Senses Test

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What structure is lined with ceruminous glands?

External acoustic meatus (auditory canal)

What term refers to the ability to focus on close objects?


Which reflex constricts pupils when we view close objects?

accommodation pupillary reflex

A person with total color blindness may lack ________.


What sensation allows someone to enjoy the "beef taste" of a steak?


Which cranial nerve transmits both hearing and equilibrium information to the brain?

vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)

Which of these is associated with rods?

vision in dim light

T/F Cones are photoreceptor cells that allow us to see gray tones in dim light.


T/F The function of the pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube is to transmit sound vibrations to the eardrum (tympanic membrane).


Why is it harder to determine where a sound originates when one auditory canal is completely blocked with earwax?

Since one ear is functionally deaf, the brain can't compare input from both cochleae to localize a given sound.

T/F From the optic nerve, the visual pathway continues to the optic chiasma, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, and then visual interpretation occurs in the occipital lobe.


T/F In order to hear sound, vibrations pass from the eardrum to the ossicles, and on to the oval window.


T/F Tarsal glands situated between the eyelashes release an oily secretion that lubricates the eye.


T/F The bony labyrinth of the internal ear consists of the cochlea, vestibule, and the semicircular canals.


Which of the following causes of deafness would be helped LEAST by a hearing aid?

damage to the cochlear nerve

Which of these can cause sensorineural deafness?

degeneration of the hair cells in the spiral organ of Corti

Which of these is located in the superior-lateral region of the orbit?

lacrimal gland

Which of these structures is part of the system that produces and drains tears?

lacrimal gland

Japrice has a cold and her eyes are runny with tears. What structure has become inflamed that is causing Japrice's runny eyes?

lacrimal mucosa

At what point do some axons leave the optic nerve and cross to the opposite side of the brain?

optic chiasma

What region of the retina lacks photoreceptor cells?

optic disk

Where do the axons of ganglion cells leave the eyeball?

optic disk

Select the pathway along which images received by the retina of the eye will travel into the brain ________.

optic nerve, optic chiasma, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, occipital lobe

Tiny stones made of calcium salts that roll in response to changes in gravitational pull are called ________.


The small, peglike projections of the tongue's surface are called ________.


What part of the retina absorbs light and prevents it from scattering inside the eye?

pigmented layer

The gel-like substance that reinforces the eyeball and prevents it from collapsing inward is the ________.

vitreous humor (body)

Charlotte burned the top of her tongue on a hot slice of pizza. What type of taste bud was damaged?

fungiform papillae

What condition results from an abnormally high pressure inside the eye?


What specific receptor cells respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva?

gustatory cells

What layer of the eyeball contains both pigment to absorb stray light rays and muscle to control the lens?


Which of the following is a sex-linked condition that more often affects males?

color blindness

Hearing aids would be most useful for a person with ________.

conduction deafness

The membrane that covers the outer surface of the eye and lines the eyelids is the ________.


The transparent portion of the fibrous layer of the eye is the ________.


Which one of the following correctly lists the order of the parts through which light passes as it enters the eye?

cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor

Which of the following structures refract light before it hits the retina?

cornea, humors, and lens

What is a possible cause of conduction deafness?

inability of auditory ossicles to vibrate

The auditory ossicle called the "anvil" is also known as the ________.


The pupil is an opening within the ________.


What gland releases tears onto the anterior surface of the eyeball?


Which gland is located above the lateral end of each eye and releases tears?


The biconvex structure that focuses light on the retina is the ________.


What flexible, crystal-like structure of the eye focuses light on the retina?


The vibration of sound waves cause the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, to move against an ossicle known as ________.

malleus or hammer

Identify the pathway of vibrations as they travel from the tympanic membrane to the ossicles ________.

malleus, incus, stapes

An ear infection following an illness such as a cold can pass from the throat through the auditory (pharyngotympanic) tube to the ________.

middle ear

Our sense of static equilibrium is created by the ________.

movement of otoliths along hair cells

The inability to see distant objects is termed "nearsighted" or ________.


The function of the choroid layer of the eye is to ________.

prevent light from scattering inside the eye

Which one of the following is NOT a primary taste sensation?


he fibrous covering of the eye consists of the white outer layer, known as the ________, and a transparent portion known as the ________.

sclera; cornea

Dynamic equilibrium receptors that detect information about angular or rotational movements of the head are housed in the ________.

semicircular canals

What hearing disorder arises when there is damage or degeneration of receptor cells in the spiral organ of Corti, cochlear nerve, or neurons in the auditory cortex of the brain?

sensorineural deafness

Which cochlear hair cells are stimulated by high-frequency sounds?

shorter, stiffer hair cells located along the basilar membrane, near the oval window

Gustatory hairs are to taste as olfactory hairs are to ________.


The five taste sensations are ________.

sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami

Which of the following structures of the eye would NOT be affected by conjunctivitis?

the cornea

What part of the eye is affected by cataracts?

the lens

When Brock walked out of the dark movie theater into the bright, mid-day sun, he experienced ________.

the photopupillary reflex

Where are olfactory receptors located?

the superior region of the nasal cavity

What membrane divides the outer ear from the middle ear?

tympanic membrane (ear drum)

Jake was struck in the head during a baseball game. Which of the following could impair the sense of hearing if damaged?

tympanic membrane (eardrum)

What is the orientation of images formed on the retina?

upside down and reversed left to right

Static equilibrium receptors are located in the ________.


The gel-like substance housed in the posterior segment of the eye is the ________.

vitreous humor (body)

T/F Umami taste receptors respond to the amino acid glutamate; these receptors guide the intake of proteins.


The overlapping of the two visual fields that provides for depth perception (3-D vision) results in ________.

binocular vision

T/F The choroid consists of an outer, pigmented layer and an inner, neural layer which is home to rods and cones.


T/F The olfactory receptors are responsible for detecting taste sensations.


T/F Unlike the sensation of taste, it is NOT necessary to have the chemicals associated with smells dissolved in body fluids.


T/F An astigmatism results from unequal curvatures of the cornea or lens.


T/F Eye movements are controlled by the abducens, oculomotor, and trochlear nerves.


T/F The ciliary body is a smooth muscle structure to which the lens is attached.


T/F The normal resting eye is generally "set" for distant vision.


T/F The pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube links the middle ear cavity with the throat.


T/F The pupil is the circular opening in the iris through which light passes.


What part of the eye has the greatest visual acuity?

fovea centralis

Hearing receptors within the spiral organ of Corti are called ________.

hair cells

What must be stimulated in order for the sense of hearing to be transmitted to the cochlear nerve?

hair cells

What age-related sensory change is associated with gradual deterioration of the spiral organ of Corti?

loss in the ability to hear high tones & loss in the ability to hear speech sound

Which of these provides sensory input that helps keep the head erect?

maculae of the vestibule

Which of the following is the auditory ossicle that attaches to the tympanic membrane?

malleus (hammer)

Prolonged Vitamin A deficiency is common in third-world countries, especially those in which rice is the main staple. Given this information, what visual disorder would be found in a higher frequency in these third-world countries?

night blindness

What type of chemoreceptor is responsible for our sense of smell?

olfactory receptor

Fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain at the ________.

optic chiasma

What is the most common type of color blindness?

red-green in men

What is the function of the otoliths?

responding to changes in the pull of gravity and in acceleration when the body moves

Which layer of the eye contains photoreceptors known as rods and cones?


Which layer of the eye contains rods and cones?


Which of these is part of the sensory layer of the eye?


What type of photoreceptor cell allows us to see gray tones in dim light, and provides our peripheral vision?


What part of the inner ear contains receptors for dynamic equilibrium?

semicircular canals

Which of these are oriented in the three planes of space, allowing sensation of movement in any plane?

semicircular canals

Hair cells that function as hearing receptors are located within the ________.

spiral organ of Corti

What sensation is related to sitting motionless at a desk studying your anatomy and physiology material?

static equilibrium

The "hairs" of the hair cells within the organ of Corti are embedded in which of the following?

the tectorial membrane

In severe cases of otitis media, a tube is implanted into what structure to allow for drainage?

tympanic membrane

How do organs of equilibrium help us maintain our balance?

The macula sends information on head position and the crista ampullaris sends information on rotation movements to the cerebellum for integration.

What information does the brain use to interpret the source of a sound?

Sound reaches the two ears at slightly different times.

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