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Why does Jupiter have more moons than any other planet in the Solar System?

Jupiter has the largest gravitational pull of any of the planets so it can capture other objects

What is a propety of a terrestrial planet that allows it to "recycle" carbon dioxide and prevents it from saturating the atmosphere?

Liquid oceans of water on the surface Techtonic activity

Of all the planets

Neptune orbits at the slowest speed.,true

What kind of layer is believed to exist just below the layer of gas in a Jovian planet?

a layer of liquid hydrogen

All moons of Terrestrial planets are captured asteroids.


Both a Full Moon and the Sun can be high in the sky at the same time.


I can see the North Star from anywhere on the Earth.


Kepler's 1st Law states that all planetary orbits are circles.


Larger and more modern telescopes tend to be refracting telescopes.


Mars was never geologically active in the past.


Newton's Three Laws of Motion only describe the effects of the force of gravity on objects.


The Earth pulls on the Moon with more gravity force than the Moon pulls on the Earth.


The time when the Sun will be at its highest altitude at ANY given location on Earth during the year will always be around June 21st.


If it is winter in Kentucky

from which direction would we expect the Sun to rise?,southeast

Which of the following types of objects in the Universe have the largest actual size? Galaxies Solar Systems Stars Galaxy clusters Nebulae

galaxy clusters

What forces are being balanced constantly by the Sun?

gravity and gas pressure

If I view a star in the sky with my naked eye

how could I tell it was cooler than the Sun?,The star is red in color

if you observe the planets at the exact same time each night

how do they appear to move (most of the time) with respect to the background stars?,west to east

What primarily distinguishes a reflecting telescope from a refracting telescope?

if it uses a mirror to collect light or not

What unit of length do astronomers use for objects in the Universe that also provides an indication of how long ago the light left that object?


Earth is the only world in the Solar System that has any kind of water on it (solid

liquid, or vapor).,false

A diffuse material like a nebula in space will likely produce an emission spectrum when observed.


What type of light does the Sun emit the most strongly?


If we want to change a telescope so that it will detect larger and larger amounts of light

what can we do?,increase the size of the mirror or lens

If we observe the surface of a planet to have many craters

what can we say about the surface?,The surface must be old

If it is wintertime in Kentucky

what do you know about the Earth's orientation compared to the Sun?,The Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun

When a planet is at "aphelion"

what does that mean?,The planet is farthest from the Sun in its orbit

If the Moon is currently in the Quarter phase

what phase would the Earth be in as seen from the Moon's surface?,quarter

If a telescope is placed in orbit above the Earth's atmosphere

what type of light from space could it NOT detect?,It could detect any kind of light

In the distant past

the Moon was farther away from the Earth than it is now.,false

If a constellation is on the celestial equator

the Sun MUST pass through it sometime during the year.,false

What motion causes the Sun to appear to move along the ecliptic from day to day?

the earth orbiting the sun

Near which part of the Celestial Sphere will we always find any of the planets?

the ecliptic

What is true about the Moon as it orbits the Earth?

the moon is always in free fall

Why are sun spots darker in appearance than the rest of the Sun's visible surface?

the spots have a lower temperature than the surrounding material

What gives us the sensation we describe as "feeling my weight"?

the supportive force pushing up on the body

If you are at the South Pole

there is a time of year when the Sun will neither rise nor set during the day.,true

Why do all the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction?

they all formed out of the same rotating disc

A full "day" on the Moon (one rotation period) is equal to about 28 Earth-days.


A star being located within a given constellation does NOT give you any precise information about how far away the star might actually be from Earth compared to the other stars.


Almost all the mass in the Solar System lies within the Sun.


Both the Sun and the Earth have a layer of material that is undergoing convection.


Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths of any other type of light.


Kepler derived his laws of planetary motion using data gathered by Tycho.


Pluto is not the largest of the dwarf planets.


The Sun takes about 365.25 Earth-days to travel though about half of the Zodiac constellations.


The angular sizes of objects in the sky are often measured in units of degrees.


The most distant population of debris is called the Oort Cloud.


The rotation period of the Earth is now longer than it was in the distant past.


Uranus has the most extreme seasons of any planet in the Solar System.


How many high AND low tides in total are experienced at a coastline on Earth during a 24-hour period?

4 (2 high and 2 low each day)

During which phase is half of the total Moon's surface actually illuminated by the Sun?

All phases

Why do I jump up into the air by pushing down on the ground with me feet?

As a reaction to my push down, the ground pushes upward on me

How can the gravity force between two objects be decreased?

Decrease their mass Move them away from one another

Why do constellations have multiple names?

Different cultures have named them based on different stories

Which of the following is a feature of the Earth-centered model of the Solar System that is NOT a part of the Sun-centered model?

Epicycles for the planets other than Earth

What criteria must be satisfied for an object to be considered as a "dwarf planet" instead of a Terrestrial or Jovian planet?

It must be spherical in shape It must NOT orbit another plane

How do we know the Earth feels an unbalanced force from the Sun?

The Earth changes direction as it orbits the Sun

What causes the tidal bulges on the Earth to be slightly mis-aligned instead of pointing exactly towards and away from the Moon?

The Earth is rotating on its axis

What is currently unique about the Earth's surface compared to ALL the other Terrestrial planets in the Solar System?

The Earth's surface has moving tectonic plates

What is it about the Sun that causes warmer weather during the Summer Solstice in Kentucky?

The Sun has a higher altitude around noon than at any other time of year The Sun is above the horizon longer than any other time of year

What factor primarily determines which constellations are visible in the night sky at a given time of year?

The constellations that are on the same side of the Sun as the Earth

What is the primary reason that the human eye could be considered a refracting telescope?

The eye focuses light using a lens-like material

What does it mean for an orbit to have "low eccentricity"?

The planet's orbit is close to a circle

How does an astronomer know that a distant star is moving closer to the Earth?

The star's spectrum is "blue-shifted"

Which of the following situations corresponds the most to the process of "absorption"?

The sunlight warming your skin

How many planets in the Solar System are pulling on the Sun with their gravity?

all of them

If you are on the ocean coastline

and it is currently experiencing a low tide, where is the Moon likely to be in the sky?,on the eastern or western horizon

At what approximate time will a Third Quarter moon cross the meridian on your local sky?

around the sunrise

Which of the following is placed farthest to the Earth in the Earth-centerd model of the Solar System?


If a new telescope has double the diameter of the previous version

by how much has its resolution changed?,2x better (smaller theta value)

If the Moon could have oceans like the Earth

during what phase of the Earth would you have the largest lunar high-tides?,new earth, full earth

What is a difference between the debris in the inner Solar System versus the debris in the outer Solar System?

inner debris-rock outer debris-ice

Even though Titan is a moon

it is large enough to have an atmosphere.,true

What makes Earth's Moon rather unusual when considering other terrestrial planets?

it is very large compared to other planet's moons

If the Moon is in a Crescent phase

it must be located nearer to the Sun in the sky than if it was in a Gibbous phase.,true

If an object in the sky appears to grow smaller (i.e.

its angular size decreases), what might be happening?,The object is getting physically smaller The object is moving farther away

Which of the following is most directly a consequence of the fact that the Earth has precession (i.e.

its rotation axis slowly moves over time)?,Distant stars change their RA and DEC coordinates over the course of thousands of years

What category of objects in the Solar System currently includes objects such as Saturn and Neptune?

jovian planets

Which planet in the solar system has a composition most similar to the Sun?


The laws of Physics work at all scales. So given what you've seen of Kepler's Laws

of all the stars that orbit the galaxy, which ones are likely to orbit the slowest.,The stars orbiting farthest from the galactic center

What is the primary property that determines whether a forming planet will become a Terrestrial planet or a Jovian planet?

on which side of the frost line it forms

What measurement for a star is NOT likely to change significantly during a single night?

right ascension

What substance(s) are most abundant within the Earth?

rock and metal

The Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light-years away. If astronomers detect a supernova explosion in this galaxy today

when did the explosion actually occur? A. It must have happened today B. The explosions happened 2.5 million years ago C. The explosion will happen 2.5 million years into the future D. We cannot know since the light will change its speed as it moves through space E. It could be either B or C,B. The explosions happened 2.5 million years ago

In Astronomy

when do we describe an object as "accelerating"?,When the object is speeding up When the object is slowing down When the object changes its direction of motion

According to Newton's First Law

when will an object have a constant velocity?,when the forces are balanced

If a star has a current altitude of 45 degrees

where is it in your local sky?,Somewhere above the horizon but not at the zenith

If a Third Quarter Moon is on your local meridian

where is the Sun?,on the horizon

If I stand at the Earth's equator

where will the star Polaris be located in my local sky? A. At the zenith B. On the northern horizon C. On the southern horizon D. Below the horizon E. On the eastern horizon,B. On the northern horizon

Considering Kepler's 2nd Law

which object would move fastest in its orbit around the Sun?,venus

During the course of 6 months of observation

which object would you expect to have the smallest amount of parallax angle?,at least a galaxy cluster

If a telescope of a certain size could detect any of the types of light listed below

which type could provide the best resolution?,visible

Newton's 1st Law explains changes of motion

while Newton's 2nd Law explains constant motion.,false

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