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2C3 H2O + 9O2 = 6 Co2 + 8H2O what type of reaction is this? A: Combustion B: single - replacement C: double - replacment D: decomposition


450 J are used in 25s what's power A: 18 B: 20 C: 22 D: 32


A ball is rolled up a hill at a distance of 5 meters till it stops and falls. It falls 9 meters before it hits a tree and stops. What is it's displacement? A: 4 meters B: 9 meters C: 5 meters D: 45 meters


A car moving at a speed of 20 m/s has the kinetic energy of 200,000 J. What is the car's mass? A: 1000 kg B: 1200 kg C: 1400 kg D: 1600 kg


A compound formed in solution from the negative ion of an acid and the positive ion of a base is a... A: salt B: gylceins C: soap D: detergent


A reaction between an acid and a base that produces a salt and water is a... A: neutralized B: synthesis C: decomposition D: end point


A substance that produce H+ ions in solution is a... A: acid B:salt C:base D:soap


An pbject at terminal velocity has an accleration of A: 0 B: 1 C: 9.8 m/s^2 D: 98 m/s^2


Antacids work because they ___ excess stomach acid A: neutralize B: contain C: acidity D: titrate


Bagels weigh 11 N and is move 1.5 m what is work A: 17 B: 16 C: 18 D: 15


H3PO4 + 3KOH = K3PO3 + 3H2O what type of reaction is this? A: double - replacement B: combination C: decomposition D: single- replacment


How many valance electrons are in magnesium? A: 2 B: 3 C: 4 D: 5


In a solution the substance that is being dissolved is A: Solute B: solvent C: liquid D: gas


In every balanced equation, each side of the equation has the same number of... A: Atoms B: molecules C: mols D: coefficients


In soda the solvent is... A: Water B: sugar C: CO2 D: flavoring


Speed equals distance divided by what A: time B: direction C: displacment D: motiom


The air you breath is an example of _____ solution A: Gas B: solid C: liquid D: amalgam


The maximum of solute can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent is A: concentration B: density C: solubility D: dilation


The product of mass and velocity gives a quantity known as... A: momentum B: friction C: intertia D: velocity


The substances that undergo change in chemical reactions are A: reactants. C: coefficients B: products D: elements


The temperature of a chemical reaction is increased the reaction rate... A: increase B: decrease C: remains the same D: not predictable


What are the coefficients that will balance the equation AlCl3 + NaOH = Al(OH)3 +NaCl A: 1,3,1,3 B: 3,1,3,1 C: 1,1,1,3 D: 1,3,3,1


What ion does group 1A form A: Al3- B: Al3+ C: Al5- D: Al5+


What is the approximate kinetic energy from a baseball's foreword motion, if the baseball id moving at a speed of 50 m/s and has a mass of .15 kg A: 190 J B: 380 J C: 90 J D: 400 J


What is the mass of a hiker 350 m above group and has a GPE of 120,000 A: 35 B: 40 C: 45 D: 50


What is the name for N3- A: nitrate ion B: nitrogen ion C: nitride ion D: nitrite ion


What is true about the composition of ionic compound A: They have cations and anions B: they only consist of anions C: they only consist of cations D: made of nonmetallic ions


What will form an ionic compound? A: magnesium and fluorine B: nitrogen and sulfur C: oxygen and chlorine D: sodium and aluminum


What's the speed when a distance time graph is 100 meters for every 25 seconds? A: 4 m/s B: 2500 m/s C: .25 m/s D: 100 m/s


Which combination would increase the solubility of a gas to a liquid A: increase pressure, decrease temperature B: increase pressure and temperature C: decrease pressure and temperature D: decrease pressure and increase temperature


Which happens in an ionic bond? A: Oppositely charged ions attract B: two atoms share two electrons C: two atoms share more then two elcetrons D: like charges attract


Which is a binary molecule compound A: PCl3 B: PCl C: PCl2 D: PCl5


Which of the following is the best indicator of the number of hyrdonium ions in a solution A: Ph of the solution B: mass of the solution C: color with indicator of solution D: H2O in solution


Which will speed up the dissolving process A: Stir B: cool the solution C: grind the solvent D: freeze the solution


You increase your speed from 1 m/s to 3 m/s, what's the acceleration? A: 2 m/s^2 B: 5 m/s^2 C: 4 m/s^2 D: 3 m/s^2


1500 J are used in one minute, what's power A: 35 B: 25 C: 29 D: 32


300 J of energy is used in 15 s what's power A: 30 B: 40 C: 50 D: 60


A basket weighs 12 N. If the basket is lifted a distance of .8 meters what is work. A: 8 B: 10 C: 12 D: 14


A car travelled 60 km in two hours and 84 km in the next hour then 68 km in the two hours before reaching their destination. What's the average speed? A: 212 B: 42 C: 148 D: 1060


A coffee mug has a mass of .4 kg and is 1.2m above group, what's GPE A: 3 B: 5 C: 7 D: 10


A feather will fall through the air more slowly then a brick because of... A: gravity B: air resistance C: terminal velocity D: momentum


A person walks one mile everyday for exercise leaving their front porch step at 9:00 and returns at 9:25. What is their displacement? A: 1. Mile B: 0 C: 25 minutes D: none


A solution with a bitter tasste and a slippery feel is most likely A: acid B: base C: salt D: ester


A substance that does NOT conduct an electrical current is A: electrolyte B: non electrolyte C: polar substance D: salt


Accleration due to gravirty is... A: 98 m/s^2 B: 9.8 m/s^2 C: 9.8 m/s D: .98 m/s


Accleration to Newton's second law of motion, A: F = MV B: F = MA C: F = PV D: F = PA


For a single-replacement reaction you need to consult a chart that shows A: periodic table B: activity seroes C: common polyatomics D: ionic changes


Friction between the tire of a moving car and dry pavement is A: static B: rolling C: sliding D: riding


H3O+ units are called... A: hydroxide ions B: hydronium ions C: hydronium ions D: hydroxyl ions


HCl is the formula for A: hydronium ion B: hydrochloric acid C:hydrogen peroxiode D: sodium hydroxide


How many mols are in 16 grams of helium A: 1 B:4 C:8 D: 16


In a titration, the point where the indicator changes color and stays that way is the... A: PH point B: endpoint C:acid point D:standard point


KClO3 = KCl + O2 what's KClO3 coefficient A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) = MgCl2 + H2 what is this type of reaction? A: Combination B: single- replacment C: decomposition D: double - replacement


Soap has a ___ end that is H2O and a long hydrocarbon proton that will dissolve A: ethonal B: dry C: toixic D: ionic


The mass of a ceiling fan equals 12 kg and is 3 m above ground what is GPE A: 240 B: 350 C: 390 D: 440


The process by which all crystal particles are separate is... A:ionization B:disocication C:polarity D:saturation


The solubility of a gas in a liquid occurs faster if the liquid is A: heated B: cooled C: under pressure D: electrolyte


The teerms "dilute" and "concentrated" refer to the ____ of a solution A: conentration B:strength C: PH D: acidity


What is mass when an object is 300 m and GPE is 116,00 A: 30 B: 40 C: 50 D: 60


When a rocket lifts off, it's upward momentum is matched by the downward momentum of? A: nothing B: hot gas by the rocket C: air being pushed D: launch pad


Which dissolves when in water A: hydrocarbons B: polar molecules C: nonpolar molecules D: oil


Which of the following is not a characteristic shared sows and detergents A: long hydrocarbon chains B: reacts with minerals to form an insoluble substances called scum C: classified organic select D: cleaning


Which represents an Ionic Compound A: CS2 B: BaI2 C: N2O4 D: PCl3


1125 J are used in 2.5 s what's power A: 400 B: 420 C: 450 D: 350


147 J are used in 3.5s what's power A: 45 B: 40 C: 42 D: 48


2Fe +3Cl2 =2FeCl3 what type of reaction is this? A: combustion B: single replacement C: combination D: decomposition


90 J are used in 45 s what's power A: 10 B: 4 C: 2 D: 6


A ceiling fan is 4 m above ground and has a mass of 10 kg what's GPE A: 240 B: 350 C: 390 D: 440


A chemical equation must be balanced to satisfy... A: the law of definite proporties B: the law of multiple proporties C: the law of conservation of mass D: Avogardo's principle


A jet engine flies 30,000 m in flight with force of 379,000. What is work? A: 10,000,000,000 B: 50,000,000,000 C: 90,000,000,000 D: 100,000,000,000


A jogger whose mass is 65 kg is moving at a speed of 4 m/s. What is the approximate kinetic energy A: 240 J B: 1040 J C: 520 J D: 400 J


A jogger's mass if 70 kg is moving at a speed of 4 m/s. What is the jogger's approximate kinetic energy from his forward motion A: 100 J B: 200 J C: 600 J D: 400 J


A molecule with a positive and negative area is A: polar B: non-polar C:ionic D: radioactive


A sack weighs 6n and moves 1 m what is the work A: 10 B:8 C:6 D: 15


A solution that is basic contains ____ H3O+ ions A: fewer OH ions B: equal amount of OH ions C: more OH ions D: no OH ions


A sprinter has a mass of 80 kg and kinetic energy of 2500 J, what is speed? A: 12 m/s B: 15 m/s C: 8 m/s D: 10 m/s


A substance that produces H- ions in a solution is a... A: acid B: salt C:base D:alcohol


Adding more solute to a solvent A: increases freezing point B: decreases boiling point C: increases boiling point D: no affect


An alloy is what solution? A: gas B: liquid C: solid D: dilute


An object moving 30 m/s and takes 5 seconds to come to a stop. What is acceleration? A: 30 m/s^2 B: -30 m/s^2 C: -6 m/s^2 D: 6 m/s^2


Distance time graphs indicate an object moves 100 meters in 4 seconds then is at rest for 6 seconds, what is the average speed? A: 50 m/s B: 25 m/s C: 10 m/s D: 100 m/s


Fe1 + Cl2 = FeCl3 that is the coefficients for Cl2 A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4


H2O (aq) = H2O + O2.... The O2 is A: catalyst B: soild C: product D: reactant


If an 300 N action force is exerted to the right, the reaction force will be... A: 300 N to the right B: 600 N to the right C: 300 N to the left D: 600 N to the left


In a combustion reaction, one of the reactant is... A: hydrogen B: nitrogen C: oxygen D: metal


In the absence air, a pen and feather dropped from the same height will... A: fall at different rates B: will float C: will fall at the same rate D: no momentum


Increasing surface area of a solid... A: slows dissolving B: has no effect C: increases dissolving rate D: causes the solid to ionize


Instantaneous speed is what A: at a starting point B: when an object reaches it's destination C: in a random instant D: direction and time


Molecular compounds are usually.... A: Two or more transition metals B: positive or negative ions C: two or more nonmetals D: other


One precise way to describe concentrations of solutions is to state A: the solution is dilute or concentrated B: a percentage of it is solute C: a percentage of the volume is solute D: a percentage of the volume is solvent


Our blood contains ____, which allow small amounts of acids/bases to be absorbed without harmful effect A: salt B: ester C:buffer D:indicator


The concentration of a solution that contains a large amount of solute in a solvent could be... A: saturated B: polar C: concentrated D: dilute


The slope on a distance time graph is what? A: distance B: time C: speed D: displacement


The strength of a base that only partly ionizies in a solution would be described as... A: dilute B: weak C: concentrated D: strong


The upward force exerted on an object falling through the air is... A: terminal velocity B: momentum C: air resistance D: weightless


Water is a universal solvent because A: it has no positive an negative areas B: its a small molecule C: it has a polar/non-polar end D: it has small molecules with non-polar solvent


What contains a lead ion A: PbO B: PbCl4 C: Pb2O D: Pb2S


What's the formula unit for sodium nitrite? A: AlO B: Al3O C: AlO3 D: Al2O3


When an object moves in a circular path, it accelerates towards the center of the circle as a result of what? A: terminal velocity B: momentum C: centripetal force D: friction


When group 2A form ions they... A: lose two protons B: lose two protons C: lose two electrons D: gain two electrons


When naming a transition metal ion that can have more then one common ionic charge, the numerical values are shown by what? A: Prefix B: suffix C: roman numeral D: superscript


When you was your hands with soap, you are using a... A: buffer B:acid C:base D:indicator


Which of the following takes place during a redox reaction A: Electrons gained B: electrons lost C: electrons are gained and lost D: electrons are neither gained or lost


A golfer hits the ball with 18,000 N and if the contact between the club and ball is .01 m how much work is done A: 50 B: 100 C:200 D: 400


A solution that's at regular temperature and can hold all the solvent it can is called... A: dilute B:unsaturated C:supersaturated D:saturated


Acceleration can be... A: Slowing down B: speeding up C: changing direction D: all of the above


An average golfer hits the ball with 3,800. If contact between the ball and club is .01 m how much work is done. A: 20 J B: 30 J C:50 J D: 40 J


An object of gravetational forces between objects depends on their what? A: Frictional forces B: speed and direction C: inertia D: mass and distance


How many grams of CO2 are in 2.1 mols of carbon dioxide? A: 21 B: 44 C: 66 D: 92.4


How many valance electrons are in phosphorus? A: 2 B: 3 C: 4 D: 5


In a titration, the solution for which the concentration is known is called A: indicator B:hydrate C:normal solution D:standard solutiom


In an equation describing the ionization of an acid, double arrows pointing in opposite direction indicate the acid is A: negative B: strong C:neutral D:weak


Methane, CH4 burns in oxygen gas to form water and carbon dioxide. What is the correct balanced equation? A: CH4 + O = H20 + CO2 B: CH4 + 4O = 2H2O + CO2 C: CH4 + O2 = H2O + CO2 D: CH4 + 2O2 = 2H2O + CO2


Mg(s) + HCl (aq) = MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g) what is the coefficient for HCl A: 6 B: 3 C: 1 D: 2


One kilometer = 1000 meters, what does kilo stand for A: 1 B:10 C:100 D:1000


Organic substances that change color in the presecne of an acid/base are called A: soap B:glyceins C: hydraties D: indicators


The horizontal line on a distance time graph represents what? A: constant speed B: going faster C: slowing down D: at rest


The relationship amoung mass, force and acceleration is explained by A: Newton's first law B: Newton's second law C: Newton's third law D: the law of conservation of momentum


The statement "to every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction" is? A: The law of conservation of momentum B: Newton's first law C: Newton's second law D: Newton's third law


What are the coefficients that will balance the equation N2 + H2 = NH3 A: 1,1,2 B: 1,3,3 C: 3,1,2 D: 1,3,2


What is the charge of a strontium ion? A: 2- B: 1- C: 1+ D: 2+


What is the first step in dissolving A: solvent pulls solute particles into the solution B: solute pulls solvent particles into solution C:moving molecules of the solvent spread the molecules of the solute equally D: solvent surrounds solute


What is the momentum of a 50 kilogram ice skater on the ice at a speed of 5 m/s A: 10 kg / m/s B: 500 kg x m/s C: 50 kg D: 250 kg x m/s


When a force is exerted on an object, an opposite and equal force is exerted by the object. These forces are referred to as... A: Centripetal force B: friction C: gravitational force D: action-reaction


When two objects, their momentum after the collision is explained by... A: Newton's first law B: Newton's second law C: Newton's third law D: the law of conservation of momentum


Which is NOT formed from metal ions A: NaCl B:BaSO4 C:SrCl2 D:NH4OH


Which is a correct ion pair, ionic compound, and ions A: Ca2 + F = CaF2 B: Na + Cl = NaCl2 C: Ba2 + O2 = Ba2O2 D: Pb4 + O2 = Pb2O4


Which is a correct ion pair, ionic compound, and ions A: Sn4 + N3- = Sn4N3 B: Cu2 + I = CuI C: Cr3 + I = CrI D: Fe3 + O2 = Fe2O3


Which one of the following is a balanced chemical equations for synthesis of NaBr A: Na + Br2 = NaBr B: 2Na + Br2 = NaBr C: Na + Br = 2NaBr D: 2Na + Br2 = 2NaBr


Which would dissolve in iodine A: water B: ethonal C: polar solvent D: vinegar


Why do atoms share electrons in covalent bonds? A: To become ions and attract each other B: attain more noble-gas electron configuration C: to become polar D: to increase their atomic number


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