conducted

• Testing should be conducted based on the technical requirements of the application.

126. What is considered to be a good test

• Testing that covers most of the functionality of an object or system is considered to be a good test.

165. Which tests to execute first

• Testing the Complete Application. o Regression testing. • Lack of skilled testers. o Changing requirements. • Lack of resources, tools and training

163. How is agile testing methodology different from other testing methodologies

• The agile testing methodology involves the division of whole testing process into multiple small segments of codes. In every step, these segments of codes undergo testing. • There are a number of additional processes involved in agile testing methodologies such as team communication, strategic modifications for optimal results and many others.

143. What is the "build breaker"

• The build breaker is a situation that arises when there is a bug in the software. • Due to this sudden unexpected bug, compilation process stops, or execution fails, or a warning is generated. • The responsibility of the tester is then to get the software back to the normal working stage removing the bug.

148. What is the use of burn-up and burn-down charts

• The burn-up chart illustrates the amount of completed work in a project whereas the burn-down chart depicts the amount of work remained to complete a project. • Thus, the burn-up and burn-down charts are used to trace the progress of a project.

144. What do you understand by Daily stand-up

• The daily stand-up is an everyday meeting (most preferably held in the morning) in which the whole team meets for almost 15 minutes to find answer to the following three questions - o What was done yesterday? What is your plan for today? o Is there any impediment or block that restricts you from completing your task? • The daily stand-up is an effective way to motivate the team and make them set a goal for the day.

109.What is difference between Pilot and Beta testing

• The differences between these two are listed below: o A beta test when the product is about to release to the end user whereas pilot testing take place in the earlier phase of the development cycle. o In beta testing application is given to a few users to make sure that application meet the user requirement and does not contain any showstopper whereas in case of pilot testing team member give their feedback to improve the quality of the application.

100. What is the difference between QA and testing

• The goals of QA are very different from the goals of testing. • The purpose of QA is to prevent errors is the application while the purpose of testing is to find errors.

160. What was the length of sprints/iterations in your project

• The idea here is to judge in which kind of environment you have worked. There will be definitely follow up question like was this length fixed in the beginning and never changed? Have you tried with more than this length or less than that?

124. What is the difference between debugging and testing

• The main difference between debugging and testing is that debugging is typically conducted by a developer who also fixes errors during the debugging phase. Testing on the other hand, finds errors rather than fixes them. When a tester finds a bug, they usually report it so that a developer can fix it.

134. What is Automation Testing

• The process of performing testing automatically which reduces the human intervention this is automation testing. • The automation testing is carried out with the help of some automation tool like QTP, Selenium, WinRunner etc. • In automation testing we use a tool that runs the test script to test the application; this test script can be generated manually or automatically. When testing is completed then tools automatically generate the test report and report

116. When is a test considered to be successful

• The purpose of testing is to ensure that the application operates according to the requirements and to discover as many errors and bugs as possible. This means that tests that cover more functionality and expose more errors are considered to be the most successful.

151. What is the role of the Scrum Master

• The scrum master is the leader as well as coach of the Scrum team. • The SM is responsible to serve and protect the team from any kind of block that could affect the performance. • The main role of the SM is to motivate his team to achieve the sprint goal. • He is focused to build a self-organized and motivated team where each member is familiar with the implementation of Agile and Scrum principles and applications. • The SM keeps a proper check on the scrum team if they are executing committed tasks properly. • He is also responsible to increase the efficiency and productivity of the team so that they can achieve the sprint goal effectively.

159. Share your experience as Scrum M/Product O/Agile team member and what were your primary responsibilities

• The trick in this question is whether while explaining you are showing self-organizing and self-motivational team.

171. How does a client or server environment affect testing

• There are lots of environmental factors that affect the testing like speed of data transfer data transfer, hardware, and server etc. while working with client or server technologies, testing will be extensive. • When we have time limit, we do the integration testing. In most of the cases we prefer the load, stress and performance testing for examine the capabilities of the application for the client or server environment.

129. What is the average size of executables that you have created

• This is a simple interview question about our experience with executables. If you know the size of any that you've created, simply provide this info.

128. What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up testing

• Top-Down testing begins with the system and works its way down to the unit level. • Bottom-up testing checks in the opposite direction, unit level to interface to overall system. Both have value but bottom-up testing usually aids in discovering defects earlier in the development cycle, when the cost to fix errors is lower.

139. What is Velocity

• Velocity is the rate at which team progresses print by sprint. • I can also say that it cannot be compared to two different scrum teams.

157. Explain some common matrices for Agile.

• Velocity à Velocity is the average number of points from last 3-4 sprints. It is measured by the summation of the all approved estimates of the stories. It gives an idea of the capacity, progress etc. • Cumulative Flow Diagram à With the help of it, an inspection is done over the uniform workflow. In this diagram/graph, the x-axis represents time whereas the y-axis represents the number of efforts. • Work Category Allocation àit is an important factor that gives a quick information of the time investment i.e. where the time is being invested and which task should be given priority as a factor of time. • Time Coverage à It is the time that is given to a code during testing. It is calculated in percentage as a factor of the number of lines of code called by test suite and the total number of relative lines of code. • Business Value Delivered à It is a term which denotes the working efficiency of the team. The business objectives are assigned numerical values 1,2,3 and so on, as per the level of priority, complexity, and ROI. • Defect Removal Awareness à It is the factor that helps the team to deliver a quality product. The identification of an active number of defects, their awareness, and removal plays an important role in delivering a high-quality product. • Defect Resolution Time à It is a procedure through which the team members detect the defects (bugs) and set a priority for the defect resolution. The procedure of fixing errors/bugs or defect resolution comprises of multiple processes such as clearing the picture of defect, schedule defect fixation, completing defect fixation, generation, and handling of resolution report. • Sprint Burndown Matrix à The sprint burndown chart is a graph to represent the number of non-implemented or implemented sprints during as Scrum cycle. This matric helps to track the work completed with the sprint.

130. Have you performed tests on the front-end and the back-end

• When I test Front-End, I am actually testing the UI by open up the application and perform testing on UI. If I have done anything on the UI, I have to perform backend testing to see if the change has been made in the database as well. For example, when I update a parent contact information or create new application, I connect to the database and check if the changes are applied to the data or the new application is created or not.

117. What is defect

• When the expected result does not match the actual result, it is defect.

120. What are the categories of defects

• Wrong: The requirements are implemented incorrectly in the application. • Missing: When requirement given by the customer and application is unable to meet those application. • Extra: A requirement incorporated into the product that was not given by the end customer. This is always a variance from the specification but may be an attribute desired by the user of the product.

150. Define Zero Sprint and Spike in Agile.

• Zero Sprint can be defined as the preparation step of the first sprint in Agile. o There are some activities that are required to be done before actually starting the project. o These activities are considered as the Zero sprint; the examples of such activities are - setting the environment for development, preparation of backlogs etc. • Spike is the type of story that can be taken between the sprints. o Spikes are commonly used for the activities related to the design or technical issues such as research, design, prototyping, and exploration. o There are two types of spikes - functional spikes and technical spikes.

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