Section 4 Lesson 1

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Which amendment includes the requirement for states to respect the "privileges or immunities" of a person's U.S. citizenship?

14th Amendment

What year was the 14th Amendment ratified?


19th Amendment

An amendment to the United States Constitution that granted women the right to vote.

26th Amendment

An amendment to the United States Constitution that lowered the voting age to 18.

15th Amendment

An amendment to the United States Constitution that prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

What is an example of civil liberties?

An example of civil liberties is when the government does not interfere when a person speaks about government policy, or when people practice their religious faiths.

What is an example of civil rights?

An example of civil rights is when a person applies for government assistance and their application will be reviewed in a fair and equal procedure.

What do civil rights represent? Choose 3 answers.

Civil rights are expressions of the social contract. Civil rights are expectations for how government will treat citizens. Civil rights are requirements for government action.

What are civil rights?

Civil rights are guarantees by the government to treat people equally. The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality. Civil rights are the requirements that the government perform some particular action on citizens' behalf.

How do civil rights differ from civil liberties?

Civil rights are prescriptions of government power, while civil liberties are proscriptions on government power.

How do civil rights differ from civil liberties?

Civil rights are requirements for government action, while civil liberties are restrictions on government power.

What are civil rights? Choose 2 answers.

Civil rights are requirements for government to act in a particular way. Civil rights are, by definition, a part of the social contract.

How can civil rights be thought about in two basic ways?

Civil rights can be thought about in terms of equality of treatment and as enumerated rights in the Constitution.

Voting rights amendments

Constitutional amendments that protect and expand voting rights in the United States.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Enacted: 1963 Purpose: Prohibits wage discrimination based on gender for equal work in the same workplace. Reinforced by: Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Enacted: 1964 Prohibits: Discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex. Also prohibits: Retaliation against individuals complaining about discrimination.

Legislation 1: Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Enacted: 1967 Scope: Prohibits discrimination against individuals aged 40 or older. Areas Covered: Hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, and terms/conditions/privileges of employment.

Title IX (Education Amendments of 1972)

Enacted: 1972 Prohibits: Sex-based discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Enacted: 1973 Purpose: Extend civil rights to people with disabilities in education and employment. Provisions:Prohibits discrimination based on disability.Requires reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities. Significance: Early milestone in protecting the rights of people with disabilities.

Legislation 2: Age Discrimination Act of 1975

Enacted: 1975 Scope: Prohibits age-based discrimination in programs receiving federal assistance. Areas Covered: Education, healthcare, housing, rehabilitation programs.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Enacted: 1978 Prohibits: Discrimination against women due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Enacted: 1990 Purpose: Prohibit discrimination based on disability and ensure equal opportunities. Provisions:Prohibits discrimination in employment, public services, public accommodations, and telecommunications.Requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities.Sets accessibility standards for public accommodations and commercial facilities. Significance: Comprehensive legislation enhancing accessibility and protection against discrimination.

ADA Amendments Act of 2008

Enacted: 2008 Purpose: Address court interpretations that narrowed the definition of disability under ADA. Provisions: Broadens the definition of disability. Emphasizes a focus on whether discrimination occurred, rather than on whether an individual's impairment meets specific criteria. Significance: Restores the broad scope of protection intended by the original ADA.

What is the condition for equal treatment in civil rights?

Equal treatment in civil rights is conditional and depends on the situation.

Why is equal treatment demanded by civil rights and the 14th Amendment not achievable in every circumstance?

Equal treatment is not achievable in every circumstance because it is not possible to treat everyone equally. There are legitimate reasons for differentiating in treatment, such as age restrictions for drinking, driving, or marriage.

How are civil rights and liberties protected in a democratic society?

In a democratic society, civil rights and liberties are protected through laws, regulations, and the judicial system to ensure that individuals are free to exercise their rights and liberties without government interference.

Application to Sexual Harassment

Inclusion: Laws mentioned also cover sexual harassment. Protection: Individuals are safeguarded against harassment based on sex or gender.

What is the difference between rights and liberties?

Rights are things citizens believe the government should be doing, while liberties are things citizens believe the government should leave them alone to do.

How are rights and liberties related to government power?

Rights prescribe government power, while liberties proscribe government power.

How many of the 17 Amendments ratified since the Bill of Rights include provisions related to voting rights?

Six of the 17 Amendments ratified since the Bill of Rights include provisions related to voting rights.

Why is the 14th Amendment considered important?

The 14th Amendment is considered important because it requires states to respect citizens' rights under the Constitution, particularly those in the Bill of Rights, through a process known as "selective incorporation".

What are some of the privileges or immunities protected by the 14th Amendment?

The 14th Amendment protects privileges or immunities such as due process of law and equal protection of the law, requiring states to respect these rights.

What is the 14th Amendment?

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution requires both the national and state governments to respect the "privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."

What is the 14th Amendment?

The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, formally defines national citizenship and requires states to respect the "privileges or immunities" of this citizenship.

Which two constitutional amendments are supported by the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Choose 2 answers.

The 15th Amendment The 24th Amendment

What did the 15th Amendment prohibit?

The 15th Amendment prohibited the denial of voting rights on account of "race, color or previous condition of servitude."

When was the 15th Amendment ratified?

The 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870.

Which amendment protects the right of women to vote?

The 19th Amendment

What is the significance of the 23rd Amendment with regards to voting rights?

The 23rd Amendment granted the District of Columbia an Electoral College vote, expanding voting rights.

What voting rights provision is included in the 24th Amendment?

The 24th Amendment prohibits denying the right to vote for failure to pay a poll tax or any other tax.

What group of citizens does the 26th Amendment specifically protect in terms of voting rights?

The 26th Amendment protects citizens aged 18 and older, ensuring their right to vote if otherwise eligible.

How does the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) differ from the Age Discrimination Act of 1975?

The ADEA prohibits discrimination in employment, while the Age Discrimination Act protects against age discrimination in programs receiving federal funding.

Which law prohibits discrimination based on age in programs that receive assistance from the federal government?

The Age Discrimination Act of 1975

What are some examples of programs and activities that are covered by the Age Discrimination Act of 1975?

The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal assistance, such as in education, healthcare, housing, and rehabilitation programs.

What is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and when was it passed?

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) is a law passed in 1967 that prohibits discrimination against persons 40 years of age or older in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, or terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.

Which law requires these sorts of actions: a public university providing a reading service for a student with a documented visual impairment, a private school providing extra testing time for a student with documented dyslexia, and a private business installing wheelchair-accessible door handles?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

What is discrimination?

The act of differentiating or making a distinction in treatment towards a particular group, usually based on a protected characteristic such as age, race, or gender

Due process of law

The due process of law ensures that no person can be deprived of their life, liberty, or property without proper legal proceedings.

Which general civil rights trend is most present in the constitutional amendments ratified after the Bill of Rights?

The expansion of the right to vote

What is the philosophy behind the idea of equal treatment?

The idea of equal treatment comes from the philosophy used by the founders when justifying the American Revolution and later when constructing state and national constitutions.

What was the motivation for the 26th Amendment?

The motivation for the 26th Amendment was the Vietnam War, when 18-year-olds were drafted but were not allowed to vote.

What is the requirement of equality of treatment with regards to civil rights?

The requirement of equality of treatment is that the government must treat all people the same way, without any favorites or special treatment.

Which specific civil right is listed in the Constitution and is an example of how civil rights can change over the years?

The right to vote is a specific civil right listed in the Constitution, and it has evolved over the years.

Is equal treatment a constitutional requirement in civil rights?

Yes, equal treatment is a constitutional requirement in civil rights.

Discrimination is__________. Choose 2 answers

the differential treatment of groups based on characteristics they possess generally allowed by the courts so long as it is rational

The requirement in Southern states that voters must first pay a poll tax or else they would be denied the right to vote__________.

was made unconstitutional with the 24th Amendment.

The 13th Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude except in which case?

A person is duly convicted of a crime.

Fair Procedure

A process that is just and applied equally to all individuals.

What are some examples of age discrimination in the United States?

Age discrimination in the United States can include age-based restrictions on driving, drinking, smoking, age of consent for sex, marriage, and entering into contracts, as well as discrimination against older people in employment.

How are civil rights applied?

Civil rights are applied through the guarantees by the government to treat people equally.

Where are civil rights defined?

Civil rights are defined in the social contract, detailing specific expectations, unlike the more general expectations laid out in the Constitution's Preamble.

Voter ID laws

Controversial laws that some argue serve the same purpose as the poll tax, as people with a disproportionately low income may not be able to afford the fee.

Reasonable Accommodation

Definition: Modifications or adjustments to job duties or environment to enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential functions. Examples:Providing assistive technology.Modifying work schedules.Making facilities accessible. Importance: Ensures equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities in the workplace and public spaces.

Disability Discrimination

Disability Discrimination

What is legitimate discrimination?

Discrimination that is justified and acceptable, often for reasons related to public safety or law, and where all individuals within a particular class are treated equally


Freedoms that citizens believe the government should leave them alone to exercise.

Civil Rights

If citizens believe that the government is supposed to be doing something, then it is a right.

Civil Liberties

If citizens believe that the government is supposed to leave them alone, then it is a liberty.

How long had there been a push to lower the voting age to 18 before the ratification of the 26th Amendment?

There had been a push to lower the voting age to 18 since 1941.

Extension to LGBTQ+ Community

Legal interpretation: Courts have held that protections against sex-based discrimination also cover gender identity and sexual orientation. Implication: Members of the LGBTQ+ community are protected under laws prohibiting sex and gender discrimination.

Is discrimination illegal?

No, discrimination is not illegal, as it can be justified in certain circumstances, such as for public safety. The key is to ensure that those within a particular class are treated equally.

How were poll taxes used in the South?

Poll taxes were commonly used in the South to limit voting by lower income citizens, specifically Black people, who were often unable to pay a poll tax.

Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968)

Purpose: Ensure equal housing opportunities irrespective of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. Focus: Housing discrimination prevention.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Purpose: Outlaw discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Provisions: Equal application of voter registration requirements. Desegregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Purpose: Prohibit racial discrimination in voting. Provisions: Eliminate barriers like literacy tests; authorize federal oversight in areas with a history of discrimination.

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Purpose: Prohibit intimidation, coercion, or interference with voting rights for president or Congress members based on race, color, religion, or national origin. Focus: Voting rights protection.

racial discrimination

Racial Discrimination

The 13th Amendment

Ratified in 1865, the 13th Amendment made slavery and involuntary servitude illegal. There is, however, an exception: Persons duly convicted of a crime can be made to work without pay. This amendment served to formally emancipate (free) all enslaved peoples in the United States.

15th Amendment

Ratified in 1870, the 15th Amendment prohibits the denial of voting rights on account of "race, color or previous condition of servitude." Essentially, this amendment granted newly freed Black males the right to vote. Note, however, that while race could not be used to deny voting rights, sex and age still could be.

What is the 19th Amendment?

Ratified in 1920, the 19th Amendment prohibits the denial of voting rights on account of sex.

24th Amendment

Ratified in 1964, it prohibits the denial or abridgment of voters due to failure to pay a poll tax or any other tax.

What is the 24th Amendment?

Ratified in 1964, the 24th Amendment prohibits the denial or abridgment of voters in primary or general elections, when voting for president or a member of Congress, because of a failure to pay a poll tax or any other tax.

What is the 26th Amendment?

Ratified in 1971, the 26th Amendment prohibits the denial or abridgment of voting for any person 18 years of age or older.

Selective incorporation

Selective incorporation is the process through which the 14th Amendment requires states to respect citizens' rights under the Constitution, particularly those in the Bill of Rights.

What did the 13th Amendment make illegal?

Slavery and involuntary servitude

How is the issue of the poll tax used in present-day arguments against voter ID requirements?

Some argue that voter ID laws serve the same purpose as the poll tax, as people with a disproportionately low income may not be able to afford the fee.

Minor v. Happersett

Supreme Court decision that stated the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause did not apply to women's right to vote.

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence expresses the idea that "all men are created equal."

Which law prohibits a wide range of discriminatory practices in housing, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability status, familial status, and national origin?

The Fair Housing Act of 1968

Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution requires that no person can be deprived of their life, liberty, or property without the due process of law. An amendment to the United States Constitution that provides various legal protections, including the right to due process and protection against self-incrimination.

What is the importance of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009?

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act reinforced the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Gray v. Sanders regarding voting?

The Supreme Court ruled that "one person, one vote" should be the standard for voting.

Why was the 19th Amendment necessary despite the 15th Amendment?

The Supreme Court, in Minor v. Happersett, decided that the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause did not apply to women's right to vote.

What was the perceived discrepancy that motivated the 26th Amendment?

The Vietnam War caused a perceived discrepancy, where 18-year-olds were drafted but were not allowed to vote.

Social contract

The social contract details specific expectations of the government's responsibilities to individual citizens.

What is protected by the 15th Amendment?

The voting rights of racial minorities

Age Discrimination Act of 1975

This law prohibits discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal assistance, such as in education, healthcare, housing, and rehabilitation programs.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination____________. Choose all that apply.

in public accommodations based on sex based on religion in education

The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based on_____________. Choose all that apply.

national origin race religion sex

The 26th Amendment extends voting rights to _____________.

persons 18 years old or older

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