Self in social context - 9 - Self-monitoring (SM)

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ability to manage conflicting expectations (agentic vs submissive women), high SM

"self-presentational dilemmas " women face in masculine-typed settings, [low/high] SM can deal better with this dilemma

lower skin conductance, lower frontal and parietal activation; less than low SM

Hofmann - high SM for an impromptu speech task: physiological reactivity(2), distress

high SM

[low/high] SM are seen as more helpful by coworkers and tend to occupy central positions in social networks at work


[low/high] SM couples had greater trust and were more likely to see the relationships developing into marriage

low, their SC has to fit with their behaviors

[low/high] SM displays more priming effects on self-judgement and behaviors because ...


[low/high] SM had more sexual partners and were more likely to have engaged in sex with someone on only one occasion

high, low

[low/high] SM indicate a greater range of behaviors than did [low/high] SM

low SM

[low/high] SM might be best to deal with ethical issues in organizations

high SM tend

[low/high] SM tend to express and evoke more positive affect and less negative affect in dyadic interactions


alcohol with ... permits escape from self

in line with inner thoughts/feelings, consistency between attitudes and behaviors; attitude tied to situation, present themselves in way that is appropriate

attitude: low SM(2), high SM(2)

binge eating

bulimia aka ...

modern Western

bulimia seem to be a characteristic of ... culture

how they physically appear to others

bulimics are generally very preoccupied with ...

unrealistic expectations for success, excessive needs for external approval, too high standards, remain unsatisfied with their performance

bulimics seem to have ...(4)

depression, anxiety; feelings

bulimics show high rates of ...(2) and so may us binge eating as a way of escaping their ...

removal of inhibitions, linked with drug abuse/attempted suicide/sex, removal of emotion

consequences of bulimia

little bit more SM for boys

consistent gender trend of SM

image-based, image-based, influenced

consumer behavior of high SM: prefer [image/quality]-based ads, [image/performance] strategy and [not/influenced] by packaging attractiveness

quality-based, performance-based, not influenced

consumer behavior of low SM: prefer [image/quality]-based ads, [image/performance]-based strategy and [not/influenced] by packaging attractiveness

satisfaction, pleasure; flexible, rewarding; charm

contrary to socially anxious people, high SM seek ...(2) from social interaction and will engage in more ...(2) self-presentation. The high SM will try to have a "social ..."


culture differences: independent self as [lower/higher] SM than interdependent self

focus on personal attributes; focus on appearance

dating preferences of men: low SM, high SM

unclear, numerous

developmental factors of SM are ...(2)

individualistic have higher score than collectivistic

difference across cultures for mean SM scores

focuses on

emotional effects of alcohol depend on what the mind ...

focus on developing the self, excessive focus on self-presentation

escaping the self theory: advantages, disadvantages

increasing focus on the self as unique, Baumeister

escaping the self theory: definition, author

accepted other's behavior at face value without motivational context, based judgement on other's behavior and motivational context

evaluation of others in dyadic interactions: low SM, high SM

structure of the SM items

evidence for a common latent variable

Machiavellian person who assimilates others to his/her own goals

example of assimilative individual

professional actors have higher SM scores

example of differences across SM samples in research

play the introvert/extrovert, express emotions

expressive behavior: high SM are better able to ...(2)

not meeting own expectations, does meeting others' expectations

feels depressed/distressed when ...: low SM, high SM

social relationships, self-esteem

for boys, SM was positively correlated with ...(2), but correlation was found for girls

rejection of meaning, shrinking of time, focus on details, rigid thinking

forms of escape from self: 4 examples of mental narrowing


genetics [not/influences] whether a person is low/high on SM

adaptive person who fits their expressive behavior with contexts, situational influences

give pragmatic self-definition of high SM, they attribute their own behavior to ...

person who values consistency between who they are and what they do, dispositional influences

give pragmatic self-definition of low SM, they attribute their own behavior to ...

increase change of behavior when making predictions about not/doing normative behavior, low

give self-prophecy effect definition, [low/high] SM shows it more

friendly, outgoing, extraverted; worried, anxious, nervous

high SM appear to others as more ...(3) and less ...(3)


high SM are [worst/better] at perceiving exchange relationships

rewards, avoiding rejection

high SM are best at seeking out ...(acquisitive), their main motivation is not about ...(self-protective)

avoiding rejection, appeasing others

high SM are different from socially anxious people who engage in self-presentation with goal of ....(2)

social comparison

high SM pay more attention to ... information

physical appearance

high SM think that partners are more compatible if they are similar in ...

attractive, gender typing

high SM were more willing to hire ... candidates and applicants whose gender matched the ... of the job

psychologically close and emotionally intense, social game

how they view love: low SM, high SM

the self

if attention is maintained on ..., then it is unlikely that there would be a binge

remember information, infer traits

in a study in which one observes another, high SM better ...(2) concerning another person they expect to meet


in research, individuals that have ... scores, on the SM scale, are compared

public images; genuine, sincere

low SM are concerned with their ...; they want to cultivate the image of being ...(2)

perceived more, more by avoiding asymmetrical relationships

low SM in romantic relationships: power equality, relationship quality, relationship satisfaction

perceived less, less by avoiding less asymmetrical relationships

low SM in romantic relationships: power equality, relationship satisfaction


low SM think that partners are more compatible if they are similar in ...

escape from the self

major component of alcohol abuse

low, high; gender, age

marital satisfaction is greater for [low/high] SM, divorce rate is greater for [low/high] SM, and findings on marriage/divorce holds across ...(2)

not related, positively related

moderation effect between person's attractiveness and person's own self-evaluations: low SM, high SM

role of selling book back to bookstore or role of bookstore employee; high SM planned more before interaction, high SM better able to reach their negotiation goals

negotiation behavior study: procedure, findings(2)

more, less, same, more

organizational behavior of high SM (compared to low SM): job involvement, commitment to job, job satisfaction, performance ratings

identify emotions of others, interpret nonverbal behaviors, pay more attention to others they expect to interact with

paying attention to others: high SM are better able to ...(3)


people who are high in private ... will drink a lot more alcohol after failure than after success

one who is the most typical or usual for a certain situation

prototypic person

takes external situation to construct self-presentation

prototypical high SM

takes internal attitude to guide behavior

prototypical low SM

who am I and how can I be me in this situation?, who does situation wants me to be and how can I be that person?

question they ask themselves when deciding how to express and present themselves in social situations: low SM, high SM

react more to image ads, react more to quality ads, react negatively to ad with weak arguments

reaction to image/quality of advertising: low SM, high SM, both

self-images, images of prototypic person

type of richer/articulated images they have in a social situation: low SM, high SM

in time crisis, to relieve chronic stress of maintaining a too-good sense of self

when does bulimia happens, and why

young white single university-educated women

who is most at risk of bulimia

social relationships, SE

there are gender differences in childhood in how SM relates to ...(2)

psychologically close partner, whoever

they are more likely to have sex with ...: low SM, high SM

alcohol, eating

to escape from self, ... is a strategy of choice for men, for women it is more strategies involve ...

avoid negative thoughts about self (when crisis occurred), temporary relief from too-good self-image pressure, transcendence

3 reasons why "escape the self" (and when)

reduced self-focused attention, interferes with ability to think meaningfully, broad

3 ways alcohol permits escape from the self

shared values, deep long-term, unrestricted in nurturance, generalize friendships across contexts; shared activities, utilitarian interactions, superficial short-term, restricted nurturance

3/4 characteristics of their friendships: low SM, high SM

most escapes focus attention on body and physical feelings, focus on immediate present and short-term sensations, it is not necessarily bad, not the same as escaping by watching TV

4 points of "escaping the self theory"

more consensus on important matters, more display of affection, more commitment, more marital satisfaction; more likely to have been divorced

4 points regarding low SM in relation to marriage, 1 point regarding high SM

passivity, suppression of emotion, impulsivity, instability, irrationality

5 consequences of escape from self

mental narrowing, narrowed time frame, emotional effects, disinhibition

6 effects of alcohol on the self

crisis, trauma

2 causal factors of alcohol abuse

mental narrowing, sense of loss of control

2 states of mind of bulimics

immediate focus on body, mental narrowing

2 steps of maladaptive forms of escape

very sensitive to others' public behavior, use others' behaviors as guidelines, regulates own public behavior according to guidelines

3 characteristics of high SM

own public behavior in line with private attitude/feeling, not as skilled at controlling public behaviors, not attending to how others behave

3 characteristics of low SM

cosmetic surgery, eating disorders, fashion

3 examples of excessive focus on self-presentation (high SM)

acting, extraversion, other-directedness

3 factors that have been identified for the 25-item measure of SM

learn quickly what is socially appropriate, can control their emotional expression, can create impression

3 points about high SM and peer ratings

more compartmentalization, prefer highly structured situations, more initiation in social interactions (talk first)

3 points about structure of the social world of high SM vs low SM

adjust behavior in presence of others, interact in ways that show taking others into account; self-focused, seems less interested in others' pov

Ickes report that high SM are accommodative in that they ...(2). In contrast, assimilative person is ...(2)

high SM more prone to mimicry, motivated by social status

SM and mimicry: proneness to do it, condition for it to happen


SM scores for children are [not/stable] over time

is no

there [not/is] assortative mating with respect to SM?

unified construct

research suggest that SM scale is measuring a [unified construct/combination of different features]

regulation of one's behavior in line with situational requirements



stable differences in SM can be seen at ... age

little attention from caregiver

suggestion about caregiving in childhood that may encourage a child to become a high SM

external characteristics (membership), internal characteristics (feelings)

their self-definition relies on ...: high SM, low SM

behavior is stable across time and situation, behavior is specific to different situations (changes) and may be stable across time

theory on stability across time and situations: low SM, high SM

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