section 2.7, 2.8 cdl general test

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What are some signs that a driver may be distracted?

'Vehicles that may drift over the lane divider lines or within their own lane. Vehicles traveling at inconsistent speeds. Drivers who are preoccupied with maps, food, cigarettes, cell phones, or other objects. Drivers who appear to be involved in conversations with their passengers

How much distance can a CMV driver travel without looking at the roadway while sending or receiving a text at 55 mph?

371 feet, or the length of an entire football field.

What is a driver distraction?

A driver distraction is anything that takes your attention away from driving.

A hazard is any condition or situation that has the potential to cause harm or damage to people, property, or the environment.

A hazard is any condition or situation that has the potential to cause harm or damage to people, property, or the environment.

What is a single lane approach to a roundabout?

A single lane approach to a roundabout consists of only one lane. Truck aprons are often included on single lane entries to allow off-tracking of turning trucks.

What is aggressive driving?

Aggressive driving is the act of operating a motor vehicle in a selfish, bold, or pushy manner, without regard for the rights or safety of others. What is road rage? Road rage is operating a motor vehicle with the intent of doing harm to others or physically assaulting a driver or their vehicle.

Clues that indicate a driver may do something hazardous include: swerving, drifting, tailgating, sudden stops or accelerations, and failure to obey traffic signals or signs.

Clues that indicate a driver may do something hazardous include: swerving, drifting, tailgating, sudden stops or accelerations, and failure to obey traffic signals or signs.

What is the penalty for a commercial driver's license (CDL) holder who violates a state law on texting while operating a CMV?

Disqualification for 60 days for the second offense within 3 years and 120 days for three or more offenses within 3 years.

What should you do if you are driving on a road where the edge of the road has objects that can cause your vehicle to tilt?

Drive a little closer to the center of the road.

Drivers can warn other drivers behind them of a hazard by using their hazard lights, brake lights, or turn signals to indicate changes in speed or direction.

Drivers can warn other drivers behind them of a hazard by using their hazard lights, brake lights, or turn signals to indicate changes in speed or direction.

What should drivers do to avoid getting hung up on objects below their vehicle?

Drivers should be cautious when crossing depressions in the road, such as drainage channels or railroad tracks, and should not take a chance on getting hung up. They should also be aware of any hazards in unpaved yards or dirt roads that could cause their vehicle to get stuck.

What should drivers do on a left turn to prevent off-tracking?

Drivers should make sure they have reached the center of the intersection before starting the left turn to prevent off-tracking. If there are two turning lanes, they should always take the right turn lane to avoid having to swing right to make the turn. Drivers on the left can be more readily seen and avoided from the right turn lane.

What are some tips to ensure safe space overhead clearance?

Drivers should not assume that posted heights at bridges and overpasses are correct and should go slowly if they doubt they have safe space to pass under an object. They should also be aware that the weight of a cargo van can change its height and that warnings are not always posted on low bridges or underpasses. Additionally, some roads can cause a vehicle to tilt, so it may be necessary to drive closer to the center of the road.

Driving too near the edge of the road can be dangerous because it increases the risk of hitting obstacles, such as rocks or debris, and can also increase the risk of losing control of the vehicle.

Driving too near the edge of the road can be dangerous because it increases the risk of hitting obstacles, such as rocks or debris, and can also increase the risk of losing control of the vehicle.

What are some examples of activities inside a vehicle that can distract a driver?

Examples of activities inside a vehicle that can distract a driver include talking to passengers, adjusting the radio, eating, drinking, reading maps or other literature, talking on a cell phone or CB radio, and using any type of electronic devices.

Examples of hazardous road conditions include: wet or icy roads, potholes or other road damage, construction or maintenance work, poor lighting, and heavy traffic.

Examples of hazardous road conditions include: wet or icy roads, potholes or other road damage, construction or maintenance work, poor lighting, and heavy traffic.

What should drivers do to eliminate all in-vehicle distractions before driving begins?

Assess all potential in-vehicle distractions, develop a preventative plan to reduce/eliminate possible distractions, expect distractions to occur, and discuss possible scenarios before getting behind the wheel.

What should you do when strong winds make it difficult to stay in your lane?

Avoid driving alongside others if possible.

Why is texting considered the most alarming distraction?

Because it involves both physical and mental distraction simultaneously.

Experience can help you learn to see hazards while driving by giving you a better understanding of the road and traffic patterns, and by helping you to anticipate potential hazards based on past experience. Additionally, experienced drivers may be more confident in their ability to react to unexpected situations.

Experience can help you learn to see hazards while driving by giving you a better understanding of the road and traffic patterns, and by helping you to anticipate potential hazards based on past experience. Additionally, experienced drivers may be more confident in their ability to react to unexpected situations.

What should you do in slippery road conditions?

In slippery road conditions, you need to leave more space to stop.

Why is the space around a truck or bus important in turns?

Large vehicles can hit other vehicles or objects during turns because of wide turning and off-tracking.

Why is managing space important for large vehicles?

Large vehicles require more space for stopping and turning, making it crucial to manage space.

What should you do on a left turn to avoid hitting another vehicle because of off-tracking?

Make sure you have reached the center of the intersection before you start the left turn.

What is managing space while driving?

Managing space is ensuring there is enough space all around your vehicle to give you time to think and act when things go wrong.

What is the definition of "texting" according to the FMCSR?

Manually entering text into, or reading text from, an electronic device, including but not limited to short message service, e-mailing, instant messaging, a command or request to access a World Wide Web page, or engaging in any other form of electronic text retrieval or entry, for present or future communication.

What is mental distraction?

Mental distraction is an activity that takes your mind away from the road, such as engaging in conversation with a passenger or thinking about something that happened during the day.

Remaining alert for foreign objects on the road is important because these objects can cause accidents or damage to your vehicle. Examples of foreign objects include rocks, debris, or fallen branches.

Remaining alert for foreign objects on the road is important because these objects can cause accidents or damage to your vehicle. Examples of foreign objects include rocks, debris, or fallen branches.

Why is space for turns important for large vehicles?

Space for turns is important for large vehicles because of their wide turning radius and off-tracking. Large vehicles can hit other vehicles or objects during turns, so it is essential to have adequate space around the vehicle.

What is space overhead?

Space overhead refers to the clearance between a vehicle and any object located above the vehicle, such as bridges, overpasses, or tree branches. It is important to ensure that there is enough space overhead when driving to avoid hitting objects and causing damage or accidents.

What can you do to make it safer when being tailgated?

Stay to the right when possible, avoid sudden changes, increase your following distance, and avoid turning on your taillights or flashing your brake lights.

Sudden braking or quick lane changes can lead to a crash because they can surprise other drivers and cause them to lose control of their vehicle.

Sudden braking or quick lane changes can lead to a crash because they can surprise other drivers and cause them to lose control of their vehicle.

What is prohibited by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers while operating in interstate commerce?


What did the Large Truck Crash Causation Study report about distracted driving?

The Large Truck Crash Causation Study reported that 8 percent of large-truck crashes occurred when Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) drivers were externally distracted and 2 percent of large truck crashes occurred when the driver was internally distracted.

What is the most important space around a vehicle?

The area ahead of the vehicle, where you are driving into, is the most important space around a vehicle.

What constitutes the use of hand-held mobile telephones according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs)?

The use of hand-held mobile telephones means, ''using at least one hand to hold a mobile telephone to conduct a voice communication"; "dialing a mobile telephone by pressing more than a single button"; or "moving from a seated driving position while restrained by a seat belt to reach for a mobile telephone".

Why is it important to keep distance from other vehicles when traveling next to them?

To avoid being trapped when you need to change lanes or to prevent another driver from changing lanes suddenly and turning into you.

Why should you check for overhanging objects before backing up your vehicle?

To avoid hitting trees, branches, or electric wires.

What are the dangers of traveling next to other vehicles?

You may be trapped when you need to change lanes, or another driver may change lanes suddenly and turn into you.

What should you do if there are two turning lanes?

Always take the right turn lane. Don't start in the inside lane because you may have to swing right to make the turn.

How does the weight of a cargo van affect its height?

An empty van is higher than a loaded one.

How many people are killed or injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted driving in the US each year?

Approximately 5,500 people are killed each year on U.S. roadways and an estimated 448,000 are injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted driving.

Why is it important to be aware of the size and weight of your vehicle when crossing or entering traffic?

Because of slow acceleration and the space large vehicles require, you may need a much larger gap to enter traffic than you would in a car. Acceleration varies with the load.

What should you check before starting to cross a road?

Before you start across a road, make sure you can get all the way across before traffic reaches you.

Being prepared can reduce danger by helping you to anticipate potential hazards and take preventive measures to avoid them. For example, having a well-maintained vehicle, obeying traffic laws and signs, and being alert and focused while driving can help you to avoid accidents.

Being prepared can reduce danger by helping you to anticipate potential hazards and take preventive measures to avoid them. For example, having a well-maintained vehicle, obeying traffic laws and signs, and being alert and focused while driving can help you to avoid accidents.

What is the effect of both physical and mental distractions?

Both physical and mental distraction increases the chance of a crash happening, such as talking on a cell phone or sending or reading text messages.

Delivery trucks can be hazardous because they often make frequent stops and turns, and may block traffic or park in dangerous locations.

Delivery trucks can be hazardous because they often make frequent stops and turns, and may block traffic or park in dangerous locations.

What should you do if you are too close to the vehicle ahead?

Drop back a little and count again until you have the required following distance.

What are some effects of distracted driving?

Effects of distracted driving include slowed perception, delayed decision making, and improper action, which can cause delayed or incorrect inputs to the steering, accelerator or brakes.

What are the regulations for using hand-held mobile phones while driving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs)?

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) restrict the use of hand-held mobile telephones by drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).

What should you do if you encounter an aggressive driver on the road?

First and foremost, make every attempt to get out of their way. Put your pride in the back seat. Do not challenge them by speeding up or attempting to hold-your-own in your travel lane. Avoid eye contact. Ignore gestures and refuse to react to them. Report aggressive drivers to the appropriate authorities by providing a vehicle description, license number, location and, if possible, direction of travel. If you have a cell phone, and can do it safely, call the police. If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash farther down the road, stop a safe distance from the crash scene, wait for the police to arrive and report the driving behavior that you witnessed.

What is the most common cause of accidents involving trucks and buses?

Following too closely is the most common cause of accidents involving trucks and buses.

What is the recommended following distance for a 40-foot vehicle?

Four seconds at speeds below 40 mph and five seconds at speeds above 40 mph.

What should you do if you doubt you have safe space to pass under an object?

Go slowly and if you aren't sure you can make it, take another route.

Why is it important to have overhead clearance?

Hitting overhead objects can be dangerous.

How can you manage space when traveling uphill?

If a heavy load is slowing you down, stay in the right lane if you can, and don't pass another slow vehicle unless you can get around quickly and safely.

Why is it safer to be tailgated at a low speed than a high speed?

It gives you more time to react to sudden changes in the road.

What should you do to stay centered in your lane?

Keep your vehicle centered in the lane to keep safe clearance on either side.

Move-over laws require drivers to move to the adjacent lane when passing an authorized emergency vehicle or tow truck with flashing lights on the side of the road. These laws are important to protect emergency responders and others who work on the roadside.

Move-over laws require drivers to move to the adjacent lane when passing an authorized emergency vehicle or tow truck with flashing lights on the side of the road. These laws are important to protect emergency responders and others who work on the roadside.

Why is it important to give a distracted driver plenty of room and maintain your safe following distance?

Not recognizing other distracted drivers can prevent you from perceiving or reacting correctly in time to prevent a crash. Giving a distracted driver plenty of room and maintaining a safe following distance can help prevent a collision.

Off ramps and on ramps can be dangerous for commercial vehicles because they may have limited visibility and require more space to maneuver than passenger vehicles. Additionally, they may be carrying heavy loads that can affect their braking and acceleration.

Off ramps and on ramps can be dangerous for commercial vehicles because they may have limited visibility and require more space to maneuver than passenger vehicles. Additionally, they may be carrying heavy loads that can affect their braking and acceleration.

How much space should you leave in front of your vehicle?

One good rule is to leave at least one second for each 10 feet of vehicle length at speeds below 40 mph. Add one second for greater speeds.

Parked vehicles can be hazardous because they can obstruct the view of other drivers or create a sudden obstacle in the road.

Parked vehicles can be hazardous because they can obstruct the view of other drivers or create a sudden obstacle in the road.

What is space below?

Space below refers to the clearance between a vehicle and the ground or any object located under the vehicle. This can be a problem on heavily loaded vehicles and on roads with drainage channels or railroad tracks.

People with blocked vision can be a dangerous hazard on the road because they may not be able to see other vehicles or obstacles, and may make sudden turns or lane changes that can cause accidents.

People with blocked vision can be a dangerous hazard on the road because they may not be able to see other vehicles or obstacles, and may make sudden turns or lane changes that can cause accidents.

What is physical distraction?

Physical distraction is a distraction that causes you to take your hands off the wheel or eyes off the road, such as reaching for an object.

What are some possible distractions that could occur outside a moving vehicle?

Possible distractions that could occur outside a moving vehicle include outside traffic, events such as police pulling someone over or a crash scene, sunlight/sunset, objects in roadway, and road construction.

What are some tips for reducing stress while driving and avoiding aggressive driving behavior?

Reduce your stress before and while you drive. Listen to "easy listening" music. Give the drive your full attention. Don't allow yourself to become distracted by talking on your cell phone, eating, etc. Be realistic about your travel time. Expect delays because of traffic, construction, or bad weather and make allowances. If you're going to be later than you expected - deal with it. Take a deep breath and accept the delay. Give other drivers the benefit of the doubt. Try to imagine why he or she is driving that way. Whatever their reason, it has nothing to do with you. Slow down and keep your following distance reasonable. Don't drive slowly in the left lane of traffic. Avoid gestures. Keep your hands on the wheel. Avoid making any gestures that might anger another driver, even seemingly harmless expressions of irritation like shaking your head. Be a cautious and courteous driver. If another driver seems eager to get in front of you, say, "Be my guest."

Why can't you assume that the posted heights at bridges and overpasses are correct?

Repaving or packed snow may have reduced the clearances since the heights were posted.

What is the effect of talking on a cell phone on safe driving?

Research indicates that the burden of talking on a cell phone - even if it's hands-free - saps the brain of 39% of the energy it would ordinarily devote to safe driving. Drivers who use a hand-held device are more likely to get into a crash serious enough to cause injury.

What is the effect of dialing a mobile telephone while driving on safety?

Research shows that the odds of being involved in a safety-critical event is 6 times greater for CMV drivers who engage in dialing a mobile telephone while driving than for those who do not.

What is the purpose of a roundabout?

Roundabouts are designed to allow low speed entry and low speed circulating traffic with yield control at all entries.

What should you do if you need to slow down or turn?

Signal early and reduce speed very gradually to avoid sudden changes.

What is the recommended following distance for a 60-foot vehicle?

Six seconds at speeds below 40 mph and seven seconds at speeds above 40 mph.

Some clues that can help you see hazards include: unusual road conditions, changes in traffic patterns, construction or maintenance work, and poor visibility due to weather or other factors.

Some clues that can help you see hazards include: unusual road conditions, changes in traffic patterns, construction or maintenance work, and poor visibility due to weather or other factors.

What are the consequences of using hand-held mobile telephones while driving CMVs?

The consequences of using hand-held mobile telephones while driving CMVs include driver disqualification sanctions, civil penalties, and employer penalties.

What are the different types of distractions?

The different types of distractions are physical distraction, mental distraction, and both physical and mental distraction.

How can railroad tracks cause problems when pulling trailers with low underneath clearance?

The ends of some vehicles may drag.

What is the primary responsibility of drivers when operating a motor vehicle?

The primary responsibility of drivers when operating a motor vehicle is to focus their full attention on the driving task to operate the motor vehicle safely. Note that hands-free devices are no less likely than hand-held cell phones to cause distraction.

What should you be careful of when driving on dirt roads and in unpaved yards?

The space under your vehicle can be very small when heavily loaded.

Why should you watch out for vehicles coming towards you when you must cross into the oncoming lane to make a turn?

To give them room to go by or to stop, but don't back up for them because you might hit someone behind you.

What are some tips for preventing right-turn crashes?

To prevent right-turn crashes, drivers should turn slowly to give themselves and others more time to avoid problems. If driving a large vehicle that cannot make a right turn without swinging into another lane, drivers should turn wide as they complete the turn and keep the rear of the vehicle close to the curb to prevent other drivers from passing on the right. They should also avoid turning wide to the left as they start the turn, as this can cause a following driver to attempt to pass on the right and lead to a crash.

What should you do if you must travel near other vehicles?

Try to keep as much space as possible between you and them, and drop back or pull forward so that you are sure the other driver can see you.

What should drivers do to prevent distraction while driving?

Turn off all communication devices, use a mobile phone only if it is within close proximity and operable while restrained, use an earpiece or the speaker phone function, use voice-activated dialing, or use the hands-free feature. Do not type or read a text message on a mobile device while driving, familiarize yourself with your vehicle's features and equipment before driving, adjust all vehicle controls and mirrors to your preferences prior to driving, pre-program radio stations and pre-load your favorite CDs, clear the vehicle of any unnecessary objects and secure cargo, review maps, program the GPS, and plan your route before you begin driving. Avoid smoking, eating, and drinking while driving, and don't engage in complex or emotionally intense conversations with other occupants.

What are some rules to help prevent right-turn crashes?

Turn slowly, turn wide if your vehicle cannot make the turn without swinging into another lane, keep the rear of your vehicle close to the curb, and don't turn wide to the left as you start the turn.

How can you determine the following distance?

Wait until the vehicle ahead passes a clear landmark, and count off the seconds until you reach the same spot, comparing it to the rule of one second for every ten feet of length.

Are there any exceptions to the prohibition on texting while driving for CMV drivers?

Yes, an emergency exception allows texting if necessary to communicate with law enforcement officials or other emergency services.

When a bus is stopped, drivers should be careful to look for pedestrians who may be crossing the street or exiting the bus, and should be prepared to stop or slow down if necessary.

When a bus is stopped, drivers should be careful to look for pedestrians who may be crossing the street or exiting the bus, and should be prepared to stop or slow down if necessary.

When approaching a curve on an off ramp or on ramp, drivers should slow down and be prepared to adjust their speed and steering to navigate the curve safely.

When approaching a curve on an off ramp or on ramp, drivers should slow down and be prepared to adjust their speed and steering to navigate the curve safely.

When approaching an authorized emergency vehicle or work zone, drivers should slow down, move over to the adjacent lane (if possible), and be prepared to stop or yield to workers or emergency responders.

When approaching an authorized emergency vehicle or work zone, drivers should slow down, move over to the adjacent lane (if possible), and be prepared to stop or yield to workers or emergency responders.

When driving near a work zone, drivers should slow down, obey any posted signs or traffic controls, and be prepared for sudden stops or changes in traffic patterns.

When driving near a work zone, drivers should slow down, obey any posted signs or traffic controls, and be prepared for sudden stops or changes in traffic patterns.

Is there an emergency exception for using hand-held mobile telephones while driving CMVs?

Yes, there is an emergency exception that allows drivers to use hand-held mobile telephones if necessary to communicate with law enforcement officials or other emergency services.

Work zones can be hazardous due to heavy equipment, construction materials, and workers who may be working close to traffic. Drivers may also face changes in traffic patterns or road conditions that require extra caution.

Work zones can be hazardous due to heavy equipment, construction materials, and workers who may be working close to traffic. Drivers may also face changes in traffic patterns or road conditions that require extra caution.

Why do you need space ahead of your vehicle?

You need space ahead in case you need to suddenly stop or avoid a hazard.

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